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Hello from Hidcote Manor Garden! Hello! This garden is, I'm in love. Yeah! I think it's one of the places we always wanted to visit. Yeah. And it's in the Cotswolds, it was, it was a last minute decision to come here. A two-hour drive so not, not too bad.

And this is a typical Arts and Craft garden. Yeah. It's divided into several areas which they call rooms. Yes. And we already discovered, you can see, we went from the marble garden to a white garden and now we're in the old garden. And they're all different, they, you just as, yeah, as if you go into a room.

As soon as we entered I knew I was falling in love - yeah - with this place. Yeah. It's unbelievably beautiful. Yeah, the flowers.

Yeah. And planned by the horticulturalist Major Lawrence Johnston. Yeah.

In - did you say, like - beginning of the 20th century. Yeah. It's just beautiful. We, we just we have to film it for you and show you all the different rooms. Yeah.

And I must say my parents would love this place as well so yeah, glad we came. Yeah and discover. Yes. So let's explore the garden rooms and we hope you will enjoy it.

This is one of the greatest gardens in England and we can see why. It's hard to describe because I don't know, it just it touches your heart, it - it really does. And I think Hidcote Garden is quite different to all the gardens we've - yeah - visited before.

And you can clearly see because this is our first Arts and Crafts garden. Yeah. It's not a formal garden. We saw the water feature - yeah - which is typical of Arts and Crafts, lots of colour and I don't know, it's just, I think this garden is a lot of work.

Yes it is. But it feels like an oasis. Yeah.

Incredible. And also I think an oasis for insects and butterflies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lots of small animals, critters.

Beautiful! It's just stunning. I think it's so worth coming here. So if you're looking for a beautiful garden, put that on your list.

We always stop and smell the roses and the fragrance of this one is stunning. Now you go and smell, smell these roses, have a whiff. Mhhh, lovely. Yes, so good. As usual, tea and something to eat.

Yes. We stopped for tea. And this is what you've had a couple of times now. Yeah. It's called - it's a curry, vegetarian - pasty - pasty.

Right, yeah. And I ordered a gluten free sandwich for me which is great. So we just walked out of Hidcote Garden and, what do you think Joerg? Beautiful! Yes, it's amazing, overwhelming. We can really recommend the place. Yeah. Just very dreamy, I would call it a very - yeah - very dreamy garden.

And this little, I would almost call it hamlet. It has lovely houses, well, a bit hard to film because you, just you have to respect people's privacy. We always try to film a little bit but very, well, we are very careful. And we just had a look again, so the village where you find Hidcote Garden is called Hidcote Bartrim. And now Joerg wants to get some drone footage. Before we go home we said let's go to Chipping Campden - yeah - which is very picturesque.

It's only a 10 minute drive from Hidcote, isn't it? Yes it is. And what we wanted to tell you is, if you ever plan a visit to Hidcote Garden, we can recommend an accommodation, a beautiful one. Yeah.

In Ebrington, we stayed there with our parents - and it was lovely. I think, yeah, like three years ago and we can link the thatched cottage for you down below in the info box. And Joerg, there is another accommodation here. Yeah. I think it's the ruin of a, of a manor house - maybe a monastery could that be - no, it was a manor house.

Oh really? Yes. I see. And several parts are now available as a, yeah, to rent, a holiday cottage.

Yeah, by the Landmark Trust. And you know, the Landmark Trust is I think, it's our favourite place to - yes - or our place, favourite, how would you call it, like, our favourite website. Yeah, they've simply got beautiful places to stay. Absolutely and we show you one, well, house. It's absolutely stunning, it's on our list to stay.

Yeah. And you need to see it. And this is the place where you can stay and we will link it for you down below and there's another one as well over there, not entirely sure if you can see it. And it's so unique and special. This is such a beautiful church and the churchyard as well, everything, so picturesque.

So that's the other one, we will have a look once we're home. So there's a tiny hole in the gate and maybe you can see a little bit. Would love to stay there. Let's go to Sam Wilson 'Bring the Countryside Home'. So that was a nice shop, not entirely our style and sadly we couldn't film in there but it's still worth checking out.

There's another shop 'Sundial House Interiors' and they have amazing fabrics, Colefax & Fowler fabrics. Oh I love this one, so pretty. 'The older you get, the better you get unless you're a banana' which is not entirely true because if you use an old banana for banana bread it's perfect. Yeah but have you ever used a 20 year old banana? No, of course not. So we do like cheese but we've never seen a cheese called 'Stinking Bishop', Britain's smelliest cheese, we should get that. We hope you liked our tour here in the charming Cotswolds.

Yeah. I think we got lucky today. We were. We can never get enough of this area and we were so so lucky with the weather. Yeah.

Because, well, in the UK it can get very, like, it can change in an instant so. What do you think it was perfect, wasn't it? Yeah, it was perfect and Hidcote is one of my favorite gardens. Hidcote, yeah, amazing, absolutely stunning. So glad we came. Yeah. And yeah, we're heading home now and we hope you like the video.

So we'll see you again very soon. Yeah. Take care guys.

Take care and bye bye. Bye. Until next time. Bye.

And it's raining now, see how lucky we were. I can't believe it.

2021-07-17 10:23

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