Webinar - How to boost your Hotel turnover

Webinar - How to boost your Hotel turnover

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hi everyone and welcome to this morning's webinar organized by federal tourism as part of the training program of the tourism 4.0 project please allow me to devote just few words on the outset about fidget Turismo and the tourist 4.0 so the Turismo is the leading Italian Business Association in the tourism industry representing the total of about 10 000 companies which is just this year celebrated the 30th anniversary of its founding for this Turismo is also the coordinating partner of the tourism 4.0 project co-financed by European Union under the cosmic program and implemented by an international partnership composed by 10 organization Innovation centers and business providers operating in the tourist sector and representing the six European countries Italy Spain Portugal Croatia Malta and Poland the purpose of the project is to develop a capacity Building Technology transfer support and assistance program aimed to enable the tourist sector smes on the one end to take advantage of emerging digital Technologies and on the other end to adopt environmentally friendly Solutions in order to improve their productivity sustainability and overall business performance more specifically with regard to the exploitation of digital Technologies by small and medium Enterprises we devoted that this morning's webinar to a topic that we believe is of great interest and usefulness especially for the businesses operating in the hospitality sector the title is very attractive almost a call to action boost your hotel turnover thanks to artificial intelligence Dynamic pricing automation plug-and-play Solutions get on board and enjoy the revolution to talk about this involving topic we called this morning a high-level speaker Bruno strati whom I would like to thank for his willingness to participate in the training program of the tourism 4.0 project bringing us is expertise and the professional experience gained in the field during his career Bruno will deliver a keynote speech of about 30 minutes during which he will address the various issues related to the topic also with the help of case studies remaining available at the end for any final questions from the audience before giving the floor to Bruno I would like to give you a brief Professional Profile of you he is a revenue manager entrepreneur consultant and trainer CEO of extra Pro 360 and CEO of Brainy air Ms it began his Adventure in hotels when it was only 18 years old starting at the front desk and again experience in both small Leisure facilities and all inclusive resorts to later lend in a large hotel chains such as Best Westerns and Hilton independent is knowledge by moving through the FMB and sales department to revenue and management departments he has a scientific approach in the analysis of the convolution data managing to identify the wet points to work on and the strengths to be an answer together with the Eduardo caldari is the founder of the revenue management Facebook group well I have concluded my short introduction so I thank you for your attention and I plus the floor to Bruno thanks Reno for this uh great introduction uh thanks everybody for the connection good morning I'm Bruno slati and uh today we will talk about you know the uh goal of its um property your goal I think is the turnover so to optimize the tunnel and we will be here looking at how to do it and we used our uh software that is powered by artificial intelligence uh that's why first of all I would like to introduce the software with a video that will show you how it works the video is would be made with the artificial intelligence and it describes how it works Works leather than video I will show you some feature and I hope to do it better as the as the artificial intelligence so don't be shy just ask me if everything is clear and if you have any question please just do it because it's really important for you to understand exactly how it works just for now just please let me know if you see and hear the video good morning everyone my name is Anna and I'm here to show you the power of Brainy RMS brainy RMS is a programmable Revenue management platform that gives your company complete control over how when and what you deploy let's log in brainy RMS is a comprehensive Suite of tools that can help you automate the pricing strategy and increase the revenue of your structure you will no longer need to change the sales rates by hand also because this action takes a lot of time and in any case you would never be able to do it 24 hours a day here we are in the brainy monthly pricing view in this section we can select the month the year and the room type suggested prices these rates are updated constantly taking into account your historical result on the same day of the previous year the saturation of your reference market and the trend of the pickup and Pace on individual dates we will also build a daily revenue smart budget for you that will automatically update based on demand trends in the calendar we can see the details of each day the level of occupancy is shown through the color green refers to a low level of occupancy read to a high level of occupancy by clicking on one data we can see for a certain day the suggested price total occupancy Market median and system importance scrolling down the page we find the published price per day here we can select the month and year and check the trend of the price publication for each type of room The Columns indicate the occupancy per day each lion instead indicates the price of each type of room to improve visualization you can select the one that interests you most in the legend on the right okay now let's dive into the daily prices section at the top we find the main statistics of each day for each statistic you will see how close your result is to the budget calculated by the brain of Brainy from the calendar you can select the specific day you want to analyze for each day you will be able to set the dynamicity sending the price and importance you can override all this data if you think brainy is doing it wrong or if you want to change the strategy it proposes then we go down to the suggested day price section for room type here you will have the suggested price for each type of room here too you can insert your modifications for each type you can enter a minimum price or a maximum price or a fixed price that brainy will communicate to your channel manager let's go on in the daily price section for each day we find the occupancy status of each room the list of reservations including cancellations for each day next we have the market leaders chart these are also called Dynamic competitors the trend of your performance and the market can change every day then we have an important graph that shows the trend of the ADR as a function of the booking return at the bottom of the page is the list of events scheduled for each date now let's quickly see the update profile section where you can change your account name upload a picture for your profile and finally change your account password and now let's see the last item on the menu we go to the properties section here you can manage all your properties and add new ones it is very easy to enter the requested data and we will immediately start the onboarding process thanks for watching here at brainy we said everyone knows how to make a machine compute but we know what to make it compute see you on brainiums.com

it was clear and uh really clear Bruno really clear it shows you how uh brainy works I try to do it better I'm not sure I will do it better than the artificial intelligence but let's try I think the artificial intelligence introduced really a lot of uh things and feature that works here in brainy first of all as you can see is like a white label uh that means you can personalize your profile here we are in the account of relay Empire and as you can see there is the logo of real Empire no not of Brainy this is for your personalization to feel better when you look at your statistics and a number to be uh more confidence in the settings as you can see is a plug-in play or everything is automatics you have just to to look at the connection that we have with the channel manager or property management system that you use daily to manage your uh your uh apartment or hotels it works with um everything that means bed and breakfast every tourism a part single apartment vacation rental hotels you can use it really with every instructor with every property and uh is really simple uh just choose your PMS that we are connected with just insert your ID your property ID then the ID of booking.com and if you already have uh more or less one idea of which period was your best turnover in the past you can put as well here the reference season the reference season will help brainy to see your historical data and to see your performance we have already uh market performance that we compare with yours and we take it at the moment from booking.com in the future we will add for sure other uh Channel like Airbnb Expedia and gone for this property as you can see it tooks the uh best period season was from April last year until March of this year as historical data and it make like a picture and it says your best price so your lowest price was 104 Euro and it was for the economy double room that he has shown with zero zero refers to this best price under four the double room uh price is 10 euro either starting from 100 for 104 it means is 130 and 14 sorry this Superior is 16 Euro more the quadruple room is 57 and the junior street 46. this is just the first uh the first account proportion of rooms could be the same with the apartments but later we will see that the software will works with open pricing open pricing it means that each rooms have as different prices not just based on this proportion but on the market could be that in specific data we'll have more demand for the superior room so could be that the superior room will be more expensive than the quadruple or the junior street because that demand of this type of room is more than the junior street that could happen in the week or and in the weekend could happen the Contour so on the weekend could be more should be normally more expensive the quadruple because there is more demand more clients that books I don't know large Leisure for example and here you have the opportunity to send the price so sending price in this case is active this property is uh working uh and then it will start to work automatically for you 24 7. it means it will update constantly your price and send it to the PMS or channel manager that will distribute them in all the um the OTA online travel agency that you are connected with and where you will normally sell your rooms could be booking.com Airbnb Expedia devil Sailors as well if you have Hotel Beds and uh GDs everything the multiplies in the monthly price as showed you have panoramic of all the months and here you can choose the room category or apartment that you want to see in details and here is the economy and in this around you will see that for today all the room occupancy for this category is 100 the suggested price is 124 total total occupancy of this room is 100 percent the market median is 125 and the system importance is uh seven to hundred here you can see the published price per day for all the month and you can have an idea how it works daily so you have uh here in this column the occupancy and here the rates the uh rates that is uh for for this kind of room so you see that normally on a weekend the price go either or when there is some events this hotel property is in Verona we will see later in details other data of this uh of this hotel and in the daily price as well you will see the statistics that are more important for you so the total occupancy uh for brainy was the goal 78 we are at 96 so really better and the Rev per Revenue per available room Gold War was 74 Euro and we are now 125 so as well better than the the forecast and the total revenue was the 1705 and we are fast 3 000 every average daily rates 95 we are under 30. so 30

percent more than uh than our goal and here we see for each room the suggested price for today so we can see here from the line that all the rooms category are full booked you see they are in red everything is red the only room free is the junior suite and here is green so if you say the junior street for 161 is too much for today you can change here the suggested price of Brainy and or could be as well cheap for you so you can say I want to enter a fixed price could be 200 or 100 it's up to you if you want to change the suggested price of the artificial intelligence of brain or you can say uh you can put a minimum price so you you can put here a number and say I don't want to sell this room cheaper than 120 Euro so if the price the market demand will go down it will never goes uh cheaper than 110 20 Euro or here you can change with the importance we put the importance from 0 to 100 where 0 is a really low demand and 100 is a lot of demand for this data and for each data as you can see the importance change because every day as uh is another day we can see so here is a zero so no demand here 89 lot of Demand on Friday 51. 63 every day is different as you can see because every day is different demand in the market and here the room status in this case the hotel is full booked here you see all the reservation and the cancellation and here as well as code you see the uh not the competitors we prefer to call them Market leaders and they are the first five structure that appears if someone search your local tea on booking.com as uh is the same logic of booking because you see together hotels you see a bed and breakfast you see Apartments everything is together if you want you can put some filter if you have an apartment or hotel but a normal person looking for a destination normally it didn't put first this filter so we show you how it works if someone search for your location I don't know in Rome or in Valencia in Paris the first uh for the equator not for the location the first five hotels that appears without filter so uh every day as well this uh are different are not the same if you put competitors there you know will be the same for forever but we think it's better if we look the dynamicity the of the market so that every day really change how is the market and here for each date you see the uh progress the booking window so for today the first reservation arrived was in October 16 October and the price you see one room night the price was 286 Euro and you can see as well there is an important event today in this location and is the Aida uh in the arena of Verona so it's really important events that that's why the price are really really high in this period um so more or less these are all the function and the most important feature of braining let's look if you have any question about it please as I recognize okay and I will show you shortly uh case study uh of brain as well with the results of the work so this is the title again boost your hotel turnover we are talking about it and thanks to artificial intelligence Dynamic pricing automation open API and plug and play solution the case study I told you is the really Empire of Verona the location is the Verona City Center it has 26 rooms and it as shown as a five room category economy standard Superior junior suite and family room the services that it offers are breakfast spot private parking transfer service the concierge and the Wi-Fi this Revenue was is until uh yesterday uh the uh you know three days ago the 20th of July as you can see uh the line um [Music] down is the revenue of last year the other line in Orange is the revenue of this year so as you can see there is a 49 percent it starts to use brainy at the um in January of this year so you can see the revenue uh improved uh really really a lot the ADR the average daily rate as well and their room night there is as well more more more room nights sold for uh 37 percent more fast 38 percent more than last year and you can say here the data range is this year compared with the same period of last year from January until uh the 20th of July so this orange line as you can see is the revenue per month the total per month for each month and here uh there is the ldr ADR the average daily rate of each month as you can see the rate was more or less uh the same just a nine percent more than usual but the uh relevant thing is the occupancy as you can see lots of occupancy more in February in March because as shown rainy will performed every day so every day as different demand so every day must be performed with different prices and it should be um constantly um automatic updated because the demand can change in every minutes if we got two days ago the uh the news that will be a code play concert in Rome next year so the market was really really uh the price is goig a lot of demand a lot of rooms booked and in this case you must be update your price as soon as possible because if not you will lost a lot of Revenue you know so concert we take events online as you can see and we update the price in real time so you will not lost Revenue here we have a difference between the nationality in 2022 and the 2010-23 we have uh Italy Germany Great Britain USA uh Switzerland Brazil France Etc and uh there is uh other important uh as shown before the revenue you see is this year for the same period more than seven thousand last year was four thousand the ADR as well as soon 139 this year is 150 the booking window lead time last year was so the advance of the reservation of the guest was 52 days before arrival this year is 55 more or less the same and land of stay last year was two comma three this year was a little bit more uh but there are a lot of length of stays because uh this property is near uh um a location where the person stay more more nights as well we have booking window information this is really important that we see in brainy because we must know in which period we have the best turnover so when the guest booked for the Eiger rate because you know in the last minute normally the price go down because everybody want to sell the rooms so it put prices uh really cheap to try to sell everything so normally he had the best periods of Revenue to sell the room this year is between one month and two months before arrival so you see a lot of Revenue to 226 and the rate in Orange on the uh one two three four six seven line is the seventh line is 165 so this is one of the best period to receive reservation in this property and as well plus three months so three months before arrival it's as well uh a good period last year was more or less the same but the rates were were a little bit cheaper so all these data are inside the brainy and you have everything in the business intelligence it's called to know how you are going we have here as well for the future a little bit of overview July is going in this uh seven 10 days remains better than last year as well August September for October uh there is a November and December there is a lot of time so um there is time to do it better as last year and here we have uh as well the on the book ADR for uh the the future as you can see as well this year the ADR is really either for the future months that uh that we wait until uh the end of the year and uh I just finished the presentation so get on board and enjoy the revolution with brainy Revenue management system uh dear Bruno thank you for your uh Pleasant and comprehensive explanation of these useful digital tool available to hospitality businesses that want to improve their revenue management performance as we could see this is a a tool really user friendly and really easy to integrate into the daily operations of a Hospitality Enterprise all these shows us that the adoption of the Innovative and technologically advanced the digital tools is a true helping and even for the activities of a small and medium Enterprises not only for the big hotel chains but also for the small Leisure facilities and and the the small hotels so uh I would like to thank all our best our guests for their time and attention through their participation um in today's webinar and I would like to turn the floor for the last time to Bruno for his closing remarks but uh just before to give the the floor to Bruno there is a question from Dennis the tasks is it compatible with the Oracle Opera thank you Dennis hi Dennis thank you for the question uh not yet not yet because Oracle uh Opera uh as you know I think is one of the best PMS in the world is really big and to connect other software it needs normally a lot of times but if you are interested for sure we can ask them to connect our software because as you can see is everything Plug and Play automatically after the connection you have just to put some data and it will be it will be automatically connected with your data and everything there is also Samsung that there is is and please Samsung thank you very much I would appreciate Bruno it was very good very interesting and comprehensive you know thank you very much uh one question is already being asked uh someone here my question is is it uh friendly with the with the bigger properties you just give um uh case study of a small hotel or Boutique Hotel of 26 rooms what about if any bigger property would like to use it I some some thanks for your question as Revenue manager I say you is uh uh is more simple to work with bigger Hotel why why uh with 26 rooms or 10 rooms if you put a bed price for you know with 10 rooms with the rooms if you put a bad price or wrong prices for five rooms you have 50 percent of occupancy already gone you know so it's a really uh difficult to improve that turnover because you're 50 percent of uh revenue of turnover is we can say the Mage is wrong with more rooms uh you have more time you know 10 rooms in 100 rooms as just a 10 percent of uh bad prices we we can say uh so uh of course it will works with a bigger property um and uh with different markets as as told you because the performance of bigotas are different than than um then a smaller but for me as Revenue manager I just say is uh more simple more simple so bigger is and more simple is to make better that run over for me Bruno one more thing uh maybe would you like to share this presentation with the parties participants sure of course I think Reno told me it will be uh registered and you will find it on the website on the website uh tourism 4.0 minus no yes in a few moments Valeria will write the name of the our project website on the chat so you will find the registration on our project website but obviously Samsung you can also contact Bruno to have other explanation if you want and all the all the data of Bruno will be available for all of you on our website uh well thank you Samson I think do you work for a in what city it is in malta I moved down here perfect perfect thank you I hope to have very soon that the possibility to visit your uh your hotel Samsung thank you for your participation and uh Bruno the floor is yours for your closing remarks uh thanks again for your participation for your uh beautiful presentation perfect thank you thanks to Federer Turismo conf industria thank Reno thanks everybody to be with us in this 40 minutes I hope you enjoy the video and the explanation how brainy works you will find my data uh everywhere just put Bruno strati or brainy Revenue management system and you will find the more information about me about the software and if you have any question please contact us we are uh open as well for a new connection with operand with all the PMS worldwide to join this revolution of artificial intelligence and to boost your uh turnover thank you Bruno and thank uh to all uh our guests for their time and attention through their participation in today's webinars please segment that with us and with our next webinar uh through our project website in Italiano and see you soon

2023-07-31 00:37

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