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hello there from somewhere on the south side of java somewhere in Central Java and in the   front of the light blue Villa in Resto so a  couple days ago we were leaving Ricky's place   outside of Jogjakarta, and we were making our way to the beach and we had stopped in this   really small town and there were a bunch of food carts it was kind of like the active center part   of town with a lot of food carts and people  selling all kinds of stuff and Vanessa and I   we were sitting on the side of the road it was getting dark we were super tired we were eating   a roti bakar and some salak and we were literally just chilling there thinking where the hell are   we going to go and out of the nowhere this lady comes up to us and she was like you know uh are   you guys going to the beach and we're like yeah we're going to the beach and she was like well   I'd like to invite you to my villa down there  if you would like to stay there you know maybe   you can make a video or something I think  maybe she saw the sign on my bike and maybe   quickly looked up my channel and maybe thought oh wow um a vlogger traveling you know maybe I   could uh invite him to my place and maybe we could do some sort of collab or something so   anyways we're here now and we're about to check in and it looks really nice this is like a new   one too it looks brand new cool yeah so we kind of already uh rode our bikes down by the beach so   dusty here but there's a little more Villas  and places to stay compared to where we were   yesterday so maybe this is a little bit more of a happening place but let's talk in let's go check in looks nice uh-huh beautiful I like the pool set up here I like it too awesome okay so we're a   little ways from the beach but that's okay we have our own nice private pool right here very well done I'd say the nicest one we've seen down here by [Music] far uhhuh all right perfect if I can get a light on oh perfect perfect nice full queen size bed AC nice feels like I'm in Bali  that's what I'm talking about   we need it too we could use a proper shower it's been a while okay we're going to settle in uh maybe get some tea chill out and   uh relax other a little bit later I'll take you down and show you the beach I have to say I think spending $10 for that Nick K YouTube sign for my bike   in Bandung was a good investment what  didn't you say we have cake and tea nice some and same and some hot tea uhhuh royalty right here living like kings and that is a big tour bus and yeah there's not a whole lot of people down here to be honest   like I said it's Tuesday we just came to the  beach to get a bite to eat maybe get some good seafood gak car that's what I'm  talking about let's check out The View [Music] bone [Music] Appetit it's a bowl of s  sour P that's weird the way they serve [Music] it [Music] [Music] good wow and then what they do is I guess just fry it and eat it wonder if there's   any other way to eat it Chinese we cook we cook it in the soup yeah all righty so the light blue Villa in Resto in  indan I think that's where we are come check it   out it's a beautiful place wonderful staff the  best place here you you got to come check it out   so I'll leave all their information below and  if you're this if you're coming this way then   stay here and one thing's for sure we are in for a very hot and dry day man kind of feels like the   uh the east coast in Taiwan when we were cycling back to Taipei just got really hot and really dry   on us no clouds in the sky just the sun beating down on us yep that's what we're looking at today   we're trying to beach hop again we're trying to go around I don't know I think 25 miles or   so but we'll see with hills like this and hot  weather like this we might not make it that far oh my gosh look at this [ __ ] what  what are we doing down and up down and up dude's walking barefoot hey w hello I think we just about made it to Pantai Sadeng   I think I'm saying that right once again super dry out here I don't know about this place let's go see if there's a beach pretty quiet that's for sure we're going to try to find the beach Pon yeah dang okay like well photos don't always tell the entire story story we going to the wrong one yes which one oh my God that's supposed to be San   Sahan yeah the nice one is sadan not s not  sadan yeah oh [ __ ] we went to the wrong Beach oh well I think what we want to do is uh try to find a ride maybe we can go talk   to somebody and they can give us a lift out of here all righty so this is what's going   to happen we just had a little coconut actually it's a big coconut the biggest   coconut I've ever seen and we asked this guy that has a truck if he could take us   to a different Beach and uh he agreed and so we're going to load him up and uh get a lift   out of here thank God okay I think uh I think  the Granny's gonna come with us what's going on stand exactly yeah so we asked uh whose truck this was see you and uh the guy came over and we asked   him if he would take us and he was like I don't really know I don't really know so he went and   asked his wife and she was like yeah sure go ahead so it was a woman's decision yeah s basil good luck she's going to climb up don't tell me I know right where's she going well we've made it and uh look at this view unbelievable and the beach is way the hell down there it's going   to be really fun getting our bikes down there if we want to camp on the beach okay so we decided not to stay there because yeah you saw how far it is to go down to the beach   yeah there's nothing around there's nothing out here sure the beach looks spectacular beautiful   but look at that Sunset if you can you can see the sun peeking out over there but by the time we got   down there set up everything we don't even really have any food we got some eggs that's about it and   tomorrow how the hell are we going to get out of here so we just asked this guy if he would take us   to the next biggest city the as big as City and then let us out and uh yeah we'll figure it out   from there this guy is saving our life it's tough to get to those like the beach here like czy it   really is tough to get to the beach honestly on roads like this D what a sunset though all right   another change of plans so we got back to kind of the the main road and the our driver here got   out and he was like you know what how about we just go back to where we started uh Pantai Sadeng sadang sadang sadang sadang and uh cuz he's got to work tonight actually he's a fisherman so he   has to get back and work and so he can't really take us to uh another city so he was like how   about tomorrow I'll just take you guys to Pacitan or wherever and so we deliberated for a little   while we thought you know we would just find some to Camp around here [Music] maybe uh but   but the thing is not too many people have trucks around here and cars so it might be hard to get   a ride tomorrow and cycling on these roads we've figured out is like really tough cause it's just up   down up down so we're just going to head back to where we were and uh have a fish dinner and then   maybe maybe check out where he works see what he does but that'll be fun but for now we're going [Music] back yeah so we just showed up and they're feeding us how awesome is that pimpe shrimp and rice so before we can camp at the uh the harbor the ponai we got a report and write down some   information I'm guessing just in case any boat got stolen we might be yeah the supect mhm which   I'm definitely down to do this just to you know safer for us safer for them and of course you   probably can't see that very well but this is  where we are camping for tonight right on the   Harbor so uh got our tent posted up we're all checked in all the locals said it's a really   safe place shouldn't have to worry about it so we'll uh be sleeping right next to the ocean tonight good morning from dang we uh we just woke up we're having some breakfast and the   guy from yesterday he's going to come pick us up and he's going to take us to P time but we had a   pretty good night's sleep last night they were busy here doing a lot of the fishing stuff all   the boats were coming in and uh there were guys out here all night a fire going over here they   they were cooking up some fish I think there's a shark I guess that they accidentally caught   but it's a pretty peaceful little place  as you can see there's uh fires burning   just about everywhere they had a fire burning right here there's a fire burning over there   you walk through the village there's all these small fires burning and uh smells like plastic   just like cuz a lot of these small villages  they don't have any proper waste management   system set up a lot of the villages in in uh  Indonesia have zero Waste Management setup our   systems and so they resort to uh just littering or burning the plastic but anyways enough about that   let's uh focus on more positive things like this beautiful morning that we have here in sad basar and I don't know if you can see over there but that is a turtle and uh we're officially back to where  we started that's where we sat yesterday hello   hello and had a couple coconuts let's take  a stroll around this little kampung area this   pretty rough living out here I'd say a lot  of people Liv in in and out of places like this some things that you wouldn't think  people would uh be living in people are living in okay maybe nobody living here but maybe I can show you some of the houses over there give you an idea hello Sal py Amer hello [Laughter] hello it's rightest wow it's right it is almost 1:00 and we are still here we are still  in Sadeng so yesterday when we came back   to Sadeng I thought the agreement or what we were told is like yeah in the morning he'll   come pick us up and we'll head to pachan  well morning came and went um it's weird   there's like I was saying there's not much uh  service out here my pocket Wi-Fi doesn't work   but there's a a free Wi-Fi uh router or something you know a router that I can connect to down by   the uh pier where we where we camped and so I'll walk down there I'll connect to it I'll   message him and he's like I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming well yeah well he had work to do and   that's fine he actually went to solo and back  his truck is finally here but they still have   stuff in the back of it they still have work to  do here maybe a little bit of misunderstanding   we could have uh stay closer to where we were yesterday instead of driving all the way back   here and maybe found a ride but I don't know we never thought we'd spend 24 hours in Sadeng unbelievable all right we're packing ready  to go and the son is driving us is he the   son? or no this is the brother this is  the brother yeah the sun is at the back   okay Ean is not taking us Ean is like  I'm done no no I'm done I'm too old for this we've seen enough of Sadeng get out of here one Road in one road out well ain't that pretty so uh we're in Pacitan and we're going to take a driver is what they   call it basically like a small bus to Mala and we had some time to kill so we came and checked out   a little surf spot check out the beach see the sunset and ride the bike on a beach how cool is that P it's a nice spot it is a nice spot all righty so this is what we'll be taking  from pan to Malang we went ahead and hired uh a   what do they call it it's not a taxi driver uh  anyways this is what we're taking and it's going   to cost us 66,000 which whatever um about  40 40 bucks 4050 bucks to get our bikes and   two bodies toal long which is like 6 hours 7  hours so all right better than a bus I think

2023-10-26 16:16

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