World's SPICIEST Hot Pot in China's Ultra-Modern City

World's SPICIEST Hot Pot in China's Ultra-Modern City

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$100 a night in China gets you this absolutely  insane room this feels like the end of the world   guys we've come off the bridge and now we're  all walking through like the central like   Motorway system been waiting 2 hours now  and there're still 30 tables ahead of us that spicy right well let's get out of this  train station and into chongqing home of China's   spiciest food and most futuristic city I thought  we could take one of them luxurious Chinese   electric vehicles to our luxury hotel you're fancy  hey so in China you can use an app called Didi   which is a bit like Uber or grab and uh you can  select this extra layer at the bottom it's like   the luxury vehicles and uh you want to go luxury  or like extra Luxury? The best I want I want to   be the best I want to be in China's finest car I  want to be in the passenger seat of a Lamborghini   where am I going to sit you can sit in the boot  which you like be in the front and to get out you   just scan your passport once again there go check  your passport and there we go I'm in I'm out I'm   free I'm free confused by this one it says it's an  airport. Crickey, but the time flew by but... that   woman's wearing a face mask but it's like her  entire face looks like Zoro. right okay let's   uh now these Transportation hubs they tend to have  sections that say E-Hailing, which is where you go   specifically to pick up Uber or in our case a DIDI  ride e-hailing car yeah e-hailing e-hailing okay   e-hailing it sounds like a famous actor staring  e-hailing all right uh we can exit different ones   that's exit North uh long distance bus uh cricket  I don't know I mean it says ride healing just open   Ride healing car yeah so this one oh I guess these  people are waiting thank you very much yeah these   people are waiting for their family and friends to  arrive there's a whole heap of massage chairs over   there so you can get a nice massage while you  wait for your for your friends to arrive look   at these policemen just kind of stood on a some  sort of pedestal with a riot shield and a some   sort of Grabber right uh upstairs I guess think  so yeah right, cricket its a maze just getting   out of here. those sticks that the guards carry  around I don't know if I've mentioned it they're   my favorite thing in the whole world they're  hilarious they like really long sticks with a   little Grabber on the on the end so I can like  reach if and far away and just grab you around   the waist and keep you there prod you away I don't  know if it give you a little electric shock like   a taser or something I don't know I wouldn't  want to find out hilarious I've never seen   them in any other country these weird pincher  things all right let's get ourselves in one of   China's most luxury vehicles to one of chongqing's  luxury hotels Life of Riley we are having today,   I love it don't make me go back please we got,  we'll be back on the bottom class South Asian   trains in no time don't worry I know you miss it  look how many people are waiting for the e-hailing cars wow, sorry, sorry, thank you just need to  cross over here so all these cars are white but   the car that we're getting is a black one now  we did try to book the best the highest quality   most luxurious car but there's not available  bit of a rarity so we've gone for the second   highest class which is still the executive  option here, the thing is as well they come   really quick like we've just booked it and  uh unlike you know on Uber and stuff or grab   in Southeast Asia and you're waiting for ages  in China cuz obviously such a huge population   they have a lot of these taxi drivers and DiDi  drivers oh this is us there we go 838 wow that   looks nice it's like a Chinese Maserati maser-uh  where's he going oh friend, friend come back oh   he's going around crickey we've got to, we got  to catch him we got to catch him. Friend don't  

go any further come back my friend bloody hell  hes gone he's all the way down there that's no good he's gone he's just nicked  off what are we going to do with   that I don't know what I'm going to do now um that was strange [laughter] im sure he would have just stopped. I   don't know what to say everyone else  is just stopping here getting their passengers literally don't know what to say there he didn't even attempt to pick us up he's  just going to pretend that we're in his car and   he's he going to have a quiet Drive um it say  he's not going to be here for 11 minutes that's   a joke that. he's just he's just drove out of  this place and now it says that he's going to   drive all the way back into this complex it's  going to take him 11 minutes to get back here   uh what a nightmare. all right take two of  getting in our Chinese Maserati look at it  

it's got a typical Maserati front on there  you can see. hello hello so what is it it's   a I don't know that's the brand of the car. put  our bags in the boot maybe okay okay , thank you,   thank you oh hes wearing a nice suit  very professional okay wow look at this okay, thank you, close the door  for you, look at this, some water there there we go there (man speaks  in chinese) thank you, please put on   your seatbelt, yes, hes english speaking hey this is all about look at all this leg room  I've got here some information stuff some tissues   very nice very comfortable luxury DiDi experience  with a nice armrest we're going to have a little   conference meeting here so uh what do you think  about q1. uhm I feel like mr president president  

of Newcastle look how far awat the station it's  all the way over wow and it's a very misty gloomy   day looks like we're still quite a little bit  away from the uh from the famous center of the   city where everybody wants to see but uh we'll be  there shortly but for now it's on a nice relaxing   drive in this very smooth electric vehicle  almost as smooth as a bullet train look at that, thank you there we go, we  got everything? yeah and here we   are in the megatropolis of Chongqing, thank you what a nice polite driver we had here thank you  so much goodbye bye-bye thank you well I guess   our hotel is in one of these buildings surrounded  by dance clubs live music bars street food and   this huge Skyline this is what Chongqing is  all about but wait till you see it at night   right let's try and find our hotel which might  be a little bit tricky 186 huh 186 right let's   find out how we get to our hotel there is security  15th floor 15th yeah 15th floor right okay here we go look lifts here already for us perfect okay okay let's check into this  luxury chongqing Hotel it looks nice already hello, reservation? checkin, thank you looks like it's called the  freely smart Hotel whatever that means there's a telescope over here look at this guys i wonder if this telescopes usable it is but I need to do some  fine tuning I can see strangely guys   I don't know if you can see in there or not but  it's actually uh pointing at somebody's apartment   building you see that there so somebody's been  trying to spy through somebody's apartment   building that's just uh come a bit of privacy  here. what a bunch of weirdos there right well   that telescope there set perfectly to look  at somebody's apartment building window   someone's been uh perving  out in the reception foyer thank you, you got to take a picture  of you and me okay thank you very much   okay oh she's going to take us to the  room already ah thank you, follow her well I guess we're on this floor 153 freely smart Hotel $100 a night in China  gets you this absolutely insane room look at this   nice big bed it's like a proper king size if not  even bigger with we got a lovely couch here that   we can enjoy the view of these flowers we've got  two I don't know what what are these futons just   like an addition Lounge additional couches how  about this eh it's fancy and here is one of the   views of the legendary chonging Skyline have  a little bit look out there look at that eh well now it's a nice River and all but it's not  quite the tyne is it what else what they're doing   down there you see all those people in the dirt  what oh yeah looking for crabs maybe looking for   crabs to put in the chongqing Hot Pot guys and  this is the prize of it all look at this free   standing bath how about that eh you can look out  at the Skyline in your freestanding bath and with   this unbelievable view here how about that eh  not just one window two windows full panoramic   views of both sides of this incredible Skyline oh  what's this bedside uh console what we got here   chandelier what there's no chandelier what's  that about laser light laser light we're going   to have a party in here oh this is all fancy  isn't it sleep mode viewing mode wake up mode   Leisure mode I think sleep mode it must close  the curtains yeah look at that eh wow how about   this you want to have a nice good Kip then get  them curtains closed like that right and then   if you put the laser light on I think these  fellas up here will turn on hey look at that   a lazer light and then we got way, not bad at all  there wake us up would you aye let there be light   once again right what we got here we' got a nice  little sitting area beside this big room which is I don't know what do I do what  do I do here are you sure that's   the entrance oh right around here ah  it's a big window right there's your toilet oh look what we've got here how about  this let's get this light on toilet lamp toilet   lamp I see any lamp on look but look at this guys  finally we are back amongst civilized people with   the Japanese toilet that's what you need what is  this why is there an SOS button crickey i've eaten   too much hot pot send help too much chongqing  spicy food SOS look at this this is what's all   about guys we've you know we've been spoiled  by Japanese toilets and bum guns of Thailand   Etc and we've come to China and it's just like  being back home in the west where you just get   toilet paper and nothing else so this is going  to come as a nice uh nice treat nice uh bidet all   of your different uh options here your water  pressure you can have the water pulsating at   you you can have it warm you know you can have it  cold you can change how strong it is you can move   the actual uh bidet forwards and backwards for  more accuracy that's what it's all about is it   and then this giant walk-in shower how about that  eh big rainfall shower personal shower and we've   got some shower products some shampoo conditioner  and body soap I do have a complaint what is your   complaint it said it came with the TV right and I  plan on watching the soprano ah and there's no TV   there no TV but there's a projector up there oh  I can't reach that oh what does that do up down there's a projector crickey I don't know how I'm  going to connect my computer to that though it   looks like the router is hanging from it and all  well the same oh there you go there's a remote for it turn it on first maybe oh It beeped this is   what it's all about guess I  we are living the High Life look at this guys you want to watch your  film you get that projector down curtains   closed and you can get your film on  shut out the Metropolis behind and   you put The Sopranos on in 70in screen  tell you what well looks like it needs   a little bit of assistance no problem I'll  help you don't worry we're not all perfect right i dont know what to say it doesn't get  better than this does it I wish we were here   for a month this is how I want to live now but at  $110 a night I don't think could quite pay for a   month stay here as far as luxury hotels go this  is uh a serious level of luxury for $100 a night   just had a ring on the door there open it and it's  one of the staff from the hotel and they've said   welcome here's some chongqing afternoon tea  now I'm looking at it here and it looks very   different to afternoon tea that uh that we all  know from England and whatnot so I'm not sure if   afternoon tea is a thing here or if it's just an  entirely different thing but I'm going to enjoy   it with this uh lovely view of the city here but  uh yeah let's have a little look at what they'   provided so what have we got here this looks like  some sort of jelly or but it's not very soup not   quite sure on what that is really have no idea I  can not about any of this stuff fruit I've never   seen a fruit like that before so I'm very unsure  on that then we've got some french bread yeah   mini French bread okay well that's easy enough  and then we've got this vacuum sealed slightly   uh mushy vacuum sealed I don't know maybe it's  like tofu or something like that and then then   we've got some looks like some sort of cake like a  Milky cake that looks quite nice nice texture this   I have had before this is like a puffed wheat um  I don't know it's like a it's hard to explain but   it's kind of like a it's like a rice krispy bar  if the if the Rice Krispies were like bigger and   fluffier yeah but these are nice I've had these  before the hotel in Beijing gave us these but um   and then that is just a I don't know I don't know  what that is Maybe don't eat that yeah there's our   afternoon tea so crickey what am I going to do  with this let's see look at this uh beautiful   view behind me look at this spoon never seen a  spoon like that before that's all right isn't it   right so let's see what have we got here I hope  it's not like fish or something like that let's   see it smells oh it smells like tea actually  so there's the tea and it is the afternoon it's just a strange texture but just Taste of  tea it's literally the only taste there is tea   um with some sort of like noodle like vegetable  kind of texture I've got absolutely no idea what   this is would you like to know what this is yeah  is spicy this is spicy flavor right obviously and   this uh bottom bit says tender dried beans  tender dried beans this isn't something I   usually have on my afternoon tea no but I'm  willing to give this a go it's a bit warm   yeah it's like warm tea with some sort of like  noodles yeah I guess you can drink it like that   it just tastes like tea though bit bready this  here I already know it's going to be absolutely lovely very nice is that like  a marshmallowy texture on the   bottom yeah some sort of like sugary just a nice   sweet cake mhm we have this little white  sponge cake I think it is just regular sponge this one. bit of a weird taste  to it well quite a strange afternoon tea  to be honest with you to be honest with  you you don't want to try the beans   I'm going to pass on that it's the vacuum  sealed bit that's that's what kind of gets   me ate something very similar last night didn't we  in a vacuum sealled packet wasn't wasn't not a big   fan of the slimy vacuum sealed food I just think  not quite for me well that was a nice taste I'll   enjoy the rest of it we'll hit that it slowly  with our little tea dessert thing there and   our rice puffs looking at this absolutely insane  view just waiting for the sun to go down it's not   about now it's about later when that sun goes  down that's going to be absolutely tremendous   right maybe you can have a little bath with that  view I just went to the reception desk to see if   I could get a bottle of wine or just something  nice to enjoy this beautiful view with and uh I   was having a little look at that wine selection  they didn't have very much they had a few wines   which are only 4% 4% for a for a red wine don't  know what that's all about but uh found one looks   like it's a Chinese wine and uh I went to to buy  it and went no don't worry about it it's yours on   the house for free how about that eh so this is  it look at this we've got this Chinese wine it's   called Gutiska Kennen I mean when I say that out  loud it doesn't sound very Chinese to be fair so   what does it say it says the life of wine is not  only derived from Essence Sun soil grapes and long   wine tasting and excellent wine making history  and Technology wow that is one long sentence   the background is of the multi uteral wine making  experience and respected Brewing technology this   is from the yanai godia Mana Winery company and  it's all just in Chinese on the back there but   yeah it says a dry red wine so going to uh enjoy  that let's have a little see all right in color   hey that's what it's all about isn't it glass  of red with this beautiful view cheers or Ganbei it's a weird tasting wine tastes like pears  strange that tastes like like green fruits   normally what you would expect in a in a  white wine but um nonetheless I'll enjoy   it and uh uh wait for the sun to finish  setting and all of these lights to come alive well guys had a taste of the good life  here in China I don't think I can go back to   the bottom class sleeper trains of South Asia  I'm only joking I'll alway be an adventurer now   lets stop frolicking around in a bathtub with  beautiful views of Chongqing City and let's   reveal the true reason the one site that everybody  comes to Chongqing for and we're going to go there   get deep into it we're going to try Chongqings  spiciest food we're going to get right in there   tonight I've had a little time relaxing bit of  Frank Sinatra in the bath but now it's time to   get back to my roots deep inside the Epic Chinese  megatropolis cyber Punk futuristic city that is   Chongqing well the reality is we didn't book  this $100 hotel room for the bath or the nice   wine or this view here which is all very nice and  everything the real view the real reason that you   have to get this hotel room is for none other  than the most infamous view of any cityscape   in China the Chongqing Skyline look at this wow  look at this guys so many different lights and   animations on all of the buildings it gets even  more look at that over there guys this whole   Skyline look at that chongqing right there that's  where we are that's what we're doing in the Cyber   Punk City this digital City look at this guys  absolutely amazing have you ever seen a Skyline as   animated as lit up as bright as this fella now  we are going to go right deep into here and get   into the hustle and bustle and see the craziness  of the Chongqing nightlife and we're back out in   the wild of Chongqing ah right guys you can see  the illuminating buildings all of the different   colors and movements and animations firing across  the city over there you can see and uh we're going   to get right in the thick of it we're going  to go try and get into the most famous food   the most famous type of food the most famous meal  that you can have in this area of China which is   the hot pot and specifically the chongqing Hot Pot  is notoriously spicy it's supposed to be roaringly   red there big bubbling pot of fat and oil and  just a huge concoction of delicious spicy broth   which you then cook youe et inside yeah we've had  hot pop before never had chongqing Hot Pot before   so hopefully we can get into a local restaurant  here and uh really try this but look at this guys   so many different things so many bars clubs live  music places arts and crafts this is where you   want to be if you like evening life if you want to  chill in the day and just have a load of stuff to   do in the night time chongqing is the place to be  if you don't like crowds guys you're going to have   to find a way to get off the beaten path because  you won't believe the amount of people that are   here to take pictures of the prize view with the  bridge with everything all this traffic is all   backed up because of this look at all of these  people here it's it looks like coming out of St   James's Park on a match day or something or or a  gig at Wembley or just an absolute colossal amount   of people crickey I don't think we can even fit  on the pavement we're going to have to walk on the   side here it smells nice fried food I can smell  and it does look good like if you look at the   view it's it's fantastic but also I I can see it  from my hotel room so yeah just pay $100 and you   don't have to worry about doing all of this guys  look at all of these people here honestly I pay   the $100 cuz you do not want to be $100 a night  get you the view what all of these people are   after look at this there's a nice little spot look  I can just quickly jump look at that just quickly   hijack the spot and there we go how about that eh  doesn't look so good on the GoPro but uh obviously   you've seen the footage from the iPhone absolutely  immense but look at this man this is I guess was   supposed to be part of the highway system or  something like that it's just became entirely   pedestrianized we look on the map to to the Hot  Pot restaurant we want to go to and we clicked   directions we said we'll get another one of them  nice Ubers and then we looked it said it took an   hour didn't it yeah an hours drive just to get  across the river and then we were like oh how far   away is it we looked at the distance and it was  barely any far away it's because of this because   of all the these people blocking all the roads  and everything arent they, i mean us too look   at us currently walking along the road but look at  this view as we do it man this is a nice nice walk   you want to have a nice evening walk it's like 22°  we got all of the Pretty Lights amazing this must   be a road when it's not dark obviously ah only in  the night time cuz guys this uh there's nothing uh   really to see apart from just a whole lot of tall  interesting buildings there a few temples as well   yeah but this is what you come to see isn't  it everybody's waiting until the night time   to come out here just walking into an absolute  swarm of people everyone's coming the opposite   way to us but we want to get in there we want to  get in to the dense City and get some delicious   spicy chongqing Hot Pot do you think this means  that the restaurant will be quieter well I guess   all these these are all the customers coming  away this fella on the famous bridge here in   Chongqing is selling freshly squeezed orange juice  never had orange juice in China before I didn't   know it was famous you know I know all about  valencian orange but uh how about Chinese orange juice eh, hello there we go fresh oranges  out of his basket cut them in halve   impressive. 12. £1.20 for orange  juice here on the famous bridge  

in chongqing I didn't know they turned it  orange just for us yeah orange just for the juice right there we go that's uh four oranges  it's going to take to make this nice big cup let's see nice refreshing drink on this  lovely summer evening and there we go look   at that nicely pressed getting everything out of  it lovely a little, funny looking shape on these well look forward to trying Chinese orange  juice, me too, never heard that before and   the final orange goes in there well it's  not going to be cold you know that's okay   yeah there's no ice or anything I can't see so  going into more oh a bit more what a generous   guy what a nice fella you couldn't even buy 12  that many oranges for 12 I know value for money   here guys we had about nine oranges for £1.20 and  there we go pouring it into a nice plastic cup for you wow very YouTuber friendly here in China hey what's that paper there thats interesting i wonder why he puts the  paper on there i wonder what the purpose of   that is well there you go get yourselve a straw  oh amazing thank you so much there we go what   a nice fell eh any bin yeah thank you byebye  byebye right there we go now let's give this a try it's a good color now we are harsh  orange juice critiques because we lived   in Valencia for so long so that's good is it  yeah that is actually quite nice a blast of that it's all right it's a bit a little  bit bitter a little bit bitter doesn't   have that massive zesty explosion of flavor  like you would get in a valencian orange but   it's quite cold actually it's not too warm  or anything so that'll keep us going as we   try to navigate our way through this huge  swarm of people to get to the other side   of the bridge now just below me is one of  the most famous scenes here in Chongqing   it's the traditional buildings which  have all been lit up now look at this you can see there the old style  buildings all with the yellow orange   illuminations and all of them people  down there queuing to get their photos absolutely just it is pretty amazing but  wow what a sight with all of them people   down there that's absolutely crazy see down  here people are on the sand Bank of the river   god yeah I don't even know how they managed  to get down there there's loads of people   down here who are getting their prize shots  there's some sort of booze cruise down here   anyone on the pints it doesn't look like  it they're all on the Cups of Tea all   on Cups of Tea enjoying the view what a  place eh and our hotel is that one right there right let's uh keep navigating through  these crowds this feels like the end of the   world guys we've come off the bridge and now  we're all walking through like the central like   Motorway systems like this is the just the roads  is all like hundreds if not well thousands and   thousands of people it's all like like refugees  like going to seek shelter under ground or   something look at this no cars there thousand  of people walk through like Motorway tunnels   this is absolutely absurd this is definitely  the most interesting walk for an evening meal   that I've ever been on it just doesn't end guys  look at that just thousands and thousands of   people all just walking along these roads to  get a picture of the illuminated buildings I   wonder what time they stopped illuminating cuz  surely people need to sleep I think it's the   light pollution yeah that is interesting yeah  we'll see tonight I'm guessing when we get back   uh if the lights are all still on but uh wow what  an unbelievably interesting uh thing is crickey that way sorry that way I can't even  hear you it's absolutely chaos look   at this guys absolutely chaos right let's  sneak in we got to swim against the current here and we've arrived and boy does it  look popular this is the Beibuyuan Hot Pot   restaurant look at all the these people  waiting an absolute uh swarm of people here crickey God knows how we're going to get  in here look at all these people these are all   just waiting to uh waiting to get sat arent they  where do I go to get a number I don't know let's   let's see what we can uh see what we can do  cuz uh it must be good if it's this popular   let's have a little uh a little see yeah okay it looks like we've got to scan the  QR code and then we'll get our place well guys   we've gotten ourselves a number we are a275 and  we are sat on the street in this sort of big   public waiting area and talk about late night  dining talk about late night eating there are   currently well I'll tell you this it's currently  9:30p.m. and there are 102 tables ahead of us so   yeah they don't care about what time it is here  in China they'll eat late at night they'll drink   a lot while they're eating and that's what  we want to do but uh we're going to have to   wait for 102 people to Finish Well 102 tables to  finish now in the meantime because one thing that   I do like about China is that you don't have  to worry if the restaurant that you're going   to or the bar you're going to doesn't have what  you like so for example I can't drink any fizzy   or carbonated drinks so I can't drink beer or  anything like that so I like to have a red wine   or a soju or something like that what you can  do in China is bring your own alcohol to the   restaurant you can take in a bottle of wine you  know you can take in your own you know Spirits   whiskey whatever you want it's pretty much common  courtesy as long as they don't have the thing that   you want then yeah you can bring it in no problem  so for for example beer probably not the best of   just bringing your own beer cuz they're going to  sell baijiu you know they're going to sell beer   but um yeah I'm going to see if I can find  myself nice bottle of wine that I can uh take   in there and have with our ridiculously spicy uh  chongqing hot pot so chongqing beer found it in   the shop there are you sure it's beer it's 2.5%  I've got no idea just said Chongqing i'll have to   get that 500 mil can so pretty big one I'll hold  it this way so you can see the label yeah cheers its nice yeah yeah is it like a larger yeah it's  like a light larger light larger the label's the   right way up here yeah it's just the wrong way  around on one side it's the wrong way one side   it's the right way there you are just having a few  drinks while we wait the problem is guys the only   wine they had was this one here but it's got a  cork in it so I asked if they had a bottle opener   but uh well they didn't so I'm going have to  rely on the restaurant having a bottle opener   if they don't then I'm just going to be on the  water so we'll have to have a few drinks later   on wont we but uh yeah what you do you just  sit in the street have a few beers while you   wait for your seat one of Chongqings most famous  Hotpot it's one of the most popular ones in the   entirety of Chongqing as you can see here just  a crazy line waiting must be still another 90   or so tables ahead of us been waiting here here  outside for an hour and 10 minutes just went to   check on uh the progress that we've made  there's still 60 tables ahead of us guys   60 there was 102 and we sat down an hour ago  yeah so we managed to work down 40 tables in   an hour and 10 minutes and there are 60 ahead  of us this better be worth it been waiting 2   hours now and there's still 30 tables ahead of  us this this is torture guys surely they're done   now let me in let me in we can just eat out of  this sure there's a few little snacks here we   could have so hungry time is now 11: 11:31 p.m.  we arrived here at 9:30 thinking we're having a  

late dinner never thought it would be this  late still all of these people all waiting everyone shouting having a right shout off these  fellas still 30 tables we'll enjoy this delicious   spicy Chongqing hot pot, theres not even 30 people  outside how are there 30 tables left. 2 and 1 half   hours later we've made our way into the foyer into  the entrance of the restaurant it's not our turn   yet still a good dozen tables ahead of us but  uh we can now start to see the restaurant just   a little bit here you see plenty other people are  waiting as well but it's absolutely chucking it   down rain out there pouring 2 and 1 half hours of  the cold chcuking down rain to get into this this   has got to be China's most exclusive restaurant  this is ridiculous people dont wait this long to   go see their favorite artists play a live play  a live gig you know this is uh for sure the most   exclusive hotpot restaurant in in in China you let  me know because I don't know is there any other   restaurant where you have to wear 2 and 1 half  hours to get inside I don't know I've never waited   this long in my life so I'm very much looking  forward to it the most famous hot pot here in   chongqing this is torture smells amazing I can see  the sauce bar and everything we're 2 away 2 away   he's only got to say AR CH and then  it's AR CH W and that is us a275 come on yesss get in feels like i've won something wow look at this eh  and here's our little station okay wow so this is us and our own little booth here  here is our receipt yeah showing only facts   we got right here at 2125 2125 and The Time Is  Now 12:20 so just shy of 3 hours 2 hours and 55   minutes right yeah 2 hours 55 minutes we've waited  for this Chinese meal right here now looks like we   got a scan the QR code I mean guys it's 20 Past  12 this is basically breakfast at this point I   eaten at 20 past 12 unless it was a kebab after a  night out or something we're going to scan the QR   code and then we'll choose our soup which is the  the main Bowl that's going to go in here this is   going to light see it's going to be a nice fire  and uh the soup is going to be filled with ah   thank you it filled with all kinds of chillies  and spices and everything we've ordered the soup   base which is going to come very shortly I've  also ordered a whole load of food for us to cook   inside of that base but there's just one last  thing that you need to do with hot pot and that   is to build and customize your own little  sauce pot cuz after you've cooked the meat   inside of the hot pot you then take it out and  put it in your own little sauce pot and that's   completely up to you on how you like it you see  here just like a big Buffet various different   sauces and oils and vegetables and everything  make up your own little pot there it's all   completely preferenced in the Sichuan area in  the Chongqing area it's very typical to have   the peanut the sesame sauce that sort of creamy  type thing but for me I prefer soy sauce bit   of vinegar some chilies and garlic simple love  it right let's make our little sauce pot first yes special okay all right some garlic you want some  garlic yes please garlic for me thank   you very much more less a bit more  bit more that's quite a bit but uh   yeah that'll do that'll do spring onions  yeah spring onions make a nice fresh flavor then you know I'd like me fresh chili and  the Sichuan chili we go plenty chilies we   love our spicy chilies lovely and i'd like  some Sichuan dry chili there fantastic this   is quite similar to like what you get in  Thailand for instance isn't it yeah you   get that along the table all the time don't  you right now I'm just going to douse that   and some soy sauce and some vinegar see Paige  has gone for a sesame more of a creamy style   one it say soy sauce soy sauce yeah maybe  I don't know all right and then is the vinegar some of that in there yeah  that'll do me bit of salt bit of   MSG MSG oh there we go were flying there  what's your thoughts on it good uh this laughing at us okay okay hes playing it in English this fella,  hes playing it in Chinese oh sugar this is   sugar do you know you sweet yeah sweet and  spicy I like sweet okay okay enjoy enjoy nice   Lads here but uh I haven't got time to wait  around cuz uh I've waited three 3 hours for this looks like we've got some progress here  this is what a chongqing Hot Pot is like look   at this guys so I'm going to put my little  dipping bowl there so they've got the fire   going now tell us what have we got here Paige  so this is the hot would you believe it right   this is the hot hot pot and it is a mixture of  so this is a this is animal fat normally if you   buy like a hot pot mix from like an Asian  supermarket in England or something uh it's   made with like vegetable oils it's not like a fat  it's an oil um these two love hearts here these   are two blocks of fat which are going to melt and  make that beautiful paste a very buttery fatty   boiling broth of delicious spicy food that we  are going to cook our raw meat our vegetables our   potatoes our noodles this here it's called lotus  root this is my favorite vegetable in the world   in the world in the world more than mushrooms more  than mushrooms in just a few moments this is going   to be absolutely bubbling away completely  melted into a big red roaring broth ready   to cook all of our delicious meat all the meat  is arriving there's some sausage there's some beef some more sausage and here we've got is  that lamb it's either lamb or beef it's very   nice very fatty it's going to this is starting  to get there as you can see still needs quite   a bit more heating up the do to start getting  through that fat and get it really going before   we can put some meat in it but uh oh we are  getting there look how red this is guys just   a deep red chilly heaven and there we go look  at that bubbling chongqing chilly broth look at   that guys that is just roaringly spicy broth and  there's only one way to premier this we've waited   more than 3 hours now is to get these rolls  of pork in there and just this is all you do   guys you just get a whole load of them just drop  them in there just let them cook obviously guys   I've been touching raw pork just here on my  Chopsticks so just going to hold them in there   just for a few seconds just to uh to to cook away  any of the batteria or anything like that there's   a bit of hotpot safety for you there but yeah  this uh is pretty hot so it's not going to take   too long I'm going to let it cook for a little  bit longer just given that it is pork but yeah   hotpot normally is quite a quite a social thing  you know you might have like and you see over   there groups of people um you know all around you  beers flowing having a good laugh and just trying   different foods putting it in and all the rest of  it and you know you got to fight for your for your   meat in there you got to you got to get it all uh  make sure it's all yours you know cuz uh doesn't   matter who's put one in you got to fight for it  and just take it try and get uh all the best stuff   but this should be pretty much ready so let's have  a little fish around there we go found me bits of   pork that there cook it a few seconds longer it's  nice and thin as well guys so you don't have to   worry too much and then all you do is you take it  straight from the Hot Pot put it in your dipping   sauce leave it there just to cool down for a  little bit get all the flavors of that lovely   concoction that you made earlier and there we go  this is going to be some spicy chongqing pork here you know how hungry we are after thinking  that we could just go for hotpot waiting   3 hours now God knows it's 10 to 1 in the  morning now guys turn up here in half night   at night this is absolutely unbelievable  this is not our first time having hot   pot this is the first time having hotpot  chongqing style yeah this is the first time   having this Super Famous Hot Pot chongqing Hot  Pot is very very famous all through China we've   had hot pots in restaurants we've had hot pot at  home in enland we've had it in China we had it in   Japan you know this is is some of our favorite  food this absolutely outrageously spicy I think   that's one of the great things about hotpot is  that everyone's experience like and taste is   different cuz everyone's made their own individual  dipping sauce yeah she's got a a creamy sesame   sauce you know I've got this vinegary sugary uh  chili and garlic sauce and it's, you just go for   whatever you like you know I might fancy some  Lotus root you know my favorite vegetable get   that in there yeah just start building some stuff  up you know maybe you want a couple of taties well   let's got some potatoes in there they're going  to absorb all the chili oil and be really spicy   and delicious let's get some mushrooms in there  plenty of mushrooms shove them in there you know   you start enjoying this there some beef going in  this what's all about look at that through these   big mushrooms stick them in there I'm just going  to sit you know enjoy few few drinks and uh just   yeah just just pick of this put it in your dipping  sauuce and just enjoy proper fun communal eating   and it's absolutely delicious just look at that  I leave that lotus root in there just completely   red drenched in these chilies then I'm going  to send it through for another round in there just so good what a lovely restaurant as well nice  ambient lighting all sorts of people on dates or   eating with friends or meeting with family it's  just like such a proper social thing to do it's   a really nice way of eating you know absolutely  love it oh it there we go show you to look ah   look at that guys what is this what have you  ordered here crispy chicken crispy chicken   tastey bits not just hot pot bits they giving  us really decent service considering the fact   that it's 1:00 in the morning and thees are right  at the end of their shift and it's it's not you   know it's these tables are left a complete  mess Table after Table after table you know   they have to clean it as you can see there so yeah  appreciate them service although tipping culture   is not a thing in uh in China I do appreciate  it right let's get some more this hot pot found that bit Wow look at that let's give  it one run through there let's enjoy this   mmm look at this shredded chili beef look how  red that is just in case you didn't think the   Hot Pot was spicy enough so I'll take this  shredded chili beef cook it in chongqing   spicy hot pot and then pull it out and put  it inside my bowl of chillies and then eat it it could be torturous if you don't like spicy  food guys of course however don't let that put   you off hot pot cuz in a lot of restaurants in  almost every hot pot restaurant you can do this   bowl where it's half and half so you can have one  half spicy for your friends that like the spicy   and then for you you could have like a tomato  based one with no chilies or like a mushroom   kind of oil soup like a lamb bone one as yeah like  a lamb broth so you know you can uh go half and   half and have one spicy for you mates that like  spicy and one uh one nice and easy if you don't   like spicy so yeah don't let that put you off get  yourself to china town find a Hot Pot restaurant   and uh go try it out cuz it's absolutely amazing  and I think you'll actually love it there it is   my favorite vegetable if you haven't tried Lotus  root give it a go it's absolutely delicious when   it's fried it tastes like fish and and chips like  both fish and chips together oh absolutely love it mmm fantastic bit hard to eat this bit slippery but crunchy and then just absorbs all  the flavors of the hot pot inside it   this just a sent this crunchy version  of that that's absolutely delicious but   guys if you can fry that tastes amazing as  well any of that chili beef in there let's   have a little scout for that I think  that was some there there we go look   at this theres the chili beef inside  the chili hot pot into my chili sauce f**king hell that is spicy bloody hell State  of that you made me both scared and intrigued   to try it extremely spicy got a piece oh my  goodness me yeah that is uh the spiciest thing by far Jesus I'm still coughing yeah that one's that one's got a  kick it's like a proper bite as well like   menacing bite like a real stabbing sort of  you know we've had a lot of Sichuan food   and uh in chongqing used to be part of Sichuan  so historically the food is you know somewhat   similar but uh normally the Sichuan Chili  Pepper it's a it's a grower it's aromatic   it's fresh it has a nice sort of numbing feeling  but by gum that that spicy uh beef there that's   just outrageous fresh chili just attacking  you straight away wow oh my uh mouth's on fire wow yeah that chili beef I'm  good with spice but bloody hell drinking tea man I bloody I hate  tea but I've got to drink it this well it's quarter past 1 in the  morning this restaurant closes at 2   in the morning so we have to start making  plan of action and attacking all of this   here we still got a canny bit of food left  here so we're going to get into food machine   mode and then start smashing it cuz I'm so  hungry still a long time without any food   look at this beautiful fatty meat here look at  all that fat there there's the meat and then   the this part all the fat this one was called  snow beef snow interesting guys this hotpot   is growing exceptionally spicy my  mouth is on fire my nose is running sweating wow that snow beef is amazing it's  like wagyu so fatty So Soft yeah my mouth is   absolutely on fire I wanted to get this one  cuz this is the Chongqing specialty they're   famous for having the spiciest food  in China and this is uh really showing that I think this is the spiciest food we've ever  had on our travels yeah so like typically like   you know we travel in India Pakistan those Foods  aren't spicy by Nature you know they don't it's   not like an England Curry where they Chuck load  of spice in, this is genuinely spicy naturally   extremely spicy yeah my nose is just pouring I  don't think I can even eat any more of that no   chance I can eat any more of that spicy beef that  was outrageous so for a lot of people eating small   pieces of meat very thin cuts of uh different meat  and vegetables they're not going to it's not going   to fill them up they're going to feel still a bit  hungry that's the beauty of hotpot so you eat all   the best bits all of the nice beef all the ribeye  all the all the snow beef with the fatty bits all   the delicious bits but then when you want to  actually fill up it's time for the noodles or   the rice in this case wew went for the noodles  you could have you know fried rice or boiled   rice steamed rice whatever but we're just going  to get these noodles and cook them in there then   in a few minutes once they're all cooked we'll  pull them out and we'll enjoy some noodles and   that'll really fill us up and then we can head off  and I'll let you know how much all this costs here   in the most famous Hot Pot restaurant in Chongqing  and there we go to conclude our chongqing Hot Pot   some ridiculously spicy noodles so I wanted to  punish myself even more put them in my dipping sauce look at them bad lads wow that was difficult to eat them spicy but  yeah you get the point you can have some rice   you can have some noodles at the end yeah we are  very much finished it is 1:38 almost 1:40 in the   morning we are knacked so tired had a long day  all the way from Chengdu here to now still eating   hot pot at almost 2 in the morning but yeah  this whole meal came to £30.00 so all of that   food was £30.00 in total yeah hope you've enjoyed  coming along on this Epic Journey using China's   most futuristic transport the bullet train to  China's most futuristic city Chongqing don't   worry there's going to be more videos coming from  chongqing where we're going to explore way more   deeply inside of this insane night life there's  so many really strange things in this city that   you're not going to believe you'll never seen  it in another city I call this the 8D City cuz   it exists in so many different layers so many  different Realms it's a really strange place   and we're going to reveal it all in the coming  videos so subscribe please like the video If you   enjoyed it leave a comment letting us know your  favorite part and we'll reply to all of them as   we always do yeah thank you so much for watching  and we'll see you in the next video goodbye

2024-05-16 12:41

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