We swam with Stingrays in Grand Cayman! | Disney Cruise Line Vlog | Disney Magic | May 2018

We swam with Stingrays in Grand Cayman! | Disney Cruise Line Vlog | Disney Magic | May 2018

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Good. Morning, good morning. It's, day three here's. A little breakfast, setup we. Had to deliver to the room just now. And. To go outside, and. I just have a little look out all, right all right let's, all, grab. Came in. Hey. Guys we're, waiting. For, the. Ship to actually. Dot. Never. Decision, was, like 45, minutes an hour I think. Since. We haven't stopped yet we made, sure that we ate, something, so, we did, order, room. Service, just. Very nice, and lovely and we're just gonna enjoy our. You. Know nice. Breakfast, in our little veranda. We. Have fruits, and. Pastry. So. You. Get this done. And then sigh getting ready for our little. Trip on, Grand. Cayman so, please Grand, Cayman Day. Yeah. First birthday, so very. Excited, gets go off the ship for a few hours. That's. Something I'm looking forward to sharing, these fingers. Coming. In to pool very shortly, I. Think. This is always a seven mile beach it. The way. Yes. I don't know what excursions. Are, right. So, any two fathoms. To. Meet with the rest of the. Peoples. We're. Here. Watching some nice. On you Mickey. Yes. Sirree. I reckon. That's the order in which we. Seem. Like a great idea this. Morning but. I'll. Be fine I get enough time on the island small. Bingo. I'll. Feed you at some point today I promise. Good. Morning good, morning. Tender. Birds. This, is what. Tiny. Bus. Yeah. Like, a little trolley, you. Excited, for this. Yeah and. It's like getting a little, demon. As well, be. Understood. Window view. Okay. Good. Morning. Welcome. To crack him on guys my name is Ayana on, board with you guys today but right now could be a bus driver. Distinguishing. Soundbar, you, guys ready yeah. Marina. And. We're getting on that big, yellow boat. Yeah. I'm so excited. Happy. School, that's, really cool this. Is love there. Something. Like. This ship, is huger, this boat yeah, it's a little flower there looks. Like. Yeah feeling we're gonna be like. This. Is exciting. I can't. Wait. All. Right. You see me. And. She. My, second one right, here. There. Do what, you want to be, though me politeness, I like, your, attitude. Oh. - and moving. Let's. Oh. Let's, live, life, without. Regrets, girl, put you bathing me even, though he does. Banana. Boat that, was fun, recommended. To you guys, do. It. Guess. What. The fantasy, is here. We're. Neighbors, today, so. We've. Got to see we, were wondering, because we knew fantasy. Would be on, in the Cayman Islands at the same time as we were but, when we docked it wasn't. There yet, it's. Actually very lucky Ernie. There's only two cruise, ships. In, port, at Grand Cayman today, and every Disney one. I'm. Just excited, to see you. And. That little. So, nice, yeah. Loving. It, great. Views, so. Definitely something. That would, get. A little photo with ya and then you're. Gonna carry on with our Grand Cayman. Adventure. Excursion. Just drops us back at the port which is why we're here and now, we're going to go grab a taxi and, take it to an accessory ssin we're. Gonna go to the. Ritz the, Ritz. Yeah, just uh sure it's like a shared way. Here. Waiting. For a driver and then we're gonna go ahead. By our ships, when I. Love. That. Fantasy. So big. But. Here, we are comes. At the Ritz. Yes. In. The tank got some lunch here. Relax. For a little bit. Bojack. We're. Going bar Jack. Very. Nice look at this face. Now. Look at this beautiful. Beautiful. White-sand. Little. Cabañas. You need over in the beach chairs but we're, here in the little, area. What. Are they famous for here at least what we. Look. For that I'm gonna get that, yes. I. Think. Swimming. With the, Rays. Curly. Hair don't, care. Yeah. Sup and, water, salt, water. Pina. Colada in the Cayman Islands I. Will. Have to see, for myself. Anyway. So that's all I'm gonna do for the next few hours I'm just gonna go grab some food and. Relax. And enjoy it this. Really. Does look like. Wow. That's. The pinochle one. Pina colada and all, of Grand. Cayman. Well. I will. Have to. That. It's very lovely don't you. Think. I, like, it. Yummy, they. Just bought us a movie sir having chips with a vote. To, Lima heat Oh. William. We, were pushing, a fish tacos, 2 shat mm-hmm. And. We. Are just sitting. Very comfortably. You. Happy I can. Just stay. Here for the next few hours. That's. The plan basic clay to leave to get back on the ship which mucho have we a little walk from the beach, did. The letter hold up first, can, I see some clouds on that side I don't. Know if we're, gonna attempt to walk. Back or not we'll see yeah let's see let's. See how it goes now. We. Just. Got. Some, what. Is it ESCA Beach Tucker. Sound. Oh. My, god and, we're still working on our pina coladas, alright resorts. We. Bid you adieu. Alright. So from here I think we're just gonna do. A 7. Mile walk. All. The way up the sky I, look, but they messed up 1 to 7 mile beach for the first time. To. The ocean. Yeah. We. Got it won't, be an hour maybe, 45 minutes. Yes. Definitely, so we're gonna go on the beach and walk straight. Back. Wow. That's beautiful.

It's A beautiful, beach. Excited. For it. Alright. Flip-flops. Are off I'm. Just gonna walk along, this little, water. Bit let's, test. The waters. It's. Nice. Yes. Nice. Yep. Careful, I see. It. Wow. That. Is. So cool. Can. We take this with us. But. It's so nice. That's. Like a good thick paperweight. Yeah. Yeah, it's like a doggy bone, so. That. We. Can't take him home so. We'll, just have a walk-in, well, I'm, excited to just walk this. Walking. Along. This. Long stretch, of the beach. In. Water, come. Up seven, mile beach so I think, we're about like. Mouth. Know. That. Yeah. That's a few miles. Please. Two and a half three mouthing I, think it's a long, journey, backward. It's. Not have you journey assess roll. So. We're. In the Caribbean, and. Look, at this beautiful beach. And. Worthy. For. The only last year - 102 people we've. Been walking about 25, minutes. We'll. See how it goes but 25. Minutes in I'm, sure I'll take us another 35, and. That's to get really close to it but you. Know when you're walking along, this, beautiful. Beach. It. Doesn't really matter, I. Think, we might have to cut somewhere, here says. No road access private, property. So. We might have to, exit. Onto the actual road now yeah okay. Path. To the road we go by, ocean yeah, just uh, try. And cut through, one. Of these resorts, and, out into the street. Hopefully. It's safe right. Well, find out should, be all right. Never. Cool. I wouldn't. Necessarily. Recommend, doing. This wool dippin green of any night I mean he's so when we will be to design so. The, sidewalk. If exists, is very very down it is very narrow. Portions. Of it. Yeah. We. Made it. We. Are now in the shops again and let's see how long it took us an, hour and 15, minutes this. Isn't, all. The, stuff here when, I just go back now I'm, ready you are yeah I'm ready to some that is it yeah we're, going. Back to the ship. Just. A nice, day here in the grand Caymans, we. Enjoyed. It very much I love our. Trip. To, go see the stingrays, and. Her, little you know just, relaxing. Lunch. Hey. Now it's time for us to, say, goodbye to. All Cayman. Family. Go, back to the ship and then get ready for this evening it'll be a fun evening I think going, to bingo next, so. Let's, go.

2018-06-04 18:42

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Hey I just started watching y’alls videos and y’all are so cute and sweet:) I am a huge disney fan and I love y’alls Disney trips and all of your Disney tips videos! ✌

Hi Phoebe! Thank you so much for watching and for your sweet message! That means a lot to us! We're also huge Disney fans and we're so grateful we get to share our adventures! So happy to have you come along with us!

I really enjoyed your visit with the stingrays what fun. And lunch at the hotel by the ocean how relaxing. I am so enjoying your Disney Cruise vlogs. Went on my first Disney Cruise last year and did my second one this past March. I am now planning my Christmas cruise for this November the Disney Dream can’t wait.

Betty Sierra thank you so much! It was a brilliant day overall - a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation :) Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment! I hope our videos are getting you excited for your upcoming Christmas cruise! That will soon come around! You’ll be working your way up to Gold Castaway Club status in no time

So amazing! Did you film the sting rays with go pros? If so which ones? I’ve just brought my first, its a hero 5. X

Never Never Growing Up perfect thank you x

Hi Hannah! We filmed with one GoPro - ours is an older model, we have the Hero 3 - and also took one of our iPhone X's in to the water which I think took some good quality footage and gave a pretty good depiction of the colors and clarity of the water! The weather did dictate that the water was choppy that day, it was difficult to stay standing still on the sand bar. However we didn't feel it at all on the boat, it was a smooth ride! :) -K

Also is it choppy? That’s the only thing that puts me off as I suffer from sea sickness occasionally on ferry’s.. lol

We visited Grand Cayman when we worked on cruise ships, we never mustered up the courage to do the stingray trip. However after watching this, I reckon we should have took the plunge. Awesome video

Right! Must’ve been very hard work! We really respect all cruise employees do to make sure people have a great vacation! And thank you, new vlog on Sunday :)

No we worked for Thomson, now TUI. But a lot of the ships have similar excursions

Oh nice! Were you working on Disney cruise Line? Aww hopefully you get a chance to go back as a passenger if you haven’t had enough of it! It was a lot of fun! And thank you!!!

This is something we are thinking of doing at Castaway Cay when we go in December! It looks so cool

For Love of the Mouse we would definitely recommend it, it’s such a fun experience!

We did the Stingray Adventure at Castaway Cay last summer and loved it! One of the rays had a wingspan as long as I am tall (5'4). Amazing. We liked Grand Cayman too. We did a tour of the island and then got on a boat and learned all about mangroves. I didn't really understand that that's what we'd be doing when I booked the tour but it turns out mangroves are incredible!! Glad you had a good time!

autumnmobile firstly, that is a HUGE stingray! Second, we’re the same height! Glad you too enjoyed it, they really are magical creatures!!!

Thank you so much for this nice video! What time was your ship in port there? We are going there on Fantasy in October and are a little worried our day there will be short and your video confirmed that Fantasy was late... I booked a separate excursion from the ship to Stingrays because the outside company offers an extra snorkeling stop but am a little worried about making it back to boat now. Your Ritz Carlton lunch tip and making it back along the beach was very very helpful. Very nice to get the bearings from 7 mile beach back to the dock! :)

thank you so much for watching! We docked very early. I think we met our group for our excursion around 7.30am or so. I’m sure you can work with your excursion tour company to come up with a plan should you be late. So much depends on the sea conditions because you have to tender to the port. Glad it was helpful! It’s definitely doable but one heck of a walk lol.

On our cruise on the Fantasy in October we are going to Grand Cayman! Did you get some sort of daypass to the Ritz? How did that work? :) any tips would be greatly appreciated! (@winniethekarabear)

Kara McComb awesome! We didn’t purchase a day pass, we just walked in and went directly to the restaurant we went too for lunch :) It was such a relaxing spot, we’d definitely recommend! Though maybe have a bit of a walk on the beach then catch a taxi back to the beach lol. Any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask! ☺️

Grand Cayman looks absolutely breathtaking. (Also, you get a like JUST for singing Queen on the boat)

Matthew Calmert we’re so glad we got to experience it, would love to go again some time and see some other parts of the island! And thanks haha, gotta make your own party you know

What a great vlog! My parents and I are headed here for Christmas on a Disney Cruise this year and was wondering what might be fun to do. Glad to see you had enough time for the stingray and then some relax time. Anywhere else besides Ritz you would recommend that you maybe looked at too?

Chris Kidder aww thanks so much! That’s so exciting! I’ve no doubt you’ll have an excellent time! We picked these things out quite quickly but I know a lot of people like to do the Royal Palms - you can get a day pass I believe for beach access and food and drink if you were looking for something like that. We opted to venture a little further out and to the Ritz thinking it would be quieter (it was significantly) but it really depends on what you’re interested in doing! GC is known for the stingray excursions :)

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