WHY YOU SHOULD VISIT BRUSSELS (Belgium Travel Vlog 2020)

WHY YOU SHOULD VISIT BRUSSELS (Belgium Travel Vlog 2020)

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Today we are exploring brussels. The vibrant, capital, of belgium. From europe's most beautiful, square. Across, palaces, and street art. Right down to the world, famous, belgian. Beer. We'll show you around some of the highlights, in this incredible, city. That we have called home, for over six years. Good. Morning. Good morning folks welcome back to belgium. Welcome, to brussels, the capital, of belgium, also, capital, of europe. Home of the eu institutions. And, and. Also. The city, where we have lived for. Six or seven years. It's where it's like. It's where our apartment, is located, if you've been following our videos you know, we rented out our apartment so we're not living, there at the moment or here at the moment but. It's actually our home, city i would say where usually, in our previous video we showed you around the place where we used to live when we were younger the place where we met. All the city of belgium now, capital, of belgium, technically. And that is the feeling that we both had when we arrived here this morning by train, it feels like a home this is home. Back home. So right now we are on the conspiracy. The mondays, are in french because as we told you in the previous video, belgium has three official languages. Dutch, french and german let's forget about the german for a moment because we are in brussels, where it's mainly french and a little bit of dutch, so in france is the mole. In dutch this is the conspiracy. Translated, into english this would be the art, mountain, which sounds very dramatic especially since we don't really have, that was a wasp, we don't really have any proper mountains, in belgium but this is a beautiful, gardeny, bit where you have a nice view of brussels, if we climb just a few more stairs, so let's do that to the top for our first proper view of brussels, well yours, we. We live here. Oh no our tenant lives here our tenant lives. Here. We even have some street, art here it's called, art hill, by the way so, oh i thought our mountain okay or art mountain, well i mean it's not a mountain we don't have any mountains. So. Let's go hill. Hey look at that that looks really cool, didn't see that before. That looks like it was a lot of. Work. A she, hours of hiking. We made it these incredible. Belgian mountains, yeah. But uh yeah we're making it to the top here and here behind us you can see the city. Of brussels. With. Right there over there. The, tower. Of the city hall. This is actually one of my favorite.

Cityscape. Views of brussels, i think you get here. Really nice. Historical, buildings, here on this side you have some more historical, buildings and it just gives you, a great view of oh no of the city. Over there. Wow look at this building look how nice it is, with the little towers. And all the detail, in the facade. Brussels, has a bit of a bad rap. Both i think. In belgium, as well as abroad. But it's not, because it's, not beautiful, it's a really really beautiful city we absolutely, love living here it's a very beautiful city if you. Pick the places you go right i mean, every city has its good neighborhoods, and bad neighborhoods, and. Unfortunately. Brussels also has some neighborhoods, are just really, badly maintained, and are. A bit in disrepair. But i think that the bad reputation, is more because people think it's unsafe. Yeah and, specifically, in belgium, a lot of people think it's unsafe, like when we were living here and people had to come here from our hometown, we're like. Family, friends, i have to go to big bad brussels. And it's actually i mean it's actually really okay we lived here for six or seven years. Six years i think i mean obviously it's a big city and it's the only really big city in belgium, there's about one million, people living here it's even not that big and there are a few neighborhoods, that are, not so great but it's like anywhere, it's like any bigger city big cities come with some crime rates but in general i think it's, fairly, safe never have any problems, we loved it like we absolutely love it and we think by the end of this video, you will love brussels too and want to visit here, if you haven't been here yet. I should visit again. If you have been here. So this, is the royal palace, of the royal family, obviously. Of belgium. King philippe. And his family. They live here well they don't actually technically, live here because there are two royal palaces, in brussels, there's one here and there's one in laca very close to where our apartment, is like literally, if he would invite us over for tea we could have become good neighbors but he never really did. So this is the, the royal palace, in, name only i think like administratively. It's where the king does its official. Business. It's big business small business. So, whenever, whenever, foreign heads of state come to belgium, we think this is where they bring them yeah. Beautiful, beautiful, golden gate, a really nice design, with some nice architectural. Elements as well. Unfortunately. It looks like a little bit, dirty, at the moment. But it's because yeah it's been here for about 2-300.

Years And it needs a little bit of cleaning and renovation, but it's a really beautiful building we sort of struck out with the weather. Today because it's not raining but it's not really good either, it's pretty overcast, it's pretty grey nice. Bit moody but, the benefit, of that is i've been trying to film. A waving. Waving in wind belgium flag for two days now, i think today, is gonna work out, there's one right on top of the palace, london, people, lenses. See what i have to put up. With. Look at that sun, is out. Sun is coming out what a beautiful, day. It means it makes a big difference. Like it's right there i'm not sure if you can see it almost gone again. But we had like a sliver of sun for about 15, seconds, winning at live folk no wonder, the king doesn't, live here though because it's way too close to the road like, it's very noisy. It's quite noisy i too would prefer to try and call second residence. At the moment the pal is closed for visiting it's only open i think. Uh from the 21st, of july, belgium's, national. Holiday, national, day, the day of independence. Until the end of august somewhere it's already september, now i'm not sure if it opened this year probably not we are on our way to what is arguably. Brussels, most beautiful, spot. The gram. Plus. Most beautiful squares. Belgium's, most beautiful spot even in 2010. It was elected. As europe's, most beautiful, square, so. Yeah. It's uh one of my favorites it's actually my favorite spot here in brussels, and it was only recently, renovated. So it looks even more grand than it did just a few years ago. You can see the first. Sneak peak of the ground plus over there we're gonna head over there in just a little bit, but in this little street. Right off the ground plus you have loads of these little shops that have, chocolate. Beer. I was gonna say. I was gonna say the typical, belgian export products which means, belgian, fries. Chocolate. And beer, we'll show you one of the beer shops because, i think you'll find, we have quite a large selection. So they have a small selection, of i would guess 250. Beers that's 250.. And we have i think more than 1 000 different beers here in belgium so there's a really really wide selection. Some of the most famous ones include of course. Duval. Lava. Delirium. But also. Loads and loads of beers from smaller breweries, and, it's really nice to have such a beer culture in belgium, and try different beers and, like every year there seems to be more and more small breweries, also going which is like we'll make small batches and have really really good beers, they even have one of my favorite, actually probably my favorite beer. Is blue shimmer, shimmer blue it's a tough list it's brewed by monks at a monastery. And it's a really good one it's a dark beer maybe, not so much, great for summer maybe a bit more of a winter beer because it's very strong. Daisy but that's my favorite one this is the shima this is the one i would buy, when i needed to get them in a good mood for something if i needed something or wanted something, it is a really really good beer, so if you would want to fit all the belgian beers, into just one shop you would need to shop about four times the size of this one, at least and we are gonna have ourselves, a beer. Hopefully. At the ground plus. Let's go. He smell beer people look at him he's getting thirsty. Where's my beer i haven't had my daily beer yet, my morning beer. It's what all belgians, do for breakfast. We just have beers. Makes us happy for the day keeps you healthy. Oh it's just a joke don't drink beer in the morning. Actually i have on occasions, but let's not talk about it ladies, and gentlemen. Now for the main event of the day, the grand, prix. Of brussels. It's really, really beautiful. And it's been recently, completely. Completely, restored, they've been working on for many years i think they only completed it last year. Fully completed. Beautiful, historic, buildings, of, medieval, times or. A little bit after medieval landlord, was destroyed, actually. The. City hall dates back to the medieval, times. And these beautiful, beautiful restored buildings with gold, plating. Nice architectural. Typical. Flemish. Architecture. So they all look quite clean and quite, crisp on the outside, because they've recently, been sanded, and lord knows what other stuff people do to, freshen up buildings, to restore them towards the middle of the. Square. It's about the size of a, football, field maybe a little bit wider but approximately. Football, field. It's not super big but it's just.

Lying, And lined with this, beautiful. Beautiful, historic, building there's not an ugly building, on this square i tell you yeah that's true that's actually true actually really true, one of the remarkable, things actually about city hall is that. It is not. City hall. That is not symmetrical. It's not, you're, kidding. Count the windows, one two three four five six seven eight. Nine. Two, three, four five, six. Seven winners on that side it's not symmetrical, billy, it's also not symmetrical, towards the square, it is said it was done, by accident. And that the architect, when he found that killed himself. It's just a legend, it is not true because, part of it was built. And then the other part was built in a later stage or it was built in separate phases and that's probably why it's not symmetrical. And then behind us here. It's a museum, now. It's currently the museum, of brussels, about the history of the city of brussels. In dutch it's called the brat house boulders, because. Before this building was built there was actually a hall where they sold bread. And in french it's actually called the king's, house, not sure why because no king ever lived here it was not related to any kings it was a long build before. There was even a king in belgium. But, jake's house, out of the many beautiful buildings on this square. My favorite ones. Are on this side where you have the cafes. Just, incredible. They have more gold than the other buildings in general, i especially, love the middle one out of those five, i think that's my favorite building, out of all the buildings, on this square, most of it is actually restaurants, and bars so it is actually possible. To have a beer here at belgium's, most beautiful square and belgian beard brother's most beautiful square, we don't do it that often because, we don't often come to the most, we don't even come to the, main square when we live here often but sometimes, we would go just because it's so beautiful, wherever, we were, really, passing by we just come here and stop by for five minutes and since today we're being a tourist in our own city that's i mean it's a bit of a dorsey thing to do but still it's the most beautiful, square.

Oh Yeah. This is fruity, good choice for me because you picked it, yeah i picked the. For me i picked the hopkin, i think it's called it's a pretty strong. Very bitter beer very hoppy, i like it which one is this, it's a lambic. Yeah it's a white beer from brussels actually, oh, i actually really like this because it doesn't look like a like a cake or something like the traditional more cherry, type beer the very straightest, one. I really like that one. I've never had it i. Think. This is very bitter, that's really good, it's pretty good it's a bit sour not not really sweet actually it's fruity, and a bit sour, it's not really the clearest. Beer you can't really see fruit see we can't see lake at the moment but, yours is a lot clearer yeah but yours is a white beer it's normal for a white beer to be a bit more. Big it's really good this for me is one of the best things to do especially if you visit here as a tourist. Come here come to the club plus, have yourself, a really good belgian, beer. In this, bar and probably in the other ones as well you can even buy tasting. Uh. Menus, for beers it's um then you get a small ones but one third of, one but then you get four or even eight or ten, so you can try many different ones see which flavors suit you because there's so many different beers in belgium. There's. Bitter beers dark beers light beer strong beers. Fruity, beer sweet beers. Everything you can imagine so there's a beer for. Everyone. We're now on route to. Brussels, and probably belgium's, most famous. Statue. Not the biggest, not the most. Beautiful one but the most famous one certainly not the biggest i think. Basically, you just follow the crowds. And then you'll get there. Critics. The crowd grows wild. Present, you the statue. Of monica, piss little man pee. Wait where is it but, it's that small. Oh there's a. Tiny little thing, and today, monica piss is dressed, as a guard i think he has more than one thousand i think maybe more than three thousand different dresses, that they use to dress them up, they come from different countries, have been gifted or haven't made for special occasions. It's actually a little guy it's a, probably a two-year-old, boy who is just being this little man p, molecules. And he's like the, national symbol of belgium, and especially a symbol for brussels. And it refers a little bit to. Yeah the humor we have here in belgium especially in brussels, like don't take anything just too seriously, just. Have we. The earliest, records of little man p monarchy, piss date back to the 15th, century. It's not known for sure, where it comes from, how it was created. There are a few legends, that surrounds. Monica piss. I think the most famous one the most widely known one, is that, the the french, were sieging, the city, the city of brussels, they were trying to invade it, they had been trying, for days to enter the city they were not succeeding, but then. Came up with a plan. To put explosives. Inside the city he smuggled, it inside the city and wanted to blow up, part of the city to get in the invading, army succeeded. They went in they put the explosives. Put it on fire but then. Our hero. Monica, fist. Came to the rescue, two-year-old, boy, he just beat on the explosives, yeah so the the thing that you put next to explosives you put on fire, he peed on it went out. And the crowd went while they started cheering. No explosives, went off, little man b it's only 60 centimeters, tall and yet whenever you come here, i always have a hard time remembering, exactly where it is but whenever you're close, you will know because there are always, so many people around now it's not that many but, like when you come here on weekends usually like a hundred people standing around here trying to catch a glimpse of where is manuki.

Is That him. Is that his wee-wee. You can't actually oh yes you can see the wee-wee, yeah, you can yeah, we know this is only our second video of belgium, there will probably be a few more but by now you may be thinking. God damn it folks show me some of that good belgian, food, and we know we haven't really shown a lot of typical, belgian, dishes, so far but we're planning on, making. A video just dedicated, to belgian, food. Belgian, food maybe go a little bit more, deep into the belgian, beer as well because as you can see, lake is obviously, still thirsty, maybe some food, some chocolate. Beer, that is gonna be our next video, make sure to subscribe, if you haven't already. Um if you're enjoying this one because you're gonna love the next one we're gonna monitor some really good stuff as well, but. We're gonna stop by chocolate shop now not to buy real, chocolate, chocolate but just have a little snack just to show you get a little bit of a glimpse of. What brussels, has to offer in terms of food and we're gonna get it at what is said to be, belgium's. Best and arguably, possibly, also most expensive, chocolaty. We're now in the royal, galleries, here it's a, maze of three galleries, this one is called the queen's, gallery. And it has lots of chocolate shops as you can see right here but also somewhere in the back. And then some small boutique, shops, look at how, beautiful. This little shop is. It's amazing like the stores here are so beautiful even if you're not in the mood for buying something or buying chocolate or whatever, just come here these, have some of the most beautiful shops in all of brussels. And i mean the decor, and the architecture. Just amazing, as beautiful as this shop is this is not the one. That we came here to find, we, are going to try something special. From. Pierre marcolini, p.m fellaini is often said to be, the fanciest. Best chocolatier. In all of belgium, and that is saying, a lot, because we're really country that's very proud of our chocolate i'm pretty good at it and we're gonna get a special little snack, involving. Some chocolates. I'm starting to salivate a little bit. I want. This. One. Everything. On the inside, of this shop, just looks amazing they have, mostly. Chocolates, like small little bon bons and, chocolate. Based products we wanted to try like, a very small special, chocolate, cake that looked really really good they don't have it anymore today but we find something else to munch on, instead. Okay so we didn't get our preferred, snack, yeah our preferred snack was an eclair, actually it's a. Small pastry, stuffed, with pudding and some, nice chocolate on top, they don't make those anymore they had something. To replace it which looked kind of similar. But they sold all of them today. Um and then we want to get the chocolate cake also sold out so you can see it's a really really popular, shop, but, it's a weekday. Oh, what do we have here. Ooh piece of paper. Yummy. Some very premium, looking. Macaron. Um, here's some pastries, with different. Fillings. This one is made with chocolate from venezuela. But it's still belgian chocolate because it was processed, as belgian chocolate. I have a taste. Two layers of chocolate on the inside oh i do. That looks good it's good. Oh yeah wanna try the other. Half. It's probably the best macaws, i've ever eaten. Um. Yeah. But, it's not chocolatey. It's very chocolatey. So next time we will explore, more of the food and of the chocolate in brussels. And. There's, tomorrow probably we're coming back to brussels, and.

Going To explore more. So we hope you enjoyed this video. Please leave a big thumbs up if you did, and we hope you will. You do the rest of the outro. We hope you'll subscribe. Subscribe, like. And join us all that stuff for the next one we're going to munch on good food drink some good beer leave me for my food, human brussels, see you in the next one bye.

2020-09-15 10:30

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