We're Struggling

We're Struggling

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we haven't posted here on youtube in nearly  a month after years of religiously uploading   every single sunday eamon and i typically love to  share our struggles and our laughs as we travel   the world in our van or renovate this cabin in  the woods but we've been struggling to keep up   the last few weeks i came down with a mysterious  illness which brought me to the hospital not once   but twice that's where the story begins today   on our way to emerge a few days ago i noticed on  the back of Eamon's leg like a red circular kind   of bite looking thing and you started feeling  really feverish he wasn't sleeping well like   cold sweats really hot you were running a fever  loss of appetite really tired all the things right   yeah we forgot the camera so we're shooting  on the shooting the vlog on the phone here yeah okay and you're both  coming out no i'm a patient   they kicked Bec out and it's busier than  we thought it was i'm just sitting in a   room a bunch of other people just waiting what  kind of outfit did i choose for the hospital   so you were seen by cardiologists am i right  or who did you see you the last update from   eamon is that um they're testing him for lyme's  disease i'm sitting in the back of our truck   in this hospital parking lot assuming you've done  a few few miles kind of smells a bit funny in here oil models range hood extractor fans it's like  the big comfy couch back here when i was younger   i used to snort spaghetti up my nose and my  mouth as we were driving to the hospital we   both said to each other there's nothing better in  life than knowing that your partner has your back   and i know he would just be doing the same  for me so that is really special you know oh that's him oh my gosh this  woman is the love of my life and you came out i love you so  much i love you mom basically um we'll fill you in tomorrow we got home at 5 30  that morning and i immediately switched into   full-time nurse mode making sure eamon got  his antibiotics every day cooking up healing   meals and changing his bed sheets after he'd sweat  through them each and every night you know eamonn   is really sick when he stays in bed day after  day i like true stories i find myself getting   the envelope halfway into a normal movie and  it's boring why do i even care about that yeah it's in moments like this that you really start  to take a look at what's truly important in life   our physical health and our mental health are so  important which is why i am grateful to introduce   you to today's video sponsor betterhelp as it has  been for so many of you this past year has been   extremely challenging for eamon and i we are  dealing with grief the loss of a best friend   a lot of changes and things really started  to boil up under the surface of our   positive happy-go-lucky selves which is why we  reached out to betterhelp to help match us with a   licensed professional they assess your needs  and within 48 hours you start communicating   with this therapist you always receive  timely and thoughtful messages from them   and they want to make sure it's a great match on  both ends so for example eamon's first match just   wasn't the right fit and it was free for him to  change and find the perfect professional for him   and with 15 000 better help therapists available  it is easy to find the right specialty that maybe   isn't available in a small town like ours the  services are available for clients worldwide   plus it's more affordable than office  counseling and financial aid is available so   eamon and i and better help all want you to live  a happier life starting today so you can visit betterhelp.comback that's p dot com betterhelp.com  amon beck to get matched with a licensed therapist   plus our community is going to get 10 off with  that link for your first month it's officially   been a week since our little 12 hour extravaganza  in the hospital and i'm very very excited to say   but eamonn's vertical y'all how you feeling baby you know you say it every time but you don't  appreciate life and health until you get sick   so i'm feeling very very blessed very strong  very good as it turns out eamonn tested   negative for covet and lime so i'm just left here  thinking like maybe he wanted a little vacation   he wanted me to cater to him i'm just  kidding you're really really sick   our new theory is that maybe it was some  kind of spider bite that got infected   i'm sticking to it before we went to the  hospital we were really gung-ho on finishing   up this kitchen we wanted we want to just wipe  our hands clean of it and you might see behind   us we have some new shelving like every single  time you pull out your tool bag thinking this   is going to be a quick 30 minute job it took a  few hours but we are very excited by the results   and it really completes the entire coffee bar  setup today i just quickly want to do two things   what is going on here with  this foam finish fix for that   and then just trim off the corner beads for the  drywall and then tomorrow we can start tiling nice task one done well that's the look of a plasterer  i'm gonna try and keep this nice and clean   mix a little water so it's nice and soupy so i'm  going to cut my corner beads ah tim i'm cursing   you dude because i know you stole my snips i know  it he asked me one time said yo are these mine   i said no those are mine they say fit and then  nowhere to be seen after that or tim he's not here   to defend himself hey tim go look in your tool box  you'll see a pair of yellow snips those are yellow   buddy don't even start with me these  are not even close to the right tool this is just gonna go on real well  it's a little runny to be honest   this is just dripping all  over the floor oh my gosh here goes nothing hey that side went really well manifest this side baby  come on come on come on cheers to a job well done   kappa for you thank you you're welcome everybody  looks good i think we're prepped and ready to   tackle tiles tomorrow all right we'll see at the  rental shop make sure you get a wet towel when you   when you're tiling make sure you get a wet towel  a a wet towel cutter we gotta rent one okay   bye hey uh youtube what's going on man we're at  the lumber yard getting ourselves a table saw thanks man thank you you're welcome now we go home one two three do it one two three do it what's going on here there we go i got the weenies i don't want a weenie anyway   i got it we got chickpeas we got sauerkraut  we got kimchi i'm talking probiotics eamon's got a bad belly from all the meds  so we're heavy on the probiotics aren't we but this is what we're going for like a matte  white hexagon i think it's gonna look great beck   thinks it's gonna look great bob thinks it's the  worst idea ever he thinks it looks like an italian   bathroom floor all the tiles oh he hates  it he just texted me this morning don't you don't do it oh my gosh that's hilarious well that  changes things but i like them so let's give her so every time we do a b-roll scene amy goes yo  back grab the camera and then he makes it look   like he does all the work so then he makes it  look like i'm just doing the work and i'm like   yo can you film it so then you said hey grab  grab the camera i'm gonna put this table down   for a b-roll shot and i said well let me put  the table down i had the camera in the air or   the head table in the air already okay look  we'll get a b-roll shot of this one now one oh there we go eamon was looking for a headband  so i found him like my little facial headband   that's work what do you think can you  see what it says you do you baby do you this table saw sucks   what have we done first things first we're  hitting a snag with an electrical outlet oh that was good put her up nice okay whoa what are you doing  that's that's not how you okay thinly you   would hear it with the nope the other oh my  god this guy does not know what he's doing   so you spread it on with the flat side of the  trowel then apply and comb with notch travel then press tile firmly into place even  level the tile surface with another time   oh my gosh oh my god are you serious dude i'm serious you don't like it tony i love it gino do you love it yeah yeah we like it we picked it  put it on instagram and ask everybody else man it's too late essay it's way too late  way too late bob it's gonna be all good   man don't worry about bob think bob's a  65 year old virgin don't worry about mom yeah yeah but it just works out yeah we just had a big laughing fit that i wanted  to share because we've only ever tiled vans so   as evan's picking up the tile cutter and we're  starting tiles at like 3 30 in the afternoon   we thought to ourselves okay well we'll tile  today grab tomorrow it'll be a two-day job i think david's feeling better  slap it up and squeeze it down i've been sleeping for a week so  i got lots of energy but i think   we are gonna call it for today we've  made it all the way around the window   i think it looks good bob i don't know i  don't think it looks like an italian bathroom i'm sure some comments will suggest otherwise  but for me and back i think we're both stoked oh my god   um good morning you might notice  i'm a little partnerless that's because my buddy and i  have been in a really bad habit   since i got sick that we have separate bedrooms   when i saw you in the that is spider in there well we found ourselves in a bit of chop this  morning a little rougher than we were hoping but   still really beautiful to just take your morning  spend it away from the phone spend it with your   best friend in the chat i haven't been able to  enjoy it i'm stressed i'm gonna drop this camera   yeah that's true but still good way to  start today nice way to start the morning   and get our heads right for tile day two  alrighty kitchen warriors here we are   time to get these little tick tocks off of here look how good it looks and we're  back on track we've got eamon outside   skillfully cutting the tiles to fit in all  of these weird corners then we get the glue   up on the wall and then my roll is to come in  with a wet sponge clean it all up add these   little knick-knack things that stop it from  sliding and bob's your uncle that's my daddy   how do you enjoy tiling on a scale of one  two ten out of ten baby ten out of ten the first major snafu is if you look over here  you can see the countertop is really helping us   hold the line and holding the tiles up now once  we've slipped off the top of the countertop   we're starting to cruise down a little bit  so we're just going to start to micro adjust   the tiles going up and hopefully  we can still wiggle the countertop well we've come to another pivotal moment i'm not  sure we even showed them how terrible this was   looking we didn't really think we could take this  down slash didn't want to but you see this trim   amy keeps telling me the trim job it's not  worth it i think we have to take this down nice are we out and we're out okay all right okay   all right all right i'll move  this yeah can you help me oh just tip it towards you oh so yeah these are obviously things you learn  as a professional carpenter you obviously   wouldn't do your hood range until your tile's  done so there's no one to blame here but me   and me and bob yeah and trump trenton's saying  about that and he's he's pretty close to a pro i'm marked again this is  hard work really hard work one more walk one more walk let's go baby shout out to charlie from home depot in kingston  for getting us the exact number of tiles charlie   hi you're the man i got to remind you guys  this is not hgtv where we just uh the host   leave for a bit and get the tile guy to come  in like this is this was a big job this is uh   this is everything so it's  just us and we're signing off   and we love you all and don't forget  to call someone you love see you sunday   this is what beck really wants to be  wearing that's how hot it is in here dude it looks really good  the tile yeah you like it this little animal keeps coming and  stealing my fresh cherry tomatoes this is why they don't vlog  at three in the mornings

2021-08-26 20:58

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