What's it like to travel in 2021?

What's it like to travel in 2021?

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i'm going to portugal hello i'm chelsea and in  this video i'm showing you what it's actually   like to travel at the moment from the forms you  have to fill in to the tests you have to do too   now this was filmed back when portugal was  a green country and there were no perks for   vaccinated travellers but the rules can change a  lot and so before you travel anywhere make sure   you check your destinations fcdo page and the dot  gov site for the rules for getting back to the uk   but i'm getting ahead of myself let's start at the  beginning i cannot believe i am packing to go on   a plane in just a few hours speaking of which um  yeah i've gotta leave in like 25 minutes i haven't   packed yet but first of all let's go through the  first thing on that checklist which was book a   flight i got the flights from absolute bargain  nine pound 99 each way and that's one of my top   tips throughout all of this i've always said if  you can book a super cheap flight even if your   plans go awry you know i'm not going to be super  sad about losing 20 pounds but it looks like in   this instance it's going ahead and i'm gonna jump  ahead a little bit on the checklist now and talk   you through the fact that i bought a hotel and i  booked it with free cancellation i actually could   cancel that hotel until last night at 11 59 pm  and i'll pay at the hotel itself so the money   never left my account i.e if my trip didn't go  ahead i was totally covered but i'm glad it's   done i've got somewhere to check into tonight  but speaking of which i should probably pack the final thing that needs to be packed is bloody  you my love you're coming with me it's time to go the next thing on my checklist was making sure  that portugal were actually going to accept   taurus which it was looking a little dicey for  a while but last friday they did confirm it   and they also confirmed that they would need you  to take a pcr test 72 hours before your departure   and obviously it needed to show  that it was negative by the way   every country will have a different policy so  just because portugal's is a pcr it doesn't mean   that the country you're going to will be the  same also some will let vaccinated taurus in   without having to do a test but again you need  to check the best way to do this is go to the   fcdo page find the country that you're after and  click on entry requirements oh i don't miss this always cutting it fine it's good to  know that something's never changed   there's no one around me all right let me just  explain about the pcr tests i took mine with a   company called certificate it cost 72 pounds  now my god you need to see the inside of look   if you're a woman you understand all right i  did also order a randox test which comes to   your house was only 60 pounds it didn't turn up  that is worth checking out if you've got time to   order it ahead because you could order it like two  three four weeks in advance now today is a tuesday   my flight is at quarter past four and therefore  i took my test on saturday just after that time   so i was in the 72 hour window i went i sent it  off it was with the lab by quarter past seven   and i had my results the next day by 3 30.  so all in all a really really good method   of doing it other options include walk-in  centers to send it off for you or once we   do it literally there and then for you for what  i've seem to found is the quicker the service   the more expensive it's going to cost you and so  there's ones that they mail to you and then you   mail back are always going to be your cheapest  option for me they worked but they definitely   come with more stress i'll list all the details of  everything i've mentioned down in the description airport right another really important part  of your checklist is checking that the country   you're going to is approved by the fcdo that  is the foreign office the long name of it is   the foreign commonwealth and development  office oh nailed it now this is important   because if it isn't advised for you to go to  that country it may invalidate your travel   insurance which is a massive checklist that you  want to be taking off if you're traveling at the   moment i'm very lucky my annual policy covers me  if i get covered before i go on holiday and if i   get covered whilst i'm there it doesn't cover me  for cancellations um if i decide to not go because   the restrictions have changed and you're going to  be hard-pressed to find anything that does that   but you should be able to find the former now this  is how you can see if the country you're going to   is approved by the fcdo it's a bit confusing but  this is how so here's the fcto page for canada and   if you scroll down in bold here you will see that  the fcdo advises against all but essential travel   to canada now here's portugal's page and if we  scroll down you will see that there isn't that   paragraph anywhere and that's how i knew that  my insurance was absolutely fine for portugal   now i am very uncharacteristically early at  the airport i'm here two whole hours before   my flight this is not like me i'm normally  like a dash and get here 40 minutes before   but i thought i needed to give myself time so  i could capture for you what it's actually like   and just in case there's big keys for anything  so that's what we're gonna check out now   you know what the moment i go into that airport  i'm gonna have to be wearing my mask all the time   and this way you can actually see what i'm  saying a little bit better um i'm in the   i'm in the train station now there's nobody  about and it's semi outside so forgive me if   i'm breaking rules but i'll do this really quickly  the final thing you have to do on your checklist   for getting to a country is checking to see if  you need to fill in a certain form now portugal   have got a passenger locator form i have filled  this in i actually had to wait until i checked   in with ryan x you need to know your seat number  um but it was super easy to do took me two minutes   really easy and if you're looking to see if there  is a form for the country you're after again go on   the fcdo website literally search for where you're  off to so greece fcdo germany fcdo it will be the   first thing that comes up on google and you want  to be clicking on entry requirements and on there   it will tell you absolutely everything now this  does give you a qr code which it will also email   to you so when you get it just screenshot it  and save it somewhere so it's easy to access and   you're not panicking when you get to the country  and when there's probably going to be a lot of   queues let's go and check out what the airport's  like i can't believe i'm at the airport oh my god oh it is so quiet it's dead this  is the quietest i've ever seen it cheers now i feel like i'm going away   okay so as i walked up to my gate there was  several ryanair staff going have you got your   sleep i was like what's the slip and basically i  had to show them that i had soreness to mentally   probably hear them drying their hands and i had to  show them that i had my negative pcr test and on   the test they were specifically looking for my  name my date of birth when i got the test done   and also that it was an rt pcr so make sure  you're checking you're getting the right pcr test   but once that was done she filled in my little  slip i'm not going to show you what it says   because genie and i it'd be very easy to duplicate   i don't know if this is going to stay the same uh  forever i hope not it's not it's tough isn't it   they uh they need to have some kind of system at  least this means that in the queue they're not   checking i'll be in the queue with my slip hand  over and get straight on board so it makes sense well that took two minutes but i am very very very  glad i paid extra for the seats because they were   asking me a few questions i would say that every  single person will take about two minutes they   had four people on the counters and that adds up  across a whole flight so i was fourth in the queue   smashed it worth paying a bit more i think oh do  you know what i just thought i offered forward   my passenger locator qr code but she didn't scan  it and she didn't ask me for it so i don't know   if that was enough for her whether or not i'm  going to be asked for it again before i leave   okay now outside the reason why lisbon is the  perfect getaway destination for the weekend is   because the airport is super close to the city  takes you about 15 minutes and what's more taxis   are so cheap big question is where do i get picked  up from there is of course the metro station there   but since it's covered and since it's so cheap  i'm gonna get an uber okay what you haven't seen   is i spent the last 10 minutes wandering  around trying to get to the point on uber   p8 that's what was on uber that's what you're  looking for guys let's find ourselves an uber   okay if you decide that you want an uber it's  complicated because everyone at the airport told   me to go to where the taxis are but that is not  where you get an uber from you need to be looking   for parking eight which actually you come out you  have to keep walking and get to a place like this   and the taxis pull up here okay it's confusing i  wish it hadn't taken me 25 minutes to work it out this is fun ah he was so nice so helpful  and he gave me a gin we like thomas ooh oh this is a nice room it's nice right moxie  is a chain i think it's owned by marriott um and   it is a really good go-to like three star  but trendy and quite cool option if you are   staying in a city and you're not sure where to  go and he did say that he had upgraded me whoa   um oh jesus sorry mr lamp um i didn't actually  email ahead i do have a template on my website   that helps people get upgrades but i didn't  email ahead because this is really really sad   i'm a total scaredy cat so when i go away  on my own and travel i actually want this   monster room because there's less places to  look to see if a man is hiding in a cupboard   i can't believe i've just admitted that um  but that's the reason why i don't ever email   this is perfect i think i can coach just fine  mostly because there's no cupboards oh let's   take a look at the bathroom oh this is so  nice like three star hotels have got fancy god i'm hungry here i am with half a litre of sparkling  wine that i accidentally ordered and not   too unhappy about it and here's  my food oh my god it looks so good   right i'm gonna enjoy this i'm on  my own talking to my camera looking   like a [ __ ] weirdo so i'm gonna sign off  here and i'll see you tomorrow good morning   so i've got 24 hours in portugal which  i'm very excited about but this one is   one that i bought at home from company called  cured i have scheduled an appointment to be   online with a health advisor who's going  to double check i do it right when my test   comes back as negative they'll email me the email  confirmation i need to get back on my flight next door it's very early i had an absolutely lovely day  yesterday um but oh my god my voice but i'm up very very early to go to the airport  because i'm doing another lateral flow test   why i've already got one um because i  wanted to test out another option for you   um so lots of airports will offer this as well  in portugal it seems um and so i wanted to show   you that too but it involves having to get to the  airport 45 minutes for my check-in time which for   me is so early to have to get to the airport um  but my appointment's at 6 55. it's now 20 past  

six thank god portugal's airport is close and easy  to get to but i need to get changed so let's go it's 6 35 i better get cracking let's go okay we  love him because i'm pretty sure he only had to   drop me off where i got the uber from  he dropped me off right at the airport   god love you gonna tip you but um i'm already two  minutes late my appointment so let's get a move on what i wish i had taken the time when i went in um that  was the quickest thing i've ever done in my life all right let me sit down and i'll explain to you so let me explain that test mad i walked in  hello i'm here for my test what's your name paid   goes straight in there's three people working all  in four ppe i sit down at the chair she says okay   put your mask down to here so put my mask   she came straight in up each nostril thought  she was gonna poke my [ __ ] brain out please wait coffee break i've just i've  said chelsea like the football team   it's [ __ ] close ladies it's close anyway  she went straight in both nostrils no mouth   which i'm glad for because when she went straight  for nostrils i was like am i supposed to put that   in my mouth now and that was literally it i was in  for 30 seconds she said well email you bye offer   went and i have had my email in fact the email  came through i got out five past seven my email   was with me by i got email by 7 23 so very very  quick turnaround oh it was negative by the way   can you imagine if it was positive after yesterday  as well a big thing that you need to double check   with wherever you go is that your results there  will be they'll be in english i believe they can   be in two other languages too i'm gonna put on the  screen basically all the information you need is   on the government page which i will link below i  didn't have to be at the airport so pretty early   especially considering i already have a test but  i'm here now i've got my starbucks i've got a   croissant ham and cheese which they call  a croissant misto i'm gonna enjoy this   and in two hours and five minutes i'll  board my plane [ __ ] sake i'm back because   i'm such an idiot i've done this whole checklist  and i nearly missed the last one which is doing a   passenger locator form to get back into the uk can  you imagine if i'd done everything about that and   then got fined 500 pounds right doing it now you  can submit the form anytime in the 48 hours before   you arrive in the uk so i'm i'm so fine i just  had to do it before i actually got into england   i actually can't believe i know this thought   okay so this is the bit i think everyone wants  to know which is testing after you arrive in   the uk ask me are you required to book coronavirus  tests for when you arrive in the uk yes now listen   if you've only been in low risk slashing green  list countries or islands in the last 10 days   uh you must book a day to test package now i  do have a bucking reference and it's at home   waiting for me so i need to pop that in so i'm  putting in the test booking reference i got when i   ordered my randox kit um i haven't personally  seen it yet james has received for me so i really   hope that this is enough god fingers crossed  great let me put in the booking reference so   that's a good thing for you to know as long as  you ordered it your the test booking reference   that you get through on your email is enough  i.e if you've totally forgotten you can buy   your day two tests at the airport for that  reference code in okay good but try and   remember it i'm gonna submit this and go and get  on my flight here over two hours early and still   only gets my flight for final call so as i got to  my ryanair gate they did ask for my uk passenger   locator form thank god can you imagine if they  asked me there and then i would have been in   such a panic um and i shared my negative lateral  flow test too so so far everyone is checking and   also they're not scanning but they are double  checking to see that you've actually done it now let the race begin the moment of truth how busy  is it going to be oh well   that was the quickest standstill  experience i've ever had in my life   but again i will say that it took me  about 30 seconds to go through that guy   and i had my documents ready i imagine some people  won't not um i was not expecting them to ask for   proof of my day too but they did fortunately or  on email really quick for me to find it but get it   prepped but for a whole big busy flight if you're  at the back it's going to slow you down isn't it   so i was lucky because there were no other  flights there and i was off first but otherwise that's it right i'm gonna get myself home  i've got one last thing to do my day two test   and then we'll be done i'll spare you the faff but  i got home i did my day two test which confusingly   if you're coming back from a green list country  you actually can do the test on day two or before   so it was fine i did it on this day basically i  used randox for this and then i spent a horrible   amount of time trying to find their dropbox in  london but the test did come back negative the   next day so i was pretty happy with the service  i hope you liked this video i have literally   just finished editing it right now and doing  the last bit here please do give it a thumbs   up leave me a comment and if you're not already  why not subscribe for more cheap travel videos   the next video will be all about that test  i did from my hotel room because i get a lot   of questions about that over on my instagram  but in the interim you can go ahead and watch   one of these videos i think you'll like them  thanks a lot and see you in the next video bye

2021-08-02 13:49

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