Which Mid-Engined Sports Car? | Porsche Cayman vs Lotus Elise

Which Mid-Engined Sports Car? | Porsche Cayman vs Lotus Elise

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just   the front end on this is incredible my cayman  probably would go round the corner faster but this   handles better it feels like a muscle car which is  weird to say because it's not a muscle car at all   hello there welcome to another video from maxwebs  we're not in a porsche cayman we're in the lotus   s220 that's 220 brake horsepower and about 920  kilograms and this is a phenomenal car we've got   josh over here josh used to own a 981 cayman sport  a real popular video on this channel we released   it last year in lockdown i'm shouting because  i've got no idea if the audio is going to come out   i've always loved the cayman um ever since they  came out the first generation of them i think the   the shape of them and everything absolutely  amazing and the also the size of them   i live down the new forest on the edge of the new  forest and the roads aren't particularly big so   it's the perfect size um for for off for the roads  that i drive on um doesn't really warrant having   a huge horsepower bigger vehicle i've had m3 92s  um and stuff like that m3s and um they're just a   little bit too big to be honest yeah i'm very well  thank you right max oh yeah you know it's great   sunny weather open top and um we were just sort of  talking off camera a little bit there's a lot of   reasons why this car is on this channel because it  ticks a lot of the boxes that you get in a cayman   i've had lots of cars been into cars for many  years um and as i've got older changed tastes   change needs you know what i wanted um but yeah  i've had lots of hot hatches um modified most of   them um mostly engine and suspension work really  trying to make them better drivers cars really   and um yeah yeah loads have been very fortunate  have lots of different different things nothing   you know that swanky but i i liked him at the  time what i could afford um and enjoy them   loads so yeah my i had the 981 cayman s that  was on your channel which i absolutely loved   um a few reasons why i ended get getting rid  of it mainly down to cost really because of   the worry of lockdown covered  everything was going on and   you know i say like i said before and you know  i'm not a millionaire i pay for everything that   i've got and it was a lot of money tied up in in  that and i didn't know i've run a small business   um and you know that's that's sometimes you've  got to make those choices you know then so   that's what i had to do we were coming out of some  roundabouts so we weren't even doing at speed but   the composure the levelness i i felt it actually  felt more composed than a gt4 because you're lower   and i felt there was less spring travel i mean  you bet you better get your flame suit on i think   but a lotus is is designed principally i think  for a certain purpose it is they're they are   more compromised you know you know the the the  caymans the gt4s everything like that they are   possibly in my opinion you know one of the  best all-round cars you can buy i love the   exposed gear shifter i'll get you some footage  of this car on the inside but it's it's a very   stripped down car but but basic's the wrong word  i think it's very purposeful yeah that's that's   why i think the original um lotus elises were they  were a lot more stripped out than this didn't have   any particularly any creature comforts or anything  and that's why i was very um keen to get one of of   of the later ones because they do have all the  nice and bits and bobs um on that i would want   do they call this extended leather what's the  option got leather in between and then you've   got the alcantara pack which is like the seats  and stuff like that and then the on contrast   stitching obviously yeah polycolor stitching which  in porsche land would be like probably 10 grand   but yeah yeah it's quite a nice spinner  it's got i think it's got the touring pack   which is basically um you get carpets which is  how you know that's how crazy it is that you   have to pay extra for carpets um and it also  had it didn't have the stereo option so you   basically had only two front  speakers and that was it so i had to   put some rear speakers in so i could actually hear  the music but again you're not buying this car   for that when you got into this car when you  first bought it like hey hey what were you   looking for what made you go lotus elise and  then when you kind of got the car what would   like say the first three things that stood out in  your mind um the reason why i got it um because i couldn't find a honda 2000 you've had two  of them before i've had two of them before but   they are anyone who's driven one in anger that  is because a normal day-to-day driving they're   pretty pants to be honest you know that what  why would you say that no no they got no torque   they're quite loud they're quite hard they're  older do i mean good friend of mine had a lotus   elise s1 he had it for years always we've been  out on various drives together handle's amazing   um you know and he's he's always he's got a  lotus um avora now which is a lovely car um and   yeah he he's always you know said you should look  into him so i started looking into him and then   you know for not that much more i could  get into this it was you know another third   more obviously about 33. well that's nice  there we go let's give him away there we go we just waved to a ferrari the lotus driver's  always it's how it makes you feel and um i that's   why i like the s2000 as well because you you know  you can you can have fun at sensible speeds and   that's same with the bass bass game as well and  to be honest you know even the 981 cayman s and   the gts you know they're not that fast you know  compared to modern day stuff they're not that fast   anymore it's the thought of the experience i think  it's the same way people pick manual over pdk yeah   yeah you can all just get a 911 turbo with pdk  put your foot down you know yeah i think there's   less fun in that yeah yeah definitely i see i did  miss i had obviously in puk in my um 981 and i did   miss i it was a weird thing i was i was sort of  still on the fence completely with it i missed the   um interaction of having a manual gear shift but i  love the drama because there is drama from having   those paddles i felt like i was a racing driver  i mean when you're flicking flicking through the   gears of the paddles it was it still it was still  really good fun i'd love to get past this guy that's nice we'll have to bring you a picture  of the digital dash in here because like   josh has actually put in an aftermarket  that speedo see that's beautiful corner   very confidence inspiring yeah it's nice nice easy  to drive would you say the damper travel is quite   short on this car there is quite a bit of damage  when you i suspect you'll do some outside shots of   the car and although it's a whole low car you've  still got quite it's not like the wheels to the   arch is not that yeah you know you've still got  quite a big gap so that gives you you know you've   got obviously got damper travel but the gt4s and  stuff like that are you know they you're talking   they're right on the ark there is you know um but  again a gt4 down a super smooth road or on a track   will probably absolutely smash this because that's  you know yeah so disclaimer obviously we're still   porsche fanboys you know we still love the  porsches but i think there's nothing wrong   with an honest debate especially from someone  that's had a cayman and now no longer has a cayman   yeah i think every car it has its merits  doesn't it one way or another and um you know   if i could afford a gt4 then yeah i'd love one  um but i can't the best cayman is the one that   you've got and you can afford yeah the best car  is the one that you can afford without worrying   about the payments on it yeah that's it i mean  some people don't don't worry about it they um   you know people are in different situations  different stages in their life you know and   things like that so um yeah right now i'm super  happy with this and every right to be yeah yeah   i mean it'll be great i don't know if we'll even  get a chance today we might put you in my comment   and then just get to see how you find the handling  comparison on the same day oh by the way thanks   for the t-shirt stephen from milton robery thank  you i'll put it on so yeah cheers for that so i'm   in the driver's seat of a lotus elise yeah mate so  i'm just gonna before i even say anything i just   want to like soak it up a little bit the shift is  amazing so you said you waited to get this shift   yeah i specifically wanted one the last iteration  which is the s3 with this um open shifter in it   i tell you what i mean it's it's it's not even  porsche short shift it's it's it's shorter   than that so these are my first impressions  behind the wheel of a lotus don't flame me   i'm just very excited today the sun's out and it's  the first open top car i've been in we're in the   new forest the landscape is stunning okay and i've  got to say it's just great talking with cars with   guys who are passionate about their stuff you know  what i love the clutch so the clutch on this the   travel is super the brakes the brakes are quite  you have to push them down a lot to make them work   there we go they're quite unassisted it's a good  thing you're telling me that before i need them   they're good see what you mean you do have  to they're not very assisted yeah and the   biting point is not as linear i'd say as the  cayman right as in it comes in a bit later   yes yeah yeah there's a bit of travel before yeah  i mean this is just a standard steering wheel but   it's way smaller than mine in the cable yeah they  are super small yeah and i think that the reason   that i think it was great to feature this car is  that it ticks a lot of boxes as to why people buy   a porsche cable like let's say ideally we live in  sunny california you've got great weather all the   time you're not too worried about driving in  the wet conditions and this is your only car   the boxes i would looking to take two-seater  mid-engined feel and communication with the   road and that's a bit like why i still like my 987  over like the more modern cars it's a bit more raw   um i haven't really given the wheel a lot yet but  certainly around the center position it doesn't   feel that it's unassisted i mean you'd probably  get that more on the corners there's no play in   it it's not at all everything you know you move it  a millimeter it moves me a millimeter um actually   i've got to say it loads up when you put it to  corners in a minute it loads up lovely yeah then   you will feel you know the unassisted of it but  you're right so in terms of play i mean i had my   kind of bushings checked out and stuff but yeah  this is probably the first car i've driven where   i gen it's the least amount and by play i  don't mean there's something wrong with the   car yeah i know what you want about because in  my 981 you could move the steering wheel ever   ever so slightly slightly and you wouldn't  correct correct and that that you don't have   that in this yes it's your steering wheel  which again is great for a car that you use   on the odd occasion like this as a bit of fun but  it becomes wearing if you're on a edit because   you're constantly i definitely say it's confidence  inspiring yeah it's got a lot of grip yeah that's what the brakes are like it reminds me a little bit of it i i'm beginning  to think how assisted the brake pedal is   on the cable as in not in a bad way but  you can tell this is just more physics like i love the lights on your dash as well  yeah there is no play for a lot of caymans and   probably most all modern cars that they build that  probably a little bit of play into it because then   you don't have to keep adjusting it all  the time okay you know wow i don't think   there's anything wrong with it there wasn't  anything wrong with my 91 and um correct yeah   yeah like i did notice yeah as i gave it when  something took my foot off the revs must drop   pretty quickly because you obviously felt that  yeah or maybe i didn't shift it quick enough   but like yeah i think a smaller engine you know  still love my camera though but so what i need   to get into a spider because the open top feeling  for me would you say that when you i mean i know   you've only recently had the car but is it more  of a top no top on the car driving experience oh   100 yeah that's one of the appeals to the of the  elise for me um as having the open top because   it makes it you know i use i'm fortunate enough to  have it only to use when it's nice weather so it's   lovely having the roof off when it's nice i think  you know and that's why you know i i still really   really like the um the spiders paul spoilers  because you know you get the best of everything   get that flat six you get everything but again  it's it comes down to come down the money and   price really this is fantastic well listen we're  enjoying life and cast the max i want to save a   bit of battery power in the cameras for when  josh gets into my car so we're going to turn   the cameras off now we'll get him into mine and  we'll just try because he hasn't driven the 987   and i think his cayman was pdk so we'll get  him to see my gear shifter after this one   and we'll bring you his feedback shortly so we'll  see you in a bit bye i've driven a manual camera   not the not the 987 one i've always steered clear  from the older rubbish models enjoy it like the   guy that's it that's the end of the video before  we get into my car yep is there any sort of uh   preconceptions that you might be thinking about  okay steering's not gonna be as good as this or   the you know like what would go through your mind  um i think the sound is gonna be better okay 100   i don't think i think the steering is not going  to be anywhere near this steering on this but   it's going to be better than my 981 that's only  going from what other people have said because i   think yours is hydraulic isn't it whereas mine was  on the 981 is is electric um i personally didn't   feel that the um steering feel on my 981 was that  good i've got a little fiesta st 180 and i think   that's got better steering feel than than my um my  thing yeah i know get the flame get the flame suit   out there ready um but yeah i i yeah i wasn't that  you know but but as an overall package i loved my   cayman um and so yeah with regards yeah it's  gonna be very different i think it's gonna feel   bigger and heavier yeah but then it's bigger  and heavier yeah we've gone from the lease   to my cayman and immediately our head distance  to the floors it's gone up dramatically you know   yeah um even you you were calling out the  massive height difference here yeah i mean   it just feels big and it's not a big car  at all but it it's all a prospective thing   yeah relative where you've come from it feels like  a muscle car which is weird to say because it's   not a muscle car at all but compared to the elise  that's very interesting it feels like a muscle   car because you can you feel that big old engine  behind you yeah wafts wafts of torque which yeah   again is not generally what you would hear from a  cayman because they're not that talk rich are they   yeah i mean it's the first time i've driven you  know 987 and it's it's it's it's a porsche it's   lovely every porsche is a is a nice porsche yeah  you can give it open up that tap oh yeah my 981 um   sports exhaust factory sports exhaust is i mean  it's i would say it's probably louder than this   really and these revs yeah from memory that is and  obviously you've got you get a lot of crackles and   bubbles which isn't the exhausted as he says that  ecu tune isn't it on it i've said about for the   beauty of a porsche it fits so many occasions yeah  my lease doesn't fit it's definitely more singular   in its use i mean i can't get over how high we've  ridden i mean you've got to do it back to back   from the elise to this one but we i mean even i  feel we're riding really high but i've never felt   that in my car no like i come out of our family  honda and i think i'm riding quite low yeah yeah i think the overriding thing has been said   loads this is definitely more a car that you can  use on lots of occasion um steering nowhere near   as the elise but that's a given obviously  it's a lot heavier so it doesn't feel so um   direct or pointy or darty or engaging but it does  the key things really well still yeah i i think   what i'm sort of taking away from this then i sort  of thinking about it more is that everything's   relative and i think if you were to pick a single  car to give you driving dynamics engagement thrill   motorway journey cruises you know that  that's where i see the cayman working is your   you know it it sort of ticks all of them boxes  yeah yeah both lovely cars and i can see how   you can appreciate the finer points in both yeah  yeah like i said off camera it's you know i don't   i'm not one to bash anyone's car or why  they have it or why they like it because   in different you know parts of your life stages  if you like if you want different things or need   different things and can afford different  things so it's right for you at that time   isn't it yeah so no car's perfect is it you know  and there's things that i like love about this or   the caymans or porsches in in some ways that  i don't like about lotuses you know the same   same as every car manufacturer i think  there's quite a lot of parallels i'd say uh   timeless looks yeah uh driver focused cars  yeah and i genuinely believe they're both   driver focused we're just talking about how much  you want to turn that dialogue yeah because as   you turn it up with a lotus you lose what this  has so i think it's the comparable conclusions   i think someone in the market  for a sports car is going to have   you know those on their list aren't they yeah  you know so that shows that they are comparable   definitely it's a beautiful car josh you know  it's a beautiful car i don't think i would be   as a summer car when a weather's like this i don't  think i'd miss that much from a cayman i mean no   i think that's the key isn't it it's a very um  car that's built for one purpose to have fun in   the summer correct with the roof off yeah whereas  a cayman's you know it's a different proposition   you can use it all the time that's that's  the beauty of the cayman the key point there   is overall package yeah if i was going to pick a  one-trick pony as it were i think i'm still going   to probably go cayman get out no no you've got  another 100 you know i'm very fortunate enough   to not you know to have to use this for what  its intended uses not massive motorway miles   or anything like that it's to enjoy on a sunny day  down lovely country roads in my local area which   is the new forest um whereas it came in you can  use it for for everything um we just about fit my   camera gear at the back yeah yeah you know yeah we  had to take the roof out yeah so if it rains which   it might today would be in trouble so i'm just  about 20 miles into my journey home and this is   why i think the porsche cayman is such a fantastic  car i'm driving home on a motorway now i've got a   hundred miles to do and i feel a lot better doing  that in my cayman than the elise the cayman is a   great car every cayman is a great car the elise is  a great car for sunny days when you can basically   take it out and it's not your only car but i think  for me the cayman and this is what i couldn't kind   of represent or quite comprehend driving around  those back roads with the josh the cayman is a car   you can have as your one car that basically ups up  to 10 as much as possible all the great things you   want in a car without much of the compromises  enjoying life and cars to the max see ya

2021-06-21 22:10

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