Wild Camping UK 2018 - Bushcraft Survival Camping!

Wild Camping UK 2018 - Bushcraft Survival Camping!

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Here. We go people we are a bushcraft, CEM 2018. On the way in the car it's. Been a bit of a mad rush we're hoping we could have enough light once we get there we just got up a few country lanes now so not long until we get there I, reckon. We've got about 5-10 minutes to go. I think, everyone's packed I think we've got everything once, we've done the car that's gonna be it so wishes. Luck and, we'll. Catch up you when we go there. Making. Our way through the woods it's pretty thick it's. The first time we've been here so, we. Did just come in and give it a little bit of a scalp, so. If we find a good place for clearing. Which. We've. Got up here it's gonna be a little bit of lumpy ground but, look. At all the fresh wood we got I'll say fresh it's nice and dead and dry, so. We're not gonna have a problem with firewood. But. Yeah it's it's. Just. Some pretty thick woods. So. It's exciting I think it's perfect now. I say we're not beyond this land before so. Hopefully. We'll. Be all right once. We do, our little trick and I'll catch up here when we get to the camp. You. Oh yummy. Yummy tea oh, good. Morning guys, bushcraft. 2018. We made it late. Last night it was getting dark pretty quick so we got the tent set up we. Spoke to the landowner and we, had a visitor, as well so, yeah, we're creating a beautiful location, really happy with it got, his fallen tree that we found here there's dead wood everywhere so fires not going to be a problem, yeah. Really really happy so see we didn't really know what to expect before we got here so now we've seen it, definitely. Really happy tent. Setup Ollie's. In his hammock me, and down in tents found. A good clearing we've. Got fallen okay we're gonna use our base camp, Ollie. And down actually this morning they've already rigged up a tripod, so we've got a griddle set up over the fire I'm, gonna be chopping some wood and getting the Kelly care to go and make more tea Dan's. Got some wood the job today I think. Ali's got a spoon he wants to make out of a bit of wood so that'll be interesting I don't want to get my caterpillar out because I'm at that alpha ages so. We're stay tuned guys and we'll see what sort of day we have. Right. So the boys have been cutting some wood we're. Gonna get the Kelly Kettle going so we can make ourselves a brew. Think. About the Kelly cuts with a very small fire base so what we need to do is to break the wood down as small as we can get it so. I'm gonna use my Gerber folding, knife with, a serrated edge, which tends to cut through the, grain. Quite. Nicely. Right. So just carry on splitting down the wood as small as I can get it obviously, the smaller you can get it a quicker it's going to burn for the first ignition, so. These sort of size are beautiful and. Then. To really get things going what. We're gonna do is make a favorite it quickly just, to, get it even more fine more most like tinder and. That'll help us to get the fire going, so. Here's a nice piece here.

And. All we want to do. Is. Just start, trying. To get some curls coming up with your knife. Again. I'm using the Gerber knife with a serrated blade I tend, to like the curls, you get from it, so. It. Will start to take as you start getting it round. And. Again using, the serrations on my blade I can, get some extra thin, curly, curly ones which really. Really. Catch the flame well. Feel. Like we were really signed to get a good old Bush go in there. And. Then. I, tend. To get this stem. Down. To nice and thin so you. Can just snap the stick in the end and. All I can put that whole thing. We. Can then put this whole thing into. The actual fire pot and we'll, use this to get the fire going. Right. So we've got our feather stick which we've put, down into feathers. Here's. The fire base and this is the Kelly Kettle, essentially. The water goes into the main compartment there but, it's actually hollow and so, what happens is the flames got the middle and heat the water all the way around while, it's sitting in the fire base, it's. Very very effective I love it you know it doesn't take more than just a few little tweaks quite, literally to get this thing going so it's very efficient with you with your fuel, so. I'm gonna do we'll. Fill the Kelly Kelly Kettle up with water and what we do I'm going to be using a fire strike and just, my upper nail number eight to. Get ourselves a. Good. Old spark going so we can get a fire going and have a cup of tea. I've. Got a piece, of tree bark here that I found, which. I've decided this. Is now my, fire. Preparation. Surface, so, I've got a nice bit of tree bark here, and. What I like to do what we can do is just start, building up the fire, with. The small parts. Starting. With the smallest we can possibly get start building up a pyramid around. It. Make, sure we keep as much air in there as as, we can but, also there's. A hole at the front here and the Kelly Kettle fire base so. It's important, that we, keep that area clear, because that's where we're going to be passed in the ignition through, with. A waxed twine. Of. A firebox. Here just fire-starting. Bits, and pieces I usually take some fat wood as well which can light pretty much even if it's wet so if you really get into trouble you. Can use fat word and in fact if, you're really really in trouble I think.

I've Got these there what you can do similar to what we did before is you can actually use the. Fat wood to, get shavings, as well. And. When you put the shavings, in there you'll, really get again. Just a little bit more fuel. This. Is goes. Up really nicely so if you're really struggling you can actually use some of this as well. But. Today I think we're going to be okay so. What. I like using is these waxed wines. Now. They, kind of are exactly as they say on there's a piece of twine and they've got some wax coating, and you, just simply fray up fray. Up the end of. The waxed twine. And. Then you'll end up with some nice frayed, edges. Here, and the more you can fray them out the more air you're going to get in, between. The fibers and you get a real nice ignition. Fire. Strike ferrocerium, rod and what. I'm going to use for this is my open L number eight and the back edge on this is very very sharp which allows you to get a really good strike so. What we're also going to do. Is. We're going to just scrape. Down, just. A little bit and we're gonna get some of these filings, to, load up on. To the actual twine. So. When you fill out you've got a nice good bit of bit. Of material on here from the pharisee and rod just, a case of what I do is I pull the ferrous here and rub backwards. And. Hey. Presto we have fire. Just. Be able to pass this into, through, the hole. Get. It underneath those lovely curls we made on that fit a stick and look. At her go, look. At her go ladies, and gentlemen mmm. This is what we're talking about we will have tea in, no, time. Get. The Kelly curl on the top. So. Once the fire is going inside we can just be put into. The top and. It'll. Continue to burn. Quite. Literally just a few little bits is enough to make a whole what 1.2, litres is it just over one litre of water. This. Is the scalp version, of the Kelly Kettle. You. Can get a junior version, I think there's a Basecamp version but this was the happy medium for me. And, we leave that go in when, we left some tea. Look. At that flame go it, is beautiful, it, definitely has some sort of a it's like a turbine, a thing that sucks the air up and really gives you this jet and. It's lovely. Literally. Just pick up some branches, some dead wood from around the forest around, the woods. Anything. Like that. I'll. Tell you one of the nice things as well about the care it gets all these you. Get a. Very. Spits with it there's a base here to. Just do the fire base. And. Also. These. Are handy pop. These together you. Can load that in the top, and. What it allows you to do is, you use your pan or your saucepan and you can prop that on top to, be cooking up your eggs at the same time bear in mind the water around the inside, there is being heated all the time so, you've got that added benefit. Or. You can pop your pot in the top you can do up your noodles. Or whatever still have enough water in the virtual base to, make your tea it's. Absolutely idea what absolutely love it usually. It means I can make my tea in the morning now I can make the porridge as well at the same time. And. Here we go. That's. The sound we wanted. They. See normally, with the Kelly Kettle you get the orange, stopper, and you shouldn't actually use the orange stopper while you're cooking with it and while it's on the heat because it will actually explode but. I've upgraded to, the green which is the whistle the Kelly Kettle whistle. Absolutely. Invaluable definitely. Recommend it so let's, get the broodmare. So. Or. You actually. Possibly. Can wind up with a spoon spoon, spoon see. Ollie went on one of those master, classes ray mears wasn't it yeah ray mears master class carving, so, learn. How to do a spoon, and. We'll. See if we can get a log. Into. His own, what. Do you think ollie doable I, think. So it might take me the rest of weekend. So. This year I thought bring along my pro, diet blow catapult. Give. You a closer look of it it's basically we've got some some, counterbalance, here give, you a bit more stability lovely. Nice, comfy grip and, here. You see I've actually replaced, these with, the orange bands these that are high power bands. But. Yeah I thought I'd bring this along I'm using some ball. Bearings, stainless. Steel these are 12 millimeters or half-inch bearings, and I. Thought we'd come along do. A bit target practice. So. Let's see how we get on. So. Here we go it's, gonna be the first shot so yeah we get on as my, target on the tree. Think. We got it so. Yeah a couple of those felt are they were pretty close all look at that bang in the middle like.

It, Couple. Up here another. One in here look pretty good. Grouping so yeah happy with that I do love my pro Diablo. Okay. None dude, we're. Getting it well, it's not looking like a log anymore is it, it's. Not looking like spoon either but. It's. Looking good. Look. At that, you've. Got the pattern drawn on there as well so much. More watching off bit. More bit, more. Realistically. Probably another hour or so really yeah it's. Looking good though dude I can't. Wait to see it finished. Hey. So this is the tenth hot, which is the pyramid. 10:30. Tops I've got the inner tent and the outer tin, very. Lightweight about, 1 kilo the both unum and the outer 10 and, the only thing really I'd do differently is I have a ground sheet as well that I've found that fits perfectly. And. Walkingstick. Insides, a very very lightweight I've, got my climate sleeping Mack got my snug pack special, forces one sleeping bag super, super comfy, really happy with that so. Yeah it's a pretty lightweight setup, you. Didn't used to have a bit of a level ground for it so we did a bit of clearing last night to. Get the ground nice and level it's, gone up really nice literally, 20 minutes 20, minutes flat we're done and. You can enjoy the rest of the camp without worrying about its own pulling down so, yeah really happy with this it's been a great purchase, not. Only problems with its also yeah. Holly recommend it Duty tarps here me 10. So. It's finished now is it the. Alcohol is finished look at us Elizabeth, Road I'll probably carry, on fiddling. With it but that's lovely, finished, article check. Out. Look. At that. Well. Done Olli that's a beautiful beautiful job and bear. In mind guys don't forget we. Started, off with. This. Split. It down. Got. Into something like this. Then. It got into something like, that. And from. That. Into. A spoon. Love. It brilliant. That is bushcraft. Oh, sorry, get dark now so. We're. Gonna get our steaks going. Got a nice fire going but a great day today I think. All he did a great job on his spoon Dan's, been cutting a whole load of wood so we've got wood to last us all evening we'll, try and get some photos and they'll.

Be After this little segment and, yeah. It's been a really great day great. Fun, really. Good bonding time as we're over some great chats which, is what it's all about and can't. Wait to come back again but we're still here another night and we'll catch up with you in the morning. You. You.

2018-10-24 16:29

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Join me (Andy) Olly (Woldo) and Dan for our 2018 Bushcraft wild camp weekend! As always, share your love, and this video, everywhere you can, and share your knowledge & thoughts here in the comments section. Give the video a thumbs up, it’ll help it to do well in the searches for other like-minded people. Thanks for your time and I’ll see you in the next one!

Great video thanks

I spot that patch at 1:54 !! Great vid!!

Wow, what an honour Mike! Thanks for checking out my channel :) and thanks for alll that you've brought to YouTube! :)

Great video just subscribed and

Thanks Ronald, super appreciate your support :)

awesome video very clear and well presented. will be watching more.

Great to hear, thanks for your kind words Robert :)

Cool stuff! Looked like a refreshing back to basics break. Really liked that Kelly kettle, was looking at one a few years ago but seemed a bit exspensive although seeing how you can also cook over it maybe worthwhile, hmmm

Thanks Steve - not 'The' Steve is it? nicola steve? surely not? lol :)

Great ideas, great video thanks.

Cheers David, Thanks for your support and comment :)

Nice video and loved the spoon.

Yeah, totally, i'll be carving one next time, Olly did a great job on that! :) Thanks for your positive encouragement :)

Just subscribe good channel

Thanks for your support Patrick - I've got loads of vids I want to do, this one was kinda designed to 'break the ice' ;)

New to the channel great video xD

Thanks Darren - and welcome to the channel! Much appreciated support :)

Very well edited video, cant wait to see more

hi buddy glad you recommended, the content is awesome on this video. will definitely be watching more.

Great video, just found your channel and subscribed

+Andology thanks for the support

Ahh thanks!! much appreciated :) always puts a smile on my face - and congratulations on reaching 1000 already yourself! lol

Makes me want to go to the woods... like.. right now!! :)

Hmm only Nicola's in my life are my Hairdessing Canadian niece and youtuber Nicola White river Thames mudlarker extrordinare, either of them ?

Nice vid, but not sure what your meaning of thick woods is!

I think I'm thinking 'thick' in the context of 'dense' :)

​+Steve Shepherdlol, no I double checked with my friend, you're not the same steve.. :) you're a much better version! :)

Me too! Cool beans, one big brotherhood of the beard! (and some who don't, LOL!).

A big thumbs up. Liked your video. I’m glad that you guys had a good weekend of bushcraft. Good luck with your channel

Thanks bud, I apprecaite your support :)

Pretty cool stuff guys it looks like a fun time. That spoon was very nice what kind of wood did you use you may have said it but your nice strong accent may have skipped my ears. thanks for the video

Thanks for your comment, Not entirely sure on the Wood / Tree Olly made his Spoon from - I'll ask him and see if he knows ;)

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