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hello i do this with my beautiful and intelligent toast ladies i have mimi hi mimi hi darling mimi k there's admira ohima lawyer land and obama hello everyone and i am lili mohammed so um toast tonight we have a question one of our viewers are adding an ad interview was sent a question she's troubled and we want us to help her well we are not relationship experts but we try to help uh discuss societal issues then the answers are given to you the viewer out there so this lady turns on a video on her fiance or her boyfriend's phone and the video happens to be a video of her best friend's husband to be so this is what hap this is it so on the bachelor's night you know all the things that happen on the bachelor's night and you know the kinky stuff so this lady chances on a video of her best friend's husband to be on the bachelor's night very kinky very intimate and now she's troubled she's contemplating so the way the wedding is few hours away do i tell my best friend that this is what happened because well the woman feels that well it's it's well for the bachelorette party i i need well we get we get to do naughty things but not naughty naughty but sometimes the men feel that well i can do kinky this is my final night charlie i need i need to spoil there before the dd what should this troubled woman do mimi okay so i i want to i want to but before that have you have you been to bachelor's or bachelor's yeah yeah i've actually been to a business night i've been to a bachelorette and yeah bachelor's night is not just for the men well so it was my best friend my best friend was a male so it was my bachelor's night and it i mean i was very surprised that a lot of things that happened it's really cruel obviously never and no bachelor is nice for you but yes um sometimes i struggle to understand the whole idea of bachelor's night in bachelorette this is what i feel it is or it should be you see when you're moving in with someone you know for the i mean you're going to start a new journey and you want to officially break it don't break break it off but tell your friends that listen i'm moving on to a new journey we're going to be friends but this is our last crazy night together together you understand that's how i feel the whole idea of the bachelor is a bachelor's night what floret is all about the extra things that happen i think it's so unnecessary and if i found out my man did that from someone else or if i if i find my best friend's husband in such a crazy position i don't think that i encourage the marriage to continue so i i might depending on where the holy spirit is leading me to tell my friend because i see a man who can find a reason to cheat on you has no business being in marriage really for me well i i think that you know people have different understanding of what a bachelorette's party is and a bachelor's party is so um 10 couples actually have a mutual agreement that you know what this is our last night you know we're going to be married we're going to spend our whole lives together yeah so let's go crazy let's do crazy things i've been to a bachelorette's party where we had strippers there and we had naked men there you know it was it was crazy okay but it was fun at the same time but then it was a mutual agreement between the person who was getting married and and her between both spouses yes basically her significant other that okay this is that last night let's have fun let's go crazy let's go all out you know funny enough the guy actually found the website to book in the mail yeah the mail strippers he the the husband to be is the one who actually booked it it's not in ghana right no it wasn't enough so he's the one that actually booked it that's what i'm saying like it depends on the couple some couples actually have a mutual understanding that okay it is last night as technically single people because we're not married yet so let's all go in and have fun have a best night of course having a good night doesn't need to involve being intimate with somebody else you know it does not it doesn't mean that okay i need to go and cheat because technically you're still a couple you know so me sleeping with somebody else during my bachelor's night i i am technically cheating on you you know but then none of that right now that happened there was no cheating there was no sleeping with somebody else but it was meal strippers okay stripping catching yeah touching and then the dancing and everything you know but then there was no getting intimate with somebody else so now the intimacy part is what i don't agree with okay i wouldn't mind having a myself or myself i wouldn't mind um having a bachelor's party where you know my girls and i are having fun we probably travel outside and we have probably have like no strippers there blah blah yes but then in terms of getting intimate with one of the male strippers a stranger no just because it's my last night as a single lady technically a single lady i'll never do that and i i would not encourage the person that i'm with to also do that i wouldn't mind him having strippers there and with his friends having fun maybe even go to a strip club i wouldn't mind him doing that like have fun do do all of that thing you know but then in terms of pushing to the point where you sleep with any girl there i i would not yeah as well and if i'm the friend obviously i'll find myself in the but i'll think that my loyalty lies with my friend and you don't think you you're breaking something see that thing is broken when the man who is just a few hours away from saying the most important words into his next level you know life of your life yeah it's not thinking about if my partner finds out what is going on or what i did it would break it off i said that man has no business wanting to get married he won't have fun you see that's my problem with couples today you are you had the the the opportunity or you had the the the power to choose to be alone and have fun and nobody was tying you to marriage and you actually went to do it or you are planning on doing it what is your business wanted to sleep around before that i mean the nights before do it do it to do it while we're in the relationship but i'm just saying that if you want to do it if you want to do it we had maybe we've been together for five years we had five years of you doing all sort of things that you wanted to do the night before when you you probably have gone for three months or six months um what you call it counseling and you have learned all the things that you need to do that you have gone to your pastor they've been praying about it i'm sure some people do not even have the bachelorette but they go the night before to win stay in a place quiet and pray your mates are doing that and you are busy wanting to sleep with a stranger okay so now let me hear from about the idea i think a man who cheats on his girlfriend the night before the wedding has been cheated from day one yeah yeah yeah yeah in the name of bachelor's party no i think that he was under the influence of arkansas or whatever i think bachelorette party or bachelor's party or stag night or um you know as other people call it it's it's a fun time i don't see anything wrong with that as a matter of fact i encourage my man to do that if he feels that this then last night of his uh how do you call uh single guys bachelorhood bachelorhood and he feels that oh no let me enjoy this day with my boys yeah there's nothing wrong with that if you feel that you want to throw in some people to come and dance for you and perform for you it's also i really don't see anything wrong with that however the the line should not be crossed i mean at the end of the day if you're cheating on me and you expect me to like what i expect me to do when i find out in this situation definitely i'm going to leave the relationship i don't see anything wrong with that i have been to a bachelorette party before and we spent our time really talking about how to how we are going to look that day it was basically preparing for the program and how the program is going to go so that's what i experienced and it was a christian bachelorette i don't even know why christians are doing bachelorette what's your idea as my best friend's bachelor's party he had most of his friends were already married and you know we were really talking about a lot of the experiences when we started the the whole night the whole thing they were telling him all sorts of things and i could see that a lot of things to expect in the marriage expecting their marriage expressed in their mind and i i realized at some point he just stayed i was like what happened that is what that was that's what we did that's what it is that's actually what happens that's what it should be supposed to be but unfortunately there are certain people who cross the line and become intimate now if i find out that you cheated on my best friend on that day well i'm also your friend you know because in this instance the lady is friends to both of you both of them so for me it lies down to loyalty right i have to be very loyal to my friend but the two of you are my friends i know at the end of the day one is going to get hit if i tell my my girlfriend she's going to get hurt you're also going to lose her because i know she's not going and if you don't tell her she finds out i'm in trouble at this moment in my life my peace of mind no no no it has nothing to do with loyalty or anything my peace of mind is important to me i cannot live my life knowing that i know this about this man and i could not tell you it has nothing to do with any loyalty in this instance it has nothing to do with loyalty to my friend or loyalty to the other guy it has everything to do with my peace of mind i can't go through life so knowing that i have something like this you're dating are you you're best friends with somebody who feels that listen if you find out i i let's say a typical mean if you find out something about my husband keep it to yourself if if if you know this keep it to yourself this is my my marriage allow me to deal with the things in my marriage if you have somebody like that well i'm not i'm not saying that if if you saw my husband on top of another oh man and you're my best friend keep it safe about my about my mind keep it to yourself but i can't tell you oh and i think your husband is getting close to this person but this is intimacy you know that your friend probably is so much in love and maybe during the bachelorette party guys were there she said well if you find things you know that we discuss a lot during these parties if i find out things no it is not a reason for me to break up and all that and you find yourself in that situation are you still going to go ahead because you know that your friend says well if i find myself in in this situation i i it's not a it's not a grounds for me to break up the relationship or break my marriage she this lady is in a dilemma she feels that you well i'm breaking something maybe my friend has struggled in her letter she says her friend has struggled to find genuine love and she thinks that the guy has shown then for you to actually tell your friend because that is not genuine love you know the fact that he was able to cheat on you a night before your wedding that is not genuine love because if he truly loved you he would have just gone to have a good time with his friends fine centuries yeah drink party exactly exactly drink drink party and all of that without having to get intimate with anybody so the fact that it has taken you that long to find somebody doesn't mean that the person that you found is the right first of all that's what we need to talk about there are some people who also don't care as long as they have a man that's all they care about i think that's what lily is trying to talk about you do not care if i find my friend like i have a friend for example who does not care what my husband does and you know it's like media maniac blah blah i don't care all men cheat so if marwan is also doing it why not you know a lot of people have have that i mean that mentality if that's the case here as a friend i'll be like and then my darling yeah you don't care any girl yes please don't don't first of all i think we all have we all have friends of course yes we all know the kind of person exactly so if i know that my person is an emotional person to the point that you know obviously like i would yes do you understand so you need to know the kind of person your friend is if your friend is the type of emotional person where if you break a news like that to them some of them are even committed you need to think very quickly let me hold on you know just just just take a sec just take a sip oh take a break here oh come back and then we'll tell you all that you need to know now if you have a lady wait for this break actually [Music] ah babe what is this this is the escargot and the flag where did she go juan [Music] magic is cnc welcome home to acquire magic on dstv channel 150. it's your moment dstv thank you for calling the lydia contact center do you also have questions on contraceptive call me on the shortcode one two two one and i'm happy to help you call the lydia contact center on the short school one two two one with lydia you truly decide [Music] welcome back this is toast live here on j20 this is proudly supported by hi intimates dave and pepsi and president says brush twice daily because every smell matters tonight we are discussing the bachelors and bachelorette nights and all the kinky stuff that go on there a lady has written to us and according to her her best friend's husband to be uh she turns on a video on her suppose on her boyfriend's phone and the supposed husband to be of her best friend was doing a lot of kinky stuff getting intimate with another woman before the dd she's in a dilemma should she go ahead and tell her friend that listen this is what i have seen and so i don't think you should go ahead with the marriage or this is your decision i'm telling you so you decide whether or not to go ahead with a wedding or she should just let it go and then uh well like atomos you say yes if you have something to give you give it because listen i want us to put it this way so for instance you find yourself in that position where you're the lady who's about to get married and your your partner goes to do that you know what would you do if you find us would you like to be told exactly would you like to be told at least you want to know yeah i always say this to people that listen if you're coming into my life whether a friend or boyfriend whatever give me the option of not accepting you into my life because this thing if you make it look like this is a genuine thing we're doing this and this is what we're doing and you are actually lying when i find out it'll be very chaotic it's either someone somebody gets to lose their mind or i lose my mind so in this instance it's just about also telling your friend yeah telling your friend and what to look out for no it's not necessarily what to look out for i mean you've been with this person for two years you know what you can do who who it is and what you can do so you just let's say for instance you never knew who he was and i have seen this thing i'm going to tell you i will tell you so that you have an opportunity to choose if you want to be with this person it will be a failure on my part as a friend or a best friend for that matter to hide something delic like something that's important like this from you eventually when you find out i'll still be you see there's no win-win situation in this thing so for me what i'll do is i'll let you the guy i'll give you a chance to tell the girl first because i don't want to be in the situation and like really say saying of uh former president saying do fiasco because i want to d my fiance i will tell you the guy i saw what happened now you have an opportunity to tell her complain on your own before i step in because i am going to step in yeah i am not going to do my ideas i mean this instance because what type of friend will i be i don't want my friends to go through the trouble consideration that okay this is not just the the husband to be the bride and the best friend there's also a fourth person who is the the best friend of the guy who eventually recorded the the video he could also be doing that too exactly that the news is going out for example about what you said is also true i agree with you i would probably also now that you said i'll probably also go to the guy and give the guy the benefit of the doubt to eventually tell the his wife to be that this is what happened maybe unfortunately exactly explain yourself maybe i was drugged you know i don't know i took drugs no drugs say no to drugs and you know they led to me sleeping with somebody else okay fair enough that is a good option also but then you also need to understand that that guy might also think how did you even get to know okay it was on my my friends my best friend's phone okay and you the girl you went and you you saw it on his phone okay so it's like me as the guy you also think how careless can you also be what do you record it in the first place why would you even show your girl or why would you even give access to your phone for another person because it could have it could have been anybody if your girlfriend has access to your phone and can see the video that means that that means other people also can have access to the phone i don't think so yeah no no no no no no no no no you understand that for some people in a relationship it's just i totally understand that but then like i'm saying if a let's say mimi is a girlfriend of the friend yeah yeah mimi has access to her boyfriend's phone okay i'm just saying that anything can actually happen the fact that mimi has access to his phone the video can go out they understand anything can happen maybe mimi can also say oh i'm sending it to my phone just as proof so i can show it to the to the girl and that's the ball really and you have to meet someone can also get hacked and then other people can that's what i'm saying that the fact that one person has access to maybe the video others also can also have access to the video you know that that's something that was shot this was shot let's see in the night yeah in the morning so maybe he they were all drunk so he was just doing a video have you have you watched best man before that would be yeah listen you can't keep a secret forever no matter exactly how how no matter how long it is how secretive you think you are oh even how long you you keep the secret eventually it will come out now maybe even after marriage yes one day they'll be sitting down and you know these things you cannot really hide it the person was okay maybe i've changed i've turned a new leave now i just want to confess my sins and the person goes to con confess to the wife and say that your friend you know even your friend knew about it the reason i was very upset with that person was you see the person you are you are going to do the thing with you see let's let's be very let me be very myself right now i mean to me everything that happens under the sun there's a spiritual backing yeah listen you're going to sleep with somebody maybe you even know the person maybe it's it's someone you've been toasting for some time oh today's my bachelorette so that's that is my bone of contention that there is more to this yes so it means that you know that bachelor's nothing but we we invite our friends and all that so probably the woman that the man has intimacy and so this this this baggage will continue in the marriage so listen to me come and tell you that okay let's do this for the last time before you get married so my point my point my point really is that this person that has seen that you are going into marriage let's assume it's someone you already know or you've been sleeping with or you've slept with before or you guys were talking about it and now you want to get married and you get the person involved you get involved with the person before your marriage do you know what the person is carrying spiritually do you know what they don't even know is attached to their lives that will affect your marriage at some point let me tell you guys something there's a gentleman that i know and today his marriage is is gone the mind is gone but he knows exactly what happened in his marriage and i think i said a story here before what happened to him is that the night before his wedding he was fighting with a wife so he went to sleep outside in a hotel and he slept with somebody for three years in the marriage any time the woman got got pregnant she she miscarried and then she went to one of those churches i won't mention the church's name it's somewhere around the pom-pom day and the pastor told my lesson this thing there's someone in your marriage you don't even know there's someone in your marriage your husband sleeps with this person he has slept with this person before and i slept with that person there's a celebrity he has slept with there's this person it mentions so many names and those are that's the reason why you cannot have a child because the person does not want you to have children and then for the marriage to break that very night she went through and said listen i never may call she left because there was no way that girl according to the pastor i'm not i'm not agreeing with him but i'm just saying that these are some of the things that could happen to you for three years in marriage the woman actually got married but never had children because of what you wear the last day so listen these things they're very serious scene and that's why i keep saying you have no business going to get married if you know that you are not a loyal person oh yes yourself and leave the girls alone to marry who wants to stay with them of course we have men who have their weaknesses and uh if you're in this if you are in discipline my brother tell you if you're in discipline don't marry but if you know that you have some weaknesses and you know once a while it's me tougher my i don't know even god can forgive you or even human being can't forgive you because they know that that's not who you are sometimes no no about you know that there are some certain exercises that you can forgive you know that yeah marrying somebody does not mean that you're marrying a perfect person you know absolutely well those of us watching if you've had experiences you can share with us on on our facebook page as you're streaming live share with us and let us know what you think but for me cheating is a big deal yeah thank you baby it is so interesting listen if you cheat on me while we are dating i have a hard time trusting you i'm going forward there's no point there's no point in the relationship and the father sang a song [Music] [Applause] the lady involved me i have certain friends that i think they're very liberal and so my husband i found out my husband cheated on me before the the big day and so what that was his final night but me i will give you hints that listen this is what i know this is what i know and so if you want to go ahead but there are certain friends miss me if you ask more honestly what's the baby are you that type of person like me honey i can't go through life no carrying you people your secrets on my head you know very well that your friend will not be happy to hear of it maybe and my relationship with my friend really my relationship with my friend is also at stake here now where does my loyalty lie but she wasn't my mother and i were not there you were not there but and that is why if you want to tell you have to make sure that you know exactly what you're talking about after you you saw it and the man deletes it what proved you maybe i did it i am not going to go through is the right way to do it go to the guy yeah tell the guy that you've seen it yes video you know this is what happened if the girl still wants to marry you after that or maybe like i said you guys still had a mutual agreement and that you know is your father you know let's do it let's have fun you know and maybe we didn't know because it's a conversation that was happening exactly so that's what i'm saying no but then still let the guy know that you know and he should go and tell the girl okay because maybe that two didn't happen maybe they didn't have that kind of conversation so in that sense if i feel like because we are that close yeah you understand so then i would know that okay the guy has told my friend and my friend has accepted it and still wants to make absolutely i don't even have to come out and be like oh do you know what i knew about it because the the the future husband has already gone to tell you something there are so many things about our partners that we see before the marriage and so probably the lady would have seen that that the mother let me tell you and don't take that decision got no way to go through life asking myself that hey does she know when is she going to know when is this thing going to come come to light hey how would my friend behave when she said hey at this stage of my life i don't have time for that to do with myself but the lily that i know you guys just so you know i was just she was shoes i will show you and that is why she's not going to be my best friend because everybody who's my best friend needs to tell me what my actually because you see the funny thing about my life as well is that the moment i begin to date someone there's always somebody that i'm close to that i don't even know where you know it's like we become like i see you know two people in a relationship that that person needs to be telling me everything that you want to know this is not my place discussing certain things okay the same thing so but somebody like maybe my best friend like lorraine abba she's my best friend together together something like this abba says something like this about me i would want her to come and tell me that this is what i i i saw okay and if she doesn't i'd like abba so you knew no but you know that this society [Applause] it's important to even tell you see i don't i don't know i don't know how you you you guys feel but i feel that i am breaking something okay you break it eventually i think that is good let it break on its own i know through you nothing about your friendship what about your friends listen friends my friendship my mind my friendship with my friend means that i need to protect her and in protecting her oh okay you need to do this you need to do that you need to secure your mind you need to do this it doesn't mean that yeah i'm sorry but you told me a story about that your friend saw you went on a trip and if a guy did something and your friend you didn't tell your friend and later on she found out your relationship i don't know if you remember that oh the the yeah are you talking about the celebrities exactly oh okay so what happened with that okay honestly what's that you see that there was hair me i was already always very angry seeing them together because i was like and this one i am very proud of mm-hmm his name is ellis i'll mention his name brother for life he told me one time when he met me he was already married and then we were at a table with friends everybody else you know i was hanging with everybody we were talking but this particular guy was so rude like i'm so stunned like hey yeah come on across in the comments so i'm looking around and i look at his finger and he doesn't wear a ring it's like okay and then whoever is lazy so immediately i just jumped today whoever is listening this guy must be suffering then i mean we we kept meeting and meeting and then finally he found out the things that i did and the things i'm involved in and he seemed to be so like i don't know you but i'm so proud of you you're saying young girl and blah blah blah blah blah and so we got close and one time we're talking about cheating and then he pops up the the conversation he's like me my wife hey my wife is an air hostess she has traveled how many how many countries just beautiful look at my wife then he brings out with this my wife if i have to at some point in my life cheat i'm not going anywhere lower than this girl no i don't care i don't care what you want to say right now i don't care what you want to say right now what i want to say is that in his mind that he didn't go low he is with and if per adventure he wants to even try and upon you know ellis hasn't tried it [Applause] okay okay listen to me please don't catch my friend so he they actually celebrated my friends because he um he loves you know a lot of drinks and hanging with boys and so the wife was like i can do this my children are gonna grow in this home i don't want this so they separated for some time but guess what they came back together because the wife went to tell his mom that listen i've been with men she's an air hostess and she's been around the world dated pilots and stuff like she's met men she's like i know for a fact that if i marry another man the man won't be alcoholic the man will be hanging with friends he will ruin my happiness and that thing that i i initiated of separation like between my husband and i it was a very stupid decision because he was only drinking or he was only hanging with boys he needs to hang out exactly drinking better than she said me i fear more than my boyfriend or my friend telling me that because boys voice that thing because it's so scary that's it exactly i trust myself i don't trust your man but you're afraid that something might happen though yeah the boy's voice thinks one boy that will pollute everybody everybody's mine oh only that one okay so let's come back to the cracks of the conversation so it's much less and bachelorette and all that yes the kinky things that's unnecessary it's not necessarily it's necessary it's not it's not today yeah the one the one that i attended we didn't have strippers we didn't have strippers today it wasn't even at the beach it was not even in the evening we spent time just bonding talking about sex some people were actually sharing sex tips it was a good and a fun time i had never been to one that was the only one the ladies were just talking about sex positions and things which is very necessary yeah exactly so maybe she doesn't know maybe this is even the first time going to have that intimacy with a guy if she's a virgin so i think we need to later let's get this down we need to just discuss uh whether you need to get into it or not before me yeah yeah ladies sharing this kind of information is helpful you know it's helpful to to the lady who may have not even if she has experiences she doesn't know certain tricks so i learned a lot like hey so this so do you do this you know it was a fun time and we drunk we we made merry and that was it we didn't have strippers come and show us their longer languages [Laughter] like for example when my sister was going to get married she did a little dinner with your mother yeah everybody was asian my mom was there you know and it was nice it was sweet we had dinner it was warm and it was very sweet it was nice okay but then i have friends who also had bachelorette's parties and the strippers there you know we bought gifts for how we bought lingerie for her we got so many things for perfumes you know this can use with husbands to be and things like that and then eventually the the strippers that were there they weren't there throughout the whole night it was just like a a period it was part of the event basically it was like an event and they were there they danced you know we had fun and we we drank we spoke we played games it it was fun it's a fun time but then like i said it depends on the couple and what the couple can tolerate when it comes to the boyfriend of them i'm sure that when you're applying your bachelor's party you will speak to your your husband to be about it and he will also speak to you about his as well okay so even though my money is fine exactly and you don't know who it is exactly so you don't know that's true that's also true exactly so the fact that there are various types of bachelor bachelors dinner with the girls and even guys they just go for dinner you know that's it some of it go to the club um some basically just want to be at home with friends and you know most of the time is the girls who plan it is not necessarily the girl that is getting married who dances it's the friends who plan you're having a bad friend my friend you know the guys youtube is the best man in the group the girl has fun for the last time if you know it involves like strippers and stuff like that but like i said nothing intimate and then yeah then the night goes on the next day you're married or the the week after you're married but however it depends on the person if i am a friend and i plan a bachelor's party for you or for a friend that's about to get married i know the friend i know what she's capable of and what she's not capable of yes maybe i might bring strippers and whatnot but i know that my friend would not go go out of her way to cheat on her husband but if now the man when it comes to the man's side he goes to his bachelor's party and there's girls and strippers and like i said the man goes out of his way to cheat is something an action that he has made his mind to do and nobody pushed you yet i am probably the best man probably invited girls you know invited strippers but the best man didn't force you to go and speak with somebody you know so it's you you're a grown man exactly you'll get to marry because you're grown you're mature you know and you're cheating my best your best friend didn't tell you to cheat the best one only brought girls for you to have fun throw money at you know have drinks play all of that but you want to go and cheat that is a decision that you made on your own meaning that nobody says yes nobody has to be you have to fake the question questions like yeah you come out and tell your your wife to be if you can oh i'll do it don't worry i'll take this maybe i also do it for you because for me me i'm very serious you know how how i am about jesus listen those those people those i'm sorry those people that are able to gather their lawyers and gather their hat together and want to cheat on their partner it's it's all it's always like she said it's always very planned and calculated very well calculated so if you're with someone that you actually are into and you want to go on that journey with that the sort of cheating should never cross your mind not even on the last day of you guys being single together because you actually think technically you're single together yeah and then you're making a decision to settle down see what you want to do that night is everything right that you've ever thought of for me because when you get into there what you don't know is what's in that marriage what you don't know is what is ahead of you and you don't want to mess it up from the night and the last how many videos it's like let's see everybody could be there sleep with somebody because you think people actually plan to do that like i did today the birthday is actually fantasy you know the last day there's a lot of people saying yes thank you yeah it's not just one person one to one because he has had that experience a lot of times it will be like maybe one to two girls yes yeah it's not just they are going to have sex because he has been having it with his girlfriend for years this time the last day normally they'll do it with like two so it's been like threesome okay oh my god doing threesome oh no i don't have a problem with someone doing things i'm just saying that well the last day i'm gonna say the last day normally it's not one to one it's it's a fantasy that they want to just fulfill before before they got married the girl actually crashed the the guy's bachelor's party and both of them that night they had a threesome that night but with another one okay get to ginger and spice up the things she wants the guy to experience something like that before he gets married so they brought the girl enjoyed it what would you want to do on your bachelorette night but we'll take your answers right after this book remember this is toast right here on gtm tv stick and stay i'll be right back don't go away [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what's your beautiful my essence and my energy my natural glow and my confidence my beautiful is being me it's glow season girls beauty month is back review your beauty with amazing discounts of up to 20 off on selected 400 400ml nivea body lotion bundle packs in participation stores near you enjoy discounts galore with nivea be you be beautiful from this day forward i do [Music] [Music] aspect i knew it how much drama can you enjoy see it really philly with hd plus get the best companion for your hdtv with hd plus now start a seven nine hash to activate and enjoy the first two months for free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm sure if viewers over have a conversation with other oh my god super hot support welcome back this is just live here on gh1 tv the show is proudly i know which was proudly supported by a high intimate dove and president president says brush twice daily using pepsin because every smell matters what would you want to do on your bachelorette or bachelor's night the ladies will share with us what they want to do you can tell us in the comment section as you're watching ladies yes let me sit down with me [Applause] [Laughter] going to be okay so my my bachelorettes would my girls of course y'all gonna be there and i know you will have good advice in your head yeah um i i feel that it's a big decision i mean i'm sure that up until the day the ring is put on my finger i'll still be doubting what it is that i'm entering into and and i'm i'm personally very scared of the things i don't know so even in relationships i asked a lot of questions i'm sure a lot of my relations broke up because of that cause me if i smell something i will ask you yeah you understand and so i feel that maybe that's how mine is gonna be we're probably going to have like you girls come over what am i even going to do you got to eat drink i'll just eat swearing i can't guess bye-bye because you'll not see me again you dance yeah i mean bikini yeah i'm still trying to wonder what i really want what i really want to do on that night but i know that it's going to be very sane it's going to be very well planned and it's going to be something that well that's what we're not going to tell her yeah because because that will confuse me about my husband no oh no because you is testing your face but i know that i know that um whoever i'm probably going to get married to might have things he or she he would want to do really um i want to have the conversation as well what do you want to do on the night if he has crazy things i mean i'll confuse you with the bible right now because that's what i know how to do i'll tell you now i want you to do it i want you to be very happy but you see these things this is what they bring you see when i scare you like that and you're a god-fearing person selfish oh that's what they all call me actually when they call me they call me very sorry i'm telling you every relationship i had to tell you what i was broken up is because they think i'm selfish but why should i be saying you are fine baby he's not he's you're not sharing him exactly he's just enjoying himself he just wants to enjoy his life okay that's it for the last think about it he's not sleeping with someone no he's just doing all the thinking but you know not no i'm not telling that listen guys don't don't go into what's happened yeah and don't let me find out if you do anything there's nothing everything i will not tell you a reason you know you know a reason i i was shush if you were the the if i was the lady you know you everything i will [ __ ] you know me so your advice to the lady so two two questions she's going to be asked my first thing is that she has to have the conversation with a gentleman yeah and two things you're going to ask him first of all why did you do it knowing how important the next day is and if the reason is good enough and you feel like it was a genuine like maybe you were drunk or your boy's got you to do it or something if it's a good reason what i would like her to tell the gentleman is that go and tell your woman you know the woman you're with and you know what she can take and what you cannot take if you feel that it is too big for you to tell her and she might not be able to take a note that this is a very huge mistake you've you've made don't repeat it in their marriage else you put me up in a very difficult position and i'm giving you the benefit of doubt that you mean well and you're really going to be a good host a good husband to my friend and so go and ask the question of whether you know the reason for doing what you did was was was i mean why you did what you did and then advice for him to tell the the why the wife to be so that we i mean give the girl a reason to either say or leave and i trust you she will trust you when she points out that you know you did something you were not honestly you didn't want to do but it just happened or it's for the sake of whatever happened on the night and you really um you actually mean wrong she'll respect you and trust you for that okay ahima what are some of the things before we you answer the lady and what she should do yeah what some of the things that you'd want done well my friends know the kind of things that i like they know how to plan it eventually but me i don't know i'll definitely have like i'll have a good night i want to have a good night and that's great tonight yes a great night that myself and my friends will always remember and you know go back down down memory line and we talk about it that you know this happened this happened during like your bachelor's nights my bachelor is nice and you know but then um i would have strippers of course i i of course i would definitely have strippers it has to be a fun night the event will be planned as in well planned we'll have a game night and it probably wouldn't be where i live we'll travel definitely travel for my bachelor's night and we'll just have a great time and good night you know it's it's with no sex oh of course not of course not but it will be planned and and it'll be a great night it'll be a good night we'll have different different um events within the events that are happening so uh yeah that's that's about it and my advice to the girl i think mimi has said it all because i agree with you is uh for her to go to the gentleman that is about to get married and eventually tell him that she she knows what happened and um you know the the friend is her friend so she wants to give him the benefit of the doubt to eventually go and tell the friend that this is what happened and if he feels like it's something he cannot say which i i i wouldn't necessarily agree because i would want her to hear it from his mouth but then if it's something that he feels like you know what it's beyond him he cannot do and he wants to trust me with the information to eventually tell my friend then i i will go and tell her but and i will tell her in a way that i've spoken to the guy and the kai the guy is obviously very sorry about what he did maybe he didn't mean it maybe it was a a it was a big mistake that happened and he regrets it so i i will let her know that you know what he really you know he's just stuff like he messed up you know so just like forgive him i've had a conversation with him unfortunately he feels like right now he cannot speak to you and he has sent me as your friend as your best friend did you like my sister to um to speak to you but then i would definitely speak to the guy first just to see you know if he yeah where it all came from if he meant it it was it's something that he really planned to do or it was generally a mistake and if it's something that he really planned to do i'm sorry but that's when i'll know that i i need to tell my friends into something that's into trouble yeah into trouble so be careful this is not the guy that you think he is yeah all right for me my bachelorette party oh live window you see my friends know me so they know that this is what they're supposed to plan maybe my bachelorette pass is going to be in a church so that's what they'll do but listen my bachelorette's party let's not change my towel this has nothing to do with chat i want to have fun and experience everything that i need to experience if you want to give me some strippers amy i've never even seen strippers before saying that's the first day i'm going to see strippers oh my god and i'll apply it in a way that my man and i will be doing this at the same time and maybe i will come to his yes maybe in a cake you try to strip not in front of his friends but there's a trip for him something else i want to do something out of the ordinary because i mean being in a relationship and holy holy that night i need you to feel something have a taste of marriage so i am going to maybe be the stripper in my month's yes party come on from the cake yes write some lingerie from aha [Laughter] what's your advice to the lady okay so my advice to the lady is hey listen the the gentleman or the lady the lady now the lady is a troubled what you're yeah to do the man is not going to tell you that hey i did it out of i'm sorry i drunk i mean that's what he's going to tell you anyway what are you planning to tell your life he's going to tell you a lie so for me hey go and tell her about it i'm not even going to talk to you and find out your reasons for doing it because i know your reasons are not good in the first place go and tell her about what you did if you don't i am going to step in like i said it has nothing to do with loyalty at this time of my life like at this moment of my life my peace of mind really it's it's important to me to just deal with this drama and i'll be sitting somewhere watching the two of you asking myself when are they going to find out when is my best friend going friend i can't go through that so go and tell her or i'll tell her if you don't i would definitely tell her okay so my bachelorette tonight information she will be asking i i i just said vlogging [ __ ] i swear guys i want to have the adventure of my life what is it going to be oh honey i definitely would not have sex even if i want to have sex exactly i'll try with my with my man on on my bachelorette i don't know yeah do it give him some doggies you know and then we'll come back and then we'll come back to the parking lot you know like nothing happened but trust me i want to have the fun of my life going into the marriage being happy when you are happy you know it it it culminates into a happy mind yeah so that night i want to be happy i want to do everything i've ever fantasized about i don't tell about my fantasies anyway but i want to do everything i've ever fantasized about that i will discuss with my man yeah and then let him know that these are my fantasies yeah well any anybody i am dating now yeah if if my my boyfriend knows my fantasy yeah so he knows what i want to do but i like i like the way that so i want to i want to fulfill my fantasies on that night to have the best time of my life on my bachelorette but oh well if i want to have sex certainly it's either i'll crush his or he will crush mine so my advice to the lady me it's not simple listen marriage is a long danu you think that's you telling her and listen let her go into her marriage herself whatever she sees in the mouth mind you there are some women when they see their husbands cheating and so you telling her that her husband cheated on her does not mean that oh why am i my dear the woofiah said me if you're my friend i chance on your husband having sex with a woman i am sorry honey it is not my place to tell you so tomorrow i'm telling you all my friends out there if you if you hear something pim and you come and blame you should have told me it is not my place marriage is a two people journey i am not the third person in there so i will not come and tell you that i saw your husband cheating it is not my place honey so sister well for them they will say oh go and me lily mohammed the woofy assem let them go and marry in peace tomorrow if he is a cheat chronic cheat he would cheat his wife will catch him in the act and if she decides to walk away from the marriage that's her decision and it's not my place so the wolfie asks him in that case my friends make it adventures of my bachelorette thank you for watching this show this show is proudly supported by aha intimates to get your melons and for those of you with tangerines well they'll get them in place go to a high intimate you know that you're getting married your bachelorette tonight ladies buy a high intimate for your friend who is getting my should i appreciate it a lot for that silk smooth skin and underarms trust dove and of course brush twice daily with president because president says every small mate is now singing smile with accident because every smile matters my name is lily mohammed thank you mimi thank you ahima thank you bye thank you this is toast live here in jh1 tv we love you good night you have to do everything you

2021-06-05 17:54

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