We travelled 200KM to get TACOS!??? Discover Ayutla Jalisco for another TACO TUESDAY!

We travelled 200KM to get TACOS!??? Discover Ayutla Jalisco for another TACO TUESDAY!

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[Music] hey everybody this is joel and paul from moving to mexi.com well look at the sign here [Music] what an amazing day yeah like uh as we said we're here to kind of scout out an idea i have for a week-long cycling camp in the mountains and it's been a while since i've been out here so i i personally did not know what to expect from the terrain you know it's kind of the tail into the dry season so i thought it was going to be really kind of like uh brown but it's been really green like there's a lot more green i expected and the weather's been perfect yeah um the vista is the road like 80 of the road surface i would say is is all brand new yeah there was some chunky stuff we had to deal with rough patches other than that it's been pretty smooth i think for even someone to drive out here um i mean if you stayed in moscow you could do a day trip that you left quite easily it's worth it like what did like even from just the drive did you do you think that was worth just driving here to see oh yeah something different yeah for sure i thought you get like a totally different vibe and feel from you know the mexican culture that you get in busarius and puerto vallarta it's a it's a totally different complete it's completely different and we threw the drone up a few times and you know there's all those farm fields then it was like really lush green and yellow surrounding mountains and i don't know it was just kind of endless like yeah it was just it was kind of endless beauty which i was i found pretty impressive and and riding from a cyclist perspective i mean i had done this right a couple times but as i said the roads weren't as nice and uh you know all the descents all the climbs like it was just it was pretty incredible but now i'm i'm hungry for tacos yeah and it's tacos see some taquerias over there yeah we could just go let's just go scout it out let's just get it out i'll ride my bike you guys walk okay we'll watch you right over there i guess they have a lot of pumpkins here calabasas you could say que pasa calabasa you know how we call like a cute person we call them pumpkin hey pumpkin they say the same thing in mexico they say calabasa [Music] jill's he's our uh he's doing recon right now for tacos and we did see these right here but i'm not sure if anyone's actually there yeah maybe they are there seems to be a lady maybe i don't know who that is let's see oh yeah yeah that's her i think she is yeah packing up dude is she packing up to leave yeah oh no or she's not getting started okay [Music] foreign [Music] uh she said that there was like a luncharia around here all right well you know what i could do tacos here [Music] which is different than a taco yeah yeah it's more for lunch right to get your lunch and what do you get when you get lunch traditionally it's it's a sandwich right sometimes they'll have like the torta which is the crispy kind of like bun um but they do sandwiches as well oh they do the cubano oh you know what i'm gonna um uh all right so uh traveler tip number i don't know what number we're at anyways another tip for you another pro tip of uh traveling in mexico if you come to utla with your laptop and you need to get a little bit of work done you can sit in the park and you can plug in you can plug right in look at that i don't i don't see a high speed internet uh connection but you know you could just have a hotspot who knows there's 4g here so you can get 4g that's good you can work right now i bet you can get the you can ask them for their wi-fi code right so you get the lunch lunch from the lunch area and you can ask them for their wi-fi code good deal this has just been an overall pleasant surprise not not that i'm surprised that i'm surprised about it being so pleasant yeah but it just you know you're kind of like it's like oh i hope it's as beautiful as i remember it i hope it's all gonna work out like the video the scenes and i just think it's like being going knock on wood after lunch we'll go for a walk to the church check that out yeah let's look at that i got the aloe vera and then i got the pierna and i got a little they put a little fresh cream on theirs too with the frijoles the lettuce i like the way they dress these here and um oh am i yeah it's all part of it i'm going for the purina first look at that pyramid man that looks amazing i got a i got a burrito what kind of burrito they are these are really good yeah but now i really want to come back one day i gotta try hers yeah that's right at least like she's got the best tacos in town and i think she can kind of prove it because she already closed up it says i open at 6 00 a.m every day and i'm the first one to close because i am sold up right now she told you that yeah okay those were her words yes i got it so she reviewed her own tacos and networking events she said i am amazing i love that i like that approach you know i think i did eat her tacos when i was here on the bike ride yeah before a ride we came when we that's what we had for breakfast all right taco's down let's go let's check out this church you gonna lock it i'm gonna walk it how do you lock that bike just like walk with it oh walk it i thought you said lock it no you can't lock it unless i had a lock look at this bike that's cool low rider raven yeah i need a bike like that stepped on a bird ship that's alright um you can't get in really closed the church is closed today look at that old building over there though yeah i wanted to show you guys it's a pretty cool building when i stayed here before um we went inside and visited because it's kind of like a little museum okay like the cultural history of mascota uh-huh or namaskar are you yeah sorry getting my getting my town names mixed up but you look at that building like that is just you know what i mean like you can't recreate that and you can see over time when certain parts of it were like knocked down or something happened so it's in various times over the years it's been rebuilt yeah and you can kind of see the original piece there and then something happened and then so it's pretty it's pretty cool and if you walk through there you can go in yeah let's check it out i'm sure there's a lady in there too tell us a little more history that feels good in here let's see how you see the different materials yeah it looks like from a fully different period of time yes because they it fell apart and they just restored it yeah um a lot to ask and there's like one of the towers old rock so you know like people pay thousands of dollars go to europe to look at stuff like this right they don't think about spending 500 on a flight to fly three hours or four hours or so to uh to mexico and and then take and then drive to utah and spend a day or two here just like rich with with history and culture it's amazing let's go look at that yeah that's cool that's beautiful oh we lost jillian she was on her phone and she looked up and we were gone i'll text her silly jelly silly jelly looks like they got a bunch of old stuff there's some old money some old pesos do they look like a dollar they're us no no it's bangkok mexico and with the little pieces of gold see that you know because the mexico is rich in gold and silver foreign and then just like super clicks in the 19th century there was a big earthquake and not only here but this whole area and a bunch of towers fell in guadalajara that was very uh historical moment and then here as well in 1914 there was like a big battle here where the town lost but they it's a very important battle because they really stood [Music] so yeah and so the first uh second week of january yeah into february they have that uh i guess it's like a charo festival of some sort yeah and but the town really gets into it and it's a lot of horse riding and yeah and it's just gonna be something completely different right is yeah because it's too hard to come forth [Music] yeah those would be cool on a bike ride you ever want a popsicle for sure [Music] um [Music] now i have no hands oh it's a fruit that's in season and they make it in so this isn't um leche it's agua no i know but um i'm just trying to determine what the flavor is that fruit it's nice though very refreshing so i think it's pretty natural yeah this is like fresh fruit water [Music] it has some tahini in it really all right well i think that's a wrap everybody welcome to youtube we gotta come back we're gonna come back for the festival i'm gonna ride a horse i'll do some charoing what do you think jill she's on her phone on her phone all right on that note thank you and again for joining us for another taco tuesday hasta luego in adios [Music] blah [Applause] [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh

2021-06-29 03:46

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