Wonderful journey on the Yellow Train in Pyrenees I Unforgettable experience to have

Wonderful journey on the Yellow Train in Pyrenees I Unforgettable experience to have

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In. This video adventure we're excited to take your own board of the little yo train or train, John and having. A wonderful trip around the National Park of the Catalan Pyrenees, it. Is a journey that will allow you to travel 100 years, back in time an experience. In person, the beauty of laaser daniel valley with, its infinite blooming, fields in glorious mountain peaks see, all the old villages, with a great fortresses, and finally. Rush, into the lands of the magical, canyons, this, dense forests, and beautiful, bridges so. Get ready to be amazed and fascinated as, our wonderful, journey begins. The. History of train zone takes us back to the early 20th, century when, in 1903. Construction. Of the first stretch connecting, with ranch the confront come on Louie started. And by 1910, was finished, the. Extension, to adorn the corral was, inaugurated in, 1927. Thus. Forming, 22, stations in total. This. Remarkable, success 3 kilometres long line was, built using the most innovative technology, for that time and required. Building, 650. Engineering, masterpieces. Including. 19, tunnels, for, viaducts. And 2 major bridges, the. Aim of the line was to connect the small isolated villages. Of the high Cerdan valley to. The coast and it was the only available option at the time and was, very important, for the economy. We're taking turns on today. We're excited. Now. We are departing, from the international, station laterally, Cairo in weight that, holds Spanish, and French railways. And has, one of the longest coward, dogs in Europe and, we're. Off to discover the colorful, and picturesque, sir Daniel Ali with his bright medals, high peaks and exceptional, floral foam. Shortly. After, our departure station. The train enters the first tunnel bloody Laura which, is known to be the longest tunnel of the line 380. Meters. We're, approaching the villager for straighted between the Spanish borders bounded, by Posada and Vivian clave. Initially. The mission of train John was, not only transporting. The passengers, but also the goods before. The railway was inaugurated only. The stagecoaches had traveled, twice a day the, chaotic and exhausting, journey which, would take on average seven hours so. It had a very positive impact on the life of the region. Until. The progressive, closure of the iron mines of - plant the, or lignite, phosphate, as well as building materials, like granite slate, and marble were, regularly, loaded, in Villefranche sardinia, and john said it is, also served for agricultural, needs transporting. Wood animal, cattle but, this traffic will unfortunately gradually. Decline in favour of road transport and, in. 1974. The freight wagons, were definitely, withdrawn. Nowadays. The railway is mainly a tourist attraction that, contributes, to the prestige, of the national rail heritage, and is, a candidate, for the UNESCO World Heritage of, Humanity. Another. Interest in fact about the line is that, it is so steep that if it had been built even 15 years earlier, it would have had to be built using the rack and pinion system, but, during construction the, concept of the multiple unit was becoming established where. Instead of having one powerful locomotive. At the front the, electric motors are spread along the whole length of the Train it. Was previously used in the paris metro and Metropolitan Railway in, London. The. Vegas incite our consult in their original state except. The small details that were renovated, for the greater comfort, of the passengers each. Wagon offers, visitors, 40 seats consisting. Of cars type MIDI and type north during, the summer season the yellow train has opened wagons which we highly recommend to take as it will allow you to fully immerse yourself, in the magical atmosphere, of Pyrenees.

Yellow. Train is named after its yellow and red colors derived. From the Catalan flag. Now. We're passing by the Sun ricotta station where you can find the ethnology, and History Museum Oh sir done. We're. Going through the village' for the, perfect place to start your hike to, one of the highest peaks which man. Trains, on runs all year round and its schedules change with the seasons number. Of wagons can arrive from - in winter month and up to six in the high season in summer in. Winter there are at least three to four daily, trips and in summer it can go up to eight with, capacity, to hold up to 300. People. Tickets. Can be purchased at, station ticket offices or directly from the conductor, of the majority of stations, were stopping is optional to. Take the train wave is it approaches, and buy your ticket on board from the conductor, we, should also tell when you want to get off. The. Whole trip will take you around two and a half hours. In. 2004. To model panoramic, rail cars of 90, seats were required these. Trains are integrated, into the rolling stock alternating. With historic, cars the. Total fleet leaders made up of 14 cars including. Five open wagons and two modern ones. In. Our time the train traffic is under the responsibility, of a so called line leader, installed. In via France who has a radio connection with a trained mechanic also. The computer system allows to permanently, visualize, the position, of the Train and to, manage all the necessary operations. Today, the snow is easily cleaned by the snow plows but. 100, years ago there, were people equipped, with their showers, who made sure that the line was clean it was very common back then to see an announcement in a local newspaper stating, the hiring of the laborers for this task. In. The meantime we're, getting close to the phenomenal station where, the world's largest oil furnace, an important, Research Center is located also. It is a big ski resort and starting point for many great hikes. And shortly. After forum L we, get to the highest railway, station. In France worker. Which, lays and. 1593. Metres. And now. We reach the middle point of our journey, Manu, la cabaña station aside, where you can visit the fortified, citadel, of Manu II and, one with the first solar furnace, in the world built, in 1949. Precursor. Of the soul on audio. Soon. After Lehman we the train goes through the beautiful viaduct, la cabanas with, its seven arches. Now. We are approaching the engineering, masterpiece and first, major bridge that, holds the breath away when you are seen it bulges Clark. This. Historical, monument was built between 1905. And 1909. And it, was the first metal rail bridge in France it. Was designed and developed by the genius, Albertus, Clark head, of the National order of engineers. 873. Tonnes of Steel launched, 80 metres above the bed of the tete wake Pontius Clark and one in a card model that looks very elegant and weightless it, almost floats in the air. It. Was a true technical revolution at, that time the. Bridge represents, a rigid in the formal system that, still allows the metal to expand, according, to the voltage supported, the. Construction was carried out under conditions, that were particularly, difficult, mostly. To the lack of space on the beds. Another. Curious fact about the importance of the trains in general is that, our present concept of time all smudge, to the development, of the railways before. The 1840s. Every town had its own time zone, Oxford's. Clocks for example were always said behind London's. You. Couldn't drop a meaningful railway, timetable, under those conditions, thus. The dependable, rail fog became, an important feature in our daily lives. We're. Passing by the station, pompidou's where, you can find the natural springs of warm waters, Bertha, st. Thomas. Far. Off in the distance we, start to see another wonder, of engineering, art poncy, Ronin. It. Was built between 1906. And 1908, and finished, one year earlier than pontius Clarke bridge, was designed by Paul Savola engineer. All the national, roads and bridges Department. 1500. Workers were, involved in the construction, of it. This. Great structure spent, the riverbed and to a valley at the height of 65. Meters and had, the length of 236. Meters, it, consists, of the two floors and has 16, semicircular, arches, of different, width and height but, that gives this bridge and airy feel as if it was made of beautiful lace. You. May have asked yourself why, would the train need to cross the ballet twice, well. The studies had shown the, real necessity of it in order, to avoid unstable, ground downstream. For pond patrols and around moccasin and because. Of the studies will, now have two magnificent constructions. To admire. Now. We're going through the Gurkhas de la Carranza, with the synchronistic, lips hanging bridges and breathtaking news.

As We, already know the, train is powered by electricity at eight hundred fifty volts direct, current, supplied. By a third trail it. Was a daring, and innovative, choice at the time when, the steam was still in full swing. It. Was decided to build a hydroelectric complex, on the river Ted consistent. Of the lake Pooh used stem and nine power plants, water. From the valleys is routed to the production sites by large pipes which can be seen from the train itself each. Power car has four motors producing, 300, horsepower per, car. Overall. In the building of the line took parts thousands, of men including. Multitude, of tradesmen, stonemasons. Miners, diggers, laborers. And engineers, thus, making it a real human epopee. Close, to our final, destination of the train reaches its maximum speed 55, km/h. While. Its average speed throughout the journey its reticulum, to sprout. We're slowly arriving, at our final destination via. France to confirm where. All the trans shipments, were paired out during. The establishment of, the line and where all the warehouses and, workshops are, situated, also. There is a historical, wall town and forth to the barrier citadel, which, is a must visit as well, as the caves crowd delights. We're. Out of the train now it was a great journey we're so happy we did it lots. Of beautiful use and not too many people so we were lucky today hope, you enjoyed it with us and until next adventure. And. This concludes our wonderful, journey on the yellow train we, hope that you enjoyed it and really, felt the magical, atmosphere of this trip all. The additional, information, concerning timetables. And other details are linked, in the description below, if, you liked this video give it a thumbs up so that we can create similar, content, in the future, subscribe. To our channel in hit notification, bell to stay up to date with our adventures, you. Can find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well if you'd like to stay in touch hope, to see you very soon in our next video. You.

2018-06-18 02:15

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Have you already done this trip yourself or would love to go? Share your experience with us! And don't hesitate to ask us any questions, we would be pleased to help you.

Thank you so much, your feedback is very important to us! We are happy that you enjoyed our video. It is a single line railway, but there are several passing loops on its way if you are referring to that. Yes, the line is very unique, we were really amazed when we first got to know it. They took full advantage of the favourable location it is in to built hydroelectric facilities. Official Catalonian borders are within Spain and people in Spanish Catalonia speak two languages: Catalonian(their native language) and Spanish. Most of the Pyrenees-Orientales is considered to be Catalonian, all the villages have double names, Catalonian flag can be seen everywhere, the traditions are followed, but the majority of people in this region nowadays speak French with a strong accent though. And some speak and understand Catalan, for the most part the older generations. Here you can find the article on the history and language of the region, that goes more in depth and very helpful if you're interested: https://www.uoc.edu/euromosaic/web/document/catala/an/i5/i5.html

Fascinating video, well made with an excellent commentary. I assume it is standard gauge with no passing points, the train shuttles back and forth? It is surprisingly sophisticated for what is, in reality, a single rural line, and the third rail was also a surprise. I suppose the mineral traffic justified the initial expense. I was expecting a Spanish railway, I didn’t know the French side was also Catalan, although I had a vague idea Basque country straddles the border. Are the people bi-lingual?

You're welcome!:)

Thanks for that.

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