When Will The Philippines Open For Tourism

When Will The Philippines Open For Tourism

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] hello my friends this is bobby d coming to you live from the lombard single philippines i'm having an awesome time in the philippines today hope you are as well where you're from hey today i'm gonna talk about when will the philippines open for tourism in the philippines yeah man we will until the philippines open for tourism in the philippines and if you would please hit the subscribe button and like and share okay so you continue fresh new philippine videos motivational videos and worldwide videos now when you talk about the philippines yeah i'm saying that is the comment that is the concept that is the uh talk of everybody that has a fiancee or girlfriend here that's on their minds okay that's all they're talking about when they're gonna open up when they're gone but when they go every that's the million dollar question man when are the philippines going to open up for tourism again i get that questions all the time 24 7. okay every day and so today we want you to look at some things that may give us what an indication uh of where the government is at as far as they're uh trying to open up the economy as well as trying to open up the tourism industry back to jews okay let's take a look at some things that may give us some type of indicators now i cannot predict the future okay so and i don't have any inside information okay but i can only go from the statements the reports the news reports that that are sent that are sent out on a day-to-day basis i'm here i can see it better than you can you're out there in the usa or whatever country you are so hard to get this information but i see every day because i'm scared i'm like what is it you know i'm look at me i'm looking out for you and that's what i do you live in gp so we're looking at today take a look at the day today and uh then we're gonna ride train man we're gonna train uh for those of you that are retirees and you're looking to come to the philippines good news for you good news for you good good good news play yeah that's a good news for you um the pra which is the philippine retirement authority has indicated that they are now taking applications once more and again okay there's so if you guys have been like where you know we need to close it down by me i don't know anybody over there okay you can put your application in online go to the pra website philippine retirement authority website and they're not accepting remember they shut it down for a while because they had to redo it one big significant change to the pra's announcement is that the age for retirement a guy remember they had the one of the lowest age for retirement in the world 35 can you man with you the old pra retirements were 35 years old and everybody and mama would take advantage of that you know if people wouldn't retire it was still working but they didn't use it as a way to do what to get in here at a cheap rate you know and then come back and forth you know so anyway they changed that to now you have to be 50 years or above to take advantage of the retirement the visa ss the srrv visa which is the retirement visa you now have to be 50-plus years in order to take advantage of it they found that people were slipping in here and they really wouldn't retire but that was a way to get in and get in achieving come and go and you get rich you know they had to come in on nine day basis you know what you think about it you have to put down like 10 000 if you're not a better or something but if you're a veteran you don't have to put like i think 1500 down and that was it you know so uh pr you guys didn't want to come to philippine you want to retire your time is now okay now understand me now that does not mean that you are able to come here right now because all tourism foreign international tuitions block okay okay unless you have not a valid visa in your hand which is a nine a visa or something like that already then you can come but it has to be in your hand your possession now uh and the only way they're going to get you one now is you get an exemption from the department department of foreign affairs that will give you an exemption and hard to get one of those okay so for all intensive purposes you retired people you can't come here you got a srrp on you you can't be coming yet until they open it up but you can those of you that don't have the srrv retirement visa if you want to apply for it it is now open for business it is now open for you to do it apply okay you got me gp are you with me man let's go all right uh thumbs up oh sorry gotta do one minute review one minute one minute let's go all right so we talked about uh yesterday we talked about um online uh weddings okay on marriages okay and we talked about real quickly i talked about a few things about it and it's booming right now because the pandemic everybody trying to get married you want to get married quickly as fast they can and i don't know why they're rushing into it but they're rushing into it i thought my advice to you guys you want to get married you want to get hooked up hitched up whatever take your time okay this pandemic might be a blessing in disguise for a lot of you guys out there because you would get ready you know put that ring on that finger but you know you need more time man so i'm telling you the pandemic might have been a blessing for you in the sky but a lot of you you know you dated and continued to date and you had no choice and you found out during your continuing dating of your lady or the philippines that she was not the one i know some of y'all found that out some of y'all found that out so the pandemic is a blessing in the sky but some of y'all crazy you gonna do it anyway i'm telling you man take your time don't rush into the stuff because it's very very complex when you get married heart easy to get in hard to get out okay but for those of you that insist the online weddings is a way to do it i gave you several information several pieces of information about it cost is about a thousand dollars piece depending on which uh agency you choose and uh i told you that some of the states have it and some of it don't and in the description of the video i'll give you the links where you can click on and find out which state is your state involved is your state is illegal for your state and i also told you that if you do get a wedding uh online and your philippine is here in the philippines you're someplace else what you'll have to do is get a marriage certificate from that agency a bonafide certified marriage certificate get one keep you get one and one give one to your lady oh okay and if you give one team sorry i got straight give one to your lady and uh once you give that to the philippine authority they will then consider your marriage legal however it has to they gotta check and find out how you did the marriage because they had to comply with the legal uh law here in the philippines in order to be legal okay but you normally just given that certificate marriage character and marriage tv you're good to go okay all right so that's what i'm talking about yesterday that nice your day yesterday and uh it was good man we hooked it up to the wheel you know how we do we hooked it up all right so today's show man let's go thumbnail for the day thumbnail thumbnail hey let's go see right here opening 21. oh yeah i hope they do open in 21. not only me but not a lot of you guys don't hope the same thing you know and she's this beautiful young lady man she said we beat open in 21. what you want to know there for a lady you're trying to get somebody to come see you oh [ __ ] but yeah this is the question we're going to look at today is the philippines will the philippines be open at 21. i don't know

yeah we're going to find out and we've got some information we got some clues we got some uh statements we got some things that are happening in the government that give us an indication of what may happen in the end of this year or in the future okay so i'm going to look at that that's the only thing we can do i'm not a member of the government and so don't get mad at me okay i know every time i let me tell you something every time i bring a story about when we go over people jump on yo don't come on man i'm just a messenger man i'm just telling you and i'm just guessing mate i'm not i don't know exactly when but i hope it's soon and based on what we show you today you may come up with the same conclusion i have okay all right let's go so thumbnail for today open 21 and blue all the blue lagoon back there man you want to get to the philippines you see that kind of water and we said kind of lady looking at you with a big eye okay let's go i'm gonna take a i'm gonna take a train i'm gonna take a plane i'm gonna take a bus i'm gonna take anything i can to get to i hate you man all right uh don't forget your focus focus let's go all right so right around we got this is our focus video i usually have a focus a gym main focus and then i break it down i'm only gonna have one phone sheet today that's it that's my focus sheet okay we got two points on the focus and i'll show you why in a minute okay number one we'll take a look at uh those two guys the one on the left is called speaker mike mikey romero he's the speaker of the house deputy speaker of the house of congress observing house of representatives in the philippines okay this guy on the right is mere uh la la la premiere juneau chan okay so those are two guys we're looking at their statements they're government officials so that what they say actually counts and more than what i would say so we have to look at what they say what people officials and the government are saying and it's just i chose to these two guys because the articles reference these guys however it's more than these two guys are saying this okay what we're going to find out what they're saying it's just more than you two guys so when a lot of people are saying stuff that tells you what the direction your country may or may more than likely be going into so we're going to find out we're going to take a look at house deputy speaker mikey romero what do you have to say about opening up and then we're going to take a look at mir junar chan from la pulato is a very prominent city here in the philippines it is where the airport is located it's in cebu and they get a lot of traffic through there right now the economy is zero almost zero because nobody's coming in that's what the lapu lapo mocked on that's how they make their money off for tourists so he is in bad shape his city's in bad shape his economy's embarrassing he's doing everything he can to get it back on track okay so we'll look at what he said and i'm gonna take a look at what mikey romero said speaker deputy speaker of the house sir first of all we'll take a look at we're gonna take a look at a statement and i got a video coming up i'm gonna show you what mikey romero had to say give me a minute pull this video up and you will see i created a video so i thought it'd be more interesting that way rather than me give you my little two cents okay i haven't come straight for the horse's mouth okay all right here we go because every time i tell you was like y'all jump all over me jump over my kid this time okay let me see let me come on mike let's go watch this video you know it's very good that uh the economy is now open to foreign nationals but uh my proposal is to open it much further to one billion if the statistics is right and it's it's from uh wh that one billion has already been uh vaccinated two times all over the world and in fact in china there's 250 million chinese nationals and in the us uh president biden said by july 4th america will be uh free from coving and at this point in 150 million americans are already vaccinated twice so why don't we open our borders to these vaccinated foreign nationals one billion of them and if that so happens then we can revive our economy right now you know we don't need to wait uh one more month and the uh the one billion goes to two billion another month because three billion so these foreigners are not anymore and post a threat to any of our uh filipino countrymen so why don't we lose them and each of them will give probably three thousand dollars oh let's partially open up our economy uh 24 hours before and after they arrive or 48 they have to take pc so you know slowly but surely we have to revive uh our economy all right there you have it from the horse's mouth mikey romero he is the deputy speaker of the house of representatives of the philippines he has clout where i don't have any i just got mouth but he has clout okay so um if he's saying that right then it may get somewhere okay they want this economy open and and they want the the virus put in check as well so there has to be what a balance okay you can't beat it up and down i mean they got to be what a balance okay got to be a level balance between those two objectives and that's what he's trying to get now he made an awesome suggestion he's trying to get the congress to get a law and vote up on it and get it out that the philippines needs to do what open up the economy to those people that are vaccinated and he said how can these vaccinated people be a threat to us they've got both shots they got they can show us their proof and they say even though they're fascinated 20 to 40 to 48 hours after they get here we're going to do what pc swap tests okay rt pcr test so how can they lose they cannot lose okay and even in america the as you mentioned or no massive required for those that are vaccinated indoors or outdoors he also mentioned that 150 million americans have been vaccinated okay and he said to w joe indicated that around the globe around the world a billion people have been vaccinated okay so uh he makes perfect to me it makes perfect sense the economy is struggling very very badly they need money and so why not open this thing up okay to fascinate the people at least right right that's why i tell you guys i'm looking at this is the way it's going okay now don't get me wrong i'm not saying y'all this is going to be happening this is the way i see it going okay it may go that may go something totally other way but in my mind my opinion i say in my opinion okay this wave this way it may go okay and we i based that i based my opinion on what the government what officials are saying mikey romero is the deputy house speaker of the congress of the house of representatives of the philippines okay so he has clout what he says means something he's a lot of people are under him in the congress so that's what he's putting out that may happen we will see so i want to show you also uh second point was uh what uh junard john we're going to see what he had to say about it based on an article that was written and i'm gonna pull that up for you right now so you guys can get an idea of where we are as far as opening up where the philippines are is as far as opening that up to tourism again now because i know you're away from me you're away from this place you're a long way from the philippines i'm in boots on the guy ground i see what's happening here i got a better idea and i better feel but what's happening what's going to happen on a day-to-day basis and i try to relate that to you and the best way for me to do that is find the people that are saying this if i can find them on a video if i can find them on an article i get it i show it to you and then you can come away get your best uh guesstimate and understanding of when it's going out all right so let's see what mayor chan has to say okay i did a recording on this one as well here we go all right guys here's another article dated uh may 6 where la palapa is to reopen the foreign tourists now according to this article foreign fully vaccinated and tested negative for covert 19 within 72 hours that's three days prior to their arrival within this yeah they can visit apollo city in cebu now uh on face value it seems like it's good they're opening up to tourists but let's further examine the argument mayor junar chan said city the city is well prepared to accept foreign national foreign tourists again chance cited resolution 113 of the internet agency task force for the management and effects and emerging management of emerging and infectious diseases which allows foreigners to enter the country provided they have a valid visa and pre-booked accommodations for at least seven nights in accredited hotel city so again you become foreign but you have to have what a valid visa and what a people combination now uh that means you got to have a valid visa you just can't go out and get a valid visa you have to have that means you have to have a ballot visa in hand and the only way to get a valid visa is to contact your local embassy and again local embassies are not giving 90 pieces out unless you have an emergency type situation which you would then apply for a deferment or waiver from the department of foreign favors okay so basically they're still in alignment with the uh national policy of uh national tourists foreign tourists foreign nationals not being allowed with only certain uh particular exemption criteria okay um he said again further he says foreigners who have not undergone swap tests prior to their visit would be tested upon arrival ken said we open up the city of was approved during a previous meeting for tourism officials and other stakeholders he had really asked the health secretary francisco duque to allow the entry of foreign tourists in the city to revive the local economy okay so basically guys they're trying to get yours back as quickly as quickly as they can and they're talking to the iatf and they're trying to get approval but again if you have you have to have a ballot i'll go back to this you have to have a valid uh a valid uh visa within 72 with prior to arrival valid visa okay and again you get the valid pizza you have to get a deferment at this time because they're not they're not you have to get away from exemption rather because they're not giving out 98 pieces at this time all right guys so now you see uh yeah i think you have a better understanding a better concept concept a better idea of where the mindset of the philippines is right now they're between a rock and a hard place okay they are dire straits right now so uh they're trying to find and figure out every way every loophole that they can get people coming back to this country okay so don't don't think they don't want you here they want you here man but they have to balance it as a it's a very strenuous balancing act they have to balance your your being here and your country's coming in with the virus exceeding and going up so eventually they will get it together and eventually you'll be coming out here exactly what date and time we don't know but i can give you my estimate my particular estimate is basically not i'm basing my estimate on the information i just showed you we have two officials one from napolita and one speaker of the house of representative uh both of them are saying pretty much virtually the same thing why not let vaccinated uh tourists come here and they can prove their vaccination and we'll give them a swap test if they can they can show that but we won't have to give them a swap test if they sure have proof that they've taken a swab test within 72 hours of variety they've got proof in hand they won't even get to swap this but if they don't have that proof of swap this when they get here they'll give them swap tests as well so you know uh i see no reason why i looked at uh right now i'm thinking that that's where we're headed towards uh thailand's pretty much headed towards that and as you know anything about southeast asia the philippines and thailand are always neck and neck trying to get tourists trying to get much entire you know so i looked at i look at the philippines it's opening this thing up i'm giving my guests to me my estimate my speculation on it i'm looking at the end of this year okay now four quarters what i'm looking at okay and i can only speculate on that or estimate on that or guess to me that's my bet end of this year uh uh october november december i think it's gonna be open up but it's gonna be a cap when they open it up not gonna be like everybody you can come now now they're not they would they would not be prepared to take a whole bunch of people at one time okay they're not prepared for that and there's a ton of people waiting to get in here so what they would do is probably put a limit on how many can come in each day and so uh the best bet guys i keep telling you this if you want to come to the philippines go get yourself vaccinated okay once you've got that out the way you're making yourself that much closer to getting here when they do open it up again it is my opinion and based on the two people that i showed you that made that made their statements with government officials it is you more than likely that they will be opening this thing up to vaccinated people now i i can't guarantee it but that's the way that is what i call the trend and if you know anything about stocks and bonds the trend is your what friend okay because it tells you where it is added you look at the trends and you see where it's going up what's going down the trend is your friend and so their information i just showed you is the trend the train of thought of the people government officials in the philippines at this particular point in time so we're looking forward to them opening up and this is my guesstimate by the end of the year okay if not the end of the year motion voice is definitely the first of next year so uh i just want to bring that to you man because i keep getting that question and y'all don't ask me the question i'm okay that's why i did this video the video the video so you can get the answer okay i'll show you man that's what we are on there now you got the 411 okay you know i'm gonna tell somebody okay all right we're getting rid of this train today and uh we getting ready to go be up out of here out of here people get ready uh whether the train is coming don't think [Music] y'all ready man are you ready for the roll call me hey already been i'm ready like freddie freddie kruger man but hey you got to be rough enough tough enough buffed up enough to be the first man in the here's how i'm going to find out who that is who they say they're going to beat them so i need to know i got you don't need me i'm very inquisitive i want to know oh go man y'all know me man it's time to ride baby you know i ain't trying to slide it's time to ride okay y'all ready to get on board this trash y'all ready for the road car hey man are you ready for roll car don't play with me today now i'm ready to go i'm ready to go okay okay oh yeah ah come on austin okay i so good to see you so good to see you so good to what's up man so good to see you man you've been me for a while but you back today i'm so happy to see you in the house man on the train riding strong and long and tall doing the right type that he got to be all right i wouldn't turn around hey paul what's up man you did it man uh he was the number one honcho in the house man you got to be commended you made it before everybody else man you did it right tight long and strong so commit comments to your props to you man you did right y'all give him his props hey take some takes a tough mentality to beat the pack to be the leader of the pack you got to be strong baby you know what because the leader gets all the hits you know you remember remember you guys in the middle y'all y'all know what the point may i do right when you choose appointment you want somebody with some guts mm-hmm yeah you want somebody that that's got a tough mind that he ain't gonna say and run when when terror or dangers is coming on he gonna stand firm get down boys i got this you're gonna take the hit well son that's who you want point man that's strong it's courageous that can handle the heat when the kitchen gets too hot he gonna stay right there bear it out okay and that's what paul is showing us he got the characteristics of a point man he could take it when y'all running right turn taylor pause hey man come on i'm standing right here we got this that's the kind of people you want with you when you're going to battle when you're going to fight you want somebody that's strong that ain't going to turn to the right so they see somebody trying to shoot you know what me man if they try to if i was appointment i said look i got this give me the give me a grenade a grenade and then i'll turn taylor but no you want somebody that uh has a tough mentality you want somebody that's able to think well and you want somebody that's able to move quickly because that person in front of you can save your a life is a it's a very very uh important decision when you have somebody in front and when you take a leader a leader always want to be in front so that means that paul had the leadership mentality he want to be number one and he wants to be the best i'm all my hats off to you paul do your thing man good to see you good to see you wouldn't want to be locked right to everybody one night who we got in the house doing his thing y'all that's what he does he makes it rain he likes to make it ring and he got it like that so don't get mad at terry enough you're trying to embarrass us [Music] y'all i'm trying to show you how to do it the right tight a long way okay in a strong way that's what a strong man does he makes it rain the weak man said i can't make the rain hey man maybe tomorrow and then tomorrow never get it but jeremy thank you so much for the rain we appreciate it man and we don't want the pain or we want the rain let's do it damn for terry ryan train bobby lee one nation under a groove soon we got this out today all right dancers come on now who i ain't dancing don't play with me today now y'all know y'all know i told you gonna do it today okay let's go come on come on so what you trying to do [Music] ladies and gentlemen [Music] is [Music] more blessings much love to you my brother from another mother oh i forgot to tell you something today cause you gave the donation to the nation but i gotta tell you man you know what terry i love you brother but uh you know what number two jeff wander playing around james robertson one nation roundtree that's good uh paramedics in the house they're amazing the house paramedics pyramid paramedics and the house good evening to you out there in the united states of a dog on america i know y'all wish i was here man this is this this is my america right here this is the miracle that we're supposed to have you know yeah it's right here in the philippines you sitting up there telling me i'm in the mirror yeah what kind of rights you got out there none if you get on the street driving a car and get stopped by the popo you you ain't got no rights but the rights they want to give you at the time of the occurrence of the whatever they stopped you for and you kind of said you know yeah you're right look at the people who look at the people stock got stopped and they ain't no longer in the land of the living come on there am i telling you right that long stone i think i'm playing with you that's one of the reason why that's one of the reasons why i ain't gonna never live back in america i don't want to go i want to go back there but as far as me living there on the first basis now not gonna happen kevin i got a life right here in asia if i don't live in the philippines may at least need to be somewhere else in asia some other country but we will not be going to the united states we'll go to visit we got family out there but as far as us living out there it ain't gonna happen captain so good to see you fair amazing round train bobby lizzy wonder who we got uh what's up how are you doing brother good to see you good to see you uh guys what's up you bobby hey man you know what we say he said we blessed and highly flavored and have a favorite of the most high god yeah yeah man you can't get no better than that man when you got fed for the lord and you got flavor in favor of the most high god you can call your own shots because you got somebody up in the clouds backing you up right to everybody see one night [ __ ] who we got uh freddy mace what's up here he said congratulations paul uh number one on the love trying number one on the look hey paul did that thing man he was playing he said man i've been in a while man but you know i'm coming stepping and stepping high sipping straw and that's what he did that'll give him a prop rod what who we got crook mark he said what what's going on love train hey love train crew what's up what's up what's up y'all right there let's go ride train bobby lee see what night [ __ ] terry flynn he said uh superior i see you wanted we waited for the three three spot tonight tonight tonight tonight he didn't want that number two nobody nobody like that number two spot man but that's all right man and hey don't take it too personal just just take it roger everybody see who we got paul he said thanks for thanks sir frederick it's good to be on top again i know man i don't know what job man but i like to be the best i like the best in my life whether it's clothing uh whatever i like the best no i sometimes i can't get it but i strive for the best and that's in every area of my life i want the best because i know the best it stands above the rest in that right and the best whatever you get as far as the product service you need to step above the others that's why it's the best so when we live in our lives man life is too short not to have the best you know and if you can afford the best why not and don't ever let nobody talk you out the best you got the ability to do it somebody when you need that [ __ ] experience that tension so what it's just money i make money i can't spend it on me and i need people to talk you out all all kind of stuff and don't listen to those people if you want to buy the best buy the best man bump what they say let's go round train bobby lizzy who he got quick mark in the house football he said congrats pmg on being number one and you did it right ty long strong football i mean paul hey good to see you man right train bob releasing one that who frederick myself he said rain man in the house rain man is our love train jerry fleming yeah man you're going to love training today man jerry fleming is a raymond every time we see him he'd be like changing the chain chain chin everybody we got crook mark he said what a dude freddie mason favorite mission is all right man maybe ain't never lost okay he ain't never lost no okay let's go round train bobby lee see one nation uh freddie mac he said what to do quick mine you all right man because i haven't been in a while you know what we all can say that same thing but you know what we deserve when you talk about the bible and what the lord said we know what we deserve but thank goodness we ain't we you know we've been saved by great rhyme saved by grace ryan train property releasing one nation under who he said good to be on the train after a hard work week working hard soon it would be all worth it when i'm ready when i'm with my lady i hate you man everything has a season and a reason so you have your proper mindset you're working for a goal and that goal is keeping you motivated so when you're tired you keep moving and you don't stop and you don't stop till you drop and when you drop you get back up we fall down but we get up why because your lady is counting on you mm-hmm yeah the lady you got in the philippines she don't nobody else but you and if you can't do it she's gonna find somebody else so what i gonna do let's go round to everybody leaving one nation who we got freddie amazing ryan bobby jerry let me see uh hello train family blue wrenches and the one and only monkey richie the barbie queen the angel elizabeth all right let's go everybody hit that like button for one time one two three chitchat yeah one two three chitchat hit that like come on now let's get them likes up one two three chit-chat let's go round train bobby lee see one nation we got robin my response brother so good to see you so good to see you so good to see you he said hello family much love to your family and peace good to see you robert uh always good to see robert mars man he's a good man and uh he we missed him on the train for a little while but he's back so good to see you brother what's going on he said what's going on robert how you doing brother ain't seen you why are you okay man so good to see you ryan train by religion the man what's up man how you doing brother so good to see you so good to see you so good to see you he said bobby the best couple on youtube let's go hey man you said that thing right man we try to give it to you right tight long and strong man so you can keep coming back round train probably see one nation who we got robert morris he said it's freddie mason just oh just popping in a while at work oh you and you hey he's at work freddie you're trying to hang with us at work you know when the boss man come around you put that phone in the desk let's go round train bobby lee see one night we got uh i'm sorry i hit the wrong one who you got i can't catch up pretty amazing give a donation to the nation [Music] contest for the day contest for today since he mentioned super sticker contest anybody give over 20 day time you're gonna get a free cup with bobby d lisa d love train on we ship it to y'all free of charge all you gotta do give a 20 donation to the nation let's go we're gonna do a damn fragrance today ryan train by releasing one nation under a group got to find out who are on this train today who want to be a dance to step up today come on now where my dance is at all my dad's in the house that was we just did him okay here we go come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah messed up uh all right so where we got right track bobby lisey let's go with uh the hardest rookie man into the business i feel good thank you thank you thank you thank you thanks so much frederick mason for the donation to the nation more blessings much love to you brother thank you so much man appreciate that appreciate it remember now contest for the day content we're gonna have a condition every day in this month contest of the day 20 make us holler and you got a free cup on the way no chipping charges for you everything is on up come on now let's go ryan train bobby really see one nation who we got frederick mason he said everything to everything is everything robert mark glad to make it on the love truck i'll tell you man love training is the place to be if you want to be free free in your mind free and your spirit you come upon a love chain and you the love of jesus oh lord i'm about to jump out of my seat the love of jesus make you free let's go man what's up what's up you man y'all right man ain't seen you right here just doing his thing man he got a business going on and every time you see him he's writing a new book he got about 15 books out and he got over the customers man he hired a man let's go round train bobby elise uh jerry flynn's a kid okay okay oh chinese you gotta say okay on the flag we got another donation to the nation okay that's i'm gonna do that yes that's about another five okay if you give 20 you get 20 men you won't get a cup today okay we gotta do dan frederick terry flynn running train by releasing one nation we got all right oh yeah see we got today i wanna do here do here i don't think i did this guy yet let's go [Music] thank you [Music] uh thank you thank you thank you thank you everybody terry fleming for making the rain in the house today second time is the best time let's go thank you so much much love more blessing to you for a donation to the nation let's go right to everybody see one nation who we got ah king of in the house friend of me and the athlete so good to see you so good to see you so good to see you brian train bobby lee see one nation who we got said the man he said freddie amazing it's all good man i'm doing good man the lord is blessing me man i got more money that i can use man and i'm doing real good man and uh i'm saving my money to get up to the philippines because i got my lady waiting on me and i can't wait round train bout religion who we got down to man okay man ryan bobby murphy hey he's the hello love train blue wrenches and angels all my angels in the house said who ring on my blue ridge in the house said let's go round chained by releasing one nation we got okay when they're coming right there what's up what's up man so good to see when you've been missing for a while but lasting times he been in the house he missed that love so good to see you brother around train bobby knees who we got after the legends awesome anthony how you doing brother so good to see you so good to see you so good to see you so germany spain and the uk are beginning to open for international tourism so the philippines is going to have to respond in time if they hope to remain competitive for for the international yeah that's correct i agree with you i saw the other day with spain they got they got back they don't have to wear any masks none of that stuff so they like pretty much virus street now in spain and they opened everything up so uh yeah you're right uh philippines is gonna have to get on board uh everybody else is opening up even though that there's a variant it's causing like a third and fourth wave countries have to open up because the economy is hurting so the philippines is uh you know they're going to get there but uh they just i don't know i don't know it's just the management of this thing it's it's just up and down for double down and uh it's got it something's got to give you know between now the end of the year that's my estimate anthony that that they're going to open this thing up you know so let's hope it hope it works out that way let's go ride train bobby lazy okay i'm way too far down y'all hold up okay let's go ryan um monroe what's up monroe how are you doing brother so good to see you man you're right man so good to see my new buddy monroe you say uh hello bobby from greensboro north carolina as bobby i hope i do not meet a ticket i hope i do not need any ticket from curtis mayfield you can't get no ticket for curtin mayfield man he sees me done i love me some kind of major man ah that super fun stuff he did man you remember that so far movie he did all that courage mayfield kirk maybe with the bomb back in the day he got he had a stroke or something he fell off the stage and then he got he was sick he was dead emblem for a long time he passed away because he live in it now so yeah i love mr curtis he said uh let me read he said i hope i do not need a ticket curtis mayfield and impressions good morning to you you don't need no ticket man all you need is some love in your heart l to the o to the b e e that's all you need monroe so love in your heart and you got that love man we gonna give you some more let's go ride train bob religion we got freddie mason russell what's up perry he said i see you king arthur how are you margaret monkey rings are doing all right man he on the caboose today but he he got on you know hey don't count whether you're going to front or then long as you get in right train about they say frankie mason he said sir sir hayes what's going on man you all right man what's going on y'all right let's go around train bob real easy close mark he said what's what's going on murphy y'all right mother hayes good to see you man uh as the [ __ ] he said uh germany is planning to open for tourism on june 15th okay great that's awesome now you know what brian said right you guys know what bayern said july 4th is the date that everything every country should be virus free and we should have heard immunity uh it's i don't know that's the date that's his goal but i right now from what i'm hearing is that the pace of the vaccinations have slowed down tremendously so we may not meet that july 4th heard immunity date but if it's not july 4th it may be august for you know but it's we're getting there we're getting it right train bobby lee see one nation king off he said get the monkey wrench until and all to all all tubbed up tube loved all lubed up and ready to go i got you man i'm sorry about mr arena right train bobby we got murphy today remember he said everything all the wall tree top tall hope you are as well sir mason he's doing good man ryan train bobby lee what nation monroe what's up monroe he said wow wow anthony thanks for the information as that's good news record yeah man it's great news uh germany's opening up europe is trying to get back on board and most major countries uh have that have put the vaccination out got their people vaccinated are headed towards what's called herd immunity that's when the majority of your country majority of the people in the country have been what vaccinated that means that people can stop wearing masks and all that stuff because they got you guys got the shot if you get [ __ ] if you get the environment because you just because you have the shot does not mean that you can't get infected okay the shot prevents you from getting sick and dying if you get infected that's what that does okay so uh but they're saying so many people getting a vaccination they don't need to wear masks so so all most countries are that way um unfortunately philippines is on the bottom of that list i'm sorry sorry to say so round train bobby lee king asked what's up man he said is our queen missing actually she got an allergic reaction or something she ate or something she came in contact with and it's pulled up man she had a whole bunch of blotches on her arms and then uh on the back and on you know chairs and stuff and then start coming on her face and she said it's on my feet now i can't get on the show but she don't want to get she upstairs she said i can't get on the show like that i kept trying to come down but she has dead man and uh she won't come down she said she got a few more the doctor said he's got to go through his system she got medication to take work but it'll take like maybe a couple more weeks after that she'd be back i hope let's see wrong tree probably lazy one nation who we got wherever he said i'm surfing on there on these love training vibes what say you crook mark you're right man yeah i'm surfing man getting different running back from the love chat well i saw crow mark he said better not deserve it god so being so good to me man that's the wrong train bible uh remember he said are we all we are all in that group yeah we are all doing better than we deserve because you know what we deserve but the lord took care that's for us you know he sent us on the sun let's go around train by releasing what we got michael coffee needs some car he's a bobby hill until the philippines start getting most of their citizens vaccinated this the open uh no opening of the borders okay there in order to get hurt immunity here uh they'll need about 70 of the population vaccinated and uh they're moving at a slow space low slow pace this country is over 107 million people so uh they're like one percent right now so it's not a whole lot uh so uh they got to get it get it on the good foot but what's happ what's happening in the philippines as far as the vast scene program is the fact that they get get vaccine in right but they run out of as soon as they get in so they got to go back and renegotiate buy more buy more and a lot of time they don't have the money to buy so what they did recently is they authorized current companies to buy the vaccines for their employees and also they can uh vaccinate the public as well so a lot of the companies have put money into the fascination to bring it to their companies so that's going to save them a lot as well um as far as expats here in the philippines being vaccinated there's a couple of ways it can be done um right now as i just mentioned some of the companies are opening up allowing people back anyone to come in investing so i'm waiting on there's a company called sam mcgill out here beer company we're waiting on them to get their supplies and we're going there we have a friend that lives here and she told us they would be able to take us as soon as vaccine comes in so we're waiting on that and i'm waiting on my burner if i can't get my dirt i'm going with johnson johnson whatever one they got but you know what man i'm gonna be like this gonna be straight up with you i won't i want to be vaccinated but if the only one i will not take is pfizer and that fight is good i won't take it because you got allergy you know i got a lot of allergies but anyone that got up there man i don't think if anyone they got up there i'm gonna take it because you know better to have something and nothing right but my my wish and my desire is more during it i can't get more learning gonna go to johnson johnson can't get johnson johnson i don't want this blue [ __ ] i don't want that okay well i might have to take let's go around to everybody easy who we got how very messy he said hello michael coffee how are you from now yeah everybody y'all keep praying for michael coffee out there on the front line man putting your life on the line every day trying to save people live people like that we need to salute people like that we need to keep lifted up ryan trained by releasing who we got michael coffin need some coffee he's about to be hi here in cali a few months ago us nurses were fascinating 5 000 to 10 000 people a day in usa well that's that's a lot that's a lot of work man five thousand ten thousand a day in california alone and can you imagine how the other states were doing as well that is a lot of work and that's why we're headed towards hurt immunity uh it may not be july 4th as bayern had insisted uh maybe a little bit after that but unless they pick it up pick up the pace you know they could get there but they have to pick up the pace we'll see ryan train bobby lee see one day what's up man he said yeah monroe germany is gearing up to their full oktoberfest i told my girl get her passport so if things don't open in the philippines we'll visit somewhere else that's a good idea the travel money will be all spent soon i got you man that's a good idea y'all already said he told his girl to get ready we can't get to philippine he's gonna send him to germany and then he'll go to germany and he can make it hook up in germany no what's wrong with that y'all better start getting your is more than one way to skin the cat right y'all better start thinking like anthony anthony got his plan he said okay look at this but we can't hook up in the philippines let's go to germany you know somewhere she can go you know and somewhere he can go too so that's they got to start thinking outside the box man if you want to make it you want to make it right thailand think outside the box train bobby lazy one night michael conflict needs some coffee he said fred hello god bless you keep the train keep the faith from nursing thank you so much nervous my around training bobby lazy one night murphy hey what's up murphy you said the queen is quarantined yeah she a quarter uh king arthur and that's what i call rhyme yeah she quartered man she won't cut down i told her then she was sitting right next to me for a minute and she got up she's i ain't staying down that's okay so she up there man but you know she's getting better she think for some reason she thinks she's not getting better but i can see the changes the swelling's going down some of the blotches on her arm it's beginning to fade out so she's doing much better so i will see right train by releasing one nation lamont taylor taylor man what's up hey tell me congrats to you man thank you so much telling me give me those articles i did for y'all today thank you so much for look good look at our brother from another [ __ ] good to see you taylor man he's hello bobby what's up what's up y'all right there y'all will be here to be talking to me and on facebook and on facebook man he's sending me a little of medicine a lot of good stuff he had me let's go around training probably see one nation who we got okay uh murphy hey what's up murder i did this one huh did i go down too far hold on y'all y'all tell me if i went down too far i think i went down 2-4 hold on ah hold on i miss my place okay i went down too far y'all sorry about that i got to go back up okay lamont right here all right i got that all right round train bobby lee see one nation friendly mesa he said chitchat yeah click that black button and save her and save her the favor of the love train click that like button and save the flavor of the lord train any pride experience good good people all right everybody to like work for one time one two three chitchat one two three chit-chat one two three chit-chat hit that like button come on now let's get the lights up y'all come on please can you hit the like button from please thank you i just got around to anybody lazy one nation who we got paul he said yeah travel has picked up big philippines need to pick up their game and get strong get it right yeah man i know uh i get that comment from so many people and if you go to facebook and do a search for department of the bureau of bureau of immigration philippines bureau of immigration when you go to that facebook page for department bureau of immigration and you look at the comments people are making people here p.o man they are p.o about how the philippines is doing this thing yeah and not not me the people the philippines being the natives because they're angry because they can't get their their fiance their boyfriend come come see them there's t oh you know so you know uh hopefully the philippines government and people start listening to him because uh when as far as two people who showed you doing on a video today those people are right in my opinion if you have fascinated people and you bring them here there's the less uh the chance of them being infected or infecting others is very very low it's you know it's not going to happen yeah so why not you know so i'm looking for that to happen and sometime soon let's go wrong train bobby andre what's up how you doing bro so good to see you so good to see you he said hey bobby lisa god bless you and your family hello to all my friends here i wanted to spread some support and love to you all for supporting my favorite uncle bobby d inspirational brother no thank you so much man i try to do it right launch now and i try to pass on the blessings i've received from the lord yeah the blessing you know the bible says the blessings of the lord make it the rich and add of no sorrow to you so i'm rich in spirit i might not have the monetary but i know somebody that got to multiply right okay let's go around train bobby lizzy one nation who we got uh on day he said have a good night just got back from a long drive today okay glad you got back safely brother go get yourself some rest ryan train bible easy he said i'll i'll pray for you all tonight thank you so much man keep us in your prayers i always need prayer man prayer changes things and keep us right my mama prayed for me was before i was born in the belly you know she prayed for me and when i came out she prayed and all my life she prayed you know she prayed man that's the prayers of your mothers and parents and fathers those things that keep you out of trouble and those who can't things that keep me straight you know some of us don't even realize it man but prayers work man if you believe ryan train bobby lazy okay we got it remember what's going on fleming how you doing sir friend y'all right man so good to see you so good to see you round train bobby lizzy michael coffin need some coffee he said bobby hi u.s nurse us nurse excuse me he's the other day i said u.s person us a nurse is giving out vaccines and fires in modern uh angle angela angel angela stadium uh dodger blue stadium and la form remember okay so they open it up to the stadiums so they can get a massive amount of people and give it out at one time it's nothing wrong there i think that's a great great plan and you know what i would suggest that they not only open up in stadiums but what about the local churches you know about gyms you know basic basketball courts you know open it up everywhere and that's some things that buy me do i would get the church involved you'd be surprised how many pastors can call their people and get those churches packed with people and get those shots out that's what i would do wrong training by releasing one nation guru maharaj you thanks for your prayers again thank you so much really appreciate that right everybody frederick mason he said what's good andy how you doing man ain't seen you well man right now i need to work all the time man what's up what's up uh yeah everybody hit the like button one two one two three check your fire one two three teach your product hit that like button let's go y'all come round train bob releasing one nation paul he said philippines is a country i have so much love for more than the usa now due to usa due to the usa lost their touch sadly i will be happy when uh i'm with my lady i got you man you know that's you're you're you're in the same boat with a lot of other guys just like you they've been waiting over a year now to see their loved one close up and personal now it's okay to see them on the internet you know a video call video chat style you know if you can't do nothing else but you want to make it right tight long and strong that mean you got to reach out and touch him if you have a right there with you hold it like that you know ain't nothing like the real thing baby let's go round trip i really see what we got hey what's up he said thanks honey i appreciate that honey i just said he's gonna pray for allah you know what he said in there it's good when somebody pray pray for you you know i don't think he was playing either he real let's go ryan trained by releasing paul he said uh but i but i will say at least the usa to the usa thanks to bobby thank you bye has gotten colbert under control we are ready we are ready strong now really strong now philippines needs to make it happen not just talk about it yeah uh good leadership can make or break a nation of people a company a family good leadership and when you find good leadership the people under him will be good people or they'll have good attributes good characteristics because leadership goes from the top down stems from the top down the way you lead the people is the way that people gonna go the way people gonna be so bad has put good leadership we have bad ladies for bad leadership for a while and now blind's coming place and he's putting us back on track on the right track we're on the wrong track for a while and there's a lot of things happen that now biden had to come in and clean the mess up and it takes time you know people expecting miracles what how long has he been obvious january march april may just five months look at the things he's done in just five months you know he's done a lot but yet still people are not giving him any credit he has done a lot in a short period of time violence on the move and people talk about well you know he ain't got much time he get it passed out here today stop that negativity there's nothing wrong with body he's just old and it what's wrong with being old that's best what's the alternative being old death okay so he's not dead yet he's still got life in him and let him live as long as he can we need him at this present time i don't know if harris will be able to do what he's doing because the people want to rally around her like they are with bite okay so y'all need to pray for your president i pray for him every night and let him live as long as he can lord to fulfill your will on this earth that's my prayer let's go around to everybody losing one nation who we got michael coffin needs he's probably hot governor newsom is going to fully open usa cali on july 4th this year because his people have been vaccinated yeah and you know it's a good thing because cali has been in bad shape for a long time cali in new york they were leading uh the vaccine fatalities and stuff like that for a long time so it's good to see them uh coming out and it's good to see that in july 4th that that state will be viral they will be heard immunity obtained and they can get back to as close to normal as possible very mason or something is it yes andy virgo andy thanks for the prayers brother we all need them everybody every day yeah man we need to be we need to pray for ourselves and we need people to pray for us too you know i got y'all every last one y'all around this train i got you on a prayer list i pray for you three times a day you think i'm playing with you morning noon and night when we eat our breakfast breakfast we prayed for this morning i'm gonna eat my lunch we'll pray free time today and you know who don't don't let me forget guess we're gonna let me forget tuba queen he said you forget that's okay but you know i always thank god to the first because he's making it all happen keeps on answering my prayers blessing me yeah that's it man you got to give credit where credit is due and all credit is due to the most high god i don't care how big how small the credit is all credit is due to god let's go around training bobby let's see michael coffey needs some crazy my uh bobby d hello not trying to be negative but i just don't see the philippines opening in june july or september now i don't see that i see them over uh october november december and maybe first part of the year that's what i see october november december it may be first part of the year now that all here's what excuse me what could happen as well um they could open it up sectionally stages i know that manila when they do open it up manila will probably be uh the last place they know why because manila they got the variant they got the uk period they got the uh indian variant and they the numbers keep just okay so they're when they open it up they will probably be nobody probably be able to get in there but they see boo is ready see boo is i brought y'all a a video like what two or three days ago about what governor gwen garcia is doing here she's making it easy for people to come in on a three-day only a three-day uh quarantine period so yeah most of them when they do open it up i think manila will be on the short end they'll be the last one they open it up to but they'll i think they'll open up to sections of the country at a time and when they do open it up there'll be limitations of cap on how many can come in so you guys are going to help yourself and probably open up to those who are fascinated first that you just i just showed you two government officials are pushing it okay so get yourself ready man if you have not had your vaccination gonna get i know nurse mike got his i haven't had mine but i'm not leaving this country right now now i could have left here because i got a 13-day visa i could have went home but i wouldn't do that man i'll leave these here by herself out here i got to stay here with him take care but then again if i had left to go to the usa getting back here would have been a problem i wouldn't have been able to come back i would have to wait till they open it back up okay so that's what's happening right here ryan trained by real easy after the league he said i agree with paul u.s has lost his way the u.s is but yeah man that's what a lot of people are leaving there i mean i'll come to be honest with you when i left the usa in 2014 i didn't leave here because i didn't leave usa because of the discrimination and racism i left there just to marry this deep that's it but after i had left it got inserted you know and when whoever got in office you know when i called he whose name would not be mentioned on the show got an office everything just went it just hit the fan man no one hit the fan right all that stuff i could i just sit back in my on in the philippines looking out on the new scene and see all this stuff out what america what do you say you know i was just every day some craziness coming out of his mouth some craziness happened in usa because something you don't see it you know a lot of times like i told you you should come from the top down who you have in top office that's how your country gonna be that's why our country was all jacked up we had

2021-05-21 08:37

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