WHOA! This Yogyakarta River Is ...!

WHOA! This Yogyakarta River Is ...!

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hello there from Jogjakarta and from the  inside of some weird abandoned castle like   structure so we're in the middle of a comp you really can't tell but we're kind of making our   way out of Jogjakarta we're up on that road up there and I passed by this wall that just has   a uh a door cut out of it and you walk up there and it's like what the hell is this   uh do a little bit of investigating and well it  it was a uh a bath house that was built in the   late 1700s by the sultan here in J Jakarta and now it's pretty much just left abandoned I read   in 2018 they tried to restore it a little bit  but it's pretty bizarre it's pretty bizarre it   feels like it's a I don't know a European Castle or something you'd find in Rome or something uh-huh yeah there's some uh Little Steps in here we can get in there's a fish   right in there wild very wild like we're going to stumble across a tomb or something okay and   this goes on into uh the other side of the street o snake wow yeah yeah just a a very   bizarre find and I think a good way to start the video uh yeah we're leaving Jogjakarta today we're heading to wosa area we're going to go check out a waterfall a cave make it to   the beach Maybe by today but uh we'll see we'll see back here it just opens up into someone's Farm hopefully it's like this all the way no more big cities there beautiful beautiful scenery stuck in traffic at the top awesome and there's a boat up there  and the traffic is going to start coming okay okay so that's a lot of dirt that's a lot of dirt there   so uh we found our place for the night we uh we didn't get as far as uh we thought we would like   always but we were just cruising down this road right here it kind of opened up you had beautiful   Rice Terraces the palm trees really green really really nice and uh we found this little uh coffee   shop over here on the corner looks like we're in Bali honestly and our plan was just to sit here   for a second get a drink and then figure out a place to camp and well the owner of this place   uh he calls it a soft bar they're kind of halfway open you know uh the uh the wife is in Jakarta and   she's the one that does all the cooking and so they're kind of open kind of not you know but   he's been super nice and uh we were initially just wanting to find a place to Camp really   close by go to a place and get some veggies and fruits and whatnot but uh I need help we need help okay um okay but like I was saying uh we  came up here started you know came up here   made friends with the owner here and we were just like hey do you mind if we camp up here   on the roof which we actually we might still do because it's is open you get a beautiful view U   and he was like yeah no problem and then  he actually took Vanessa to go get fruits   and veggies two different places and then uh he was like well you know how about you guys   just sleep in my son's room that's very nice  of him but I think we're still going to Camp   up there but Vanessa went and got the the veggie she's in here cooking in the naan Coffee Bean is   the best in the world that's what he said yeah it is but he don't understand why it's so delicious   really why they still want sugar? that's true why why do you have to add sugar to the best coffee   in the world this is the son's room they said  we could sleep in here very nice of them but   I don't know it just feels really good outside  the breee and I think we might just sleep on the roof hello there from the cleanest river in all  of java I think I found it a river clean enough   that I'll actually get in and swim unfortunately it's pretty shallow right now it's pretty low uh   Ricky was telling me that usually it comes  up to you know as you can tell a lot higher   and when it floods way up there but yes Ricky and Dev they were our hosts last night they   let us stay at their place and they're going to show us around a little bit today before we get   on our way we picked up some lotek some U not lotek we picked up some lowtech for lunch and for breakfast we have  lch bunch of different veggies   uh tofu cucumbers uh Lon and peanut sauce FEA [Music] this is the that I you before okay cool w f all right so this is the best miam yeah  in Indonesia according de faor de favorite   okay so this is dev's favorite mie ayam and  it looks pretty damn good actually looks   fresh good ingredients yeah here you go  and what's uh he eat sell a lot no not a   whole lot well what's uh crazy about the  kids in Indonesia is they love spicy food Two Scoops wow I did maybe half a scoop and it's going to be plenty hot for me is um the noodles   definitely handmade like homemade this is a homemade homemade definitely homemade noodles   wow this crispy thing is good in Indonesia.  noodle noodle chicken noodle chicken chicken noodle no chicken noodle we're going out there  and taking a left and uh we're finally getting   out of here so if you're in the area or maybe  if you're in Jogjarkarta and you just want to   get out of the city and you want a nice chill  quiet place to come hang out come to Blanc de   Noir Ricky will take care of you a beautiful  spot okay we're packed we're ready to go and   we're heading towards the beach and hopefully it's nothing but beautiful scenery the entire   way we'll see but it's already 2 o00 so we  won't be on we won't be on the road long so   all right guys hello hello thank you thank you Nick thank you all right careful we will thank   you for letting us stay Thank you and uh hope to see you again yeah all right see you guys bye you okay maybe we set out on the wrong way we took the   uh the back roads could have stuck to the main road but we're here for an adventure Monggo bu one thing I have never seen in Indonesia croquet and a bunch of young people playing usually this   sport is played by a bunch of old people or  at least that's how it's played in Japan at least and that would be our home last night  good morning from I don't even know where I   am somewhere outside of Jogjakarta still halfway between Jogjakarta and the beach uh yesterday we   didn't quite make it and we just thought hey  let's cruise through this Camp over here Camp   over here and see if we could find somewhere to call home and so we found this lovely Place This   100y Old Joglo House had a nice beautiful lawn out here super dry because the owners were saying it   hadn't rained here in 6 months but it's a nice peaceful little neighborhood and well actually   we are we were cycling down this road right  here and I saw the owner of the house the man   walk out of the shower walk out of his little  bath house over here in a towel and I was like   let me just go over there and see if uh he'll  let us stay and I walked right over here and I   was like you know perise see excuse me can uh explain really quickly uh you know what we're   doing I hey my name is Nick uh we're traveling Indonesia we're looking for a place to stay is   that okay if we camp right here and he was yeah sure go ahead and uh actually they uh they let us   stay inside the house but we ended up moving out here right here at about 12:00 because there are   so many mosquitoes and so we just went ahead and set up the tent out here but it's a a beautifully   simple and uh neat little home not much to it you know it's uh you don't find a lot of like   furniture and excessive uh amenities so to speak no TVs nothing like that I mean it's literally   just concrete flooring you wear your shoes inside uh it's pretty Bare Bones but it's it's well put   together you know in a way it's it's or it's  just clean which is awesome and so we actually   we initially set out our night last night right  here we set it up we uh fell asleep here but with   the windows open yeah it was nice and Breezy but uh the mosquitoes were getting us and so I I got   up set the ttin up outside and was like let's go out let's go outside but out in the back they have   their own little farm some crops over there I'll show you in a second think they got three little goats yeah I just want to give you a quick tour of   the house before uh we take off  they got these two cute little guys nice little cats there's one room in here the kitchen in here again very clean it's so nice uh and so actually last night Vanessa  she cooked up her Curry again which   was delicious we uh we parked our bikes back here you know we took a shower last   night hung up our clothes we're uh kind of packing up and getting ready to go   right now in the back over here they got their three goats they're coming what's up guys and like I was saying the owner was telling me that they haven't had rain in like 6 months and   so it's super dry here you can tell cycling around the area that it's just you know kind of brown and   just pretty uh pretty dry out there but he was saying this well right here this is where they   get all the water same kind of system they have set up at uh at U's house in Jember they have a   well you saying usually they only have to go down about they only have to go down around 9 M to uh   to get the well water but now they have to go down like 20 to 30 m so hopefully that [ __ ] doesn't   dry up so that' be scary but this is the bathroom the shower room everything uh when you want to   wash your dishes you you know you get a bucket like that you fill it up with the water here   and you literally just sit right here and scrub  and and uh clean your pops and pans and whatnot   but to be honest like it's actually really clean like the toilet and everything is like clean yeah   no smell no smell like sometimes I we've been in toilets like this and you're like oh my gosh it's   you don't even you know want to touch anything the toilet has green stuff all over it and brown like   the family does a really good job here of keeping whatever they do have neat and organized and clean   which is not always the case anyways at one point yeah this was all closed in like their tub here   has a huge crack in it they would have just put the wh water in here but no now now they use   these big tubs right here it's nice nice open air bathroom b style the door you just kind of do this number and then you get naked and you take a shower byebye thank you thank you  see you later little cat [Laughter] [Applause] out here in the middle of the  forest absolutely nothing out here luckily   the road isn't that bad though how many people  people can you fit in the truck yes [Applause] yes all righty so we found ourselves a big old cave so all along the way from Jogjakarta to the beach and I guess in kind of on the southern  part of java there's a lot of waterfalls and   caves and places like this and we decided to stop by and check one out and it's pretty cool   and this one when you look online I think it's a a holy religious place too obviously you see Jesus   kind of floating in air over here crucified over there um maybe they have some sort of service Mass here all right first impressions of pantai baron, super nice out   here but all these food stalls and  vendors are empty so Wasteland it is barron wow but this right here is what we're talking about let's get some fruits Jakarta that's the thing to get  to the beach you kind of have   to go through this River here and we got all our stuff with us let's great about this beach, you don't see any Trash hardly any it's kind of crazy to think that this used to be open actually they   have it blocked off now but this used  to be a pathway that you could go on   cross over and maybe go sit out on  that boat over there on top of that Cliff woo know there's some big way holy [ __ ] so a lot of these warungs that lead up to the beach so this road that leads up to the beach has a lot of these fried seafood wons and uh   we got some of the let me show you what  we got we got some squid fried squid and   they're also selling this stuff which right  now it's super low tide and when we were over   there there's a lot of people out on the  beach like just looking for small things   I thought they were looking for maybe some clams or oysters or something like that some   uh shellfish but no they're picking this yeah no taste but the texture is nice right no flavor but just like a a crispy chip   kind of nice and crunchy I don't know maybe a little salt would help check that out that's a pretty cool volleyball statue hey hey you do notice a lot of  lot of people this direction playing   volleyball out in their front yard uh you know I haven't really noticed that   anywhere else in Indonesia to be honest so  maybe yeah this is the uh the volleyball   District of Indonesia they must be proud of their volleyball and uh welcome to and we have made it to Kasakora Beach and this is where we will call home for the night you can   camp way up there but uh we got here kind of late and we're not going to do that we're just   going to post up down here look like some more people are uh camping tonight which is nice

2023-10-26 03:41

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