What Boracay is ACTUALLY LIKE AT NIGHT (I did not expect this)

What Boracay is ACTUALLY LIKE AT NIGHT (I did not expect this)

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Good evening my friends and welcome back  to another video here in the Philippines   specifically we're here in Boracay  and we're going to be taking you   out with us to explore the delicious food because enjoy enjoy hey a bloggers nice to meet you Umar what'd you do  to your leg what happened to your   leg accident you're okay now though  okay okay very okay long now foreign thank you see you guys we're gonna be heading  out into the town taking you out to try some   street food here probably get ourselves a  smoothie as well as check out the markets   they have here at night so you can get a feeling  of what it's like at this hour so as you can see   we've got really nice locals everywhere you  go here and it's a great Vibe here we've got   restaurants all along here and a set of like  live performers that pretty much every like   five restaurants you go to You're Gonna Be able to  find live performances so that's the really nice   part about like The Vibes about Boracay you're  getting that true Island life and that's one of   my favorite Parts about this place since I've  been here for like I don't know 30 hours total   but uh yeah guys we're gonna cruise down this  way I think we've got a marketplace right up   here that we're gonna cruise through we're gonna  check out what they've got for sale I'm thinking   I might need to get myself a little Boracay  shirt or something like that so we shall see okay long all right all right I'm  looking for a Boracay shirt yeah all right okay okay so good accent yes all right I'm looking  for one what do you think's gonna look good I   got the uh Boracay shirt here I need something  to go along with it something like that but   with Boracay though like a normal shirt like  maybe uh oh this tank top looks quite nice   no no not Hawaiian something that  says boracai like uh maybe this yeah white yeah I think a  white white color would be nice so we've got a couple options you guys we've  got the the green but I'm not a big fan of this   quality I like this quality right here we've got  a nice soft fabric there that might be the one   oh oh that is really nice but keep in mind I got  a pretty big belly here from eating a uh a lot of   food in the Philippines I need something a little  bit bigger please out there thank you very much is that large okay large in the Philippines okay   that's I already know that's going to be  small do you have something extra large   size fit for you I've tried on a lot of  clothes I think that's going to be too small can you hold that quickly I don't know let's  try it out all right we got the former salomat nice to meet you bro nice to meet you too  all right so this is a good shirt then okay oh color green honestly I love this  one I love this one the most but uh   I think it's going to be too small all right oh that's a special deal then that's Local's  price you got yourself a deal I don't even   need to negotiate it because it's a great price  yeah all right-all right we'll take this one then   yeah this this is the final whoa yeah that  is nice it's gonna look good for the night thank you all right then we'll uh we'll take  it I'm gonna need to uh set this one aside   oh let's get that oh set that there all right so 350 here okay nice to meet you Joe   all right we're gonna put the old one here this  is the this is the Makati shirt right there yeah   that one I had the I had to fly this down to  Boracay but now I needed an actual boracai shirt thank you very much thank you thank  you for all your help thank you brother   all right see you all okay we got ourselves  a fresh shirt now we're looking ready for the   night in Boracay oh after you my friends I want to  pause the video for just one quick moment to share   with you a very exciting announcement and this  announcement has something to do with an idea that   I've had in my mind for the last couple years and  only in the last two months has it finally started   to come to fruition that idea has something to  do with apparel as World nomac fans subscribers   supporters viewers you guys have early exclusive  access to find out more about this project now   you can find the link to get this exclusive access  right down in the description or if you check the   pinned comments you'll be able to find a link that  gives you more information so back to the video all right looks like we're going to be  it's very busy in the markets this evening and we shall see what we're  going to find down this way   hello brother I just got myself a very fresh shirt   oh we've got some nice hats here we shall see what  we're gonna come up oh some fresh tanks here too   that is nice and yes sir the  local walls kumusta kakuya oh thank you salamat so yeah it's a world nomax that's a nice name it's a world  nomac like that with a [_] are you a subscriber already yeah I don't know if I have time to watch the video  but if you want to subscribe that's uh that works oh that's very nice so kuya  what do you think I should   get here what's what's a good purchase for me yeah what is that like a hot dog uh yeah what is  that thing oh it's an ashtray okay that thing   looks like a squirrel or is that a worm I can't  tell what that is can you tell me what this is   can you tell me what this is oh a stone one wow wow what is that  oh that's me that's me that's me out   there oh small size what is that is  that a typo okay nine oh nine yeah   so what about what about these mugs a San  Miguel beer mug oh does the beer taste   better when you drink it out of here  oh you you carved this you carved it you carved this yourself kuya no okay last name oh  you oh you painted them all right so we got that   one or we've got the big one here and what else  do we have we have wallets fresh Boracay wallets   oh a change purse there too oh  that's a really nice price and   a little I heart Boracay wallet that  is nice and then we've got custom oh that's nice got it all right all  right I gotta decide here we got   a free I've got a fiance yeah this  is her I've already been taken yeah uh Lebanese so what is uh what does this mean free name make   oh you can put my name on there so  custom made wallet yeah and you'll   Stitch it yeah you got yourself a deal  all right let's try one of these out then all right well which one's  gonna be the best one to stitch Korean yeah that's why it is  that sounds like magandan Gabi all right I'm thinking I'm thinking I'll  need to go with do you have a black one   secretly back there oh yeah oh look at that one   way back there that's the one oh this  one's dropping on me this one right   that's the one right there we can put some fresh  Filipino pesos right inside there oh that's great   so you can help me Stitch this then with a  free name yeah oh perfect you're from Boracay   oh no ah so you're living here again oh tourists  also nice nice and well we're all tourists when   you come to Boracay people tell him sir oh  yes please can you write a a world nomec okay so this the the charger  there you got the soldering gun oh the big guns right there  oh all right here we go whoa oh that's looking fresh oh that was fantastic wow oh yeah freshly customized  atte what do you think   Isles which is the plastic thing oh we  actually I'll use it right away yeah only 50 oh 50 for you to get yourself alone  brother oh no I'm gonna use it right   now I'm gonna put the cash in there  right now oh yeah World Nomac custom   wallet that's pretty sweet right there  we're gonna put that right in there thank you very much that is a fantastic word Kuya thank you thank you all right see you next time   all right and we arrived right here at the fire  show so it looks like we came at the right time see if we can get some views right here  this reminds me of being in Thailand   we've got the uh full on fire shows happening and  you can see all around here we've got places where   you can get food pizzas um smoothies over there  beers and uh our bro right here is gonna come out   let's see what he's gonna do here oh there he  goes he's warming them up get them going kuya Roberto all right great work great work brother yeah it's not the whole Squad right here all right here we go oh there we go Full Speed  Ahead let's get it foreign but uh definitely a good time all right that was uh that was fantastic  salamat thank you brother oh where's the   exit this way all right we're going down uh this  way we're gonna see where we end up that is the   Philippines for you my friends you can go from  the markets directly to a fire show without even   expecting it so a pretty fun night heading  out and checking this place out we're gonna   continue down this way and see where we end up  all right so we're actually gonna walk down a   little bit further this way I brought us back to  the main road and we're going to see if we can   locate ourselves some other uh things to either  eat or drink this evening my mind is definitely   set on having a uh delicious smoothie but we  shall see if that's gonna be possible tonight   it should be though because during the day  when I was walking around definitely saw a lot   of options for smoothie places oh looks like  they're doing uh free name carving over here okay long all right all right so  what do you have here brother huh   what uh what are you selling here oh  a little puppy cutest little puppy oh so uh oh you're already making one okay  hello hello I'm looking to get a free name   carving today you know which one do you  recommend we both it's good so we've got   the boracai keychains yeah all right I'm  definitely gonna need to get one of those   I'm thinking one probably with a palm  tree yeah yeah that sounds uh iOS 400 five pieces for one hand oh five pieces I only   need uh one piece but I'll  pay you 100 for One Piece pen yeah okay then I think I want uh the pen  please it's one but uh does the ink last a while I   want to use this for a long time okay does it work  oh yeah Let's test it out can I uh can I try yeah on a test oh okay say that galubak what does that mean and the name  oh oh medical doctor okay that's definitely not me   um can you write uh my YouTube name please yes all right are you guys in line  before me to get a engraving yeah um the first okay perfect oh then let's see here   yeah so I need something to uh to match this  I just got this fresh wallet right here kuya   custom made right there so I'm thinking yeah I  just got one though but so I'm thinking I need   a pen to head to the collection okay which one is  one yeah yeah I'm thinking uh this one that says   boracai Philippines so I can remember it forever  okay what do you think these are better yeah and let's see okay so this one okay  so this one has no writing on it and   does it work oh can I test that real  quick oh this one doesn't work brother oh okay that's gonna be the  one there so as you can see   there's no carving or engraving  on it yet we're gonna test it out all that I hope that ink lasts   because I do want to hold on to this forever  yeah world no Mac with a c at the end because   my name's Mac okay how do you engrave this  you have a custom way of doing it yeah you got the full on what is that solder iron with  a drill bit on the end yeah all right let's see   this uh which one yeah let's do let's do on  this side yeah yeah I like uh World Nomad yep on the other side that's perfect yeah  Philippines oh you you read my mind okay   oh name two that's what you're doing  oh nice so you're getting a bunch of   keychains oh five of them oh nice oh already  custom-made then yeah KC that is nice all   right so let's see what we've got going on  here how many of these do you make per day 70 customers oh okay that looks nice that's a very good font no match coming in which country is I'm from United States  there's a long long distance to get here all right we got it right there  so that's World nomac on one side Mac s oh that looks great that's amazing and what brother what do we  do what video movies review I've been to Singapore you've seen my  video yeah yeah I was in Singapore in April   oh you already subscribed no she's perfecting  the letters right along the edge of it wow and now we have uh three more right thank you   oh that's great brother amazing job  okay Philippines on the back that's   perfect oh yeah a nice big bee oh there  we go big b a small little O next to it this is the best island in the Philippines yeah   yeah one of the best that's  a diplomatic answer I like it oh there it is beautifully done that is the  definition of the word iOS very good yeah   amazing job okay amazing job kuya we'll go one  custom to the uh the next there's a 100 thank you   very much I don't need change nice to meet you ate  okay enjoy your time in Boracay yeah let's do it always do it see you later goodbye nice to meet you all see  you good one okay okay thank you all right guys   we've got ourselves a custom made pen and actually  when we came up there he was originally I think he   said five for 100 which would literally mean  that each one's 50 cents for custom made on   both sides now I'm not sure how long the ink  is Gonna Last let me tell you because I did   use it on the paper but like you can always  find a way to replace the ink the engraving   is like incredible I'll keep this pen for an  absolute lifetime that is a custom-made memory   that we'll have okay we have come across a Taipei  milk tea stand so this might be the spot to get   ourselves a shake we've got oh exactly what I'm  looking for oh that's fruit tea not a fruit shake   and let's see chocolate cheesecake there's a lot  of good looking items here but not necessarily   fruit shakes there we go mango shake that's  gonna be the one for today 500 milliliters could I please have a mango shake yeah oh one liter how big is the one liter oh wow  what are these oh okay we'll do a big one then   yeah okay so I guess we're getting a massive one  liter of a mango shake but to be honest it's not   that often I get the opportunity to have mango  all the time so one liter is definitely gonna   be the move it looks like they've got some  delicious food here too they've got burgers   shawarmas and some other stuff over there I'm  guessing what they're most known for is their   milk tea which does look really delicious  but that mango smoothie's got my name on it getting it going I've never seen like a  uh a shakers like basically that's like   a bartender's best friend you put that  right on there and you can make them   uh what kind of uh milk tea is this one  oh actually you know what I might want   to change my order to that because you guys  are most known for your milk teas right also   for fruiting for the shakes yeah but that milk  tea chocolate looks really delicious right now   I think drop a comment below but I think the  right move is to change from the mango shake   to the chocolate I mean all these have a really  good presentation to them what did you guys get cheesecake in a shake oh wow that sounds really delicious yeah  guys the menu is just like absolutely   massive so many great options here all  right we've got a lot of uh teas coming   around this way what are you getting for you  all right that sounds like a delicious one too the the chocolate milk tea uh the chocolate I have either a thousand or  a card what works better cash even if it's a thousands thank you very much sir oh perfect thank you   all right so now we've got the buzzer here a  few minutes to wait and we're gonna be getting   ourselves our first Taipei milk tea right down  here in boracai Philippines all right all right   I think this is ours then salamat oh that looks  fantastic all right straw right there oh yeah RR all right I love that name that's a great one  all right let's stab that thing right in there   okay pull that up yeah yes sir are you a  future subscriber yeah oh that's perfect   all right should we try these  things out delicious yeah oh my god oh that's good that is  fantastic that is the definition of mazara Salama it's a world uh no Mac with a c at the end thank you thank you I will subscribe well with the c at the end like no mad but  no Mac okay yeah you got it brother yeah   yeah Skype well thank you thank you thank you  all right thank you nice to meet you all and shut up guys basically it tastes like drinking  a delicious chocolate milk with a bunch   of like those bubble tea chewy Gummies  at the bottom it's literally heaven for   your taste buds that is delicious enjoy thank  you have a good night thank you very much bye this is so tasty guys oh my God  it is literally the definition   of what I want in the evening at this  time it seems like down this way it's   actually uh quieting down quite a bit  probably because it is a Sunday night   but uh yeah I paid 120 I think for this thing so  a nice big uh bubble tea on the beach comes out   to just over two dollars so I'd say a pretty good  price and it's so good like those chewy Gummies   at the bottom are just um a match made in heaven  you guys I think we're gonna head down this way   and see if we can locate some delicious food  we might have to go to the downtown area so   I'm thinking we gotta hop on a tricycle so we'll  go down to the end see if we can locate someone   and from there we shall go there where's  the motorbike ride too wherever yeah hello all right we got poyet taking us down to uh you  know where the lake is song yeah where the food   is yeah yeah all right let's do it let's do it  brother are you leaving am I taking the bike   should I take the bike all right all right guys  we're taking over the bike here see you later kuya   don't worry I'm not I'm not taking it  brother he got scared don't worry Korea   I'm going for a ride I'm not stealing it great  though let me show you on the map to make sure   we're on the same page no hold on hold on hold  on hold on foreign area yeah where the food is   McDonald's not at McDonald's but by there yeah oh yeah how much I'll see you how much up to  me up to me all right what's your usual price   I don't want to arrive there and you say 1000.  what's your usual price kuya 100 all right let's   do this brother yes sir let's do it all right  see you later kuyas we'll see you next time   all right we got to put the seat  belts on here we go Full Speed Ahead all right whoa oh [__] all right seems like everyone's okay long tonight all right so we're going on the main road here  the last time I was on the main road guys was   driving back to the hotel before   and now we're cruising down this way this  is definitely much faster than walking all right we're passing the traffic there all right looks like we are arriving  to the downtown area right here oh and there we go the place place is a little  quieter at this hour oh perfect one win one   way here okay that's it and we've got Spa bucks  right there it sounds like Starbucks but for spas   time up oh yeah I think uh somewhere uh right over   here should be good yeah this  is good this is good all right know what brother salamat thank you very much brother all right  guys after a quick five minute ride we have   made it down this way and now we've got to uh  locate ourselves a little something something to   eat right over here and actually this area where  we got dropped off at if it was the daytime I'd   be able to show you but basically there's like  a lake uh right in the middle here you can see   people hanging out in their reflection oh  and a Bitcoin sign right up there too but   yeah in this area you can find some delicious  food from what I saw when I was riding past   it all right so we're gonna check out this  uh Boracay food truck maybe down this way   we shall see what's going on over here we've  got rice bowls that's a good looking sign there   wow all right rice balls tuna poke bowls Pokeballs  and all right we might come back here guys I'm   gonna I'm gonna take a look down this way see  what the food options are before I come in   I might be back hello hello I felt bad I was  standing there for a second they're probably   like why isn't he buying I'm gonna walk away  but that's because I just want to double check   on the food options but I'm actually I might  have arrived here a bit too late where we're   gonna be limited on what food options we can  get at this hour but that being said we are   going to give a quick little cruise around  here seems like there's a lot of places to uh   buy some souvenirs around here fresh sunglasses  get yourself a Boracay shirt like this one if   you're looking for it and then further down this  way we have it looks like Hollow mango so this   might be where we want to go you can even get  yourself a little fresh fade Tyler the barber   stays open that looks like it does everything  Tyler the barber money exchanger and tattoo we're past this place like much earlier  a lot of these places were open so I feel   like that's the bummer is I was really  hoping to show you guys like for example   like hungry manga I'm sure would have  been an awesome place to get food but uh   I don't think we're gonna be lucky on that oh  look at this you can even shoot the Hoops down   here there's just a randomly a basketball court  right in the middle of here called Showdown   they're playing some music there and they're just  shooting Hoops not too many people are making   them right now and there we go we got it we got a  shot someone made one finally I can't talk though   I would not have made a single shot it sounds  like we've got some live music down this way that's a vibe oh yeah right here that is the one  part I'll tell you about Manila area a lot of live music in this  area so it's it's really nice   oh some sort of like ferris wheel I  think it's real too just not open at   the moment this actually must be like the food  District because I'm going through this area   and there are really a lot of options here but  I'm I'm looking for like something like street   food kind of like when we first walked in here  but I want to keep those options open here so   we've got Andy's chicken like they love that  around here Andy's chicken is more of like a   roasted chicken more fruit shakes they do  love their fruit shakes in the Philippines   Tres Amigos three friends all Mexican food  that does sound delicious you guys still   open for business today yeah okay best Mexican  food on the island yes all right I'm sold then okay known best on TripAdvisor okay  so how are the quesadillas here oh so a lot of good options then yeah and  we've also got the option for chicken adobo   okay I'm thinking that uh I'm  thinking I'm in let's do it nice to meet you all right so I  can sit anywhere let's take a seat   right uh right over here thank you all right  so we've got a lot of delish options here   I'm thinking given we're at Tres  Amigos definitely needs to try   something uh with the Mexican flavors to  it so most likely tacos or the quesadilla   four burritos that is a very hard decision which  is better the quesadilla the burrito or the tacos oh okay is it possible to have this one also with   beef instead of shrimp so  I can skip the seafood okay yes please and then a bottle of water please oh yeah  the food has arrived looks like we've got   some uh sour cream some mangoes and some  salsa built into there and it looks like   on the tacos we've got cheese on top some  shredded beef one hard shell one soft shell   and it looks like one of those little limes or  squeezed oh yeah mini looking lime things get   that on there put a little bit of uh oh oh and  there we go and there we go Stitch that there   I said it was fantastic and let's go  ahead and give this thing a nice taste   test after doing all that walking it's  about time to see how this thing tastes mmm wow that's incredible literally probably like 10   000 miles away from Mexico  and this is a damn good taco a very rich beef in there with some of  the local vegetables that I'll tell you   that hits the taste buds quite nicely  we've got basically two of these with   beef the normal combo you get one of these  with shrimp one of these with chicken one   of them with beef but now we actually have  a nice hard shell there loaded with it and   then this one I dropped some of the beef in  there so now we have a chicken and beef combo very good I kind of like what you expect  for Island prices like high quality food   comes up to about like I think 400 for  um these three tacos so you know almost   eight dollars like seven dollars and fifty  cents I'd say it's a good price because you   get really high quality Mexican food  we're literally dripping right here that could be a future menu item my friends  that's mixed with beef and chicken we've got   two Meats in there and that is fantastic  you get the best of both worlds there mmm that's what we call g triple o d uh you guys that  was fantastic we polished off the entire plate of   tacos just gotta get the bill and uh that's  it oh excuse me is that the bill please all   right so the total for the bill is uh 632 so  that's like uh 12 13 bucks roughly like that   to have a delicious meal all right guys we got  the total right there 632 with a few bucks extra   salamat very delicious food thank you thank  you very much see you next time all right we   got ourselves salamat got ourselves a delicious  meal in the belly now guys and now it's time to   uh start heading back to the hotel let's head  this way all right so the food District was   down there we're gonna be walking this way oh  it seems like uh we've got a big crowd over here   over at Epic the spot guys so we're walking  on the road here I mean you can see some   pretty sick vibeye places we've got pink rope  lights all around here and [ __ ] little Shisha   Lounge right there oh and it looks like a uh a  solid DJ back there even throwing down bangers   so yeah very uh very interesting oh and I think  we're pretty much back this looks like the uh   Hanan Regency right here so after a fair bit of  walking we have made it all right guys I think   that's where I'm gonna go ahead and end today's  video really hope you've enjoyed coming with us   for a nice little nighttime tour of Boracay and  thank you so much for watching as always and I   just want to remind you guys as I mentioned  earlier in the video you can actually head   down to the description or the comment section  and you'll be able to find a direct link which   will give you early exclusive access as World  nomac fans supporters and subscribers to the   apparel project that I have coming so thank  you so much we'll see you in the next one

2023-03-05 22:39

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