We went to Cais do Sardinha...Finally!! - VLOG

We went to Cais do Sardinha...Finally!! - VLOG

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Hi. Guys virginity, productions, and welcome, to our very first vlog. Today. My. Three favorite four players, of all time are. Tim Duncan Manu, and Ray Allen all three of them are now retired. But. Now. Just pass these drovers line not notice driver's license is. Kota. Kwazii yes yes. I don't, pop in tomorrow. I've. Known all, time Jesus. Look, at him look. I'm, the place. Yet. Yeah, he, is he. Going, to, yesterday. Finally. We, hope so we hope so yeah we hope I mean. To. Have. Some clouds but. So you already know if, it has a class of clouds there, we go. So. But today's kind of sailing. Whole throughout the island as far as I can see look so. We're going, to try and. Go. Through questioning. And if we can swing. By. Probably. Some trick shots as, well yes, some. We're gonna hit them some trick. With, enough. Make promises. This, is, the moving car tractions. Why, not. Audience. Did you sleep well. My molars, are. Really. What are you making, a business. Goal. Yeah. Yeah. That's, T, small. But, they're in front of us. She, just passed us. Is. Canceled. We. Are arriving, at, our destination. We. Are. Those, are, the. Desert. Sailors. Desert bodies. There's. A balance desert not desert sorry, those are violent, this. Is a hotel. Complex it's, really, really pretty and. Extremely, expensive, if. You ever want, to. Come. To them and, if you have lots of money to spare please come here it's railroad, brain. Yeah. We're arriving. It's. Called keep to the border, Lourdes. Lourdes. Keep, Lourdes farmed, they, are pretty much the. Literal. Literal. Translation. Laurence farm. Which, sounds gonna polish. The pole. But. Look. Amazing. Yeah that's all, of that that's like, a little village it's home or tails fall. Or gorges where you can stay it has its own marina. It's. Own. Chappell. And. And stuff like that it's really. Really pretty and. Extremely. Expensive. Look. It's. A seagull. It's. A seagull, when. You see the seagull but not. See. Them so. Guys we just finished. One. Of the hills here. It's. Really sick buckets you can, see it's slippery, it's there you can see people there it's. Very slippery there are no. Official. Roads, I mean no, no. There, are a little, little, paths. But, they're, not. Exactly. Well-maintained. So we're, just gonna try. And grind. This out. To. See if we can take some pictures for you okay. Let's. Go let's do this. So. As. You can see the. The. Wire is not. Is. Not really, improving today. It. Began to rain a little bit a couple. Of minutes so this. Is what we're, going, to do so. It's. Not, recommended. We. Shouldn't be doing this. So. Let's. Do this. It's. Just it's. Just for you just, for you that we're, doing this so, we. Love you thank, you very much for your support. Keep. Supporting my channel keep. Supporting our Instagram page. Our. Facebook, page. And. Let's. Go to two thousand, subs. So. Down. There it is. My. Girlfriend. And tees, mom. And. Tc3. And these cousin, but. His. Mom and my girlfriend. If. You see any if you see any pictures of us tree my girlfriend take, took them so, thanks.

Babe, Love. You. Thought. It was your girlfriend. This. Come on my nose. If. We die. Just. Know this, with. You with. Your head off of the money, with. The little funny. Remember. Exquisite. Gold. Is here, amazing. Amazing. Isn't. It lovey, it's. An amazing answer, see. As. Extremely, long legs, by. Extremely. Handsome, but. I'm sorry I kind of climbed. Almost. At, the top. Guys. Guys guys, subscribe, subscribe boiling, day point, they will do it for you. That. Is, the. Far end of the island, haunted Sorenson, filter tolerance st.. Lawrence's. Point. Or whatever you'll, see in the picture why despondent, yeah. It's. The far it's, the farthest, point, of. The island on. This, side of course and it's. Pretty amazing we could, go there but only by boat. Yeah. But only by boat and this is the farthest we can yes we can, go up but then we can't go down because. It's. Really, really dangerous, I. Have. Just, just for you to know I have vertigo so. I will. Try not to die, because. I really. Don't like that I really. Don't like Thanks so. Comes, up. I. Gotta. Go, as you can see there no no also. More to keep my foolery. So. Guys we just. We. Just came we. Were at, the top there and, we're. Just we're. Gonna start. Going. Back to. Visually. Officially. Starting going back to the cars you can see the cars yeah we're back the parking lot yeah, we're back at the sign we restarted. We're. Gonna walk all of that you can see people there and. We're. Gonna walk all that like. Another. 40. 50. Minutes, to. The car. And. Then, we're. Going home. Guys. We. We. Had a little discussion, over. Our, channel. So. Basically. We're. Going to have about, two, videos, per month. So. Yeah. We're. Going to try to keep, up with. It, stuff like. Holidays. Anything like things, like that the, videos related with that. If. You guys haven't had any ideas, you can tell the source things, you need us to do if you want if you want us to do something specific, tell, us and thank you and, let, us know if you. Like. This this. Idea of. The. Third one being a, small. For. Us. Yeah. A short behind, the scenes of what we are doing and. Yeah. We're thinking, it's. Maybe for the best. It'll, be about. 1 vlog per month 1 vlog in one shot one video, of trickshot challenges, yeah I. Don't. Know you guys tell us what's your what you wanna steer unless you can clearly, see B, is really interested, in what we are saying and. He. Wants to be a part of the discussion. The. Only reason. I won't kill him today is. Because. He's wearing the head of our soccer. Team of the. Club. I lost. GoPro. Thing for. The. Charge, charging. The. Card the memory cards and. Now. I can choose to go from the water. Until. I buy a new one a new, door, but so they. Sell that. Directly. I just have to buy a new GoPro, I mean, I wouldn't mind but I, still. Wanted them I still want another door for that and. Let's. Hope it's not too expensive. Yeah because. Well. Pretty. Much all X and GoPro. Accessories. Directly. Related, to the cameras, usually. Are. Always. About. 40 era, so. And. J and T you're almost out of thought didn't. Wait. Thanks. There, there, the stairs. They. Are they were just, the biggest cady's, i hover, no, they. Left me behind. They. Didn't. They. Didn't wait for me I called for them just. The. Biggest kiddies, ever. How. Could you do that like. Seriously. This was some serious, KD level, Treacher. Could. This be the end of gb t. They, left me behind I mean. Is. This the end. You. Can see they're the two snakes. I'm. Just gonna introduce. The people of the channel now again I'll, do the introductions. Now, so. Hi. Guys. I'm. Jay. Welcome. To JBT productions. And. I mean. I think i think i'll just gonna it's. Gonna be j productions, now so. Hi. Guys I'm J. This. Is Kevin. Be dry this is Kevin T Drive they, are known as the snake, bros because. There are a couple of snakes, because. They didn't watch for me and. I was almost dying. We. Just we. Just finished. We. Are just waiting for my girlfriend in his mom and sister. As. I told you before i don't know if we will continue, because. These two snakes still, haven't, apologized, for leaving me behind, guys guys, Russell Westbrook is mad. Because. We had just discussed this like. And now. We're before and, they. Abandon, me so. Thank. You I mean. If you guys, think. About it. We. Work together so, yeah. If. You guys think about it I edit the videos I own the cameras it's J productions, from now on. Guys. Our Instagram, will be deleted. No. More Facebook page, he's. Going to do whole the trick shots away. All. The time shots I score, most of them hold the challenges, so, yeah. You guys go see this. Quarter. But it was off-camera when the cameras only fill the front you found the pressures they still haven't apologized, I mean I'm. Sorry I wouldn't do that for them. GI. Just giving the kids I. Don't. Know where this over I don't want the case I just want you.

Hi. GT productions. They're. Trying to build a new parents. I hope. The GoPro wasn't there. But. Now it has driver's. License, and. Then he has a meeting. For. For. For, tournament. For the tournament, we're going from the nest yeah. We. Are doing, throughout. The tournament two will be three. Four days of logging, and. Then we're gonna do trying to capture, our our. Functions, in the tournament, yeah he's going to be referee. And. Leading. The referees of the tournament, he. Is the coach of the, under. 14, kids, yep and. Show. For insurance. Show and, it. All be has a. Physiotherapist. Something, like that yeah. Meaning. You will give me massages every, night. As. Much how it's, much I'm being baited I, have, to. So. We're just. Waiting. To go way to, rest, me. And him. And he. Will still work a little bit so but. You won't see more of us three together today. Hey. Guys hope, you enjoyed our video, don't forget to comment down below what you think of the vlogs and things. You want to see a slew don't, forget to hit the like button, and subscribe to our Channel.

2018-09-03 17:02

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