What Can $100 Get In RIO DE JANEIRO?

What Can $100 Get In RIO DE JANEIRO?

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good morning everyone today we're back in the  beautiful city of rio de janeiro and we're in   the neighborhood of copacabana, so the plan for  today's video is that we're going to be traveling   this area here and we're going to mention the cost  of everything that we do, so like food, attractions,   transport, we're going to mention everything  and then see how much the day will cost us   and we do have a target of a hundred dollars so  we're gonna try and spend around a hundred dollars   overall, so we'll see how that goes. and that also  includes the accommodation here so we're staying   at a hotel called hotel atlantico praia and this is 260  reais per day and that also includes breakfast   and it has a swimming pool on the rooftop as  well. so check our view out from the room so   this is what you can get for around 46 dollars, probably  the most famous beach in brazil great location   and since this video is about the cost of  traveling rio we're going to talk about the   sponsor of this video which is a company that  we've been using for the past five years called   wise, formerly known as transferwise. so wise is an  international account with over 50 currencies and   services to send, spend or receive money  internationally. the main reason that we've   been using them the past five years is because  of their instant and cheap money transfer service   during this time we used them to send money  to places like here brazil, the us, portugal   and india. and that's because as you guys know we  have families in different countries in the world   and we also have bank accounts in different  places so every time we needed to send or   receive money abroad we would go and check online  in different websites and wise always have the   best transaction fees that's why we always use  them. and another thing that we like about them  

is that they have a very user-friendly platform, so  if you go to their website they have a calculator   and from there you can know exactly how much it  will cost you to send money with no hidden fees   so based on our experience wise can be very  convenient for people who have international lives   like expats, digital nomads and frequent  travelers. wise also have a multi-currency   debit card and bank details to get paid in  30 different countries. click on the link in   the video description and there you'll  be able to find more information about   wise and you can also create an account which is  completely free and there's no subscription fees so in this video we're gonna explore the  neighborhood of leme which is still on the   same beach as copacabana, basically just beyond this  big building here is the copacabana neighborhood. and   i think this neighborhood of leme is more relaxed  than copacabana right? yes yes because the road   here there's no exit that way so the traffic  doesn't go through that's why it's more relaxed   and the beach is usually less crowded than the  part in copacabana. yeah i think there's also less   public transport that comes into here. yeah.  so usually this area is a lot more quiet  

and the reason we've come here to leme is to do a  trail that goes to the top of this hill, there's a   fort on top and it's a really nice trail with some  amazing views so the entrance is just over on this   side and i'll let you know how much it costs. so  we've entered the fort, it's called forte do leme   or forte duque de caxias and the last time we came  here i think we paid... was it four reais? yes.   yeah four reais but this time it's for free.  so i don't know if it's since the pandemic   it's for free so yeah that's obviously  good. Carols just filming some little  

monkeys, look at them! oh there's about four  isn't there? yeah they're everywhere around here   theres another one there. where? oh yeah they're jumping around. hello wow wow i don't think we usually saw this many. no  maybe they're looking for food. yeah. i don't   know, but we don't have anything. the cool thing  about this trail is that it's really easy as   well, i think it's pretty quick. yeah it's 15 or 20  minutes, it's uphill but it's not that hard you can do it, anyone can do it i think. yeah  any level of fitness i think you can do this

so right in the entrance you get these huge  cannon things here, look at the size of this!   wow is that the.. look at that, that's not even  a cannon, what is that? look at the size of it   i don't know how to pronounce it. Howitzer Krupp, yeah sounds german or something yeah look at the inside of this thing whoa. so this thing has a range of 12 kilometers,  360 degrees, well yeah i could tell that it spins  

all the way around. so this fort was originally  built in 1776 so it is a really old one and   right now we're on top of it, so that's those  canon missile things, whatever you call them   down there. and you get views all the way  around, and look at this view, this is probably   one of the best views that you'll get of the  sugarloaf mountain, so you can see both of the   the mountains there, amazing views. and this  place is completely underrated, barely  

anybody knows about it. yeah and you have super  nice views of the sugarloaf mountain and all   of the copacabana beach as well and you can  also see cristo, the christ the redeemer   yeah but i guess people don't know about this  place, only the the brazilians know but i think   foreigners... i think even a lot of brazilians  don't know about it for it to always be this empty   yeah and now it's free so yeah it's another reason  to come. and we're not going to visit there today  

but there's the sugarloaf mountain which is one  of the most famous attractions in rio de janeiro   and the entrance fee to go there is a 120 reais if you are a foreigner, but if you are   from rio you will pay half the price and yeah the the  views from there is i think the most beautiful   of the the city you can see everywhere  and it's just an awesome spot to visit   yeah and if you go there i recommend just  going before sunset because the sun goes   down here, and you just get an amazing sunset  view so definitely gotta visit that place and then on this side you get this incredible  view. there you go copacabana and leme we're staying somewhere around there. and then back  in the distance you can see dois irmaos which we   made a video of, pedra the gavea and that's the  jesus christ statue. and we're also not going to   be visiting the jesus statue but it is obviously  probably the most famous spot to see. yeah and the   entry ticket is 82 when it's low season and 104  reais when it's high season. yeah so obviously you  

definitely gotta do that as well, all these points  so that you see you can pretty much climb and   yeah you get amazing unique views from different  spots and on the other corner there is the fort   of copacabana which is the popular one, people have  breakfast and lunch there right? yeah it's   a very nice spot for breakfast. yeah but this one  you get way better views and nobody comes there   yeah i prefer this spot too. yeah there's  just no restaurants or anything here that's why   so time to chill at the beach, so like we said it's  not really that busy on this part, pretty empty. and carol it's boiling today. oh yeah the sand is  boiling. yeah scorching hot sand. so first things  

first, sunblock. so we've just got our own little  beach towel here but i asked the guy back there   and he said each beach chair is about five reais, five reais each and then the sun umbrella   is... did he say 10 reais? yeah 10 reais so  yeah pretty good. yeah so just like the last   time we were here the sea is really rough  today, loads of waves everywhere, loads of   people surfing today though over here. waves  are good for surfing, man but it's ice cold   like painful. yeah and just like everywhere in  brazil you have the people playing football you weren't joking the water is like painful.  yeah like in the algarve, very very cold   i don't think i've ever seen the  water that cold. yeah but sometimes  

it's like that in rio it's not like in the  northeast where the the water is usually warm   here it's usually cold. yeah i didn't realize  it could get to the point where it hurts though   yeah. like painfully cold. so we're not gonna eat  on the beach in this video but the last time we   came to copacabana we did eat stuff here on the  beach, they have loads of different snacks   that time we ate some fried snacks so they  have loads of stuff like that, loads of drinks   they have the acai, alcoholic drinks, so loads  of beach vendors passing by selling all sorts so   you don't even really need to go to a restaurant,  you can just eat loads of little snacks here and   yeah that will fill you up, but we're  gonna go to a proper restaurant soon   so we found this cool restaurant here  right at the end of leme beach, check out the view   this spot is called mureta do leme and i think i'm going to go for  this, file de frango grelhado   so grilled chicken and that's 35 reais. do you know what you're gonna get?   grilled fish for 38 reais. 38 reais, that's like touristy price i guess? yeah but it's not that bad. no it's not bad at all. but you can  find cheaper options if you go to the  

other streets, not in the boardwalk here but it's  not bad for beach prices. yeah especially for this   view right here. so we also got a water here that's  5.50 reais, carol got a pepsi for seven reais and the alcohol.. so this is all beer, the cheapest  one is 12 that's from the tap, and the most   expensive is 18. and then the mixed drinks like the  famous caipirinha you can get that for around 22   at the lowest and then the most expensive  drink is 27 or 32 if you get it imported so we just came back to our hotel room quickly,  just to have a quick shower and change clothes   because our other stuff was really sweaty  from all that walking. and now we're just ordering  

an uber to a place called parque lage, how much is  that? 16 reais. for how many minutes does it say?   no but it's not far from here, but i  suppose it's like 10 15 minutes. all right 16 reais so it turns out this spot parque lage is also  for free so i guess we're not spending any   money on the attractions that were choosing today, that wasn't intentional by   the way, i thought you actually had to pay  to come to this spot too but you don't. and   it is also a nature area just like the other  attraction, so yeah look at this looks beautiful   and this right here is the main highlight, this  beautiful building here. so here you'll get a   better shot of the building and the beautiful  garden, so as you can see it's right beneath the   jesus christ statue as well like the the armpit of  jesus so amazing backdrop. so the building is from  

the 1920s from an industrialist called henrique lage  and it's where he lived with his wife that was an   italian opera singer, and it was apparently  designed by an italian architect. i don't   know if that's italian architecture but it  does look different, might be the nicest building   in rio, i don't know with the backdrop. yeah mainly because of the statue and   also the nature it's very very pretty and unique  yeah imagine living here, this is your garden   so it turns out to come inside you actually  needed a reservation online and it was fully   booked today so there's no option and you also  have to have proof of your double vaccination   but we have that, but they said you can come in  as long as you go to the restaurant so we   had to do that instead. so this is how it looks on  the inside, look how amazing that is with the pool  

so it's just one big restaurant  area now, i think when we came   a few years ago the restaurant  area was only at the back over there   it wasn't like the whole area like it is now. so  i ended up getting some fresh watermelon juice   that was eleven reais, is yours orange juice?  same price i think right? yeah. all of the juices so remember this part last  time, a aquarium in a cave   i can't see anything, check this one out  here he's staring at me the catfish   look carol he's staring at us .yeah  that's a weird fish. it's a catfish   and we're right next to the other famous  attraction which is the botanical garden it's kind of similar to this but it has other  specific areas where you can see specific   plants and flowers and everything which is very  cool. yeah it has a way bigger range of different   species. but the outside is like this as well  very beautiful. yeah so we'll write the price down  

on the screen i guess, loads of different  prices. it's different, we saw for people   from brazil it's a price and from rio  it's another price and foreigners another price, a lot of   different prices. yeah so i'll write them down. so  i remember this spot as well the gruta, the caves   so down here there's loads of  different entrances i remember   and they were pitch black. yeah you can find  some fairies around here. yeah let's go and  

find some this way, look at that there things  dangling down really cool, need a flashlight yeah? oh look at all this poop that must  be bats. can you flash on the top? no   whoa all right i'm not going in there without  a flashlight. this seems like something they made   for their kids to play in or something. i  don't know, yeah i don't know it's just different   but it's nice. but imagine having this place as a  home it will be very cool. yeah. what? "ah fechou?" okay

so we just left parque lage and now  we're going to another neighborhood   and that's called botafogo and to go there we're going to  get the bus, a local bus and that costs 4.05 and we're just waiting for the bus now. yeah so when we lived here   that was probably the main way that  we got around the city, by the buses this is the rio rush hour time, the  bus is packed now. do you miss the old days? no. no

all right we made it in botafogo, nothing  like a hot sweaty bus in rio. i think   i've already gone through my second shirt of  the day now. and this is praia de botafogo as you can see it's in the shade now, the sun's  going down and this is always empty because   it's not really good for swimming. so this is  actually my first time stepping here in the sand   really?! yes i've never walked here because  you can't go in the water because it's very uh   dirty yeah it's very dirty but the view  is awesome. yeah so here you get yet another   different view of the sugarloaf mountain, for me  this is probably the best view actually in rio   i think this is like the postcard view of the  sugarloaf mountain right there in the distance   so carol said she had never stepped foot on this  beach but i have because i actually worked in   botafogo, so just back there somewhere not that  far it's only like two minutes, two minutes away so   usually on my lunch breaks i would come down  here, once again not to swim but i would walk   around. it was a nice lunch break. so it's  a real shame that this bay here is polluted  

because i think this would probably be the  best beach in rio maybe, definitely the best view   with that view there. and the sand on this beach  is really white, when the sun hits it's super white so we've now come to a shopping mall called  botafogo praia shopping which is right on the   beachfront, gonna try and find a spot to eat  here. yeah check out this view here so you get the   same postcard view that I was talking about before  of botafogo and this is a food court   we're still trying to work out  where we're going to eat. yeah so we found our dinner spot and we also have  that same amazing view here gonna be dark soon   and we come to a japanese place called kotobuki  right now we're literally the only people here   it's completely empty and that's because it's 6  p.m only. yeah it's 6 p.m i think later it'll get busy. yeah   i think so too. so our food has arrived i don't  know the exact price but i'll write down the  

total price for all this, i just got a water again  and carol got a coke and then we both got some   miso soup here, super delicious.  here we got some spring rolls   and i got these things called temaki which is like  a cone, so this one is a tuna and that one over   there is salmon. and carol also got some like fried  rolls, is that salmon? yeah it is with cream cheese. looks delicious   so now we're gonna get our final transport of the  day which is the metro or subway and here in rio   you can get the subway to the main spots  or main tourist destinations especially   in the south zone, and the tickets  cost 5.08  

all right and i think ours  is only one station away. yeah   just one station and the same price. but yeah a  bit too far to walk in the dark. yeah yeah better to take the subway so i always like this metro station "cardeal arcoverde" because it's like you're in a cave, look at  the the walls there. i think this is the only   one that's like that isn't it? yeah it's the only one. yeah look at  this, the cave metro station really cool though so hopefully you found this video useful and we  did pretty much hit our target and that's for   two people, but obviously the cost is going  to differ depending on where you stay. You can   stay around here even in copacabana for much  cheaper, we're right on the beach right   and we were eating in the touristy more expensive  restaurants, but if you stay a few blocks in   there's also hostels and stuff so you can get  it way cheaper that way and there's also lots of   cheaper places to eat so i think you could easily do  it under 50 dollars, 40 to 50 dollars with no   problem if you're on like a real budget, and that's  for two people. or you can do it way more expensive  

right, you can stay in fancier places or you can  do the more expensive attractions like we said visit sugarloaf and jesus so it all depends  on what you do really, but we did cover   a lot of different costs in this video. and  regarding the transport we covered the bus, metro   and uber right that's like three main forms of  transport but some of you might be thinking about   renting in a car right to get around so  that's something me and carol have done before   and for us it costs 200 reais per day for an  automatic but that's because we ordered the   day before, so i think you can get cars as cheap  as a hundred for a manual if you book in   advance 100 to 150 so that'll be more or less the  price for a rental car. and another popular way   to get around that we really like is the bikes,  so they have the rental bikes on the street with   a company called bike itau where you can download  their app online and put your bank info in there   and then you can rent the bikes from any of  the points, they have them all around here. and i   know that's as low as 3 reais for every 15  minutes but they have many different plans i can   write them down so if you're planning on renting  it constantly some of the other plans are more   beneficial. and it looks like we're approaching  200,000 subscribers, maybe by the time we have posted  

this we will have passed it i'm not sure, i don't  think so but yeah we're getting very close so just   want to thank everybody that's been watching our  videos, that subscribed to our channels because yeah i guess that's like another another big  milestone right. so yeah we're almost there   and if you haven't subscribed already yeah  subscribe and help us reach that milestone or   any other milestone. so if you like this video  just drop a like to support us follow us on   instagram and there's many more videos to  come like this one so stay tuned for those

2021-11-28 20:53

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