We Loved China So We Came Back! First Day in Guangzhou

We Loved China So We Came Back! First Day in Guangzhou

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welcome to Guangzhou China a city in the South  beaming with endless Fascinations this is what   I wanted to see from Cantonese Food Heaven  to Modern and advanced sites I think we've   come to the right place a perfect blend  of old meets new we are taking you on an   immersive exploration through southern  China and it is wild this is Guangzhou hello and welcome to sunny Southern China we are  so excited that we're finally back in China we had   such an incredible experience the first time  that we had to come back in our first series   we started in the modern city of Shanghai we then  got to experience the high-speed train to Beijing   where we saw the Tiananmen Square and got to  stand on the Great Wall of China we then went   to China's cyber Punk City Chongqing it blew our  minds away previously we were here in the winter   and it was freezing cold now we are here in  fullblown summertime and let me tell you it's   hot I have been outside for 5 minutes I'm  sweating like crazy it is 35° and we are   exploring Southern China welcome to China thank  you nice to meet you nice to meet you too byebye   thank you and already we are receiving a warm  welcome this is exactly what I missed about   China so we have decided to start our second  Journey here in China in the sprawling Mega   City in the south of China Guangzhou which is  the capital of Guangdong Province this city is   going to be particularly interesting I think  because it's where the old China meets the new   China it's so strategically placed right on the  Pearl River it's the busiest port city in the   whole of China which connects China to the rest  of the world plus this is the home of Cantonese   food so we're going to have some delicious food  today let's go into the City and let's explore we are starting here on the Pearl River as I  said is one of the most important trade routs   in the world and behind me is one of the  most iconic landmarks in Guangzhou which   is the Canton Tower and it was once  the tallest tower in the entire world   in 2010 at 600 M high but then it was soon  overtaken by the Tokyo Tower in 2011 and as   you can see it has a thin hourglass shape  sprawling all the way up it's absolutely   beautiful and you can in fact go all the way to  the top and there's an observation deck looking   over the city as you can see around me it's very  green and Guangzhou is known as The Flower City   because of the really hot subtropical climate  that they have you will see lots of flowers   scattered throughout the city which makes it  this really beautiful and green City can I   also just point out how absolutely clean it is  here look how beautifully shaped these bushes   are the trees are trimmed the beautiful Canton  Tower The Pearl River it's absolutely so great   to be walking back here in China here you can see  all of the shimmering skyscrapers and this really   shows the modern side of Guangzhou there's so many  beautiful buildings this one has a random pointy   tower on the side and then in the middle it's got  this giant gaping circular hole in the middle of it so next to Canton Tower is this giant stadium  so I actually wanted to see what it looks like it   is huge look at all of these chairs so I had a  small look around and it said that in 2010 they   hosted the Asian Games here so over there I can  see just these kind of old condo apartment style   buildings but just behind you can see all of the  new taller skyscrapers surrounding this Stadium   since it's so hot the first thing we need to do  is get a drink and of course in China they vending   machines everywhere and you know what I love about  being in China is you never need to bring a wallet   at all you just bring your phone and let's see  how this works because there's no way to put   cash anyway so step one let's choose our drink  water water because it's boiling there we go a   little QR code that says Alipay so let's scan that  350 un for a drink oh oh there you go there it is   and it's cold thank goodness absolutely brilliant  okay put my money away oh wow this is our video   Great Wall yes yes the Great Wall yes this is  on Tik Tok China Tik Tok China Tik Tok okay   so our video is on the Chinese Tik Tok  and we didn't even know about it you oh   you like YouTube yes wow thank you thank you  for watching can we take a photo look at our   photo okay thank you thank you so much nice  to meet you have a good day by bye bye bye bye a so sweet so cute bye bye bye wow that was  unbelievable that made our day we were literally   just walking on the street going to get a taxi  to our first destination of the day and these   guys came up and they've seen our videos so  right now Dev is ordering a taxi for us and   now most of them are actually electric taxis  so there's an app called DiDi which is pretty   much like the Uber here in China it obviously  shows you what the car is exactly like Uber or   grab would work so we paid 21 un and here is  minutes away there's our taxi balloons look   these bicycles and tricycles and motorbikes  are So Silent you got to watch where you're going this is actually our first   time taking a DiDi on the video we have actually  taken it before but this is so nice especially   like because it's so hot you actually get a little  time to just cool down and you're riding complete silence things can be quite overwhelming when  traveling through China especially when it   comes to staying connected that's why we want to  thank Airalo for sponsoring this video Airalo is   the world's first esim that allows you to  conveniently have data through a digital   Sim and stay connected in over 200 countries  and regions trusted by over 10 million users   worldwide we arrived in China downloaded  Airalo and connected instantly the moment   we landed there is no need to stand in long  lines for physical SIM cards or rack up huge   data roaming bills plus the app is so easy to  use you can choose how much data you want how   many days you need it and you can top up at  any time with Airalo we can stay connected   on social media book taxes use our navigation  apps when we're lost and use translation apps   plus the best part is you get to keep your  original phone number use our code shevdev3   or click the QR code on screen or the link in the  description when you're ready to give Airalo a try okay thank you byebye so we have arrived at  our destination hello you will immediately   see that this is very different to where  we were just a few minutes ago we have   come to Beijing road which actually looks very  similar to Nanjing Road in Shanghai what it is   is just a long pedestrian street about 1 and  a half km there's so many people here lots of   tourists lots of food stores I think we've  come to the right place and you could see   in that Financial District everything was really  spread out we here everything's like all crammed together so there bicycles thousands of people  crossing electric scooters okay we are in the   thick of it we are surrounded by lots of tourists  and we're right on the crosswalk where everyone is   crowding around us I think we're actually standing  in the middle of the crosswalk so we might   actually be in people's way all the buildings are  a lot older I can see there's a McDonald's over   there there's a whole lot of emojis at the top  there that's really cool if you think that China   has no Western influence it's everywhere we've  got Starbucks we've got McDonald's Mercure we've   got everything that we're comfortable with  so they're not missing out on anything and   all of these people are just going up and down  the street and because it's weekend it is very jam-packed this place is mental yeah  it's insane but like in the best way   there's so much energy here and this street  goes all the way over that intersection all   the way down there's more shops giant 3D  screen they got like tea there no idea   what that is no idea what those shops  are here they're making more iced tea   I can smell the most amazing Aromas of food  and I think the whole of Guangzhou has come here it's absolutely fascinating to be here  because it's like organized chaos there are   thousands of people all going in different  directions but yet nobody's bumping into   each other nobody is disrupting each other and  it's so nice to see like different areas and   different sides of China Plus in the middle of  the road you've got little popup stores as well   this is maybe more of like a tourist Hub so lots  and lots of people have come out today look how   cool this thing is I know what is that look at  this popup cart I don't even know what they're   selling gift exit so there's a gift that comes  out there and it's all car related look at the   front of it what is going on there should we  go look there's so much going on everywhere   oh my gosh and it's packed okay we have to go  and see what's going going on giant waterfall   uh stalactites stalacmites might like we're in  the middle of a cave and then there's the road   but you can actually walk inside is this just  an attraction what is this what what oh my word   I don't know what it is but I'm intrigued  I love it it's like um 3D 40 experience   cuz you can have sound sight smell and of of  course got a beautiful little picture on the ceiling so I want to point out what actually  happens on the street so here is a giant   shopping mall there are loads of local Brands and  then lots of international as well here is a mini   so I can see McDonald's in the far distance and a  American tourister that sells bags there's a Dairy   Queen and then there's lots of brands that I've  obviously never heard of should we get a lemon tea   let's get a lemon tea we have to try this lemon  tea because so many people are in line to try it   the best part is they won't have like a teller or  a card machine they'll just be a QR code somewhere   there so you just scan that and then you'll order  while you're standing here and then it'll be ready   for you so I need to find the QR code somewhere  I think there's one on the wall do you think I   can scan from here oh I can that was it that was  it that's how easy it is okay so let's see what   we've got here ooh there's so many so luckily you  can translate all in English mulberry grape lime   treasure juicy blueberry lime watermelon Lei pink  diamond joint wow so much is happening what about   this mulberry grape I'm going to get this one most  of the apps you can choose how much sugar you want   the sweetness level you want less sugar no sugar  with ice without they've got a whole bunch of teas   but look at this one grape duck excrament fragrant  ice tea I think that's just the translation is not   correct but we're not going to order it and in  China it's crazy you don't have to speak to a   single person we scan the code we ordered and then  we're just going to take our drink you don't even   need to talk to anybody but which one is ours hey  oh look at that we went to the green store and   it's got a crocodile and characters on the side  so I think it's the best one I can't wait to try H bye-bye bye byebye byebye so cute  and just in time for my mulberry drink   I can't tell you how hot it is here with  a complete contrast to when we were here   last time in like double layers of jackets  so an ice drink is needed oh my word fresh   mulberry on the inside it's just what  I needed cuz I was so hot and it's so   refreshing and we have some exciting news if  you want to see some more videos of us here   in China we have a second channel that we've just  launched so you can go and watch more Shev and Dev thousands and thousands of people are just  arriving this place is super popular they've   got lots of different types of meat  on a stick but I want to point out   this place which for me is absolutely  fascinating look at all of this Octopus   this just pick what you want and then this  lady grills it here she puts the oil on top   and then she has something to push it down and  flatten it look how many people are wanting to   enjoy this and you can see how big the stick is  that you get it's huge and it's so heavy it's   absolutely fascinating for us to see that first  of all how big the stick is just that you can   pick up your own stick choose what you want  and then they Grill it for you it's genius everybody is mesmerized by the 3D screen  that's behind me we're very lucky that we   get to see this but everyone else look  over here it's like totally fascinated   and it's really cool because we're getting  to meet so many amazing locals here we're   just going to enjoy the evening here  and then we're going to go and head to   eat some amazing street food and then end  the night with something very spectacular we've seen this and there's not a lot of people  here but do we want to try this can I have one   so it looks like a sausage but it looks like  they put a chili spice on top they put it in   this giant batter of oil I assume and this is  13 and they have different combinations you   could have a sausage with ice cream you could  have a sausage with a drink wow he presses it   down so cool it's absolutely impossible to walk  past all of these street food stalls and not   get something especially if it's covered  in a Mala spice as far as I know I think   this is a sausage and it was deep fried in the  piping hot oil and then covered and dusted in   this Mala spice so it is quite hot but I will  give it a bite wow spicy it's crispy but then   it's juicy on the inside it's absolutely  delicious it's like um like a deep fried   Vienna if I could put it that way but never had  a mala Vienna before it's actually surprised my   taste buds but in the best way because it's  super spicy and crispy and it's really hot   because it's just come out the deep fry as well  but I give this at least an 8 and 1/2 out of 10 we've now come to a different section a bit  of the older section here in Guangzhou so you   can see some of the buildings are a lot older and  you'll see these old commune style buildings and   the reason we've come to this section is this is  the Hub of food this is way more local and from   the looks of it it looks super exciting like  they've got all of these lemon tea shops and   it looks like a Vibe I think we might have come  a little bit early but let's walk further in and   let's see what we can find ooh look at this the  space for lemon tea that looks so good what does   that say Clausena lansium lemon tea purple litchi  lemon tea how good does that sound I don't even   know what that is but it sounds refreshing so all  along the street is mostly food you can see here   is a restaurant it looks like malatang malatang  you get all your ingredients and then cook it   in the pot in the center I love these local  parts of a city this is where we get to see   what the city is really like okay don't know what  this is but it looks really good and of course   everywhere we go we see these power bank stations  everywhere in fact they're lined up over there   over there and over here so you got to let  us know what this is this actually looks so good okay I'm translating oh you want  to take a picture yes let's take a picture thank you for taking can you want to take  a picture here 1 2 3 thank you so much than you   nice to meet you bye-bye byebye the kids have been  so adorable this entire day they are extremely   curious if they could speak English they would  speak to us non-stop that's the feeling I have   they are absolutely a dream they're a delight  and they are so polite it's actually amazing now we're entering like a wholesale  fresh fruit and veg market and it is   wild okay there's loudspeakers everywhere  a whole bunch of fruit sellers food stores   this is what I wanted to see a completely  different side of Guangzhou and the first   thing I see are these giant watermelons look  how big they are they're insane those must be   5 kg 10lb at least wow I think that's like a  duck duck neck maybe Duck I can see that's a head   immediately you can see this is a very different  vibe to the tourist Street we were on earlier   where all of the shops were inside where this  is all on the street yes fruit grapes juice and   there's people chopping up some duck over there  it's slightly overwhelming but like in the best   way because this is what I came to see I think  there's more down here the best part is there   are no tourists around here only local people  and this is a walk there sorry sorry this is a   walkthrough of people coming home from work so no  tourists around here people taking photos so what   do they got here giant steam buns I've never seen  those before they look like rolls and obviously   the giant like bow pots I actually don't remember  what those were called this is so cool everybody's   super friendly here in this s like the friendliest  friendliest people they are so nice so let me give   you a layout just people walking all the way  through from different sides and just little   popup street food stands all the way along he has  chicken feet very popular here in the South the   best thing for me is like the wafting Aroma like  I can just smell mala I can smell like chives and   something being grilled and oh it's so good wow  what is it yeah it's chicken chicken yeah like a   rotisserie chicken but it looks like it's seeping  with something like um sesame seed and some sort   of oil we've got electric scooters we got people  on foot we've got bicycles this is what I came   for and you can casually get your hair cut for 20  RMB and look at all of these pastries ooh oh and   here has the egg tart we had these in Macau and  then as you walk the street starts to narrow so   it gets more and more tight so all of the people  are now in the middle of the road it's organized chaos yeah uh okay let me see what she's  saying here I don't know so I'm going to   just quickly have a look if you  look over there it's a flat bread   and they're putting some filling on the  inside and then he's kneading it all the   way down and then she puts it in this  look at the giant scissors that she's   got there so this is The Cauldron look at  the coals in there wow sorry what are the ingredients okay yeah that one one you yeah one so  I think he's making one right now just for us look   at him he puts some water on the dough making it  flat just like that wow can you see it's actually   becoming translucent that's how thin it is oh  there's some sesame seeds on there everything is   done by hand I like that and there he pops it in  wow just like that just like that no preparation   and it it's hot yeah it must be so hot in his  hand so let me explain in this giant Barrel if   you look in here there is a roaring flame at the  bottom so what he has done with his bare hand is   stick that right on the inside the heat coming off  here is boiling and he stuck it to the sidewall of   the inner part of this part everyone in the  traffic here is intrigued just as much as we are it's very hot oh okay you say again this one oh yes chili  um yes we can have some chili we like spicy very good and it's almost ready I  think it's actually ready right now wow so now she's putting the chilies he  also what country we're from nan fei nan fei she says the foreigners love this   the food you make looks very  delicious thank you for making it for us so now we've got our flat bread already it's  already made now you have to pay do you have uh   Alipay okay maybe they only take cash oh right  here oh of course she's so modern eight okay oh she she we will eat now she translated  for me and she said it's better to eat this   while it's hot and it is piping hot so I  don't know how I'm going to actually put   this in my mouth look at my flatbread yeah he  says delicious delicious look at this doesn't   this look absolutely delicious so I'm going to  go eat it right now m m spicy crispy it's got   pork filling on the inside wow you've got to  try this it's a serious 10 out of 10 we only   paid eight RMB for this and she said we got  to eat it while it's hot so you got to have a taste you know what you're like part of the shop  now they were so unbelievably kind to me brought   out a chair from the back so I can sit here and  now I can just eat my little flatbread which is   so delicious by the way I'm living the dream  in you're like a part of this restaurant now   it's obviously like a husband and wife team and  literally on the streets here has all the people   and you can see it's getting busier and busier and  look how cool this is on this side she's actually   frying a whole bunch of potatoes so on this side  it's like the raw uncooked potato she's going to   heat it up I think she heat it up for me again  a cuz she said it was better to eat while it was   hot and then I think I I was taking too long so  she put it back in like they're honestly taking   care of us so much wow oh I can't tell you the  heat that is coming off of this for them to stand   in front of this all day like it's already  hot in Guangzhou but having this extra heat   look at this a thank you a she said I have to  eat it hot honestly she's like do not eat this cold I'm so hot I want to disappoint  granny so while we're sitting here and having our final bite I wanted to give  you an idea of what's Happening here's my bread   here's Shev she's now part of this store I  think and then here they selling potatoes   and people are just walking along like this  lady just grabbing what they need we got some   fried chicken over here we got some fries and  look how tiny the store is it's just as wide   as this gentleman there's only space for one  person in there and we got scooters coming by   and then down here is like an Alleyway  who knows what happens down there this   guy is going to go down here so it's not  only the street but there's side alleys   as well there's a dog he knows where to go as  far as you can see there's just people walking   all the way up and down and the buildings almost  look like they're towering over the street it's   absolutely fascinating the way the old buildings  and these Street Markets are built all together yes yes it looks very delicious so I'm going to  say goodbye to my granny your friend yeah going   to go is she your grandmother now yeah she byebye  bye bye see you next time byebye bye-bye oh they   were so amazing they were heartwarming welcoming  they let me sit in front of their stall how are   you doing oh looking for oh what are you going to  eat for dinner yeah for dinner it's corn yes nice   you here yes we live uh close by you stay here  in in Guangzhou for one week and then we will   go to Chengdu oh Chengdu yes he says he saw  us from YouTube that's amazing thank you for   watching our videos saw a lot of your videos  thank you so much I saw you come too soon we love it love it it's amazing it's a mountain  you're right the Mountain City Mountain Magic   City Magic City Magic City yes exactly this is  the the other side of the Guangzhou I think it   have two size one size is CBD one size is here  really in the city yes exactly they are worker   I like what you said Guangzhou has two sides  so there's this side and the CBD side and we   want to see all the sides of China we want to  see the modern but also this is so exciting so   we had to come and see I can't believe  that because many foreigners who visit the but few few people come here here wow that's  amazing we like this we like it we like it here   yeah enjoy your corn yes and look look for another  food yes more food it's not enough not enough yes   this my phone number your phone number okay I got  it if you meet some if you meet some difficulty   you call me thank you so much thank you so much  so kind of you byebye bye bye a have a good   dinner bye that guy was so amazing first of all  he watches Us on YouTube so that was my day made   already but then he said if we need anything if  we get in trouble or if we need some help he said   we can always call him and he gave us his phone  number so sweet I don't know if you heard what   he said but he said a lot of foreigners don't  come here they only go to the CBD they only go   to the modern places and he said you're the first  Foreigner I see here and I thought that was really   special because we want to see all the sides of  this is what we like the most this is what we like   this is where we Thrive we want to see the real  stuff we've learned from our travels that it's   not only about the busy Street the tourist Street  and obviously the most iconic sites to see it's   about going to the streets where the people are  and most of the time that's where the best food   is but also where you get to see what life is like  just for people on their daily routine and this is it I didn't want to get knocked by the motorbike  there so silence I can't hear them coming you've   got to really watch where you going and it feels  like I'm seeing everything see you again bye enjoy   your corn he's getting more for dinner I hope  so yes he's going to be starving after that you   can really see that we're in a local area and a  lot of the buildings are really really old and   they've got these cages on the sides obviously to  protect the windows you got all of the electrical   lines and telephone lines and then you've got  electric scooters and it's silent this mix in   China that you get the old buildings the old  hustle and bustle but then Electric vehicles   and you pay by scanning a code it's mindblowing  look at this look how narrow these lines are and   you can't hear any of these motorcycles completely  jam-packed re quiet hello hello hello nobody's   making a sound except for us and everybody just  goes around you no one bumps into each other the   only problem is we're just going to keep going  down the street forever you know what there's   too much to see it just keeps going I don't  think you'll ever come back I you are so cute bye-bye look we're in foot traffic and everyone  else is in normal traffic everybody just Parks   their bikes wherever and they're  safe like this is crazy for us to see so in China you actually have stores that do  not have any staff members at all it's pretty much   like a self-service as you can see this is like  a hole in the wall store there's no till there's   no person it's just a whole bunch of fridges and  drinks and if I look over here all of the drinks   say five RMB so and it's 24 hours and it's 24  hours I think it says five here I know five and   that's crazy because it can be 24 hours because  there's no staff to man the store so basically   it works on an honesty system so they have some  fridges with some drinks inside so all you have   to do is scan the QR code pay and then you can  take your drink and leave and then on this side   if you want to pay cash you just put your money  in here and then you take your straw you take   your to-go plastic and that's it which drink are  we going to get they all look so good this one   caught my eye this is like a fruity oh there's a  lady oh where did she come from where did she go   I like this one I don't know what it is but I  want let's get this one ooh it's cold kind of   and then it's got a little ducky face on so  now we're going to scan the QR code and pay   for our drink I'm going to put in my  five RMB boom I've grab my straw and   I'm actually going to put my straw in right  now going to shake it up a bit put my Straw in it's watermelon oh that is so refreshing how  cool is that and you just walk out I just walk   out I feel kind of weird about it cuz I know I've  paid but it just feels strange you also put in the   amount so if you take two drinks you put 10 but no  one's checking on you that Honesty system is wild   for us it would never work in our country no way  but I think that shows the honesty here in China   good drink I want to try it it's delicious it's so  refresh everything is so convenient I love being here another mhm as the sun has set it is full-blown night  life here in Guangzhou and we are loving every   second of it we've got Mega malls we've got old  buildings Billboards and there's so many people   here hundreds of thousands of people apparently  there are 14 million people in Guangzhou they're   all here they're all here all these Neon Lights  have come out that you don't see during the day   and of course at night the temperature is a  lot cooler and I think that's why everybody   is here our final stop for tonight is this  beautiful Temple behind us which is the Dafo   temple I think that's how you pronounce it what's  fascinating about this Temple and the reason why   so many people are taking photos of it is because  it's smack bam in the middle of the city center   you can see all of the buildings around and then  this beautiful Temple that apparently is about a,   years old we're going to try and go inside  and show you what it's like but I think this   overall shows you what Guangzhou is like we've  got the modern side and the old side together we've now entered the temple and it's fascinating  because it's one of the oldest temples here in   Guangzhou and you can see lots of people praying  you can actually see candles being lit I think   you can buy a candle there's just this piece of  Serenity and quiet in the middle of the hustle   and bustle just one street over there are hundreds  if not thousands of people crowded on the streets   in conclusion Guangzhou has completely blown  us away the people have been amazing there's   a diverse culture thriving economy amazing food  and I feel like it's got a bit of everything   so it really is a perfect destination for a  traveler and don't forget that we have so many   more episodes coming up we are going to Chengdu  we're going to Xi'An so please don't miss it give   us a like SUBSCRIBE and leave us a super thanks  if you want and we'll see you in the next one

2024-08-23 02:15

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