We Took a Last-Minute Flight to LA, Travel on a Budget

We Took a Last-Minute Flight to LA, Travel on a Budget

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hello everyone and welcome back to another video it's currently 4 30 a.m and we're flying to Los Angeles in a few hours we are Ruben and Kote and welcome to this new video we got a bag packed laptops ready here we are boarding our flight for our most loved and hated airline (Spirit) in this video we're taking a six-hour-long flight to Los Angeles California to explore around LA we're going to be staying with family for about three nights shout out to Meg and Tony our cousins from LA who took us in last minute and showed us around the city in Cali we're visiting Manhattan Beach east LA the walk of fame in Hollywood Griffith Park Santa Monica El Mercadito in east LA Venice Beach and downtown LA if you enjoy this video don't forget to like it and if you're new to the channel subscribe and now let's begin this adventure adventure after a very long flight and settling in in Los Angeles we made our first stop in manhattan it crushed them!! so we're standing here Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles and it just got really cold and it's really foggy and apparently, it's this natural phenomenon that happens were fog really really cold fog comes inland and then it gets cold basically and we were standing back there before that's the pier right there at the end of the pier so we got off the pier walk all the way here. The surfers are back there you can't even see them that's Maria that is Manhattan Beach and obviously, wear your face mask it's not $350 fine later that evening we headed back home to spend some time with our family the next morning we got up and walked down to Cesar Chavez Avenue in East LA we stopped by la Monarca a local bakery and coffee shop to get some breakfast Hi. Hi! What do you have there? Breakfast. Breakfast? A burrito and I don't remember what the rest was. A sausage burrito, a ham and cheese croissant, and some coffee which I don't remember the name.

Which is chocolate and almond milk. Okay and with our food in hand we walked home to have breakfast and get ready for our first stop of the day all right guys and let me show you our studio we're staying this is the basement of my cousin's house which he more than happily offered it to us for our steak and we got this beautiful bed and it's so cozy down here got a little lamp desk area sink slash vanity and the bathroom is in there and we couldn't be any happier we were originally staying at a cheap hotel and we got this beautiful upgrade we're so so grateful so Meg and Tony, if you're watching this video, thank you so much we're really enjoying our stay here and for this video I want to start taking the opportunity to start blogging more Maria is also throwing in a little bit of her Spanglish in there so we hope to in the next couple of videos be able to bring it like more raw action in just a little bit, we're gonna head out to check out the walk of fame as well as the observatory to check out the hollywood sign and maybe take a drive down to Venice beach so Maria is pretty excited uh she's looking forward to this and we should catch her reaction oh and another thing this video uh stability I guess our lack of jumpiness is brought to you by Julio and Rodri if you don't know them they were in our Tennessee video and this was their birthday gift for me last year so thank you Julio and Rodri so we begin with our first adventure of day two hello hello where are we going we're going to the Walk of Fame here we are we're in the Hollywood walk of fame it's Maria's first time the Walk of Fame is a must-do attraction for first-time travelers that come to LA here expect to be walking around from souvenir shop to souvenir shop you can also explore some of the attractions like the wax museum the Chinese theater and book tours that will take you around the city hi Maria how you doing? are you having a good time yes how do you like uh LA so far? good beautiful um a little what? dirty, a little dirty there we go that's the reaction ladies and gentlemen all right so back there we have Maria's favorite restaurant chain the Hard Rock Cafe so if you don't know Maria collects beer pint glasses yes it's temporarily closed right now uh but she collects the pint glasses and she has probably about how many uh 15 she has about 15 pint glasses but the funny part is that i can't use them so that's the that's the part that i don't like it doesn't let me use them at home so my thing is why do we even have pint glasses if we're not allowed to use them so it's a waste of space in my opinion you know if you buy pint glasses you're supposed to uh let other people use them or at least your guests when you have guests over you know let them uh enjoy a nice glass of beer at the walk of fame we continue to walk around to explore the stars as well as some of the local art so as you can probably tell everything's pretty much uh closed down right now as we speak uh california is probably going through one of his toughest periods with the whole infection rate the streets here and the Hollywood walk of fame are pretty much uh uneventful being that probably right now one in five californians uh especially in los angeles are coming down with the virus so as a result you can basically see that there's not much going on outside Maria and I are keeping ourselves uh safe safe as possible we're constantly washing our hands and having our mask on the whole time uh and with that you know we should be good enough on a side note i've been already vaccinated I've received the two doses of the Pfizer vaccine so it makes me feel a little safer Maria has not no but um we're keeping her safe after exploring the Hollywood walk of fame and getting our full dose of souvenir shops we decide it's time to move on to our next adventure our next stop is the Griffith Observatory the perfect spot to take pictures with the Hollywood sign the Griffith Observatory is also a free museum for those interested in astronomy the museum also sits in a beautiful park filled with trails and scenic views of downtown LA we head to our car to take a short drive there we begin our adventure by checking out one of the walking trails just 0.1 miles in walking length yeah down the trails you can also catch a close-up look of downtown LA and the beautiful California sky 0.1 miles that's a lot I'm tired we're not in the rest of shape look at that little beast look watch him take off there he goes after an exhausting short walk we head to our next destination our next stop is Santa Monica beach the perfect spot to come grab something to eat and in the afternoons walk down the pier and that's a beautiful sunset so we got our food ready to sit down and eat that night we headed back home and the next morning we get up and walk down again to Cesar Chavez avenue to get some breakfast at our favorite coffee shop good morning good morning we're headed on our morning coffee run we're gonna check out uh the coffee spot that we went to yesterday because we actually love their coffees later that morning we made our first stop in El Mercadito described by many as a small piece of Mexico in peace in east LA it's a must-stop attraction for those interested in getting a good taste of Mexican food as well as learning more about the culture here in East LA what is this called? Their like traditional, traditional Mexican dresses they're like from different regions beautiful here we got to try out different local delights we had a hard time resisting our temptation and wanted to try out a little bit of everything all right we're trying buñuelos so this right here is hot chocolate with corn and these right here are chips so check out the different types so this is what we got earlier and elote after exploring El Mercadito we drove to Venice Starbucks!! Her favorite stop ever in Venice Beach we got to enjoy the beautiful Californian weather as we walk down the boardwalk we checked out some of the local art as well as the skatepark so Maria and I love dogs and she's been begging me to get a dog for months and months and months I've told her many times that you know i don't think it's the right time because you know we have a small place and you know pretty somewhere it's gonna start working and it's gonna be hard to take care of the dog we're not ready yet but she is very passionate about having a dog so we might consider having a dog one day so if you guys think that we should get a dog comment down below if we get uh I don't know 50 comments saying that uh we should get a dog we'll definitely get one and Maria will be the happiest girl ever so let's see please comment, comment down below and help Maria out look baby Venice souvenirs, you want to go in there? yes of course, of course you do! I don't know if I told you guys but I've found the best life partner that I could ever ask for after searching through every gift shop in Venice beach for the perfect magnet for Maria to hang in our overcrowded fridge we headed back to East LA to visit downtown LA we started off by visiting little Tokyo we then visited La Placita near Olvera Street and Chinatown before the end of our night, we stopped by District Market in downtown LA to get our last taste of Californian before heading back home the next morning the next day we got our noon flight back to Fort Lauderdale Florida man how much we enjoyed this trip the culture the food spending time with our family the weather in California the scenic views we just had a blast I'm sure this won't be our last trip to California and we'll be back for more stick around to our next video we have for travel adventures coming up we hope you enjoyed this trip don't forget to Subscribe to our channel and if you like this video leave us a "Like" we're Ruben and Kote and we'll see you next time this is incredible we just found the spot where Maria and I first met

2021-03-27 22:54

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