[Music] I've always wanted to show Venice to my children so when we visited my mom in Italy and our flight brought us through Venice we decided to stay for a few days join us on this trip and you see why it's impossible not to fall in love with this incredibly beautiful [Music] city so we just arrived we did we are in which is very exciting having some breakfast because we started very early this morning we left uh Philip's mom's in Cito and I think we left at 5:00 a.m. and now we're going to spend 2 Days in Venice what are you having Ella uh I don't know it's like a croissant but it's called a Cornetto isn't it in Italian and what's it got inside it cornetto is like an ice cream yeah it is in France but here it's a [Music] so it's really nice the kids are now going on a scavenger hunt because we booked a kids Venice Tour we need to find things we need to find symbols and lions and buildings and we get points and the kids get an ice cream and I negotiated with the tour guides to get a prosecco if we find them as well who is the protector of Venice Mark Mark the Evangelist ah okay whose symbol is a wing lion okay [Music] what's the name of the glass place we're going [Music] to [Music] Mor how can you not fall in love with this incredible City every Street is different and beautiful and exciting and amazing I love it this is the oldest wine bar in Venice apparently so I feel like it would be rude not to try it I think so yeah we have to come back here so we need to find the angel the beaches the golden head what you found giant [Music] the Angels a good spotting do you see it lily look let Lily see if she can find it [Music] now that the girls found all their hints and all the things they needed to find they are rewarded with something sweet and us too what do you want girls a gelato a gelato an L do you want gelato oh my goodness mine is hey how is the ice cream how good is it papx papx oh thank you try Ella's one as well it's the same I don't think it's the same let me let me let me make sure it's the [Music] same how would you describe this ice cream Ella [Music] yes oh my goodness that is so good is it that's amazing isn't it oh wow [Music] so the the girl found the last thing this mask here it's scary man yeah she's got my tongue out not bad at all and then Ella well done not bad at all that's a comparison open your eyes that's because you solved all the riddles and found everything yes you remember that the doine were pack in a hairbrush the guided tour with Federica was a treat we found her online we didn't know what to expect but it turned out wonderful we're going to leave a link to her services in the description of this video so which mask do you choose the cat mask all right this one's beautiful look with the shape like that that could be pretty that's really cool [Music] yes I know yes I know it's a tach disorient seeing me here zipping tea instead of dodging gondolas but I am Philip of the future I have a piece of wisdom too good not to share with you my secret to staying sane after one week of hurting my children through Venice and it's all here inside my phone it's called Angry Birds dream blast a casual mobile game that brings instant fun while challenging you and your creativity and they also happen to be this fct sponsor this mobile game is quite a delight it's my littlest cave perfect when I need a break from the endless joys of Parenthood or mon nobly when and I want to give my wife a quiet moment you Notch these flowing Bubbles and team up with a Charming young Angry Birds to pass the levels as you progress in the game you'll see yourself challenging your puzzle skills more and more the art a treat like a little Dreamscape and with thousands of levels and themed events it's as varied as venice's canals best of all unlike with your favorite YouTube channel in this game you don't have to watch ads because honestly who needs interruptions when you're escaping into a dream world so if you are craving for a break from life life Browns challenges do yourself a favor and download Angry Birds dream blast now the link is down in the description or scan the QR code on screen your future you will thank me for that tip and now back to Lagoon City so we just spotted a secondhand shop yes unfortunately it's shut but they have nice Morano light I like them when they are a little bit simpler you know they I I think it's really nice some vintage Morano lights [Music] it looks like you're on a set of a film it does colors are so beautiful and action vat please second boat [Music] it's the second day and I'm very excited because we're going to the island of Morano where the famous Morano glass factories are but before we go we have another lunch here we do a lot of eating but it's so good here everywhere in ital isn't it yes I have apparently Philip's favorite pasta dish it is my favorite pasta dish it's a spaghetti alle vongole and the girls have they love Mussles theyve G for muscles M oh you using the open one as a tool that's very smart yeah and you Lily her too she's using the how are they Lily are they good really good and I have the most interesting thing it's Baka and it's a sort of um salted fish so and I love it oh gosh look at this one it's enormous this you have iron muscle that's really big [Music] [Music] [Music] look that's everywhere you see Morano glass everywhere when are we there soon how many minutes Phillip how many minutes Philip what did you say how many minutes Phillip oh yeaha and Li we love to call you by your name yes all right fair enough you call if you call me philli I call your daughter one and daughter too okay I like that then I'll call you I'll call you Philip po look at this Mando chandelier extravagant here not Christmas yeah yes and looks like Christmas Christmas yet but it's not Christmas yes it looks Christmas this is a huge like a industrialized building just filled with Morano glass look at this everywhere Morano glass I love all the glasses I think we're going to get some you're going to get some but maybe a place to visit yeah even the flowers on the balcony are made out of glass I think so all these buildings are Morano glass factories it's an Island full of factories girls look have you seen these they have some even some flowers in the glass look Hearts stars flowers those are cute aren't they so a lot of these shops have a little bit C things but there are quite a lot of exception with really nice pieces oh this is our studio it's a pretty old building I don't know exactly how much but a few centuries the perimeter wall actually is from the 12th century so pretty old the heat that's coming out is crazy no that's pretty enjoyable I would say it's definitely on a cold day like today yeah when it's July it's not so nice but anyway for us it's important you know to share this as you can see we have an open door policy people can see the glass making for free then if people like you uh they want to do like a a more The Experience they can come on this side they get a professional explanation and they will have all their uh answers to their questions happens what you see right now can you see it's a heat uh batter is now heating up a little bit of the base of the piece this is to prevent the piece from falling down because basically the main issue glass has is a the main enemy glass has his thermal shock which means a piece if it gets too cold it might break because it cools down too drastically and it breaks you want to feel the temperature don't touch it of course but you can feel this is wow really really hot it's so hot it's crazy and this is the bottom of the piece so this is the top side be careful right now can you see this area that has been highlighted here for example there are some small imperfections that can be polished out okay okay so these are been finished here that was the cracked part that we cut we flatten down with we polished and once this has been completed we have our dear Sergio the quality control manager and package assistant there small gift for you it what is it a small gift for you oh wow let's see what you got what did you get what did you say say they beautiful just hanging in the factory these beautiful sculptures so this is the batroom which is basically where we start preparing our glass from the very very beginning so where everything really starts so our batch which is basically the name we used to identify glass before we melt it down so the mix of all these ingredients are based on a recipe which is a mix of silica sand sodium carbonate and calcium carbonate these three ingredients are making 90% of the recipe w okay the ratio is more or less uh let's say 60% 20% and 10% just looks like sand doesn't it huh yeah well this is indeed sand it's called the silica sand these guys have over 35 years of glass making experience so these guys are making the most difficult parts of the glass making the others who are younger are assisting and helping to produce what we have to do so it's kind of like an apprenticeship that like training and learning kind of like in this case you can see old glass blowers who are hired and are all involved in glass making process all of them are making taking action so some of them are making easier tasks some of them more complex like in this case for example you can see Benjamin who's pouring glass uh to help valter achieve what he's going to do without him we're not able to do the same thing this is a team team team effort yeah in this area these guys are specialized in what they do they never go on the other side in fact the other guys they don't come over here but just because they don't have the know how to do the job we do over here for example this is Luca very young but tons of experience in this kind of work and can you see is using the sand belt uh what is it made of it's a basically sand like a oh like a normal sandpaper yeah it's a lature you know that is used to uh turn pieces around to champer them yeah do you know what it reminds me it reminds me when you have like the glass on the beach wow that's beautiful this is a piece that when we did it was not perfectly flat Can you feel it it's pretty flat okay wow so when we made it it was a little bit uneven and organic so we had to flatten down each surface once twice and then polish it once and then I don't know if you if you can see it but it has some vertical marks this is not ready yet it's almost ready can you see that yeah these can be removed with the last polishing the pie is bling bling shiny like a diamond can I ask you for instance just to give our viewers an idea how much is a chandelier like this all let's say that for chandeliers it's hard to estimate because it depends from the details sometimes look these have both of them they have let's say a similar size but like that one is much more work look this is the reason why this works as a spine can you see it's all single pieces okay so this is more time consuming so how long would it take to make that I would say from the beginning to the very end I think at least a week of work because you have to make a prepare the glass first then make all the pieces one by one and then see if all of them are okay if not you have to make new ones spare parts as well then you have to assemble the chandelier but before that you have to cut all pieces chamfer them polish them check them then ass Ling stress test wiring do a lot of work yeah and yeah I would say that anyway for chandeliers we can start from at least couple of thousand and you can go up uh until unlimited range it's two for you and two for you we want to put that into our arms okay there is a slips so my pipe is on the front perfect my right like this I turn to the left and I take the PIP beautiful my leg left right now go down like this here we go I take the five good job and I come back St straight here we go you got it what is the most important thing when we make glass not to touch that first for sure and the second one keep turning the pipe keep turning there one two three and four keep turning coming back keep turning take the pipe here keep turning up and keep turning coming outside keep turning keep turning keep turning good job and when it's hot I want to come back first I want to put some [Music] orange and right now some Violet here we go okay so right now I need to come back into the bunch okay into the heat so I want to pass that a little bit and I want to come back to the bunch blow one fast blower I want to start to make a jack line you see that super gentle so high first I want to put some heat okay just for don't explode the piece you see it's a long process all the time right makes sense when this is a little bit C I want to take your piece and I want to break again and I want to squish that this time into the bottom part that you see we have a hole here right I need to reat that hole and I need to open the hole okay I want to show you I'm going inside and I open that you see that we're want to put your piece here we want to do a little top wow you see that I want to turn on this because it's a little bit sharp so we want to put a little bit of flame here or make it SMY your piece okay I'm sorry because this can be powerful that's it you see the bottom is totally straight right now right so I can take your piece with this where it cools down exactly if you come here inside you can see the piece also we have this type of Runway yes that the pieces are coming outside and slowly slowly and when they arrive there at the final of the end they're Co are totally cool ah ah yes like that slowly slowly so this helps not to produce a thermal shocka to slowly cool down exactly [Music] one 2 3 here we go I would say it wasn't that difficult but that's because she was doing most of the work and I just s kind of sat there and she held my hand while we were doing it so yeah it's brilliant What if I do my cyber Morano 3D printed plastic light fitting in Morano in real glass wouldn't that would be amazing it's basically like this [Music] when we make the Jack line if we make this shape this type of shape we need to put the Jacks like that so if this is the glass I'm not doing this I'm making the Jack line like that okay okay straight down [Music] I don't think it would be possible to do everything yourself for the first time it would just fall down everything that's perfect that's perect very nice very nice perfect again again I thought it was the middle oh my goodness for a second I thought it broke it sorry guys shapewise I feel mine is like yours is here mine is here bye-bye pieces that's Prett good cool down cool down gently and wait for us night night [Music] [Music] for the first time it really felt like our children enjoyed their Journey just as much as we did that's such a great age for exploring and that made us so happy it's got us even more excited for future Adventures now all that's left is to be patient while we wait for our handmade glasses to arrive by post a big thank you to wave glass Morano for letting us film and for the wonderful teaching we'll include their address in the video description as well as the amazing Airbnb we found I hope you enjoyed this trip we'll see you next week at the shatow and thank you so much for watching and a special thanks to our patrons for supporting our Channel [Music]
2025-03-07 14:03