weekly vlog — caribbean life, touring aruba, wedding tips, fishing, end of our wedding trip + more

weekly vlog — caribbean life, touring aruba, wedding tips, fishing, end of our wedding trip + more

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some days feel like an emotional roller coaster  wedding stress leaving me dizzy some mystery   illness keeping me grounded but then the ocean  called and suddenly I thought is the ocean my [Music] prescription we've now been married  for 18 days and it's Beach day we also have   a week left on the island it's time to  enjoy ourselves I was feeling a little   this morning but now that I'm out at  about the sun is kissing my skin and   I'm about to jump in the water I feel  so much better I forget my mango [Music] I thoroughly enjoyed the water and we've  decided to be big backs and go to Wendy's   and Duncan and another place that I'm not  going to tell you yet it was so nice to just   be in the water and not do anything  and not think about anything such a Vibe seeing that we only have a week I think  we're going to come and dip at least two three   more times is that not realistic I think that is  at least two to three more times we need to be in   the water like there is no way also my sticky case  girl it's so handy I've been using it everywhere   all the time it's so perfect I don't even think I  talked about it it yet it's so good okay bab ready   cuz I'm hungry let's eat this the bad part about  going swimming at the beach that's why we have   water first to drink a little bit because they  going to want some oh this feels so good okay   last bit ta clean your feet one of us you want me  to get you some want me to go get you some water   to dir your Fe again oh yeah need slim you park  up there [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] czy we're not being big backs not being as big  back as I thought we were going to be I don't   know for some reason my husband thought it would  be a great idea to go to Taco Bell after I knew   it wasn't going to work out I told him that as  well I was like you're going to be way too too   full like that doesn't make any sense anyway  so we went to Wendy's I actually ate my food   driving home so it was very very quick but  so good um and they gave us a oatmeal cookie   I don't know what it's called and now I'm  going to taste go it smells really good so   I was like I want to taste this I think this  is raisins it's not raisin I think it's like blueberries tast really good makes want to learn how to make this myself I honestly wouldn't eat it  with a meal I feel like it doesn't   go with burgers for some reason like  you know how like at Subway your bread   and a cookie go so good together but  this is not going to go good with a burger or even a baked potato it is really good though amazing so we did  go to Duncan the thing is we have Duncan   Donuts in the Netherlands it's just not as  good as the one on Ara or the one in the states I never had the one in UK I don't even  know if they have Duncan in the UK I think they   do but Crispy Cream in the UK oh no one beats  a glaz Donut from Crispy Cream like ever even   the one from um South Africa the Crispy Cream  in South Africa was so good tasted the exact   same thing as the one from the UK it was just  amazing these are the donuts that we got so   I have a Sprinkle strawberry and glaze glaze  is not as good but it's still good like just   the texture of the doughnut itself and then  my husband got the atin cream sprinkle and   Oreo donut so um when I get out the shower  I'm going to jump in the shower in a minute   and then I'm going to heat up some water make  some tea with a little donut it's just going to   be perfect and then we're just going to end  off the day by watching a movie or probably   watching some TV and just relaxing it's just a  perfect way to end a good beach day like this we had an eventful morning we went to the bank  two different banks and um I think we're happy   with all the results and information that  we got now we're going to go to uh duet   Center and save more to do some groceries  we're actually going to duet center it's   a hardware store uh just because I want to see a  hardware store I love me a hardware store and um   later we're going to go to or attend my tourista  Isa day so I organized tourista is day by myself   and we're going to do that today we're basically  just going to drive around and experience the   island like a tourist today I don't know what  all we're going to see I also really want to   go and uh see the planes land today so we have  to be there around 4:00 and then later tonight   we're just going to have more of a chill night  and make sure that we [Music] um wash clothes   and start to pack a little bit because I feel  like there's so much we want to do so much fun   that we want to have and if we lose focus on  the fact that we're leaving on Sunday then the   last two days are going to be more stressful than  fun and I want them to be more fun than stressful see I knew that things were expensive here which  is why I purchased everything in Holland for my   hair look 31 that's how many earos both 15 okay  so it's not that much more expensive but the   point is that it is more expensive and they have  products like this that are not that bad about   the same price on it oh yeah are these Oak these  are c yeah these are H CER I thought so too what   happened is a good price this thing cost $3 is  that not good you mean not good this is a great   oh it's a great price you're the one I want though  I was just about to say that's not the original   this is the original this is 18 yep Tak at least  oh that smells really good I literally told him I said let's get a gari like a cart so  we could just put everything in it that   we want it also makes vlogging easier  for me and now he wants to shop that's   all you buy it I'm surprised you're not  taking more than that you how much money   they sa already Yes I don't think about  it these used to be so good power stick   for her ooh aluminum free with this is  not a lot though it's like not a lot of product I think we should do the the shopping to  leave Thea Oh look The Old Spice I used to love   these I know they're for not for like made for  women find something that you want it's so good   so B yeah how much do they usually cost it's 19  or enough like a good price about that price okay   well then let's get it eight pack that should  be enough for a year so the biggest one I don't   think we're going to use it be your best B for  your that's true another the excitement on the   bright side now you know where to find them when  you come and live here again they got a good bit   of them different sizes this why want to just have  them easy to find look at that gigantic one 150   I'm sure you could I'm sure you could find them  yeah but you don't find them often that's my thing   that is an insane price makes sense if you have  a business2 200 and 30 Florin for pure vanilla   I was obsessed with the Twister fruit punch that  one obsessed with it but I feel like seeing that   it's so cheap that can be good for your body yes  yes today we were at the beach and we saw someone   with funions so now we have to get funions it  made me crave the funions um yeah I want some   Cheetos I just realized I haven't had the Puffs  yet what do I want puffs or do I want crunchy   I'm not a fan of the puff really wow okay well  on let's take the crunchy so we can both eat it   oh my gosh I used to be obsessed with the rolled  gold um pretzels yeah yes I used to eat that bag   by myself the M it used to be good I love me a  pretzel you know I get the pretzel sticks all the time I always used to get this one and  put it in a microwave terrible for your   body but I want it all the time look look  Hamburger Helper they always make used to   make it look so good in the commercials  really I always wanted that I want the   Honey Bunches of Oats to go to the Netherlands  with I'm going to take a regular size you don't   want this right I don't eat those things  okay perfect and this is for myself cuz   if you did I was going to take a family  s guys this one looks like um the protein   bar from from Wendy's from last night I  I looked at the receipt it wasn't free bro I genuinely have no clue how people do it  with the pricing we didn't even buy that much   and it cost us a good arm and a leg so imagine  if you live here and you have to actually do   groceries to you know survive and eat all the  time some beans in the BL C is okay probably   yeah I just saw I just saw a man he was packing  up all the things that he bought I know that had   to come out to 300 floting at least you remember  when we went super food super food is expensive   yeah now come out how much again 500 yeah so like  okay but that was also for the wedding so it was   multiple of stuff yeah yeah but o I don't  know how to do it honestly I'm ready to   cancel all plans first am M but it on this  oh here the AC just feels so nice the couch   feels so nice outside is hot oh these are  both mine I didn't you eat all your Donuts yesterday so good I'm actually going to make my plan and kind of  adjust my plan for t is day because I think it might just be a bit too muchoo the focus with this camera is a real  problem hello okay now you can see me I just   got ready I have all my makeup on this bed and  it is a mess here but it's fine I'm going to   clean it up later um we're going to quickly start  our toti study B Isa day I really wanted to do   my makeup cuz I want to take some pictures of us  together on our first first kind of minus or our   zero honeymoon cuz it's not really our honeymoon  but it kind of is cuz it's just the two of us you   know what I mean so um I just want to take some  pictures together do a little sseeing just have   some fun today um cuz this morning with going  to the bank it was just a whole lot of work and   not really good vibes so now we're going to go  look for the Good [Applause] Vibes [Applause] this I mean the windows and [Music] we just took a selfy here at some point  I actually wanted to get married here or   at least have the reception here because  I not that I thought it would be cheaper   but because I just thought like everyone  could just have dinner and then we just   do a little Dancy dance somewhere in  in the back there but honestly I am so   glad we didn't do that even though it would  have been a very nice view cuz look at the view I mean it doesn't get any better  than this the view would have been amazing [Music] we touched the edge of Aruba took some  pictures and now we're going to drive look how   pretty now we're going to drive to the um gold  lines and um after that I think we're going to   Natural pool Natural Bridge sorry and then we're  going to go to Rogers Beach what time is it 5 to   6 5 to 5 to 5 we have time an hour and a half  to get to the beach and then take a little dip   the edge of the [Music] river  we're looking at beautiful houses   day dreaming about building our own  ooh I'd love to live like this know   your house in the back all the trees in  front look how cutesy this is [Music]   imagine I used to come here as a kid all  the time every time we had visitors come   to Aruba like family friends of my  parents every single time we used   to come here and now I'm a whole  married woman [Music] I like how   they have caution possible collapse like  make sure you don't get on just in case what come your pictures are coming out so nice I understand EXN yes I understand [Music]   we decided to go to dinner instead of go to  the beach which I'm very excited about cuz I   get to wear my outfit I wanted to wear this  all summer long y'all I love it I just for   some reason I don't remember it being this long  I Feel Like It just fits a bit better when iy   on the first time and it wasn't this long so  I'm just literally going to have to walk like   this like a bride I love it let's go to  dinner they don't come on as PR with the light so I really should thank D anyways any  issues that your grandmother had with me what the   hell is that you want to send this to like your  dad or something cuz the thing just not hitting look this is my favorite sentence to say let's  eat so I decided to go with the lasagna classical   I used to get that all the time in the states  that was like my go-to and then we also got some appetizers and my husband got the  tour of Italy this is the lasna [Music] [Music]   and hot even though the one  you [Applause] made a little better we literally were not able to finish her food it was so [Music] good you're looking  for the change to give a [Music] tip and   we you trying to fish for money  in there makes it seem like you   don't have none yeah it looks so I'm  trying to grab all oh that's a lot yeah let's get rid of that fish money also the  music was just Elite like it was so just calm   and viy and the water is amazing I didn't even  get any juice cuz the water was just so good the good thing about eating at Olive Garden  is that you leave full and there's always   leftovers for the day after thank you and  bread Saks are they still good like fresh   feeling or no Fresh Out the Oven we had a  pretty eventful morning we washed a bunch   of loads of clothes we're not done yet but  we washed a bunch and I started packing my   my bag to leave in a couple of days I can't  believe we're leaving and then we also went   to a meeting with photographer and now I'm eating  my leftovers from yesterday and we're going to go   to the beach now we're going to go to Rogers  Beach um in literally a couple of minutes we   actually were supposed to be there already um  because my husband wants to go fishing and it's   one of those things that we always do when we're  on vacation but because we were so busy this time   it had way too much to do and when it when it  was like relaxed and downtime I couldn't feel   it cuz I just needed my brain to relax like I  think I've been over stimulated every single   day this vacation I'd like to see in the  last couple of days it kind of calmed down yeah ah I believe yeah I'm going to  go with the chair the beach chair I'm not going to sit in the sand I'm  going to sit on top of with the chair no long   pants just in case mosquitoes I really have long  P those slippers I don't have yeah okay I don't   have long pants you going with that shirt that t  yeah I don't have to cover your sleeves I don't   have you don't have nothing I have a dirty one  you you have nothing else give me the dirty one   then you don't have nothing else no baby what to  clothes I only come with cutie clothes not fishing clothes anyway let me go get myself a sweater  let's have to go with your water and just in   case if it gets boring I have love Island episodes  to watch I have a chair I have snacks you have to   see my husband's face and what else do I have I  have work to do so I'll not be bored there's no chance okay that's one that's okay you  don't need more sand I mean more things   oh my gosh I just came in the car to  take out my car contacts cuz my eyes   are burning and honestly I should  have come with like makeup remover   wipes you know get cozy take my makeup  off come with a blanket lay on the back seat I like to watch the boy Vibe and catch their  fish and enjoy themselves but after like an hour   hour and a half which it's already been it's  almost 2 hours now I'm kind of over it like   I'm ready to go home and just chill shower  lay on the couch watch a movie you know get cozy but my husband is enjoying himself and  that's honestly part of why I'm still here   he's really just he's having the time of his life I do feel kind of bad that this is  the only chance we got to fish if we had   more chances he would have been able to enjoy  himself a bit longer I was also going through   the videos because for some I mean not for some  reason but I filmed so much content that I don't   actually remember what was said or what I  filmed right so I went back to wedding day   to see see the things that I filmed and  pictures that I took and oh like look at   this can I play it this iCloud business is  so annoying well I can't play the video but   look this is when shandro and Jonathan  were struggling to get the welcome sign finished I don't even know if anything is filmed  of that but they were really struggling with it I can't wait to show you all  the videos by this time the   time that you see this you probably already saw everything the memories we made this summer were  just they're amazing I am so so grateful and so   grateful for everyone's help where is that oh  look at here this is how they were struggling   with it look trying to get it perfect it didn't  want to even stick on on the wood I have a video   of it I could show you if iCloud wasn't you know  but this is them trying to figure it out and it   didn't want to stick but I'm so glad that it did  also this was not supposed to be left till last   minute they were actually supposed to do this  on the Friday but everything just didn't go as   planned but ended up the way that we planned  it does that make sense and not everything   obviously cuz some things didn't go the way that  they we planned at all but some things did or   most things and I'm so grateful for the things  that did go well so many good memories I'm so   grateful have say yeah baby I was laying here so  comfortably just watching YouTube videos and my   husband came and said that I should come outside  and socialize which he is telling the truth   and they do say you have to listen to your  husband but I kind of just want to watch YouTube videos okay let me listen to my husband they  do say marriage tip 101 listen to your husband [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   spans this [Music] my drink [Music] [Music] [Music]   we've now been married for 23 days and today we're  actually leaving the house that we rented here on   Aruba um and then in a couple of days today's  Friday Saturday Sunday so in 3 days for like   2 days and some hours we're actually leaving to  go back to the Netherlands and I'm not going to   lie I'm kind of ready um I love being here and  I love spending time on my Island but sometimes   it's like time for routine you know it's time to  get your life back on track so I am excited for   that but before that time comes um let me enjoy  my last couple of days on the island you left   the house come completely clean this is where  we s the bed was okay but it's nothing like my   own bed this is my outfit for today top is a very  old top from Zar I love this top I wear it every   single vacation I think I bought this 2 years ago  and then these shorts are from H&M belt is she in   I don't have on sunglasses yet this is how  we're leaving it bye-bye the only thing I   missed from this place was a pool like I  would have loved to be able to jump in the pool but for the rest I enjoyed it it was cold  all the time which was nice but also made me   lazy most of the time so that wasn't that great  also I just realized I didn't need my skin care hot you're staring dreaming  drowning okay bye Housey you   were good to us we have fun I want  to miss this couch oh my gosh am I   going to miss this couch how long do  you think it is good to know for the future hi Housey it was nice being in [Music] [Music] here we're at the beach have some breakfast specifically [Music] we have been running errands all afternoon  because my lovely parents actually forgot a   couple of things that they wanted to take with  them to the Netherlands so now I have to do it   and we also had to go get our decorations because  they were still at my father-in-law's house so we   went to his house we packed up everything all  our flowers I wanted to sell them actually um   but no one bought them but they're like such good  quality that I didn't just want to throw them away   even though for a second I was 100% convinced that  just throwing away all the flowers would just be   the best option just so not have to deal with it  anymore but we had around 900 flowers in total and   I genuinely think that half of the high quality  ones we didn't even use but anyways the ones that   we did use or half of the ones that we did use  and then the ones that we didn't use we still have   and my mom was like you know what don't  throw it away it's a waste of money put   them up let's just save them and put them in  our house so we actually have people renting   our house right now and tomorrow we're going  to drop off all of the boxes with our wedding   decor in it and then I'm just going to stay  in my childhood home and then maybe you never   know if I do a vile renewal and I do it in my  own house so I don't have to pay for a venue   I could use them again I don't think my husband's  going to like that idea also I decided to take 30   of them 30 of the Roses that we used at our  wedding and go to the Netherlands with them I   feel like I just want something like memory-wise  to keep but then also to use I feel like it would   be really nice if I have like or at least in  my mind this is how I see it right I'm going   to maybe plan like a date night after work like  he comes home I have food cooked and you know   these flowers and candles on around the house  and then it'll just be cutesy for sentimental   value you know anyway so we're actually cuz  I didn't update you yet so we left the house   that we were renting and now we're staying at my  brother-in-law's house and then we're going to   stay there until we leave on Sunday I think I'm  going to get get some work done cuz I have a lot   to do a lot of content to edit I didn't even go  through my wedding day content yet um I think now   yeah today I uploaded the video of us traveling  from Amsterdam to Aruba so I still have a lot of   work to do um oh my husband's coming I hope he  found it tomorrow we're going to go to church   and then we have some family time right after  that and then Sunday we're leaving you bought to   is one for us yeah oh this is a rubust um very  special hot sauce mild Pika papaya my dad really   wanted one I always want to feel like I'm ready  to go home when I leave Aruba and we're leaving   tomorrow and that feeling kicked in every single  time I have been back to Aruba I've been for at   least a month and it always feels like I'm living  like a fantasy kind of cuz I'm not working when   I come back I'm just chilling living on vacation  you know so I'm ready to just get back to reality   and start to yeah like make a life for myself  sounds crazy cuz I mean I already have a life   there but just to get back on track get a good job  start to maybe work out cuz now I have all this   time that I was using to plan the wedding I  have all this free time open to get serious   about something like I could get serious about  being on YouTube again which makes me so happy   I also want to find like a good full-time job so  that's also something that I'm looking forward   to I'm just excited to you know just get back to  life so I'm getting ready to go to church now so   I'm doing a very minimal look it's not necessary  to be that dramatic today there is just so much   that I am excited about like going shopping  for some fall pieces there is so much like I   don't know if you saw the packing video when I was  packing to come to Aruba I packed so many clothes   I shopped for so much and there's so much that I  didn't get to wear and they're pretty like basic   pieces that I can use to transition into fall so  I am really excited about that that's why I don't   feel as bad that I did get to wear those outfits  because I know that once I get back I could still   wear them till at least end of October actually  I could probably wear them in the winter as well   all I would have to do is you know get some  leggings to put underneath to make sure that   I don't freeze I'm also really excited about my  first Christmas as a wife that's going to be so   much fun I already know what I'm doing Decor wise  I just don't know exactly how it's all going to   work out but I have a really good idea I actually  came up with it months ago but but I'm excited to   just have it all come to life but that's for later  we're not going to talk about that yet so we're   going to church right now and then after that I  think we need to run a couple more errands um I   think we need to go to the grocery store get some  things that we want to go to the Netherlands with   and I think that is it I really want to go to  the beach like I just need my last dip before   going back I feel like that's something I want  to do like every single time that I'm here and   I can't just not have a last dip so I really want  to do that today and then we actually have a lunch   with our family a little Sabbath lunch and just  like a together and just hang out with everyone   we did that last week as well and it was just so  much fun to just you know like have family time   and be together so we just got home from church  and I was like you know what I need to jump in   the sea it is way too hot today might just be my  last day for the year to jump into the Ruben ocean   so I just we can't just stay home and not do that  so we're going to Rogers beach for a quick trip [Music] [Music]   right I'm going to miss you Aruba in the water with my phone that is  something I would usually never do but I   have a Tik Tok I to do like a Tik video I want  to finish it and the only way I can finish it   is if I get in the water with my phone so you  get it I do wish I had my shades I my shades on   me but y the water is so perfect I wish I could  stay in here all day but we have lunch to get so   and family to Sea and this my and even though  I love being in the sea it was feel a little   better to be my family and to spend the last  day with them so let's go get some lunch and   it's been the last day on Aruba I can't  believe it feel was so crazy to say time   went by so fast but I'm so grateful for the  memories that we created here okay let's go   cuz if I start I am going to Ramble On and On  so let's get out the water [Applause] [Music]   we're now heading to the airport cuz how do they  say it in Dutch no how do they translate it from   Dutch to English there's a for there's a a time  to come and a time to go and a time to go has   come that's what it is I'm excited to be back  home get over the flight we have a I think 12h   hour flight back home in total is it 12 or is  it 10 I don't know either point is a very long   travel day ahead and we're also traveling with  one of my how would we call Mia is she my cousin   my little cousin second cousin technically my  second cousin-in-law my second cousin-in-law   she's my cousin okay we're traveling with her  and um we already did it 2 years ago it went so   smooth smooth so I hope and pray it goes smooth  this time as well um we still have our car that   we rented for the month and um we're actually  going to return the car now and then head to   the airport thankfully close to each other so  it don't have to be too stressed out I already   feel like we don't have enough time but that's not  true we have enough time so yeah let me just soak   in the last bit of sun that is touching me here  in the car and then we're going to head back home [Music] trust I'm [Music] nervous we go [Music] yep just like they say a time to come and a time  to go and a time to go has come see you next time

2025-01-25 02:31

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