We Visited Phuket Thailand Vlog Part 1

We Visited Phuket Thailand Vlog Part 1

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[Music] welcome to another travel Adventure as we explore puket Thailand this is a two-part series and we hope that you will watch the entire video to see what we did during our time in Thailand and hopefully this will give you an idea of what to do during your next visit in puket Thailand so let's watch part one of our [Music] travel so we just boarded going on the plane now this is byebye Malaysia hopefully we'll get to P down time all right our journey starts in qual lumur where we spent one week there we took Air Asia flight to puket and the full video of our travel is on our Channel and I will link it here below if you're new to our Channel welcome and thank you for those who have been with us since the beginning we are the puns adventure and here in our Channel we provide you a traval tips so that you can be able to maximize your trip if this is type of content that interested you consider subscribing we're arriving puket just a few minutes behind schedule so we just landed here in puket going to go through immigration grab the car and then go to our hotel we have gone to immigration over there now we are getting ready to go grab our bags and then uh we'll get the rental car arter is driving on the wrong side of the street because our car is on the wrong side we're arriving pukit now we made a brave decision to drive while in Thailand but given that I have driven in other countries to driveing the left side this was no different we arrive at our first hotel 1 hour later later and checked in before going to dinner we're staying at the West in Sur Bay for three nights the hotel has a couple of restaurant on site since we had food and beverage credit with our stay we decided to take advantage of that by eating at the hotel so she can see Welcome to our Villa so this is the living room right here poral dining room it's a villa so so we have our kitchenet right here um I don't well we have like cups and spoons I don't think they give us anything else but let's see yeah it's just the cups and the spoons there um and then we can make our own coffee we can make our own um tea if we want to with an Special Machine oh actually we do have um plates as well I guess if we want to cook something uh we do have a microwave uh actually they give us a lot of water all back there um I guess Chopstick we have a glass a mini fridge with milk yep for the coffee we have milk for the coffee already um our living room right here lots of space and look top there the ceiling is a little high so that's great this right here is I guess that's where we're hanging out our clothes it's like the closet um we have robes uh you know we also have things for storage here as well they also give us like kids of emergency first a kit um for um bug spray just in case you need it um yeah and they also gave us uh this bag for uh the pool which we'll show you guys later on uh so we have the pool um Towers already in here so it's spacious um multiple people can use it then this is the bathroom look at that all these amenities already there in the [Music] bathroom there's another robe here oh goodness this is your this is where you pee this is the actual toilet bowl wow and it's enclosed in its own cage here glass cage and you can lay down here and have a bath which I will I don't know when but I need to do it then it fits me out of here and this is the actual shower and you have a view of outside which you guys can not see anything yet but oh look there's a rain shower up top there too so good it's cold all right so this is our bedroom right here just lots of space again more water everywhere office space to work right here we have our own spot just lay down or sit down um oh actually you can view if somebody's showering here or not yeah that's a view phot it from the bathroom I guess if you want to see your husband or wife showering and then of course the room have a view which we'll show you guys later when it's lighter out so that's inside and let me just give you guys a preview of outside in the [Music] dark and look at that guys then you can lay down the water is warm warm actually it's hot that's great so that's your infinity pool and you also have a balcony in here too so this is amazing good morning this is uh day one of our stay here so we are in Thailand staying right now at the Western uh Resort here in bouquet so we are staying in their nicest Villas uh that they have one of them is a private Villa as you can see here beautiful view of the bay oh the sea and then you have also a pool anyways it's morning Saturday morning here we're now enjoying our time here we're about to go get breakfast yesterday we got here arrived uh um around at the hotel around 8:00 um just because of the drive we had to drive about an hour We're actually driving here crazy um but drove after landed at the airport we got a rental car and drove here it was dark already so we couldn't really get a lot of footage and we were tired so today we're going to show you what we're going to do around uh most of the time is going to be spending time at that pool that's really what we're going to do uh but we also have a place to go later on um we'll see how that goes but at least for today our goal is to stay here tomorrow trying to stay enjoy as much as we have with this Villa and then we're going to do some Excursion here in Thailand but again just stick around on this Vlog now okay hopefully you enjoying this uh series of Vlogs let's go have breakfast this is really cool so as you can see where the Villas are located and they person has their own private door and it's just gorgeous there's actually a walkway that walks down to the pool that way but right now we're going to walk the long way to go to the breakfast [Music] side she found the flower she's going to put her on her [Music] hair [Music] morning full day one in poquette started with breakfast at the hotel if you have been following us for a while now you already know that we maximize our travel by taking advantage of the complimentary breakfast available at the hotels we also stay primarily at Marriott hotels and because of that we have status that gives us complimentary breakfast and access to the lounge breakfast here at this hotel was really good with lots of options to to choose from from Asian option to Western option a good mix for [Music] all so we're having breakfast right now uh this is just great uh just enjoying breakfast with the nice beautiful views here at the West St again it's just gorgeous I wish it was a little bit sunnier you can see the blue water but it's not we'll take the opportunity that we have right now thank you now I'm about to have some soup this is really good okay this is why I love going to Asia cuz the food for breakfast is just different from what you get in the US so I just don't go and eat American breakfast I eat what the locals eat okay my wife eating all the island Foods that's how you know she's a Islander and pepper this is the pool area with amazing views of the mountain and puket area we're just finished having breakfast now time to go enjoy our own personal pool [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's explain here for a bit by all means this is not a flex we really booked our stay for just over $69 per night on a regular room with a swim up but when we arrived I asked if they can upgrade us given with my status they did so with an upgrade to the Villa again we're not throwing Shades so don't come at us in the comment section but we enjoyed our relaxing time and captur these amazing drone footages of the resort and of us enjoying our swimming pool we have reviewed this hotel and that video is also on our Channel and I will link it here let us know in the comment if this is a hotel you will consider when visiting [Music] puket [Music] so right now we're swimming our private Villa pool um don't get too jealous we did not pay to be staying here for too much money was a free upgrade so this how you get upgrades with status but anyways we're enjoying our time at the pool and then we're going to get ready to go later on all right it's uh noon time I think lunchtime making myself coffee right now and then um just chilling here in the hotel room and we might be going to actually check out some food spots uh outside of the hotel resort yeah relaxing right now let to get some coffee and then wait for the wife to be ready and then we're going to go [Music] downtown for day one we didn't want to pack a whole lot in the day so the first half of the day was just relaxing at the hotel which is one question that I always have why do we pay for hotels that are beautiful if we just using it for sleeping so are we the only people who do that let us know in the comments but for this time we actually decided to relax at the hotel and enjoy what we paid [Music] [Music] for since we wanted to grab lunch in the city we started making our way there in Asia believe it or not the the best place for amazing food is actually at the mall so the mall that we went was Central puket [Music] Mall so right now we are at the mall here in puket and this is where we got our food so we were just eating at a food court at the mall similar to like uh what we did in uh qual lur and similar to what we did in Singapore we're just basically trying to eat from the food court or we can eat outside too but right now we're enjoying got food at the food court and I got this noodle it's definitely got Seafood noodle so going to enjoy try this [Music] food this is one thing I like about Asia is you can just go to the mall and find all these food types or you can actually find in the stores as well so this is really good so we're here at the mall and as I was going as I was recording um it was a security guard that approach me and say I'm not allowed to record here so I'm not sure if that's really a true statement cuz I've seen a lot of videos here in Thailand so again if you know why they will tell me not to record please comment below can you not record here in Thailand maybe maybe not after sampling a lot of food we made our way to the beach area this was a bit far from our hotel but we have heard good reviews about this particular [Music] location [Music] this is ninan Beach located in the southwest tip of pette given that we had a car it made reaching these destinations [Music] easy this beach was not as packed as other Beach areas in poette but was beautiful right now we are at the beach area right here looks beautiful actually able to go to the beach here in Thailand so normally it it's really rainy around this time here but but for some reason we've been really lucky we had only rain at night time uh yesterday but during the daytime is really beautiful it's nice it's sunny the sun is shining down um and it's really great to come to the beach resort where we're staying does not have it has a small area of the beach but it does not have the beach the way it is right now so this is why we kind of left our hotel area and drove here to kind of like enjoy it I would put description of actually the beach name right here uh so that way you know where to come from this particular day that we went it was a bit cloudy because of that it was not as hot as other days we spent about 2 hours here there are hotels available also in this part of town so if you want to stay closer to this area there are [Music] options later that evening given that we we're already in the western part of the city we headed towards Big Buddha of pukat on our way there we passed by P Chang Thai Elephant camp and ATV rental [Music] [Music] locations [Music] [Music] so right now I'm walking the steps of the uh big Buddha uh here in puket right there and it has amazing views of the city when you look all down there just great gorgeous views of the city um so this is great something to do and actually come and enjoy your time here you can see it's right there so making all way up look at this this is gorgeous mus the big Buddha is a must visit attraction if you're visiting puket however be mindful that is a sacred location therefore for women you will need to be covered now not everyone was being checked but for my wife she was required to put something along thankfully she came prepared and had her scarf to use from here you get amazing views of the bay and you can see the old time of puket recommendations to spend about 30 minutes to 1 hour for your visit [Music] here we then made our way to Naka market for some delicious street food right now we're at the Naka Market uh just going to check it out it is a weekend Market in the open at nighttime so we're going to check it out let's look around what they have they have fruits they have everything and food so this Market is no doubt the best place to find street food they had a lot of options here from Seafood noodle Wing dessert and [Music] more [Music] okay this area is crazy they have all sorts of food everything that you need you can find it here okay there's food for everybody so definitely recommend that you actually check it out if you want to have dinner and you're tired eating like Hotel food you definitely want to come here and it's really cheap it's not that expensive so you definitely recommend that you check out this [Music] street that looks [Music] spicy we even tried some insects you're going to eat it try it we [Music] waiting it's good it's good [Music] okay it's good it's good [Music] yeah how is it oh my it was time for us to savor in our delicious Seafood options and ended the night with some savoring [Music] [Music] sweet so we're at day full day one of here in Thailand and uh we're just finish up so by now we're about to have dinner and then go to bed so day one so far has been it's been good uh we didn't do a lot but it felt like we did a lot we spent most of our time at the pool and then we went to the town yes yeah went to town went to the mall um which was good um had a lot of food from the food court then we went to the beach and then we went to uh see big budha and then went to the night market so those are the things we did today um but right now we're about to have dinner and then go to sleep so day one thank you this is good decided to try something new looks like taco but it's not wow what a first day we did a lot even though we wanted to just take it easy anyways good night and see you in day two good morning again from puket at the Western uh Resort here that beautiful view over there is what we have and we've been enjoying it for the last two days uh right now we are here just enjoying our time in the morning and we're about to go get breakfast after we get breakfast we're going to go again to the city but we're going to go this time to the north part of of the of the island so uh after that we're going to try and enjoy the beach it's gorgeous man just look beautiful day it's sunny out there the water's turning its color that it needs to be we'll come back here we're trying to do some more drone flying today because it's just it's clearer day than yesterday was yesterday was a little bit cloudy but today is like clear um Sunny so but anyways uh we're going to go have breakfast once we finish breakfast come back here enjoy last time at pool we're going to move out of this room go to another room uh which is just a little bit above there cuz this room was not available for the entire stay gave us an upgrade for 2 days uh and then with the promise that we'll move out of this room and uh check into the other room which is a little smaller than this is not a one-bedroom Villa but it's just a a uh a studio Villa still private pool and all that stuff so we're going to go move over there shortly so I can go have breakfast and then we'll continue with the rest of our day anyways walking to the breakfast side taking the jungle walk through the pool then to breakfast side it is sunny today so it's just gorgeous look at that beautiful day today this is awesome so day two we were lucky with the sun coming out our day started with breakfast given that we needed to fuel our bodies in order to have enough energy to do a lot of driving around the island also we move out of our one-bedroom Villa to the studio Villa today anyways the breakfast was delicious as always now the question is for you if your hotel had complimentary breakfast would you take advantage of it every morning that you're staying there or would you sleep in instead and eat out leave a comment below [Music] [Music] and the other thing look how bluish greenish the water is getting uh this is just beautiful love it this is awesome okay views of Thailand are just amazing okay they're beautiful so definitely recommend coming back okay but we're going to go explore now here's a quick review of the new room if you want to see the full review check out the hotel review video link is in the description so we just moved into the new room area and this is uh one single studio uh with a walk up pool area which is right there still has great views of the Bay not as close to right Waterfront but again still have other views of the bay which is not bad there you can see you have the bedroom has the living room on this side here and then we have the closet there and the bathroom is on the other side so it's not as big as the other room but it's I think it's doable so it's still good still great time if you even if you're enjoying it for like a week or two I think this still does it cuz you get your own private pool you don't need to go to the shared pool with everybody else but also so if you want to do that you can but you have options so anyways and now we're going to head out and actually go to the city and do all the activities that we have planned for [Music] today this is just amazing place to be guys I know I keep saying this over and over over but it's just beautiful gorgeous blue water look at this access to the beach right there but we're not going to go here we're going to go somewhere else for the beach but it is [Music] gorgeous so today the first thing in order is to check out another Resort for future trips and our second hotel where we'll be staying for the second half of the trip the first place that we'll be checking out offers time share for the presentation time if you decide to not purchase you get a free ticket to Excursion we elected to do the pp Island and James Bond Island I know that I just said free but we're really paying it with our [Music] time this Resort is called Anantara Beach Resort in mow poet this is a beautiful Resort catered more tours families we also did a full review of this hotel and I will link it here here wow a quick summary of The Villa that we're toured it is a two-bedroom Villa with a swimming pool at the time of our visit this particular Villa was going for about $250 per night which is a hefty cost in poet but if I were to compare with a similar Resort in Cancun or in the Caribbean there will probably be at least one grand per night given that a large family can stay here comfortably right yeah sleeping and then you don't know that when I looked online because I [Music] looked after the tour and securing our Excursion tickets it was just a short driving distance to our next hotel where we'll be staying in just a few days at this time I would like to advertise our part two Series so that you can come back and watch as we move into this hotel and explore other parts of the island also for the first two days in puket our goal was to know the city and see what we can do based on distance even though pouquette doesn't look big from the map it is Big it takes almost 2 and 1/2 hours to go from the southern tip all the way to the top part of poquette Island so be mindful when booking hotels and you would like to be near attraction so that you are not going from place to place by car or [Music] taxi now riding the Tuk to to go near the airport and see the airplane take off by the beach side this is going to be very interesting to [Music] [Music] see so everybody's here waiting to see the airplane either land or take off and this is the airport right there so we're right here at a beach area uh one of the km Beach area right next to uh the airport as you can see there so basically what you do is you wait here and the plane come and lends at the airport so you get a great shot of the Viewpoint of that so we're going to be here waiting there one flight is about to land and right now you have about two of them are taking off by taking off they're taking off um towards the West west side of the island I think no towards the east side of the island uh and then the land Landing is landing towards the west side of the island so you have one that is coming down now that's going to L soon so it's coming up here and we're going to see it get here and it's right there coming right here oh actually not see right here I [Music] see after the fail attempt to get a nice pictures of the plane landing we made our way back to the parking lot with another Tuk Tok it cost only 30 bu which is roughly 85 us Cent after picking up the car it was time to make it back to our hotel in the Southeastern part of the island taking us almost 2 and 1 half hours for the journey at the hotel we wanted to enjoy our last evening here at our pool before dinner and capturing great drone footages time to unwind and then look at that beautiful view over there this is just amazing so we love here Thailand you need to come and check it [Music] out [Music] all right last night here in puket Weston Hotel about to go have dinner go check out the night market and then get some sleep cuz tomorrow we have a full day and we're checking into the new hotel and we'll show you guys there all right let's go eat so we've been basically eating here at the restaurant at the hotel restaurant and we choosing almost the same food but I got Wings she got salad and then we both got butter chicken for our meal so enjoying that dinner time last dinner here at the uh the Weston in poette tomorrow we check to the Renaissance [Music] Hotel anyways I hope you enjoy watching this video and if you did smack the like button also be on the lookout for part two of our time in pet if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing we will see you in the next video

2023-09-30 04:22

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