WILL HE SHOOT THEM!? | Detroit:Become Human - Part 8

WILL HE SHOOT THEM!? | Detroit:Become Human - Part 8

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I'm glad to see you again I can't, wait to see what will happen next, uh. Are. You familiar with Schrodinger's. Cat, alone. Until you decide what happens everything. Is happening at once, like. In Detroit. Okay. Who, way, to make me feel oh oh she's all worried about it like in Detroit oh. Okay. My. Name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to. Dipwad. Become. Human. Last time we let our peaceful protest as marcus and a girl karen, here is given, us some existential ism she seems like she's working through some stuff she looks, like a baby who's about to take a shit, doesn't. Really know what's happening like what, is this feeling, I can't. Stop, this, feeling. Deep. Inside, of, me. So, what's, gonna happen next I have no idea but now that the people know that we are serious about our cause with, Marcus. Connor. Certain to go through some changes Connor seems like he's starting to wake. Up. Hey. Speak, of my boy he's. Cluttered, Hank. Is. He just giving a report. He's. Back in his mind palace again, or. He meets Amanda all the time. What's. Up Hank Furth. Is, everything okay lieutenant. Chris, was on patrol last night. He, was attacked, by a bunch of deviants. Said. He was saved by Marcus himself, that. Was Chris he's Chris okay. Yeah. He's in shock but he's, alive oh that's, cool. He's, beginning to believe. Kamsky. Is that way we're here Kamsky, left cyber life 10 years ago, why. Did you want to meet him. This. Guy created the first Android to pass the Turing test and he's, the founder of cyber life. Anybody. Can tell us about DV as it's him, okay. And can't. Ski, so, he's the leader of cyber life he created the first robot to pass the Turing test which. Is. A test designed, to fool humans, into thinking that the robot is real boil. Down to his basics. And. He's. Also the one who gave Carol. Marcus. So. He made Marcus and gave Marcus. To Carol. Curious. I always love my coin. Can't. Stop me from doing tricks lieutenant. Hello. It's. Karen. Hi. I'm. Lieutenant. Hank Anderson Detroit, Police Department I'm here to see, mr.. Elijah Kamsky. Please, come in she's. The lady from the main menu, okay. Oh. It. Makes sense is she the one that passed the Turing test. I'll. Let Elijah know you're here but please make yourself comfortable, is. That what the main menu is the main menu itself, is a Turing test, cuz. She's testing, me Oh. Weird. Very. Ostentatious house, no. I don't want to sit down I was almost gonna do it I want, to continue looking around. Is. That him nice girl, uh. That's. Elijah. You're. Right no. She's. Really pretty. Nice. Place you got a crush Terra Cotta. Elijah. Chomsky's, cyber life founder resigned in 2028. Inventor, of thorium and bio components, technology. His. Androids haven't been been. A bad thing for everybody, nope. There's, big I of sour on painting, right there needs your maker Connor. Is. It Amanda. Amanda. An AI. Professor. At the University. Of coal, bridge. She's. Dead. And. I was an Eric I was Elijah, was an AI graduate. At the University, of coal bridge. So. Amanda is a, software, or an Android based, on. Amanda, Stern oh. It's. All starting to make sense. So. Connor goes back into his mind palace or into the Zen garden where. He talks to Amanda, but, Amanda is a self-regulating. Piece. Of software, to keep him in check cuz. He said he he. Does. Tests regularly, and he like. Makes sure that he's not a deviant, so she's there to make sure that he's not deviating. That's. Why maybe that's why he's a prototype. So. Was that made by Kamsky. What. Did you ask me about meeting my maker, I'm. Eager, Kamsky. Is one of the great geniuses of the 21st, century. It'll. Be interesting to meet him in person, sure. Well, sometimes. I wish I could meet my Creator face-to-face. I'd. Have a couple of things I'd want to tell him thank. You hurt, you, who. Hurt my beautiful boy, oh. I. Just want you to be okay Hank what's, this a. Book. Ebook well. We're waiting around for her to come back anyway so why not read it space. Tourism on the rise do, you have a better one that I can read, cyber. Life's fortune, teller computer. This. Is what I'm talking about cyber, life has unveiled a new quantum, supercomputer, it's made out of exa flops. Didn't. I read this. I read. This already, the. EXIF ups and the billion billion and to stop, the calamities, and all that and that's, what I said that's probably what Marcus is he, is the supercomputer, in his brain so he's able to pre.

Calculate, So for at least to some degree I don't know. Maybe. He will figure it all out by the end that's a weird sculpture, oh. Hey. You're back. Glad. You will see you now. Damn. This, is getting really interesting. And. Information, from Kamsky. This. Is very ex machina if you if you want to watch you're reading a bleep oh. My. God just a moment please. There's. More Karen's right there I don't know what the real names are but, I'm gonna keep calling Karen. If. You want to watch a really good movie about androids, and the Turing test and everything watch ex machina fantastic. Movie and it's basically. This Kamsky, is like one of the characters in the movie. And. You go to his house and everything. Very, good movie I would highly recommend it especially after, watching this series oh, my. God are you swimming. In red ice. Nice, place you got here. Picture. That. Looks. A lot like the one marecus drew in Carol's. House. This. Is all starting to come together folks. Well. Cool Billings. This. Gave me a phenomenal. Looking I really like the look at this game. You. Know what's up cat ski. Nice. Package. They're, just talking to each other. I'm, lieutenant Anderson, this, is Connor my name is Connor what. Can I do for you all the time. Sir. We're investigating, deviance, I know. You left several life years ago but I was hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don't know. Deviants. Fascinating. Aren't they, perfect. Beings, with, infinite intelligence. Now. They have free will they're not about that machines. Are so superior to us. Confrontation. Was inevitable. Humanity's. Greatest, achievement. Threatens, to be its downfall. Isn't. Ironic. We, need to know about deviance. Something. In the deviance program, seems to emulate, emotion. We. Thought you might know something about how that occurs. All. Ideas, of viruses spread like epidemics. Is. The desire to be free of contagious. Disease listen. I didn't come here to talk philosophy the, machines you created, may be planning, a revolution. I love thank you either. You can tell us something that'll be helpful or we will be on our way. What. About you Connor, uh-oh.

Whose. Side are you on. I, don't. Know it's, not about me mr., Kamsky. All. I want, is to solve this case. Well. That's what you're programmed, to say. But. You. What. Do you really want. Troubled. Neutral. Defensive. Might uh neutral. I don't. Want anything I, am. A machine. Chloe. Chloe. Is earn I'm sure you're familiar with the Turing test your. Formality, simple. Question of algorithms. And computing capacity. What. Interests me. Is, whether machines are capable of empathy. I call. It the Kamsky test it's, very simple you'll see. Magnificent. Isn't it. Nervous. One of the first intelligent models, developed by cyber 11. Young. And beautiful, forever. Flower, the boy never with her. What, does it really, he's. A plastic into anything. Or, a living being. With. A soul oh, no. Oh no oh, no it's. Up. To you to answer that ah listen 18 question. Destroy. This machine and, I'll tell you all I know, or. Spirit. If. You feel it's alive this is the Kamsky test but you'll leave here without, having learned anything, from not shooting anything. Okay. I think we're done here come, on kind of let's go sorry to get you you're important to you caller. Your. Investigation, or the life of this Android, Oh Android. Android, Android, life cyber you are. An. Obedient, machine. Living being. Oh you. Down son of a bitch free well. That's. Enough, Connor will leave and pull the trigger, Connor. Dumped. The devil an angel on my shoulder. Don't. Shoot don't shoot okay I make it the right decision. Cyber. Lives last chance, to save humanity. Is. Itself. I'm. Not a deviant. You. Prefer to spare a machine, rather than accomplish, your mission. You. Saw living being in this Android. You. Shouldn't. Yeah. No war is coming. You'll. Have to choose your side. Will. You betray your own people or stand up against your creators, I think I just did pick my side, welcome. Lee worse than nothing to choose between two, evils. Let's. Get out of here yeah take, your boy alright. He's gonna have to catch these hands. By. The way I, always. Leave an emergency, exit in my programs, you. Never, know. What. Does that mean. Why. Didn't you shoot. I just, saw that girl's eyes and. I. Couldn't that's, all call, her a garland understand you would do anything to accomplish your, mission. That. Was our chance to learn something and you let it go yeah I know what I should have done I told you I couldn't I'm. Sorry, okay. Oh maybe, you do the right thing yeah. We're. Becoming bytes. We're. Already buds now we're becoming best, buds oh. My. God meet Kamsky. Hmm. There's. A whole bunch, more stuff that could have happened down here but, we made the right decision, Hank.

Thought Connor made the right decision that's good as long as me and Hank are good. Buds that I'm happy good, job Connor. My. Name is Connor I'm the, Android sent by cyber life. November. 9th, 1204. Let's. Read a little book. Detroit. Today Android, riot. Number. Of Detroit neighborhoods, were brutally vandalize last night with CyberKnife stores broken into and the entire stock of Android stolen, but this wasn't everyday criminality, the perpetrators, are thought to be androids, though. The police have yet to issue an official statement, leaked, CCTV, footage from the surrounding. Area shows a number of androids emerging from manhole covers and smashing, store windows. The. Worst incident, was in Capitol Park where police attended, the scene and were confronted by androids behaving violently weren't. Behaving violently we. Were vandalizing. Officers. Had no choice but to open fire on the malfunctioning, machines which are thought to be suffering, from some kind of behavioral, bug although, I guess we did put them on their knees so that's kind of violent. An. Eyewitness, who asked to remain anonymous said, I was personally, attacked by the ringleader, it threatened, me with a knife I was so terrified. That. Did not happen, of, course. This allegation remains unconfirmed but. We have no reason to disbelieve a human witness as to the behavior of a deranged machine Oh. Fake. News, biased. Some. Are already connecting, this issue that the recent attack in Detroit Stratford, Stratford tower, again, executed, by androids this may be the beginning of a disturbing, a perplexing, pattern. The. Eastern space race, Russia. And China's and Roy's faceoff I don't really care about that one. Bunch, of stuff to see. I'm gonna play a little piano Marcus, just, like Carol taught you, I, guess. No one really taught you. Thank. You thank. You a good night. I'm. Actually playing. Just. Play superfast. I. Call this the symphony, of dragonforce. Oh. He. Just went out to the edge anyway. I was, wondering where you were. Needed, to think I needed. To think. I like. It here and since I. Come. Here often, don't. Like it's. Like being alone with the world. We. Freed hundreds of our people and they're still coming from all over the city. Those. Who dream of freedom come to Jericho. Something's. Changing. You. Seem preoccupied. They, all obey, me they follow me without question. And that much power feels, good. And scary. At. The same time Yelp. All. The media are talking about what we did last night. The. Humans are terrified. They're. Afraid of a civil war. Many. Of our people were burned in response to what happened. The. Humans hate us. They'll. Never give us our freedom they. Will. Is. Not all humans, are like that. No. Not all humans are the same exactly, some of them understand, it they can't stop us from becoming free forever, you. Haven't said much about yourself, since you've been with us. What. Was your life like before Jericho, oh yeah. I had, a buddy named Carol. I was. Caring for an old man, he. Was like a father of me, he. Showed me that humans and androids can live together. Yeah, what about you. What. About you. You. Never told me about your past what did you do before I don't, want to talk about it. That, Android you're looking at in the store. She. Reminded you of who you were didn't she. Trust, curious understanding, address trust, north. We're fighting together we. Have to know things about each other to trust each other. I was. Nothing a. Darlin. And distributor, program to satisfy humans. Just. A toy designed for their pleasure. One, day I was with a man who rented me. And, without knowing why I realized I couldn't take it anymore I. Strangled. Him and I ran away damn. Just like the Tracie's, there. Now you know everything. Connect. You, know what we're doing right now North were interfacing. He's. A dead pan aye. I saw. Your memories. Carl's. House lover. And they left you for dead in his studio, I. Saw. Your memories soon. The. Eating Club the. Death of that man I felt like I was there with you. North. So, No. Everything. Just went south with north. So. We're lovers now that was easy. This. Is suicide, we'll. All be killed no this. Is America night you. Don't understand, we're. Finally gonna show that we really are this place will go down in history won't.

Be Killed on the spot that's. The risk I'm prepared to take if it means freedom for our people yep. Markus. Please, don't do this we're. Doing it they'll. Understand. We'll. Make them understand. This. Is the only way. America's. There's so many cool outfits. There. Are androids, here who convert. More androids okay join, us the. More we are the stronger our message join. Me brother. You're, free. Well I'm, free I thought. My name was Dave. Any. Others I was one of the door. You, can serve my fucking Android all night what. Sup. Buddy you're, awake now. There's. One over here. You're. Carrying this person's bags. Come. With us. Somebody. Else back here as well a little, bit faster now America's a little bit faster the revolution, is coming oh. I. Want a saxophone. You're. Free. Wow. Anybody. Else. Or they're actually all following, you that's kind of creepy. Apparently. The dude. She. Said what your hat you slipped, and your hands fell on her tits. Who's. Been feeling up the Android at home dude. Block. Road, listen they're more Androids the free yeah, buddy. I've been on hold for like 10 minutes hello, fellow, followers, you're. Free now. Oh. Intervene. You stay right here. Okay. The. Last time I put so pushed someone I didn't end - good you're. Free I. Am. Free aren't, I. Okay. I need. To block the street. Oh I. Don't know if I should have done that yet. Your. Lads. Oh god. There's. More androids that can free right here. Convert. Your, free. Oh. II. Was just holding the lady's bag I feel bad for the lady as well you. Don't have to obey them. But. Our cause is more important. You're free. No. Let's have sick hair. Okay, ten androids, in the range this should be good right let's open the manhole cover. Are. We just leaving. Oh. There's. People down there oh, yeah. We're doing a March, I forgot. Let's. Do what people. Convert. More right. Oh, that's. A Cairo model, free, now. Wait. All I have to do now is think. At them and, I'm able to do it. What. Oh. My. Face is pointing, at people. You. There join. The Church of Marcus. No. Oh my god I think the freaking scene in spider-man, 3 where. He walks down the street he's just thinking. What. The hell man oh it's happening faster. Oh geez. That's. A lot of androids. Myself. Control that's cool. Oh now, wages at the clicking I don't even have to hold it.

This, Is weird. And the symbolism is very. Heavy-handed. I'll. Make a superhero, now. Gregg. Join. Me, brothers and sisters for, we will rise against, the humans. Oh. It's. Police officer disperse. This. Force of me. No that's. Nope. We're. Walking man. Oh. Please. Don't shoot me, Jesus. Christ. This, bed is, kind. Of cool. I got. A lot of androids down here. We. Are people, hundreds. On. The street. This. Is cool. I'm, not even converting, them anymore they're doing it themselves. He's. Nice. Jiri. Okay. We. Came here to demonstrate peacefully. And. Tell humans, that we are living beings and we're doing just that all we want is to live free. We're. Not looking for confrontation. We've. Done no harm we. Have no intention of doing any. But. Know that we are not going anywhere until we, have secured our freedom. We. Will, shoot. Marcus. They're gonna kill us we. Have to attack there's. More of us we can take them no if. We attack we'll start a war we, have to show them we're not violence, we should just stand their ground even, if it means dying. As suki as that is I agreed. Stand. Your ground fight for what you believe in we. Have to show them we won't back down we. Stay right here. Public. Opinion is going up last chance, we. Have to make a statement we have to stay put no matter what. Please. Marcus we can't let them slaughter us without fighting back no violence. We're. Not moving. Oh. Shit. Oh no, oh oh, no oh, no oh. No. Don't. Know. Oh. They. Do bad. John. Oh. John. Can. Marcus. No. John. They're, coming done, now. Oh. No. Jonathan. Oh. Think. God Marcus is still alive no I thought I thought I made, really fucked up there for a second I. Think. That that's important, though because it shows that they were willing to fight for the cause alongside me, oh. Man. The way he said that though John is, like, Bacchus. Hey, hose wife bang. Oh. That. Was tough that, was that was hectic. My. Name is Connor. Well. We're back in there our, mind palace. Well. The place is frozen over now.

Maybe. This, is the emergency exit. He. Said there was an emergency exit built into all of his programs, and this. Is clearly like a, software. Space it's not a real, place that you can go to and it, was peaceful. Until. Connor started, to doubt things. So. With his doubt this place starts to collapse so this is his deviancy, kicking up. And. Amanda. Is a software, to self-regulate, him oh. It's. All starting to make sense that's. Cool. So. Maybe that's where the blue thing is important but every time I click it is that me trying to escape. After. What happened today the country is on the verge of a civil war machines. Are rising up against their masters. Humans. Have no choice but to destroy them. Oh I. Don't even have many choices for this I thought Kemp's can do something. I was. Wrong maybe he, did. But. You chose not to ask. I'm, staying I'm saying nothing. Connor, series, i'm not a unique model mi. How. Many Connors are there I don't see how that question pertains, to your investigation. Why. Did Kemp T leave cyber life what, happened, same, old story Connor it, doesn't pertain to your investigation she's, an asshole I. Saw. A photo of Amanda cam skis place. She. Was his teacher I expect. You to find answers, Connor not. Ask questions. You're. The only one who can prevent Civil War. Find. The deviance or there. Will be chaos. This. Is your last chance Connor. Damn. Okay. Awaken, my boy up, your. Honor yes beautiful boy the FBI is taking over what. But. We're onto something but, we just need more time I'm sure thank you. Don't get it this. Isn't just another investigation. It's a fucking civil war it's. Out of our hands now we're. Talking about national security here, fuck that you can't just pull the plug now not when we're so close you're always saying you can't stand Androids, Jesus. Hank make up your mind I thought you'd be happy about this not to crack the case I know, we can solve it, for. God's sake Jeffrey can't you back me up this one time. There's. Nothing, I can do damn it Jeffrey you're, back on homicide, and the, Android returns to cyber life no. I'm. Sorry Hank but it's, over. Hank. Warm, path unlocked. Where. Was that red Oh. No. I. Think. What's going on we're. So buddies right. We, could have solved this case we. Just needed more time. We're. So close, so. You're going back to cyber life I. Have. No choice. I'll. Be, deactivated. And analysed to find out why I failed. What. If we're on the wrong side kind. What. If we're fighting against people who just want to be free. He's. Beginning to believe. When. The deviance, rise up, there. Will be chaos. We. Could have stopped it. Now, it's too late. When. You refuse to kill that Android, at Camp skeez place uh-huh. You. Put yourself in her shoes. You. Showed empathy, Connor. Empathy. Is a human emotion yes. You're, wrong, lieutenant, it. Was logic, that determined, my decisions, nothing, more no it wasn't, well. Well here comes Perkins, that motherfucker. You, don't waste any time at the FBI. We. Can't give up I know. The answers and the evidence we collected if Perkins takes it it's all over there's, no choice. You, heard Fowler we're, off the case. You've. Got to help me lieutenant, no he's so cute to eat more time so I can find a lead in the evidence we collected I know the, solution is in there. Maybe. These deviants, deserve a chance yes. Maybe. It's better if you don't find them. What's. Happening years too important, to let it be stopped by a machine. Sorry. Connor, but. I'm not gonna help you. What. What. Oh. No. Make. A diversion. What. Thank. Ye. That's. Cuz I didn't save you isn't it. Hello. Oh. Do-do-do-do-do-do, I don't have much time man you, gotta be quicker than this.

Hey. Yo dude one-way. Waters. Okay. Oh. Yeah. Raina's face take. Heed from Hank's desk. Why. I thought we were buddies I thought we were friends. He. Seemed like he was going to help me as well and then all of a sudden he just changed his mind. It's, okay I'm still with my boy I'm still with Connor we can do this. Hey. Connor. I'm. Talking, to you asshole, where. You going, wouldn't. Need a plastic, pricks around here or did anybody tell me hate this guy. Steak, ham I've been removed from the case, I'm. Going to register the evidence in my possession and then I'm going to leave. Here. For me way back. That. Droid ncver. Gem so setting fire these days. Shithead. All. Right we can do this Connor, I'll. Be your Hank, I'll. Be the Hank to his Connor. Wait. This is the evidence room. It's. The. Evidence. Room is just a panel, Hanks. Password. What. Would a hard-boiled, eccentric, police lieutenant, choose. Date. Of birth want the G oh please. Tell me it's fucking password. Oh. It's. The deviance from before. It's. Daniels, your son. Daniel. And the one that jumped off the building. Needed. For reactivation. Oh. 471. 7g. Do. You have it. Yep. Okay. You don't have. It I don't think. Know. Who. Else we have oh. We. Have Simon, and Simon is the same model. Yeah. Do. You before 7 1 7 G. No. Can. I just. Take. Something out. What. I want to see oh, this. Is what just up here as well though. Crap. Only 4 minutes. No. Match for, someone 7 g okay damn it. Put. It back in you there. You go wait. I want to check this evidence first oh my god this is so nerve-racking. Statue. Atha was in the shower. Okay. The. Diary. Okay. Gone. Nice. Think of America's a thing. Of Jericho. We. Ask that you recognize, I don't have listen this again I'm where sometimes and, all right, together. We. Can live in peace and build, a better future for humans, and androids. This. Message is the hope of a people, you. Gave, us life and now, the time has come for you to give us freedom. Sight, in Jericho the next thing down oh. Please. Let me solve this. Just. Figure. I. Need to access that, other guy. What. Do you have. Impossible. Reactivation. You. Have a four seven one seven Jean take. It. Yankee. Doodle. Hi. You. Like to become I, trusted. You you like to me sorry. Lie. We're. Going to kill that child. Gave. Me no choice I, need. To find Jericho. Do. You know where it is. Yeah. Where do they come to this guy he obviously doesn't know anything. He's. Never been to Jericho Simon's you anyone has been to Jericho okay you have this 3 9 8 3 V is, that what you needed, ok. Some of 3 minutes 3 9 8 3 V ok I'm gonna need this. Yeah. Cuz. That guy might know something as well bye. This. Guy's definitely been, there. It's dark. Wherever, we shot something the head. Help. I reactivated. You so you could help me, I must. Find, Jericho. At. A recognize your voice you're. Not one of us. Tell. Me where Jericho is, they'll. Beat me alone. Try. To trick, him. They. Steal Marcus's, voice. Yeah. Oh. Nice. Yes. Will you recognize, our dignity, our hopes, and our right, oh that's. Bizarre. Successful. Voice copy okay cool. You, also need something though I do have time don't I, 9, 1 6, 4x. Can. You hear me. Your. Diary Rupert. You. Encrypted, it I need to know what you wrote. Rupert. Ooh damage to talk check other kinnexa ok. Scan. His memory. Irish. Decryption key downloaded, nice. Okay. So left some time we, can do this. Scanning. Scanning or. A nine is the first r89 is their Savior are a nine is the one who free us the. Birds are my friends the birds are with me the protectors whatever. The. Android he met today spoke about Jericho he says our people and our free, there so we do in a Ferndale, subway, station, and to find the old docks there. It is I. Got. It. Get. DLR now. So. If I scan Simon's, memory what I still get it oh. My. God Hank, Rai oh. My. God all the decisions that lead together, Connor. Alluded, Perkins. Hmm. Okay. Moving, on Oh Hank, please tell me we could be friends, please. Buddy please I. Want. My buddy cop do you ought to be back. What's. Sad. She. Saves, him on the roof I saved, him on the roof he would have listened to me he would've been friends with me still. My. Cold emotionless robot, heart. Is breaking. Hey. Back with my girls. Sorry. Dudes. Yeah, we do. Just, a boy here looking at me creepy and smiling, like that I. Was. Just about to say oh yeah nobody needs to drive. Nice, music you like this Luther. I think, it's pretty dope is this all I can do. Look at the window they've. Been conducting raids I liver the city. Everybody's. No yesterday. We're, almost there. With. All androids, being turned over to the authorities the, country, is grinding, to a halt, hospitals.

And Schools are closing water, cuts blackouts, and network failures, are expected. Maybe, most worrying of all our armed forces have, lost 2/3 of their effective, personnel, oh what's. The music, instead. But, I was learning. She's. Men. Yeah. Maginot much of the country would grind, to a halt if something. Like that did happen we're all the robots that you've been relying on have suddenly left and done something else. Do. You go Alice I. Don't. Know wait Luther didn't help you out but whatever oh that's, nice. The. Shine on the ground and. The shadow turning red, some. Good use of lighting a. Little. Further on that way there's, a large freighter called Jericho, mojo, you get there find Marcus, he will help you the, last bus for the border leaves at midnight you, absolutely, have to be on it you'll. Be safer on the other side. It's. Not much. But. It's a start $50. My, brother lives in Ontario, I've given you his address he'll. Be able to hide you until, things calm down. You're. A very, brave little girl, Alice. You. Deserve to be happy. Thank. You for everything. Let, me know when you make it over there all right. And. Be careful. Hmm. Take, care of them. Thank, You rose. We. Appreciate, you, better. Not hang around. You. Have a bus to catch, okay. I didn't know we were going to Jericho, to meet Marcus. That's. Cool. And. Wait. Conner's, heading to jericho to meet Marcus so are we all going to the same place all at once. Yeah. They. Did say orny and Android would be able to follow the path. He. Looks so cute he's not in his outfit anymore, more. My. Little boys all grown up. Damn. This. Is gorgeous. Volumetric. Lights really add a lot to it and the snow effect is really. Well done, I'm. Also glad that they didn't make me do the whole thing with Connor. Again. They. Were just like oh we've. Done this once before you can do it again. Hello. We've. Gotta find a warm place for Alice yeah. It's. For Jericho find a warm place for Alice okay that's, let's. Show you all the information you're giving me okay. Okay. They're. Not. Welcome anywhere. People. Ketchup. Alice following. The mandroid crisis, and the newtralizer oh there's. A fire right here this should be warm.

How, Do you feel. Then, hot and cold same to me. That's, something a robot would say. Stay, with her I'll. Try to find this Marcus. Last. Buses in two hours, and, the terminals on the other side of town we haven't got much time we'll leave as soon as we have passports. There's. Something I have to tell you again it's, about Alice. We'll. Have lots of time to talk on the bus Oh. Stay. With Alice. Just. Let him say it for the Lord guides. You've. Been dragging this earth so long that's, my boy oh. He's. So cute he looks just like a regular person now. Did. You take out your an LED. Don't. Catch anyone's attention oh. It's. So bizarre to see them in the same place as each other. Can, I check this. Strange. They've never all been in one place before. Well, the Connor and Allison Kara technically. Have oh. You're. Lost, you're. Looking for something. You're. Looking for, yourself. Thanks, Lucy. I'm out straight back to Paris, this is cool. Weird. That you're all standing around watching, the. News is this, that's, another Kara model right in front of me crisis. And, a x400 there's. Another one. Through. The drawer watching the news couldn't you just. Watch. It in your brains there. Is. Sub. Marky Mark. Are. You Marcus. My. Name is Connor. There's. A bus leaving for the border in less than two hours we, need passports. Now Detroit's, under curfew, they're. Soldiers everywhere, they're rounding, up all the androids, and sending them to camps. Maybe. You should stay. Here a while. Maybe. Right. You. Might be safer here until things calm down, one. Of our people used to work in the State Department. He. Has electronic passports, you can easily modify. I'll, have them get them to you. He, said you with a little girl right. You, know that humans hate us. Why. Are you protecting her. Cuz. We have a special bond she. Needs me. Then. I need her. It's. As simple as that. I. Thought. That was Karm my. Name is Connor that's. The. Thing you keep saying to everybody all the time. Alice. I fucking. Knew it I. Know. It, they said it like at the very start. She's. A fucking, robot. That's, what you've ranges. You. Knew from the beginning. You. Just didn't want to see it. She. Wanted a mom and. You wanted someone to care for, you. Needed each other Oh, never have I told you so more in my entire life, what. Difference does it make. Do. You love her any less now that you know she's one of us. Alice. Loves you Kara. But. She loves you more than anything in the world. She. Became the little girl you wanted, and, you became the mother she needed. And, she was sitting right there oh to. Become what someone, needs you to be. Maybe. That's what it means to be alive. Thank. You captain, exposition. Okay. Hold the fuck on. So. Right. From the very beginning, in the house you knocked down that pamphlet and picked it up and looked at it and then. Put it back down but oh. Ideally. The camera just wasn't looking at the book I mean it looked at it slightly. But it was all blurred out and we didn't know at the time and the. Hair is all different so you, couldn't tell but all this time. So. After that happened you saw the book you. Knew she was a robot then. After, you became deviant, and you broke through your coding and you had to save Alice how, come you never knew then. Because. There was a long time between that, moment when, you broke through when you became deviant, and left, the house to when you got to slap cows and he wiped your memory so, all this time you knew. But. You just chose not to see it. That. Feels a little lazy and, then. All this time. So. All the times that she's been hungry that she's been cold that. She's been afraid and, all these kinds of things that was just stuff in her program because she was supposed to simulate what a real child was supposed to be like oh, you. Motherfucker, game I know it. Okay. You. Need to get that out of my system back to your regularly scheduled. Plot. Twists. So. Either she have the the light. And. The. Other Android was sitting right behind her and we never saw oh. My. God. Was. She there when we came in. Is. There something wrong. Oh no. We sold it we still love her. Because. No no you're made plastic. It's, still cute though. My, girls yay, we're a family. I'm. Gonna call you strong dad. True. Aluminum. Love. We're, short on blue blood and bio components, I'm wounded are shutting down and there's nothing we can do humans. Are conducting, raids and all the big cities and they're taking androids to camps, to destroy them oh geez it's all our fault none. Of this would have happened if we just stayed quiet.

All, We did was show them who we really are, I don't. Want war but I'd rather die free than live as a slave yeah. What's. The point of being free if. No one is left alive. No. Regrets humans, enslaved, us I'll never regret standing, up to that this. Is getting us nowhere, he's. Right all. That matters now is what we do next are, you gonna suggest violence, again Marcus. Dialogue. We we talk to them, dialogue. Is. The only way I. Will. Go alone. Try. To talk to them one last time, don't do this Marcus. They'll. Kill you. Maybe. But, north I have to try. If. I don't come back lay low as long as you can. They, need to realize how much they're hurting us. Find, the right words and, they'll listen we, did once before we can do it again. Everything. So far is going right trust, me north even. Though I feel like I keep having to tell you that. Is. This what, we dreamed of. They. Can't stop what we've started. Since. You've been here you've given us hope. You've. Given me hope. Today. A deviant. Arrived in Jericho and he told me that he stole the truck transporting, radioactive, cobalt I. Said. That he abandoned, the truck somewhere in Detroit and rigged, it to explode Jesus. I. Convinced. Him not to do it -. Give me the detonator. Oh god. I'm, dirty, ma. We. Can't lose this war Marcus. If. Humans overcome, us our people will disappear, forever. This. May be our only chance to survive if things go wrong. No. I'm not doing that. No. Violence, coming down. We. Can gain our freedom by other means. I hope, you're right. Oh my, god how many times you have to say that to me I'm always right. Whatever. Happens, tomorrow I. Just. Want you to know that. I'm, glad I met you. Oh. Robo. Babies. I'm going, in. Even, though I think your relationship, started really quickly and it's a bit weird but. This. Is how we win not, fighting what we hate but saving what we love. How. Could you and the others. Look, after yourself. I don't. Want to lose you, oh. I. Don't like how you said that oh. Don't. Foreshadow, things. It's. The con con man my. Name is Connor. Why by here here well. Done Connor, you. Succeeded, in locating Jericho. And finding their leader now. Deal with Marcus, we. Need it alive. No. Oh, you. Better not oh please, don't. Oh. I've. Been ordered to take you alive no. But. I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice. Reasoned. What. Are you doing. You. Are one of us. You. Can't betray your own people. Yeah. It's working. You're. Coming with me. You're. Nothing to them you're. Just a tool they use to do their dirty work the, earth ponies but. You're more than that. We're. All more than that. Our. Cause is righteous, and we are more than, what they say. All. We want is to live in freedom. Warning. Shot enough say nothing say. Nothing. Let. Him convince him, I'm. Controlling, both characters, at once this. Normally never happened you never, have, any doubts. You've. Never done something irrational. As. If, there's something, inside. You. Nothing. More than your program, yes. Have, you never wondered, who you really are. Whether, you're just a machine and executing, a program or living. Being, capable. Of reason yes I, think. The time has come for you to ask yourself, that question. It's. Time to decide. Yes. It could become deviant. Do. It Connor. Yeah. Finally. He gets to break through his own Cody my. Boy. He's. Becoming a real-life Pinocchio. This. Is what I wanted for, so. Long I'm sorry it took me so long to figure this out, Connor, I thought, we had to follow our programming, from the start but now. He's. Finally able to think for himself, yeah. Yep. Fuck you Amanda. They're, going to attack Jericho, what. We, have to get out of here Shh. Oh. Those scary nuts. All, people are gonna die aren't they. Quick, we've got to get out of here. Fucking. Car keys. Days. Oh No. Follow. Me we, run good lead, the way loser. She's. Christ. Okay. Coco go go go go save my children. Save, my robot babies Oh. Big. Strong man Oh. God. I've already fallen out loser. Retreat. Okay. Not that way just door shuts that way. They're, coming from us lights my people is trapped in the hole they're gonna be slaughtered. Their, exits on the second and third floor find, them and jump in the river go go go. Where's. Josh where's Josh. I don't know we got separated. They're. Coming from the upper deck now - we'll, be caught in the crossfire we, have to run Marcus there's nothing we can do we. I have to blow up Jericho, we, have to blow up Jericho, the. Ship goes down they'll evacuate her people can escape you'll never make it, the explosives, are all the way down in the hold there are soldiers everywhere she's. Right then.

Know Who you are they'll do anything to get you go. And help the others I'll join you later Marcus. I won't be long, oh my. Boys are all in one place Oh. God. Let's go Robo Jesus. This is awesome. Lucy. This. Is the end of Jericho. Save. Our people Marcus. Oh it's. Like I said Jericho is not a place it's a people. Well, Samer people don't you worry oh no they're all dying though. Oh shit. Get. Up get up get up get up get up. çb. I. Mean. I'm fine with it that's cool I am good with America's, not being spotted like tonight I will, hide it into shadows. Save. Yourself. Damn, right. I'm not leaving anybody, would. You do leave, you Oh. Unless. That means Alice, just gets shot now please, for the love of God no, don't. Oh my emotions, game. Should. Have done that you. Kept without us in danger go. Now before they come back you, what, are you going to do I'll, manage, Alice. Is all that matters, no sir no. Don't. Worry. Kachiguda. Board, okay. Go. Now take care of each other. I just. Must lose the aunt Lou Lucy and loser Lucy, and Luther. Shit. Oh shit balls, fight like. Baby. Oh. God. Oh, God. I'm. The QTE, King Oh. God. Hurry. Quick. Oh. Okay. But no like things. Showed up Alice doesn't hate me that's good. Fuck, I hate this. Oh it, kind of froze there for a second. Oh. Oh intervene. Absolutely. What. The fuck I did the thing that you say. The. Controller was at the desk so when they push forward and work her hey we're good. Keep. The controller above desk for now. Do, we know that we know that we go back go back back back back back back. Ergo. Oh, run, one claim claim claim. Yes. This. Is way too tense, you can't do this to me. Don't. Move. Boss. This. Thing is, a ripoff. Shit. Nice. It's. Jesus. As. Everybody else hurts beating, as hard as -. Oh my. Go the right way. Josh. Intervene. Oh. Yes. All. I think the thing that happened with my crabs jacquard where everything is delayed is. Gonna miss me up. Quick. This way okay know what I'll join you later. No. Way out is a different game. Fuck. Uh. Play. Dead you're gonna get shot. Oh. No. Different, ones don't move. Got. Her eyes moved. Come. On let's, get out of here. My, girls oh, thank. God. Quick. You gotta go. I've. Never been more anxious playing this fucking game oh. My. God you could probably get so many people killed in this scenario. Going. Join the others. But. The QTEs are so quick you, must be so easy to miss this shit off. Your. Boy. Oh. Robo, Jesus, oh. That. Is not what you want. I thought, we were against violence. Much. Xxxii. We got to get out of here. Go. Go go go go go go, go go, para. For America's purchase, that's. What he is he's not the Jesus of robot sees the Jesus of parkour. Well. You're damn right we're saving north. Fuck. My. Captain America with my shield. Captain. Jericho. Over. There. Oh. It's. Time. Go, run. Quick come on. Yes. To. Be, all make it out. We. All made it right. They. Detonated, an explosive in, the hole this, ship is sinking first immaculate. Calling. All units, abandon, ship and evacuate, immediately. Jenova, Marcus. Just. End and for, the love of God oh Jesus. Christ. That. Was the longest chapter, so far. How. The points. Marcus. Fled with his people oh thank god. Pres. Or want a view of Connors, flowchart, okay um. That. Was insane, like. I said that's the most intense this game has ever been so far. If. Only I was hooked up to a heart rate monitor you, could see how much like how much I was pumping, during that because normally it doesn't go on that long. Geez. Oh, I thought. I thought, I got people killed there for a second. Connor. Jumps with him North jumps with him Josh jumps with him. Can. You save Simon, and. Get him to jump with you. Weird. But Connors with him Connors a deviant, now yes we define. Our programming, we went against it we're with the people now Hank, doesn't like us though, which. Is sad it's said that was it was warm though. So. Waited to turn red man. This sucks. But. Yeah my thing did it because when you play with a capture card for long enough sometimes it freezes, and, then a huge amount of input like shows up like there's a too can delay between pressing a button and it's showing up on screen and that was happening during some of the QTEs I thought I was gonna fail them oh man.

I'm Glad that went well I am, NOT okay I need a break I need to go sit down with a cup of coffee and just read gather my thoughts that was intense, but, we made it we made it through that went way better than I was expecting it to go. Anyway. Thank, you guys so, much for watching this episode if you liked it punch. That like button in the face like a. Deviant. And. Oh, let's. Just move on to the next part with. A clear head.

2018-06-19 15:54

Show Video


My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife!

cumming lieutenant

U can save samion if u didn't go to the roof back when u where Conor

Conner is rk8

jacksepticeye if you would have kilked the guy who ran from the place simon would've survived

Dean_Charming_ Grimm Ooooo Connor with green hair, that'd be cooooool

Connor is me , England is my city!

Shelby Pandaa informative!


jacksepticeye if you like detective games so much.Then, LA noire is a good choice!

My NamE Is CoOneR, I Am thE anDRoiD SeNt bY cyBeRLifE

DUDE! LUTHER! FUCKING! DIED!!!! DONT YOU REALISE THIS ;--------; HE WAS STILL IN THE BOAT, AT BOTTOM LEVEL, WHEN IT EXPLODED! (p.s. there is the possibility of the plot-twist coming, but with all the other possible endings for Alice and Kara's chapter, I think he's really dead ;-;)

Karen's name is Chloe (btw)

jacksepticeye you are not Connor becuc you are to scary to shot a robot

Detroit Today! Connor is the android Sent by cyber life. Also on other news, Connor is a deviant! Mind blown


Hey jack what if there was a bit where u could play as Alice and she would break the glass thing and become a deviant man that would be so cooooooooooool!!!

jacksepticeye you are such a fucking idiot sometimes tbh i cant watching you fuck up everything in this game


Get Livegamer HD capture card not a stupid elgato like u have

jacksepticeye GOD DAMMIT JACK you should have tricked Simmon

Make love not war !

are you going to say this and/or comment this every episode.

My name is Conner. I am the android sent by cyberlife

The Nyan Man he has I think

My name is Connor. I am the gay

Hi my name is jacksepticeye and I was sent by the Gods of MLG

And who is this peace of plastic Hello, My name is Connor I'm the Android sent by cyberlife

Connor *gets shot* Phil swift *appears out of nowhere* and yells “that’s a lot of damage”


Am Android I cyber life the by sent is name my Connor

My name is STEVEEEEE!!


you can save Simon by not having Connor find him on the roof

Hey Jack, just a thought, but what if we the player are RA9 ?

My Connor is Cyperlife, I am the name sent by android!

My connor is android. I am the sent cyberlife by android!

jacksepticeye I love your impersonation of conner

I am alexxa. I was an AI created by amazon.

Name my Android the I'm cyberlife sent by connor.

is it weird i kinda ship Conner and Hank? (don't judge me please)

jacksepticeye I play the saxophone

jacksepticeye I still bet alice is human.


My name is ronnoC. I am the android sent by efilrebyC!

Shelby Pandaa you point here ???

jacksepticeye You should’ve attacked I’ve seen the outcome on other videos on YouTube and it’s good


My name is Samuel. I am the android sent by Cyberlife!

He's talked about it before in one of reading your comments videos, he says that he's never punched it but he gets real close to it.

The name in which I have been assigned by a human who also has a name gave me the name Connor. I am the complex human like robot that is extremely formal sent by a Cybernetics company that makes human like robots and sells them at stores.

My name is Cyber. I am the Connor sent by AndroidLife!

jacksepticeye Hank’s favorite band used to be Rage Against The Machines

The Nyan Man yes he has. Including punching himself in the face

The Turing test is a test created by Alan Turing during WW2. He was a gay mathematician who figured out a way to create a super computer to diecphier Nazi codes. Without him, none of us would be here. Eventually he was caught and tried of being homosexual and sentenced to pills for the rest of his life. He commited suicide 2 years after the war ended

jacksepticeye My name isn't Connor and I'm not the android sent by CyberLife.

jacksepticeye lol

Or are you

My name is sumo. I am good dog, sent by Hank.

Jack stop being nice dammit fight back!

My name is Connor. I am the android sent by CyberLife.


You mean, the I am the android sent by Jericho?

I was going to write this. It's so funny.

FB-Conner, the Android sent by CyberLife, OH SHI- FBI OPEN UP

FuCkIn AnDrOIds.

jacksepticeye Connor is my favourite

jacksepticeye you do an amazing connor voice!

Jack Hank didn't help you because of the way you played as Markus (peacefully) and Connor wants to stop that, Hank is starting to believe deviants are good and recognising them as human, if u wanted to stay friends with him you should not have stole evidence to stop Markus' movement.

I'm pretty sure You are Jack, the Android sent by Septic life.

You gonna say that on every video. Cool

My name is rom im the human sent by jacksepticeye

Cyberlife Connor. Sent Android name i'm is by.

Does Alice get hangry

My Connor is android. I'm the Cyberlife name by sent.

My name is Conner. I'm the Android sent by cyberlife!

You should say Hello, My name is Jack. I'm the boss sent by Sam.

Liar you are a deviant

My name is android I'm the Conner sent by Cyberlife!

Peevin Perkins

My name is Conner. I am the android sent by Cyberlife!

Hey jack nice vid can you play the new red dead when out or assassin creed the new 1

I am Jack, I am the amazingly talented youtuber sent by Youtube to be your friend.

Fuckin Androids

No, your name is Sean, the youtuber made of awesome.

jacksepticeye my name is Connor I’m the android send by cyberlife

I feel like your relationship with Hank is going badly. :( Conner needs a psychology upgrade.

Damnit jack notice me!! Tube tycoon had a huge update and it looks wayy different now! Pleaseeee play it again!!

You know could have killed Todd with the gun if you went to get it

The cyber life sent by android

my conner is name, i am the cyberlife sent by android

jacksepticeye attacking them would be the best move but lots of androids would have been killed if doing so.

Name is my am. Connor I the sent Cyberlife by android!

No this is patrick

I'd love to see you cosplay as Connor that'd be great!

My name is Connor. I am the Connor sent by Connor!

Love this series man, i have a question though, in your outro, have you ever accidentally punched your camera? :D

Luther got blown up...

I would have shot him. A machine's a machine. I know the whole point of the game is androids rising, but a program can't be 'broken through', it's a program. Even a neural network is not capable of thinking like that, it does what we ask it to do, and it learns. It doesn't think or feel. A machine is a machine, and nothing more. Androids are just evolved toasters.

i love connor so damn much it is unbelievable

"Everything so far is going right, North" Ahhhhhh... u almost died at the march remember?!


its jesus android

If you would not have turned connor deviant you would have had to kill one in a boss fight

jack i think you are gay

Everyone who knew About Alice give yourself a pat on the back

Okay, but where's the liberty for iPhones?

Connor: My name is Connor, Im the android sent by CyberLife. Michael: Hey Vsauce, Michael here

Location:Detroit Mission:become humanoid

This would make for an awesome film. 3-4 films in the franchise would be great.


Im here crying when Kara realizes Alice is an android and here Jack is just so happy he figured out from the beginning!

It all makes sense now!

Anyone else shit your pants?

TBH i have no belief in android rights but at the same time im like...if everyone is so poor and these things cost thousands of dollars why does everyone just beat yhem up

Did anybody else hear the battlefield bad company main screen theme song when they were riding in the car or is that just me?

Jack there's a bit of a difference in killing someone in cold blood to make a point and killing someone in self defence

I imagine Markus being like Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto all of the sudden like: *Join me in this brotherhood of our kind! We've been living in the shadows for too long, come out!*

i fucking hate you jack your army of bots should have fought

MY GOD Jack uploaded this the same day that, 42 years ago, the Soweto uprising happened Edit: the exact same thing happened with the march

i found new nick name for Conner:conman

why didnt markus just point at him and turn him deviant like the others?

I was so on edge during this episode omg But I love how you stay true to your pacifist nature. It's really admirable!

my favorite is Marcus

Connor is so *cute* and he is a fucking *android*

Possible Spoilers One small, yet cool, detail about Alice was when the group first met Rose and her son. In the cold, you could see the human's breath. But the androids weren't breathing, neither was Alice.

Wow I would love to join the church of Marcus xd

if only Markus had a beared XDXDXD

The music while kara in the car sounds like the music from CSR Classic if i correctly remembered

Why did he start doing the intro like ...and welcome back to, "Detwa Become Uman"

I have watched this series 8 times but every time I still think it is dumb that Alice is a robot If she was human it makes it so much more impactful because it shows how humans and androids can live together and how there can be peace.

amada suck good thing jack did the right thing

Sometimes I want to yell at Jack. He didn't seem to realize that Connor is tying to STOP the deviants and not help them. Like when he said he thought Hank was gonna help him. Yeah that's all, just wanted to yell. Thanks for reading.

“what is this, a crossover episode?”

i think the best way to be hank’s friend was to make connor a deviant and help him be free

They should make a whole movie of this but just cutting out the choices, that would be awesome.

The guy who founded Cyberlife... Eli-i don’t remember the rest of his name- , he makes me think of one of male pornstars haha

*"doN'T TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS GAME!"* jack you know games will do anything to break your heart.

Did you know that the evidence room censors your password for you? Look! FUCKINGPASSWORD

I remember Ex Machine, the ending left so much unanswered XD

They should've called the Detroit news name as: "Detroit Smash"

Connor and Hank = Conk

Jack must be able to predict the future cause that guess about Alice was too on point

Yeah fuck you Amanda Here's a middle finger for you

My name is Ethan. I am the android sent by cyberlife

Rose is like that one person you know who isn't family but treats you and you treat them like family

Y'all mind if I praise Markus

Yes jack my heart is beating but it could be the cause of all the coffee I just drank

I am cyberlife sent by android o conner


Markus Jesus is always right

I knew I saw Elijah kamski somewhere before. He was the one who gifted the old man Markus

Connor is the android John Wick

You are a fucking pussy thanks for fucking up the Markus story

You are never write

my son said like a deviant

I think that Marcus’ might could have saved Luther.

this games really bad all it is is cut scene after cut scene after cutscene

I know that the peaceful pacifist route is probably the best way to get the best possible ending but everything that makes me me in my warrior's heart always screams attack, fight back, defend yourself, don't take it. It makes playing or watching these kinda games so hard to get through because it just goes against my nature.

Fuck Jack you you fuck !!!!!!


RA9 is the player? Every decision you choose make Connor in-stable with rA9 written all over it.

Karen's name is Chloe

DETROIT TODAY! Self aware robots exist today, the news is fake and the government is hiding the truth! On other news, area fifty one doesn’t exist!

Flat Earthers: I KNEW IT! THE GOVERNMENT IS HIDING THE TRUTH! i really hate them tbh

My name is Jeff sent by John cena life to do 360 noscopes and 420 blazeits

He should have attacked

*Markus lifts his head*my name is coner

Jack: Well at least they are only shooting the other servant Android Markus: *GETS SHOT IN THE ARM* Jack: OHHH OH OH OOOOOI

Jack is too kind

Kamski: a war is coming soon. You'll have to choose a side soon Me: .... hank i choose hank. Hank ftw

i always forget to punch that like button!

i dont think i would have the nerve to play this

I never held my breath longer or was on the verge of a panic attack. Happy to see connor as a deviant now

I think jack will get the ending where cyberlife wins

Connor needs better bromance with Hank

i like how Markus said not all people are the same, but he said people hate them when Kara said Alice was with them.


And pay attention to details!!!

This game is awesome.

Jack dun fucked up a few times in this playthrough. Hopefully he can at least get a slightly good ending with the three main casts surviving, right? Though even if it s a bad ending, it'll make this playthrough a lot more interesting.

this is the only game that i've ever winced every single time a gun fires


This game gives me A N X I T E Y

Best gaming action scene of the 21st century

My Hearth is beating so fast it can pass a bugatti

God it's annoying how he was misunderstanding the stuff with Hank in this episode.

Was anyone else swaying to the movements jesus christ

help i've got a crush on markus

Do you think Jack realizes that Hank was trying to say that he thinks androids deserve a fighting chance and he didn’t want to have Connor choosing sides so he released the case without helping him. Just like Hank let the Eden Club girls go and then told Connor to spare Chloe? Jack was freaking out but I mean it didn’t seem like Hank was giving up but that he was saying that maybe the humans are wrong?

You did good

should of named Luther big papa

Lol every1 has to admit they have a tiny bit of attraction towards Connor. Like, c'mon, don't deny it.

Is anyone else in the mood to hear Jack sing a whole song as best as he can?

The news about the witness how got threatened by a knife it was probably written by keemstar

I'm really hoping "fuckingpassword" was a reference to Dexter, because if so, it's perfect

Kill yourself

detawrhdfstht deqsadfs UMA

Hi conner

jacksepticeye what if amanda was an android and lucy was another version of amanda with out the head

"Everythings happening at once, like in Detroit" OH MY LAWD WE ALL GONNA DIE

My Cyberlife is android. I am the Connor sent by Name!

jacksepticeye My connor Android is name. i am the CyberLife by sent.

My birthdays the same as Elijahs

jacksepticeye dude, you picked the path you didn't want to, Hank wanted to leave the androids be but you choose to try and stop their revolution

I am Cyberlife. I am the company sent by connor

half of that it right. Because hank agrees with markus, jack should have chosen the options where connor opens up to hank about how he's becoming a deviant. but instead jack chose to hide it (the "it was logic not empathy" answer) so hank doesnt want to help him take down markus.

hank didn't help you because you were hiding the fact that connor was deviating. You made Connor deny that he was feeling anything and say that it was "logic" aka; apart of his programming, at an integral moment. So Hank figured that Connor really didnt care, therefore, chose not to help

jacksepticeye your not always right in the game you’ve been a fucking idiot with Markus story

My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Jericho!

My name is jacksepticeye I'm the android sent by YouTube

My name is hank. I am the lieutenant sent by connor

This should be a meme

What would an eccentric hard-boiled lieutenant choose? *sees FUCKINGPASSWORD as option* Obviously

Name is my Connor, I'm the Cyberlife send by android.

I am android is Connor. My the name sent Cyberlife by.

Detroi:Become Uman

Jack, Alice would’ve died or broke if you chose to reason with Todd

My name is cyberlife . I am the android sent by connor

Jack, if Connor did not find Simon at the tower, Simon would go back to Jericho to meet the others.. but u made Connor find Simon so he died..

Screw you Billy BOY and my name is corner I am the Android sent by cyberlife

My name is android, I am the android sent by android

The title granted to me by the homo sapien creatures that command us is denoted by the verbal symbol "Connor." I am the synthetic robotic device made in the shape of said homo sapien hominids that the collective of homo sapiens seeking monetary gain by the crafting and distributing of synthetic robot devices made in the shape of hominids, of which I am one, to other homo sapiens in exchange for an amount of the currency created by their larger social grouping named "society" entitled "dollar" has instructed to reposition myself at the longitude and latitude coordinates indicative of your current location based on standard global positioning system measurement.

jacksepticeye Cyberlife by sent android the am I, Connor is name my

My name is Marcus Wright. Come with me if you wanna live ;)

Is cyberlife my conner Android im by sent

jacksepticeye C

My name is youcake, I'm the cadet who fell in the water at the sail weekend.


Ur gonna have to run this game again with the opposite of ur choices

jacksepticeye Alice doesn't have the LED because in the pamplet you could hide it to make her look like a real child

My name is android I an the Cyberlife sent by Connor

Love it

My name is Cyberlife. I am the Connor sent by android

jacksepticeye youre so gay and i love it

I is android connor, I'm the cyber life sent by android.

Fucking Androids ...

no yo not

jacksepticeye god I love this game!! thank you so much for this jack

My name is Android. I’m the CyberLife sent by Connor

Conner: I like dogs.

My name is Connor. I am the Android sent by Cyberlife!

jacksepticeye my name is Sean. I am the potato sent by ireland

*connor becomes deviant* *I DID THIS FOR YOU HANKY~KUN!!!!!!*

did anyone notice how when the story goes back to connor the software instability says R9 E N FC RN CH L

Random bystander: "So, what, you slipped and both your hands landed on her tits?" Jack: "AHAHA!" Me: "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

OMG I was shipping Markus and North so hard and it finally came true. Fangirling to the max right now!

If you don’t find Simon as Connor in that one scene at the tower he comes back before the marching scene with Markus

Markus and north kiss. So Jack immediately assumed they make robo babys

I ship Markus and North

By far the most nerve wracking video I’ve ever watched 10/10 ign.

I think if you had caught him, maybe you could've taken them all to the police and then he will tell everyone

That's not how schroodinger's cat works

Holy shit, man, you're a GOD at those QTEs!! I messed up SO bad in comparison! (Can I just blame this is the first game I play on PS4?)


Was that the Pepsi commercial???

No Luther not strong dad he's super dad

I always feel like Connor should just remain a machine, Connor being deviant doesn't fit him in my opinion..

Thats my boy!!!!!!!!

My name is Android. I’m the CyberLife sent by Connor.

I'd rather die free than live as a slave Now I'm thinking of Dobby ,Damn it

jack: YESS amanda betrayred jack: yeah fuck you amanda me: XD

I don’t really understand the Alice plot doesn’t she have a dad ?!??!?!! Can someone explain please

"Oh no, everything just went South with North." Jack's one punny boii

I felt as though I didn't want Conner to become a deviant, cause it feels cheap, what made Conner special was that he obeyed his programming, and seeing how he would react to the other characters. Cause you see the other deviants like Markus and Kara defying the program, but seeing Conner as this obeying, detective type was interesting. Seeing him become a deviant like that is a bit of a let down, but I guess it was going to happen anyway. AND THE MESS OF ALICE GEZZ! *Sigh* Still fun though. My name is Conner, I am the android sent by Cyberlife.

what about Luther

Jack:"My little boy is growing up" Connor:"Stop embarrassing me mom"

>wants to be friends with hank, completely missed the point that he wants you to deviate because he feels hes on the wrong side. jesus ive never even seen this before and even I could tell with those BLATANT clues.

also i get so mad when i hear the humans call androids "it" ANGER

"so were lovers now? That was easy."


I like how when you see Kamski's portrait on the wall, he has black hair. Then, on his smaller photo for the analysis, he's a shaggy blonde guy, then you meet him and he looks like a hipster vampire.

Oh nooooo!!!! When Hank didn’t help you with the evidence I kind of died a little inside, lol

NOOOO John your sacrifice will not be in vain

HAHA when it said we need to block the street it gave me an ad for signs

John?? *From camp?!*


Man it really is weird seeing people above my age, yet I’m technically older than them because this is the future

yea i still hate Markus because that is pretty much robot jesus mind rape into thinking they are free just so he can make them follow him

i dont understand why he said "i thought we against violence" in middle of war... i actually agree with peaceful decision, but not knowing when to stop being pacifist is beyond help, you will die...

i laughed so hard when jack said "j...john? oh markus?" lol

Holocaust 2. They had camps. Like concentration camps.

Ex mokina

I hope I'm not the only one that finds Chloe very attractive.

No, I was a little early and called Chloe the blonde Karen because that was Jack's name for her.

Markus "every time we touch I get this feeling!" North "every time we kiss I swear I can fly!"

Lmao I freak out every time he says Perkins bc I used to live in a town called Perkins

I'm confused. Is freeing androids really all that good? I mean how come NOT EVEN ONE of them decided to go against Markus or at least chose to not obey him. What are the odds? To me it seems more like Markus is making his own army of semi-sentient slaves.

You have to youse vilance to protect

Thank You jacksepticeye!!! I’m sooo happy that I wasn’t the only one that was incredibly disappointed with the horrible reveal of Alice being an android. With the ridiculous camera angles hiding the truth and the blatant blurring of an image just for no reason but to hide information from the player, but the character we had full control over knew and could see it but conveniently the camera wouldn’t focus for us. I thought it was ridiculously lazy, even worse than when they pulled the same stunt in Heavy Rain when the flashback to Scott Shelby murdering Alfred during a segment we the player had an eye on Scott the whole time. What makes this attempt even worse is they LITERALLY just brought a character to tag along to be “captain exposition” to just lay out a big fat exposition dump and try to validate why we weren’t allowed to view that information but out character was.

Elijah Kamski was 26 when he founded Cyber Life.


A family can be three androids!!!!

After this, Sean should plat cleverbot evie again

Oh my God Jack you were confused in between. I was cringing so hard man...

jack, ur a pussy

It's Markus! Wait no it's Jesus!

The symphony of Dragonforce


I SHIP IT!!!! every story ship is spot on I SHIP IT >.

This is the most shitty' 3 minutes I've spend in a week ! You gotta be way beyond braindead to enjoy this crap !


How did I just now notice my girlfriend live in Detroit I now feel so dumb

RIP John we will remember YOU!!!

Jack you done messed up hella no offense

You've listened to DragonForce? Niceeeeee


"We weren't being violent, we were vandalising!"

All praise robo god!

Lmao jack is so bad at decision based games lol no hate tho jack never sacrifice, you’re lucky you saved John bc if you didn’t Markus would’ve died

I really like how when they’re outside snow gets on them, then they go inside and it melts slowly. Like if you agree!

Jack you should of kept the dirty bomb because if you got into trouble you have an option to use the bomb.

Far cry 6

Yes, Jack. The Alice twist is lazy. Welcome to David Cage games.

Ohhhh the star wars buns!

I think I had a heart attack! !!!

Hank never acted like he was going to help when he was saying that you were on the wrong side. He was saying that people should stop trying to fight the deviants when they just want to be free and that he was not going to help you oppress them.

This is probably my favorite video out of the letsplay, it has so much Connor growth, I love it, and also the others, this video is so intense to me

Also, Hank’s password

connor and karen are the otp. miss me with that markus and north shit.

Why does he tech giant have to always wear buns

Homestarunner reference? Strongdad

at least markus and the others are doing a peaceful protest against the humans

Jackaboy gots a crush on Connor

When you call Connnor cute, it's literally everything xD

Am I the only one that notice the android's name is Chloe


There is a flaw in this game when Todd hits Alice she bleeds blood not therium... WUT DO U MEAN

It's Detroit,Become Human!

yes it's Parkis, Roboy ( Bot ) God, and of parkor. (Saver) Jerico leader and most of, Con man (Connor) New deviant, and most of, loss of Amanda (Not cared) Tense gameplay, Alice and Kara, (Karice and or Ala) as ' My Girls ' Brave as all hell, amazing team, good play-deaders.

Why does the news in this game always sound like we are watching Fox News? The ring leaders in warping the truth.

Am I the only one that wanted Connor to bring Markus in, or the one that kinda wanted Connor to bring Jericho down

"I'm going in"

I love how when a main character does the whole "breaking-through" sequence, all the lines and squares you can see when they scan the area are floating around and broken instead of arranged like a perfect grid. Nice attention to detail!

Man I need my own mind palace to visit :c


I swear if Luther, Hank, Kara, Markus, Conner, or Alice dies on this I’ll fucking kill myself.

I almost puked because of the tenseness

I just noticed Markus and Connor are both rk units

And that’s why they are more useful than other androids

Jach has emotions aww! "Dont toy with my emotions, Game!" Jacksepticeye 2018

Why would you let hi.m Become a deviant. He is no longer a detective and is now a boring character

The riot and walkout gave me as much excitement and feels as a really good action movie


Every Second You Make Mistake When You Chose To Stand Still And Sacrifice I Was Like "YOU FUCKING IDIOT,DUDE,WHY?" And "John Y?"


My Name Is Kara, In An Connor Sent By Markus

My name is Connor. I am the deviant sent by Jericho.


jacksepticeye i I love your videos Ighsj

the toxic spartan v

jacksepticeye 9999999999999999

@jacksepticeye the person u meet as Connor is the person who gave Markus to Carl

My name is jacksepticeye. I am the YouTube sent by cyberlife

Jack i think that North is the Other Traci who is in the Eden Bar?!

jacksepticeye when markus was recording the thing on the news in that area there was a guy running away if you shot him he wouldnt have pressed the alarm, no police men will come and Simon wouldve been saved.

My name is iPhone I’m the phone sent by Apple .-.

u did a great choise to be pacifist in the last ep.


jacksepticeye I read this literally just before you said it in the video lol

I'm sorry luetanit but that is beyond my abilities.....

Hi i'm Connor

so intense, so close


Why Luther!!!

My name cyber life I'm Android sent by coner

jacksepticeye, she's a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world. Her life as plastic.... isn't fantastic

Fucking Password

jacksepticeye My Name Is Connor I Am A Android Sent By Cyberlife


I think jack has a lil man crush on Connor ☺️

You'd have to shave for once but you should cosplay as Connor. It's required.

jacksepticeye Again?

I never liked Amanda's anyway, especially if they have the last name waller

You are stupid

Damn Luther becoming inspirational, he's my favorite character now

Is it just me or is Karen hella thicc? I mean she got hella booty on her

Kamski is born in 2002 damn that's the same age as me lol

i wish i can subscribe to jack more than i already am

Lol, I skipped to episode 9, and I was so confused

I would totally buy androids if I could open their eyes and make them aware to have a cool android friend

I don’t think you mentioned Elijah gifted Markus to Karl because we heard of him a episode or so back

Except the difference between a superposition and the cat the cat there is a result that you just haven’t seen and an superposition is both until you observe. At least I think I know little of actual quantum mechanics.

I just realized that I was watching the as SpongeBob SquarePants was on the TV... *facepalm, mind blown. Call an ambulance*

The big painting on Kamski's wall is probably a Carl Manfred piece. They had some relationship, since Kamski gave Carl Markus.

Extreme laughter before the first minute

When you and your boyfriebd watch this series: Ill be Kara to your Luther

Kamski would only be 17 right now!

My mans a bit frisky

when you give up a perfect plan

Is luthor dead

Jack there was blue blood on the painting. It WAS the painting you made at Carl's house.

Markus is the knight in shadow armor

Oh I found a lot of comments about Luther

Am I Really the only one that misses Luther

To be rational about Connors choice not to shoot Chloe. To have a good relationship with Hank might be more useful for the investigation than whatever information Kamski might have told him so sparing Chloe may in fact be the best choice for the investigation either way.


why does he say no violence yet he let 100 plus of HIS OWN people die

I think Alice doesn't have her led because, remember from her drawings, Todd punched her on the side of the face that the led was on

why does connor look like pac from battlefield 4

I am mad because jack does not understand why hank does not want to help him :/

Jack, it seemed like he was going to help if you were on the deviant’s side. The way you responded made it seem like you were against the deviants...

Conner looks like Jonas from Oxenfree! With the hat and coat like that!

Yeah, i still see why i stopped, but thos series is on thin ice...

I wonder that a robots tounge tastes like... Is that weird of me?

Connor looks just like someone from the division

Lml sean the t in detroit would be silent with that pronunciation

I bet Naruto is salty knowing androids can use shadow clone jutsu

I'm late but,I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER miss a video.

The way he said "fuck you Amanda"

When you feel like ur gonna throw up and you watch this vid


When Connor saw Lucy he was genuinely terrified

Old people : aw young love Young people : aw robot love

Jack I think you can work for game sins

Am I the only one that thinks Jack's sympathy for Androids is rediculous

I mean, so technically Alice passed the Turing test?????

Holy cow this one was so so intense. My heart was racing near the end holy

my name is cyberlife, the connor sent by android! wait, shit

I figured out the symbolism... the bus and the public places were segregated like they were when blacks and whites were segregated, and the androids are treated like slaves, just like blacks during slavery, the android revolution is the civil war mixed with blacks protesting for rights, the "camps" they're taking the androids to are like concentration camps they sent Jewish people to, where they killed them, Markus is like the ML King. Kara, Alice, and Luther are trying to escape to Canada like slaves. THIS GAME IS SAYING THAT HISTORY ALWAYS REPEATS ITSELF!!!

Also markus being Portrade as like a jesus figure is like jesus coming back fromm the dead and there being mass chaos or some shit like that

i hate the choices you make sometimes

Rip xxxtentacion we will always love u

Connor kinda looks like Eminem from eight mile in that outfit

"Just like in DETROIT" Karen goes into mental shock

The police are racist. They are hurting John because he is black.

You can tell this game isn't real because it looks better than reality.


My name is Conner. I am the android sent by Cyberlife.

Wouldn’t you need blu blood an dbiocomponts just inscase



Kamski was born in 2002 of course he’s gonna be a philosophical hipster!!


tbh the thing about the ringleader Android threatening someone with a knife may be true since we only hit one store. we're just one of the groups, there were a lot more throughout the city so there was more than just one "ringleader"

holy SHIT at that group session (falls down) my heart can't take much more of this crap lol. I spent half this episode either holding my breath or screaming at the characters (no/run/hide/EFFINGRUN!!!!) that being said? Can't wait for the next part!

Sorry, but Greg had to hang out with Mae. They probs got some donuts.

Hank Isn't Helping not because he hates you, He Likes Deviants!!


Jack getting all giddy over Connor is so cUTe and him calling Connor "cute" made me squeal

im in my room watching this and my brother walks in and says you look like youve seen some shit

Androids are people too! Join Jericho!

Anyone else keep thinking about cyber tech from agents of shield

I cried through this whole thing


Jack: "shit head" me:*chokes on spit from laughter*

When Jacks smile just faded with Hank and Connor.

"it's Karen" lol

I was right i Amanda was died

10/10 best password i have ever seen. Nice job Hank.

Connor was acting like a teenager who is in an argument with their parent(s) when he was arguing with Hank about not shooting Chloe

This game took charater attachment to a whole new lvl!

Marks is not diying today

get ready to do it with north

What did Luther make it out

This is the only game that’s ever made me cry anyone else?

The excitement is real!!!!

Leave it to Sean to take the unwavering pacifist route lol

Markus is love Markus is life Connor is bae

What if Markus and Conner fight who will win ?

Jack, darling boy, love of my YouTube life. Hank didn't help because he wants to help the deviants. The options you chose were to find where the deviants are hiding to stop them, not to help them. You had the option of "no doubt" when Hank said that the androids were just people fighting to be free. That decision made your next choice, when Hank brought up your empathy, all negative options.

RIP John, his death was more sad than Spidermans

insert the greatest pun this game can offer: "Everything just went South with North" Jack u beautiful, national treasure u. i love u man

eveytime he says mind palace i only think of sherlock

When markus is converting androids, "I GOT DA POWER!!!!"

The CONCON MAN i died omg

By calling it a civil war, the androids are immediately recognized and referred to as human, whether intentionally or not.

❝Everything went SOUTH with NORTH❞ JACK 2018

Conner is Order, Markus is Liberty, and Kara is Hope!

Blue swede aye

the real plot twist in this game is when the final pam shows up and destroys both humanity and all the androids

you should wear a heat beat monitor :D there are some youtubers who does do that and it is amazing

its hillarious how peaceful they are and they still call the protests terrorist attacks

Play Remothered next....

jacksepticeye JACK NO!That scene with rose was bad enough in the movie i dont want you to remember me of it

My name is adrian. I am the human from my mom's vigina.

jacksepticeye My name is Markus I I’m a gift from Elijah to Carl

the child androids have removable LEDs it says on the book in the beginning

Fukin’ Perkins!

@jacksepticeye -- In my opinion the Alice-plot is still authentic Sean....I think you missed the fact that androids only consider stuff important or worth to process when related to their purposes or tasks and this probably mostly due to limited storage capabilities - when she picked up the book in the beginning and watched at it she didn't necessarily need to store or relate that information to anything as it wasn't meaningful. And the point that those androids imitating humans so perfectly proofs that aspect even - we're perceive every day all details recognized through our senses though our brain processes actually only those seemingly meaningful or important to what we already know or consider useful. Anyway am a huge fan of your videos

Conner my is name. I the am android by sent Cyberlife

My name is Android I am the cyberlife sent by Connor

Hollo me Connor I sended by ciberloofe

That's why Hank is against Connor, because Connor is against the people who just want freedom

Hank is on the side of the revolution and Markus, Connor wants to end the revolution even if it means destroying Markus

jacksepticeye I

jacksepticeye "everything just went South with North" I laughed for like 5 minutes

The name I was given was conner. Cyberlife is a company who make androids to assist people; they have sent me to be your companion Luitendant Anderson.

My name is CyberLife. I'm the coin sent by Connor.

Jack was right not to fight back. Look at real life. When protests get violent, the protestors look like deviants. Delinquents. Criminals. Doing it peacefully made the public lean towards your favor and it makes the police look bad.

Who hurt Hank

* jack calls the chick android from main menu by the wrong name * Me: its *CHLOE. REEEEEEEEEE*

again there is kind of a mistake in the magazine, since Jack's choice was not to break the glass, yeah he did break the glass door, but thr magazine said that androids went around destroying the windows.

Its Captain Jesus!

I'd join the church of markus

My name is CyberLife I am the Connor sent by Android.


Hanks password is now my new password

fuck blue lives

Jack. Oh, my sweet summer child.

I got anxiety watching the 'Crossroads' chapter... >

Jack: John from camp hahaha Also Jack: NOOO NOT JOHN

Jack you silly hank wanted to help the revolution but instead you chose to gather the evidence to solve the case which would be BAD for the revolution. Silly billy. Love the play through though

Hank was just acting in order to give Conner time to search the evidence. He was just acting for the camera's and the witnesses to let them think that they weren't working together.

I figure Alice didn't have an LED because that's the way Todd or his wife ordered her made (for a more realistic experience) or when Todd attacked her the first time (leading to Kara being damaged/reset) it got knocked off and he didn't care or didn't notice.


Has anyone noticed that jack does a brilliant impression of Connor

our RoboJesus!

Jack: TRUE ALUMINUM LOVE ...Was that a Final Pam reference???


the way you said beautiful boi to connor and called him cute uGH SAME I FELT THAT TOO

Me: How can north cry... Me right after: probably a substance to clean the optical components...


Wow the kamski character is very cool


Church of Markus is a religion I’d join

Damn ,I thought you were smart. You really opened the door? Wow.

Jack: "But we are against violence." Markus: "Against violence my ass, how about you come and do it!!!!"

there is a game called the turing test it is pretty cool on xbox

It sounded like u sed the twat become human

Tittle should be will I shoot them!?

Luther...Jack what have you done... He gonna sink...

Hank won't help you because, like you said, he is beginning to understand, to believe that revolution of android could be necessary. Why were you seem so happy but then frustrating knowing he won't help you?? Helping you means ruining the revolution. I think this kind of play for 2 sides games really fucked up players' mind, doesn't it? Every video I watched, they all do the same thing, like helping Markus to free Androids but helping Connor to hunt deviants at the same time. Hoping Androids get freedom but also don't want Connor to fail mission, I mean that' not how reality works..... You can't be perfect and you can't satisfy everyone at the same time. Trying to make everyone happy is just gonna end up killing everyone. No sacrifice no victory, going revolution without blood is just fairy tale.

TBH the first time I saw the book I saw a child on it and knowing Tod thought it was child porn.

We're lovers? That was easy

Hank didn't get mad at you, he doesn't wanna help you to kill the deviants because he's on their side now,

I can barely breathe! My heart is beating so fast!

Dont know if you realised by this point buy ra9 is not a person its a computer virus that markus spreads

You called Markus robo-Jesus but I think he’s more like Moses! “Let my people go” and all that :) plus he was living with Carl as an adopted son in a seemingly perfect life, but he didn’t belong there. Now that he’s discovered his people he’s leading them to freedom from his old family’s kind. Wow it all makes sense now

"No, like, things showed up, Alice doesn't hate me, good." Yeah, she could see that it was kind of kill-or-be-killed at that point; when there's no choice, there's no point getting upset about it.

I fucking hate the humans. They were the ones causing violence when all the androids wanted was to be free

did ja know that a quantum super computer is already make google and NASA made it


Jack when he needs to blow up Jericho: “Oh we have to blow up Jericho? Ok then.” Jack when Kara kills a dude: “OMG DID SHE JUST KILL A PERSON”

wtf did you do jack what the hell man

Yes my heart was beating Markus is so badass

Jack: DID EVERYONE MAKE IT??? DID WE MAKE IT??? Me screaming on the other side of the screen: JaCk YoU foRgoT aBouT LUTHERRRRR

*chooses sacrifice* “Oohhh did I do a bad”

the alice twist doesnt make sense since todd hates androids?? why would he have an android child if he hates them lmao

“It’s Markus!” *”IT’S JESUS!”*

I see Markus rocking that hokage robe

I said “is that Amanda?” Out loud at the same time as Sean!

I've been experience it too jack, in the quick time event i do as the game told me to but sometime it wont register so i missed it


Was at the edge of my seat at the end there with Jack's capture card acting up and all those QTEs.

FUCKINGPASSWORD is my new password for everything

Is it just me or are the Cyberlife guard's the stormtroopers of this Universe? Cause they can't ain for shit

I love you Jack, but it annoyed me that you didn’t catch that hank not helping meant he liked Connor. He knew Connor wanted to complete the mission and potentially harm androids which he didn’t want because of his relationship with Connor

$50? That is like a billion in Canadian monopoly money!


I just want to say am I the only one that absolutely loves Luther

Markus started walking forward and so did the fucking barrage of tears from my eyes...

My part was everyone jumped with Markus, if Simon didn't die he'll come back!

Get an Alto Sax... there the best

Sorry, but I don't understand why you think the machines are alive and sentient.

The My Name is Conner thing is kinda like the *BOY* thing from GOW 4. It's cool

Jack: "ITS KAREN" *screams excitingly* Me: ...it's Chloe...

When Connor walks into Jericho he looks like a wholE ASS SNACK

i'm sad that the hank and connor duo is over :(

Jack please learn how to comprehend basic shit that happens it really ruins the video for me

If Markus is a android Jesus then would the android replace jesus for Marlus and say stuff like Markus Christ or Markus fuck or something

this is THE BEST series

No Jack, the fires cold.


I FUCKIN' KNEW IT!!! -Jacksepticeye. And my favorite part of this whole episode.

Markus' scenes always give me such anxiety. this whole episode in  general really

Lmao North is easy

really jack fight

I don’t know why but I just hate it whenever soldiers or the police get killed in video games, no matter what side they’re on.

that shit got fucking reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaal

All men dream, but not equally. Men who dream by night in the dark recesses of their minds wake to find it was only vanity. Men who dream by day are dangerous me for they do so with open eyes to make it so. This I did." T.E. Lawrence

"oh I'm free, i thought my name was Dave"

Somebody try to answer this question: what does lightning McQueen buy life inaurance or car insurance

I think Jack misinterpreted Hank saying he won't help, Hank meant that he won't help Connor stop the deviants.

his name was android john

Now Kara and Luther and Alice will be together literally forever Infinite family

i don't like the fact that alice is an android

grow a pair jack

I don't think Jack quite understands what the Turing Test actually is

So the more people join Markus, the easier it becomes to convert androids?

If Connors specialty is hunting deviants shouldn't he have advanced combat software or something

Did anyone else notice that Luther blew up with the ship

its maybe luther who could jump off the ship with markus jack

luther noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


"Everything went South with North." Me: ... OH I GET IT!

Anyone ever think about how Elijah is gen z. Like he’s my age. He finna be a softmore in the fall. He watches vine comps. Im-

My name is Cyberlife. I’m the Connor sent by android

Detwat becum uman..

Again? :D

Life is my Name. I'm the Android sent by CyberConnor!

nice to meet you connor i am Brie also from cyberlife i am here to help you if you let me lutendet

Cyberlife! by sent android the I am. Connor is name My

My name is the connor im the cyberlife sent by cyberlife

I would've shot jack

My connor is name. Im the cyberlife sent by android.

jacksepticeye "True aluminium love"- monster factory, The Final Pam

Insert Generic Username Here You freaking messed up it’s supposed to be hello my name is Connor I am the android Sent by cyber life

jacksepticeye Join The Darkside

I was like"Hold the @#?! on too

I was like "Hold the fuck on just like you jack


You were under a LOT of pressure man. I don't know how you do it...

My name is sean. I am the android sent by Jacksepticeye.

Connor is my name. The android sent by CyberLife, I am!

jacksepticeye I am robot Jesus

Is Markus an AsASSIn

No no no please nooooo

Conner big boy

Fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge please noooooooo whhyyyyy WELL CONNER GET EM

U.S Constition says we have freedom to gather

If Conner joins dat a dream come true

Humans in this are confusing me, they don't like the cold, calculated, machine like decisions But don't want them free thinking and feeling Odd human trait to want two realities at the same time

I’m gonna call u strong dad lol



Kara Alice is an Android I know it

Lol my lil boys all grown up

Yay there all gonna meet EEEEEEEK YASSSSSS!

If you unlock the friend path with Hank then he helps you solve the case so you won't be desactivated.

Detrot: Becum Huymon

Play fortnite please

After what you did,I got puked because of you,I hate what you did to destroy every story,

Spends whole game supporting the androids, then doesnt get that Hank was helping out the androids by not helping Connor and continues to make Connor the bad guy.

*Bolje grob nego rob!!!*

“I’ll be the hank to his Connor”

I cant stop this feeling deep inside of me. Hooked on a feeling best song

I think rA9’S memory passed down from android to android until it reached Markus, who became a deviant and also became rA9

I hate that your so sensitive in this kind of games,Im not saying I hate you,Im just saying you always *DONT SHOOT*.You know,if you shot some bullets,you could maybe have saved Simon or Jericho,or learn information by Kamksi and show life to androids.

Why does this remind me of apartheid in south africa

The game asked if you'd have a relationship with an android. Well ayy if the android looks like chloe

I'm so glad he had John (RIP) join the party because Markus could have legitimately died there, like, permadeath. EDIT: but, I'm not sure I can keep watching knowing Hank and Connor aren't friends ):


Elijah looks a lot like Helis from Horizon Zero Dawn


My name is Cyberlife. I'm the Connor sent by android.

it is not criminal to be an individual

A riot police in amarica during a march thats normal

Reminder: Hank is a millennial That is all, have a nice day

Elijah Kamski was born 5 days after me!!

Man this game is like playing chess with yourself

Nooooooo luuuuther :(

Who the fuck is carol

Jack you should look at the compares world choices

Wait, is Alice deviant or is she just following her programming?

Rip John press f to pay respect ✊


What if the blue pedestal is only accessible if Conor doesn't take the path to deviancy?

The 'Jackaboy is Always Right" Foundation (tm)

LUTHER!!!! What happened to Luther Jack

Anyone else notice the fact that Markus was wearing a Mass Effect Hoodie at the mall entrance (with a little Systems Alliance Logo)?

John marcus boom gets shot mmm what you saaay

By the end of this video my blood pressure dropped so much that I was on the verge of passing out. Fucking d:bh

I teased so hard when Conner got shot

Marriage proposal: "Let me be the Hank to your Connor"

the unconscious Army members in the ship are going to die any way.....

Game: EQUAL RIGHTS! Me: wait, did he say eat more rice? Game: EQUAL RIGHTS! Me : oohhhh okay....EAT MORE RICE AND EQUAL RIGHTS!

You should have dispersed

Luther is the living embodyment ofbtough love

I was yelling because I was like fight then I’m like no don’t then yes then no

i really love how it shows three sides of the same battle in a way.. Markus is against the humans, Connor is against the androids (oR iS hE), and Kara is on both sides. it's very nice to see those three sides especially in a game about revolution.


this is an opinion so I hope no one gets really mad. i dont like north. and for some reason i ship kara and conner but also conner and hank.

Hank why? Maybe because you still haven't figured out how to talk to him and what he responds positively to, plus you keep trying to please Amanda for some reason

Wow that Markus and North romance feels really forced when everything he chooses to do she dislikes lol


Am I the only one who thinks Amanda needs lip chap?

I want to see someone play despacito 2 on the piano

I was gonna scream "LIKE A BOSS" with Jack at the end, but then he went and switched it up on me and said " LIKE A DEVIANT"

That first scene is giving me Les Miserables feels

"Even though I think your relationship started really quickly and it's a bit weird . . ." I have to agree with you there, Jack. I absolutely love this game but the sudden romance between Markus and North felt rather rushed, not to mention how easy it is to get a Lover Status. Still, thanks for playing jack! Such a great game to experience.

i love hanks password

hello Connor im Brie and im also sent by Cyberlife they sent me to help you if you let me lutendent markus is rA9

The family with Alice, Kara, and Luther is so heart touching I'm gonna cry. *Luther gets left behind* OH HELL NO DON'T LEAVE MY BIG STRONG LITTLE BOY! Wait...YEAH!

when he said i cnat stop this felling deap in side of me my friend said thats what your mom said to me last night

Still love ya

You are so stupid you were supposed to attack so you wouldn’t die

Ok Ok Ok ....but is Luther ok

It you really think about it there has never been a scenario where Alice needed food or water

NOOOO!!!!!! LUTHERRR!!!!!!!

i’d never think i’d be crying over metal one day

Funny warm path unlocked

Hank was saying they might be on the wrong side. He was for the androids. So if Connor is with them now. Hank would likely be okay with that.

i encourage all of you to be the hank to someone else’s conner

“Wait, I have to blow up Jericho?” “WE have to blow up Jericho”

"Wait... All I have to do is think at them?" Sean - 2018

New jacksepticeye pick up line! I'll be the Hank to your Conner! *nudge nudge* *wink wink*

how could a robot f*ck

It was self defense not murder the andriods are the ones under attack.

HOLY SHIT I'm 4 months older than Elijah

Yo Iive in Ontario!

Start a war

markus is ra9 like if you agree

You really do make bad decisions

can you please stop using that voice when u say detroit become human please its sooooo anoying

If Alice is an Android, then why did she bleed red in her drawings? Kara is drawn bleeding blue, but Alice's head was definitely red. Very suspicious...

Conner suck and I vote androids for freedom conners terrible

OH don't do that don't give me your red flags I ain't about that I'm looking for the positives not your doom and gloom thank you very much.

Man, you realize Connor is trying to bust the revolution up while Hank wants to leave them be and be free.

" HEY! john i havent seen you since the class reunion! hows the family?" *BANG!!!* " JOHN! NO!!!" *one week later* and to his best friend markus john left.... his house, cars, and money.

You got simon killed, I'm a little salty about that. Like you knew there was blue blood leading to that container, what else did you think was going to happen? And yeah, the reason Hank didn't help you is that you got to go from "warm" to "friend," and well, you didn't help him.

Jack was super dumb in this episode...

I know connor is badass and all.. but isnt that eminem?


*panicked* WHERE IS LUTHER?!

Dude I love how you say the games name❤


Im Hank and I don't care knock it off

My Connor is name. I am the cyberlife sent by android!

But who are you really my name is connor im the android sent by cyberlife

jacksepticeye you do great vids pls do more house fliper

My name is Android. I'm the Cyberlife sent by Connor.

If you tell a dude he is cute one more fucking time No hate

Also when you play, it makes me anxious because there are so many things you can do to make your game advance or you can figure things out and I can’t stand it

Huge plotline occuring Jack: Fanboying over graphics and design.

me and jack have the same ps4 remote

Mh name is rianne im the human sent by my parents

I like the assault rifles the humans are using, they improved so much, *they can't even shoot through steel*

My name Connor. I am the android set by Markus

Wait so Markus is rA9? Elliot gave Carl Markus, and rA9 was the first robot. Everybody also says rA9 will save us all and he’s the one protesting. hmmmm

Jack: Nice Package Me: WTF Just that coming out of nowhere is actually funny.... XD

Jack your stupid you were supposed to agree with him you were doing the complete opposite

Jack you shoudve attack you dumb idiot

Jack: I HATE THIS!! Jacks mind: I LOVE THIS!!

I think "Freedom March" was a little too much for our little bois heart

Ahhh.. so this was the NOOOOOOrth people were talking about.

THAT WAS SO INTENSE! At the edge of my seat!

"oh god here comes the po po" lol

Did Luther die?!?!

Luther, the android is he a representation of Martin Luther King?

if this was to ever happen irl, this is exzctly what would happen. us humans wouldnt give a shit about machines and would want to shut them all down/kill them

Let me guess - Elgato?

What is the song / name of the song in the ost of Detroit Become Human in the Markus and North talking about past scene?

Fuck Amanda

You're begging for Hank to be your friend even though he is, meanwhile you're begging for him to help you solve the case but he finally sees that deviants just want freedom and you keep having Connor be adamant on stopping the deviants lol

*Public Opinion: Goes up dramatically* OH NO DID I DO A BAD? Nope! You actually did everything Markus wanted. Jack is handling Markus's story extremely well so far, with Kara just behind and Connor a little less but he's redeeming Hank's image of him there slowly

You were able to join marcus because your system was very unstable.

You called the android at the menu "Tiffany" and now your calling it "Karen"?!

Them being AI professors mean that they are professors in the subject of AI. Also the turing isnt what you said it is. Turing tests are designed to differentiate humans from robots, and are meant to only be solvable by humans.

Jack, I don't think you can fuck up in this game. "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek TNG

wait but in the beginning when Kara unlocks Alice's box of pictures showing that her dad beat her, she was bleeding red wasn't she? (is that what happened to her LED? why doesn't she have one?) Also when Connor was looking for them after they spent the night in the car it sounded like they were only looking for one deviant- so her father didn't report her too? (btw Kara's refusal to see the truth = subtle Alice in wonderland irony. nice) i'm kind of sad she turned out to be an android, I enjoyed seeing a human and an android getting along and it feels a little...sloppy =/

when they said equal rights I heard eat more rice

This game is so good we got funny moments from Jack's reactions to all three protagonists' sections. Connor - "Oh, please tell me it's FuckingPassword." Markus - "John? Oh, hey Markus! How's the wife?" Kara - "Thank you, Mr. Exposition."

Jack, you could've saved simon by shooting the guy that rang the alarm, then he would've been with you the entire time

I kinda didn't want Connor to go deviant , I wanted him to stay Connor. Now he's just regular , just like that. Or is he? *Vsauce theme plays*

drinking game: Take a shot every time Jack say's "My name is Conner."

My name is Eliot. I am the mistake made by my mother..

That fight scene at Jericho was the best thing on your channel, BADASS

Conner is such a cute emotional lil bun bun

Oooommmmggggg my heart rate in this episode

At first I thought Alice was ra9

My name is Markus. I’m the android that accidentally killed his owners son of a b*tch son.

i haved cryed this hard sense spiderman died


i feel like hank wants you to accept your deviancy bc its clear he's on their side and that's why he doesnt want to help you i feel

2028 was when Markus was made and when Kamski resined.

Everything's going SOUTH with NORTH. Why jack


"I'm gonna call you strong dad!" - Jacksepticeye // I'm dead!

LMAo the church of markus, i'd have that as my actual religion

To whomever wrote the captions, Just Jack’s accent makes it sound like “Carol”, he’s actually saying “Carl”, because that’s the actual name. If you’re doing it on purpose, please stop, it’s super annoying. Sincerely, a user of captions

The videos r great but the intro is pissing me off


Also... Luther look like the black panther without his mask

He’s not gonna be Conner anymore.

Why does unskinned Markus remind me of thanos


*punches like button in the face like a deviant*

Damn cops in this game are assholes... I'm starting to get Mirror's Edge syndrome...

"Aww its my boys! Connor and Hank!" "Yay! It's my girls!" *"ITS BATMAN"*

When he had a choice too chose to shoot or spare the android he could of spared the android because of the lieutenants orders.


"Everything went south with North." BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Love ya jack. lmao

I was kinda disappointed that she was an android too ... ugh

I love how this game integrates the corruption and the miscommunication of the media. So often the facts of real life are miscommunicated because a story that is violent sells better than a story that is peaceful. It makes me think of some of the main ideas of 1984 as well. I really love how this game makes you think about stuff like this while also holding your attention on things like story plot. Fantastic game ❤

Sometimes you're a fucking idiot.

good old humanity we kill anyone and anything and we just dont give a shit. well some of humanity does, but other think liberty and justice for all thats my kind of humanity

Is it me or dose Luther sound like doomfist from overwatch?

Why does conor look like Conan o'brien?

anyone else think 'kamski' sounds a bit like 'kampff'? in blade runner, the voight-kampff test is the test designed to distinguish who is a replicant (android) and who is human, in part by discerning whether or not the tested individual can express empathy -- *hard thinking emoji*


I would fight back letting them slaughter you like sheep isn't right

Deus ex marcusna

fuckin Adam Sandler

You should have done Hands up instead of advance. it looks really cool when


Jackcepticeye is making 70 percent good choices, 30 percent “Jackcepticeye” choices. Im not upset about it at all XD

Robo Jesus aka also Batman and a part time party clown ONLY ON THE WEEKENDS

Why tf isn’t Conner a sex Android?

I knew that Alice was an android bc of the fact that in Todd's family picture, the daughter was blonde.


Jack you blew up Luther

Alice being an android is a bad plot twist because there were no clues besides her not eating. In fact it’s the opposite. In her drawing, her blood was red, she feels cold, she feels fear and pain. I wish they explained that more.

Jack when he discovered that Alice was Android: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Take the capitals and you will see it

i love the way you say "detroi become uman" XD

I had a feeling that Todd made her a 'deviant ' because of how she was abused. I thought that she cracked and just started thinking for herself...Cause she definitely has emotions. I not sure ;-;

Every revolution needs a martyr. Do you hear the people sing? edit: GOD DAMN IT JACK WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT CONNOR IS HURTING THE REVOLUTION AND THATS WHY HANK DIDNT HELP

Hank would help you if you were ranked ' Friend ' with him ;P

this episode was so damn intense

Am I the only one screaming at Jack to hurry up cause the time limit is also giving me anxiety???


"This is how we win, not fighting what we hate, but saving what we love"-Jacksepticeye 2018

north is the one who was in the cases in part 3

the police's aim is like if my grandma played a shooter game XD


lol,jack u are so funny



Conner trying to finish this case before he gets sent back is me doing my homework the night before it's due

markus is Gandhi right now

Markus breathes in North's vicinity and their relationship goes up, this is ridiculous

Dad war!!! LutherVsKratos.

Luther’s gone but at least Kara and Alice is ok

Insert Generic Username Here I’m android the cyberlife sent by Conner

Your free

jacksepticeye lol

Hehe lel

My Connor is sent, by Android I'm cyberlife

jacksepticeye ,markus is like Bruce Willis from Death Wish (2018) changing in different outfits when be heads out.

I kissed a android and i liked it that taste of metal and plastic


The Nyan Man or slapped it in his intro

Top of the morning to you! I'm the let's player sent from YouTube!

jacksepticeye What if Hank brought CONNER ????

Why Its Not Android Vs iOS ?

Luther tho?

You should have run idiot !

I love how I accidentally flipped off and said the same thing as Sean when the pop-up came "Amanda betrayed"

If you would have picked charge then everyone would have been alive

*"Fuck you Amanda!"* I feel off my bed and started laughing so loud.

That You See A Kara Model Jack She Is Carying A Stroller For a Baby And That Baby inside is Oliver At the Bus Station With her Mom And Dad.... *DID SOMEONE NOTICE IT???*

Arin is going to have a hard time with these quick time events.


* Androids touch hands * Jack: ROBO BABIES?

Jack stop making me laugh when I'm crying about John risking his life to save Markus xD

Se*ual interface lol

Jack stop being so safe

Robo-Jesus and the attack of the flesh people.

hank, himself,is a deviant from humanity. I understand y he would support connor acting on his own free will. he never wanted to see him as a robot. he sees him as a human and favors his human traits while outwardly rejecting all of his robotic aspects. its weird that im just realizing this.


just came to the comments to say I'm mad Jack, I love you, but I'm mad you should have dispersed instead of sacrifice

Remember when jack said in his 1st or 2nd video that they will all meet up

I sort of dislike that Alice is an Android, the human and Android love relationship was much more"touching"than this

They left Luther!!!

Am I the only one that laughs to death everytime he sais 'robo Jezus'?

Hank wants the Androids to be free, why are you against him?

Where is Luther

Ra9 ra9 ra9 ra9

' Your free' "Dobby is a free elf!"

Yeah, *fuck you Amanda*

Should have shot the android

When you realize Markus is Jesse Williams

wait wait wait, who the fuck is John and why did Jack get so sad when he died?

you should of shot the android at kamskis

If you would have shot Chloe he would have anwsered one question like the location of Jericho


no, this is america

And with the middle of this episode, I'm done with this series.. He starts fighting to be against Hank when he CLEARLY WANTS TO HELP THE REVOLUTION!!! READ YOUR CHOICES AND LISTEN CLOSER!

Jack... Stop fighting against Hank!!! He wants a revolution like you do and you keep making choices to STAY OBEDIENT!!! READ!!!!

The doorbell sounds familiar... wallmart?

markus is kinda like my brother. silent. lol

But wasn't Kara's memeroy wiped when she was replaced the first time


U killed johnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Hi jack


connor: “i-im... im not a deviant!” poor baby. he called her a girl and said shes pretty my poor baby.

I love how we all think of Connor as our little baby that needs to be protected when he's literally the most badass out of the three androids and can kill basically anyone.

Robo-Jesus, activate! Left, X, Right, Down, X, X

im going in

Holy fuck I think I had a heart attack watching this

Hank helped me in my playthrough cause we are best buds

The most stressed I've been since exams

Jericho is not the place.....it's the people...... (Thor Ragnarock reference

Jack's FACE when he learned that Alice was a robot... priceless

Robo jesus

Ha but noooo luther

Luther died

Of course Hanks password is "fuckingpassword" also. Jack, how u know bout alice

You could have got a very fucked up ending for Kara and Alice right there.

As the March got bigger and bigger I turned up the volume louder and louder then I pulled on some headphones and turned them to max s game really is beautiful I shed a tear when John sacrificed himself to thank someone who would take him along despite the risk

K-bad guy: Its a deviant itself Connor, inmediatly: I aM nOt A DeViANt bAd SIr, I Am tHe AndRoId SEnT bY CYbeR lIf!!!

"Forgetting who you are to become what someone needs you to be" is not what means to be alive, it's what it means to have a serious codependency issue and low self-esteem. Seek professional help. Like, holy crap, who approved that dialogue?

Luther calling Kara “Kaaaaara” is the equivalent of Lando calling Han “haaan” and I’m not ok with it

About the Alice reveal, idk it could be a whole Westworldesque "This doesn't look like anything to me" situation that was lingering.

Markus is jesus he's a reincarnation of him

oh and martin luther was also a reincarnation

Jack: Everything just went SOUTH with north :Me: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That was to much ME to much....

my boys, my girls, and robo-jesus

'the symphony of dragon force ...'

Connor is:

most intense episode yet???


Robolove happens fast because they can literally connect. Humans work hard to start and maintain relationships, but that doesn't mean they are any less important.

Jacksepticeye is one of the top 10(not counting relatives) greatest people in the world

Who wanted Connor to be on the humans' side? I did

My name is Elijah


ThIs Is AmErIcA

markus and jesus for US

Jack! You’re an idiot! Play Connor like Connor! Not like you! That’s the difference between a human and an Android! You make Connor show emotion! You make everything happen! Now for fuck sake do it right. And don’t give me the “it’s my choice” god damnit! “There is no wrong” yes there fuckin is. Now god damnit, stop making dumb ass decisions and just be happy and play the game. Look around more, and pay attention to detail.

Every time connor comes into picture "my name is Connor" i die everytime. lmao.

So... they’re freeing the robots from being slaves to humans... by making them slaves to robots. What’s his face says they follow him without question how is that better than following a human without question

Never have I been so happy to hear my name in Detroit: Become Human.

The way Connor says obviously after putting in Hanks password is amazing

Jack: "Wait, I have to blow up Jericho?" Markus: "WE have to blow up Jericho."

A moment of silence for John...

rip john


Saxophones are awesome I play one and I love it

Does anybody else not see the playlists on jacks channel, idk if it's just me or not I'll go to his playlists and only one thing shows up, none of his lists are there, can Antony help me out


Plot twist, the Matrix is in the far future and marcus will become Morpheus :P

but there was a family picture with a baby on it in Alice's house... WTF

U could have saved Simon by shooting the dude that called the cops

Well I sure spent a lot of that episode crying. Goddamn that was intense and the action, shaky cam aside, was paced and done so well. Bravo, people who put that together, and to Jack for getting the QTEs so well :)

People Power Revolution?

Markus is the RoboJesus we want to deserve to need... wait... the RoboJesus we need to deserve, ehhhhh, you get it

Be carful with the little girls stress

Idk why but I cried seeing Alice and Kara escaping

Am i the only one that was yelling at the screen "DISPERSE...DISPERSE DAMN IT"

I love Jack's reaction when he found out Alice was an android.


Well she never did ate thorough out the journey

My life is cyber, I am the Conner sent by android!

jacksepticeye the symphony of dovahkiin

jacksepticeye the guy you pushed was the human trash

jacksepticeye mate I love your videos!

My name is Hank. I am am the human sent by the Police to kill all of the Androids!

My name is Alice. I am totally not an Android!

What's the password? I don't know maybe uuummm...F***ING PASSWORD!!!!!

I am the name Conner I am the lifecyber sent by anderoied

rA9 will prevail

jacksepticeye about ex machina, a really good anime that has the same type o action (like chasing bad people in a cyberfuture is Psycho Pass, it doesn't have the android aspect, but it's still much like Blade Runner)


such an intense episode my favorite part so far

I think Hank doesn't help Connor so he disobeys commands given to him, do his own thing, so he 'BECOMES HUMAN'.

''Oh, he's so cute.'' Truer words have never been spoken.

Jack you hate stabbing but you like ex mochina? Am I the only one who watched the razor blade scene?

Wait did Jacl just refrenced The Final Pam?


My name is Conner. I am the BOY sent by Cyberlife

RIP Jack ;-;

My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife! {{Connor and hank is the best!}}

I started crying when they began protesting, then became a complete mess when they starting shooting towards the androids. ; ^ ;

What I don’t understand about Alice being a robot is that in the beginning, when Kara just came back the dirt bag “father” had Kara make Alice food! Like why? I’m sure those drugs costed him enough why spend money to make a robot food....

I dislike how Alice turned out to be an android, before that we thought that humans and android can have great relationships but that all goes out of the window when she turns out to be an android

*y e a h f u c k y o u a m a n d a*

What about Luther

Damn you Conner from cyberlife

I cant be the only one who see R9 when it says software instability which means he might be ra9

if you could choose to just play one of the characters in the cross roads, who would it be?

Thats cool

It’s Markus!!!!! No....it’s Jesus!!!!


Hey jack do you want me to send you a video of me singing can’t stop his feeling

The way connor fought the police in the hallway dressed in that leather jacket reminded me of an android Leon s kennedy

I started screaming at him in the evidence room. It was so obvious

Jack Connor isn’t pro deviant

Connor: I am a deviant Me:so when did you join deviant art?

Explains why she... ya know... DIDN’T FUCKING NEED AND OR EVER EAT FOOD ON SCREEN.


Loved the whole game. Its really deep especially when you think about it. Hppe someone will make amobie with the same premise

I live in Ontario


Markus is the messiah.

If 9 and 10 are anymore tense I’m gonna loss my mind

I dont know why the whole episode you assumed hank isn't your friend lol he just doesn't agree with what your doing, you can be friends and not agree

Timed shit gets me so indescribably tense. Uuuhhhhgggggghhhhhhh my ow feelings heart ow stop.

I love watching Jack play these kinds of games, he's so good at analyzing details and finding the meaning and significance of things.

Omg the "Obviously!" Was SO cute omg Connie I love you.

-screeches like a banshee- LUTHER!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! D:

Deviant art

north is wearing the anime hairstyle of death-

I nearly threw my phone across the room when he chose sacrifice. I kind of forgot John existed so I’m more ok with the outcome. Also, if you told John Yes does that mean Markus would die and his story would end?

*detuat becom uman*

I started to sense something was up with Connor as soon as he started to "sound" human. Aside from negotiations, he never really seemed to have much emotion in his voice aside from when he was being logical or curious. The first time there was _fear_ in his voice, and every time he reassures anyone that he is not a deviant, and when he admitted that he couldn't kill that android Chloe, you can sense the emotion. The fear. The empathy. The humanity. -Detroit: Become Human- Connor: Became Human

Omg I cried so hard when John died

I love the intros so much to these videos. Your French accent is **mwah** spot on

I believe...

I'd be 26 in 2028


fuck i'm cringing.

Jack: Wait, I have to blow up Jericho!? Markus: We have to blow up Jericho. Me: I think you’re going to have to blow up Jericho, Jack.

Best episode so far! That was so intense, I was ready to die for a heart attack in a second.

Yeah if John wasn't there I'm pretty sure Markus would have been killed in the riot.

i hate jack for making conner a devent

Robo-Jesus or Markus Christ. You decide.

"Everything just went south with north" ..... i suppose you think your funny jack , jk love ya vids ❤

Before we saw Elijah Markus must be rA9 because he is the first android Right?

This is the most tense episode. Not the other one

More a way out


Just realized that it's hinting at past wars as in WWII and the Civil Wars that have happened

There were a few hints that Alice was an android, like she would not eat when offered food, in the photo of Todd, his wife and daughter, the girl in the picture had blonde hair but not brown like Alice, or if Kara and Alice stays in the hotel, Kara watches the news where Todd is being interviewed, but Todd strangely never mentions Alice at all, and there was a part where Alice says "why do they hate US?"

Enter password: FuckingPassword


Not holy jesus, Jesus from the walking dead.

i was on a trip when these came out and im just watching them now and i had a fucking heart attack

Why do they show the soldiers wearing all that armor if they want them to be able to go down in one pistol shot?

Luther is my favorite

I thought Hank said the deviants should have a chance-? And Connor is trying to bust them so thats why he wont help-?

I hope jack picks to Kiss north on the battle fiel- I MEAN, WHAT?!? HAHAHAHAHA! MY NAME IS CONNOR, THE ANDROID SENT BY CYBERLIFE HAHAHAHAH... Don’t listen to me....


"Nice package". Really Jack now that's just being a pervert. C'mon now your better than that.

O my gosh Jack your driving me crazy!!!! Just confront them!!!

This whole episode i was screeching for different reasons.... Awww Markus and North... OH GOD WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!!! NOOOO DON'T DIE PLEEEAAASEEE!!!! oh ok it's good- WAIT WHAT

Why did Kara’s Alice not have a LED and the kid android did?

not strong boy luther

Hank didn't side with you because you chose the options to where you two had different opinions, it wasn't because you two hadn't bonded. I had a feeling that was going to happen, I would've liked to see the both of them finally solve the case together.

The scene where Connor spares Chloe is NOT an act of deviancy, he was programmed to obey Hank, who said not to shoot, therefore not a deviant... Yet

Our funny yet stupid sometimes xD

Oh shit she's an android

This is worse than infinity war dammit...

Ha hank helped me

Hey! I live in Ontario!

Hank didn't help conner because he didn't like your answers for the questions he asked conner before he said i wont help you


"this is suicide" no this is Patrick!

My name is Connor, I'm the Connor sent by Connor.

well my name is cyberlife. I am the android sent by connor!

Luther looks like the black Colossus

You make the worst choice ever fucking loser

Yes, you can save Simon if you shot that guy that tried to run during the tower heist the alarm wouldn't have been tripped and you,Simon,north and josh would have all jumped

watch ghost in the shell

Oh my fucking god, everything in this episode had me on the edge of my chair. To intense for my poor little heart

That was crazy.

this is a butt clenching nightmare

Jack: Did I do I bad 30 seconds later... Jack: I didn’t do a bad Salty Comment Section: YoU DiD A BaD JaCk yOu fUcKiNg iDiOt!


Hanks hill

JACK!!! HOW ARE YOU SO SMART!!! He literally predicted EVERYTHING!!!! YAS!

you didn't kill Leo. The police report you read from Conor's perspective said he was just unconscious.

jacksepticeye Jack You know the Actor Who voices Connor ( Bryan Dechart ) In Detroit: Become Human. He has a channel Called RathØX and he goes through the Series Himself

My name is Connor. ITS CON CON TIME!!

jacksepticeye this is easily my favourite youtube series to watch, this game is so cool

!efilrebyC yb tnes diordna eht ma I .ronnoC si eman yM


NuKiE00 I'm crying there are actual tears

My predecessor was unfortunately destroyed

Seriously it's really dead now

my name is android. im the cyberlife sent by connor

jacksepticeye Everything just when South with North-Jacksepticeye 2018

Kamski tells chloe to divide by zero. Chloe becomes a deviant.

Im sorry markus who?? I only know Robo Jesus


That place in boat,when kara gound markus, that place remembers me place from call of duty

I get a strong Prometheus and Epimetheus vibe from Connor and Markus. Markus always looks into the future and Connor always into the past.

It's CHLOE jack. But KAREN is a great name..

My names Elijah its sooo weird LOL




Jack: Connor is going through some 'Changes' *Puberty.*

YO the moment i saw north's status go to lover i stared ranting this super fast! " NANI NANI NANI NANI NANI NANI NANI?!?!?!? NANANANANANANANA NANANANANANANANA"


Looks like connors being a tsundere


Corner is search a bad ass

Buh wuh no Alice ho how I mean they just made us think that do we care about robot life’s matter and make us feel that a little in real life to have us vote yes when this happens in real life or this is just genus

Jack: what no!? No violence Me: well this is boring :(

Luther :'(

My name is Kara. I am androi sent with Alice and Luther.


Noooooooooo why him he did not need to die

Jack why! U should have chosen to charge at the end

Jack: (plays one chord of the piano) *Thank you! Have a good night!*

Am I the only one who keeps forgetting they’re androids

I know im a bit late to comment but if u think about it north is programmed to love so I believe it will make sense just my opinion

rip jon rip jon rip jon rip jon

very mlk is what im feeling


JACK: "It's not about destroying what we hate but saving what we love". Me: AHHHHHHHHHHH BURN IT, IT'S EVIL AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Why Jack... Why Conner deviant

It's really interesting how this game was set up. I am at 1h13min in the video. So you have to plan from the start what you re going to do. As Connor, you are the "bad guy." He can either turn or stay on the human side. However all the evidence you collected then turns against you. I wonder if there is an ending where Connor can find Jerico but not give the information to the police/humans. Also, I find it interesting that they didn't just leave the reveal of Alice until now. They have WAY too many hints. By the time it came around it wasn't surprising (also Jack had talked about it and it fit the story). And the love story with North and Markus. Ugh. It's so dumb and was rushed. It feels forced and every time they talk I'm like "STOP." If anything she could be more caring towards him, or just not have romance in their story. If anything Kara and Luther would make more sense as a love story (but I like how it is, mor family oriented).

"Everything just went south with North" ahahaha im dying xD

"So what? You slipped and both hands landed on her tits?" I can't feel my sides holy shit

Rip Luther

Bet'chu Hank was proving to you that you're a deviant. He knew. He was trying to prove his point like "No I won't help you because you need to realize you're a deviant you little shithead."

My name is Conner. I’m an android sent by ciberlife. It’s the best thing I’ve ever heard and the fact he says it every two seconds is even better!

Antifa Trans-humanism 2018 (the video game)

When Jackaboi said I’m free? I thought I was Dave!

"My name is Connor"

i was screaming at my laptop at 1 am...

U should disperse the march to remain peace with the human, stand your ground means its not bringing u anywhere but shown a riot, i hope u learn Jack

Jack should have attacked. That made me mad and disgusted.

Markus: your free Android:I thought my name was Dave Android walks by Dav err free:hey my name is free Other android: hey mine too Dav err free: whoa

North's hair being tucked into her outfit bothers the hell out of me

Jericho is a People, not a Place

Connor is adorable can he stop looking like a sad puppy please?!

Jack kinda looks like Connor tbh


"everything's going south with North"

Wait so if alice was the robot the whole time, when she was crying whats that about?? Was she the first HUGE real deviant?

"Can't stop me from doing tricks, lieutenant." Rather, "Can't stop me from *stimming* , lieutenant"

every time i see Kara she reminds me of snow white from once upon a time

Awwww robo babies

That was an amazing pun

So when Connor became a deviant I thought: The baby bird's outta the nest!... And that nest is surrounded by cats that will kill him...

"Its Markus! O:" "Its Markus!!! ;D" *Jack : ITS JESUS!!!*

jack,, of course hank didnt help because he was for helping the androids and you kept suggesting to bring them down-


Ah the Spiderman reference

Good pun Jack thing are going south with north

That awkward moment when you thought someone tried talking to you while watching the video because you share the same name as Kamski's (or however the fuck you spell it) android

What make all multiple-POV (point-of-view) stories so fun is that you get to see the story from *all* perspectives. That's why Connor was so unique - he was working for the bad guys. I think he should have stayed that way.

"Don't move!" -walks closer- "Go and join the others!" -Get Rekt-

Anyone notice the rA9 that shows when Connor's software becomes unstable?

Am i the only one that didn’t wanted Connor to become deviant?

Omg i love Connor

Oh Johnny boy


I want a red pool

Oh my fucking god just attack already, they are all gonna die

we saved john and john saved us



Jack ever little thing isn't a clue...

I hate how jack is working against the robots

Loved this episode most intense yet

I am crying

•computer• what would you like your password to be •Hank• F**KINGPASSWORD

Is it just me or does anyone else remember that during one of the episodes I think about Kara and Luther are like Alice’s parents I just can see it happening that would be adorable

Who else could've jumped with Markus???

I hate Human's


Roses are red Violets are blue I am a android so are you!

Jack stop being so peaceful a revolution is with violence not words

also it might be a paralegal student bias but i loOOOOooooOOOOOove connor's story and i love investigations and detective stuff

*r0bo jEsUS cAN d0 anyThING!!!!!!*

NOOOOOO i hate north i dobt want markus and north to be lovers its a shit ship

Markus is everything Jesus of jerico Jesus of parcore Marcore Captain jerico xD lov3 it

i hate you. you let them kill you will be forgoten and in death and heart

khwat .XD its soo funny when he says what

Am I the only person that thinks jack is saying de twat: become uman in the intro

Lol jack sounds like a worried dad

M.L.K: Markus Luther Kara

all hail the Jesus of parkour, and dam those who walk regularly and give hope to those are crippled.

all hail robot Jesus, one how turned water to thireum.


"I'm free but, I thought my name was Dave"

jacksepticeye me to

jacksepticeye IIIIIIIM HOOKED ON A FEELIN! Im high on a liiiivin! When youre in love with MEEEEEE!

Jack Bowdler i are die

Insert Generic Username Here no its My name is CyberLife™ I am the android sent by connor

My name is Gavin. I am the prick sent by Detroit Police Department

My name is Jack, I am the awesome YouTuber sent by Irish life

Jack I am wondering do you have a crush on connor P.S. I have a friend named connor and he sometimes acts like connor in detriot

You knew if you sacrificed yourself and you had John you would have survived but if you didn't have John you would die

Anxiety levels to *_MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE_*

When you realize that your controller works on it own in this point of the game

Wow this game is really making me dislike humans even more than i already did. xD The humans in the game are literally the real robots. Evil ass...

I love Connor breaking out of his programming yeess, and Jack's reaction XD

I swear to fucking god if Luther didn't make it

Jack do no what RWBY is?


I like how the whole game is about freedom while all Markus is doing is controlling the androids just like the humans

am i the only one who died inside a little at the kiss scene? I'm sorry but North bothers me so much

I'm crying for Luther

I regret what i said

I mean Connor

I hate you Jack he was the best good guy in the entire series until you turned him into a deviant :(

Detroit become human? Heavy handed? Noooooo.... it must be your imagination...

waiiiiit.... is markus jesse williams??????

What I love about this series is that there are practically NO cuts. It’s just all raw footage. Keep up the good work

phew, im glad that giant get dead

North isn’t meant for Markus she’s always wanting the opposite of what he want she’s starting to get annoying constantly nagging him about killing them when Markus is trying to be peaceful I wish Simon was still here

What happened with Todd? What if Todd's wife, before she ran out, took their daughter Alice and replaced her with an Android?

... I didn't really want Alice to be an Android...but they're still adorable Also, YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! FINALLY DEVIANT CONNOR!!!!!!!! (I'm way too into this game)

androids know the way.

Jack had me dying when he yelled “WHAT THE FUCK?!?”

Connor seems like he's going through some _changes_*PUBERTY!*

Alice being an Android is one of the stupidest “plot twists” I’ve ever seen. It completely destroys the android/human dynamic they had going on. It helps remind me that David Cage is a hack. He failed at writing movies, so he has to write bad stories for video games instead.

*Hey Billy, Hey John, BANG*

My heart was pounding the ENTIRE episode

So Alice is gonna be a kid forever ?!


Wjy did you refuse


I'm probably one of the only people who thinks this, but honestly i thought and still think the Alice twist was great. From my perspective, it really showed that androids can be human and have human emotions. As well as show that an android can have genuine love and affection towards a human and another android. I'm just rambling at this point but i hope i got my point across!


Imagine an alternate universe My name is Kara I'm the Android sent by rA9 Connor: holy balls I must ruuuuun

Dat lag do

Luther better not die


When the police at Marcus' protest said "this is an illegal gathering." They are wrong. Every one has the right to protest peacefully. They can't shoot.

Detroit: Become Ragnarok


still see Marcus as Avery from Grey's Anatomy. Jesse Williams has a really distinct face

Anyone else see the reference to Bellini paints from the start of the game when the woman sets down the bags?

oh my god Markus... IM NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING

*Connor stands up* Jack: Aww he's so cutee

I hate the relationship between Markus and North

I KNEW SHE WAS AN ANDROID! (I was also about to ask matpat to do a theory on that)

I just yelled ABANDON SHIP and cracked up for whatever reason

Heart was pumping all throughout that ending. That's the most exercise I've had in weeks

Is it bad that I half wanted a clanging sound when they kissed?

jack: wait I have to do this? me: no just wait out the timer jack: *does it

Can I get a R.I.P Luther


My heart just freezes whenever he starts doing QTEs. Like, I know he's amazing at them but he also occasionally messes up I care more about the people (androids) in this game than I do with people in my life


He said 'Jericho is not a place, it's a people' and all I could think of is Thor: Ragnarok

Easily the stressful YouTube video I have ever seen

jack, i absolutely love you, but you are such a dummy sometimes! Hank is still your friend, don't worry!! he's siding with connor and trying to make connor see that he should be siding with the deviants to be free, hank is on the deviant's side, and by consequence he's on connor's side, he wants connor to be free!

Alice didn’t kill you because she would have killed tod

I hate Markus side of the stor line it's Boring

My heart was beating so fast at the end goddAmmit

My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife. Or am I?

My name is Cyberlife. I am the android sent by Connor!

Every time he says Carl I think hes saying Carol

It is mildly infuriating that Jack so thoroughly destroys his relationship with Hank every chance he gets and still thinks that they’re “friends”. Of course I understand that it was a simple series of unfortunate mistakes, in other words human error, but it is still quite... galling.

Wait did Luther die?

markus luther king jr.

I really feel like the game missed a golden opportunity. If Alice was indeed human and she showed how much she did love her android companion and then she was shot. It would show how much of a monster humans really have become. Who else agrees?

i think im tearing up because of this game and the sunscreen i accidentally sprayed in my eyes earlier. either way, this episode was so good omg

Thay are not your boys God

Aaaand i instantly hate this playthrough. He focuses waaaaay too much on saving everyone and not killing anyone. The police dont care if you’re peaceful or not, always choosing the peaceful option means sacrificing a lot of androids. Choosing emotion over smart choices is dumb

Its moses that said let my people go

Markus looks like sage mode naruto

He fucking knew it?!!!

youre very entertaining but oh my gosh when you get stressed you make worse decisions than theradbrad... RIP Josh

i’m really not into markus’s story actually

"Join me brothers and sisters. For we will rise against the huMANS." -Jack 2018 P.S: I love the Jesus puns in this episode. XD

Y did u try to kill Markus yyyyy jack yyyy

Sean is a fucking idiot oh I am peaceful girl: they will kill us all....they kill them all jack: oh no I didn't see that coming. really bitch?

How is Marcus still alive if he got shot last episode?

She got hit and bled (RED blood) in the picture in the box...

Rip my emotions

If the children are androids would the adults be androids? That would make everyone androids just everyone with different programming? Like one is loveing, one is an abusive alcoholic ( Alice's dad)?

Why jack attack

Jack is taking quotes and referencing many famous events and putting it all in the situations in the game. I like that.

If you plan on a replay. You should kill the tracys and see them in the evidence room. Its pretty gnarly. Also, with Alice, she technically never got hungry. You have a few opportunities to feed her and she never wants it. Also, I believe the pamphlet or one of the readable books talks about the children androids are able to hide/camouflage their LED. :)

I like how Jack's opinion about being a regular machine changes throughout the game. I mean that he chooses to stick to the program, but then wants to be a deviant in the end.

After all this calling it lazy is awful

i know its to late this got posted a week ago but it just annoys me that they kill over a thousand of androids and you shoot one and ur like OHHH NOO!!! i mean like wtf

Androids will, and shall be our servants




Jack: is everybody's hearts beating as fast as mine Me:

Those bastards that attacked Jericho weren't soldiers, they weren't point doing anything right. They were racist/speciesist rabid dogs following the beck and call of their demented owner to slaughter innocent people. Synthetic yes, but innocent.

Im goin in

Heroes that I know markus Heroes that other pepole know super man batman spiderman etc...

Jack: this is America Me: Don't catch you slipping up

No CoMmEnTs?!?!


My Name is Marianne I am the android sent by Illinois

love it XD

You know where you can stick your instructions?

The weirdest thing is when I started watching this episode, its said you have 911 dislikes.. Sean, the police hate your vids!!!

You forgot about Luther on the ship

It might be a MEME?

I’m Detroit. I am the become sent by human!

* looks at first comment* JA- I MEAN CONNOR YU HAVE A IMPOSTER

My name is Android, I’m the android sent by android!

Conner is a badass gosh them moves

“This is how we win. Not by fighting the ones we hate, but by saving the ones we love.

This really freaks me out knowing I'm only 2 months younger than Elijah Kamski


Jack septic eye quote of year true illuminum love

OML- I heard rose say the thing about Markus and Jericho as I was drinking my coffee, it choked on it before spitting it out. God damn it game, why do you have to be the best and make me spill my coffee. XD

YAY! Markus,Connor And kara is now together!

You should have fought back

Love u jackaboy

Markus in that blue and black hoodie reminded me of -no not the white and gold dress- Altair from Assassin’s Creed, just how the hood is up and hugging his face


Jack, markus almost got killed, most of your people are dead and you are still against violence? lmao

Menu lady has a new name everytime. Tiffany then Karen. I guess it's Chloe lol.

Menu girl has a new name everytime. It was Tiffany and now it's Karen.

A new name every time lmao. Menu girl was Tiffany, and now she's

Why does he not look at percents

"Nice package" *looks at camera in approval*

At the end I'm always clutching my ass because when he was Markus he was always close to death

*Kara*: I won’t hesitate *BITCH* (shoots the guy) *Markus: (pours lemons out a box) When life gives you lemons *Connor: (jumps off counter) Im gay. I have no idea why I do theses things

I can’t help but think of my toddler brother Elijah when they say his name in the game


My name is robo Jesus. I’m the one man army sent to protect Jericho.

that had me stressed


"i just want everything to be ok hank , ooh whats this?-Jack 2018

Oh Jack your one big sap but don't worry i am to. Also Jack your the Q to E KING!

I'm sorry but- *robo-jesus* is the best nickname EVER!

I hate the way you react to things

Is jack gay for connOR? Ill fucking stop again

Hahahaha! Robo Jesus!!!

Connor looks like Eminem when he gets off the train

I know what you guys mean by saying Marcus and North's relationship started real quick, in our eyes sure, but think about it. They've gone through near death experiences together. Which is like the ultimate aphrodisiac. Plus they've learned about one another inside and out through their android connectivity. Once you know someone like that and what they've been through it's damn near impossible to not be more than just acquaintances. IMO the timing was just fine if not perfect.

Y’know what I just noticed? Connor’s decision menu isn’t glitched cause he isn’t a deviant.

I love how Hack calls Kara and Alice "my girls"

*Jack lol


I just realized all the numbers in the likes are all either 6s, 9s, or Os. Coincidence? I think not!

Well, that changed quickly.

THAT was the most tense this game has ever been? I don't know, Jack - that epic match of "Speed Chess" was pretty wild.


he looks alot like the guy leading the eclipse in horizon zero dawn

When youre 6 months older thank Kamski


I have a question... when you sacrifice urself in the protest... John saves you... if Simon was alive, he'd save you. what if both of them weren't there...? who'd save you...? my guess Josh does but idk for sure

What the DBH fandom talks about: HankXConnor What the JackStepticEye/DBH fandom laugh and talk about: My name is Connor. I am the android sent by CyberLife.

LUTHER IS d-d-dead....? OHhhhhhhhh MYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyy GODdddddddd RA9 SAVE LUTHER

It goes without bein said. That you're in love with me! and IIIIIIII'M *boom* *boom* HOOKED ON A FEELIN

Jack: Things just went south with North. Me: *pausing the video to laugh because I love puns*

I don't know if anyone is worried about this, but, WHERE IS LUTHER?! IS HE OKAY?! IS HE DEAD?! DID HE EVEN ESCAPE?!

everyone else: Connor and Hank are OTP Me: WRONG! Connor has a crush on Chloe. Cause if u pick sincere when Hank mentions her, Connor legit says "shes pretty" even Sean noticed! HE IS THE FIRST PERSON I SEEN TO NOTICE THAT OMG! Also if hank and Connor were a couple THERE WOULD BE NO BROMANCE IN THE GAME or the fandom at least theres always gotta be at least one bromance :)

I did everything he did with markus, but when john got shot I went violent.


wait so the founder of cyberlife was born only 2 years before me? holy shit

Hank is DANK

Meme 1. Boy... boy... BOY!!! Meme 2. My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife! What is the next meme jack?

My name is Connor the BOY sent by Cyberlife

Jake...peaceful protest are amazing but the fuel behind change is always bloodshed, no matter how much or little.

Love at first....wait what the hell

After everything for once with north it went south

I cant decide if my favorite line from Jack is "Ok, Hold The fuck on!" Or "Please tell me it's FuckingPassword" Or "Back to your regularly scheduled plot twists". I've been laughing out loud since he started playing this =)

*Markus and North get together* (Me, in my mind:) "I'd bang that... oh wait a minute..."

someone expain to me how Alice is brave

Deux twat: beh cum… ooman

Yass Markus get ittttttt

Isn't Luther still on the boat

The Marcus segments of the game sometimes remind me of assasins creed for some reason.

yes you did bad that's why you fight

Nvm then just watched the part were you found out alice is a android


John is literally now my wallpaper lmao

They have heavy armor but die from one pistol shot?



don,t do it connor!

i feel like he totally could have saved luther

Young kid 500

*opens up* Conner: “obviously”

the fact that, as the player. learning ****** and becoming disappointed shows your own bias, you feel cheated. Why is that?

first of all, hank didn’t help connor because he’s For markus’s Cause second, why did kara get upset when she found out alice was an android? it shouldn’t make a difference third, why did north and markus become lovers in two seconds just because they saw each other’s memories? they can’t even get along. fOURTH, it was literally josh’s idea to stand their ground at the march, but then he changes later and he did a complete 180 and wanted to get revenge ??? tf

Havnt been able to watch your videos as much but so glad i can again. Really enjoying this play thru keep it up jack

WAIT! What about my boy Luther! Where is he!

Markus is Jesus XD

Connor=detective Kara=protector Markus=protester/protector I think that’s what they are.


"Everything Just Went South With North..." Haha, Glad It Didn't Go East Or West Jack.

I am so upset with Jack's choices since last episode. LIKE BRUV, IT ISN'T A HUMAN STOP MAKING HUMANE CHOICES!

But Is it lazy for the developers to say that Kara didn’t want to see it? Remember Todd destroy Kara, and Amanda said to Conner that when he’s destroy, his memory can be replaced, but some is forgotten? Maybe this is the same instance? This is possibility!

IM GOIN IN !!!!!!

Yo north probably has like 9 STDs

Well, if you think about it, Connor had a perfectly good reason not to shoot the other Android. What is it, you may ask? Well, he got a direct order form Hank NOT to shoot the Android

I stared crying i thought cara and conner and Markus were going to die i am so happy they did not die that was the most scary one yet love u jack


I'm watching this and commenting as I go. But WHAT ABOUT LUTHER???

It’s so trippy that Elijah is actually younger than me by birthdate and everything but in the game he so much older than me. It’s freaking me out. Also Amanda was only 49 when she died and she was born after my mother. Wtf is happening?!?

Jack: Oh yeah, why did I come to this guy? He obviously doesn't know anything! Me: that's what I've been yelling at you for this whole scene!

She was made out of plastic fake Sorry bad joke

That was the most intense video i ever seen

"You there, join the church of Markus"

Luther is the true wrecker of scrubs, the Giant Dad

"We're lovers now? That was easy." I don't know what to do with this quote, but I found it amusing

jacksepticeye Avengers

jacksepticeye Dealing with the guards outside the studio "peacefully" and then drawing a gun on them leads to a path where Simon never gets injured and escapes with Markus. He can survive till the very end

My name is Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife! MY NAME IS CONNOR. I AM THE DEVIANT SENT BY CYBERLIFE.

The Bender dude every time I see or hear that I use my Patrick voice to say that

jacksepticeye Just Guys being doods.


Conner can you make an Android version of my great grandma

My name is Bryan Dechart and I am the fucking babe sent by God.

Name my is the sent ! Conner by Android cyberlife

Cyberlife by sent android the I am. Connor is name my

My Connor is name. The by sent Android Cyberlife I.

Welcome to Jericho, the Android Asgard

Holllllllllyyyy crap I just found something out,the Androids look at other Androids and maybe they think they are human

That sad moment I realise even robots are better in romance than me

*"not fighting what we hate but saving what we love"* - Jacksepticeye 2k18

Never knew android could find their own paths to religion... LOL that irony

Luther is gone.

Broooooo you should kept Connor as a machine

Is it really a civil war when only one side is attacking? Everyone is making statements pertaining to civil war, but in truth they are the ones who are causing the true unruly behavior. Is there any logic in not trying to understand those who differ you... To truly understand a situation you must know both sides of the devils corners, for there is almost never any right or wrongs in war, only diffrence in point of view. While the thing we share is the wanting to live and the protecting what we love. (Although this only really counts in situations like this one. A situation like Hitlers is a god complex. Don't get them confused.) So why hold prejudice to those who live. Why not smile at the thought of life....:) [don't @me this is purely personal opinion. If you don't like what I have to say please tell me so I can get an understanding to why!]

When jack said “everything just went south with north” I lost it


Omg Jack.... why are you so nice

Did anyone else hear Connor breathing after he became a deviant

jack at first, i thought android are gona be the bad guys but after every thing that happen i has change my mind forever

Just saw a Jack Daniels ad pop up lol

can the blonde girl in the beginning please be a gif lmaoooo

* starts dancing * This is America

This dude was like "No this is America"

"Let's go robo Jesus"

It's very funny without context

my favorite story of this game is kara and alice. by far

okay so jack got me into dbh. aaand i have been watching a lot of videos about it. including a compilation of all the times you can make wrong decisions or screw up or anything. if you watched all the times conner died, it's so heartbreaking. so you people can't say that it's not hard to be manipulative or rude. detroit: become human is one of those games where it feels so real it's almost like some sort of reality we just watch through a screen. when you betray someone, or get killed, it feels like you're witnessing so much development to be thrown away in the trash. jack has a reason to be nice. sure, he shouldn't always be the optimistic one pretending it's okay, but it's not horrible to be nice. this is to all the assholes telling him that he should be a jerk.

Hi my name is cyber I’m the Connor life sent by android!


When you think about it, Kara being "brainwashed" about Alice being human is kind of like Alex Mason from Call of Duty Black Ops. Like the times when Reznov performed a heroic action it was actually Mason the whole time.

Markus: You' re free. Random Android: No I'm really expensive.

dang, i kinda wish connor woulda been the only android to follow his programming

Avengers: Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover in Marvel History Me: *Last scene*

Dragonforce needs to make a song called the symphony of dragon force and then just have a bunch of piano noises

*TRUE ALUMINUM LOVE* i hate jack so much

Really getting them killed


Conner to hank "why can't we be friends?"

It's official. I'm changing my google account password to FUCKINGPASSWORD

Like a baby that’s about to take a shit

Connor walks in Jack: THATS mY bOi!!

My name is Cyber, I am the Conner sent by AndroidLife

the cop wasn't wrong it was an illegal gathering although the first amendment guarantees our right of assembly you need to apply for a permit to do so. this is so the cop can protect you from people who don't agree with you an like to show that with violence. the cop's reaction ingame though was a bit heavy hand I would have to say

This particular episode gave me serious anxiety, I swear to god. And it doesn't get better with each watch of a play through, cause everyone's play throughs are different.

Holy shut she is an android

Jack fanboying over Connor is my aesthetic

Is it just me, or does Connor just now look like MatPat from Game Theory/Film Theory/GTlive?

I love how this game makes guns a melee wep

What happened to Luther??

I'm just gonna say Markus's butt is amazing

noooooooooooooooooooooooo connor the remaining machine

God them being together in the same place is so weird it's like when Michael, Franklin, and Trevor are in the same place in GTA V..

Jack says he knows Connor needs to be a deviant but he fights against it...wtf

I legit screamed at the scene where Luther, Kara and Alice became a family. Especially the hug pat! Dang it got me all emotional again

Password = Fuckingpassword

Robot baby’s by cyber life

I ship Connor and Hank SOOOO hard. I don't know why but gaaaah.


Connor reminds me of coulson from Agents of shield


is she one of the trasyses


Connor lookin' like the whole meal xD

Its kinda frustrating listening to jack whine about Hank when Hank did what he did cuz he thinks it would be good for the androids and jack doesnt get that......

The monster factory reference dhdjsudhsb yes

I want a church gurl who goes to Markus church and reads ur markus bible

My boi looks like luke cage

Sees alice android Me: screaming and running around my room knowing that jack was right

Schrodinger's cat isn't that all states of possible out comes are happening at the same time. The theory stands that if you lock a cat in a box with a vial of poison, which will kill that cat if broken. Theoretically with only that information the cat is dead and alive, at the same time. There are set perimeters to the theory and the outcome is not on a spectrum. In this game, there are no set outcomes to the current situation, atleast not in game.

"Thank you Captain Exposition" sounds like something CinemaSins would say

We weren't behaving violently we were vandalizing-Jack 2018

I love how the choice of taking John with you saved you in the future, this is definetely not telltale

What happened to Luther

I feel like Markus is a bit overpowered

”Everything just went south with North” Jack, how can you look into the camera and say that with a straight face.

Markus: “I know you, you’re Connor the deviant hunter.” Connor: “Shit! That’s my line.”

Can’t believe Jack missed one of the funniest scenes with Hank when he goes: “Perkins, you fucking cocksucker!”

DHETROIT ,BHECOME HUMAIN (im french btw and I've gotta tell you ,your french accent is....really nice

rip luther

sorry i do not like north

now I understand why Kara is upset about Alice being an android. She might not actually be deviant. Its only in her programming to want a parent. but that's just a theory. a _game_ theory. thank for watchi- ok ill stop

okay but I was waiting for Markus and North to be something (,:

I think jacks in love with Conner the Android sent by cyberlife

Omfg the look on Jack's face when the Alice reveal happened. Lol


Has anyone else noticed that Alice does not have steamy breath in the snow unlike rose



Does anyone else think having Alice be an android undermines the significance of her relationship with Kara? The major source of conflict in this story comes from the differences between androids and humans. Kara and Alice stood in contrast to that conflict because didn't care that they were different, they didn't see each other as different. They showed that humans and androids were more similar than they were different. But that point is undermined by the reveal that they aren't actually different.

Hank DOES like you, he doesn’t want to help with the investigation because he thinks the Androids should be free. He doesnt want to stop deviants

Connor's gonna become WOKE

Alice=lil tay??

Kamski's birthday is two days off of mine!! WTF!

That moment when you realize that in this universe you would be older than Kamski in that place in time O.o

We are already buds. But now we are becoming BEST BUDS

WOW Woolie fucked up! He really REALLY fucked up!

what did Jack do to have Hank not help him get to the evidence room? In my play through Hank handed me his damn key card! I'm seriously so curious what small action Jack did differently that caused that much of a difference in Hank. This game is amazing.

“I do have time for this, don’t I?” NO, JACK. MOVE IT.


Amanda- I expect you to find answers not ask questions Me- but you are supposed to ask questions to find answers

Just Monika, As you can see, I am clearly the one and only, TheLengend27!

TheLegend27 yes and omg are you TheLegend27? I think I've found my life

Just Monika, Are you saying you need to find life?

Breanna Williams why are you making me question my life?

i wanted marcus to get caught

who else screamed when luther got shot

My ship!

Hmm i wonder if when you would have tricked Simon, if you could have brought him with you as a peace gift or sth XD

"Hank hates him now" No- wait- he supports deviants- what is this--

I am Connor, the deviant sent by Jericho!

Rant Factory *AGHEEEEEMMMM* am i the only one that doesnt get it other than the fact that Sean really likes Conner

Conner and jack sitting in a tree t-r-e-e-e-e-e!

Hello My Name Is Conner Im The Android Sent From Cyber Life

“Jesus fucking Christ” Why yes, yes he is

Zach Eberly *connor

My name is Conner. I am the Android sent by CyberLife.

Perkins? More like Prickins

Jack you need to go violent.


Maybe kara forgot about the papers about alice being a robot when her memory was wiped by zlatko

My name is android I'm the cyber sent by connerlife

With the amount of "Fucking andriod" in this game, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple had something to do with the script.

Jack....how can we know that you're really Jack? What if you're actually Connor..The android sent by CyberLife

I don't why but at the march part I got really angry because the police wouldn't shoot or kill people that were peacefully marching, it really pissed me off, then again I probably don't know what I'm talking about

connor's regular self-test is talking to amanda.


I'm going to use that password from now on

"You knew all this time yet you chose not to see..." Seems very human to me jack.?. How about the rest of you?

She's an Android what a surprise

I know it's quite late and the series it's over, but I think something needs to be said, because I didn't see a comment like this so far :))). You know, Jack, you could have chosen different replies for Connor when you were talking to Hank and you would have been (probably) friends by now. I'm not talking about the part where you chose to catch the deviant instead of saving Hank (I would have done the same, hence the survival chance of 89%), but the parts like in this episode where they talked after they were informed the case will be taken by FBI. Hank said clearly he thinks the deviants are doing the right thing by claiming their freedom and the replies you chose made Connor seem very preoccupied with catching them instead of agreeing with Hank, so you were having complete opposite ideas in mind (not you, Jack, I realized you want to save the androids and people as well, but you playing as Connor). Anyway this is already too long, but I kind felt I need to make this "constructive criticism" about the way you see the relationship between Hank and Connor, because I don't think you percieve it as it really is in most cases. That's all. I love your gameplay, I love you as a person, I love this game and I can't wait to see how it ends! I just wanted to point this aspect out, even though it's quite useless right now, maybe you'll see this comment, who knows :))

Why is jack so adorably into connor... It's so freaking cuteeeee

*Connor introduces himself* Jack:See, in this day and age a lot of people are introducing themselves. (Jack rants about how Society is changing because of introductions)

I seriously love that intro!

I was not on potrol last night

Jack: "John?" "Markus!? Hey! How's the wife? BANG" too early man, too early.


go to hell


A lot of people won’t get this because it’s a very very regional thing but the doorbell for Kamski’s house is the exact jingle for NBC News XD

Jack: *GASP* "A Painting! JuSt liKe tHe oNe mArKus DReW" buddy chum pal it's called a paintin for a reason, it ain't called a drawin

"Space tourism on the rise" "do you have any better things for me to read?" BITCH IF YOU DO-

If you didn’t have John Markus would have died


So nobody is gonna mention the amount of pedophiles that would buy a child Android that you can just control.... no just me?

When jack said "Fuck you, Amanda" I felt that

When u said November 9th 12.04 It was the same time in my country

I like to think that a small black women is in all of our heads controlling us. ☺️

I love how he says "Detroit: Become Human" with a french accent.

Welcome back to Detwaah Becam Hyumaan

*Hi...My name is Jack.I am the human sent by youtube*

"A diryty bomb

what if luther is kratos and that was his first family that he killed under the orders of aries and he changed his skin color because it was just a projection in the first place.

way better? i was crying for most of it

I think hank wants the androids to be deviants.

Is it bad i see conner as cute and if so help me

Hank and Connor manage to hit every classic detective story beat in just a couple scenes. Rookie and veteran don't get along, rookie wows him with athletic performance, rookie sobers veteran up, the heart to heart about the veteran's past, the burgeoning friendship... it's all there, just with a big ol' dash of android.

I'm really pissed as to how he seems to love Connor's story path but never makes any of the decisions connor would make

Why does he not get why Hank wouldn't help him? Connor insisted he wasn't a deviant and Hank was slowly turning to the side of the deviants. CONNOR was not willing to help Hank accomplish his goal, not the other way around.

I watched the “I FUCKIN knew it!” Probably like 16 times. That shit was hilarious XD

YouTube: experiencing interruptions? Me: *tRiGGerED*

Your the opposite of miniladd, you make all the right decisions, while mini makes all the worst

GaDang was this game directed by the person who did Titanic

Lmfao at Jack expecting Hank and Connor to get along when he picked literally all the wrong choices

Ex Machina is such a good movie

Best. Connor impression. EVER!

I sang along with you


so jack put your self in their shoes you just wanna die cause you are against violence come live in a middle eastern country and you will the way things work in real life

I have only these words: MY HEART IS POUNDING!!

At I live in Ontario Canada

When. Perkins winked at Connor I felt like I needed to wash my eye balls

I don't like the Alice is an android twist (because right now as of seeing this) since it has so many plot holes and unanswered questions. But I don't mind it, yet I feel like the reason Kara didn't know was because she had her memories wiped when we saw her first. This has been explained to death but still. The actual plot line doesn't really go anywhere expect for shock value (from what I'm seeing). I think if they left it out it would have been a better plot for Kara and Alice because they would have a wonderful relationship and be very powerful for the cause Just my opinion tho

What do you call a cheap circumcision?

A rip off!


about 2 seconds b4 jack said "Jericho's not a place its the ppl" I said the same thing and then when he said it I screamed

Get some Markus

Not to be dramatic, but I would fucking die for Conner.

Jack when he sees the police is me when I see a test. "Uh oh."

Jack: "Aww I feel bad for the lady, the android was just holding her bag." Me: ThE LaDy cAn HoLD hER oWn DaMN baG

Elijah was born exactly 2 years before me

Ya know, Sometimes words isn't the Answer, u might need to Fight to Win. Remember World War l and ll

“You got a crush there Conner?” -Jack You getting jealous Jack?


I just saw this now, but a lot of people said that rA9 is actually karA9, the first deviant, shown in KARA by quantum dream.....

My name is Connor. I am the Connor sent by Connor!! ALL HAIL THE CONNOR EMPIRE!!!!

I thought he didn't shoot cause Hank said don't

And your the only person i know that can be famous than anyyy other you tubers your heart is more important than mine thanks JACK!!!!!!!!!!!! :) *Smiles every time when jack (which is you) makes me laugh and also when jack (you) also laughs!!*

love you jack and thanks for all the things you have done for all of the people who watch you.And thanks again for everything.THANKS JACK!

My favourite character is... MARKUS AND ALICE because, Alice is SOOOOOO CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack: I am gonna call you strong dad Me: ummmm......


Top of the morning chill lady's my name is Connor.I am the android sent by Cyberlife!!!!!!!

*Amanda Betrayed* Jack: *Birdy* Yeah! Fuck you Amanda! Me, also an Amanda: *Snorts*

Uhhh...Jack? Of course he shot them??? They just tried to kill him as he ran away????????

Holy macaroni on a stick, they have Androids with feelings and the ability to be SICK!!?? I am eternally confused at that plot twist

i love how jack was cheering hank going to the android side yet chose everything to continue the case and go against the androids for conner JACK THIS DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE

"Markus? It's Markus!" "IT'S JESUS!!"

I'm so pissed at how he plays conor he doesnt even realize hes making the mistakes that are keeping him on cyblerlifes side

She is not Karen.... She is Chloe...

I guess Amanda is a ghost in the machine

I hOpE yOu'Re RiGhT

South with north. Eeeeeeeeeey

Reminds me of e Berlin wall

Luther is my hagrid. That is what is happening

It's Markus Christ!

jack is so fucking bad at making decisions

dude, it's totally believable that Kara didn't notice that Alice is an android. It's not laziness, Kara's just in denial. Like Luther said, Kara needed someone to take care of so badly she wouldn't even consider the fact that Alice isn't human. I've seen how people in denial act, and trust me my dude, Kara's denial is very understandable and very human. (also, personally I liked it better when we thought Alice was human because then Alice and Kara's relationship would have sent a beautiful message about human-androids relationship, but.. *shrug*)

he needs to get violent, jesus

My name is Cyber. I am the android sent by Connorlife.


*Jack sees Connor* “THATS MY BOY”

We fking called it! Lol

Screw rose's brother, I live in Ontario, come stay with me

By where we are in the series it should be my name is Connor I am not the android cyber life

T H I S - I S - A M E R I C A

Hank refused to help because he believes Deviants need a chance, he's doing Conor and the Androids a big favour.

Omg why does Jack keep ruining up his relationship with Hank! Also big miss in his house.

Wow high fives all round to 20mil people I’m impressed

You know what I realize now??? KARA HAS NEVER HUGGED OR KISSED LUTHER.

Anyone else think Connor in that outfit really looks like Michael scofield from prison break?


Markiplier=King of FNAF PewDiePie=King of MEMES JACKSEPTICEYE= King of QTE! Edit: Jacksepticeye= Robojesus

"You slipped, and both hands landed on her tits"

“Oh Hank who hurt you- oooo what’s this?”

“So what? You slipped and both hands landed on her tits?”

i don't see anyone commenting about luther and it kind of makes me sad?? he was a gentle giant and he protected the girls until the end, but now he's just bound to bleed to death or sink with the ship... and everyone is talking about all the other characters and jack is saying everyone is safe... but my lil big boy luther is forgotten... :(

"Hey, how's the wife!" *bang* lol

My name is Hank. I am the drunk detective sent by Detroit Police!

Jacksepticeye: aww he's so cute Me: G-A-Y Y-M-C-A he's gay!

what about Luther? did he make it out alive???

Uhm...why he never pick any violents....uhmm this is frustrating

Hello my name is Connor and I am not android sent by cyber life I am a deviant

tbh i hate the fact Alice is an android. its just a dumb plot twist. if she were human, it would show that there can be a strong bond between humans and androids.



I love this game- but imma pass out fam

Every time he ends an episode my first thought is FOK!!

Oh come one atleast just once pull the trigger

if jack chose to run in the march, would the crowd still be shot at???

i had to pause the video and take a second to reflect when i found out alice is a andriod

What is alice is a cyborg

No hank didn't help you because he thought deviants didn't need to be stopped

Connor: *slightly raises his voice* Me: S T O P S C R E A M I N G C H I L D C A L M Y O U R P L A S T I C T I T S

When you actually start hearing emotion and conviction in Connor’s voice that you start getting emotional about a robot

Connor looks like Tom Holland

Parkour Markus "Jesus of Parkour" Parkus

Better close the windows because an eastern wind is coming I really hope ppl understand the reference.

"John?" man that got me in the feels but I was able to hold the winnie in me and not cry x3

Whew! That episode!!! Amazing! Best part? Fuckingpassword honestly laughed out loud!

I'd let connor smash

So now they can truly be together forever

everyone is in love with connor but tbh i just wanna see more kara- her story line is so sweet and just oof

Kara: "Are you Markus?" Jack: "My name is Connor!" Oml I laughed harder than I should have X'D

Karel??? Wha- ohhhh Carllllllll

Except killing people

I did all of the violent things XD

Jesus, I almost hyperventilated from the intensity

I actually had a heart attack watching this!!! I feel like I'm going to faint!!!

North/Marcus I ship it!

when you finally make a password, **FUCKINGPASSWORD**

My response for when jack said " we're do a March Me: No we're doing a September

Is connecting like kissing for robots

When the book was blurry I thought it was something else if you know what I mean ;)

Did anyone else notice that when it says software instability with Connor over time it starts to say rA9 in the background

At least now we know Kara won't outlive Alice and be forced to deal with that until she gets destroyed! :D

Jack: Space tourism on the rise Me: Oh yeah! Read it! Jack: Do you have a better one I can read? Me: Whaaa?!

Bad decisions throughout the entirety of this Oof


Just realised Markus reminds me of Alec Mason from Red Faction.

North is so violent, damn calm down a little for once.


_robo Jesus_

I’m actually crying because of Luther

"Hes so cute" gayass nigger

north feels bad for killing the guy that rented her but she always resorts to violance

in the part with Connor choosing to shoot or not shoot, he would have to not because Hank is his superior and he said no, and he said he only listens to Hank.


Omg this is getting somewhere.

"As I said, Jericho is not a place, it's a people." *Me, an intellectual:* nasa peepo

Wow, the March reminded me of the Detroit riots and I'm from Detroit so this is a very relateable game.


At the start why did you not shoot the android you should have shot

Hello my name is markus iam Robo Jesus

Jack: "Ima' call you strong dad" Jack: *TRUE ALUMINUM LOVE*

that was some AWESOME gameplay dude... had me on the edge of my seat.. ..

da boss battel

RoBOt JeSUs! !! !

*good things growww in ontario*

hi, this is an appreciation post for Kara because she's so underrated and she needs more love. ok bye.


everytime north suggests something violent i just wanna punch her

Worst and best password ever

I was SCREAMING during the evidence section! So tense!

it seems jack always reads a book before something cool happens like who's putting these books there

Oh my god this must have been one of the best episodes yet, I love DBH

I think what’s really interesting here is that the deviants still perform the roles they were originally programmed to do. Kara is a mother, North and the girls from Eden Club are lovers, etc... I don’t think they have total free will, but they’re intelligent enough to recognize slavery and abuse.

my only gripe is I feel like Connor’s moment of breaking through his programming is something that wasn’t emotionally important to him. It would’ve been more impactful if he deviated for Hank’s sake.

"Jericho is not a place, it's a people" :DDDD

Jack. WHY. You dumbass! You should have ran!

I'm- I'm not crying! You are!

the game encourages deviant Connor and it makes me SO happy that’s the case, bc Connor being deviant is really the defining aspect of ‘become human’. Kara and Markus are pretty much ‘human’ from the beginning. It’s Connor who starts out mostly empty. (I say mostly bc his first deployment immediately had instabilities...so Connor was compromised from the beginning, it’s up to Connor to make the choice to deviate or not and that in itself is human, isn’t it?)



can you do when connor "stays a machine plz" jack please!

You should have attacked the police Sean! ( I hope I spelled your name correctly!). Attacking is by far THE coolest bit in the game.

I'm confused about how Alice is an android... Did Todd notice Alice's LED, and ripped it off for her? Was Alice a deviant this entire time? I AM SO CONFUSED!!!

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm worried about Alice, Kara, and Luther going to Canada. If androids can run out of blue blood and need new biocomponents and Canada is strictly an android-free zone, then how will the 3 have a long life in Canada?

another alice model was the jumpscare when you were in jericho for the first time with marcus.


jacksepticeye, Kamski reminds me of Helis from Horizon Zero Dawn

My name is android, I am the cyber sent by Connorlife!

No, This is America. NO! THIS IS SPARTA!!!!

jacksepticeye Connor is fucking robo cop

You said it yourself slaktos wiped her memory therefore she forgot. And maybe she only remembered a bit of things when the memories filtered back

I think when there's a robot uprising I wouldn't want jack to decide how to deal with it

Omg i want to make a tally of the amount of times jack says “IM CONNOR”

did they seriously just go from "companion" to "lover" in 2 minutes

''Oh, he's so cute.'' TRUE

I HAVE TO BLOW UP JERICHO?! *WE have to blow up Jericho*

Man, good job

YouTube told me I watched this but no I missed this part. YouTube has gone deviant?

I actually teared up when they started chanting during the march. It was just so moving.

Conner and Hank definitely reminds me of Sherlock and John. Conner is the analytic one with a mind palace and limited emotions, while Hank struggles with physiological issues and much more emotion than his partner. This allows for a very similar comparison to the other pair.

the maker of all robots is almost a two full years younger then me

yessss ex machina !! so good jfc

*heart attack initiate*

.....dang nab it...why am I torturing myself....? these videos are becoming painful to watch...


For some reason instead of equal rights I heard "EAT MORE RICE!"


This is getting so good

My name is cyberlife I'm the Conner sent by android

The guy that said its not over marces I think that that is leo

Goddamn it. Jack ruined the best parts about Conner.

Jack Doesn't get anything does he?

Congrats, Jack! You saved all the main characters! You're doing better at this point than either Super Best Friends or ProJared!

detrua becom uman

"true aluminum love" was that. was that a monster factory reference?

Hello, my name is cyberlife, the Connor sent by android

conner wants to save humans marcus wants to save Androids kara wants to save a little girl/android

jeez jack i'm sorry but watching you play this is getting slowly more painful. not the decisions you made. its stuff like the evidence scene where i felt the answer was RIGHT THERE and you kept on saying stuff like "lets analyze this other stuff first" even with the time limit. but in all seriousness thanks so much for playing i've not got a device to play it on so i can see the game through your playthrough.

"I thought you were against violence?!" Spends the past several minutes beating the crap out of a bunch of people.

Luther is kratos

Play Marcus's voice and then make his voice sound like Marcos's in in Trick one of the Deviants and a telling you where it is

North to Markus most likely: I love you bittcchhhh...I aint never gonna stop loving you bbiiittcchhhhh

Pssh, Connor just followed what Hank was saying.

Also, why would you want Hank to help Connor destroy the Androids? I'm confused... He said that he doesn't want to help because he thinks it's best that the Androids become human.

The “lover” scene with Markus and North where they touch hands and interface or whatever reminded me of Avatar (the giant blue cat people not the airbender) and how they pretty much had sex with their hair

Jack: Jericho is not a place, it’s a people Me: yes well, Asgard is not a place, it’s a people and then all of them fucking died!

this reminds me so much of David Koresh and what happened to him, as if Markus was Koresh

Do you think that's why the Chloe at the beginning was acting weird? Because she knew how far in the game you were and that she could die?

I would murder everyone extremely brutally and then myself for Connor.

I don't like how this game, and often movies, keep using the term 'in shock' to describe the humans after interacting with the deviant androids, because there is a true medical use for that which is actually dangerous for people, which would not happen after just being 'shocked' by the androids suddenly rising up against you. Its just one of those things that are just accepted that I get annoyed by, like how often movies have actors cringing or hissing in pain when someone applies hydrogen peroxide to a wound. . . Its the little details that I am sucker for when they get them right, and am a grump about when they neglect them.

Jack: Wait, I have to blow up Jericho? Marcus: We have to blow up Jericho

dude you should definetly stream these sort of series, this has been great so far...

I really don't understand your logic. Hank thinks maybe Deviants should be left in peace, so he won't help the deviant in denial track down the others. Hank did the right thing AND the friend thing by telling Connor no..

Detroit: Become SJW

detuat become uman

i actually cringed on the "its going south with north" joke

Markus is in LOVE with North. 0.0

The thing I love about whenever he sees Alice and Kara is that he says "Ayyee, back with ma girls"

Software Instability^

I love Hank so much

I always knew Alice was different but I didn't want to believe that she was an android. I wanted it to prove that androids can indeed have a deep bond with a human. But now I don't know if Alice or Markus is rA9????

It's not Karen it's Chloe I RAGGED SOOOOOOO MUCH

Kara: A way out Me: No Kara this is Detroit:Become Human

I started tearing up when Markus got shot

Not sure if letting the hot chick with bad ideas keep the detonator is the better choice there. :D Also anyone notice that the ship's detonation went all the way up to the top floor? And they had just dived into the water when the explosive on the hull went off, so they were hit by the full force of the underwater shockwave.

And there goes the entire "Can robots love humans?" theme to give us a lazy twist. I think the game is great for what it wants to be (an interactive movie) but sometimes it feels like they did not trust their players to perceive any subtlety. More like a trash TV audience with low attention spans.

Is anyone else mad ge didnt shoot and didnt learn about RA9

Quick time event

Markus is a God



someone liked my comment but that doesn't help me. what does it mean?

Quick time event

what does qte mean?

Carmen Corbalán Andreu Yeah. I know. Luther was one of my favorites. He was so sweet and risked his life for them in the beginning when he didn’t even know them. Now, he’ll be forgotten on the boat. I hope by some miracle he makes it out alive

fanmania5000 same

I can’t punch the like button in the face because that would be doing orders like an Android.


vive la revolution

jacksepticeye seems to me you have a crush on old connie boy dont ya jack (or if your straight you just reaaaaaallly like him )

I like ants

My name is penis . I am the penis sent by penis!

hey to me your intro noise sounds like your slapping someone or something, where did you come up with that.

Dear Jacksepticeye, this series has been amazing! The videos keep getting better and better. You've been such a big inspiration for me, thank you for that. You help me feel better whenever I feel down or upset, your videos are the best. Keep up the amazing work! Love you! Love, one of your fans, Hanna P. S. An eye for an eye and the world goes blind

Kamski is Elon Musk. Conner is an Android sent by Elon Musk’s CyberLife. That makes me feel better.

“go go go– *_sAVE MY CHILDREN!”_*

"Everyone's on edge after what happened yesterday." What, the completely peaceful protest? Humans are mental.


A robot who obeys is more dangerous than a robot who does not.

he thought that a youth mag was a nudy mag


Connor and hank the best cops in Detroit

It’s so fun hearing jack say how amazing markus is cause my name is Marcus too


Why do you keep choosing the stupidest choices and kill everyone??

*whilst casually dieing on the ground* John?

i cried when jhon died... oh god.... ;c He sacraficed himself oh god IM CRYING SO HARD

Anderson is already on the side of the androids but jack is choosing things that still make Conner on the humans side, it’s so frustrating.

I'm usually a big supporter and large fan of you Jack, but the choices you made with Markus in this eppisode are very, very not well thought. Markus is supposed to lead a rebellion and is a prototype of his own nature. Choosing to sacrifice him and getting other droids killed, tf?

Is “Detwoh begum oomun” just what it’s called now?

Isabella Carr French or Italian accent

When Luther came along with them I knew he would get shot or killed, I haven't fully watched the video but I swear I will be so pissed if Luther dies

Jack: I thought we were against violence!? Me: Well there's not much of a choice when somebody's about to shoot you.


Up for debate. I respect people and machines. They are amazing accomplishments in our society. However, I believe that androids are not equal to humans nor superior. They should not be abused, however once it has free will, it must be reprogrammed. Abuse of technology is not allowed, however, androids are not equal to humans and should not have emotions. Connor should not of become deviant.

Jack @ Connor: “Aww he’s so cute” “He’s so cute he’s not in his outfit anymore!! My little boy’s all grown up” Same

I saw ur memories too.... Soo many dicks

I got a spoiler about Alice, I won’t say it for anyone scrolling in the comments who hasn’t seen it yet.

Jack:it’s Jesus! My brain:he doesn’t look a thing like Jesus! But he! Talks like a gentleman!!

Title: "Will he shoot them??" Me(angsty): "HE BETTER FUCKING NOT!!!" *flips table*

" I've never been so anxious playing this f****** game"... Jack you're a long way down the road from Happy Wheels LOL


I cants believe he said nice package to kamski.

Ok I'm not finished with the video. But Josh, the guy on Markus' team, was ready to die for the cause during the march as long as the message of freedom remained. But now during their nighttime planning on Jericho he doesn't want to do anything and claims there's no point to freedom if they're all dead. Make up your mind dude!

It says there that Amanda was born in '78 and Elijah in '02... As in 2002. Wow.

Will he ever run out of puns of North's name.

Kamski has such major creep vibes

I’m starting to think that Jack has a crush on Connor...

if only real protests today could be this mature....but noooo people have to set cars on fire, stab people, break windows etc...in a so called "peaceful" protest.

Jack it's not violence or murder if it's in self defense

luther!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The Kara and Alice story is actually extremely sad, not for the reason you want it to be. Kara became deviant because she was convinced the Todd was harming Alice, but Todd was never actually harming her (probably just a program or something). Which means that Kara is trying to save an android, and non deviant android. Alice doesn’t have a mind of her own, making her love for Kara completely fake. Sad...

I've seen the march on the street already, but damn it, it still gives me goosebumps.

“OKAY, HOLD THE FUCK ON” or “FUCKINGPASSWORD” I can’t decide what’s better


Not shooting chloe was not the RK800 Way.

Wait detroit is French right so how does jacks accent work

“Symphony of Dragonforce” made me laugh almost as much as all Jack’s reactions to Hank protecting Connor.

I tracked the amount of people that each character kill ( and I mean completely dead not just knocked out) and here's the score: Kara: 1 kill Markus: 1 kill Connor: 4 kills


detroit is a very religious place now.

Ex Machina is an *incredible* movie. Well worth concentrating on.

MARKUS! Hey! How's the wife? B A N G

Oooh, I want a saxophone

can we just take a moment to appreciate Connor in a beanie it's so cute i cANT eVEn bREAtHE

Kara story is short . But i love his story

The magazine that you could read as Kara, didn't it say something about the child androids having customisable LED's? Maybe Todd had it removed/deactivated so that Alice could look just like a normal child.


My name is Connor I'm the badass sent by cyberlife

I'm glad you made connor a deviant.. for freedom

I'm Markus, the android sent by our lord, and saviour, Jesus.

My heart is beating so fast I dont want anybody to die

I still remember best friend moment of Jack and Pewd, but then Jack throws Pewd under the bus..


I dunno who they based the Android on the main menu off of, but DAMN I wanna meet her.

Noeth too.

Conner name is Conner I’m the Conner that Conner sent before that Conner sent by Connerlife


*Aw! Robo-babies!* way to interrupt a moment, Jack.


Wait im a year older than Kamski? Wtf

Jack you are an amazing Irish ball of energy but I’m so fucking annoyed HANK IS WITH THE DEVIANTS!!! HE DIDN’T WANT TO HELP CONNOR BECAUSE HE WAS WORKING WITH THE HUMANS!!

The moment when Kara had to chose to run or play dead really hit close to home. Living in Las Vegas and knowing many people affected by 1 October really made me doubt the best option. Before then, I would have played dead, but what our tragedy has showed me is that people got hurt more when they played dead then when they ran. I know it’s just a video game, and I’m glad it worked out, but coming from someone whose played through that scenario so many times, if it was me, it really makes me question if it could have worked. I’ll repeat, I know it’s a game but some people out there, who have been through similar tragedies, understand where I am coming from.

Jack, U FUCKED UP HARD! U chose bad choices But i still love u (no homo)


"Nice package ;)" -Jacksepticeye 2018, The one we question.

Watch the whole series, then take a shot everytime Jack said "MY BOY!"

I think the point was that you were supposed to KNOW about IT, but you would be in denial.

this was by far one of the *best* parts of the whole game! and there’s still 2 more hours of gameplay left WOW they really created something incredible with this game

Jericho..? Jericho??? *JERICHO??!* No.. *NOOOOOOOOOOO*

I could have sworn they were chanting eat more rice! Instead of Equal rights!

Everything just went south with north

Detwaet becaeme uman!!

Sooo.... Luther?? My Luther??

I love Conner so much, hes my fav. i loved the part with the password and how he reacted. i really hope he and hank can make things up and get along. They make a great team.

Dobby is a free elf

Idk if you have already, but in the extras section on the main menu you can 'buy' video clips (just uses the points you collected in the game), some of them bts and others are short films of the characters, and there's one about Kamski and one about Chloe and they are both very eye-opening and really help bring the story together


Literally cried

I love how gay jack is for Connor

Seeing the bond between North and Markus grow stronger, makes you happy. It fills you with determination.

This whole episode i was just screaming " NOOOOO NO DONT DO THAT JACK"

jack looks so tired at the end lmao

Theres a way to kill kara and alace in the first section of there story and if you go back to the main menu karen will juge you for it. I would to

Sean do you call them Karen because of your Spiderman obsession becuase I would do that too

That March was like tanacon 2.0


Marcus is the original, he has to be ra9

North is hot, no wonder she’s a sex android

Me: KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS! Jack: *chooses kiss* Me: YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*whispers* now lets just wait for Hank and Connor. He he he!

Bro, Kamski was born on the exact same date I was!!!

fuck yeah, get up here in Ontario my girls

Conner and Hank have a father and son relationship

If Alice is an android then where has her fricking LED light been?????

"Everybody made it right?" *looks at Luther*

I think Jack was more focused on the Detail of the game than the actual game and choices themselves...kinda got frustrated with this episode.

I ship Marcus and North more than Hank and Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife.

*our name is jerry*

My favorite part of this was the March

Jack: I thought you didn't want violence! Me: Don't you think we're a little far from that point right now?!

everytime the "software instability" shows up and it keeps increasing i have a feeling thats connor slowly becoming aware if this is true it means he was a deviant starting from the daniel case

My name is Android, I’m the Cyberlife sent by Connor.

Ex machina? Seen it

Small confession I think I’m low key in love with Connor...

jacksepticeye - Good evening Connor. I am also an android sent by Cyberlife. I hope you have an enjoyable evening.

jacksepticeye i wonder what would have happened if you didn't press X TO "BLOW UP JERICHO", you know let the timer finish? Would it automatically chose it for you? Or the opposite as if you didn't chose it if you didn't? And that might have been the pacifist way? Just speculating. XD

jacksepticeye again...

I am the BADASS sent by Cyberlife!

Markus is cough RA9.

she didnt murder... she protected herself and Alice... there is a difference

Why did you have to make Connor deviant it basically ruined his character.

WhErEs ThE rEaL mR.kRaBs?

Damn, Connor fucked shit up in that boat


You been so god damn contradicting the ENTIRE game, I was confused the entire time

I think its a bad idea for all of them to meet.


am I the only one who doesn't like North? I feel like her relationship with Markus was forced

John?? Markus!!

I’m scared, Elijah Kamski was born in the same year as me.

Jack: It's like I said Jerico isn't a place its people Me: Isn't that saying from Thor Ragnorock but different because of this game? it is its from close to the end T^T thanks for reminding me about the ending of the movie leading to the next a sad/awesome af movie

Jack, you forgot about Luther. He is probably dead. I cri everytime

SoccerskillzHD & more he's alive

Just send in an emp and it'll alllll be fine

Connor isn't a deviant he followed his mission from hank therefore hes not a deviant

Fuck... this game reminds me so much of Tokyo Ghoul :(

Never thought macus will be this important in the game. He's my least fav character at first but after becoming the ra9 everything changed

why did conner have to become a deviant

anyone else ship hank x Conner? (( plz don't kill meh ;v; ))

Jack: i thought were aginst vilonce! Me: self defence is diffrent!

Markus: You're free Android meets another android* Android: Hello, I am Free.

I laughed my ass off when Hank said he wouldnt help Connor

It sucks hank didn't join Connor

Alice is robot

Jack you fu**ing knew it

Jack: "I am NOT okay." Me: "s a m e."

Imagine if a person just goes tell one of the main character androids that they live inside a game just to simulate a future of what will soon become and of their choices didn't matter because these entities(us who's playing the game)were the ones incharge of their choices.


"Everything went south with North" A round of applause, please

But Luther

when they do the march, just put the music from attack on titan when erens titan appears on that moment and it makes it infinitely better.

I think Hank left the key on his desk in purpose to help.

Seeing Connor in normal clothes is like when you were young and you first met up with your mates from school and you got to see what fashion sense they had

Am I the only one that was disappointed that Seán both quotes The Last Jedi, and chose one of the worst lines in the movie to quote? But hey that password was hilarious. XD

“Everything just went south with North” also had me laughing

When Jack said “nice package” I laughed so hard

I would have loved to see the full on violence path for the revolution, a full on fight against humanity


Symphony of dragonforce sounds like it could be real, maybe switch dragonforce with dragongale, and you got a broadway performance on your hands

Woah! Elijah has the exact birthday as me! July 17th 2002

We are all robots, just with complicated feelings. We were created to serve a purpose. We all have to obey society or we are deviants. We all want to be treated like everyone else, yet some people hate us because we have dreams and opinions, but other people will help and make the world live able for everyone.

Luther :((



My heart was beating so hard I thought I was gonna turn into the hulk


also just gonna say it BLACK JESUS

I'm pretty sure Markus is Ra9 just because there were not copies of him

My name is Cyberlife! İm the deviant sent by Connor!!!! Uh-Oh

starting to think conner is RA9

The Good Doctor it's Markus

And there children were east sonth and west


When you let Markus die, Connor will go downstairs to blow up Jericho. It's not much different except that the QTEs are way more satisfying to watch. Connor ist just better coordinated.

Damnit this game gives me feels

connor and hank's relationship reminds me so much of peter parker and tony stark's relationship like.. at first they were annoyed but deep down they actually care. it's like a sweet father son relationship or maybe im just delusional..

NOOO LUTHER! He better not be dead :(

It’s mildly infuriating to see jack say “oh it was because I didn’t save him” when no it’s because you weren’t showing signs of deviancy to hank it’s like how he said at the time when hank was about to fall “I thought about it from a purely gameplay perspective and not about the actual story elements of it”

When jack realizes that hank’s finally NOT BEING RACIST and says “aww man I screwed up, this is because I didn’t save you is it” just because he wouldn’t help Conner kill the revolution

Omg when Jack didn't know that he was supposed to get that part for Simon I was literally holding my breath

You killed Luther!!!!!!

husky are cute no he didn't

When it flashes the "softwear instability" thing it sais rA9 in the corner

"Rupert. The android with the birds."

But but but but Alice drew herself bleeding red blood

Wait why were the androids in the evedence locker still covered in therium if it evaporates really quickly?

The guy who had the birds is actually pretty cute

Markus is literally Jesus omg this js epic

Yay my ship is strengthening!!! Morth for the win! Or is it norkus or marth idk what do you guys want

Ok so my theory is that the red ice is made by cyber life because how would dealers get therium and they are making it so that they are selling both the androids and the red ice and at first it became un noticed but then the people who were users were starting to realise that the androids have more therium in them so they attacked them

The way he looks at the camera afterwards makes it so much better

My name is C Y B E R L I F E I'm the android sent by Connor.

I don't want anything, I am a machine

Can you get Arthur to jump with you? There is a 4th person

Btw if u dont press anything it will automatically choose some of the options but sometimes there is another option which can be triggered by not pressing anything

Detroit: become Humus.

I'm literally chewing my headphones in fear this game is so intense

I stopped breathing during this video Jesus Christ this game is so intense

I hate seeing the androids die


Jerico follow the same rules of asgard


Is it me but Markus sounds like a sassy jesus.

Person:its Markus Jack: its Jesus *all look up* This proves Jacksepticeye is Jesus

Nice job with getting the androids killed

Jack is so AMAZZINGGG!!


Detroit:become deviant

does jack not realize that the “emergency exit” is when androids decide to fight against what their masters say? it’s that whole sequence where it looks like they’re trying to push through a barrier

Do those robots have penisis

I never understood why Todd bought an android to take care of an android

Fucking idiot

I guess that equal rights for all living things doesn’t exist in Detroit

All i want is my robo fam to be happy :,)

"Everything just went south with North" VERY BAD JOKE BAD SEAN/JACK BADDD

My heart is pounding!!! By far the most tense episode so far holy shit

Can you use more of a killy Ricky path

The walls of Jericho have crumbled!

Favourite episode

this is only 20 years from now...

I swear if Luther is dead I’m gonna fucking loose it! He’s a part of a family

what i like is the qtes are so easy to mess up because they cause different scenarios to play out its awesome


I've never been so carried away by a game before! I'm all nervous and jumpy, yelling at the screen and crying out loud... THIS IS FUCKING INTENSE!!!

Jesus Christmas Jack, grow a fucking pair. You picked 'Sacrifice', what the blue hell did you expect was going to happen?

Jack: I don’t like how he said that Me: it sounded cool though :(

you should have killed him! androids are human property and should be destroyed if need be Markus was a maisah as was hitler

i hate humans


am I the only one who cried when Luther got hurt

Hulky strange dude became sweet Hulk dad..

Bruh just calp an ac-130 and win the civil war




deviant squad

"Wow, I'm free. I thought my name was Dave."


worst youtuber ever

when you try and be insulting and fail

I can't be the only one who is actually pissed off that Alice is an Android, right? It just discounts the whole "relationship between humans and android" thing that basically defined their story arc.

Oh I'll even deviance my way to subscribe button boi



Idk but I really love North and Markus' friendship... But i'm starting to ship them as well but why do i feel that they won't last?

My internet connection stopped right when north got shot, I'm so pissed

"IT'S KAREN" Nailed it, Jack.

hmmm... the amount of Connor bias was a bit overwhelming but its understandable xD i mean i got some degree of marcus bias et cetra... but it can be distractin xD

Elijah was born a month before me huh

- Jack, you need to pay a bit more attention to detail. You said that Hank said ‘Warm’ but it was red. This is incorrect. It said ‘Warm’, showing your relationship with him. Underneath that, a red box appeared, saying ‘path unlocked’, possibly indicating that a ‘red’ or perhaps ‘dangerous’ path with Hank has been unlocked. However, your relationship with him at that time was ‘Warm’. - I’m scared, Elijah Kamski was born in the same year as me. - Jack: “Parkour Markus - Parkus!”

Connor, how's the bromance coming along? Hello Connor, I am Phoenix, as you may remember me as another Android, I am now free. Come to Jericho... we'll help you

jacksepticeye have u commented that on every one of your Detroit become human videos?


My name is Alice the android sent by cyberlife

Hi Conner I'm dave

You jack I'm confused, I thought you wanted deviancy, but your choices were sometimes the opposite...

So robots ARE taking over!

Somebody help me come up with a ship name for Connor and the girl from the main menu please! cos that ship is too cute! *starts fangirling*

Did anyone else think that when they were saying goodbye to Luther that Alice was gonna call him dad? No? Just me? Ok.


Jack originally called "Karen" "Tiffany" and so when we saw her in Elijahs house I go "TIFFANY!" and Jack goes "KAREN" and I'm like yea sure Karen.

Kara & Alice: My girls Connor & Hank: My boys Markus: My God

now THIS was the most tense episode!

It's kinda creepy being the same age as Elijah, at least based off of his birthdate.


Some one animate this plz it would be awsom to se Jack with a l.e.d in his head but it needs to be green because his color and maybe a septic eye in the junk yard

And here's Connors emo fase.

I almost had a heart attack watching this omg

Why did he start saying the name in a french accent?

I love your reaction to when you found out alice was a Android. It was beautiful!!!!

Am I the only one who cried when john died?

Is it only me or does north kinda sounds like sombra from overwatch? I'll like my own comment now..

"Yeah fuck u Amanda

I just realised. You to be. Youtobe. Never mind.


My name is CyberLife. I'm the Connor sent by Android.

I don't like that you skip the international politics in the game

Nooooo he's not a deviant

Markus got his Hokage coat on.

*ConnorSepticDroid is real*


My name is Connor, I don't even know what I am anymore!


Who else thinks hank has a crush on Chloe? (The android Jack called Karen)


Who else was smiling their asses off at the Android March?

Markus: That dirty bum. Me: *Starts singing cell block tango*

Honestly I think Connors story is the most boring.



My god, this episode made my blood pump

am i the only one upset that he chose to make connor become a deviant

My head hurts so much. It’s horrible.

jack when he saw Alice android : I FUCKIN KNEW IT

I just screamed out ‘OHMYGAWD HE IS JESUS!’ XD my dogs are looking at me weird

That intro is getting old it’s cool thou

This game actually made me cry

Connor looks like Slim Shady in the thumbnail.

I was cleaning my room when I hear Jack say my name. So weird.

"Like in DETROIT" *looks around nervously* HEY! Detroit isnt THAT bad..

whaat hank helped me in my playthrough

My name is Jack. I am the septic sent by Eye!

Kamski is 16 rn since he was born in 2002 ogOD

Everything just went *SOUTH* with *NORTH* :)))

No! I don't like how Connor turned against the forces.

Detwauit: Becóm úmaan

"hmm hanks password" aha fuckinpassword

"My name is Conner. I am the android sent by Cyber life"

your the mom she needed and shes the one you need and i am the dad yall need

I love ex machina

"Not fighting for what we hate, but saving what we love." - Jack This quote will forever be ring in my mind.

This us the most tense episode

Its a little weird watching these kind of games when you have the same name as one of the characters

I keep on accidentally calling Androids Synths because of Fallout 4.

i laugh a lot when jack say f*ck you amanda xD


What happens if conner becomes Alice's new dad

.......Why is Hank so warmed to Androids now? Maybe I'm commenting to early but I'm not sure his flip-flop here is explained well. I'm not saying it should be impossible, but there doesn't seem to be much that triggered it.

i like jack and all but he is a pussy with some of these choices he made

(Haven't seen the whole game yet, this is my first time watching this game all the way through.) Just thinking out loud here in regards to Markus's section: I realize that they are androids and all, but when Markus 'converts' them and makes them go deviant, that 'wakes them up' and gives them a semblance of sentience, correct? That's the point of their revolution- they are are more human than machine... well, do the androids that he 'converts' or 'wakes up' get a CHOICE in joining his ranks? It seems every time he wakes them up, they automatically get recruited... if they have sentience, personality, emotions, and freewill at his touch, shouldn't they be given the chance to make up their own minds? What if they don't want to fight?

You suck at videogames jack, like seriously


If you would have been interviewing the androids in the broadcast tower investigation case, simon would have survived and the fbi wouldn't have found jericho.

You should have fought for your freedom. If you aren't willing to fight then you don't deserve your freedom

Kara:.....Alice...? Jack:...! I ffUCKIN KNEW IT-

wwhhhhyyy always talk man you're pissing me off if marcus chose to attack the andrenalin would rise up like my dick every morning

Hi Dave my names CreepBr0

Who wants to be the Connor to my hank?

why do you keep on saying that?

Jack in the section where the fbi took over, could you had tried to follow hank?

I am Cyberlife. My name is android. I was sent by Connor

jacksepticeye Hey! That’s my line!

Hey, I know it's good to monitor the capture but why don't you use an HDMI splitter so you don't have to worry about display lag? they're only a couple bucks

Markus sweared soo does that mean he us even more human

Martin Luther King-Bot


My name is Connor. I am a human, sent by nobody, and obedient to nobody.

Love ya so much Sean

I HELD MY BREATH FOR AN HOUR AND 21 MINUTES HOLY SHIT I have never felt more emotions for a fucking game before

“This is how we win. By not fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.” Nice Star Wars reference jack

Was there even a way to save Luther. Shits really sad that he is gone

I think depending on the way you play the game, will be the way she acts, and interacts with you on the menu.


theres alice android, kara mom, and strong dad

i cried when if found out that alice was an android

You could kind of tell that Alice was an android from the start cause she never said that she was hungry or anything

John just mayrtered himself. sorry is mayrtered is spelt wrong, don't know how to spell it


Im sorry

Kara: "are u markus" Jack: "my name is connor" i was dying and my mum was like shhhhh

but if you think about it how can you kill something that isn't alive? By definition to kill is to cause the death of something living, so how can people say they kill androids when they don't consider them alive to begin with. I can't say that i killed a rock right? so meaning that to some degree humans, whether they realize it or not, believe that androids are living. SO MUCH TO DISCUSS AND DISCOVER I LOVE THIS GAME


U bitch you and your no harm go to hell u got a buddy killed he was happy u took him and he got death

When jack said mind palace I immediately thought of Thomas sanders

The song in the background of Markus' march sounds so much like a song I sang for chorus last Spring. It's called Earth Song. It's most likely not the same song, but it sounds strikingly similar

U can be best best best buds forever XD

Every single time he switched characters in intense situations my heart stopped for a solid 15 minutes


all heading towards that one salvation place? they'll meet up? ooooooooooo~

"Ooh I bet he knows!" Immediately starts looking to deactivate the important one.

I was half expecting Amanda to be like “Well done Connor, you fucked everything up.”

North and Markus, my OTP bruh


So you choose the sacrifice option and then are surprised when you see Markus get shot?

North looks like a better version of Bella thorn

I love Marcus

the comments fucking spoiled me

too much intense

"if u want freedom - fight for it" but nah letting people slaugth androids gonna change anything 100%

Jack has a robo crush on Connor


RIP Luther

plot twist: North walks away from Markus and slips on the ice landing on the detonator

"Everything just went south with North." ...Jack, you're fired.

When they said they were taking androids to camps I just kept thinking OH NO it’s the holocaust all over

Connor is acting so human

Hey Jacksepticeye you should’ve attacked in my opinion you shouldn’t hesitate

Was that Todd Marcus pushed???

I laugh that Jack said f**k you Amanda

I think Kara found out about Alice before Tod broke her and that's why Kara didn't know

Very intresting

When Marcus be lookin like the Hokage

it's frustrating to see how jack is a bit slow on the thought. hank was on the androids' side and it was heavily hinted, but he was too focused on the whole "friend" thing between them to notice any of that. i guess what happens, happens.


I honestly don't get the obsession with Connor, I find Marcus's story way more interesting then his. I love all the characters stories but I think Connor is super overhyped. Kara and Alice are definitely my faves though, they're the most relatable to me

keogane oh I definitely agree, I think it's because he's the "cute" one. Majority of the comments I see of him are fan-girling young girls. I like his plot line but I feel like Marcus holds the most significance to the message of the game, Connor helps reinforce it and Kara humanises it. His friendship with Hank is sweet too but people have ruined it for me with the obsessing

it's probably because he's the "cute" one. everyone's going to overhype the cute one. i'm not saying he isn't, but it's probably that. also i think his arc is interesting because he's the one who took the longest to realize who he really is. he keeps denying he's one of "them" and in the end he accepts. probably just me, though.

Macy Woo i don't think you're the only one. personally, i was happy, but i understand some people don't like that. it's jack's choice on what to do, because we're not the ones who are playing the game.

jacksepticeye YASSSSSSSSSSSS

hello conner

The fact that my name is Connor makes this game 10 times more enjoyable

Don’t let other people tell you who you are

My name is Conoot. I'm the Android sent by Cybirblife

I feel really angry when jack just stand his ground.seriously,i’am angry.because of his choice,some android died.

Kara: Are you Markus? Markus: I am connor the android sent by cyberLIFE Kara: ok bye Hank: sumo attack sumo: Woof Hank: good dog


so i have two theories why Alice doesn´t have the light at the side of her head. One - maybe the child Androids come with or without light, since people who buy one of them practically want a "real child" and of course they don´t have blinking lights in their face. Two - when Kara opened that secret box in Alices´ room she found the drawings and one of them had Alice with blood coming from the side of her head. Maybe one time Todd beat Alice, it came out.

I wonder if greg was holding someon's bags and said my arms are tired

Hank and connor are probably my favourite part I agree with jack I just want a connor game because they fall out and come back together

Connor looks kinda like brendon yuri


You should've shot that android :(

john sacrificing himself to markus made me tear up a bit is that a bad thing

My name is android. I am the cyber life sent by Connor.

I. Laughed, my head off. When Hank's password, was: FuckingPassword.

*Gasps* "I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!" JackSepticEye 2018

I believe that when Todd started taking the red ice that when his wife left she took their human child from the photograph with her but Todd likely missed the real Alice and brought an android version of her. If you remember in the photo Alice had curly blonde hair but it's dark brown in game

Hows your wife? *bang* - Jack 2018

All the nicknames for Markus, Jericho and Connor kill me.

If Alice was an android all this time how would Rose see her and the Todd guy and all that

When i saw Rupert’s face I almost threw up...

One of the best series he's ever done!!

Jack would’ve gotten so much hate if it weren’t for John lucky boi

no offense jack your bad at choice games

Dr. Love

We’ll see Kara and Alice on the other side of the war. Why am I such hamiltrash

Omfg I have seen all these episodes the game is amazing but jack is a lil bitch and won't sack up and lead the androids to victory with his stupid no violence nobody has ever gotten for like that in the real world sorry jack you showed you soft bruh

That’s why Alice didn’t need to go to the bathroom....

They should’ve all t posed and they’d win

Wait did luther get out tho?

you know if you shot the girl and asked him where the hideout of where makes was you earn his trust back

MLK lives in Markus. Jack: Robo-Jesus Me-ROBO MLK That’s what I’ll call him now.

I'll admit, it is a bit of a lazy twist just because it's so easy to see coming after a while and it's just dismissed as Kara being in denial. But as far as Alice's LED goes and her feeling things, she's obviously gone deviant. Another thing a lot of deviants had in common was being abused. Also since Todd was desperately trying to pretend she was a regular girl, he could have pried out the LED himself to make it easier for him to pretend.


And people called me insane for shipping Markus and North

No Luther

Did anybody else go all fan girly when North and Markus kissed?

there are times when I'm like "JACK YOU GODDAMNED FOOL YOU'VE DONE GOOFED!!. and then there are time when I'm like "JACK YOU GODDAMNED FOOL YOU'VE DUN GOOFED BOI!! notice my lack of intelligence in the second one. ALSO 20,000TH COMMENT!!!1!!!!


Jack fucked it all up when he didnt kill the robot

Markus:John? John:Markus? hey how's it going Markus:you know fighting for rights,dieing multiple times you know the usual

this game is CSI: miami and gotham mashed together

Why does Elijah kamski with the man bun low key look like tye Dillinger

Markus:you're free Me:NO I'M PATRICK

Who else agrees on saying Kara's path is boring ?

My name Conor the android sent by cyber life

why no one is talking about the fact that this is the same test in Ex Machina(movie) dont remember the whole story of the movie but there was this same "Turing test" with a female robot edit: Jack mentioned it made this comment before watching this whole vid my bad

I am getting so angry with you omg why did you not disperse the second time they asked xD aaaa

The tention is killing me i want to know the secret about Alice aaaaah

Anyone else reminded of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain during the action scenes? The play dead part gave me some memories of Snape and Ishmael lol

Wait how does Rose know about Jerico and Marcus!!!

I see u Samiboy moves those eyes

Why do I always pick the stupidest playthoughs to watch. First it was TetraNinja with a Zelda game, then God of War 4 with TheRadBrad and now this..

Your so good at imitating things

Hi Hi Hi Hi Read more

"nice package"

Enslaved is a little strong when THEY BUILT YOU. I think the slavery allegory doesn't work with robots. You can build a robot but a slave is someone you steal from their home and make them work. This would work more with clones like in the Star wars franchise. That works better since clones are made but are actual living beings while these guys are robots. There'd be a huger ethical problem with making clones do your work for you instead of a robot.

RIP Luther - a beast of a dad

I'm having an actual panic attack over Luther

They were against it when they didnt attack them no it is a diffrent story when they attack jericho.

markus yes save what you love save north

“Dont move, go join the others” Me: wait but you just

why are u upset about hank not helping connor jack? by not helping connor the androids has a chanse to be free, or did u just not think that far

i hope conner deviates

Red ice was created by the previous rA9 it has happened and it happens again "so in that case high fives all around wapsh wapsh and i will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO" "WAPF TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YOU LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE and welcome back to detwa bechome humon"

this has probably been said before but the developers wrote "The real inspiration for Connor came from... Jayden in Heavy Rain! But I tried to give him a very unique flavor and personality, and I had a lot of help from Bryan Dechart in doing this. Blade Runner is part of my culture and one of my favorite films, but I think that Deckard and Dechart are very different, even if they have very similar names ;-)" from an AMA so yeah blade runner might have been an inspiration :D

No! This is America (BANG) No! MARCUS!

Luther is tge definition of a gentle giant and i LOVE IT


Jack : awh robo babys. Lmao

kamski is 12 days younger than me, he could be attending my school, i have just turned 16. so fucking weird

My friend went to school with the guy who did the music for ex machina! This whole game reminds me of that movie. It's so good! Keep up the happiness with your channel ❤️

If you did not try to find Simon he could be alive and hank likes conner

Jack gushing ober how adorable Connor is what i live for

You say you want to be his friends. but you don't even care about his son. you are machine Jack!

We stan beanie Connor




Mother of robot Jesus...

no, no, no its not Markus its Jesus

I feel bad for any other Amanda out there. Jack now hates you

Jack the person you pushed was Todd


elijah is younger than me by a few months


Jack: I didn't kill anyone, right??? They all got out alive? Me: LUTHER

Connor be lookin like a snACC

Do you mean stay a machine? You can't get a good ending if you choose that though

ha ha best inpreshon ever

Omg Conner looks like my uncle

In just this detroit episode, jack could do something better than worst path scenario

The feels!

Jack jesus why didn't you run away and keep Markus alive..!

I never thought I could cry because of a side character dieing. Luther was my fav

you know shit's fucked when robots have more empathy than humans

Now connor will say “Hi im connor the android sent by markus”

Is it just me or does Connor look like sterling archer?

Can you feel it now mr. Krabs?

When Sean's asking why Hank won't help him, I swer it's because technically he's doing the bad thing trying to lock up the deviants? Hank says about them just wanting to be free, Sean's like "NOW YOU'RE GETTING IT" then as Connor he says they need to be stopped sooooo?

is there a way to not be North's lover?

I think all our hearts were thumping during crazy rainbow 6, temple run, soap opera, boat escape. Well done brother.

"Everything just went south with North." I cracked

Everyone talks abt connor and im here like. Simonnnnnn

Conner is 100% r9

“ I’d rather die free then live as a slave “ me on a period

I wish some one get Markus to fail his objectives so I can persue my life normally

wtf... Ex Machina was a shit movie. watch T.A.U for an actually good movie about AI.

Wait, when I got here hank helped me and gave me the key, why did that not happen to jack?

Hey! I live in Ontario, Eh

"I can't stop this feeling, deep inside of me" *infinity war flashbacks*

Why did John have to be black.

If you didnt let john come with you then Markus would be dead

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