Why Is This Beautiful Bangkok Temple So Empty??

Why Is This Beautiful Bangkok Temple So Empty??

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Hey, guys. Good morning, good morning. So I am starting off my vlog a little bit late today. Just finished doing some morning work, morning duties, and, today we're doing something a little different. Before I came here, I wanted to go to some temples.

So we're going to a temple today. And this one I picked specially. I don't know, it kind of spoke to me. I really like the architecture and the design of this one. It's a little loud here, so I'll update you guys, when I get to my next station. Back at the train station.

I really like BTS Stations. Only because, you know, you get like the sunlight. You get the kind of vibe of, I don't know, daylight. MRT is cool because it's smooth and it's faster, but I feel like BTS is just, I don't know.

I actually feel like I'm out and about. in BTS. it's hard to explain. I'm sorry? Oh! My bag. Oh, yeah. You want me to take off? Okay.

You want me to take it off? Oh, off. I'll pick it up Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Yeah. I'm going to Ratchathewi **unsure of what was said** Okay. One. Thank you. So I've never actually had my bag needed to be. I've never actually had my bag searched here or at the train station. It's so strange.

I mean, I don't really care because I mean, it doesn't matter to me, but I wonder if it's because maybe I had my camera out in my hand. But either way, it was quick. But it threw me off because he was asking where I was going.

Because I looked confused. Because I was, because normally that's the moment I look at my phone like, oh, what platform? But it threw me off, which is okay. So I showed him what station, and he was like, oh, you know, this way, you know, show me this way. No, it wasn't that way. So I went on the train getting going the wrong way. But luckily I had noticed quickly, and I just.

What? Switch changed? Yeah. Switched trains. I am so flustered today. I guess I don't know. I can't speak, I can't speak, but anyway, we are at the station closest to the temple.

Which is Ratchathewi I'm working on it. I'm working on it. And I'm just wondering if I should, use, like, a bolt grab or some rideshare over to the temple, or if I should take the bus. I don't know. I'm not sure.

I'm going to go downstairs and we'll see. But, yeah, I picked this temple because I really like the way it looked. It is really, I don't know, there's, like, this nice view from the top, and I thought, okay, it's going to be a rainy day. And I was kind of preparing for it, preparing for a rainy day where maybe it's not too pleasant, but actually it's not raining right now, which is, you know, I'm wearing a rain jacket, so clearly, clearly, I thought it was going to rain. But yeah.

No rain. So I decided to take the bus because, I kind of want to have a new experience here. And I've only taken a bus maybe once here in Thailand. Like one of the baht busses. Which is cool, but this is not a baht bus. This is a normal bus.

But I don't know if I can use cash. I just took some more cash out the ATM. So we're going to find out if I can use cash. And I had to figure out which bus to take because one bus just came, but not everybody got on. Oh, I see, okay. Yeah, there are multiple busses.

So let's take a look at Google. So a list of all the busses, and we are at this station. Okay. But this is what I'm looking at on Google, which doesn't really have any extra information. It just says Soi King Phet, right? Soi King Phet Oh, we're going to Phan Fa Pier.

Interesting. Okay. Okay, well, I just realized I wasn't even at the right, bus station.

Yeah, there's a lot of bus stations around here, so, now I figured it out. Yeah. So we're going to hop just right around the corner for this other bus station, and we're going to figure this out. We're going to figure something new out today. That's the whole point of adventure, right? And I'm kind of craving some coffee.

And I'm craving Thai food. But maybe maybe I'll hold off. We'll go explore this temple.

We'll enjoy it. And maybe afterwards we can find ourselves some kind of nice local Thai food. Or we'll see what I'm in the mood for later. Or sorry, what we're in the mood for later.

Yeah, cause we're, you know, we're team here. So over here, this bus right here is actually a baht bus. So there's no AC in these. But honestly, they're really fun. They're really fun to ride on.

Yeah. Really fun. Interesting location I just can't get over. Like, how many of these big, huge buildings that are like. Bangkok is so much bigger than New York City. It's just crazy. Oh, wow.

Yeah, that's the baht bus. That thing is loud. Okay. All right, so I think I see our bus station up ahead. Let's see, let's see. I wonder if I gotta cross the street. Hopefully not.

Because I don't know how i’ll cross. Nah because it's only exit three. That wouldn't make sense if it says exit three. Typically everything you need is going to be on that side of that exit. But I'm not saying that Google can't be wrong, because of course Google can be wrong sometimes. So I don't know.

It is what it is. Oh, everywhere I go I smell durian. That's a durian cart that just passed me by. Have you guys ever tried durian? if you haven't tried durian, I recommend trying it.

It's actually not. I'm not going to say actually, like, I didn't expect it to be good. It's really good. I had some while in America. Because apparently I think, Jamaican people really like durian as well. So I've already I've already tried it, but I haven't had any in Thailand.

Maybe it's it's different in Thailand, I'm not sure, but I have noticed some fruit. They just taste different here. Oh my gosh, this is barbecue. No, this this smells good. Barbecuing some fish. Wow.

I'm really trying to hold off on the food. It's becoming more and more difficult. You smell.

I don't know, I wish I could share the smell through the screen, but it's like the smell of barbecue and just, tasty goodness. Like the grill. I love the grilled smell. Grilled. I don't know, I don't know.

It's good, it's good. Okay, I think I found it Soi King Phet So I'm going to take a look. Soi King Phet Okay. That is not it. Well, this street looks cool. It's got a lot of shops on this street, like kind of food and whatnot, but.

Anyway, I still can't find this, bus, and it's kind of hot, so, honestly, I'm not, I'm about to let this thing go. All right. Well, I, I gave up on the bus, guys, because, you know, honestly, I can't figure it out. The busses that are coming.

This is the only stop that's in the area. The street crossing is Soy King, but the station is king. But. But none of the busses that, that are marked on Google Maps are stopping. Are. Yeah, are stopping here. So I don't know. It's confusing. It's hot. I'm like dripping sweat.

So I'm just getting a grab, bike like a win bike over there because I don't know. I'm burning up. I'm burning up. I'll figure it out another day or.

Or not. It's going to take 30 minutes by bus and, like ten minutes by bike anyway. So I think bike is okay. Well, you were in the wrong alley, Honestly, maybe I'll figure out the bus situation another day because today it's too hot. I'm like losing my mind.

Walking back and forth on that street like. It just ain't working. Thank you (in Thai language) Thank you so much. And I was looking for a new experience, and I guess I still got it by not being able to find how to take a bus. It seems like a really simple thing, but I'll get it another time. But we're here and I'm going to be talking a little bit lower, so hopefully the audio will be okay.

I think, you know, it's a temple kind of, you know, not kind of, but I want to show respect. So I won't be talking very loudly, if at all. So enjoy the views.

But yeah, I'm burning up today. Like, really burning up today because I decided to wear jeans. But you can't really go inside temples wearing shorts. So I had to wear jeans, but I didn't have to wear black shirt and black shirt and a black hat. That's the tough part.

So I'm not sure where I'm going in here. It's really quiet. Maybe because it's the middle of the week. So I'm trying to figure out where I go. It's kind of eerie how quiet it is here.

There's no noise. I'm gonna move my mic up a little higher. No noise. Very silent.

I think this is where I go. The door is open, so I'm not breaking and entering. Wow. It's so beautiful, though.

I can't even I'm not even gonna. You're not gonna look at me? Look at this place like, wow. I am amazed. Okay, there's another door here. Oh. And another person.

Not alone. That's good. Wow. I don't know if you can see inside, because my filter might be affecting it.

Oh, this is definitely the way. Ah here. Okay. Thank you (in Thai language) Okay, so we're in very beautiful. Oh, very, very beautiful.

My gosh. is like this gentle music playing, and I don't think you can hear it. I wish you could. Wow. You could sit down here, relax. Wow. Someone's praying that way. So I'm not going to disturb them.

I will let them pray in peace. Wow. Like these walls a porus kind of rock. Is that, like, what this place is built on? I don't, I don't know, but it's quite nice to look at. Wow. I don't know what this is.

Oh, we can't go through there. Okay. We made it. This was one of those adventures that were starting to feel like, okay, this is getting a little too stressful. We're just trying to go to the temple, guys, and it took me. I've been in Thailand for about a month now, and this is the first time we're going to a temple.

First time. Somewhere back there is a tour. Oh my gosh. Beautiful, beautiful. It's like the nicest smile, actually. Wow. Can I see that?

There’s stairs up there. donations. Wow. Got a little sun in the way. But really beautiful.

Okay, there's some stairs up there. Oh, yeah. There's a tour group. I was wondering, he was speaking in English. That makes sense. But. Oh, is this the way I came in? I could have walked straight from when I came in, but let's just see.

What is this? Well. Sorry if I'm boring you guys but I kind of, I kind of want to see everything. King Rama, King Rama, the second King Rama the third Maybe what we can do is I. I'm getting lost. I'm looking for the staircase and I already forgot where it is.

I turned around, I was like, wait, wasn't the staircase okay? I think for the full extended version of this video, I'll put it somewhere else because maybe this is too long for YouTube already. Okay, okay, so in-out loha prasat okay. All right, let's go upstairs then. Okay.

First of all, the second floor here. The library. Oh. Oh, that's so cool. It's a map. So, as I was just saying, I was getting lost because it's kind of a maze.

There's a map here that kind of shows you not kind of. I keep saying “kind of” and, “like”, and stuff. But, this map shows you exactly where you are. That's excellent. It sounds like there's a reading of, oh, testing. Yeah, it sounds like there's a reading of some holy text right now. This is a library which, as far as I know, we can read these books in this library you know, beautiful...

They're all different. All of them. They're different. We're just. Yeah. Or am I imagining it? I don't know.

If they're. If they're not different? Please, someone correct me in the comments. You just might welcome us in different. Nice benches for. You know, if you want to sit up here and read a book.

Wow. Like, how is this place so beautiful? I just cannot believe how beautiful this place is. How? Just how? I saw a video or picture of like a kind of a view out from the temple.

So I'm wondering if we can go to the top of this temple. I might be restricted, but Look at this. Oh my gosh, I would love to see it from the top. But the stairs continue to go up, so maybe. Maybe you can see more, but, Oh, this is incredible. And look outside.

This is. This place is huge. Like, wow, wow. Well there's so many like notebooks and honestly, I know it's like in the library. I personally just don't I don't want to touch anything because I feel like maybe I'm disrespecting even though I'm not. I'm I'm respecting this temple, this holy place. But like, it.

Yeah. And of course, maybe I won't be able to read it anyway because I don't speak Thai or read Thai. But there's like journals here, which is kind of making me curious. But you know what they say.

Curiosity killed the cat. Lucky for me, I'm not a cat. Super duper.

Oh, there's like, then I just that I skip all of this. Okay. A mindful person is blessed with good luck at all times. I like that. I like that. Don't let that go over your head.

Don't let that go over your head. A mindful person is blessed with good luck at all times. It's saying, it's not luck. Be mindful. It's not luck.

Let's see what some of these other ones say because I haven't been reading these. Well okay, let's see if we get another one here. The moment one does a righteous thing, that moment is auspicious. Wow, So so pretty much this is saying like... Do a righteous thing and that moment is it's favorable. It's it's good. It's a good moment.

So just pretty much saying if you do a righteous thing, it's worth it. The moment is worth it, and I agree. You know that feeling when you do a good deed or you do something good and you just feel good about yourself, so that's what it's saying. So, you know, here we are. This is the center staircase here. The little spiral. But I'm assuming these are all just pillars because there's not rooms which I thought maybe they were rooms.

Interesting. It's so quiet in here. Like maybe this is like not a popular season, but it's like, not really anybody here. It's a few people that I see in passing. And there was a tour here. Maybe they already went downstairs.

I don't really know, but so peaceful. And look at this. Okay, so now this is. What is it? Third floor. Now wait. 123. Yeah. Third floor. And we are at sitting meditation.

But downstairs was walking which is why maybe there wasn't as much to see. Oh, you can't go out here. But you can see what a view. What a view. This is awesome. That is.

Is that a school? It's a school over there. But is it a normal school a religious school? Who knows? Nice, though. You get to see this every day from your school. But also I want to mention this place only costs 20 baht as a foreigner. To get in. A lot of the other temples, maybe like 200 or 400 plus baht to get in.

But yeah, this is quite, quite a bargain. But I'm surprised that there is not more people here because it's like, amazing. Like, I know some of the other temples get a lot of traffic where, you know, there's always people, but I'm like one of the only people here. It's almost eerie.

But serene. So the other doorway had like this across and I swear I didn't touch it. This is open and there's somebody else already out there. So, I'm going outside. It's really. Oh my gosh, it's cooking. It is so hot right here. Wow.

Oh, wow. Oh my gosh. This is amazing. Oh, yeah.

We're on a different side now. That's where the school was. Oh my gosh, it is so hot. Yikes. All right, I gotta look over. Yeah. I'm crazy.

I don't know why. I feel the need to always look over the edge of something like this is just so odd to me. I just can't believe it's like nobody here. Wow. Oh, my goodness. Like, this is way better.

See? Like, look. It's closed. This is way better than anything I could have imagined. So this is the top floor Yeah. So yes. Last. There's one more floor right there.

But skipped it. very small doorway. I found the other people. It's so funny.

At the end of it. But I think it was beautiful. Peaceful the entire time. There's nobody. So I got to experience it before it got really crazy.

But I think it's still not crazy. It's just a few people. It seems like a tour, but I found another set of stairs. Okay. I don't want to go up there, but.

I feel like stepping on that. It's like, not for me. So, you guys could see it from here. It's like these bells and an inscription, and, I don't know what's over there, but. Wow.

Very beautiful view from even outside. Right? But apparently there is more places or more buildings we can go inside of over here. So I'm very curious.

This place is huge. And like you can see, I'm not, like, making this up. There's nobody here.

And it's the middle of the day on a Wednesday. There are few tourists, but very, very few. Wow. The Queen's Gallery is across the street. Wow. Wow. Maybe I'm going to bump the exposure.

I don't think you guys can see this, but I'm going to see. Maybe we can go over there. Let's see if we can go over there. Guys. You guys probably can't really see the. It might be a little dark, but amazing.

just finished exploring, and now gotta get me a little food. It's kind of snack, to be honest. But, Yeah, at this nice little local spot here.

So let me know if you guys are okay with this face track or not. I don't know if this is, like, good for you guys, but, I like it because I move a lot when I talk. I'm very animated, so maybe I kind of get out of frame too often, but nevertheless, let's enjoy some delicious, Yeah. A nice beer after that. Much, much worth it.

I think. I can tell when they're cooking with chili because that makes me cough. I'm such a farang. But I love spice.

But I'm dying. Yeah. This is good. I love it. The fried garlic taste.

before I eat it all. I want you guys to see my food because I forgot to show you. But garlic fried rice and chicken and. it's so good. I’m putting some spice on this. Yeah.

We got like this in this chili sauce. put that right over it mmm. So it's actually fish sauce guys with, chilies in it and peppers. I'm about to kill this off. Watch. I'm about to kill. This is so good.

I love Thai food. Our last sip. That food was really, really, really amazing.

2024-10-10 12:13

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