What You Desire Desires You! (Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy)

What You Desire Desires You! (Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy)

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What's up superheroes! Welcome back to my  channel the place where we make the impossible   possible! I'm Scarlet Grace from unseenseraph.com  I'm a manifestation coach and I'm back with   another video to help you manifest your desires  faster! if you're new here and you want to learn   how to manifest any desire fast with the law of  attraction and neville goddard's teachings then   start now by hitting the subscribe button and the  bell icon so that you won't miss any video that   could change your life! And if you need some extra  help or my personal advice for your situation   you can sign up for coaching, I also have a 21-day  course on how to manifest your specific person   a scripting course as well as other courses and  products designed to help you manifest all your   desires so check all those out using the links  in the description below! So today I wanted to   talk about a subconscious negative belief that I  see many people have that is making manifesting   more work and harder than it actually needs to  be so here's the thing: I see this with many of   the comments that you leave me under the videos  I also see it with many of my coaching clients   What is this belief? This is the belief that just  because you want something doesn't mean that you   can have it. So let me explain exactly how this  manifests so that you can understand whether you   also have this subconscious belief or not and if  you have it then keep watching because I'll tell   you exactly what to do to remove that negative  belief from your mind once and for all and replace   it with a positive belief that is actually going  to make manifesting much faster and easier for you   and more fun so here's how this manifests one  way this manifests is when you try to explain   all the reasons why you deserve to have this  desire that you want manifest in your reality   so for example I have coaching clients that  want to manifest a specific person or they   want to manifest the person back and they spend a  long time explaining to me why they deserve to be   with this person they will try to tell me how they  feel it in their gut that this person is the one   or that five different psychics told them that  they are twin flames or soul mates or how they spent   so many years together and it would be a pity  if this ended now because of a minor thing that   developed into a whole breakup for no reason  things like that or I have clients that want   to manifest for example 1 million dollars and  they keep talking about how hard working they   are and what good people they are that they're  charitable that they like helping other people   and if they had that money they would use it  to do good in the world and things like that   now all this is justifying why you deserve  to have this thing that you want to manifest   but here's the thing: deserving is a stupid  term that doesn't actually mean anything   when it comes to manifesting you don't need  to earn the thing that you want to manifest   you don't need to be worthy of the thing  that you want to manifest you don't need to   work hard in order to manifest this thing all  that is required is for you to have a desire   and follow the steps and have it manifest you  don't have to justify that you actually deserve it   you don't have to justify also that you actually  need it so another thing that happens is people   tell me I'm so unhappy like this or if it has  to do with money I've tried so hard and I'm   homeless right now or I'm close to being homeless  so I truly need this it's not a frivolous desire   well it doesn't matter though  because there is no higher power   examining your desires and deciding which of those  desires you're worthy of having manifest in your   reality and which you're not worthy of as long  as you have a desire you can manifest it because   here's how manifesting actually works you're a  god of your reality and you came from a bigger   divine force some people call it god other  people call it universe or divine intelligence   it doesn't matter what you call it there is  the big thing called God the one that created   universes and stars and then one part of that big  divinity is you now you have all the powers of the   big divinity that created universes but because  you chose to come here and have a human experience   and you did that because you thought it would  be fun not to limit yourself you forgot many of   the things that big divine power can do because  as a human you don't have to know how to create   stars for example that's not something that  you're going to use in your human experience   and if you had all those memories of how to  create universes and stars and different species   and all those things then you wouldn't have a  normal regular human experience now would you   you don't need that knowledge and if you had  all that knowledge you wouldn't have a normal   human experience which is what you came here to  do so you chose to forget just like we choose to   forget our past lives and things like that so that  you can fully experience what it is to be human   that's the gist of it basically but you still have  the full powers of your divine self it's just that   instead of having the full knowledge of exactly  how to orchestrate everything in the right way   in order to make something manifest  you let the bigger part of you   the God with a capital G or the Universe or  Divine Intelligence or whatever you call it   you hand over the details to that bigger thing and  this takes care of all the things in the middle   all the things that need to fall into  place for your desire to manifest   all you have to do as a human as a god having  a human experience is decide what it is you   want and imagine and feel and affirm as if you  already have it all the middle part is taken   care of by god or divine intelligence or the  universe or whatever you call it you don't have   to bother with it and that divine intelligence  is completely impersonal it does not judge you   this is very important so I'm  going to repeat that once again   it does not judge you your desires are not subject  to judgment there is no divine committee looking   at your desires and determining that you can have  this thing but you can't have that other thing   there is no divine committee examining your  desires and deciding that you haven't worked hard   enough for something therefore you can't have it  yet or that in order to have this you have to lose   weight first or in order to have this you have  to do this first the reason we have this stupid   idea that we have to prove that we're worth having  this thing that we want to manifest is because of   how we are raised when we are children when you  were a kid most likely you grew up in a family   that did what most families do they set rules and  you had to do specific things that your parents   wanted you to do in order to have the thing that  you wanted so for example your mom would say   if you do all your homework then i'll take you to  the park or unless you finish all your homework   no computer time for you today or if you  don't get good grades you're not going to   summer camp this year things like that so  you got trained to have to work for things   and this results in us growing up thinking that  we have to prove that we deserve to have what   we want to manifest but manifesting doesn't work  like that manifesting doesn't require you to be   worthy or to do your homework or to work hard or  to lose weight or to be kind to other people or   anything in order to give you what you want you  can just have it just like that you don't need to   earn it you don't need to do anything to earn it  you can just have it and that's the gist of it and   that's where many of you get stuck because you  are so used to having to struggle for things or   work for things or prove that you're worthy or do  things that are hard in order to get what you want   that subconsciously you transfer that same  mentality when it comes to manifesting you try to   apply it when it comes to manifesting and prove  that you're worthy or work hard or do more or   look for physical action to take to support that  manifestation because if you don't take any action   if it comes easy is it even worth it it doesn't  work like that it's not a matter of worthiness   you are by default worthy of having anything that  you can imagine if you have a desire for something   that by definition means that you can have it that  you can manifest it otherwise you wouldn't even   have the desire for that thing if you're wondering  can i manifest this thing that i have in mind   well if you want it that is by itself proof that  you can manifest it and there are no things that   are easier to manifest and things that are harder  to manifest that's just your perception of things   if you desire something you can manifest it end of  story it's the same level of difficulty or ease to   manifest something that feels easy to you as it  is to manifest something that feels hard to you   because it is manifested by the divine  intelligence that created the whole universe   it literally knows everything and can do  absolutely everything there is nothing that is   impossible for this force to manifest there are no  things for this force that are easier to manifest   and things that are harder for it to manifest  because it created the whole freaking circus   the whole thing is its creation so it can change  anything remove anything manifest anything if you   want it you can have it if you have a desire  that is proof that you can have this thing   another very prevalent way this subconscious  sabotage manifests is when you believe   deep down or even if you say it out loud because  this is a very common thing for people to say   so many people say nothing that's worth having  comes easily so this is completely stupid because   if you think about it i mean really think about  it for a moment is breathing something that is   worth it i mean if you didn't breathe you'd be  dead so we all agree that breathing is a very   important thing it's a thing that is really really  worth having do you struggle to accomplish it did   you have to learn how to breathe do you have to  keep it on your mind 24 7 do you have to earn   being able to breathe or is this something that  happens automatically or having a heartbeat again   if you didn't have a heartbeat you'd be dead and  nothing else would matter money wouldn't matter   being with a person that you love wouldn't matter  nothing would matter because you'd be dead you   wouldn't be able to enjoy it so we all agree  that having a heartbeat is a thing that really   really matters it's a very very important thing  but do you actually have to do anything for your   heart to keep beating no it just beats just like  that so is it something that doesn't come easily   no it comes very easily it comes naturally you  never had to learn anything about heartbeats   in order for your heart to beat you can  spend your whole life never even thinking   about breathing or about your heartbeat and  you will keep breathing and your heart will   keep beating it doesn't matter if you're a person  that is an overachiever and works all day long   your heart will still beat you will still keep  breathing it doesn't matter if you're a person   that doesn't want to ever have a job in their life  and they just want to sit on the couch and watch   stuff on Netflix your heart will keep beating  and you will keep breathing so it doesn't look   like you have to prove that you're worthy of  breath or you're worthy of a heartbeat right   it doesn't look like you have to do something  in order for your body to say okay if you work   hard enough i will ensure that your heart will  keep beating today and you will keep breathing   if you don't well I'll stop those things so if  you have this idea in your mind that you have to   struggle you have to try hard you have to prove  that you're worthy you have to give something in   order to get your desire that's not right because  the most important things in life come very easily   you don't even have to think about them so if you  have this belief that nothing that's worth having   comes easily it's time to drop that belief because  this is sabotaging your manifestation so maybe   this manifestation would happen very easily maybe  this manifestation would even happen today if you   didn't believe that if it comes easily then it's  not worth having or you're not worth having it   it's not about worthiness at all worthiness  is not a concept when it comes to manifesting   you can be a very nice person and if you want  something you can have it you can be an absolutely   terrible person and if you want something you  can have it you can be a very hard-working person   and if you want something you can have it you  can be a person that never does anything and   never lifts a finger for anything doesn't want to  get a job doesn't want to do anything productive   ever and if you want something you can have it  the power that manifests things in your reality   is completely impersonal it does not judge you if  you want something it is ready to give it to you   you are the one stopping yourself from having  this thing right now because subconsciously   you go like no no no I can't have this thing or  I can't have this thing yet I haven't worked hard   enough for it yet or I haven't suffered  enough to prove that I actually have a   reason to have it yet because this is the other  thing many people feel that unless you actually   struggle and suffer or unless something is an  actual need and not just a frivolous desire   frivolous want, something that you don't need and  you just want that you can't manifest it because   you have to prove that you have a reason to want  that thing. You don't. You just have to want the thing.  It doesn't have to be a need it doesn't have to  be important to your survival it doesn't need   to be anything there are no criteria you can have  whatever you want you can be a multi-millionaire   who wants to become a multi-billionaire and you  can make it happen you don't have to prove that   you struggle and therefore you deserve the money  you can just have it because you want it but   what we do is we subconsciously stop ourselves  from being able to have that thing that we say   we desire right now because we add all those  useless rules to the manifestation process   and we do it subconsciously it's because  that's how we we're taught the world works   well human world may work like that but  manifesting doesn't follow those rules you don't   have to prove anything you don't have to justify  anything and you don't have to earn anything   you can just have it so it's not about any  higher power not being cooperative or you   not knowing how to manifest you may  be using all the techniques perfectly   but if you have all those weird messed up ideas  about worthiness and deserving and struggle   and effort and good things not coming easily  and things that are worth it not coming easily   then it's basically like having a garden hose and  you're stepping on the garden house and you're   wondering why water isn't coming out and you're  thinking but I deserve to have water because I   paid my water bill so why don't I have water well  it's not about deserving you just have your foot   on the hose if you take your foot off the hose  then you will have water and having your foot   on the hose is all those subconscious beliefs  all those distorted beliefs about what you have   to do to qualify to get your desire you don't  have to qualify you already qualify by default   if you have a desire you qualify and you're  completely entitled to have that desire   manifest in your reality right now so here's how  we actually remove that subconscious resistance   that subconscious belief that we have to earn  something or we have to be worthy or it has   to be hard in order for us to deserve it you can  use the following affirmation the affirmation is   "what I desire also desires me". So the premise  is that the thing that you want to manifest  

really really wants to come to you I've talked  about this in many videos but basically they're   infinite parallel realities and the thing that  you want isn't something that you actually have   to create in your reality the thing that you want  already exists in one reality and you want to move   to that reality where that thing that you want  is already real is already true is already yours   you want that thing but that thing also wants  you in that reality think about that for a moment   you're not just you wanting this thing that thing  also wants to come to you how do you know that   because you have the desire for that thing you  are god you are infinite intelligence that means   that if you have a desire this is for a reason  you wouldn't have a desire for something that   you cannot have you have this desire that means  that this thing is practically already yours   and it already exists somewhere and all you have  to do is think from the end and live from the end   think as if it's already yours focus on feeling  and thinking as if you already have it in order to   move to that reality where that thing is real so  here's what I want you to do especially if you're   the kind of person who has a lot of resistance  around your desires forget for a couple of weeks   about manifesting those specific desires and doing  affirmations on manifesting those specific desires   and use this affirmation until it is planted  into your subconscious mind use the affirmation   "what I desire also desires me" and the second  affirmation that you can use together with the   first one is "The Divine gave me this desire and  the Divine wants to manifest this thing for me" now you can substitute the word the divine with  whatever you like you can substitute it with   the universe with god whatever works for you the  important thing is not the wording the important   thing is that you saturate your mind you implant  into your subconscious mind the belief that what   you want wants you that when you have a desire  this by definition means that you can have this   thing and that the divine intelligence god the  universe that created the whole of this reality   wants you to have this thing and wants to give you  this thing wants to manifest this thing for you if   you decide to manifest it if you live from the end  if you think that you already have it this power   will take care of all the events that need to  happen in the middle for your desire to manifest   so I want you to take those two affirmations and  spend three minutes every morning every afternoon   and every night before you go to bed repeating  those two affirmations to yourself over and over   and during the day i want you to watch your  mental diet and whenever you catch yourself   thinking from one of the old beliefs that you  have to prove your worth or wondering if you're   worthy or if you catch yourself comparing yourself  to someone else and wondering if this other person   could more easily get what you want while  you have to struggle or anything like that   I want you to stop yourself don't let this  negative thought continue to play out until the   end stop in the middle of thinking of it and tell  yourself no that's not right because what i desire   actually also desires me it's divine intelligence  or god that gave me this desire and that means   that i can have this thing that means that god  or the universe actually wants to manifest this   thing for me and then you go on with your day the  next time you encounter a thought that comes from   limitation that is about judging yourself judging  your desires wondering if you're good enough or   anything like that again you stop yourself you  remind yourself no that's actually not how this   world works how this world works is when i have  a desire that by itself is proof that i can have   this thing the same power that created the whole  of the universe and the planets and the stars   will take care of all the particulars because it  actually wants me to have this thing otherwise   i wouldn't even have that desire what i desire  also wants me you go on with your day you keep   doing that for at least a couple of weeks and it  will completely transform your manifestation power   if you do that if you manage to successfully  plan this thought this thought that what you   want also wants you into your subconscious mind  all the manifestation techniques that you know   all the affirmations that you've been  trying to plant in your mind all this time   it will work so much faster and so much better  for you and you will manifest miracles in your   life now if you like this video give it a thumbs  up and if you haven't already subscribe and hit the   bell icon because I put out new videos every  Sunday to help you manifest an amazing life!

2021-01-28 11:52

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