What The Froome?! | The GCN Show Ep. 281

What The Froome?! | The GCN Show Ep. 281

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From the racetrack here in Imola Italy. Welcome, to the gcn, show welcome. To the gcn, show brought to you by wiggle, this, week we'll be talking about an incredible, final week of the Giro d'Italia during Chris rooms right on the collar della finestra and their zeros biggest financial, winners. And mostly. Losers yes they've been two big losses this week will, you soon need to have insurance to ride an e-bike on roads in Europe quite possibly we'll be discussing that plus. We've got the winners of our asses give away a new giveaway from, topic and, if you enjoy this week's GCN show make sure you hit the thumbs up button. This. Week in the world of cycling we, learned that riding your bike to work is good for you more on that in cycling, shorts later on and we also learned that Madrid, are soon going to ban all non-resident. Motor vehicles, from the city center starting, in November, so that very shortly it's going to be a very cycling, friendly City their, public rental bike scheme is already very cool actually done you've got a love a bit of pedal assist only, there re bikes are they in the city centre there you possibly made my form is just better back in those days now that is pretty bucks we. Also learned that while, some Bennett is excellent. At wheelies and very very good at winning sure in Italian stages he does not open the dishwasher no no, this came from a tweet I put out on Sunday she which explained, that most pros from the Giro d'Italia would, be at home the following day doing, some quite normal, everyday chores. However. Tarah, his fiancee then wrote back saying that she doesn't think Sam Bennett even knows where, the dishwasher is, maybe. Just maybe he's more of a traditional. Kind of sink full of soapy water and sponge kind of person maybe, maybe. And finally, we, learned that it's definitely not over until the fat soprano, sings no that's right I mean few people would've bet against simon, yates winning the Giro d'Italia with four stages remaining, however, on stage 18 he showed a sign of weakness on the client of Patton nervosa and then the following day completely. Capitulated. Losing, 39, minutes to the stage winner there Chris Froome Froome. Meanwhile was at the opposite end of the spectrum, his, Team Sky say a fierce pace at the souks of the collar daily finestra and then Froome attack towards, the summit leaving all of his rivals in the literal dust still, with over 80 kilometres, of the stage remaining, it was bold it was brave and it was a do-or-die effort, and I'm not sure that anyone perhaps, even Froome and his team believed, that he could do it but, he did he, did most certainly didn't he not only was he able to soda all the way from there to the finish to take the stage victory, he'd also carved, out enough of a time gap over the rest of his rivals, to done the maglia rosa the pink jersey for, the first time in the race by clear 42nd, margin from, Tom de Milan it was an incredibly, gripping, stage to watch was their action at the start action in the middle and then suspense and excitement, right through to the very end the sort of stage that, gets etched into the history books of cycling, it looks back upon for.

Years And years to come some, people compared as exploits to those of Fausto Coppi the Italian cycling, legend from decades, ago whilst, others compared, it to the exploits, of Floyd Landis in 2006. And, therein. Lies the problem because, we all know Landis's, story the miraculous, comeback which appeared too good to be true was. Too good to be true and he was later stripped of the result and. I completely, understand. The skepticism of, cycling, fans and, the annoyance, at not being able to perhaps fully celebrate, some of the most epic performances. In the sport in modern day I mean, even fringe participation. At the race at all has been converged, it doesn't it because we, he, and everyone else is still awaiting for a final decision on that sell boots mud case we, had an adverse analytical, finding from the world to last year, but even if it wasn't for the sell boots in our case I think the same question some cycling fans would still be coming and it's, because of riders like Floyd Landis plus, the many that came before and after, Landis, that those questions are around, and I would compare it to being married for 30 years and finding, out at the end of that 30 years that for the entire time, your, partner has been cheating, on you now you might get over it and get married again to a new partner, but, you're naturally going, to be slightly less trusting, and you're gonna be looking for signs you'd be more suspicious, and comparisons. To put your previous, relationship. And that's normal you've been really hurt so you are going to be less trusting and, I think that's where the cycling, public, are now. Lots, of them have been into sport for a long time found out they've been cheated, on time and time and time again and so, now when, they see a performance like that they're automatically, going to ask questions definitely, I think this. Over. The weekend really neatly sums, up that range of emotions Michael tweet it's, hard not to be cynical when a rider attacks with 80 kilometers, to go which is a total shame I can't enjoy the show without that element of doubt in the back of my mind perhaps, because I was so certain about Lance being clean it's just a real shame and, that doubt or questioning, of exceptional, performances, has, to be a good thing it keeps a high level of scrutiny on the sport and it shows the riders the teams and the sponsors, what, the general, public's expectations. Are and that they're not going to be taken for fools again. No exactly, I think the sport is in a decent place now isn't it if you compare it to where it was let's say 15, 20 years ago it's hardly comparable back. Then it was commonplace to have police raids on the teams in hotels, it was commonplace to rise to still blood bags and a fridge or freezer or whatever it is and then inject them during a race or EPO or testosterone or a whole host of other products that were against the rules and illegal, now. We've got to a point where we are questioning the ethics, and morals of a rider who, takes a substance, that is within the rules say for example, tramadol, and, I think that if you went back to 2003. And you said - Lance Armstrong, that the biggest controversy, facing a Tour de France champion 15, years later in 2018. Was salbutamol he'd. Have probably laughed at you I mean he wouldn't been out two at a time because he was claiming that he was clean hence, all the problems, but it just goes to show how far we've come in a very short period of time what. I've recommended my children, get into professional cycling 15 years ago, possibly. Not given the state of the sport was in back then would, I recommend it to them now well. Apart from a couple of small concerns personally, over road safety and therefore training, yes I would cuz I think the sport is in a pretty healthy place at least comparatively, so. What about Chris rims ride on stage 19 well, the honest answer is that, as with any athletic performance, whether a truly unexceptional, one or a truly, exceptional one only, the athlete, is in a position to know whether or not it was a clean performance and Chris Froome assures us that it absolutely. Which. Is also a bit of a problem in that other riders before Froome have claimed that, they could assure us they were clean and it turns out they weren't so, where do you go from there, well. I guess you could start comparing times, of riders, from today versus, the times I've clients of riders from a few years ago for.

Example Climbing. Under school records, calm claim that froome's time up the cloud they live in Estrella, where he made his race winning move was, a full two minutes lower, than the record set in 2011, by Jose Rijo no a minute and a half slower than Mikkel lamda back in 2015, and a minute slower than, our route around and hedge Dale from that very same race but. Then again it's. Quite a dangerous thing to do comparing, times over different years under different conditions as pointed, out by current. Strava Pro Phil, diamond on Twitter Phil, tweeted, to folks analyzing, climb times from races for doping evidence, take it from a straw GoPro it's all about freshness equipment. Whether in air conditions and race conditions, that affect pacing individual. Efforts in one stage mean nothing you're wasting your tongue so, let's, not waste that time we, could talk about the fact that Team Sky had publicly stated from the very beginning, of the year that their aim at the race was to peak in the brutal final, week we, could talk about from being hindered by to his earlier crashes and we could then talk about the level of detail and preparation, that Team Sky are famed for putting in for races like this they, had a myriad of team helpers on the side of the road during stage 19 to assist with fueling strategy, and the instructions, that Chris received on the descent of the Khalid Alif Nestor from his team directeur sportif was, so detailed that driver like Sebastien Loeb would have been happy with them yeah yeah he probably would you haven't seen Gary blame the team's car mechanics video from that this same Authority recommend. Watching that but. Actually yeah he did take half of his advantage, on the descents didn't they which from, my point of view is remarkable, in itself because back when I was racing with Chris Froome his, descending, was absolutely. Shocking. Generally. Was great going uphill just not very good going. Down the other side so he's genuinely improved from that point of view however. We, hear or you at home can analyze, everything, until the cows come home but the answer is we, don't really know what. We do know is the anti-doping, testing, is as good as it's ever been. Pretty more numerous in terms of the test than it's ever been and the, targeted, testing does appear to be working as well as in it and in general when they do target, tests and they find a positive it's, from a lesser known rider in a lesser known team a smaller, race and.

The Question as to whether Chris Froome should have been on the start line in the first place given his adverse, analytical, finding at last year's dwelt er is a different subject altogether look. At the comments that you left underneath yesterday's, GCN ratio, it's, clearly something that you have some very very strong, opinions, on but, the fact of the matter is that Fruma, is allowed to race under, the rules until the decision on its case a case, which was, only made public via a leak is made let's, just hope that decision, reached this before the Tour de France yeah fingers, crossed, so. In, conclusion, is. Cycling, 100%, clean, absolutely. Not we still get positive tests don't wait is it in a far far far better place and it was 2015. Or even, ten years ago yes, absolutely. 100%. Should, we keep asking questions I, definitely, think we should do should we give up on the sport pro cycling I don't. Think so at all because I think you can see an enormous, number of positives, in pro cycling now if you pardon the pun don't. Forget to get involved on the comments underneath this video we really enjoy reading your opinions and we enjoy responding, to the comments, - we know this is going to be really emotive, issue a lot of you have very strong opinions about so you know do be nice to each other and us and I see there. Was some really interesting comments underneath yesterday's, GCN race news show that we said we'd get to yeah yeah, they started this one from Kris shall we, I'm sort of indifferent, to frame 0 wind, that was quite a rarity in terms of a comment it's, a three-part, I suppose that really care much for the Giro that's, strange in itself it was a great race I'm not a fan of through don't, love him don't hate him and then, add a healthy dose of skepticism regarding, the whole style butanol forward slash doping, thing I just went ok when, I read the news about in win of the year this year our thumbs up north um is down just indifferent, yeah. And then this exchange with Andrei Fuji and Bibi kind of summed up how a lot of you are feeling so Andre says it's all the frames detractors, rest assured he's been tested thoroughly during this tour yes even, his bike was screened for doping it was the, sad thing is that he's been targeted by supporters of other riders and who will not acknowledge the mammoth effort putting by Framing to have won the race and then. Bibi replied to that and stated that I don't have a problem with Froome winning the race or credit to him I problem, with room starting the room but that does seem to be the, problem that a lot of people have with the Giro d'Italia the fact that even started, in the first place I instantly, be worried about motors, have, spoken to Gary blame about this the team's car mechanic in the past and he's basically offered, at, any time at any race he will completely, dismantle, froome's, bike in front of somebody if they put a significant, donation towards, charity so perhaps if you're suspicious, and you've got some money to give to charity and you might want to consider that and finally. From Dougal, Stewart, I love DTM, but it caused me some concern, that some of the fantastic set of presenters can't at least show a decent degree of neutrality re Chris. Room seems, to the world riders, are guilty, until proven otherwise. Apologies. For this if that's the way it came across on, the DS in racing news show yesterday it certainly was not my attention, to cart aspersions, at all on Chris Froome or Team Sky but, simply to acknowledge that there is a vast array of opinions, out there at the moment that, we couldn't really shy away from as, some of you also took my, giving ben o'connor rider of the week as an insinuation, but it wasn't we often, choose a kind of underdog. For rider of the week to really showcase, a performance. That might not necessarily be in the spotlight something, we've done many times before definitely, you know chris froome was, evidently, rider of the week or the month because he had a pink jersey and a winner's check in Rome where as Ben O'Connor who'd was.

On The back of a fantastic, season but crashed out so kind of lost his results, from what could have been his breakthrough Grand Tour didn't. Have much and we thought he was you. Know well worthy of raising and discussing, because he's definitely a promising, rider for the future, but the headline is we really enjoy reading your comments so keep them coming in. It's. Been quite some time since we gave you an update on the gcn, Cycling Club so but here's one for you right now I had a tremendous response when, we first launched GC ncc so, tremendous, in fact that we eventually had to suspend memberships, because, we. But. We ran out of socks didn't read Asti yeah we kind, of did but we've been on the case and we've ordered a load more so every new member will receive a pair of GCM, cycling club founders socks as held by down here as, modeled by some, lovely GCM club members on Instagram yeah and we have also sent our members, soccer, 0:01. Which, are the blue and white ones that you can see lastly, has here, and we've seen a lot of pictures of these being used outs now another but poundabout on the bike, understandably. But we also had this picture where somebody decided, to put a pair on their, horse, we. Did we've also got some very very exciting, news about GC NCC, essentially. We, decided, that I needed a bit of help as club president yes, definitely, so. We've appointed a GCN cycling club community, president, which means that every, three months we will have a new president and, they get a kit they do yeah, the new community. President, will not only get some decent care but also hoodies, and t-shirts and. Lastly. Is going to be in consultation. With them about, some ideas that we have got to develop GC NCC, and, now we'll be giving you more details, and telling you who that is on next week's show as well as showing you the moment that we announced, this incredible. Responsibility. Really, ISM yeah, definitely. Responsibility, and honor yeah like, we said at the top of section we do have more socks available if you would like to join a GCM, Cycling Club and we'll link the website below.

It's. Now time for cycling, shorts, cycling. Shorts now and since there's been a lot in the way of racing shorts over the past week we thought we'd start with few snippets from, the Giro d'Italia we. Did and we're not going to kick it off with something that nice actually we now play a game. Of the financial, Biggest Loser from the last three days that this year at Italia because in my 20. Or so years of watching professional cycling, I can't recall a Grand Tour, where so many of the, leaders and kind, of favors for the race really have entirely, dropped out in heartbreak. For a number of people and ER Italia I said to giving you example, if you win the Giro you, firstly, receive a prize of 115. Thousand, euros are just over from the organizers and a strange bonus, also from the organizers of 90, thousand euros, simon. Yates ended up finishing 21st. After. Dropping out of the pink jersey which, means he didn't get a prize for the old rule talkers it only goes down to the top 20 which, in turn means that he and his team lost, out on total price on for the overall of two hundred and five thousand. Euros that's. Gotta hurt hasn't it it has certainly. Thibaut. Pinot on track. For third place overall where. He would have got 48 thousand euros or about 48, thousand euros made up for 28,000. Euros plus 20 thousand euro top-up from the organizers again. Lost, it all yeah, the. Final thing I wanted to mention this year it was another, thing I hadn't heard of in all my years of following cycling which is seeing. Froome's. Vuelta. Tour and zero, victories, referred. To as the tiger slang yeah. I've, never heard of the tiger, Slam look, I'd always associated, Tigers for being Origin black as well yeah yes. Rather than pink yellow, and red strangely. I'm not sure where that came from if you know let us know in the comment section down below, now. Onto something slightly less dangerous, than Tigers, maybe. Not actually if you have to go up hill marcin, be a Paki who is a polish, rider based here in the UK, formally. Riding on the continent in fact by now specializing. In UK, time trousers he, fitted a 70, tooth chain, ring to, his time trial but recently, to go for one of the records over here in the UK if you're not familiar with the British time trialing seen in essence, people. Go up and down the country searching for fast courses, so they can complete 10 25.

50 Or 100, miles as quickly, as they possibly can and some, courses quite obviously are, a lot faster than others yeah. What do you would take to spit out 70, 11 I reckon I would need a 30%, dead straight hill with no oncoming traffic on perfect tonic I think, I would need a home trainer, where, the tire wasn't quite meeting with the roller so I was and. No resistance, well. I looked on the inimitable Sheldon. Browns website to find out exactly how fast you'd have to be yeah going to spin. 70 11 it turns out that for 90 RPM on a standard road bike you'd be going about 74, kilometers an hour as you can see there's, a, was. Rather a large downhill, towards. The start of the course which always helps in getting your speed up at the beginning, nevertheless, very impressive, time from billion blocky, 43. Minutes and 21, seconds, for 25, miles that, is an average speed, glas.t rage not max of just under 36. Miles per hour or just under 56, kilometres, Brown it's not even the British record which, is also held by Billy a blocky and he covered that course, 21. Seconds, further 23 seconds fastest a couple of weeks previous, yeah those speeds are definitely things I associated, with max. Rather. Than average and probably max speeds in waste of time well as well to be fair very true, moving. On from that there has been a recent EU, directive, which has said that ebike users, should. Have third-party. Insurance will. Put the full text of the directive on screen now as it seems to be hinting that due. To directives, and rules already in place a bike users, and also automated. Vehicle drivers, or drivers. Or driverless cars if that makes sense should, perhaps have already had third-party, insurance in place something. That will be keeping an eye on as I imagine will our friends at NBN yeah we will be some, good news as well here, that we can take home this and take back to work again which is a study recently published in the British Medical Journal found. That people who use their bikes to commute to work may. Well basically, live longer so, your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and, all cause mortality was. Reduced by commuting by bike is good news isn't it man if you're already commuting, by bike and you'd like to take things up another, level we're. Here to help well we're not but Emma Pugh youth because she has done a series here on GSN all, about training on your commute, as if you haven't checked that out already, make sure you do so and if you've been following it we'd like to know how you're getting on let us know in the comment section down below have, you improved.

So. Now for the gcn, wiggler fortune, damn, one. Lucky viewer win one. Lucky viewer could win one, of four prizes, I could win a prize well not gonna mention it until I actually win the thing that's never happened so far but, the full prize is provided, by wiggle, are firstly. 25. Pounds of vouchers if it lands on price for price, 3 is 50 pounds price to 75 and the big one 150, pounds of wiggle out to spend on what, you want over, the wizard online shop if it lands on prize. 1 lastly. Who is the lucky contestant, this week this, week's very lucky contestant. Dan is Neil all from Breton so without further ado, let's see what Neil is going to win you're. Gonna give us to camp now lastly is in charge of the button this week three. Two. One. And. We. Are. Fast. Winning wheel this week there's, a big gone again, gone, again that's. All pi/3 price, - is it gonna be prize one I think it might be. Neo. Must be nervous. Or. It's all mixed in Scots prize money lose you then look like it was gonna be loads still. A bit though unlike, carriage, to Scott for the overall general classification. Although they did pick up some money for stages, and they find it very. Similar, okay, yeah 25 pounds, of wiggle vouchers, will be winging their way to you now, make sure you write in and let us know what you spend those on and if you would like to put yourself in with the chance of being the contestant, next week you, know what to do there is a link in the description below and you've just got to follow that. Tech. Of the week now and Pirelli has announced a brand new road tubeless, tire called the centre Otto velum the. Tire is built to be durable so it can be used on anything from smooth roads through to really quite rough gravel tracks, it's tubeless first but you can also use it with tubes, and this is where Pirelli say the biggest breakthrough, came, because the demands on tubed versus tubeless tires differ so greatly yet, they state that this tire doesn't really sacrifice anything in performance, however which way you use it hmm, there's, also a new virtual, cycling. World out there it's, been development to the past couple of years but it's now in its beta version, which means you can try out, it's called Road Grand, Tours, you're, able to do things such as customizing. Your avatar, or you can use it in conjunction with, a smart trainer and it uses real world locations. With two examples currently, being the still vo and Mont, Ventoux which. Sounds pretty interesting and now since its beta version as well and I said you can try out and make sure you let us know what, it's like yeah. Definitely do that and you know it's clearly a direct competitor with the Swift but I think competitions always a good thing always healthy to have competition, yeah onwards, and upwards something. That we wouldn't usually mention on the gcn show is mountain buy tech but I think this week we actually have cause, to mention it in, part-2 almost, celebrate, the fact that as. Roads like this week are a really cool bit of tech before the magic we got if they, doesn't have it then it came across to us so Dottie was at the recent round of the mountain bike world cup in novo mesto in the Czech Republic and he. Took, a good look at trams, Wireless. Mountain, bike system. It doesn't have a name yet but it looks pretty close to being complete, and, the. Cool thing about this is obviously being a matte white group set it's a 1 by group set so it has a clutch, Wireless. Rear mech so, it could have some really great applications. Down the line for I guess particularly, gravel and cross yeah some. Road riders as well so we have to see if that happens in time yeah I said we're mainly just floating about the fact that we got a technology, first mountain, bikers sorry about that all right let's finish by having, a look at some of the custom, tech on display on the last day that year at Italia namely two bikes actually Elia. Viviani won, the points classification where. It got cheek lemmino jersey so specialized, provided, them with this, frame which is a purple fade so what'd you think about that you can get a chance to let us know in a minute first, though take a look at this bike it's, from Chris Froome, lot. Of pink on there from Pinarello and in fact when he was riding around there wasn't much of him or his bike that, wasn't pink that's. That right I'll leave it in there anyway let, us know what you think about these two bikes and which was your favorite yeah, you can vote just up there so, let us know you know it's cool. You. Can of course catch up on all the racing news in our weekly cycling, race new show but we've got a few little bits and pieces for you here we have starting, with some rumors lighting we have a rumor don't we here at GT not, normally true but nevertheless we should go with it anyway that rumor is it's, come from the Giro d'Italia that, Aegon burn out the incredible.

Talent That is 21, you know Aegon burn out a Team Sky might, be doing the Tour de France, so, the cycling podcast, spokes Team Sky at the Giro d'Italia and they, suggested. They might be pulling burnout out of the crew tear in the dough for a presumably, to give him more time to prepare for tour and if he does it I'm gonna be very excited, because he is a climber and a half as me yeah, he's clearly, a, supremely. Talented young. Cyclist, but he's still very young he's only 21, yeah I think, though. The there. Were still nine Ryder teams in Grand Tours you'd imagine that Team Sky would have him at all yeah you'd have thought was that makes him more difficult with eight isn't it yeah, definitely next up the hashtag. 84, kg is now over that was, it yes Malin Ryan Mullen it was being used by Trek Sega Frodo and their rider Ryan Mullen this, year at Italia but Mullen lost about a kilo a week during the race all right so he's now set to change that now incredibly leaves I wouldn't yeah probably looking at hashtag 81, kids okay yeah it, isn't really muscular that Ryan Mullen isn't it's quite a lot to take around all the mountains the Giro hc1 kilograms, or 84 is it was at the start but, I reckon he is the only rider in professional. Cycling, that, waiteth it my muscles when I say this the only rider professional, cycling, who can stand next to mario Cipollini and, not look like a complete weed. Away. From the zero down the mitchelton, scott team have been on fight i have this, last week, they've taken a bunch of one-twos including. At the emaki mean birra where, amanda sprat and anna meet van pollutants have won two there at hike harrodsburg, earthquake they. Took one to Sarah Roy and Gracie Elvin and then they, wouldn't want every single stage and of course the overall the Hamas Topanga they did absolutely dominant. They were all those races quite incredible really but, we're very excited actually, speaking of the hammer series, in that we're going to be live-streaming, the hammer Limburg starting, this coming Friday we've also got, daily, highlights of. The criterion to donate, go over to our Facebook, page for them and in fact you can find links to those in the description below this video, you certainly can, so the hammer, series. Limber is going to be live from, just. Before 4:00 p.m. UK, time just, before 5:00 p.m. European time just, before 11 a.m. Eastern, and just before 8 a.m. Pacific, time Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and we'd, really. Like for you to join we'll link each of the events down in the description, and you can click on those and set, a reminder so you don't miss out and then, almost on the Facebook page is where you will be able to find the Catena doe for any highlights we're going through all the main talking points, from each and every, stage and we're, going to have some exclusive insights from some of the riders that are doing the race which is pretty exciting so, make sure you check that out if, you can't tell we're just incredibly excited to bring you live race coverage and race highlights, over on our Facebook, page, you, can wherever you are in the world watch the critérium, du dauphiné a highlights, packages, and pretty.

Much We've got near global coverage for, the hammer series Limburg as well so, make sure you do set reminders for those events and also tell your cycling friends to join to know, the more the merrier we're looking forward to having you join us yeah we want to get the word out to as many cycling. Fans as possible it is available to watch for free because, as Larry said we excreme', excited, about it. Time. To announce some giveaway winners down so, last, week we announced our Asus, cycling, clothing, and gear, giveaway, and. The two lucky winners are Steve. And drink row from New Zealand and Alice. Silva from Italy congratulations. To both of those are very cool projects yeah what i'm stephan, and allyce we'll be in touch very shortly, indeed. So that we can get those kit bundles, out to you as soon as possible. Moving. On to this week's brand new giveaway are, you remember that sigh recently, went out to Morocco to do some bike packing, with the expert, in that subject that is Josh Ebert, since. Then we have teamed, up with our partners, over at topic, to give away some prizes so, you can go and give bike packing a try for yourself so, ten lucky, winners, will get two bags each the front loader and the back loader I was attached to your handlebars, and your seat post respectively. So whether you're going out credit card Tory and getting hotels each night or perhaps, doing, it properly and going into the world and being self supported, they're gonna help you on your way which. Would you don't credit card or wild camping take a guess lastly. Yeah. Credit card yeah okay there we go we'll put the link in the description below if you like enter. Hack. Forward. Slash punch of the week now don't forget if you'd like to get involved the hashtag, is GCN hack we, will look at Instagram Twitter and, Facebook, starting. Things off for us this week is open. Book coffee, the, customized length of the twig crunch gave me the center of the cassette and three chain rings to make the final 18 kilometers home open. Book MacGyver, well. Done on finding, a twig, that was. That shape it's. About they still at BOTS yeah of course it's a fortune Asti I can't believe it held for 18 comets now go play tano, snap, from Singapore, when, you're the size of a gorilla everything on the bike flexes, yeah I find that I. Think. More stress the handlebar with, some t800. Carbon fibers time to stiffen things out for those crit, well. Presume that works few extra grams there, but I guess the extra stiffness helps, if you're that big and young. Reading is that sentence too much as hopefully. Next. Up from victor salva moving. Quickly on, homemade. Shrinks, there was a hat and we have the Teignmouth gauge works. Like a charm hashtag, GC and hack and well. It looks very similar to one that you can buy off the shelf doesn't, it so I definitely say that that is a hack sorry hack Victor and also Talos no, yours was a hack, Oliver. Young side. Will blow out fixed with an empty gel packet and dental floss. That's. It why. Have you got thing to floss out on a roll I start, with I mean definitely a hack but I mean that way from a guy over there isn't if you've got those sorts of spares in your ear saddleback, next. Up Ben, Plunkett. Sent us this video I've. Seen something similar on the show before still pretty cool I counted five speakers in total. High-five, bike. It's. Quite loud that last is now I'm not sure what I think about people that want other people, to know what music they're listening to spirit, like those boy races, that we used to get in the UK that blare the music out of their cars I know that I'm sounding slightly old and bitter now but some yeah. Yeah. Notes about. Okay. That. Following, on for you previous comment let, you take Thomas of is yes, sir okay. All right give me all they're all good ones lastly at Tom Sawyer yes hey lads my mate Dave my. Mate Dave decided, to use a condom, so. You can waterproof, his saddlebag, get a torque on, connemara. This, weekend is it hacker a budge I guess. It works but, it's rather unsightly, isn't, it there's, nothing more you can say is there budge end of, story don't. Forget to keep sending your hacks and boy jizz in and we'll feature our favorite ones this time next week. Capture. The week now it's your turn to find out if you might have one on GCN, Camelbak water bottle mm-hmm this is last week's photo from, the giro d'italia Christie Ronnie uncle and next to a dinosaur. These two human, dressed up as a dinosaur winner, is Tim.

Bishop, With, the caption, ID I know, if there, is enough room on this row for the both of us I'm. Not sure quite where I was going with that accident but we found that very funny as did sixty five other people who liked it they were done to you Tim get in touch versifying message on facebook, and we'll get that bottle out to. This. Week's caption, photo is quite, similar yeah, continuation, of a theme it's a race favourite the zero being chased by a person, dressed as an animal this, time Tom's a mullah and a pig dan I know you've got yes, don't. Get too close to Tom duel and otherwise you might be a pig and. If. You. Can do better than that and you might struggle because Dan's caption, is actually okay this week yes make, sure you comment below and you could win a GCN Cowell that water pot not just this week lastly I've been on a roll I don't know. Comment. Of the week now down I thought we should take a bit of a breather and a step away from this, year at Italia comments and I found this one which was so. Nice that I wondered if it was for one of your false accounts, through. Mary Giannetti, who, says as a spinning instructor and road cyclist I can't recommend GCN's training videos enough that is such a brainiac with great hair be. Aware that the shorter session short, the session the harder is going to punish you awesome, who's only the great hair comment in the one well that seemed. Like a genuine coming to me didn't even seem sarcastic. Of. Course about the brain nap thing in particular, neither the hair I'm sure many of you say but I will take that thanks for pointing out to me nasty Oh, so, this, from Wilma, grain. The. Raw steel chain the raw Stilton. I didn't know how to pronounce it I still don't unfortunately, the raw still 10 what where. What's the actual name thanks, well I still, don't know I've, got my favorite website, called for VOC on that helps you with pronunciations. It wasn't on there so I was Nunda clearer it was called the am post Ross when. You. But, it's the, pro-am. Tour, of Ireland and it's a legendary, race in the British Isles oh is, absolutely. Unique race, in that you get pro riders, against, county riders, and, it basically all goes off from the gun every single day so unpredictable but, fantastic, race right. So, we move on to what's on the tail this week we certainly should yeah, so coming up on Wednesday, we've. Got a special, on how to plan a bike, packing, trip and then on Thursday, it's actually the start of gravel, week right here on GC and, such as, such we are starting with top 10 gravel, rights then. On Friday, we've got a cease anything, Plus. On Friday we're also gonna have our first of the, live events from the hammer series, Limburg so it's the hammer climb which, will be starting from about 4:00 p.m. UK time 5 p.m. European or 8. A.m. if you're on the Pacific coast of the US on Saturday. We'll have how to ride a gravel bike and the hammer sprit live at the same times it's a hammock on and, on Sunday we'll, be looking at the big question is FTP.

Dead So, we'll have a version. On GC and we'll have an in-depth very geeky version, with Professor Larry Paz field on GCM tech to plus. On Sunday, we'll have the, final round of the hammer series limbo the hammer chase live and they'll be from the same times as the previous two stages plus. We'll. Have highlights of the quarter ended opening yeah. Lots remember plus also next week the usual, is on Monday the gcn racing new show and Tuesday, were back in the set for another edition of the gcn show well. I'm afraid that's the end of this week's GSN. Show will of course be back at the same time next week but loads of stuff for you to view on the channel between now and then there's certainly if so make sure you hit the thumbs up button if you've enjoyed this, week's GCN show as we, mentioned more than a few times during this video we're very excited about the lye bracing we have coming up and that is all linked in the description before. You go however we should also let you know about the outlet, sale going on at shop global, cycling Network comm so head on over and grab a deal we'll link it on screen at the end of this video now if you haven't yet seen the following video I can thoroughly recommend it, to be very interesting indeed it's, from sign it's all about spinning. Versus. Grinding, which is quite a hot topic right now you, can find it just down here.

2018-06-06 11:55

Show Video


We're looking forward to hearing your comments, and we'll be here too. We want to keep this a positive place for all - so please be nice

#caption; this little piggy went to market... And this little piggy went wah wah wah and swore at some journalists.

I wish my jersey was as pink as that pig

Yannick V. Would look great if they were on a pogo stick hopping along next to him!

Cracking analogy by Dan 04:01

Um, the guy on the right (looking at our screens), let's call him Mumbles, needs to start enunciating his words, speaking at a louder and more consistent volume, and stop tilting his head down and looking at us from the tops of his eyes. The GCN show is fantastic, but this guy is distracting from the content.

Andrew Logan Agreed Andrew and to be honest, I’m not inclined to apologise for my cynicism anymore. It has been hard earned and oft reinforced

Dale Cooper correct - Grand Slam traditionally would have to be done in the same calendar year. Tiger Woods won all 4 majors consecutively but in 2 different “seasons” this coining the “Tiger Slam” saying

Global Cycling Network absolutely crying at GCN does relationship advice. Husband caught in bed with the local bike

TIGER SLAM: When Tiger Woods won all 4 major championships in a row...but not in the same year. He won the final 3 of year 2000 then the first major of 2001 (Masters) Some said it wasn’t the ‘grand slam’ as it wasn’t in the same calendar year. As such it ended up with the nickname ‘Tiger Slam’ Froome has done the same thing here effectively.


Caption___Tom slick is bring home the bacon!

CAPTION: Not the only thing in pink to fly at the Giro!

Global Cycling Network CAPTION: it's not the only thing in pink to fly at the Giro!

Better Call Sal.

#GCN Frooming at the mouth to find the next “cheater”. I do wish we could strike it all from the sport and admire true performances.

Cycling vs doping - I think your commentary is well stated. No matter what organizations do, someone will always try and cheat; just like any other sport. Cycling just has the misfortune of hosting one of the greatest doping conspiracies in sport, but other sports face the same issue. I love cycling so test, test, test, then test some more.

The trouble with pro cycling is that for a lot of fans (me included) they are guilty until proven innocent as we have been let down too many times already. Just look at the list of doping cases in cycling on Wikipedia

I have a quick question: are bunny hops bad for your spokes ? I ride a cyclocross with 33c tyres and what is the best pressure for this trick ?

Global Cycling Network - I wasn’t just commenting on the previous video Dan, for the entire three weeks of the giro flippant comments had been made; that said thanks guys for taking the time to present balanced views. I love the humour of the show and the presenters and I understand the ‘official’ side of cycling as with any sport will always be highly emotive. It’s all too easy to be cynical with any sport and the potential abuse of rules. I am pleased you pointed out that Chris Froome had a legal right to be at the giro and that a lot of the additional grief and stress is a direct result of I assume rule makers breaking their own rules i.e. the Chrissy Leak. Wonder why anyone would want to leak information like they did, surely it wouldn’t be to get rid of one of the greatest competitors at the race? Whoops, guess I am a cynic after all ;-)

Caption comp: I'm sow over this, I'm boared of this schtik...

Yes, largely agree with Dan's view. However, how can I justify to non-cycling friends that I am a fan of professional cycling, when it seems to them that the way to win grand tours is with a TUE and a team of attorneys? We have too many examples of pros gaming the TUE system.

Think: Tiger Woods

Y'all may have etap first, but we got 12 speeds first...

The "Tiger Slam" refers to the way in which Chris Froome won the 3 grand tours in succession which are similar to the 4 golf major tournaments as how Tiger Woods won the 4 major golf tournaments (US Open, PGA Championship and The Open Championship and the Masters) in succession. Tiger Woods did not win them in a single competitive season, but won the final 3 tournaments in the year 2000 and then the first tournament in the year 2001. This feat was then dubbed the "Tiger Slam" and Chris Froome's victories of the Tour, the Vuelta and the Giro by winning them in succession are comparable by winning them in the same manner.

Why do we insist on having professional athletes be role models (in any sport)? I want to see the best performance from pros so lets drop all the restrictions - let them do whatever they feel enhances performance... Let the nasty comments begin, i know they are out there. By the way - i am a weekly bicycle commuter (age 60) - 4 seasons in the northern midwest US.

7:40 So, let's not waste our time on confirmed dopers coverage! Let's talk about our riding and how to get better without little cheeky froomie formulas or even pharma chris-shots.

Think Tiger Slam comes from golf, holding all the Majors (in this case Grand Tours) at the same time.


I really wish the hammer series was on YouTube and not Facebook. I subscribed on YouTube a d don't have Facebook.

something to take a moral highground on... americas prison industrial complex? reparations for slavery? the wars in the middle east ? something not that comparatively important - doping in cycling. but as a typically middle/upper class white pursuit it is no surprise that we can be selectively moral - as and when we choose... slavery? get over it...

you mention a video of the DS giving directions to froomey - my google fu isn't working can you share the link?

I do really think that the way UCI works is making any favour to cycling. I mean, what have they learned since 1999? I think a case like Froome's should be solved quicker. Well, not hurried, but quicker. The situation to be in the start line of a GT like the Giro with his case not solved, is just... a shitty situation, let's be clear. You get a 'positive' test and it doesn't get cleared 8 months later? Come on.

Surely some supporters on the Tour will be running next to Froome dressed as ventoline inhalers... Quite challenging when you think about it, very little room for an ample stride!

Caption: I'm Tom Dumoulin, just because he's not flying doesn't mean I won't win...right?

Dan's commentary early onto into the video was a breath of relief for new cycling fans out there (e.g., me). Finally some fan perspective into a sport that has a history that is many times older than I am.


gotta shorten the stages if you want to clean up the sport. the stages are too long, too hard so that the weak-spirited pro's and their managers choose to bring the race down to their levels via drugs. at least for the next several years keep Grand Tour stages between 60-100 miles. the way it is now is like pro bodybuilding; people like to see Freaks onstage and there are no shortage of athletes too weak-willed to compete naturally. i feel that the cycling public is so sick of being cheated on? we would love to see real human beings - not chemically altered ones - race their bikes using human powered skills and wise nutrition to win stage races.

For me, the amazing thing is I reckon Lance Armstrong was some rider. His record is quite outstanding - drugs or no drugs... As Matt Johnson of The The succinctly put it: Lance was just 'a symptom of a moral decay that's gnawing at the heart of it' (society)...

Hi everyone, I am struggling to find the video Dan mentions regarding CF descent and the assistance he gets from the team on the way down. Grateful for the link if anyone has it. Thx Rick

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck with Dumoulin and you

On second thought, Yates contributed by wearing Dumoulin, leaving the race to Froome. In the end a good English duo. It worked very well. Since CArapaz and Lopez had been able to walk the whole giro in the vacuum of Dulmoulin, they did not help at all. And Pinot broke miserably in spite of the attempts to walk with the Dutchman. In the end, we have SKY with millionaire budget and two English cyclists together to destroy poor Dumoulin.

Can I pretty please win something? :-) - Sim (Australia)

This is all very unscientific. Froome did finestre at less than 6 watts per kilo. Lance, Ullrich and co would drop him in a few pedal strokes, they were climbing at 6.4 watts per kilo back in the day. Froomes 397 watts @ 67kg is 5.93 watts per kilo not really that incredible. The level of the giro is lower than the tour always has been. Also no comment on the weakness of Sunweb. Had Tom D been riding for Sky he'd have won this Giro no doubt. I really do not like the negativity towards sky and Froome displayed here.

Caption: '' I told my team I would bring home the bacon'' #captioncompetition

CAPTION: Dumoulin's sure glad he got a TUE for Sow-butamol!

Since now Wiggle plays abig part in GCN, any chance adding more reports on their pro team like pro bike check, race report, trainig etc? Thanks.

Don't get to close or you might get porked!

Does the fact that Limey land now a Nazi police stare,affect the show, or is it ok as long as we don't talk about the GD elite pedos?

CAPTION: “Hey Pink Pig, is that you froome?”

CAPTION: little piggi to the big bad wolf- i'll take your breath away. B-B- wolf ( takes out his inhaler and froome's on )

I dont have a caption for this week. I just have a better caption for last week (which I missed). "No you won't fool, the children of the revolution..."

Caption: That’ll do pig

What's the difference between Landis and Coppi other than Coppi admitting to doping and Landis being found guilty of doping? Is there some moral high ground to be won somewhere along the line? Fast forward a few years and Anquetil openly admitted to doping through his five Tour wins but there's no asterisk against his name... I'll keep in the spirit as requested by the moderator and say that I love this sport despite having a deep history of doping since the 1880s. Yeah, that wasn't a typo on the numeric keypad.

Also you want to question Egan Bernal, he did ride on the rather dodgy Andreotti team last year. Not saying he's not talented but in every race he's entered he's destroyed the field(TOC) recently, at 21, that to me is rather incredible.

Froome's case should have run it's course by now...otherwise he shouldn't be racing until it is done. Cycling is NOT in a better place....same ole...same ole.

I have a climb scheduled for Mt Evans in Colorado (US). How do you submit a "welcome to the GCN show video" ? I would like to submit one from the summit.

My thought is that the difference in all sports, not just cycling of today is, that 30+ years ago, testing for drugs was either not conducted, not accurate, or even ignored to protect the athletes and the sport. If the athletes of years past had the equipment we have now with the testing they had back then, undoubtedly i believe records would stand that could not be broken with testing the way it is today.

This sport doesn't exist professionally without PEDs. Too much money in riders contracts and advertising not to have cheating involved. Its human nature to cheat. Anybody that thinks the cheating has lessened is naïve. The testers are liars because they want you to think they are doing their job, the riders are lying of course, the directors lie, everybody lies until caught, and then they continue to lie. Money causes greed and cheating, simple. Have a nice day.

Hi GCN. I did an intervalride this week hitting 1250+ watts 13 times. Maks on 1384 W (at 68 kilos #wattagebazooka xD) Have you got any tips how to get above 1400 W? Have been training on it for a while now but cant seem to hit 1400.

Nvm, hit 1445 today...

Guys, come on! That twig derailleur support was the hackiest hack of all bicycle hacks.

Great analogy.

i never got my socks

That light is a bit too bright

love the show: always looking forward to new episodes. little bu bear tho: why the section about 'what's coming u? p this week'? don't followers all have notifications turned on anyway? feels a little like 'filler'. why not just have it in the notes?

Upset that everyone who is succeeding is under suspicion? You can thank Lance for that.

CAPTION: Decision Point: Which way to go when you come to the pork in the road?

Two things bother me about wins like Froome's. First is the PLSD (post-Lance ...) Dan speaks of, and the second is the ridiculous sums of money and resources teams like Sky throw at their team in the name of "marginal gains". They're like the Chelsea of cycling. I'm more impressed with teams who can challenge Sky without the deep pockets.

As I read the cycling press and the myriad of forums I am taken aback by how naive the writers seem. They seem to expect that racers are going to race clean and not cheat. It is as if they are completely unfamiliar with the entire history of the sport. If there is one race that “is” cycling, it is the Tour de France and if one spends even a few minutes researching the history of the Gran Boucle, they will know that since the first day man turned a pedal in anger some riders cheated and some riders doped. It is today as it always has been. Why would any rational person expect that to have changed? The problem is not with the sport of cycling, for decades the sport has offered a product that included doping as part and parcel of the sport. Riders doped because they wanted to win, because they craved the fame and money that winning provided. I read one writer, bemoaning Froome’s Giro victory, claim that Froome was “shitting all over cycling”. Nothing could be further from the truth. Froome was merely maximizing his earnings and achievements within a system that allows him to operate in certain ways. He is doing nothing different than many others that came before him. He is only doing things that fans have tolerated for over a hundred years. If anything Froome was continuing the proud tradition of doping in cycling. As they say, “money makes the world go ‘round” and thus it is with cycling, riders, teams and the sport itself tolerate, conceals and even encourage doping to make more money. That money does not fall from the sky; it has to come from somewhere. It comes from the fans, from viewership of the sport and purchase of the products that sponsor the sport. Sponsors rely on viewership of races to confirm their marketing ploy is working. Cycling fans control those purse strings that pay Froome, as long as cycling fans tolerate doping there will be doping. I am sure your next thought is “but I don’t tolerate doping”. But you do, the minute you tune to watch the Giro or the Tour or pop open a cycling news website to check the latest results you support doping. Anyone with even a semblance of knowledge about cycling knows that the vast majority of those involved dope, in one form or another. If you want change, stop watching the sport. If you continue to watch the sport then admit to yourself you don’t really want change. Let’s fix cycling… don’t watch another minute of another race. Don’t click open a cycling site that reports race news. Put off buying that new bike. Try not to buy any products that support racing. Take your money and viewership somewhere else. That will fix the problem. If you need proof, just witness the NFL no longer allowing players to kneel during the National Anthem. Fans did that, by not watching. This was not a move the NFL owners wanted to make but they did because the fans did watch as much last year.(disclaimer, this is not a judgement on any of issues regarding the National Anthem controversy just clear evidence that fans can quickly change a sport when they withdraw their support) Send the “sport” a clear message, that you won’t have anything to do with it until they fix it. Let the sport know that we don’t want riders on TUEs and we want 1st offense lifetime bans and huge fines for riders caught doping and fines and bans of team doctors and directors whose riders are caught doping. The doping problem will then be fixed and we can confidently say that our sport is clean. No CAS, no appeal, no second chances. The A sample test positive and the B sample tests positive then you are done. No excuses, no appeals, no interviews about how your Chimera screwed you. Just good bye and good luck. One and done. First time, every time. If a rider, director or doctor does not like the new rules then go do something else. If you have asthma and cant race without drugs then gee I guess the world needs ditch diggers too. There are thousands that will race clean. If enough people commit to not supporting cycling and demand “One and Done” and no TUEs with bans and fines cycling doping problem will be fixed before next year’s Giro. Otherwise, admit to yourself that you are OK with doping and enjoy the spectacle and don’t whine about the dopers.

Lloydy, beautiful and painstakingly put. You gave a very thoughtful insight and we can all see your dilemmas. We all wish for the best and fear for the worst in life, but that is just the way life is. Carry on guys you are great

Completely agree about those who have music playing out of speakers on their bike. I really don't get it. I think they are Grade A plonkers

Suuuie!!! Here piggy piggy. Looser pays for tomorrow’s breakfast.

Caption: Demoulin obviously unintersted in the pig-ment of the leader’s jersey.

Hum... AAF, TUEs, mysterious performances & packages. I get it that all British folks don't want to hear it (just like the Americans 15 years ago) but Sky "Marginal Gains" is US Postal 2.0... At least stage 19 was a great show.

If yall think pro-cyclists (or any pro-athletes) are clean, that's an optimistic choice and wishful thinking. I don't really care though, because they've all got (for the most part) the same access to the same drugs. awesome performances are awesome, drugs is just the reality.#thoughtfromacynic


Caption: Oh no, that bacon gave me the trotters! Snout again!

Some odd background rumbling/mic noise on this weeks show lads, but other than that, great stuff :-)

Sam...don't marry that woman. Her musty, bloody hole comes at a price and she's already insulting you (an alpha male) before you even married her. BAIL, BRO. BAIL BAIL BAIL. This woman will rape you of your finances and mental health.

Dan lloyd wins caption comp this week. No one can surely beat that. First time I've properly laughed at a caption! Chapeau Dan.. chapeau.

Riding with a speaker to play your own music is a safety feature. Your ears are not plugged like in headphones and everyone can hear you coming so they are more aware that you are there.

Regarding Chris Froome, of course he should have started the race. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Caption: trott on

Caption: when you said let's pig out this wasn't what I had in mind!

Caption: the first one back gets the bacon buttie

Caption: Froome doesn't like bacon so he slaughtered Dumoulin instead.

Caption: Pass the bacon!

#Caption: There's a pig, don't look at the pig, don't look, try not to look, don't look, keep pedaling... stop it, don't look.

Caption Competition: Froomey's gone up the road... Im Bacon!

Do the socks come in an ankle cut? I can't afford to have 6 inches above my ankle super white as a runner

I missed extreme corner....but live how Dan's hair style is now consistent.

Tiger Slam - Tiger Woods holding all 4 major golf championships simultaneously, but not in the same year.

There must be some super slick ceramic bearings in that Wiggle wheel!

the Ras is not in the British Isles, it's in Ireland... come on lads

Caption - This is a pig of a climb

I think it’s time to see Lasty attack another big climb, against Jon up Monte Zoncolan. Not forgetting Jon has already chosen his gearing

What is the link to the Froome descent video? Searched for it and can't find it

The tiger slam refers to tiger woods. He won all the majors in a row but over a span of two years. Not in the same year, like Froome

The presenter in blue is extremely dull....yawn !!!!!

Love your show - and the Giro was awesome - every year it proves to be the major Grand Tour. But when Froome is stripped of the Giro title, where does that leave cycling? UCI must get its act together - either you doped, and are banned immediately - or you were not using doping. That big names like Froome (or Contador before him) can continue to race after having been caught for doping is just not tenable - and people have a good memory, even if the situation now is much better than 15 years ago, as you say.

Caption: Tom, want to piggyback up the mountain?

Caption: "Watch out for the Pork in the road."

CAPTION: Do you guys smell that?

Love the horse picture!

Caption: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie...oink, oink, oink!

But not a single mention of the other facts: 2 riders never pulled, Pinot (with hindsight, DNF) was already hurting, Pinot's teammate was punching out of his weight class, and finally TDM admitted waiting on the downhills was a tactical mistake. Was a "No drop group ride" vs a "strava segment hunter". Come on guys.

It is a shame that one cannot simply enjoy what was an astounding performance. However, the issue of TUEs is extremely problematic (in any sport in which they are allowed, not just cycling). This is obviously made worse by the other questions surrounding Sky with the Wiggins matter. This is one thing that most of the opinions on this ride seem to ignore. If members of that team want undisputed credit for clean races (which until recently they did get) they cannot have that kind of behaviour behind the scenes. To call the explanation given for the Wiggins matter implausible is being kind. Armstrong used similar language to defend himself as Froome uses now. I am certainly not saying what he did was impossible, or that he is directly comparable to Armstrong, but I do not see how you can escape the nagging feeling that it may be too good to be true.

Where is this video of Nicolas Portal yelling at Froome on the descent?

Hey, Stage 19 was spectacular. What made it work for Froome is Team Sky just driving the peloton to exhaustion for 2/3 of the stage. Froome was protected all through till he took off up the hill at 80km to go. No one was left to challenge him at that moment, the race was in disarray and exhausted. Team Sky rode conservatively all week conserving their strength, but especially Foome's strength reserves. Everyone else raced every day. All Froome had to do at 80km was ride like hell, not break a record, there was no one to challenge him at that point.

rates to gary

caption: stop swining, tom! and don't take my support for grunted, I'm very piggy with riders.

Sorry guys but that’s got to be the worst GCN show I’ve seen - you need to step it up a bit - inject some more energy and enthusiasm...very disappointing, you can do much better.

Tiger Slam...could it be that he won 2 Grands from one year and then the 3rd Grand in the following year, much like Tiger Woods did...i.e., winning all of the Grands in a row, just not in the same year.

I wonder if Dan , given the outstanding performance of his speech on trusting riders, was doped

the question is: can a physical drop like that of Aru Pinot and Yates be a consequence of doping? the diversity of performance is too strange ...

doping still rules modern cycling

Love the show guys, but could you be miked up individually as the sound quality isn’t 100% - thanks!

Comments from pricks writing are so lame and gay I nearly hurled.

The 'strong' opinions voiced are made by vapour heads and therefore worth little or nothing. The background noise from morons is almost unbearable, near empty cans making most rattle.

I don't believe stage 19 was PED assisted, my problem is with Froome being on the Giro to begin with. How many more GT DQs can cycling take, or leaving off Golf is Cycling the new Wrestling?

Caption: To get up this hill I’m gonna have to huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow this little piggy away.

So the Tiger Slam refers to the golfer, not the animal. Tiger Woods at one point held trophies for all major pro golf tournaments: starting with the British Open, US Open, and PGA on the same year, and an winning the Masters a year later.

Guys, the discussion about Froome was excellent. I am happy to see no one is shying away from the fact that doping still exists and will always exist (for Heaven's sake marathoners were using coca leaves in the late 19th century). Professional athletes in MOST sports will try to stay "ahead of the curve" when is comes to WADA testing etc. My major issue in the past is singling out certain cyclists and not others for whatever reason (and to be honest the reason is irrelevant) e.g. Armstrong in the VERY HEAVY doping era while undoubtedly Ullich etc were also involved in many ways. In any case, many of the "heroes" of our sport are guilty but have shown us amazing performances regardless. Am I skeptical of Froome....yes I am. But I enjoy the sport immensely and I don't care. He was courageous to go off the front at 80 to go and stay away. Yes, Lance used PEDs but he changed the sport for the better in many ways and IMHO trained harder and differently than his competitors who were also using PEDs...What's my point? The sport is awesome and beautiful. Let them race...we mortals will always be in awe of their feats regardless of the skeptics and the truth (which may never be known). I just wish Froome had a personality...like Sagan! LOL

Dan it's pronounced Raws (long aaawwwww) Toltin (short ol). Tom, An Post Rás was pronounced On Poss-t Raws.

Coppi was a doper too

When I was first told about the 86km breakaway, I thought it was crazy. However, when you compare how Froome tends to peak at specific points in a grand tour (normally when others are faltering), the time was mainly gained on the descent, that Dumoulin had no real help from his companions and Dumoulin's power figures for the crucial parts of the stage were basically identical to Froome's and that there were no record breaking times up the climbs, it does all add up. And quite easily so IMO.

Dan, Froome is not just being doubted because other riders lied to us, but because Sky have been busted lying over and over on the Jiffy bag issue. Their credibility is in the gutter.

BTW my prediction is that Froome will lawyer up to ride the Tour, win it and then retire, sticking two fingers up to us all (again!).

Cheating with EPO or cheating with Salbutamol still equates to cheating. We seem to miss this point in cycling. It’s like there is a line where seeking an unfair advantage only equates to cheating when it reaches a certain point. Commentators need to understand how damaging the behaviour of Lance Armstrong was to sport of Professional Cycling. It’s not even really whether Froome IS guilty or not. People simply don’t believe anything they are being told anymore. Regardless of the findings, he will be a cheat in some eyes. People have reset the bar so low that this behaviour is met with mild surprise now, rather than outrage. Funnily enough what you said about Yates is part of the issue. I suspect he rode clean and as such fell outside of significant prize money (over 200,000 Euros) just by not being able to go the distance in an incredibly gruelling event.. How would this not encourage to someone to cheat or a team to seek to use something to get their rider into the prize money? I know it costs a lot of money to run a pro team but the bigger the reward the bigger the risk of cheating. You really can’t separate the two.... Maybe there is the problem with pro cycling in a nutshell

I for one believe Chris to be a honest rider. If it came out he was a cheat cycling as we know love it could be over.

Re Stage 19 of the Giro, is Chris Froome's data available? There's been nothing for him on strava for about a month now. Surely wattage, heart rate etc would give a fair idea as to whether his 80k breakaway was that of a champion or cheat???

It is not because of what happened in the past. It is because we all know that Froome has taken performance enhancing substances.

Team SKY famed for their " level of detail and preparation", and yet they can't say why, or what was in a package delivered to Bradley Wiggins, and now questions over Froome? Far from confidence inspiring to say the least. Let's hope that SKY's behaviour doesn't put the final nail in the coffin of pro-cycling, it's bad enough they've made it boring. The sooner the Directeur Sportifs lose the radios, telemetry and live TV pictures and we get tactical riders the better.

CAPTION: Jeez, that Pink Jersey really makes you look like a prize pig.

The Tiger Slam reference Tiger Woods holding all four modern major championships simultaneously-the U S Open, Open Championship and PGA Championship in 2000 and the 2001 Masters

Doping is supposed to boost a rider and make him 5 to 10% faster. So, at a Grand Tour with say around 80 hours as a final time for the winner a doped athlete should be 4 hours faster than all the clean riders. Froome won by a margin of what...40 seconds? I guess if there are a lot of riders who are just seconds or a few minutes behind the winner, they have access to the same...let's say scientific resources.

Caption of the week: "two legs good two wheels bad"

hey GCN did you ever get your question answered about the "Tiger Slam" or did you google it? Anyway, it's from golf. It's about Tiger Woods and his winning the majors.

Froomie's win was legit!!! He won!! You know that he knows, he's being watched very closely! There's no way he would show up to the Giro cheating! HE WON!

froome? maybe. maybe scientists are ahead again with new drugs which cannot be detected. who knows. btw, in chicago, the rental bicycles have to be checked in every 30 minutes or there is a fine/additional charge which most do not know about. heard that this results in 70% of their profits. what a crock of shit.

Battery technology has certainly come a long way

I'm a I'm a big fan of Chris Froome and what he did and his team did to get him in that position was phenomenal I'm just disappointed that he's got this hanging over his head because quite frankly that that stage was absolutely awesome and what bike racing is all about

Very disappointed big fan of Froome I'm not going to lie and what he did out there and his team did to get him in that position was phenomenal and that's what bike racing is all about I'm just disappointed that he's got this hanging over his head

Good treat ebikes like the motorcycles they are.

Love the show and GCN in general. It's helped me no end to get better on the bike. Would love to see/hear the production team use a few lapel mics on the presenters for the GCN show though. Once they go off boom mic its hard to hear if listening in some environments. Small gripe but would be ace to fix. Thanks again and sorry to be a moaning shi*!

Honestly, I think we know most all cyclists dope in some form or another. I still love cycling. Here is another bomb I can drop on you all, there is no tooth fairy, Easter bunny and Santa Clause was our parents.

The Giro was the best race I've ever watched, Froome was brilliant. I'm ignoring all the white noise around testing, let's wait and see

You choose to trust, no amount of facts or past info can help you. You still choose to trust or not to trust.

What does that even mean? anyway....Froomie didn't cheat.

a smart team knows you don't cheat on stages you're targeting, you cheat in the background on the quieter stages where nobody is looking or expecting anything out of the ordinary. quite easy to have fresher legs than your rivals with that tactic.

Photocaption: "Your ham-strings look sore. Try this oink ment. I thank you.

Lance was clean

In reference to froome and any other cyclist, remember

All of the cycling shows I watch, including GCN, seem to be incredulous at Chris Froome's performance at the Giro. Until something shows otherwise, I have to believe that Froome's skills and smarts won the day. By coincidence, (it turned up in my YouTube thumbnails), I just watched the documentary, "Pantani, the Accidental Death of a Cyclist", at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHcgR7dfs7s. I was wondering if any of the GCN presenters have seen it, and how you think the themes presented in the film may, or may not, be relevant to pro cycling today.

Hi GCN, I would like to know what are the UCI standards for a road race bike. I know there is a low limit for weight and you can't have three chainwheels. But that's all I know andthere is no video here on youtube about it.

Never had any news or socks or updates on the GCNCC. Signed up last year when you announced.

It’s not just this performance that has me doubting Sky. Look at The Dauphine and G. Thomas, Team Sky. How is it that every Sky Rider since B. Wiggins is good enough to beat every Leader of Rivals. You Wiggins, Froome, Porte, Thomas, etc. all they way down the roster. I’ve never seen that good of riders all come from same program. If I’m wrong, I apologize.

the sad thing is that maybe Froome shouldnt have been there in the Giro because of all the Sky team possible doping controversy and could still be stripped if it all true, sadly Tom Dumoulin would get the win over doping and not his own efforts and with that he would join the every exclusive club of dutch cyclist with 2 grand tour wins would make him the 3rd member with a pain in his heart it wont be on his own merit

How can I join GCN cycling club?

CAPTION - When you had a furry session last night but he stole your clothes, run piggy run.

After cooking the meals from the metabolic cooking system; I began to seriously feel a significant surge of energy... This is tough to explain however I felt fantastic; I simply had a fresh feeling of self confidence and so much stamina and as an extra bonus Because I was in the position to get more completed in the course of the entire day. Come see this detailed journey click right here http://bit.ly/2BmHeNz

"I guess the extra stiffness helps if you're that big" ~Dan, 2018 The best piece of cycling advice I've heard so far.

Send the poor kid (me) a bike! Help your American brother out!

Ok, I'm in love with Dan. I'm not gay, but I think I might've just turned. What now?

I belive his clean until the uposite is proven

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