You Must Visit This Place For Wine Tasting | South Moravia

You Must Visit This Place For Wine Tasting | South Moravia

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hello and welcome back to my  channel so today I'm located   in south Moravia and to be too precise I am  in Valtice South Moravia guys is known for   its wine production so I'm going now to go do a  bit of wine tasting come along with us let's go   all right to my right is a really  seems like a nice restaurant here   with nice eating area outside it looks like they  have a back a back garden as well in the back   where you can sit and have your  drinks so let's go they have a castle   straight ahead as well i'm going  to show you when we get closer   so this is the surrounding area what it looks like  where i am now have a look yeah this is a church uh-huh they have a small restaurant here  as well they're playing some nice calm   like a piano i can hear here  someone's playing some music do you want to have a look straight  ahead what's around the back yeah let's have a look okay so this is like the the side  of the church right or even the back all right this is the front and here's like a an amnesty here isn't  it a square square they have some fountain   yeah they have a fountain they have  some statues and here's the church here do you understand that  writing at the top it's like a   old old latin writing it seems like  should we have a look at the square and surrounding shots so here  is like the the square here okay and there's a museum to the left and  they have the the czech flag on the top there is also a statue here but it looks like  it's under reconstruction let's have a closer look it's got like scaffoldings  and a ladder going up it so   seems to be that it is under  construction at the moment right so they just have like tourist  information here up on the top   museum information as well information  about the vine the wine right up there wine academy and they have a cafe here across  the road as well it looks like they have a lot   of smokers yeah and this is like the  center of the square where i'm at now should we go straight through  and see what it looks like here so this is cafe hostina right this is the front entrance so here is just like some general information  about like events that are going on within this area i am thirsty though i would like to go get  some wine being this is why we came here right really looks like a beautiful garden here i  must say nice nice flowers here nice plants they have a fountain to my left they're also playing some music  here there's a speaker outside   yeah it just seems like some outdoor  seating area where you can just sit   down maybe be on your laptop have  a drink have a snack get some food and this is what the outside  of the building looks like all right so we have just came across now like  a wine gallery here but this is not the one we   originally intended to come to right to show them  we're just having a browser round and look at the   surrounding area then we're going to make our  way okay so here it says vinoteca at the top and here is like some information an information  board on the wine that they have here   on the gallery inside some historical buildings and here is the information on like  what they have here so they have like   bicycle store castle theater castle  tap chapel a winter riding hall they   have an honorable courtyard a herb  garden they also do fast food here   they have a coffee shop a wine shop wow really  interesting this place seems like a really   good place here to come in czech republic in  south moravia if you're interested in wine   and the wine tasting this seems to be  like the place to be at this moment yeah we're just gonna have a browser round  we'll have a look at this monument here so here is like a police station   with three departments in one they have a police  police office here inside and they also have   an office right inside there and what is  the other one oh can you have no kenny hovna yeah so like a police station head  office um library and the library in one   because it's a small town they usually  have everything in ones there is okay and here are some more tourist informations   this is a town where we are in now and it seems  like a very touristic town here because it's   south moravia is close to the borders of austria  so i can imagine people from different areas   locations across czech republic would come  here to this place right because there's a   lot of tourist attractions here yeah i think even  the austrian people yeah even the austrian people   must come here as well it's not just the  locals i would say come to visit this place and here looks like a peaceful seating  area if you want to sit down and relax   take in the atmosphere here's a fountain  here as well in the middle of the center   let's have a look inside the church you guys come have a look wow really nice like   interior inside like it's got really nice  decorations seems like an old historical church   the paintings here on the wall going around as  well a really nice like chandelier light bulb   and the altar it's got like a gold altar  at the front it's got candles there   nice wooden wooden chairs to sit down  on in this church wow look at the roof   wow they're playing the music now oh so this is the name yeah of the the  church costa big wooden wooden doors as well all right you lot so to my left is a  ubi uzamku bed and breakfast that is i'm really looking forward to  this really looking forward to it   and i guess we're in the right place south  moravia to do a bit of wine tasting to go   and get the first hand experience here so  i'm really hoping there will be a guide there   that will give us a tour and tell us the  different names about the wine and we can   you know just know more about the history of the  wine that we're drinking otherwise we'll just   have to tell you ourself and give you our own  review which would be great as well so let's go   and we will take you along with us right it's  really hot up here in south moravia isn't it   today is not so bad because it's a little bit  breezy it's wind so here is like more restaurants   and here's the back of the museum  showed you the front already   here's the back of the church so  we are just making our way now   straight ahead is the chateau where we are making  our way to now here's a pension pension right pension it's got a really nice vibe here  atmosphere it's so beautiful here's some more light directions  and information up here wow it really does beautiful  tattoo really nice have a look and it looks so clean here  do you know what i mean like   the floor and the environment everything  just looks like well kept and looked after right just making our way up the stairs now somebody put a hat up there on the the monument  two big very big monuments here we've got some   dogs with like looks like a free head  there yeah he's got three heads this dog yeah it's look like it looks like an ancient  godor yeah a warrior something like that yeah   and this one has like a dragon coming down  its back so let's have a look at the main   structure at the front of the building and it's  really nice doesn't it wow so this is the front   like even though it's so old yeah it does i  think it's just this one is fixing otherwise so they have like stuff here  for kids which you can purchase really nice place this looks  like really nice touristic place wait what did you say we can do we can record  it inside yeah let's record inside and then   we'll make our way to the wine yeah because  i think the phone is there yeah doing a bit   of wine tasting i'm looking forward to  it are you yeah all right look at this   here in the middle like a small mount um water  fountain oh wow look at the buildings here yes i very much think it is real gold because they   have like a protection cover on it  as well at the front can you see   the um it's got like a mesh like protecting  it maybe from like pigeons going on there or   anything like that and it looks really shiny as  well you see the gold yeah it is real gold look really shiny let's make our  way in now they have eight   they have a check flag up there and  this one here is italian italian flag   all right let's go in i can hear  some music yeah i can hear music so this is like the zamek here the castle yeah  because i make his castle right yeah yeah yeah it's like it seems like there  is cookies everywhere like a   small little coffee shop you very good  vine yeah look at the um beautiful   flowers here really like brings a nice  atmosphere to the environment doesn't it do you know where they can have a plum thing in  this place because it's not so cool like because   it's really hot south moravia like is known for  producing wine so it has to be really hot for it   to be able to produce plan here and also to grow  such plants like palm trees right and it's not   going too much to the miners in the  winter yeah check out these frogs nice   so we're going straight through the back now  yeah nice to get a cold beer up here as well so this is the front of the building yeah of course i want wine as well so this is the park the zamitsky park oh wow can do a bit of horse riding do you think  we can go on the horses um that'll be great   have a tour on the horses i don't know if it's  for groups ah do you think we'd have to book it   that would be really interesting to find out that  would be great stuff there's a horse coming by wow so what's our plan now to get some some wine  yeah let's go get some wagon what way yeah   wow let's have a look closer  look at the horse though yeah we'd have to wait for the horses  because we need to get closer to the map   wow look at the horse oh careful yeah never mind let's go back  the way we came from yeah big strong horse yeah the balcony at the top i guess like  the royal king or queen here of this castle   would have its like view on the garden here and  they would have the horses i guess around in   this area here as you see there's a horse here  giving the um people the tour around the area seems like we came to the right place best wine in town awesome right best wine in town we are  in the right place for sure this is like we've got some tourists  attractions here to buy magnets oops don't break anything wow  this is like some old ones you gotta have wine and brambucci is a  good combination isn't it it'll be done you know they have a wine collection here as well i am in a wine gallery here in vartice and could  you like give me a little tour on the wine and   give me a little bit of history what is the say  the oldest wine here that you have or something   please sure thank you all these vines that you  can see are made here involved okay different   producers for example or vegan from which is  the former principal of divine school okay   as well here then we have winery as  well from baltimore project from buckets   and which is the one made here of chateau  bakitza okay and are they similar in taste   oh it depends on the kind of wine  because you have so many kinds of wine   for example here is drizzling or silva so it  depends on which kind of vine you want and   i can see they they pretty they have a really  good price considering it's like a good quality   wine i can see the prices are not overpriced  here so do you have like a taste in a testing   wine where i can try anything like that here oh  yes we have seven kinds of wine which you can   taste oh great i can show you and how old is this  castle by the way this this castle this house was   made in 14th century 14th century and before it  was a castle like a work in german okay which   means it was fortified for defense of the border  which is we are here on the border with between   austria australia yes so he was uh then in 14th  century became a liechtenstein family and they   made a shuttle a castle where they can live and  they lived here till 20th century when they moved   back wow that is so awesome interesting i would  like to try some wine please sure which one this   one right you want white wine red ones so these  are the different wines that you have here right   so what one would you recommend is like people  usually come here i would recommend there isn't   a green scheme which is sore white wine okay  there's a certificate of voc which means it's   a wine made here involved itself on the vineyard  park itself and the company must be from park   itself so it's definitely great i'll give that  fine can i try we have would you like to share   or we'll have one each um we should think we  can share this we'll share one please yeah   what is the most popular wine here in baltic most  popular hmm i think that most popular is as well   as in greenski because so many products has made  here and the best one i think is resiliency from   mr coffee chick so many people recommend it so  many people work oh you have poliver as well wow interesting place here and i can see that you have  like certificate here right that's how you know we are in the  one place as we entered this place   i knew that we was hit in the right place  guys i'm telling you the best wine in town and they have some photographs on the wall of like actor a winemaker here wow my cash oh my god i will pay  five i will pay my card great again it's 100 pounds thank you very much does it get busy in here like loads of tourists  come here it depends it depends during summer it's   very popular so my interests came here but during  may or september it's only during the weekends   okay and i guess as many austrian people coming  here so many austrians i think all maybe 50   tourists here are from austria or germany  can i um are these sure you can take them so there's the point yeah i will  take it let me know how it is and smell it this isn't your average  wine by the way guys i'm having wine   in south moravia no wine production right it's very tastes very like  natural it doesn't taste too sweet it's really nice it's refreshing as well do you have parliament as well to try okay   yeah sure but i don't think so for not  today not on today's menu unfortunately what do you think nice very like smooth  it's very smooth and it's cold let me think   uh we have a pivot which is made from  pallava and uh yeah we gotta try one   more we can't just come here and try one glass  of wine we have to try at least one more yeah yeah for sure and i see some like famous   people of the the area would you  like to yes uh exhibition of uh   wine openers for famous czech people for example  czech president milo zeman he was here he and he   gave us this wine opener oh wow so this is like  the president of czech republic zimmerman yes and   he was here in his self in person yeah and he  brought this one opener yes how long ago was this   excuse me how long ago was this oh i think three  years ago three years ago okay ah guys interesting   information the president of czech republic came  to this chat he gave these the people here a   a wine opener like it's got an oak a wooden opener  here and wow interesting did he try any wine here   oh i don't know i wasn't here but i'm  pretty sure most probably he did yeah she was here oh i'd like to have my photo here   politico's here maybe next to bahush  foslovitsa who she's known for hmm many oh yeah like loads of musicians and  famous people have came here actors   to this this chat yeah as well  they have tajinki here as well these are the best crisps by the way   they have bags here as well i'm going to get a bag tasty wine get one of these they've got books here as well  zamek baltitza chatu lednitsa so that is like the best wine in czech republic here as well they have like  some stuff for the fridges keychain right let's have a look  what color bag should i get i guess i should get this one also do you know what it would be good to  get a wine for a souvenir take home something   i should take home some wine  that'll be awesome a small bottle i'm gonna take home one of these i'll get this one i'm gonna buy this and i will buy this  and i'll get myself another drink to try   of course yeah i'm going to buy  these two it's like souvenirs right and feel free to check out my youtube channel   if you like if you have a pen and  paper i can write it down for you   yeah so i will get the other wine to taste please  and i would also purchase these two as well so i'm just gonna write  down my youtube channel now so this video will be  uploaded on my youtube channel   okay and i will get these two as well along with  this drink i'm going to pay by cash all right this is the um czech clowns by the  way you guys what it looks like is this one made in uh this one is made in  austria in oxford steinway it's it's kind of   like champagne it's made in uh in beautiful  there's another one lievenstein castle okay   so it's still in the local region yeah okay great   so it's free 238 238 yes awesome right i'll get  some some coins out as well can you hold that this bag and this like one  champagne and it costed 230.   okay really good price for like a tourist location 230 right foreign champagne austrian champagne fancy right of course  got myself a souvenir from this place can i try   this or you already try it and here is the um  the location of the place the zomek vortice sir   wow right it's time to try the timer that's javi   yeah can i have a pen and paper  write it down i'm going to write   i'm going to write it down if he goes  on youtube and types it even on google   my channel will come up and you  can see it rosa meter and whisky chesky this is my favorite wine the  best wine i must tell you pallava tasty foreign each table here has like a wine  prepared waiting waiting for you to just   come and sit down and have a drink  oh it's awesome here i'm telling you these look like some medieval medieval  windows or something is that right well medieval windows awesome check it out okay don would you like to get us another  drink yes right here's some money go buy   us a drink should i choose then yeah you choose  i chose the first two so you can choose one now what did you choose what was there we didn't try no red wine yet did we so is this just today's choice on the menu right um yeah is there any other wine tasting  galleries here within this area   i think here in the next room is another  one but here is like if you pay i think   500 pounds for an hour and you can  taste as much as as much as you can another one is when you go outside of the  shuttle okay street there is another one   for tasting but i'm not really  sure how it's going there   and then on the main square i think that are  another another five or six somethings like   that so oh yeah everywhere yeah everywhere  so we're we're in the right place uh-huh how does it smell can you smell the fruits yeah it  smells sweet but it's not so sweet how it smells it's like very refreshing this one is  the most refreshing really let's try it it smells it smells nice has a nice smell it is the coldest i must say it's fruity uh-huh um awesome wine gallery here i must recommend  this place nice atmosphere good wine thank you very much awesome great information and  great service thank you very much that's clear what's up let's have a look what does this say an exhibition  of wines of the wine salon of the czech republic so now we are in like is this the basement  area yeah and here's some about some history   yeah the wine history here so this is the this is the record so these are the different  types of grapes which they have ah they have andre wow interesting for  those of you that don't know my name is   andre and i've come across a strain of grapes  that they have here named after me awesome show them the bag you oh yeah you're wearing  the the bag the new bag the zamek baltic bag yeah i don't think i'll drink that man i'll  probably keep it as a souvenir what do you think   with the bag we can hang it up like  leave it on the wall somewhere is it as well 1627 a map from 1627 is it the quran they have it for sale do you think they have what is this is this like  med or is this no med maintenance okay so we're making our way into the basement now  which they have like a cellar here of the wines   oh look how dusty that is  for that wine must be so old   i just saw the most dustiest wine  bottle ever it must be so old yeah different like selections of wines  coming from different regions of the different towns these wines are coming from yes moreover uh-huh moreover here as well  yes chardonnay yeah it's cold here because   they need to keep the wine cold yeah wow i'm  telling you if you are a wine connoisseur this   is definitely the place to be to come along in  south moravia to have a try of different like   different types of wine it's a really awesome  place here really nice atmosphere in yeah look at the roof as well this place  is like i think we actually like   yeah we are absolutely underneath the chatu  now it's like a brick basement underground here and they also have the prices here as  well do you know what i must tell you   considering south moravia is the place to  be known for producing the most quality wine   coming here and tasting it and seeing the prices  having a look it's not so expensive it's quite   a reasonable good price i must say  considering that it's so such a great quality   considering it's a really good quality  look at the walls whoa look at the i must say these these buildings are  historical they're really old because   as he said these this was not a place  for the wine in the beginning it was   like a royal family once lived here  right but i think the real people used so you feel like this place was a wine cellar   a long time ago yeah and they just  preserved it and kept it in good condition oh really i'm really cold as well i'm really  cold as well let's make our way out all right   let's make our way out look this is where  i saw the most dustiest wine bottles here it's so dusty look at that look at that bottle they also have a gents toilets here in this place it's closed here's the genus so okay this is the front yeah do you know i'm going to get myself chips i know so my chips has arrived now what did you order or um that is a really good price so it's a nice day today blue skies   just sitting here having our lunch  we're at the back of the chatu a season area here as well i enjoyed everything so much the  wine the food everything oh the wine   the food so which one was like  your favorite from what we tried   come on how about you i would say  even the real say oh the power of them all right we enjoyed ourselves guys in south  moravia here in baltic we had a wine tour   wine tasting we enjoyed having a look around in  the surrounding area also had some lunch here it   was amazing we really enjoyed ourselves i would  really come back to this place beautiful town   lovely environment nice day much more to see here  as well all right you guys till the next time   see you in the next video ciao oh

2021-07-11 18:37

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