oh man oh no see this that's the top the waters have broken nothing at coffee can fix hey everybody welcome back to the YouTube channel my name is AEL and I am your favorite Ginger Bush crafter host and today we're going out for a two night winter storm Camp the pack is fully loaded I have heaps of gear it's 23 kilos which is about £55 for you Americans lots of food heaps of treats and I'm going to need the gear cuz it's going to be cold it's about a 2hour slog up the mountain just started so it's going to be hard work but it's a beautiful day so far and the weather's coming in later on so I'm going to get up get the tent pitched establish my base and then we'll hunker down but thanks for tuning in should be a fun video and I'll see you when I'm back up at the tops all right I've made it into camp and as you can see there's a little bit of snow still on the ground lingering from the previous snow dump but it's cold there's a chill in the air so I got to get this wet sweaty rag off get warm clothes on get the tent the tent set up get it pitched this way wi it there I love the spot of Camp here several times so but the hellberg allet we'll get that up and then we'll get the T and everything sorted this ground's frozen pretty solid it's going to be a cold night the dirt's like fully iced up the old and tar get that set up this thing's a Workhorse I love it has never let me down it's so easy to use a carabina no knots just clip it on to the TP you get the other end you wrap it around a tree and you just tighten it up just like that and there you go sweet that'll do for now need a cup of tea this is the Dome away from home this one got to get all the stuff into the tent I absolutely love this tent it's massive inside get all set up I think get a cup of tea on then chop some wood but it's nice to be up here when it's actually peaceful for a change I know it's going to be a huge like storm coming but right now it's just nice oh it's a big one big white because it's going to be a cold trip I've got my big egus insulated chair cover so I can hang out in the warmth and experience nature with some comfort this thing's awesome by the way it does make the chair a lot more comfortable we can proof the situation got my weapon time to get some wood it's a big load I think I need more this is awkward I think that should do for now this wood is really nice and dry there's a real good Forest of dead trees over there so got some great pieces and it should do me for tonight and tomorrow morning I have some stashed in the trees over there but I'll get all this cut up neatly sted we think about lighting it up woo now I've got to stack it all and split it what a mission this is an epic amount of wood it's so dry too listen to it look at all of this isn't that glorious I've got my knife I'm going to split some and yeah it's getting cold so I get the fire going but in the last video someone was giving me a hard time about using a knife to split wood saying I know it looks cool you're going to break your knife where where I know it does look cool and no I'm not going to break my knife maybe in 50 Years it'll break but for now it's a beast splitter all right I'm going to carry on with this split a whole bunch up and I'll come back to I like the fire there it's frozen in there big bag of fire starters get this thing going it's really getting cold now I'm going have to Chuck the puffer jacket on too I've had my lighter sitting in my pocket warming up someone said this in the comment of the last video to keep it in my pocket then the gas will work and it's working so thank you to whoever said that sorry I can't remember your name this stuff Burns for ages too it's good it's cold up here oh no two Weck are approaching that one's had a big fight man look at his head he's been beating up the fire's going pretty good now it's putting out some nice heat I've stabilized myself I'm feeling good the wers are about as well so I'm going to be vigilant because they'll steal all my tasty treats if I take my off for a second but I'm just going to get this fire going real good chill for a bit then I've got salmon for dinner huge fillet it's going to be glorious I need it man it smells amazing huge salmon fillet I'm looking forward to this let's plate this up crispy salmon Man O the shots these wers are close it's freaking me out check that out crispy salmon all this rice and the shots and the tomato paste I'm very hungry I need to eat this how good is it the Salmon's like melt in the mouth it's delicious oh there a lot to gone crispy honestly guys copy this meal if you go camping I actually have an affiliate link for radics so I think you can get 10 or 15% off I'll put it into the description I think Australia and New Zealand they ship to so you can try this right out oh man I never a good sleep tonight I'm actually feeling a little bit sick my throat's kind of sore so I need to have a big rest so yeah I think around midnight a big storm's coming in and there should be snow to where I've got the tent pitched either way it's going to be crazy so I might have to you know wake up in the night deal with the tarp getting destroyed or something but this is a beast of a tent the hellberg alak so it should be okay in pretty much any conditions that I could have up here but hopefully I wake up to snow snow and ice and I'll be cozy in the bed and drink keeps of coffee oh I to indulge in this just enjoy it and I'll come backck to you guys soon oh my God smash the thumbs up for this this is pretty cozy look how big the vestibule is the table can fit in here and I can have still heaps of room to get in and out my fire's still going but I want to take the dirty clothes off put on my sleeping layers get the boots off chill for doing my hot chocolate in here it's on the verge of snowing now there's a few flakes falling but I don't think it's really coming into like midnight so get on with this I'll come back to you guys once I'm dressed o that's good the sweet creamy hot chocolate feels good on my sore throat it was so you know unfortunate I woke up this morning after planning this big two nighter trip and I had a sore throw it's like the one time you don't want it to happen and it happens for sleeping tonight I've got the ugq 18 Celsius or 0 fenhe Comfort rating it's 950 full power and it's long and wide and super spacious it's like sleeping in a cloud and I've got the Zen bivy mat and the Zen bivy Hood so I'm going to try and like do a you know Juiced up system of the Z bivy with this thing it's going to be freezing tonight and tomorrow morning you know I might be buried in snow so want to make sure I'm cozy and warm oh man look at this quote and look at the tint it's so spacious in here I love this ttin it's the alak 2 it can fit two people easily but when you're in here by yourself it's such a nice mess of one person tent and it's super strong you can trust that it's not going to collapse in snow and it can take wind and it's quite warm but yeah I'm going to probably go to sleep hopefully my headache goes away and my sore throat gets better it probably sound a bit weird weirder than usual of the Kiwi accent but I'll turn the camera on as soon as something happens don't know when that'll be might be like 2: in the morning or something might be buried in snow but so far so good and I'll check back in with you guys as soon as the action begins but I'll see you tomorrow uh good night everyone I literally just went to sleep and I heard this noise and it's the snow it's coming in already and it's only like 8:30 p.m. Oo we might get buried tonight good morning everybody it rained and snowed all night it's kind of turning to rain now it's a little good dusting out there I had a pretty good sleep inside the tent a really good sleep actually really nice and warm in this quilt the system worked exceptionally well with the ugq and the Zen bivy and I feel a bit better today maybe that salmon fillet helps me out what are you doing near me oh looks like we have a problem with the TP no yeah you can see there the TP it's not too bad nothing at coffee count FKS we could have chicken sandwiches for breakfast oh my goodness there he is hey don't take my wieners oo that's nice and sweet the Wickers are circling everywhere there's one in the fire pit right now this is what I love about camping you wake up in the morning you're cozy and warm in your bed you get a coffee and you can sit out see the environment go away weer and just chill and I think I'm going to be here all day I think I'll stay all day and stay tonight cook a huge feast and go back tomorrow no man that's my bacon he knows my Bacon's there go away hey we're up it's freezing cold that wind coming through is brutal I pulled the top down a bit to shelter me from that side but it's just cold man now get this little fire going come on lighter if the lighter doesn't work use the guest stove this would be good once it gets going and put some heat out there's a brutal wind coming through this way ah feel like another coffee get my breakfast on soon I've got little buns with some real nice honey cured bacon so it's going to be delicious this is good wood though so it should catch pretty fast and get burning oh yeah big filter Brew the good stuff this is a Colombian coffee natural processed it's a 89.4 5 score so it's very high quality very clean crisp fruity Rich chocolates overall delicious out here by the campfire with the snow and the cold wind I'm cozy the AL jacket and everythingoo what a morning oh that's good man three bacon sandwiches these are chitter CH little like chitar infused muffins oh that's so nice there's a bit of sleep coming down too lovely m that was an excellent breakfast some rain's coming in it's quite dark over that way hopefully it turns to snow I might later on tonight we shall see but I was going to relax probably have some more coffees monitor the fire and then I might go for a walk and get some more wood later so I'll come back to you guys then but so far so good good out in the wilderness it's cold got to keep warm on these extended trps just sitting around go out for a little Excursion there's a break in the Wither this is some beautiful mountain scenery I've done several camps in the mountains and little spots around here so if you want to see more of this you can go back to some of the older videos and you can see me camping out in this great unknown some decent ice chunks there it's melting off though often this Lake would freeze over in winter but it just hasn't been cold enough which is pretty sad there should be like knee deep snow everywhere up here oh well it's still beautiful even when it's like this starting to rain quite a bit I'm getting W I'm going to get soaked there's water all over the lens I got to get back to the top this is a bad idea okay I'll see you back at the base I'm back the fire's still going just should I put more wood on it should I keep it going all day I think so who looks like some more weav coming I think I'll get a cup of tea on now we got plenty of wood on the fire but the temperature's dropping feels like maybe it could turn to snow again this evening this rain's coming in pretty strong now it's nice milk chocolate hobnobs are the perfect biscuit as I was saying before this winter so far it's been pretty bad there should be snow everywhere up here I might put up on the screen what it looks like at this time last year so you can see like how much snow there really is cuz there's quite a lot of new subscribers who probably haven't seen some of the older videos that highlight you know how rough New Zealand Winters can be there's still another good 6 weeks where we could get massive snow but you know I'm kind of losing hope for the big dump so biscuit W the h g rest cover oh man you're being bombarded it's is crazy that just came in out of nowhere the temperature in the air is definitely dropped could turn to snow oh it's like hail slush I wasn't expecting that crazy hail storm to come in and all of a sudden it's like sunny again I think there's more weather coming that was quite exciting the tell you whoa I wasn't expecting this much R they're pretty heavy it's just dripping off everything but I'm totally dry and secure in here in the shelter imagine if it was just a little bit colder and this was all snow it would be absolutely dumping although but it's pretty cold it's just a few degrees too warm this alt and tp's doing a good job though got a link in the description so you guys can get one it's the 3X3 TP it's an ugly setup I've got going with all the attachment points pulling it out but just look how good it works perfectly SE up I just went for a little walk out through the trees into the open to admire the views it's absolutely stunning out there all of the um the rain clouds have passed through there was a bit of a rainbow look at this fire it's still cranking you can see probably throughout the day my wood piles depleted this is all I've got left it's actually still a pretty massive stack so there'll easily be enough for tonight and maybe even a small fire tomorrow morning but I think I have dinner in about half an hour I've got six hot dogs and a big dessert so I'll come back to you guys when I'm cooking that up a big log I think these are about done it smells rather delightful you hear that that's the wer scooching you don't want to break the connective tissues of the hot dog dog bun oo get it in there ketchup because everyone knows ketchup is the best on a hot dog you don't need relish pickle or onions onions would be good frenches mustard oo sweet and tangy leather are up all right on the top yeah let's go well ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this is the main event the hot dogs oh my God honestly I can't describe how perfect this is I was apprehensive about eating all sex but after the first bite I'm definitely going to eat all sex it's just too delicious so nice thanks everyone for coming thanks for watching this video I really hope you enjoy it and I appreciate everyone who watches subscribes likes comments and a massive shout out to the channel members really really appreciate it and yeah thank you to everyone here's another one bit more on the tip I cannot wait till my kids old enough I can take them out camping and make them hot dogs by the fire that'll be fun number three with a bit of extra mustard I don't know how but they get better with every single bite these are cheddar and jalapeno artisinal hot dogs from a local supplier they truly are Exquisite glorious I think hot dogs are my favorite food I'm going have a breather and finish the other two no I really could do 10 I probably couldn't do like 15 but 10 hot dogs would be pretty easy for me you can't underestimate how much energy you burn sitting out here on the cold and the fact that I walked up about 700 M with like a 60 lb pack or whatever and cut all that wood it's getting real cold the puddles are freezing everything's icing up the fire's still going but I want to get into the tent and lie down man oh it's been a big day of relaxing and I got a lot of digesting to do of those hot dogs everything's nice and dry in here now yeah this is real ass all right everybody I'm all tucked up in this massive cloud like quilt I love this thing I should be super warm and I've opened up all the vents in the tent so I should get lots of air flow hopefully this is not all covered in moisture and I don't have to wipe it all off like I did on the last camp but it's cold but I'll be warm got to digest those hot dogs and in the morning I'm already looking forward to the coffees but yeah I just want to sleep now I'm pretty tired but if anything happens I'll turn the camera on otherwise I'll see you guys tomorrow good night coffee coffee I need coffee coffee oh I can smell those fumes it rains snow and slush overnight quite heavily it's kind of SE on the ground but it's just a little bit warm so it's like melting almost straight away oh oh I've got the tent all opened up there's like absolutely no condensation on inside on the bag and stuff that works really well so feeling good good going to have this brw and I'm probably not going to hang around much today I got some apple cakes I'll eat those and have some more coffees maybe three I don't know we'll see and then we'll head out there's a wer over there that's why I'm stressing out oh no see this that's the top oh squirting off woo the waters have broken hopefully I didn't get in the tent what are you doing mate what are you doing oh man this is a really good bro a really really good bro so all in all let's say the camp has been a success well I made the situation as good as it could be I was hoping for like snow everywhere and that's what it should be like but it still was a nice chilled out two night Camp massive fire good sleeps and just out in nature which is always good but yeah I think next time I'm not sure what I'm going to do next maybe the hot tint again let me know I liked the hot tent I think you guys enjoyed it too so I might do that one in the rain or the snow if I can or take this tent way up into the top of a mountain and just do a tent only video I quite enjoy doing those too mixing it up from just always having the fire and stuff or I could do a cabin I like the kabin you guys like Kevin too so let me know what you want to see I'm surrounded not alone there icing up we're up going to have one more coffee in my apple cakes the fire miraculously still had some life in it so I just chucked on some of my dry kindling we have a beautiful morning fire it's so nice you can kind of see a bit of the like the snow on the ground or the slush it's cold and the water's turning to ice on the top so it's a real good crisp morning so I have this coffee and these little cakes then we have to break camp but we can just enjoy this together give me a bit of power for the walk out that good can dunk them too oh yeah that's the Apple's nice and tart tastes like an apple pie all right everybody I'm all packed up as you can see the pack is rather fully loaded it was a great Camp really enjoyed it hope you guys did too it's a beautiful crisp morning and it's just nice to be out here so I want to enjoy the walk out I'll leave you with a few shots of the beautiful scenery in the snow covered mountains but that's enough from me I'll see you in the next video and have a great week everybody goodbye for.
2024-08-17 03:04