Wild Adventures in YALA Province Southern Thailand

Wild Adventures in YALA Province Southern Thailand

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hello everyone and welcome to another  episode i'm just going down a dirt track here   under this gorgeous little bridge over  this wooden little thing oh my goodness and we're in yala province and if you've ever  wondered what yala province is like to travel in   to travel around on a motorbike or not just  generally just you know exploring and this is the   video for you i thought i'd start the video on my  bike today so you don't have to look at my chubby   cheek face all the time and uh we're on our way to  a town called beitong in this southernmost part of   yala province we left the city this morning not  a lot happening at the city to be honest just   roundabouts in one park not that interesting so  we've left and we're headed to one of the most   highly recommended places along the way we're  going to stop off at a cave we're gonna go to   a beautiful dam we're going to eat some local food  and hopefully fingers crossed the roads pick up   nicer and less bumpy and gravelly and the the  views remain as beautiful as they are right now   okay let's let's roll the intro and pick up when  the road gets better and we're nearly at the cave   oh my gosh enjoy the video my name is paddy doyle  and this is my little honda dream and welcome to   next level adventures right now we are attempting  to visit every single province in thailand we've   had some incredible adventures already but the  best part is we're only just getting started so subscribe and join us as we discover this  incredible country together welcome back   we're uh we're about 30 kilometers away from  yala town now and we're heading to a cave   and uh i just thought i'd show you like a typical  town we've driven through like 20 of these already   and as you can see it's  pretty normal guys there's not   a lot to worry about if you're coming  down to yala ordinarity why all paternity   i mean i found i sound like a broken record  because i was worried about coming down here and yes you do see the odd random soldier or or  like policeman or whatever walking around with   a with a rifle or sometimes you'll see a truck  like this but it will be a military truck and   there'll be guys in the back with guns and rifles  and they'll be driving to a base or something   but they smile at you when you  smile at them they smile back   they're like yo and there's lots of lots  of checkpoints which you just drive through   and nobody checks you'll hike or checks your  license or asks you questions or harasses you   they're not harassing anyone or pulling over  anyone that i've seen i don't you know maybe   they do but not today not yesterday not the last  two days i haven't seen them interested in anyone   it seems to be just like security  really each town has their own security here's another mosque and  then we'll pick up at the cave   they've got these beautiful silver domes down here  i'm not sure if that's normal in malaysia too but and lots of 12 year old kids driving motorbikes  with no helmets we'll see a lot of that so that's the first time i've seen   the actual army dudes on the street i mean they're  so heavily heavily heavily armed it's ridiculous   and they're on the middle of a country road  out here you know we're going to a cave so yeah so that was the first time we've ever seen  armed guards soldiers on the street waving   people through and you know on the big checkpoints  on the big roads you see them but they're all in   the shade just on their phones they're not doing  anything and then to see them out here in the   countryside for some reason makes it much  worse like it makes you feel like oh my god   you know where are we going omg look at  these guys and there's an army truck here   and there's dudes with guns what is it about  this cave is this a military stronghold   i see people chilling out and there's  school kids here somebody count   this is amazing at all the  stalagmites guys look at that next level this is an experience it's just a casual picnic spot in a giant  beautiful cave that would be one of the   most popular tourist spots in any other part of  thailand but here it seems to be a local hidden   gem people just chill bring the fan just  jungle vibes that way so we'll turn around and uh look what an incredible strange experience this is wow look at the look at the uh hole in the  sky and all the stalagmites coming down and   there's families over there can you see over  there they've got a big picnic and kids playing i don't see any fish not much water   and there's this broken road i'm going  to continue to the dam the dam's not far this is beautiful but um you know it's not somewhere that  i really want to hang around   with armed guards everywhere  it's freaking me out a little bit yeah everyone's leaning  lovely but for some reason the   the armed the armed presence doesn't make  it feel that relaxing because these guys   are in a different uniform so the people  we saw earlier i'll try and drive past so i don't know if they're gonna drive  up there and have a massive fight or what   but these guys here just chilling having a  lunch break they've got a kind of different   uniform with thai flags on it and they're kind  of in a green color whereas the guys before   we're in a black color i know i'm being stupid  it's nice people having a picnic in a cave but i don't feel comfortable getting  off the bike and hanging around i just don't feel right in  my heart so call me stupid but we saw it we drove through it we had a  nice time it is freaking insanely beautiful   here let me show you look at this guys  this is real southern thailand here   in the middle of god knows where deep south yala and you know just you know when you just don't  get a vibe from a place where you're like um   yeah a nice cave but why are there soldiers um  where we're gonna go next we're gonna go to a dam and the dam is   back on the main road okay so directions which  way do we go okay we go back the way once we came back to the main road turn left easy remember it's just me guys i've got no back  up here i've got no tie guide here i've   got no production crew no producer  i've got no armed guards of my own just me and dreamy okay let's go to the damn so watching this back in the editing at a sweet  that is my dorm room um i can see that i probably   overreacted the problem is is well look i'm not  used to seeing armed police military rifles m16s   you know armored vehicles that's not  something that i see growing up in england   we're fortunately you know living in a country  uh without turmoil and the rest of thailand as   well you never see this and so i was a little  bit taken back plus that morning you know i'd   seen a lot of military guys moving around in  trucks and in back of the back of pickup trucks   so i didn't know if they were mobilizing i  didn't know if there was going to be some trouble   and you know if i had a thai person a local person  with me who would have said something like oh you   don't worry there this is all this is they're  always here don't worry it's fine just chill   you know maybe i would have unwinded got off the  bike enjoyed the cave a bit more i just didn't   feel comfortable you know they were cleaning their  guns they would i don't know what they were doing   i don't know what they're doing i just look i  didn't feel comfortable or safe hanging around   and it probably was over the top and dramatic but  it was just how i felt in the moment so i left   anyway this is not to take anything away from  yala province i've loved it so far and just just   seeing the military just gave me the spooks let's  just put it like that i continued driving and i   was in such good spirits to be honest you know  regardless of being a little bit put off by the   military i was on the winding roads i was driving  through the mountains and uh eventually we came to   a giant reservoir with an amazing bridge and a  viewpoint and uh yeah i was i was back on form wow beautiful amazing incredible ugh let's have a look at what bikes they've  got he's got newcastle badge on his back   this is my football team this  is my football team newcastle hi careful buddy so they've  got these big 800 bmws lovely and uh for your information you can rent these   in places like chiang mai and bangkok  and just drive around for a daily rate hi and the helmets have got they've all got  intercom so they can all talk to each other   and stay in touch and then this is  a this is a really good bike as well   the forza it's 350. sometimes you can get a  150 or even a i think they go up to 650 cc   massive things beautiful really comfortable   but you know they've got nothing on a  honda dream are they let's be honest i'd love an iced tea i'm hoping that there's a  cafe over there that i can see where we can sit   down and have a little cup of tea iced tea lemon  tea but either way so some form of tea and then   we're gonna go to a fantastic viewpoint i've gone  for french fries classic lemon iced tea now when   you're in thailand you just want to say chai manao  chai manao it's like lemon iced tea beautiful view   and uh from here it's about 30 kilometers  to a viewpoint and from there it's about   another 50 kilometers to the town of baitong  i don't have any accommodation actually so i   think we're just going to drive into the  town and see what happens it's raining up   on the mountains and it's big rumbling of  storms in the distance so that's kind of   giving us a bit of drama to the afternoon  along with the military guys with their rifles   but we're calm now because we've got lemon  iced tea and french fries and fantastic views oh country road take me home up the hill next to these wooden houses get the right gear my honda dream is a piece of [ __ ] okay we made it up to the top i think it's the  top but this is annoying let's check this out   they won't let you drive the last few hundred  meters or whatever it is i tried to just drive   past them but they were having none of it  and then there's an army of taxi drivers   now i don't know if this is job creation or just  the easiest way to make money just put a fake   sign stop people from just driving to  the top and charge the money i don't   know i don't know i don't know how i feel  about this uh let's see what happens hi to the top yes no helmet no okay brilliant  these ladies refuse to pay or get on the bike and the father's carrying the baby so  i hope this guy doesn't charge me money   look we're here now it was literally what  was that a minute a minute to get up here why can't we just park up here thank you 20 baht classic okay  that's pissed me off already look wow they call this place the sea of mist let me  just clean you up there yeah this place is called   the sea of mist because in the mornings as the  sun rises this valley is uh a blanket of clouds   but it's about 40 clicks away from the town of  baitong so and there's not many places to stay   here there's a few wooden huts that's it so  if you wanted wanted to come here for sunrise   you'd have to wake up at four to get up here for  five five thirty sun comes up six o'clock prime   and i bet it's amazing but uh you know if you  drive all the way here and the weather's like this   or it rains out you'll be gutted you woke  up so early so i'm debating not really   coming here for sunrise to be honest  i'm just i'm just happy to be here now   it's called the skywalk at something something and  i'm just underneath right now they make you pay 30   baht for some like covers for your shoes and the  lift isn't working so you have to walk up here i made it to the top i don't like this  place i'll explain to you in a minute okay so you've got the scam at the front where  they make you park your car and park your bike   then they make you pay 20 baht to drive you 200  meters right now 20 baht they're probably they   probably want 20 baht to get back to my bike right  so that's 40 baht just for reference in bangkok   that will get you halfway across the city on a  little motorbike taxi they make you wear these uh   things and yet the glass is still  dirty and not clean so what's the point oh jesus she's brave views are good but look you know if you're a kid  you know you can't tiptoe and get a good view   over the top and then i went up there  and looked down and uh the staff are rude   as well they're very rude just not happy to  see anyone so it's just a bit of a shitty place hmm i don't trust this at all that's kind of cool that   above the canopy it's pretty high up guys i'm  not gonna lie and the views are fantastic i   mean come on except for this stupid thing and  the last thing is there's this racket guys are   like sawing something drilling something i don't  know what it is so it ruins any vibe of nature   of being in the canopy it's like being  in the building site i'm gonna say not   worth it the views yeah the views are amazing  but you see these views on the mountain road so thumbs down 20 bar to go 200 meters   if you know me i hate getting ripped off  even if it's 20 baht it's a principle look i'm all for job creation okay and these guys  got to make a living but i have an idea so tourism   board or the gangster who's in charge of this big  metal scam listen up here's what you should do   charge foreigners 100 baht because i know you  guys love to charge us more so charges 100.   charge thai people 50 and then let these be  like a free service and pay them a salary   instead of having to like make everyone feel like  they you know are getting scammed out of 20 baht   each way and nobody's getting a lift back  because everyone's like screw these guys   it's only 200 meters and it's downhill and  it just leaves a sour taste in your mouth am i being a whiny prick or do you feel me  let me know maybe i'm being too harsh on them   but i just think it's a little bit of a joke   nobody's got a smile on their  face when they get down from there everybody's like that was shite  skywalker more like shite walk okay okay at least you know what the  best part about coming up here was   guess what it was of course it was the  drive and we have the pleasure the privilege   of going downhill now into beitong we're gonna  find somewhere to stay enjoy the afternoon drive   enjoy the views enjoy the mountains no more  skywalks these guys don't know how pissed   off they're going to be when they have to pay 20  baht to park their bikes up and then get a lift   up the street to a metal monstrosity with  with rude staff anyway i've i'm i'm over it   are you over it because i'm over  it avanti let's go let's next place jesus good old thailand i always like  to throw in a spanner in the works uh google translate by the  way is a winner watch this   i have a booking tomorrow  but i'm here one day early where is it okay this handsome man is uh is losing his mind  that i uh that i'm driving around thailand   so he's offered to buy me well pour me a free beer  cheers chocolate cap nice welcome do you recommend   anywhere they come in anywhere or maybe  anywhere there's many many anywhere many many   you know iu wing skywalk skywalk now i  don't like it you don't like it no let   the food all the food is good and the people like  this chinese food chinese food chinese food yes   and handsome men like me and you yeah okay so i had three big beers with moo that  was the name of that guy and his family and uh   what a great great adventure today was  lots of uh adventure lots of roads lots of   uh just lots of yellow let's put it  like that and uh she's gonna take a rest   i'm gonna take a rest gonna pop into the town  find dinner nothing interesting tomorrow will   be a rest day and then i think the day after  i'm gonna smash beitong and the surrounding   area and show you what it's like around here  because as you can see lots of tourists come   to here because it's supposed to be beautiful  and lots of things to see and do so thank you   for watching see you in the next adventure next  level adventure i should say and yeah what a ride

2021-04-27 03:41

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