WORLD PREMIERE: 2021 SUNREEF 60 POWER "Otoctone" Luxury Catamaran Charter Yacht Tour


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- Hi guys. Welcome back to NautiStyles. Today we're checking out Sunreef 60 Power. You guys have been asking us to bring it to the channel and we're super excited to show it to you. (upbeat music) Welcome to France. We have a really special guest today.

As you guys know, we take our Patreons on a yacht tour, and today we have André joining us. He just flew in from Paris to come and join us on this tour. Should we check it out? - You betcha. - Let's do this.

(upbeat music) (upbeat music) - [Rico] Alrighty. So, here on the Sunreef 60 Power we have a typical unique feature which the Sunreef is known for, this massive hydraulic swim platform, which is also your tender carrier. When it's lowered in the water, you put the shocks, the tender shocks in and you have your tender storage right there, fairly far out of the water and safe. - You guys can see us as perspective.

Is this the largest power catamaran you've ever been on? - You bet it is. (Laughing) - So there is a garage right here. - [Rico] Correct. - That hosts a jet ski. - [Rico] I mean, it can host the jet ski.

Or you just use it as storage. I mean, Sunreef is a semi-custom builder, so you can outfit it the way you want to. - And whichever way you want. It would be great for toys as well. If you're towing a tender and you can have all your awesome toys, you can just throw out would be great. Of course, this is hydraulic.

This is an extension of your beach club. Pretty awesome. So what I really love about the sugar scoops is that they come around, right? That's a big pet peeve of mine. So it's really easy to get on and off right here. You have that extra step. So that's really nice.

- [Rico] Agreed. - Look at the size of these pop-out cleats. - [Rico] Yeah, they are very large pop-out cleats. - Then you know you are on a big cat. - [Rico] Let's keep going up.

- Ladies first. - Thank you. - [Rico] Check out the cockpit. Here on the Aft portion, you have the cap stands, including an electric winch.

You're gonna go Stern in, that is, comes in very handy with very oversized stainless steel equipment here to handle your lines. Here on the inboard side, we have a freshwater outlets and hookups. Oh, these are the switches for the winch. You can operate them with your foot. - [Victoria] With your foot.

- [Rico] With your foot, yeah foot. - [Victoria] With your footsie? - [Rico] Footsie. - [Victoria] Is it your footsie? Hello, rain shower.

Please nobody do this to me. It's great. And it's a great location for it. You just come out of the water, you'll shower off and you have all this space to dry off before you arrive on the inside.

- [Rico] Fantastic. Let's just walk straight to the bow. Check out the Bow cockpit. - Sounds good. (upbeat music) - There's a curious door here, Rico. Wait, we should let Andre open it.

We have an assistant today. - Oh, I'd be glad. - [Rico] Oh, that's fantastic. Storage for a Seabob and cleaning utensils.

And I know already, because we poked ahead a little bit. - No we didn't. - [Rico] Peaked ahead, that there's another storage equal to this one here on the portside, which is great. It keeps your Seabobs, your water toys out of the sun, out of the elements and protects it. - Perfect.

- [Rico] What about the railings? - What about the width of this? - [Rico] What about the width of the walkway? - Wow, this is huge! - [Rico] It's very large. I don't know if it's incorporated on all of the powers, but at least for sure on this one, as you can see, the bulwarks are sunken at midship. - To allow an unobstructed view from the salon. All right, let's keep going forward. - [Rico] Super safe walkway.

Look at the height of the railing. - If you guys haven't seen any tours of the Sunreef on our channel, you can check it out right here if you're watching it on your mobile device, And I'll put some links in the description below, if you're watching it on the computer, this is very different from the sailing. - [Rico] Very.

- Obviously because you don't have the trampolines. And that makes a huge difference. Of course, your trampolines are a great usable space as well, but this really feels like an extra deck. - [Rico] Oh yeah. - Just like a completely solid, safe, extra deck.

- [Rico] I'm a big fan of the solid foredeck and just imagine putting some beanbags up here upfront when you're underway, and it's not a rough sea, that's a place to be. - What's nice is it's really tall here. I feel like that's a bit different from some of the other powercats we have seen. These lifelines are really tall. So it just makes you feel very safe here. It's very protected and you can still watch dolphins pretty nicely from over here.

- [Rico] And it looks like you also could remove them if you want it to. - Let's run through the bow here. - [Rico] So on the Bow here we have good size bow cleats here and an electric winch. If you need to pull in some lines. I think that comes in very handy, especially on the big catamaran like this.

There is, you want to go open it? - [Victoria] Yeah. - [Rico] Oh, it's a crew area. - [Victoria] Oh, wait. - [Rico] An additional one. - [Victoria] An additional one. - [Rico] Yep, there's a bed there.

Well, I've got to go in there. - [Victoria] You gotta go in there. - [Rico] All right. - [Victoria] We're sending him in. Looks really deep.

- [Rico] It is large. - [Victoria] Can you reach this? - [Rico] Yes. - [Victoria] Wow, okay.

- Okay, so we have an optional four peak crew area here, which at first sight seems kind of small, but once you in here, you actually realize it's quite a lot of space. So we have a head right here, got our sink right here. So it's a wet head. So you would have to take your shower standing right here, which is absolutely doable. But then guys look at this on the inboard side here. It's used for storage right now for cushions, which are not on the exterior, but I can tell you, it is very large.

Probably queen size mat and storage forward here, where you have space for your wardrobe. It's also a big hatch. It's actually kind of comfortable going in and out.

It's not bad at all. - [Victoria] True. I mean, this would be your additional like overflow crew, if you ever needed an extra person, or just an extra storage, right? - [Rico] Exactly. - [Victoria] With a possibility. Let's show that.

- [Rico] Do you wanna lock this? - [Victoria] Yeah, just, just because I feel like some people don't know. - [Rico] If you would lock it, you would turn it and then just put this and you can't open them anymore. So you unlock them again and open them.

- [Victoria] Perfect. Did you know that? - [Andre] I was actually thinking exactly the opposite. - [Victoria] Really? - [Andre] Yeah. I was thinking that it by default it locks. - [Victoria] Ah. And then it unlocks. See, it's good that we showed it.

All right. Let's keep going. We have a lot more to see. Who is going to open up these hatches here? All right. We have a volunteer. You want to open this one? - [Andre] This one? Okay. - [Rico] So in the center, it's our anchor equipment. So we have two windlasses and the snubber line is here as well. So it's easy access

if you want to attach the snubber to the chain, once you have enough chain out, you just let it out a little further and you're good to go. (upbeat music) - [Rico] So here would be a remote control and the anchor locker nicely with a rubber cushioning. So you don't have much noise going on when you are in heavier sea, all from the chain. - [Victoria] There's also your wash down, to be able to rinse the chain. - [Rico] Correct. And another Stern anchor or additional anchor as a backup.

Let's just check out quick what's on the portside. It is equal. - [Victoria] Same thing, right? - [Rico] Same thing.

- [Victoria] So you have two extra overflow, - [Rico] Two overflow, yeah. - [Victoria] Crew cabin slash storage, - [Rico] Correct. - [Victoria] Which is definitely, really nice. - [Rico] Let's check out the storage underneath this floor here. - [Victoria] Okay.

Do it as a team. Watch your toes. Learned that lesson the hard way. - [Rico] Oh, that's actually pretty decent storage. - [Victoria] Yeah it goes all the way in there. - [Rico] Yeah.

- [Victoria] Check it out. - [Rico] Fender storage, line storage, covers. You know, all the stuff you need to find a space for. This is fantastic. - So a really good size sitting area. It feels like it is sunken in, definitely a bit more than on the sailing Sunreefs.

- [Rico] And then we have cupholders, very importantly. - Where? - [Rico] Right there. - Oh yeah.

- [Rico] Incorporated on both sides. - [Rico] And then I see receptacles here for poles. To create a sunshade I would assume just from right there. - Perfect. All right.

Should we check out the flybridge? - [Rico] Yes. - And the cockpit. (upbeat music) - All right. We're in a cockpit. There's a helicopter. Of course there's a helicopter.

- [Rico] That's fine. We are in Cannes, there should be helicopters. - So this is definitely good enough for probably 12 people, if you wanted to. I'll give you guys perspective, Andre over there and her and me right here. Check this out. It's huge. So that there, do you see that? That's actually convertible and it goes both sides right there.

- [Rico] Oh, got it, that's interesting. - [Victoria] So you can either face it this way and a beautiful, a sundowners looking this way. Or are you going to raise it up this way and have a proper of back for your seat. Cool, huh?

- [Rico] Love it. - [Victoria] Your favorite storage compartments here. Shall we open one? - [Rico] Yes.

- Okay. - [Andre] Wow. - [Victoria] Wow. - [Rico} Of course. It's it's it's being used right now

for storage. - Look. You can see right there. - [Andre] Yes. - [Victoria] And he goes all the way in. So there's two of them.

- [Rico] Fantastic storage. - Then we have our bar area here with drink fridge. Yes, I will open it for you guys as you ask. And we have an ice maker on this side.

- [Rico] Full with ice. - Yeah. - [Rico] Ready for a drink.

- Oh, that feels nice. And then here we have our sink. Pretty large. And then we have a really big layout cushion right there.

So as you guys noticed, we onboard a Otoctone. It's actually a concept. There's an Otoctone 60 Sunreef, Otoctone 80 Sunreef power, and also luxury villas.

It is basically a luxury vacation concept. Check them out. I'm going to open this. That seems very.. - [Rico] Again cupholders.

- [Victoria] Unusual. - [Rico] And extra storage. - [Victoria] With drainage. So you could set.. - [Rico] It's a wet storage.

- [Victoria] Yeah. It's a wet storage. You can put in some stuff that you're using right off the... - [Rico] Or if you have too many bottles of Champagne and you don't know where to put them, you fill them with ice and put them in there. - Well, that's a personal problem.

- [Rico] All right. - Let's go up. This is different as well, because we haven't been on board of one on board of a Sunreef that actually had the staircase on the starboard side. Right? So far? - [Rico] Uh, we were on a 80 Power two years ago. - We didn't get to film it for the YouTube channel. - [Rico] But we didn't get to film it! That's right.

- Okay, now let's go up. Prepare to be amazed Andre! - [Andre] Holy.... - That is a flybridge.

- [Rico] Again, to remind everybody we own a 60-foot yacht. - He's like, what? The beam on the Sunreef Power is half a meter bigger than on the Sunreef Sail. So you actually feel it. I mean, Sunreef Sail is massive as well, but you feel it here too. Why do you want me to start?

- [Rico] Okay, so we have a dance floor. - A dance floor, yeah. And then we have a bar here, nicely tucked away.

- [Rico] Very good size actually. - And actually kind of an outdoor kitchen here. So usually this will have a grill, trash, sink, storage, drink fridge, more storage, and an ice maker. This is beautiful. This is a huge table. And it is a high low.

Check it out. You can have a proper dinner here again for a lot of people. It's very interesting because actually this yacht doesn't have as many cabins as you guys might think.

So it's a lot of ample space for the guests and maybe they like the crew to join. It's kind of nice. And when the owners are using it, it's probably just fantastic for all the space.

- [Rico] And just being up here under this, it's a little bit on the warmer side right now, in Cannes here... - A little bit? - [Rico] A little bit. Being in the Aft cockpit, it definitely feels way warmer than being up here on the flybridge. So this will be my preferred space, at least for lunch, if not also for dinner. - I love these chairs. I think they're really cool. I like how low center gravity they are.

So I feel like they have not really gonna go anywhere. Should we check out the helm? - [Rico] Let's check out the Helm. - [Victoria] Do it.

So there's a huge storage underneath you, a huge storage compartment. - [Rico] Another sun pad. Oh, and again, integrated cup holders.

Liferafts are mounted behind two of them, then we got the glass roof, and our electronic boom, right on top above that. - Integrated lighting. So it probably looks really nice at night. We've been on that 80, like you said, with the, at night with the lighting and it was just stunning. Definitely! - [Rico] Like one thing that Sunreef has down is the, the lighting packages.

- [Victoria] Is that a ladder to be able to go up on the hard top for servicing? - [Rico] I believe so. - [Victoria] Okay, cool. All right. Let's check out the Helm. - [Rico] So on the 60, at least on this one here, the Helm is in the center position with, oh my God, look at that visibility. It would be an ease to dock this boat. Besides I saw surveillance cameras mounted on either side underneath the coach roof.

So I'm pretty sure he can pull them up on your electronics and also get a pretty decent view of the sides of the boat, whichever way you're docking in. So we have our two anchor quick monitors here, the chain counter, our side power units for the thrusters, and the two good size Simrad electronic displays. Our Helm engine throttle control, fly by wire, the flare remote camera with a night vision and so on.

Then our autopilot is tucked right underneath here, VHF radio. And then the engine monitors. - One thing I wanted to mention it's on all the Sunreefs, there is already an integrated enclosure. So it goes all the way around. - [Rico] It's an option though.

- Yeah, it's an option, but it seems like every Sunreef if I've been on, they opt in for it. Which exactly what I would do. Oh, let me close that up and we'll go down. (upbeat music) - Okay. Let's check out the interior. It got this huge drain right here. - [Rico] I love the teak grid for the potential water.

- Usually we get to show you guys these in Florida and it's so unbearably hot. A/C's blasting. It's actually decent here. So the doors open, you get to see this whole space opened up and gives you this extra entertainment space on the Aft. It's pretty nice. - [Rico] And on top of all that, the Bow doors open right now, I can feel the breeze going through.

- Definitely. - [Rico] So what a huge difference, right?. - What do we not have here, Andre? Which is different from a sailing catamaran. - No galley up.

- Well, that's true, but there are some that are galley down, but... - [Andre] No mast of course. - There you go, the mast is missing. - [Rico] No compression post, yeah? - This boat is obviously set up for charter.

So they opt-in to have the galley down. And that gives you more space for the guests to hang out. I got to say, this is different. It definitely feels a lot more open not having this post here. - [Rico] It is a beautiful selection of color.

I think..Do you like it? I like the mood, yeah. - These are all storages. - [Rico] Storage. - If you don't open, you don't know.

- [Rico] Oh, beautiful. - Nice, huh? - [Rico] Yes. - Perfect. Yeah. I wonder what else is there?

Storage here. Check it out, all the China. And the same thing on the other side. I'm only going to open everything you guys, but the visibility you can see, say open everything, the visibility, you could see how this sunken in sides look just really nice.

Your visibility is unobstructed. Check that out. What is that? - Oh, nice. - [Rico] They fit an actually full-size fridge here. - It's really nice to have the fridge here because it just good for snacks. Good for having drinks up here for the guests.

You don't have to go down to the galley. Sitting space for 8, 10? - [Rico] 8. - 8 because you're galley down, that's basically a compromise.

You gain this extra interior dining space. Come up here. Cause this is really cool. I like this area here. We have a, a wine fridge here. I like those. They always say hello.

Trash. So this would be a good service bar for when the guests are hanging out here in a lounge and having drinks. Storage here for your serve, coffee service actually. So you could do that in the morning as well. - [Rico] Coffee service, and in the afternoon or evening you use it as a drink bar. - Exactly.

You have a sink. - [Rico] Bottle storage. - Bottle storage or just storage in general. It's a nice space to be able to put stuff.

I always feel like on the charter yachts, the guests have things, hats and sunglasses, and you know, it always kind of gets all over the place. So this is actually not bad to be able to say like, hey, designated space, put your stuff in here. - [Rico] So since we on the power, we have a full functional lower Helm here on the forward part of the salon. We have the Helm right here, our shift and throttle controls. We got the monitors here. The hull yacht management system.

And as well as to the portside, we have the two generator controls here. Watermaker control, fire suppression system, regular switches and our whole bilge system as well. Everything pretty conveniently located right next to the Helm. Storage again, like we had already on the starboard side. Check out the state rooms. - Check out the staterooms.

We're going to go on the starboard side first. - [Rico] Okay. (upbeat music) - So on this yacht, it's actually a three guest cabins setup.

Set up for six-passenger charter and plus crew and the galley down. So your cabins, you're going to have a really nice sized master, and good sized cabins as well. We have a storage here behind the door, hanging locker here, storage, drawers.

- [Rico] Queen size bed. - Oh, right here we also have some spaces here. Let's check out the depth on it. Oh no, wait,

this is access, right? - [Rico] Yep. That's fire extinguisher, it must be openable. - [Victoria] Oh yeah. It must be open. Oh, there we go. - [Rico] Oh, that's pretty deep actually.

- [Victoria] It is, it is pretty good. Check it. - [Rico] I like what they did to the countertop. That they have it um, actually a little latch here.

So if you are underway and it's moving, put your phone here. It's not going to slide down, - [Victoria] It's not going anywhere. - [Rico] And crash on the floor. - [Victoria] That's my phone. - [Rico] I know.

(giggling) - [Victoria] Right here you have your Apple screen. - [Rico] Actually, it's a monitor. - Monitor. - [Rico] Yep.

- Interesting. Alright. I'm gonna guess go on in the shower, so you guys can all see it. Here we go. - [Rico] So, we have an, we have an en suite with the sink on the inboard side.

The head is mounted on the outboard side. And what are we saying? - I think it's a one-person shower. - [Rico] One-person shower. - [Rico] With a rain shower head and also a hand.

- You have a storage here, and you also have a storage right here. And this might be a medicine cabinet. Oh, good size. - [Rico] Good size.

Going out, going over to... - To the galley. (upbeat music) So we going Aft and we're going to go straight down. By galley down. - [Rico] So mid, kind of midship.

- It's mid ship because the crew quarters are Aft, behind us. This is a chef's kitchen. It's set up for charter and set up for the chef to be able to work really comfortably. You have a huge induction cooktop. Rarely we see this, but it's already set up for that, so that's really nice that you'll have...

- [Rico] the guardrails, yeah. - Guardrails, storage. Wow, look how organized they are. - [Rico] Yep, and then also a really good size overhead hood.

- Is that just pop down or why is there? - [Rico] Yeah, I believe so. - This thing? I don't know how that works. - [Rico] Yeah, it has to. - Maybe it's to clean it? - [Rico] Oh yeah, that's right. That's right.

- Okay. Perfect. The lights are not on. Oh, that's nice. Okay. Now the lights are on. All right let's see what's here.

Drawers - really deep. It's actually a compact. It fits a lot of things, this galley. Storage right here. Nice.

- [Rico] All your pots and pans. - [Victoria] Yeah, very deep. - [Rico] Is that a trash up there? - [Victoria] Yes. - [Rico] Great.

- [Victoria] Oh that's cool. More storage around. - [Rico] That's a good amount of storage.

- [Victoria] Pretty large oven. - [Rico] Wow. That's a huge convection oven actually. - [Victoria] Yeah, it's all Miele.

Got a microwave. Where's the dishwasher? - [Rico] Oh... - [Victoria] No. - [Rico] Yeah.

- [Victoria] Yes. There it is, also Miele. Yeah. Great. That works. And then behind this door, sorry, Andre. We have a double fridge, whoa. - [Rico] Oh wow. And freezer space below.

- Nice. Oh, that does feel nice. - [Rico] That is a lot of refrigeration. - Here you can check it out.

Come in check it out. Okay. Perfect. Crew quarters, we... - [Rico] No, we gonna show this one. - What, what, what, what, what, oh yeah.

Open that up. - Ooh yeah. - [Victoria] Boom! - [Andre] Good size washer. - [Victoria] See if you don't open things, you don't find things.

- [Rico] Stackable washer, dryer. - It's perfect. - [Rico] Full size. - Full size, separate units. If I was running a charter boat, I would have to have this.

All the towels, linens, beach towels, you've got to wash that everyday. Look at this, look how organized they are. This is amazing. - Professional Rain. - [Victoria] It's Professional Rain? Oh yeah, Professional. Exactly. Great.

Okay. Let's keep going. So the crew we are not going to visit, because there are on board and there's a boat show, so they have some stuff stored there, but the crew quarters would be right here. And I'm assuming it's a double bunk. - [Rico] Which of course makes a lot of sense because it's right next to the galley and the laundry facilities. - The crew is letting us pop in. So we'll just do a quick camera pop.

- [Rico] Oh, wow that's actually really good size. - [Victoria] Yeah, I like the way it's laid out. It seems like both of the people will have space and there's a head right there, obviously as well. - [Rico] Yeah, an en suite. - [Victoria] Right there would be your hanging lockers. - [Rico] Wardrobes.

- [Victoria] Yeah, wardrobe. Thank you. Let's go? - [Rico] Yes. - Check out the portside.

(upbeat music) - So here, go ahead. - [Rico] Down the port companion way. And we going forward, which is, - No wait we're going there yet. - [Rico] We are not going forward yet. We gotta check out that storage. - Gotta show you all of this.

- [Rico] This must be linen storage. - [Victoria] Yes, that's what I would assume. - [Rico] Nicely lit up with the led strip inside. - Very nice. Okay, so we going, first we gonna go forward. - [Rico] Forward, which is a mirror image cabin off the one we already saw on the starboard side.

- [Victoria] So it's exactly the same. It's not going to open anything up here you guys. - [Rico] Same shower.

- The only difference is the closet would be right here, and it's not a hanging locker, which I'm sure. - [Rico] It's actually shelves, but you can configure it of course the way you want to. - Exactly. - [Rico] And then we still have all the lower storage here below the countertop. - And you do have blinds here.

So in case you're wondering it's, they're definitely here and you can have your privacy here. - [Rico] Going midship. - Into the master. It's a lot bigger. It's nice how you have this lit up spaces by the bed.

- [Rico] Your nightstands. - [Victoria] Yeah, I liked that headboard. It's really nice and warm here. It's a lot of wood.

- [Rico] It's very beautiful. It's a king-size bed actually. - [Victoria] You have a little desk here, working desk. So I'm assuming you'll have like a little poof here to be able to sit down.

- [Rico] Don't assume, it's right there. - Which is right here. Where's our closet? Must go forward.

- [Rico] I do like that they have actually, like a tinted mirror wall there. It makes it... - You say that about every Sunreef. - [Rico] It makes it, it makes the room look a lot, a lot bigger.

- I feel like that's their signature at this point, they do it on a lot of the boats. Coming forward, we have - [Rico] Oh look at that! - A lot of pillows stored here. You guys get an idea. - [Rico] Oh, so we have a walk-through closet. - Yeah. And it's, you know, two sides. His and hers, hers and hers, his and his.

- [Rico] That's great. - And then we keep coming forward. This is different. - [Rico] Oh, that's very contemporary. - Oh, that's so cool.

It's a really nice contemporary feel for sure. And that shower is big and we would rate it... - [Rico] That's a three-person shower. - No, really? - [Rico] Maybe even four. - No. Stop.

It's a nice two-person shower with space. Unless you have a short person, - [Rico] You can kind of stand on the ledge. - Yeah. - [Rico] So yeah, you have the rain shower head overhead, and then quite large, a bench, you know, on the Aft portion.

Very unique. - [Victoria] Yeah, I love this. This wood it's really beautiful. And if you guys are wondering where would be all your toiletries? - [Rico] Oh, it's hidden behind. Very nice. - Did you expect that? Nope. Wait, there's something else here,

and there's more here as well. Very cool. Engine room? - [Rico] Engine room. - Engine compartment, right? - [Rico] Yes. - [Victoria] Okay.

(upbeat music) - Should we try this one? Oh, you can see how it goes all the way through. - [Rico] All the way through it. You can pretty much look all the way to the other side. And then you see all the wire runs. All the hose runs. Everything is exposed there.

- [Victoria] Here. There is your escape hatch so you guys can see it. - [Rico] Yes. So if you ever need to repair anything, you ever need to trace any wires. It's a fairly easy access. - Nice.

(upbeat music) - [Rico] Let's check out the engine room. (upbeat music) - Alright. May I have the camera? Thank you. - [Victoria] Have fun. - What do we have here? Oh, our rudder system right over there.

Hydraulic pump right there. So these floor panels obviously pop off and then I can go back and go further down there, which I'm going to do. There we go.

Alrighty. Now I'm standing actually on the bilge, in the engine room. We have a Cummins generator mounted kind of like a little bit higher on the shelf. Our main engines are actually mounted right below this shelf here. So when you do engine service,

of course you take the shelf top off and have a pretty decent access to your main engine, which is in this case, a Cummins engine. Then we have our transmission. So this engine is actually a V drive. And then you have a straight shaft going outside overbought to the props. All right.

(upbeat music) - [Rico] Look at the uh, sound shielding. I just want you guys to see this. So the entire engine room is properly sound shielded, which will take most of the noise away underway. (upbeat music) - Alrighty you guys, this completes our tour of this Sunreef 60 Power. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm so glad that we finally got a chance to bring one to the channel.

As always, thank you so much for all your Likes. It really, really means a lot. Thank you for all the Comments. Double thank you for all the Double Comments, and check us out on the Patreon, where you just might get a chance to tour a yacht with us, like Andre. Huge thank you to Andre for flying in for this and joining us and, enjoy the Outtakes.

- [Rico] Enjoy the Outtakes. - You forgot your line? - No, I didn't forget my line. I was just trying to compile all the Outtakes and honestly, you're going to enjoy these Outtakes. - [Rico] So we just added another Outtake. - Yep.

- Ciao. - [Rico] Well, nice to meet you Andre. Thanks for being part of the tour. - Bye. - Today we're going to show you, wait, I have a thought. - [Rico] So that will be your beach club, right? Like you just said, when you were at anchor.

- I like when you repeat what I say. - [Rico] Yes. - Wait, we should let Andre open it. Open it. - [Andre] I will not let you...

- Suck you into this? Well, I like having an assistant. This is great. Good job, Andre. - [Andre] And also Rico won't get too hot this time.

- That's true. Yeah. He's having an easy day today. Wow. If you guys haven't seen any of the tours of us,

if you guys haven't seen any of the tours. Tours. - [Rico] I'm a big fan of the fallet...of the fallets. - I want to see his face. Look, he's like holy.... (laughter) - [Andre] you don't know how happy I am. - [Victoria] Okay great.

Hold on. Hold on. Stay there. Just tell them how this works when this is closed. You know how you can lock it in, because I don't think people know.

- [Rico] Oh they do. How to lock them? I can't do it. Obviously. I can't do it. It's way too high up.

- [Victoria] No, just show us, the red button. - [Rico] I have to do it up there. - [Victoria] Oh, okay then come over. (laughter) - [Victoria] It was fun to put you in there for a second.

We had fun. He's not used to having an assistant, so... - [Rico] That's right. - There we go. Extra sunken in space.

That was so stupid. - [Rico] It was really stupid. Half a meter, half a meter, half a meter bigger. - [Rico] Then we have the glass roof. - It's a nice choice of wooo - wood.

So we have a storage here, behind the door. I can unlock it you know? - I prefer the gun in my suite. - [Victoria] Wait, you're going the wrong way. - [Andre] Trapping people. - [Rico] Safety first. - [Victoria] Yeah. All right.

- [Rico] No, I'm just kidding. - [Victoria] You don't know who wore these. - [Rico] Exactly! - He's in the shower! - [Andre] He's in the shower. - He's in the shower, all by himself. We didn't even make him do this.

And what do you think? No, it's definitely a two-person shower once you are in there for sure. - Once the doors come in. - [Victoria] Yeah. Okay. Let's go. See, you got to juggle like, boat shows. It's hard. - [Andre] It's very nice to see the reality behind the shooting itself.

2021-10-17 14:34

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