We Will NEVER Forget What We Saw In China

We Will NEVER Forget What We Saw In China

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China a country filled with moments and sights  you will never forget and it is wild from the   food you eat and I think it's actually alive  to the friends you made to the unforgettable   sites I think we've come to the right place this  trip to China made us question everything we've   heard this is what I wanted to see and discover  things we've never seen before we don't normally   eat brain this is our journey through China  [Music] hello and welcome to sunny Southern   China we are so excited that we're finally back  in China we had such an incredible experience the   first time that we had to come back in our first  series we started in the modern city of Shanghai   we then got to experience the highspeed train to  Beijing where we saw the tianan square and got   to stand on the Great Wall of China we then went  to China's cyber Punk City Chongqing it blew our   minds away previously we were here in the winter  months and it was freezing cold now we are here   in full-blown summertime and let me tell you it's  hot I have been outside for 5 minutes I'm sweating   like crazy it is 35° and we are exploring Southern  China welome to CH thank you nice to meet you nice   to meet you too bye bye thank you and already we  are receiving a warm welcome this is exactly what   I missed about China so we have to decided to  start our second Journey here in China in the   sprawling Mega City in the south of China guango  which is the capital of guangong Province this   city is going to be particularly interesting I  think because it's where the old China meets the   new China it's so strategically placed right on  the Pearl River it's the busiest port city in the   whole of China which connects China to the rest  of the world plus this is the home of canones   food so we're going to have some delicious food  today let's go into the City and let's explore we are starting here on the Pearl River as I  said is one of the most important trade routes   in the world and behind me is one of the most  iconic landmarks in guango which is the Canton   Tower and it was once the tallest tower in  the entire world in 2010 at 600 M high but   then it was soon overtaken by the Tokyo Tower in  2011 and as you can see it has a thin hourglass   shape sprawling all the way up it's absolutely  beautiful and you can in fact go all the way to   the top and there's an observation deck looking  over the city as you can see around me it's very   green and guango is known as The Flower City  because of the really hot subtropical climate   that they have you will see lots of flowers  scattered throughout the city which makes   it this really beautiful and green City can I  also just point out how absolutely clean it is   here look how beautifully shaped these bushes are  the trees are trimmed the beautiful Canton Tower   the Pearl River it's absolutely so great  to be walking back here in China here you   can see all of the shimmering skyscrapers  and this really shows the modern side of   guango there's so many beautiful buildings  this one has a random pointy tower on the   side and then in the middle it's got this  giant gaping circular hole in the middle of it so next to Kenton Tower is this giant  stadium so I actually wanted to see what   it looks like it is huge look at all of these  chairs so I had a small look around and it said   that in 2010 they hosted the Asian Games here so  over there I can see just these kind of old condo   apartment style buildings but just behind you can  see all of the new taller skyscrapers surrounding   this Stadium since it's so hot the first thing  we need to do is get a drink and of course in   China they're vending machines everywhere and you  know what I love about being in China is you never   need to bring a wallet at all you just bring your  phone and let's see how this works because there's   no way to put cash anyway so step one and let's  choose our drink water water because it's boiling   there we go a little QR code that says alip  so let's scan that 350 you in for a drink oh   oh there you go there it is and it's cold thank  goodness absolutely brilliant okay put my money   away oh wow this is our video oh great wall yes  yes the Great Wall yes this is on Tik Tok China   Tik Tok China Tik Tok okay wow so our video is  on the Chinese Tik Tok and we didn't even know   about it YouTuber oh you like YouTube yes wow  thank you thank you for watching can we take a   photo look at our photo okay thank you thank you  so much nice to meet you have a good day bye-bye byebye a so sweet so cute bye byebye wow that was  unbelievable that made our day we were literally   just walking on the street going to get a taxi  to our first destination of the day and these   guys came up and they've seen our videos so  right now D is ordering a taxi for us and   now most of them are actually electric taxis  so there's an app called DD which is pretty   much like the Uber here in China it obviously  shows you what the car is exactly like Uber   or grab would work so we paid 21 un and he is 4  minutes away there's our taxi W balloons W look   W these bicycles and tricycles and motorbikes  are So Silent you got to watch where you're going me this is actually our first time  taking a DD on the video we have   actually taken it before but this is so  nice especially like because it's so hot   you actually get a little time to just  cool down and you're ride in complete [Music] silence okay thank you byebye so we  have arrived at our destination hello   miow you will immediately see that this is very  different to where we were just a few minutes ago   we have come to Beijing road which actually  looks very similar to naning Road in Shang   hi what it is is just a long pedestrian street  about 1 and 1/2 km there's so many people here   lots of tourists lots of food stores I think  we've come to the right place and you could see   in that Financial District everything was really  spread out we here everything's like all cramped   together where are you from to China yeah welome  you're speak so loud uh I I so good I'm from n yes oh yes yes the weather is really hot  when you travel to countries where English   is limited communication can be quite  challenging that's why we want to thank   time Kettle for sponsoring this video on our  trip to China we used the T1 mini which is a   very handy translation device that's easy to  use and pocket sized we instantly translated   from Chinese to English and it changed the  way we traveled completely it also made us   more confident to reach out have friendly  conversations and ask for directions when   we were lost I said that they like it really very  much but they don't know how to communicate which   is amazing because we are using this little  device and we're having a full conversation   the T1 mini has over 36 languages 88 accents  and 39 languages for photo trans ation a huge   perk is the offline translation that's highly  accurate you don't need to worry about wasting   your phone's data or your phone's battery just  purely for translation purposes we cannot speak   Chinese but we are very happy to speak with you  the T1 mini is so easy to use with just the click   of a button and boom you're able to convert  instantly 24/7 thank you for driving us today whether it's emergency support Customs  clearance or just buying train tickets   you get oneyear free global data and it  can be used in remote or popular tourist   destinations in the scenario we ask how we could  pay what ingredients were in the food and then   had a friendly chat afterwards the food you make  looks very delicious thank you for making it for us we highly recommend the T1 mini for your  next exciting travel Adventure use our code   or click the link in the description to  try the T1 mini now this lovely gentleman   is saying that we are basically the same  people we can't speak Chinese they can't   speak English but they're so happy to  speak with us and share a different   culture which is amazing even though we can't  actually communicate in the same language [Music] so there's bicycles thousands of people crossing  electric scooters okay we are in the thick of it   we are surrounded by lots of tourists and we're  right on the crosswalk where everyone is crowding   around us I think we're actually standing in the  middle of the crosswalk so we might actually be   in people's way all the buildings are a lot  older I can see there's a McDonald's over   there there's a whole lot of emojis at the top  there that's really cool if you think that China   has no Western influence it's everywhere we've  got Starbucks we've got McDonald's mcure we've   got everything that we're comfortable with  so they're not missing out on anything and   all of these people are just going up and down  the street and because it's weekend it is very [Music] jam-packed this place is mental yeah it's insane  but like in the best way there's so much energy   here and this street goes all the way over that  intersection the there's giant 3D screen they   got like there no idea what that is no idea  what those shops are yeah they're making more   iced tea I can smell the most amazing Aromas of  food and I think the whole of guango has come [Music] here it's absolutely fascinating to be here  because it's like organized chaos there are   thousands of people all going different directions  but yet nobody is bumping into each other nobody   is disrupting each other and it's so nice to  see like different areas and different sides   of China Plus in the middle of the road you've  got little popup stores as well this is maybe   more of like a tourist Hub so lots and lots of  people have come out today look how cool this   thing is H know what is that look at this popup  cart I don't even know what they're selling gift   exit so there's a gift that comes out there and  it's all car related look at the front of it   what is going on there should we go look there's  so much going on everywhere oh my gosh and it's   packed okay we have to go and see what's going on  giant waterfall uh stellic tide stellic might like   we're in the middle of a cave and then there's  the road but you can actually walk inside is this   just an attraction what is this what what oh my  word I don't know what it is but I'm intrigued I   love it it's like a 3D 4D experience cuz you  can have sound sight smell and of course got   a beautiful little picture on the [Music]  [Applause] ceiling so I want to point out   what actually happens on this street so here is  a giant shopping mall there are loads of local   Brands and then lots of international as well  here is a mini so I can see McDonald's in the   far distance and a American tourista that sells  bags there's a Dairy Queen and then there's lots   of brands that I've obviously never heard of  should we get a lemon to let's get a lemon tea   we have to try this lemon tea because so many  people are in line to try it the best part is   they won't have like a teller or a card machine  there'll just be a QR code somewhere there so you   just scan that and then you'll order while you're  standing here and then it'll be ready for you so I   need to find the QR code somewhere I think there's  one on the wall do you think I can scan from here   oh I can that was it that was it that's how easy  it is okay so let's see what we've got here's see   ooh there's so many so luckily you can translate  all in English mulbury grape lime treasure juicy   bberry lime watermelon Luchi pink diamond joint  B wow so much is happening what about this mury   grape I'm going to get this one most of the  apps you can choose how much sugar you want the   sweetness level do you want less sugar no sugar  with ice without they got a whole bunch of teas   but look at this one grape duck excrement fragrant  ice tea I think that's just the translation is not   correct but we're not going to order it and in  China it's crazy you don't have to speak to a   single person we scan the code we ordered and then  we're just going to take our drink you don't even   need to talk to anybody but which one is ours  hey look at that we went to the green store and   it's got a crocodile and characters on the side  so I think it's the best one I can't wait to try bye-bye bye byebye byebye so cute and  just in time for my malberry drink I can't   tell you how hot it is here with a complete  contrast to when we were here last time in   like double layers of jackets so an ice  drink is needed oh my word fresh malberry   on the inside it's just what I needed cuz  I was so hot and it's so refreshing and   we have some exciting news if you want to  see some more videos of us here in China we   have a second channel that we've just launch  so you can go and watch more shaving [Music] D thousands and thousands of people  are just arriving this place is super   popular they've got lots of different types of  meat on a stick but I want to point out this   place which for me is absolutely fascinating  look at all of this octopus just pick what   you want and then this lady grills it here she  puts the oil on top and then she has something   to push it down and flatten it look how many  people are wanting to enjoy this and you can   see how big the stick is that you get it's huge  and it's so heavy it's absolutely fascinating for   us to see that first of all how big the stick  is just that you can pick up your own stick   choose what you want and then they Grill it for  you it's [Music] genius everybody is mesmerized   by the 3D screen that's behind me we're very  lucky that we get to see this but everyone else   look over here is like totally fascinated and  it's really cool because we're getting to meet   so many amazing locals here we're just going  to enjoy the evening here and then we're going   to go ahead to eat some amazing street food  and then end the night with something very spectacular we've seen this and there's not a  lot of people here but do we want to try this   can I have one so it looks like a sausage  but it looks like they put a chili spice on   top they put it in this giant batter of oil I  assume and this is 13 and they have different   combinations you could have a sausage with ice  cream you could have a sausage with a drink wo   he presses it down so cool it's absolutely  impossible to walk past all of these street   food stores and not get something especially if  it's covered in a Mala spice as far as I know I   think this is a sausage and it was deep fried in  the piping hot oil and then covered and dusted   in this Mala spice so it is quite hot but I will  give it a bite wo spicy it's crispy but then it's   juicy on the inside it's absolutely delicious it's  like um like a deep fried Vienna if I could put   it that way but I've never had a Mara Vienna  before it's actually surprised my taste buds   but in the best way because it's super spicy  and crispy and it's really hot because it's   just come out the deep fry as well but I give  this at least an 8 and 1/2 out of 10 [Music] we've now come to a different section a bit of the  older section here in guango so you can see some   of the buildings are a lot older and you'll see  these old commune style buildings and the reason   we've come to this section is this is the Hub of  food this is way more local and from the looks   of it it looks super exciting like they've got  all of these lemon tea shops and it looks like   a Vibe I think we might have come a little bit  early but let's walk further in and let's see   what we can find ooh look at this the space for  lemon tea that looks so good what does that say   closen lancium lemon tea purple leachy lemon tea  how good does that sound I don't even know what   that is but it sounds refreshing so all along  the street is mostly food you can see here is   a restaurant it looks like malatang malatang you  get all your ingredients and then cook it in the   partk in the center I love these local parts of a  city this is where we get to see what the city is   really like okay don't know what this is but it  looks really good and of course everywhere we go   we see these power bank stations everywhere in  fact they're lined up over there over there and   over here so you got to let us know what this is  this actually looks so [Music] [Applause] [Music] good okay I'm translating oh you want  to take a picture yes let's take a picture thank you for taking a picture can you  want to take a picture here 1 2 3 thank you   so much nice to meet you byebye byebye the  kids have been so adorable this entire day   they are extremely curious if they could speak  English they would speak to us non-stop that's   the feeling I have they are absolutely a dream  they're a delight and they are so polite it's   actually [Music] amazing now we're entering like  a wholesale fresh fruit and veg market and it is   wild okay there's loudspeakers everywhere a whole  bunch of fruit sellers food stores this is what   I wanted to see a completely different side  of guango and the first thing I see are these   giant watermelons look how big they are they're  insane those must be 5 kg 10 lb at least wow I   think that's like a duck duck neck maybe I can  see that's a head immediately you can see this   is a very different vibe to the tourist Street  we were on earlier where all of the shops were   inside where this is all on the street yes grapes  juice and there's people chopping up some duck   over there it's slightly overwhelming but like  in the best way because this is what I came to   see I think there's more down here the best part  is there are no tourists around here only local   people and this is a walk there's a oh sorry  sorry this is a walkthrough of people coming   home from work so no tourists around here people  taking photos so what have they got here giant   steam buns I've never seen those before they look  like rolls and obviously the giant like bow pots   I actually don't remember what those were called  this is so cool everybody's super friendly here   in the South like the friendliest friendliest  people they are so nice so let me give you a   layout just people walking all the way through  from different sides and just little popup street   food stands all the way along he has chicken feet  very popular here in the South the best thing for   me is like the wafting Aroma like I can just smell  my line can smell like chives and something being   grilled and oh it's so good ni ni wow what is it  yeah it's chicken chicken yeah like a rotisserie   chicken but it looks like it's seeping with  something like um sesame seed and some sort   of oil we've got electric scooters we got people  on foot we've got bicycles this is what I came   for and you can casually get your haircut for 20  R&B and look at all of these stre ooh oh and here   has the egg tart we had these in maau and then as  you walk the street starts to narrow so it gets   more and more tight so all of the people are now  in the middle of the road it's organized [Music] chaos yeah uh okay let me see what she saying here  I don't know so I'm going to just quickly have a   look if you look over there it's a flat bread and  they're putting some filling on the inside and   then he's kneading it all the way down and then  she puts it in this look at the giant scissors   that she's got there so this is The Cauldron  look at the coals in there wow sorry what are the ingredients okay yeah that one uh what yeah sh  one sh so I think he's making one right now just   for us look at him he puts some water on the dough  he's making it flat just like that wow can you see   it's actually becoming translucent that's how  thin it is oh there's some SES seeds on there   everything is done by hand I like that and there  he pops it in wow just like that just like that no   preparation and it's hot yeah it must be so hot in  his hand so let me explain in this giant Barrel if   you look in here there is a roaring flame at the  bottom so what he has done with his bare hand is   stick that right on the inside the heat coming off  here is boiling and he has stuck it to the sidew   wall of the inner part of this part everyone in  the traffic here is intrigued just as much as we are it's very hot oh okay you say again this one oh yes  chili um yes we can have some chili we like spicy very good and it's almost ready  I think it's actually ready right now wow so now she's putting the chili he  asks us what country we're from n n n she says the foreigners love  this oh wow the food you make   looks very delicious thank you for making it for us so now we've got our flat braid already it's  already made now you have to pay do you have   uh Ellie pay okay maybe they only take cash oh  right here oh of course she's so modern uh eight oh she she we will eat now she translated for  me and she said it's better to eat this while   it's hot and it is piping hot so I don't know  how I'm going to actually put this in my mouth   look at my flatbread yeah he says delicious  delicious look at this doesn't this look   absolutely delicious so I'm going to go eat it  right now [Applause] m m spicy crispy it's got   pork filling on the inside wow you've got to  try this it's a serious 10 out of 10 we only   paid eight R&B for this and she said we got  to eat it while it's hot so you got to have a [Music] taste you know what part of the shop now they  were so unbelievably kind to me brought out a   chair from the back so I can sit here and now  I can just eat my little flatbread which is   so delicious by the way I'm living the dream  in you're like a part of this restaurant now   it's obviously like a husband and wife team and  literally on the street here has all the people   and you can see it's getting busier and busier  and look how cool this is on this side she's   actually frying a whole bunch of potatoes so  on this side it's like the raw uncooked potato   she's kind of beat it up I think she heat it  up for me again a cuz she said it was better   to eat while it was hot and then I think I I was  taking too long so she put it back in like they're   honestly taking care of us so much WoW a I can't  tell you the heat that is coming off of this for   them to stand in front of this all day like it's  already hot in guango but having this extra heat   [ __ ] look at this a thank you a she said I have  to eat it hot honestly she's like do not eat this cold I'm so hot want to disappoint  granny so while we're sitting here and having our final bite I wanted to give  you an idea of what's Happening here's my bread   here's Chev she's now part of this store I  think and then here they selling potatoes   and people are just walking along like this lady  just grabbing what they need we got some fried   chicken over here we got some fries guys and  look how tiny the store is it's just as wide   as this gentleman there's only space for one  person in there and we got scooters coming   by and then down here is like an Alleyway who  knows what happens down there this guy is going   to go down here so it's not only the street but  there side alleys as well there's a dog he knows   where to go as far as you can see there's just  people walking all the way up and down and the   buildings almost look like they're towering  over the street it's absolutely fascinating   the way the old buildings and these  Street Markets are built all [Music] together yes yes it looks very delicious so  I'm going to say goodbye to my granny your   friend yeah going to go she your grandmother  now yeah she byebye byebye see you next time   time bye-bye i s byebye oh they were so amazing  they were heartwarming welcoming they let me sit   in front of their store how are you doing oh  looking for oh what are you going to eat for   dinner yeah for din corn yeah nice you here yes  we live uh close by stay here in guango for one   week and then we will go to changu oh changu yes  he says he saw us from YouTube that's amazing   thank you for watching our videos I saw a lot  of your videos thank you so much I so you come to we love it you love it it's amazing it's a mon  right the Mountain City Mountain Magic City Magic   City Magic City yes exactly this is the the other  side of the quo I think it have two siid one size   is CBD one is here really in the city yes there  are many workers I like what you said guango has   two sides so there's this side and the CBD side  and we want to see all the sides of China we want   to see the modern but also this is so exciting  so we had to come and see I can't believe that   because of many forers who with is the sign yes  but feel feel come here here wow that's amazing   we like this we like it we like it here yeah enjoy  your core yes and look look for another food yes   more food it's not enough this my phone number  your phone number okay I got it if you me some if   you me some C thank you so much thank you so much  so kind of you byebye byebye have a good have a   good day by bye that guy was so amazing first of  all he watches Us on YouTube so that was my day   made already but then he said if we need anything  if we get in trouble or if we need some help he   said we can always call him and he gave us his  phone number so sweet so I don't know if you heard   what he said but he said a lot of foreigners don't  come here they only go to the CBD they only go   to the modern places and he said you're the first  Foreigner I see here and I thought that was really   special because we want to see all the sides of  this is what we like the most this is what we like   this is where we Thrive we want to see the real  stuff we've learned from our travels that it's not   only about the busy street the tourist Street and  obviously the most iconic sites to see it's about   going to the streets where the people are and most  of the time that's where the best food is but also   where you get to see what life is like just for  people on their daily routine and this is it [Music] I didn't want to get knocked by the  motorbikes they're so silent I can't hear them   coming you've got to really watch where you going  yeah and it feels like I'm seeing everything see   you again bye enjoy your corn he's getting more  for dinner I hope so yes he's going to be starving   after that you can really see that we're in a  local area and a lot of the buildings are really   really old and they've got these cages on the  sides obviously to protect the windows you got all   of the electrical lines and T phone lines and then  you've got electric scooters and it's silent this   mix in China that you get the old buildings the  old hustle and bustle but then electric vehicles   and you pay by scanning a code it's mindblowing  look at this look how narrow these lines are and   you can't hear any of these motorcycles  completely jam-pack required hello hello   hello nobody's making a sound except for us and  everybody just goes around you no one bumps into   each other the only problem is we're just going  to keep going down the street forever you know   what there's too much to see it just keeps going  I don't think you'll ever come back I you are so cute bye-bye look we're in foot traffic and  everyone else is a normal traffic everybody   just Parks their bikes wherever and they're  safe like this is crazy for us to see [Music] so in China you actually have stores that do not  have any staff members at all it's pretty much   like a self-service as you can see this is like  a hole in the wall store there's no till there's   no person it's just a whole bunch of fridges and  drinks and if I look over here all of the drinks   say five R&B so and it's 24 hours and it's 24  hours I think it says five here I know five   and that's crazy because it can be 24 hours  because there's no staff to man the store   so basically it works on an honesty system so  they have some fridges with some drinks inside   so all you have to do is scan the QR code heay  and then you can take your drink and leave and   then on this side if you want to pay cash you  just put your money in here and then you take   your straw you take your Togo plastic and that's  it which drink are we going to get they all look   so good this one caught my eye this is like a  fruity oh there's a lady oh where did she come   from where did she go I like this one I don't  know what it is but I want let's get this one   ooh it's cold kind of cold and then it's got  a little ducky face on so now we're going to   scan the QR code and pay for a drink I'm going to  put in my five R&B boom I fade grab my straw and   I'm actually going to put my straw in right now  going to shake it up a bit put my St in [Music]   M it's watermelon oh that is so refreshing how  cool is that and you just walk out I just walk   out I feel kind of weird about it cuz I know I've  paid but it just feels strange you also put in the   amount so if you take two drinks you put 10 but no  one's checking on you that Honesty system is wild   for us it would never work in our country no way  but I think that shows the honesty here in China   good drink I want to try it it's delicious it's so  refresh everything is so convenience I love being here another as the sun has set it is full-blown  nightlife here in guango and we are loving   every second of it we've got Mega malls we've  got old buildings Billboards and there's so   many people here hundreds of thousands of people  apparently there are 14 million people in guango   they're all here they're all here all these neon  light have come out that you don't see during the   day and of course at night the temperature is  a lot cooler and I think that's why everybody   is here our final stop for tonight is this  beautiful Temple behind us which is the defo   temple I think that's how you pronounce it what's  fascinating about this Temple and the reason why   so many people are taking photos of it is because  it's smack bam in the middle of the city center   you can see all of the buildings around and then  this beautiful Temple that apparently is about a,   years old we're going to try and go inside  and show you what it's like but I think I   think this overall shows you what guango is  like we've got the modern side and the old   side [Music] together we've now entered the  temple and it's fascinating because it's one   of the oldest temples here in guango and you can  see lots of people praying you can actually see   candles being lit I think you can buy a candle  there's just this piece of Serenity and quiet   in the middle of the hustle and bustle just  one street over there are hundreds if not   thousands of people crowded on the streets  in conclusion Wango has completely blown us   away the people have been amazing there's a  diverse culture thriving economy amazing food   and I feel like it's got a bit of everything  so it really is a perfect destination for a traveler good morning from guango West railway  station today we are going to be taking   our longest cross country trip through China a  10hour highspeed train for about 1,500 km or 900   mil which is the longest train journey we have  ever taken from guango all the way towards the   center of China to changdu and I think this  is going to be one of our favorite places yet   because we are going to see those fluffy cute  kind of clumsy animals you may know which one   I'm talking about the pandas and we are going to  the capital of Sichuan Province so we got got to   go and eat some tasty spicy street food so I'm  really excited for this journey the only thing   is it's going to take us around 10 hours and if  we had to drive this it would take over 16 hours   in a car but this is not an airport this is a  train station it's massive there are so many   gates around maybe 20 to 30 different high-speed  trains leaving this station today there's the   B section there's the a section I'm completely  blown away every time come to a train station in   China because it's absolutely massive it's huge  there are lots and lots and lots of people here   today this always shows how many people are  traveling in China and of course the trains   are such an easy and convenient way to travel so  let me give you a quick layout of what this train   station not airport looks like on each side is  waiting areas and they are kiosks they are shops   so you can buy bags or clothes or snacks for  your train ride for example here is a Starbucks   coffee I can see up there there's a Starbucks  coffee on that side another Starbucks I think   oh there's another one just beyond there is  another Starbucks and I think there's another   one in the corner the station is so big that  when you arrive you have to choose which side   of the station you want to come to so I said  to our driver we need to come in on the west   side because if you come on the east side you're  actually too far away from your gate it's going   to take you too long to get to and this station  besides being absolutely massive it's got this   beautiful glass Dome over it and that's bringing  in a lot of natural light so it's really bright   and lots of people are on the Move everyone's  got their bags families are moving I'm so excited   that we're finally back at the train station  ready to take another Journey here in [Music] China now the best part about traveling by a train  is you don't need to get here 3 hours before we   just got here an hour before our train leaves in  an hour we need need to find some snacks because   our journey is 10 hours long so we're going to  need to keep ourselves entertained somehow and   that's through food this is the second time  we're taking a highspeed train in China the   first time is when we took one from Shanghai  to Beijing but that was only 4 hours so to   do 10 hours is going to be a completely different  experience but this time we are going first class   so I think it's going to be more comfortable and  more relaxing are you ready my girl I am ready for   our 10-hour Journey but I think we need to find  some snacks first and I need a coffee like ASAP   our train is at 9:20 so we've got about half an  hour maybe so we better get some snacks quick we   need a coffee for a train 10hour train journey  we're all excited but I don't think we realize   we're about to go 10 hours on a train okay so  I can see that there are a few kiosks around   selling all sorts of snacks and drinks there's  vending machines there's even massage chairs   look at the rows and rows of massage chairs  that's crazy well hey if you get here early   and you need something to pass the time okay  so we've arrived at the kiosk ooh look at all   the snacks bread pastry snacks egg TOS M sandwi  cookies muffins all sort ice ice cream think that   might melt biscuits do we want biscuits for the  train ooh cookies what have we got here chicken   leg chicken foot other kinds of chicken feet  here what is this that looks like a fish what   I love about traveling here in China is all the  unique flavors of lace this says cucumber flavor   and this one says Mexican chicken tomato flavor so  nothing too extreme but still cool it's so nice to   have a fiance who carries your bags I don't have  to lift a finger you know what's so great about   these is that they're absolutely silent they don't  make a noise and they're very easy to reel look at   that and they look so good as well we had to match  these are all the massage chairs and we've got the   giant board that says all of the train numbers  and the times as well if you have a lot of time   you can just chill here so you can see the size  of the waiting area on this side and then if I   switch it's exactly the same here and the size  of the board showing you all the trains just   shows how big the station is all the restaurants  up there there's a McDonald's and up there is a   business Lounge but what's crazy for me is all the  trains are beneath us okay we're getting in the L 3 a all right so we need to go and get  a coffee because I'm 99% caffeine at this   point so and you need to wake up and I need  to wake up because I'm half asleep how big   is the station it's massive this is just a  train station it's not even an airport plus   we're only on one side there's a whole other  side on that side as well which is pretty much   like a a mirror of this side I actually just can't  believe it because everybody looks like little   ants I remember reading at the Shanghai station  that there were 10,000 people at any time on the   floor and from looking at this station here in  guango I think it's exactly the same maybe even   more there probably more people that come through  here than an average airport anywhere else in the   world that's how big it is we got our Cofe and we  had to quickly rush to get to our train because it   takes so long to go through all the checks and  because the train is so long it takes a while   to get through it so here's our train over here  you ready go we have just a few minutes to go I   don't know how we do it but we always leave it to  the last minute but we did get our coffees and our   snacks so now we just need to get on the train  that platform that we were on was actually the   third floor as I said all the trains are below us  so right above us right now was that huge waiting   area and all the shops and restaurants the way  they' built these stations is mindblowing but   because we're in first class we are in the first  cart does that mean it's this one number one this   one let's go put my coffee on here and then you  can take that let's go okay look how impressive   this train is okay and we're on perfect we made  it we're on the train thank you sh what seat are   we uh that's a good question we are 8 D and 8 F 8  D and 8f okay we have just made it onto the train   and our seats look really really good it is now  9:20 so the train doors will close at 9:21 and we   will start to make our 10-hour journey and as far  as I know as usual they are always on the dot so   we're about to leave in 1 minute is that right so  I wanted to just give you a short little rundown   of where we're sitting we're actually in the front  of the train seats are super comfy really spacious   there are this like cadroy material it's very  soft we've got a little cushion and look at that   921 and we are moving already that is unbelievable  they're always always on the dot so don't be like   us and don't be super last minute and make sure  you get here early don't get get here one minute before look at that we're on the go so  let me give you a little rundown of my   setup armrest and we've got a few buttons  and cables here we've got a port for our   headphones and we've got a recliner so  we can recline when we're ready but to   be honest look how small I am in the seat I'm  like super tiny and then we've got a footrest   which is kind of the same similar material as  this we've got a little Port down here so we   can charge all of our devices and we've got a lot  of room I'm super comfortable I think we're going   to be okay for 10 hours we've even got a shade  and we've got two little plugs over here we can   rest oh I could rest my umbrella here look at that  now we are sorted for our 10-hour Journey [Music] now that we're on our way we've been going for  about 5 minutes now and our seats are super comfy   and what was different from last time is we didn't  go through these vigorous Security checks that we   did when we were going to Beijing so it was just  scan the ticket and then we were on the train so   we didn't get our deodorants confiscated at this  time they're very thorough with their security   checks but it's very very nice to be here in the  summer because last time when we were on the train   we had double layers on we were freezing so this  is much more [Music] comfortable so I've just come   between the two cars so on this side is the first  class but then through here is second class so   first class is only one part and it might be very  loud in here but I wanted to film away from our   just so I didn't disrupt anybody else okay I'm  going to take a little walk through second class   just to see what it looks like and I see there's  three chairs on the right and two seats on the   left we're the first class the seats are a little  bit wider so you have two on the left and two on   the right so it's a little bit more spacious more  comfortable I can see some of these people are   actually sitting on the floor so maybe they're  only doing one stop on the train over here is a   water dispenser and a water refill you can have  heat and [Music] cold we have been on the train   for about an hour hour and a half now and now  that we've settled into our seats a little bit   I have a few thoughts between the first class and  the second class the first class seat is slightly   wider you get this pillow it partially reclines  and you get the footrest but besides besides   that there is no difference in my opinion I  would rather take second class because it's   a lot more expensive to take first class we paid  I think it's like $132 for the seat and I'm not   noticing a lot of difference or Improvement and  I don't know if the Gap in price is worth it but   what's amazing about taking the train always is  you get to see the countryside where if you were   flying you don't get to see that now that we're  going from the south of China towards the center   we're getting lots of mountains limestone rocks  rice patties and we're going through many many   tunnels also how Green China is is amazing when  a lot of people think of China and our thought   as well is you only think of the big cities like  Shanghai Beijing guango where we just were but so   much of China is Countryside it's beautiful we got  lakes rivers mountains that is the best part about   taking the train some of the most beautiful train  routes in the world are here in China [Music]   look how beautiful this view is this is China  most people don't think about this and you've   got all of these Limestone Cliffs and they've  all got beautiful little Peaks now that we've   been on the train for a little while I think  it's been around 2 hours now I have to admit   that this is one of the older trains I think  as we started to look around things look a   little bit old and I think the quality of the  train is a lot less maintained whereas the one   before for two in between two big cities was  really SP and span it was spotless we actually   saw that you could book this train but have a  no seat option so we've actually seen a lot of   people sitting on the floor which is quite  sad cuz this is a very very long [Music] [Music] journey so we're stopping at all of  these stations along the way probably every   half an hour or so but this station is very  interesting because it is completely in the   mountains here is the platform these people  are waiting for their train and look at the   Limestone Cliffs behind them I've never seen  a station like this that they built right in   the middle of the [Music] mountain okay by now  you've probably seen that I give you a bathroom   T whenever we take the train but I would  suggest not to do a bathroom T when you're   5 hours into a long haul TR J it's not  as glamorous glad you can't smell it I   think don't inhale don't breathe just go do  your business and then leave the end [Music]   we are officially 6 hours into our Long  Haul Journey here to changu and I'm not   going to lie it's been seriously  different compared to our trip   from Shanghai to Beijing I felt like the  train was really quiet before you wouldn't   hear a sound whereas this ride has been very  noisy and like phones playing videos at full volume so safe to say it's been very interesting we are currently traveling  at about 250 km an hour and sometimes   we've gone over 300 km hour we're about  to go into another tunnel now and it is   so impressive that they have built these tunnels  halfway across the country in other countries to   build one tunnel is an engineering feat in its own  but what's fascinating for us is that we've gone   through about over 1,000 km of tunnels we're on a  bridge we're above these mountains right now we're   above everything else and now we're in a tunnel  now we're going through the mountain for me this   train almost should not exist because to build  one through this terrain is almost impossible   how they've done it with tunnels and bridges and  Fairways through all these mountains there hasn't   been a single part of land that has been flat  for 1,500 km this shows you what I'm talking   about these are all highspeed train Railways over  the mountains so they've kept the line completely   straight but look how they built this that is  insane right now it is 5:00 p.m. so we have 2   more hours of this train journey left we've kind  of had a few naps or two I napped and I didn't   let Deon nap very much but we've been watching  our shows it feels like we have lived on this train dear passengers please take your belongings  and wait at the gate please mind the gap between   the door and the platform when getting on  we have finally come towards the end of our   Long Haul train journey I'm super excited to  finally stretch my legs and get to the train   station but overall we've had a pretty Pleasant  trip in 7 minutes our 10-hour Journey will come   to an end so before our train arrives we  need to just get our bags because it stops   for about 2 minutes and then it leaves again  so you have to be really quick 10 hours I'm broken go away we made it we made it how big is this  station wo it's pretty cool so this   was actually the back of the train for  us that I assume it's now going to go   all the way back to gujo now that we've  got off the train this was an incredible   journey I cannot believe we spent 10  hours on this highspeed train [Music] welcome to changdu the capital of Sichuan Province  here in southwestern China and changdu is famous   for two important reasons first of all this is  where sesan is from the spicy hot pot Mala and   sesan pepper corns so everything is going  to be really hot and spicy and this is the   home the land and the culture of panda Heaven  changdu is Panda crazy and I think it's their   National mascot because you see it on all  the signs and all the buildings right as a   saying this you can see this shop here  covered with panda merchandise you can   get everything from bags caps teddy bears  mascots the list goes on and here is one of   them a little panda mascot he looks like  he just want to give him a snuggle this   is the heart and soul of changdu they  are honestly the superstars of [Music] changdu so there is a panda base that we will  go and visit later on but for now we're just   going to enjoy all the recreational pandas  that we're seeing right now I'm in one of   the most modern streets in changu it's called  chuni road which is this beautiful pedestrian   walking Street there's clothing shops there  is jewelry there is a whole Panda merch shop   Let's actually go and take a look in the shop  so this is what I'm looking at right now holy   moly look at all the panda stuff Panda shirts  Panda bag eggs oh my goodness look at all of   these key Rings if you weren't obsessed with  pandas I bet you would be now and the teddy   bears oh so cute I am actually in pandemonium  right now this is Panda Heaven There are teddy   bears everywhere and I think they've marketed  themselves really well because if you're not   buying a panda key ring a panda bag anything  of that sort you're doing it wrong [Music] wow look at this know it smells so delicious  it's like a piping hot soup well it's not hot   yet but it's basically Mala and then when it  dries it actually solidifies into this block   so you can actually take it home make your own  Mala soup genius this is the ultimate welcome   to sesan props exactly look at all these chilies  ch everywhere look how thick this is wow full of   flavor what I love about these kind of shopping  streets is you have the mix of foreign Brands   and China Brands together this brand over here  is a China brand I've never heard of it before   but then on this side we've got Adidas we've  got Nike but then we have I think that's an   which I think is a Chinese brand so almost every  shop is changing between foreign brand and local   brand but I want to show you why this street is  specifically in come come and look at this do you   think they're like pandas here you think you can  get every kind of Panda merchandise so we've got   little characters over here we've got pandas  framed we've got magnets we've even got Lego   pandas these are key rings I feel like I'm inside  a panda right now this is like the best thing   ever I love this this fantastic even on the hats  look at this hat it's got ears so cute [Music]   this I'm exited to look at to meet you yeah yeah  yeah welcome to CH to Chu yes thank you so much   are you from Chu my hometown is the next city  today I go to tr road to look you sorry my no   your English is so good you see we beautiful  thank you so much you watch our video yes can youing exciting I can you and your uh  boyfriend and uh there he is yeah yeah   I can you look video so nice to meet  you what's your name my name is uh T   yeah yeah yeah nice to meet you nice to meet  you thank you for watching our video I'm a a   face face face thank you so much thank  you thank you thank you thank [Music] you what is this I think that's exactly  what I feel like right now it's a bit of   a cloudy day and they're making pan fried  dumplings we got to get some is this like   a popup store do you think it's spicy it's got  to be right we're in Sichuan Province they're   steaming piping hot and they're gliss  on the bottom it looks good can we have one ah sh okay so we're getting some look at  that so you can see they're pan fried at the   bottom and then soft on top and then she puts it  in a little boat shaped bowl for us quite a lot   as well wow the best part about being in China  is you pay everything with your phone through   a QR code I haven't taken my wallet or any cash  out since we arrived in China about 10 days ago   I don't even know where my wallet is so this is  20 let's put in 20 and pay there you go you can   hear the payment came through they don't even  ask you for proof of payment because it just   comes immediately and you can hear the sound when  it does of course you got to have some chili you   got to put some soy sauce and I think this is like  a chili powder first thing you got to know about   us we absolutely love chili we're just going to  smother this guy in chili do you think that's a   bit overboard yum I'm sorry no regrets okay and  then we're going to pop on some of this vinegar   soy sauce and then we're going to put on a little  bit of chili powder we're going crazy oopsie that   okay that was a lot but oh well sh bye-bye  byebye first things first is I'm going to   get straight in here and I'm going to go for one  that looks the spiciest you really covered those   I did I went a bit overboard oh well wi in changdu  first bite wo woo I went a bit overboard is it   worth it yes these are so good they are fresh  she looks like she just made them and of course   I went overboard by putting way more chili than I  should have but it is so so delicious I like that   when you go to a different Province in China you  can always kind of get the same thing but with a   Twist and I love that these pan fried dumplings  are or smothered in chili what a welcome to changu okay here's how you know Devon has  been in Asia for too long he wants to eat   every single chili before he moved  to Asia 4 years ago he would never   even touch one of these am I being  crazy are you going to eat all of   that yeah of course what we we're here  in changu this guy is crazy oh so good what a champion absolutely [Music] delicious on all these streets it's not only about  this big area there's little hidden gems and let   me show you look at this little side alley there's  these Secret side alleys and look at this one it's   all Neon Lights I feel like I'm back in chong  ching and it just it just keeps going on and on   there definit look like oh thank you who feel like  we're in Another Universe here I know we've gone   all the way through the alley and ended up in a  food Street a hidden food Street look at all these   different things on a stick this is chicken feet  I think this is cow's stomach oh yeah it's kind   of a gray color and it's spiky wow this is awesome  amazing look at look at all this fresh fruit wow   fruits here are huge here has chicken feet oh wow  we saw a lot of chicken feet in guango wow look   at this it's covered in chili that's how you know  you and sichan we went down a little Alleyway and   now we've ended up with this what have I just  seen here is this ni is this brain pig brain   pig brain pig brain wow it's delicious it's good  no in the back you're saying no we've actually   had Pig's Brain before wow we had Pig's brain in  the Philippines with rice but we didn't have the   full Pig's brain and this is on some mushrooms it  looks like that is absolutely fascinating we don't   we don't normally eat brain cool very cool so  interesting so unique I've never seen it in like a   whole shape before and it's full form in it's full  form yeah we've only had like a little bit and   I've never seen this throughout our time in China  so please let me know if this is only in changu   they eat this and then what they do is they have  it in this tin foil and then they Grill the brain   with the mushrooms yes absolutely fascinating  fascinating thank you bye bye how fascinating   was that and then once you come back up there is  another secret Alleyway but this time it's clothes   and it's underground it's underground look at this  okay if you love shopping you can get absolutely   anything and everything in this underground  shopping street and I'm sure it goes further and   further on as well you can get clothes you can get  shoes jackets caps it goes on as far as I can see   behind you it's like shopping Heaven I love it all  the shoes you can get suitcases this is Paradise   for a Shopaholic I always feel when we end up in  places like this like I'm never going to get out   no it's like an endless maze you just won't ever  find your way back out so I hope we don't get lost we're now making our way to a different part  of changu and look at all of these bicycles that   you can rent and they're so easy you just scan  the QR code these are all different companies   walking anywhere in China especially crossing  the roads is always an experience because it's   so quiet and we haven't got used to that where  all the cars and scooters are electric there's   so many different parts and aspects of changu that  I like very very much but what I enjoy more than   anything is seeing these massive skyscrapers they  are so impressive and it just shows me how modern   changdu is we have now come to the center point  of changdu which is tianfu square and apparently   if you've been to changdu and you haven't visited  Tian Fu s Square then you haven't visited changdu   and apparently it has the same status and fame as  tianan Square does in Beijing the fact that we're   in this open vast Square in the middle of the  city is amazing look at this guy square square   we've got some of the flower beds and then in  the background we've got these beautiful gold symbols look how cool this square is obviously it  is spotless can you believe this is China there's   not a single leaf or a paper wrapper anywhere and  then you can actually go underneath this Square   as well I think there might be a train station  underneath and this giant building on this side   is the national museum underr underground oh can  you go here yeah I think so where are you froming   ping oh okay you're from Beijing yeah yeah oh wow  it's your first time in changu first half uh nfir   yes yes South Africa yes nice to meet you  thank you have a good day thank you byebye   I think they were asking me how to go  underground to the subway station I'm   equally as confused as they are I'm not from  here I have no [Music] idea even here in tanu   square there are little pandas coming out the  flowers and the shrubs so everywhere throughout   the city you see little cute pandas it's adorable  now we've ticked off we've been to tianu square   you have to do that if you come to changu  even though we had those little pan fried   dumplings I'm still a bit hungry so maybe  let's see just past the museum what we can find wow there's a lot of people at this  place it seems really crowded we have to   investigate it looks like some sort of  bread I see there's a whole card of bread   outside a giant flatbread just to give you a  reference how it's bigger than my hand W looks delicious hello we're taking a photo  he's so cute thank you he was cute I   love the hat I love the outfit  and he had little hat on good uh it looks good it looks good thank you byebye  bye back to the bread is back to the bread the   bread is so big all I can tell you is the  smell is so good it's actually making me   drool a little they've got different shapes  and Designs you how no no it's okay thank   it looks good people are going crazy the

2024-09-20 20:02

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