YOU MUST Visit This Side of Bangkok, Thailand

YOU MUST Visit This Side of Bangkok, Thailand

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hello how much is the boat tour long ta 1 Hour  1 hour yeah how many people 1 Hour 1 Hour 2 hour   you 2 hour you can go up I find it so interesting  that along the banks of this entire River there's   just so many different temples and they're all  super beautiful and they look like they cost   a fortune to make and they're just surrounded  by you know very humble homets yeah look like   they could probably use a bit of work the how  much is the Buddha this one 800 800 okay that   one is beautiful this one elephant elephant  okay this one and that one you look like 45 45 no 6 60 I just finished up my Tik tick  video and I decided why not let me just hang   out a little bit longer here in the Cowan Road  area and well then I got to thinking I was like   well you know the Tuk Tok driver offered me  the boat tour which I'm pretty sure they're   the longtail boats that take you through the  canals and I figured you know what I've never   actually film that for the channel but it's one  of my favorite activities to do here in Bangkok   and one of those that doesn't get showcased as  often so I'm thinking that right now what we're   going to do is actually try and wave down a Tuk  Tuk or jump on the back of a moto taxi whoever   gives us the best price at this point and then  we'll head down to wat fo and then from there   try and find somebody who owns a longtail boat  and see if we can't negotiate ourselves a ride   now the last time I did this was about 2 years  ago and I did it with the tour company so they   completely organized everything however right  now we're we're doing this completely solo so   let's actually come on over here and see if  we can't get a ride from one of these Tuk Tok   drivers or uh one of these Moto taxis so cup  how much to wats for how much yeah so what 200 200 um no I give you like 80 BS no okay  it's okay thank you C how much to what four yeah 100 B bro it's right down the street 60 bus  80 80 80 70 buck 80 all right 80 let's go come   on you got a nice smile you just took 80 bot  for me that's like a 40 you know that's like   actually like a 30 bot ride okay let's go Cup  on cup it's all it's all good we don't got much   more Daylight left it's actually 400 p.m. right  now so we're going to make this happen we got to   get down there now I know most people actually  plan to do these kind of Tours um but Chris is   really bad at planning so this is how I Wing my  life but yeah I think the other drivers correct   me if I'm wrong maybe I'm just assuming they  probably told them like no 100 charge 100 so   this is definitely like a a 30 bot ride though  and usually I book all my bikes to grab but   usually when you book one of these bikes in like  an area once you've been there for a while all   the prices are like on the board next to where  they line up but yeah we're heading towards watf   right now now I'm only heading in this area  because this is where my tour started last   time so hopefully around there we can negotiate  a price I can imagine it's going to be probably   between 30 to $50 us because it's a long boat  and usually they charge that for as many people   as you want on board however I'm doing a solo  Doo today so it's going to be a little bit more   expensive but I have to share this experience  with you guys it's awesome and I don't know   exactly how much longer I'm going to be spending  in Bangkok so I figur why not let's make it happen today now I always tell people when they come to Bangkok  man they got to spend several days here in this   area this area is super beautiful look at all  these different temples called that is national   museum but the architecture around here is just  super unique so beautiful beautiful and definitely   a lot different than the modern side of sukum  vit that's you know a lot of people are used   to as I've explained several times most people  that come to Bangkok they're either the kind that   only hang out in the Kon Road area and never see  the modern side of the city or they're those who   have only seen the modern city Modern side of the  city and never um what I'm about to go show you   guys right now or this side of the city so keep  that in mind Bangkok is massive and if you're   only here for a short period of time you want to  spend every day in a different a different part   of the city you're definitely going to enjoy  it a lot more but yeah hopefully everything   goes as smooth as I planned it or as I've been  thinking it's going to go um since I but yeah   hopefully everything goes as but yeah hopefully  everything goes smooth right now and we're able   to enter and find a boat ride no problems but yeah  look that's a view of the Grand Palace there super   beautiful as well definitely recommend you guys  spend the $20 to enter that place at least uh   once throughout your time in Thailand but do keep  in mind that if you're approached by anybody and   they tell you that it's closed that is another big  uh worst time Thailand scan don't fall for it it's   not closed just go to the entrance by yourself  okay well yeah we should be approaching wato here shortly bro he almost killed me man this count 60 butt noic Jam traffic  jam I know you're a crazy man bro you're   reckless on the bike but it's fun man it's  a good experience but definitely not the   safest way to get around guys but if you  want to feel the Feel The Vibes 100% this   is how you got to do it this is Grand  Palace Grand Palace Grand Palace very beautiful Waton yeah Waton very nice yes I love Waton  Thailand very beautiful sua sua cop Thailand I hope you can say that thailanda means beautiful huh where you come from  I come from the United States California and you bangok I know Bangkok I I  aa aaya oh wow the ancient city of yeah yeah   the ancient capital city of Thailand 1 hour  30 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes by driving okay   not too far and we here we have made it to  watf guys so this here is where um I decided   to come to get dropped off because it's  about as close as I know to the river cup cup there you go 8 80 yeah 20 for you okay have a  good day okay all right we made it here so um yeah   definitely an expensive uh short scooter ride  but hey Good Vibes good person he talked to me   the entire time man it's hot as hell so let's um  walking out and see where we can come across so   the river is actually right on the opposite edge  of these buildings so if we can actually navigate   through these tight um spaces in these or so if  we can actually navigate through these Alleyways   then we can make it to the Waterfront and there  I have a feeling that we'll be able to you know   negotiate with some with some tail Boat Owners  if not we're going to result to asking a tic   tick driver to take us cuz they're going to figure  it out for us so yeah a lot of tourists out here   today it is a Friday so The Vibes are yeah pretty  crazy right now everybody's out doing the S scene   tonight everybody will be on the drinking streets  this is wat fo look at how beautiful this place is   definitely one of the top temples in my opinion  to visit when in Thailand when in Bangkok at Le   at least cuz there's just beautiful temples  absolutely everywhere but yeah you know what   I don't know if we should walk down this little  Alleyway tell me this isn't what you guys think   of when you guys think of Bangkok you don't  think of streets like this you know what let   me actually get sorted here and see where okay  it says that if we walk a little bit further   up we can actually make it to the pier so we'll  go up about three more streets and then make a right but yeah look all kinds of good street  food is already starting to pop up obviously   here in Thailand there's street food out  24 hours of the day but at night is when   yeah the streets really come to life and  you start finding street food absolutely everywhere it's nice seeing that the touris  industry oh she almost got hit by a pigeon   it's it's nice to see that the tourism industry  is back here in Thailand and it's been this way   for about the last year and a half but  the reason why I say it's good to see it   is because let me just tell you guys o i  just puted a nice little view um when Co   first finished and I came here to Thailand and  I went to all these tourist sites man they were   empty I went to the Grand Palace empty watar  run empty and I was just wondering like man   I hope Thailand recovers from this and yeah  it's very much recovered so yeah directly in   front of us hopefully it's not against lights is  Waton one of the most beautiful temples in the world now I'm actually walking up up  to it right now to show you guys but   I believe this one here stands at like 69  M tall so about 300 ft pretty damn huge look you got a lot of street food being  made on the side of the streets oh yeah   man maybe around here we'll be able to find  ourselves a nice little boat oh that is beautiful wow that is gorgeous so yeah look  you got a view of a bunch of longtail boats   out here that's actually what I'm trying to  get on oh so I think we got to make it over   to that Pier but then look we got beautiful  won right in front of us beautiful all right   I'm going to cross over to this direction  not through here and then we'll make our   way to that pier and try and get ourselves a  longtail boat all right this is going to be   exciting you're going to see why I love this  side of Bangkok so well we're about to go get   lost in I believe they call him Kang which  is canow here in Thai and um the Kongs are   actually the ancient Park parts of the city so  a lot of people still live out there there's a   lot of restaurants you can even find hostels out  there you'll see exactly why I love it here in a second but yeah up here you find a lot of  really trendy restaurants as well hanging   out in this area you can definitely spend  an entire day on its own or several to   be honest especially when you come out here  and it's extremely hot the last thing you're   going to be wanting to do is visit every  single site in one day so keep that in mind dang the bus is full right now  all right so I believe we just got   to turn down the next streets and  we'll be well on our way to the pier but yeah let me know have you guys made  it out here to Bangkok before or when you guys   watch these videos do does the energ of the  streets at least make you want to make it on   out here because I feel like if there's any  place in the world that anybody can all come   together and agree on that you know makes for  a great time I think this is the place to do it okay so I don't know which direction  to point the camera right now because   the sun is facing forward so usually when  I face the camera towards the sun it gets   like you know dark the highlights  and the Shadows are thrown off but   yeah all kinds of little houses and  restaurants along the side of the streets you know I've taken the fer directly  across from here but I've never taken a long   tail boat from this port the one that I had  in mind was completely different than this one hello how much is the longtail boats  H car really old no how how much is the   longtail boat how how many people just one  one hour 2,000 huh 1 hour 2,000 [Music] okay okay so here we are on the pier so here  we are on the pier and look at that guys Waton   so beautiful now they actually just got done  um so we made it here onto the pier sorry my   camera died but we're here and now I see  all kinds of longtail boats out here just   hanging out I don't know how the hell you get  the their attention but they're all right here   hanging out right in front of Waton so beautiful  yeah I'd love to know how I can get their their attention there was a lady with the booth  right there selling tickets however yeah   I had I didn't want to talk to her I felt  like it'd be cooler to wave somebody down s how go that way okay all right so  he's telling me to walk to that next   Pier how the hell do I get to the  next Pier let's see maybe up this way okay I think this is  actually going to work right now isn't it amazing how these homes are right  along the waterfronts they got like basically   their entire kitchens out on the side of the  streets let's see if I can walk across this   way I don't think so actually that's going to  be water 100% yep all right well you know what   let me put the camera down I'm going to walk  across and I'll catch up with you guys once I   make it to the next Pier here we are I think we  made our way to the proper Pier okay so that's   exactly where we were a few minutes ago but  now we're here and maybe they can help me hire   one of them so how much is the boat tour long  one hour 1 hour yeah how many people just one   person only one yeah 1,2 for 1 hour okay does  it take me to the big Buddha temple yeah yeah   you see okay let's do it 1 hour yes okay pay  me I pay you okay say Okay pay me okay I call   the boat I call the boat come here okay cool  how how long long is the weight wait okay no   weight no like no weight right now I I go  right now or 10 minutes oh okay very fast   okay 1,200 no more no more pay right I don't have  to pay for nothing else don't pay anything okay   thank you C come very nice so where does the  tour take me okay you see and the big the big awesome thank you thank you okay so you guys saw the  negotiation 1,200 for the boat tour not   bad I didn't even negotiate at all to  be honest so that's about $40 for a 1   hour boat tour like I mentioned I think if  you have more people it's probably going   to be about $2,000 but um definitely gets  cheaper as you have more people do you do   a longer tour than just 1 hour yes is there  a longer tour than just a 1 hour tour yes   yes what other tours do you have uh what you  have more tours you sell something else more tours you don't you don't have any more tours  only the boat tour yeah like the one I'm doing   right now the 1 hour but you don't have like a  a 3-h hour 4 Hour no one 1 hour start 1 hour you   want 2 hour you 2 hour you can go up up go  to the big bu oh okay in the in Temple yeah   you can up uh 30 minutes and 40 minutes oh  to climb up the Buddha yeah yeah the Buddha   you up and you down come back here okay yeah  yeah okay just one hour 1 hour is fine cup and   cup okay cup and cup thank you so I guess you  could do 2 hours and that allows you time to   climb up the big Buddha I'm excited I haven't  actually done this in 2 years I think I said   that a few a few minutes ago but yeah never  done this on a private boat neither I think   the last time I did it I was with glattus  and two other friends first time I'm doing   it solo but you're going to see how awesome of  an experience this is and like I said it's one   of those that doesn't get a lot of light shed  on on YouTube unfortunately I'm not sure why   a lot of people don't talk about this side  of um this side of Bangkok and this is super popular so I think this is the boat that  they're getting on just across and they're   getting charged 100 bot just to cross from this  pier but literally guys three Piers down they   charge five Bots for the crossing it's a huge  difference so I don't know maybe I am getting   charged at decent price I think I'm getting  charged at decent price I think 1,200 bot   is Fair I've done a lot of like longtail boats  around different islands and parts of Thailand   and they're always quite expensive as well and  like I like I've said I'm the only one going on   this boat and they're essentially a boat just like  this super long okay thank you thank you but same style is my boats um same same same okay long  tail awesome she's a character you heard that   all right I'll see you guys once the boat gets  here what makes these boats super special guys is   they call them a longtail boat and that's because  well it's super long but also because look at the   big complete like motor car motor that it has in  the back that's like a truck motor SUV motor it's insane absolute Beast of a of a motor I think  that's a turbo diesel yeah it is a turbo diesel   that's sick but yeah that's my boat right there  so I'm up next to board but you can see a lot   of people tend to come on out here and do it in  big groups and it gets cheaper that way because   don't know you got eight people sharing a boat  I think you can put up to 14 14 15 people on   one of these bad boys there's mine up there  all right so water's choppy one on the tire   two on the board slowly man yes good okay Bo C C  thank you thank you all right so we got the big   boat to ourselves sit in the middle okay should  I stay here in the middle sit down all right   well there we go and we're off bye thank you so  guys I got kind of a little bit upset right now   when the camera was off she tried to put me on  a boat with somebody else and then she charged   somebody else to say same price as the private  boats and I tried tell I don't mind getting on   a boat with someone else but like you know give  me back half the money then cuz that's how that   works right and then she's like no no no whatever  and just got us two different boats but yeah now   I'm wasting gasoline and I'm Gone by myself but  man this dishonesty man you find it everywhere   in the world it's crazy but yeah these are the  longtail boats hopefully you guys can hear me   all right the motors sound super loud but now  we're about to start weaving our way through   these canals for 1 hour say bye-bye to Waton  and now into the ancient city we go now the   big golden dome that you see over there that's  actually where the hangover was filmed one of   the scenes when they were up sitting at a  bar you got icon CM as you turn around the   corner it's a very beautiful part of the of the  city you got the seong tower you got views of of everywhere here in Bangkok actually from  this point this here's some Fortress that   they got which sh prit Fort now I was actually  reading a little bit about this place online   and it says that these chains of canals  were actually created around the Auda era   from what I've read correct me if I'm wrong  and that there are several hundred canals and   that they were used to fight off the burmes uh  fighters who were invading Thailand throughout   that time um wow look at that view guys insane  the skyline here in Bangkok is just gorgeous   but yeah it looks like now we're going to go  like underneath I what do you call these an   aqueduct a dam but yeah that um this here  is considered the ancient part of of the   city and for many it's known as the the Venice  of the East because of the hundreds of canals   now um they're saying that there are over 40,000  homes still in this area of the city today and   for many the the form of transportation they  have to use to get to their houses are boats   just like this one obviously they use like the  big shared ones that are like water taxis but   essentially the same thing and now you're about  to start seeing um all the different homes along   the banks of the river this River here is  called the Chao pra and it is actually the   longest river in Thailand look from here you  can actually see some monks up there in the temple and then like these are perfect examples  of the homes that lie right on the banks of the   river you can see people's literally literal  kitchens their whole homes people drying their   clothes that's another Pier look and they're using  that as like a clothes drying rack it's pretty awesome tell me this isn't just like something  completely different than what you're used   to see in a Bangkok though I think it's  super incredible to come on out here and cup have a nice day such nice TI kits but yeah  um here along the rivers man you can really get   a nice feel for how the people you know go from  living in some of the most modern areas to like   a 5 minute drive and the people still live back  like years behind you know so you got all the   monks up there but I find it so interesting  these houses are all sitting on like wooden Steels now last time I was out here you can see  a bunch of like water lizards like almost Komodo   dragon style things I don't know the proper  term for them I'll be on the hunt right now   and see if I can see a few of those to show you  guys but yeah definitely a beautiful trip worth having what are some video ideas that you guys  would like to see here in Thailand because I am   posting this in real time and you guys are  about to see the Bangladesh series coming   up next but wow that boat's full so yeah  these boats can carry a lot of people but   like I said I don't mind but don't charge  me a full boat's feed and then try and put   me on somebody else's boat like that's  going to get anybody mad what is this a temple oh that's beautiful yeah and I wish would  be someone like narrating last time I was on here   I had booked the tour through a tour company and  there was somebody like talking to me about all   these all these canals and how old some of these  homes are but unfortunately um Chris didn't retain   any of that information so you're probably not  going to be hearing any more of those facts coming   out of my mouth but yeah super beautiful day to be  out on the water any day is out a good day on the water but yeah let me I think I'm going to go  ahead put the camera down and I'll catch back   up with you guys here in a minute but let me  know what you guys are thinking of the boat   tour so far please let me know what else you guys  want to see from Bangkok I'm going to be here for   the next few weeks I need to film absolutely  everything for you guys so whatever it is that   you want to to see learn about let me know and I  can make it happen for you look you got a couple   more different homes along the river that one  actually looked like a convenience store up there yeah the breeze feels nice out on  the Chow PR right now but yeah there's   peers absolutely everywhere so you can just  like navigate around jump on and off the boats and make it a full day trip or a half  day trip I don't know if you want to be like   on a boat the entire day but a half day trip  yeah definitely worth it there's a lot of   beautiful temples along here and you're not  going to run into too many tourists which is nice when we get back on the boat after our first  stop I want to get a little closer to the driver   and try and talk to him or something D it's kind  of boring when you're by yourself I should have   let the other homie jump in but they didn't want  to give me the rest of my money backs uh he was   with me too he was like yeah if I paid full boat  I give me my full boat yeah I guess that's not   the right way to be thinking but man you spent  the money for the service you know what happened sir oh there's a Komodo dragon Komodo yeah  wow that one's huge I don't know if you guys   can see that but he's right there sitting  on the ledge I'm going to try and get him   on the on the cell phone wow he's huge that  is a big boy I find it so interesting that   along the banks of this entire River there's  just so many different temples and they're all   super beautiful and they look like they cost  a fortune to make and they're just surrounded   by you know very humble homesteads yeah look  like they probably use a bit of work well look   at this family they're on the tiny little  boats but yeah it looks like there's like   restaurants along the sides it'd be cool to  stop and get like something to eat here in a   little bit maybe I can tell him we can if we  can do that on this tour and we can make it happen so our driver just got done saying that  there's a guy here selling some souvenirs sa how   are you Sira water Cola water um sure the Buddha  how much is the Buddha this one 800 800 okay that   one is beautiful this one elephant elephant okay  this one and that one and the dragon okay one   this one one two three this how okay you give  discount for more okay and how how about a um   how about a chang 120 120 okay just one CH this  one no sou no no subir much do how much um that's   expensive right now this car how much you tell me  you tell me good price what is a good price what   is a honest price a beer Buddha and a beer 800  800 no it's expensive very expensive you tell me   how much this at 71 oh man it's warm oh you got  cold beer okay I'll give you for both last price   last price um 350 oh I 350 brother the big one  brother I I've been in Thailand many times I know   just one Chang then one CH to get the 600 okay  no no no no no no maximum I forgot what I said already help me help me what's a good price  me how much this one no no no maximum maximum   500 no no no no no no very expensive no  no no sorry sir just one CH one CH one CH you want does the driver want  a beer okay you want a beer okay   240 two for 200 2 be 240 240 all  right all right here super for 240 your store's expensive man do how much elephant Buddha how much no   no elephant Buddha just Chang a nice  cold Chang man okay okay one for the driver thank okay watch him do what the what they did  to me at the Floy market last year where they   came back and gave the beer back to the guy to  make the money back so you know what pop open   in a CO one you're welcome cop all right cheers  guys this is what you do in Bangkok man me put   the glasses back on but this is what you do in  Bangkok you enjoy some nice cold beers and you   know what maybe we'll buy it from a couple other  vendors along the way but man that was crazy expensive you can't put a price on that though you  know what I'm saying oh I love this country man I   hope you guys are enjoying this video very calm  chill day here in Bangkok I woke up this morning   I didn't really know what to do and yeah ended up  just filming these videos for you guys so I hope   you enjoy them as much as I do because I genuinely  enjoy this and I enjoy that it's my job I enjoy   recognizing you or when you guys recognize me all  on the street hello the old lady started spraying   me with the water um but yeah I appreciate you  guys so much you guys changed my life and every   time you guys stop me and take pictures with me  it means a world to me so I hope you guys are   enjoying this trip all right hopefully there's a  few more vendors because that guy was funny man   I want to see some more of those and now we're  approaching the big Buddha temple now this is   actually why I wanted to bring you guys here  here was to see this big Buddha that is just   so beautiful it's one of the most beautiful  temples I've ever had the opportunity to lay   my eyes on and I think this is going to be one of  the most beautiful ones for you guys as well so   yeah I don't know exactly how high it stands but  it is huge how many meters how many meters the M oh okay okay so we're actually not going  to stop there she he saying oh is that a   store can we get something from the lady what yes please I want to buy Cup on cup why not I want  to give everybody a little bit of business today oh man excuse me if only the  um the price is right though you   know what I'm saying let's see but  come on why not let's support this   old lady's business out here dang  she's hustling and busting on that c how are you thank you very good very good I  like your shop what are you selling oh everything   you have a little bit of everything baby oh  those are pencils yeah okay and how much are   your uh little elephant elepant yeah big one  small one big one small one oh you got some   big ones here who's this who's this Buddha no  Happy Buddha Happy Buddha oh okay Happy Buddha   how much is the Hat 200 200 bu for the hats  what is the name In tha Vietnam Vietnam hats   huh that's Vietnamese Thailand this one's  Thailand oh this is Tha hat what's the name pom pom okay my hat my hat okay it's a farmer's  hat um what about the little floating Market   floating basket yeah how much this one50 250 have  okay you do 200 okay 220 okay you 210 210 who 230 2:15 how old are you how how many years old you you look like 45 45 no no 6 empty 60 oh that's beautiful I'm  out okay no just that one okay so what's the   final price 200 200 B okay here I give you  300 B you win today oh hey have a nice day okay what do you have longang longang long  longen oh K C long gun long gun juice K C   thank you brother oh what a lovely lady that's  why you treat people with love cuz then they   treat you with respect so yeah I would there's no  way I was going to Lo like bargain with her what   a lovely lady but yeah they definitely get  expensive out here but man what a tough job right oh what a good day yeah look at these  homes dang look at that ladder going to the   rooftop of that second one I don't know if  I want to stand on that rooftop let alone   on that ladder onp top of that rooftop but  yeah here we are we're slowly approaching   the big Buddha now wow that is beautiful guys  hopefully you guys can see that well that is gorgeous see yeah I don't know why I don't  come out here every time I'm in Thailand it's   been a while but this is definitely a place  that should be on everybody's list when in Thailand [Applause] okay how beautiful is that guys  seriously impressive and it's crazy how these   boats don't hit each other so yeah they're  called longtail boats because because the   propeller that's rotating that's coming out  of the engine like down the drive shaft I   guess of the engine that's what's actually  um pushing the boat forward and it extends   out quite far so they call it a longtail boat  but yeah it's quite impressive there's so many hello I like these little small ones too  that looks like quite the fun adventure   as well but yeah look at this guys that  is impressive how amazing is that it is huge yeah I've never seen anything else  in the world like it now you can actually   get out and walk around it but our  driver said that we actually don't   have time to get out and walk around  maybe that's with a different tour a   different tour package well I guess she  did explain that to me that with the hour   you don't get to get out and walk around  it but man the details the eyes look like   they're following you the entire time  it's super beautiful how many how many meters it's huge huh may maybe 100 m huh yeah  120 wat pakam Bashon Bangkok yeah dude it's   huge I don't know how many meters that is but  let me see if I can find that on the on the   map where I am now let's see it says here  that it's a vast Buddhist temple obviously um yeah I don't know it doesn't say much  about it maybe I I could Google search it   let me see let me try and let me try and  Google that guys because I think we're   all kind of interested in that one oh here's  another Buddha this one's definitely nowhere   near the same size as the the one we just saw  but it's still beautiful like very impressive is oh that's the so that's the second one a  good one the newest one so this is the first temple wow it's beautiful okay so it says that here that  the Watts with the big Buddha was actually   established in 1610 but it failed during the  IU Di area and that uh the new one was built   well that no no no that's that's wrong what  oh and that the big Buddha was completed in   2021 so yeah it was completed during Co that big  Buddha very impressive nothing says how tall it is though yeah nothing says how tall it is so I just got done reading that this so I just  got done reading that this big Buddha statue   was actually completed in 2021 during the co  pandemic and that the temple itself has actually   been around since the year 1610 wow look at how  this dude's like doing a complete like U-turn in   this tiny River like the boat's almost as long as  this entire River but yeah there you go you can   see the small Buddha and the big Buddha and the  new the old one and the new one and it says that   it's 64 M tall very impressive but yeah quite  cool huh seeing the small one versus the big one you got another Temple right here what  absor absor aan what a what a place what   a tour seriously they must do when in  Bangkok and then over here on this side   look underneath the standing one you have a  Lon Buddha which is super unique to see like   a big Cobra in the background and then this  guy's feeding the fishes here in the shiao pra yeah definitely a sight you guys have  to see if you guys are in Bangkok and you   leave Bangkok without doing one of these  tours man you're missing out and then buy   a bunch of beers from the from the old  man why not you know hope the business is out let me know if you guys are enjoying  this video you know sometimes I put a lot   of thought and effort into like what I'm  going to go out and film in this morning   I wanted to come out and do this without  making the video and then I figured you   know what maybe I should film it to share it  with you guys and I think that was a smart   move but maybe I should just start making  a bunch of more random videos like this huh beautiful all all right I'll catch up  with you guys in a minute but yeah this   here is yeah something you got to see in Bangkok man oh yeah true wow look at this guys there's  a little like Dragon right here in the water   I don't know if you guys can see it well it's  not little he's huge yeah those are the little   like kodo used see absolutely everywhere in  Bangkok wow he was big huh how big do they get maybe 2 m 2 m dang bro that's huge crazy  he has a good eye too well I mean this is his   shop he's on the river all day long but yeah  he spotted that very fast I don't even know   what to say it's been a super relaxing time  so I've been cruising for about 15 minutes   now and I looked on the map and I don't  think we're even going back the same way   we came I think I think we're doing a big  loop all the way back to the main part of   the river but yeah definitely an activity you  guys have to do when in Bangkok let me know   what you guys thought of this uh experience so  far did I sell you on it or you you think it's   probably not for you but personally I think  it's a great way to spend a nice hour hour   and a half especially if you come out and do  it around the sunset time or even during the   hottest part of the day that way you not you're  not walking you know you're hiding underneath   this canopy on the boats and having a good time  wow it looks like these houses are getting like redone I can imagine there's probably even  like airbnbs out here can't say I like to   stay out here because I like being like you  know in the city close to everything but yeah   it's nice wow look they got a water slide in  this joint that's crazy so yeah there's some   serious money here in the canals as well I've  seen a couple houses like like that that were   just like mansions out here maybe they bought  the land at a very cheap price you know maybe   they had a little sale going on a few years  ago or something a couple decades ago I can imagine all right I'm going to set the camera down  again for a little bit and I'll tune back in if   there's body C everybody's so nice along the sides  as well but I'll turn the camera on again if uh I   come across something else that's interesting but  yeah I think we'll be back probably at the main   part of the river in about 10 15 minutes based off  of what I've saw Google Maps it's crazy that a lot   of people are living here like like you know the  houses might look like they're falling apart but   they're still working for some people like I look  inside and I'm like there's no way that someone's   just supposed to be living in that and and you  see like three people laying down [Music] crazy now we have made it back to the main opening of  the Chow Pria directly in front of us we have the   Grand Palace then we have wat fo which is the area  that we got dropped off in Waton over here well   that's actually where we start started our tour  directly in front of us you got like the seom area   but yeah very beautiful the Grand Palace and and  also also another place that needs to be on your   bucket L sorry I don't know why I'm having a a  hard time talking today maybe it's the chain maybe   I need more chain I don't know no I'm just getting  distracted by everything today but yeah beautiful tour oh man we're just getting back and look at all of  the people lining up for Sunset that is crazy the   whole Pier is full and all of the restaurants  yeah definitely if you're coming to Bangkok I   recommend having a dinner around sunset at one  of these restaurants or at least coming by for a   beer uh this the restaurant that I can recommend  is called Salon AR just like the temple but you   won't regret it at all all right let me grab my  souvenir and my beer can and we'll get on out of here thank you so much thank you cup thank you brother here let me give you a tip Cup on cup thank you thank you thank you all  right let's get on out of here man that was fun   huh but yeah I see why everybody's standing  here look at this what a beautiful view of Waton wow she even came with a photographer  I guess it's better to be prepared right you   never know all right let's see what  we end up getting into right now yeah I think everybody found a secret spot  for the best photos of vun and a pra that   is definitely the place to be all right well  now we're back where we started but you see   extremely fast within an hour and a half we were  able to you know slightly explore a cool little   part of Bangkok that a lot of people often times  don't make time for so a cool activity definitely   recommend it but but if I were you guys i' do  like a 2-hour tour that way you can actually   tell him to stop at you know several other cafes  and different restaurants along the way that way   you can make the full use of your time and really  explore the place a a lot more but yeah overall   great place this area is awesome so you can  knock out two birds with one stone once you   get done walking the Grand Palace hop onto little  boats do a boat tour for 2 hours relax those legs   then get back out to explore in some more anyways  I think for now I'm going to let you guys go and   I'll see you again for another adventure from  from possibly somewhere here in Thailand later guys the one

2024-03-12 14:16

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