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so last night we stayed here just nice little  park a little free camp spot if you will   as you probably know by now our other one failed  but we're gonna head over to the waterfalls here   in a little bit and re-examine just exactly  what happened obviously we made some mistakes   throughout the whole entire process we were  extremely stressed you can probably see that from   the video but we have looked at the video and kind  of figured out what we should do better next time   and but we're gonna go look at this  and see yeah how bad it really was so she sees the chicken the chicken sees him   he's not interested i think the chicken might be  more interested in g than he is in the chicken oh the chicken's gonna get g here comes another one another chicken oh i frequently say it's better to be lucky than good   but the city manager lives right there her name's  beatrice and she said we can fill up the water   over here at this municipal building it's patable  and we can use as much as we like and so the   people here have been very cool and very nice this  little city is pretty charming after we had our   near disaster but i'm going to fill up with water  before we go check out this waterfall we're headed   back down to the uh the waterfall the scene of  the traumatic event yesterday afternoon or evening   and uh now that we look at it it looks like  this town definitely does its best to deal   with all the water when those flash floods  come there's drainage stitches on both sides   but you can definitely see stuff up on the road  and um we see some city officials driving around   checking out probably making sure everything's  okay but this is just the road to the waterfall   let's get down there and see what  the waterfall itself looks like this ditch right here as we  were back and out of here   this area was completely covered with water now  the road only had about an inch of water on it   but the ditch was full of water and so we couldn't  see that box cover it looked like we were just   backing up on the road and somewhere in there  i dropped the left tire into that hole and we   rocked and fortunately we rocked the two wheels  fortunately we were able to get up out of there   but that's where we dropped off into i don't  see any marks on the asphalt where we kind of   drop back into but it's pretty deep hole that  tree right there we definitely hit with the van   but it rained last night we got no leaks  so we didn't do anything to the van and   it doesn't look like we hurt the tree that  bad but this is the road guys last night   that was just a solid river when we were  backing out of it it was incredibly scary now i'm going to turn around yes we're  going to turn around so we can drive out   i could have easily backed right in there  and came straight up but we couldn't see it   we just couldn't see it it  was just a solid river yeah oh there's a jeep down here now it's back to normal guys a peaceful beautiful  waterfall that we would have loved to have slept   by last night and woke up too with the sunrise  this morning but it wasn't in the cards glad we're   able to get back down here and show it to you  guys the cool thing is there's a road where we can   drive down and show it to you from the bottom too  so this is just the tippy top it's supposed to be   a really magnificent waterfall so we're excited to  show you the whole thing and look at this valley   this place is breathtaking so we're  headed down to the bottom of the waterfall we've seen it pretty good from the top of course  yesterday we saw it in the rain like crazy   got a good look at it this  morning nice and peaceful again   now we're gonna go see what  it looks like from the bottom it's a pretty road all right you all know snow's been working on  her knee but a lot of times she can't quite   get to the waterfalls but i'm pretty  stoked this is actually a bit of a   i don't know if i call it remote but yeah  remote waterfall let's say we got pretty close is we found this from our instagram friends vibes of  panama who are overlanders that went all the way   to alaska but they're based out of and grew up  and lived here they told us this is where to go water all right something must have happened that  got into snow when we got stuck in that flash   flood last night she's crawling around on  these rocks like she's a little millennial   but anyway i think she feels  the magnetic pull of that   waterfall and wants to get into  some of that little waterfall mist look at her gear me i can be water um is me uh good morning guys good morning so our  morning started with a police checkpoint   but it was routine they just checked the  paperwork for the van and look at our   driver's license and send us on our way but  we're doing something a little different today   so before we went to bocos del torre  poro logos del toro the islands   we were up in coffee country in the highlands area  of panama very beautiful pretty place and somehow   we got our communication lines crisscross because  we both thought the other one was in a hurry to   get to the islands and now well we kind of feel  like we need to backtrack kurt there's a lot of   really cool stuff there it was a super cool area  there was a lot of stuff basically we left on   the table it kind of reminded me that wildlife  and some of the other cool stuff in costa rica   so we both kind of looked at each other and  we're like let's go back we rarely do that   well there's another reason to that kind of  brought this to light that we had miscommunicated   to our to each other you know how much we love the  whales and we headed over to the coast where the   whales are supposed to be and they're here for  a few months out of the year and there's like a   range of months and uh this would be the first  month but they're not hearing yet they seem to   be migrating a little slow this year so we need to  buy a little time before we head back out and try   to find the whales so kind of all just lined up  like it needed to let's turn left guess who's back snow and kurt are back in cerro punta yeah ah what  a day it was a long drive we didn't bring you guys   along on the drive mainly because you've already  seen most of the great stuff we've seen along   this route so the next time you're gonna see us as  when we are at our destination so as you guys know   we are back in sarah punto and we're staying at  los catos lodge again and we met the family who   owns this place last night beautiful people really  enjoyed our visit with them but today i get a   special special treat i get to go birdwatching  with a professional bird guide so i'm super   excited about that and we're going to look for  some really cool birds maybe nothing you've seen   before but hopefully probably the last time i'll  get to see the quetzals and so we're going to go   looking for them it's a little overcast a little  rainy don't know what the weather's going to   bring i think snow's going to have a spa day so  hopefully either way we'll keep you entertained   but i gotta tell you i am super pumped  about this experience today hello my name is talking a little bit about everything around here  it's on schedule special switch schedule in panama   city area or cerro punta chiriki area there's so  many things specialties and beauty around here   so it didn't take long we jumped in the four  by four and we're headed up and i think we're   almost to our first spot guys so i'm here  with my trusty guy e2 and uh we're headed up so we're at our first stop and  we are at the ketzel trees we   don't see any quetzals but we're  trying to call them in right now foreign i one of the hottest owl to fund on the  topic daytime the most incredible daytime   and then what was that woodpecker behind there so i don't know if you guys can see  it but there's a pygmy owl right here   right in front of us and there's a  little hummingbird buzzing around   now i think these owls feed on smaller birds  and so they're trying to defend their territory   this guy's pretty close to us and he's really  cool big yellow eyes huge talons for his size   but he's only about what would you  say about maybe five six inches tall don't know if you guys can see you saw the um before all right  guys we're four-wheeling again   we didn't find a quetzal there at that last spot   but we did find the cool owl and we saw some other  cool birds some parakeets and some other stuff so   really beautiful being out in the nature hearing  the bird sounds and actually learning a lot about   the birds and the capsules and some of the other  stuff but we're headed to another spot right now   now this is a road that we've been up to this  is up towards the los quetzalis trail we did not   see him when we were up here but i got my secret  weapon with us so we're hoping to find him up here okay all right guys it's been a tough  morning at quetzal spotting   but we've definitely found two females they're off  up in that tree kind of hidden away in the brush   they're a little bit out of camera range we're  able to see them through the binoculars and   through the scope a little bit we got a little  bit of footage of the one this one's kind of tough   they're flying around and they're in  cover oh there's one ghost there she goes   snow's filming some birds we're here ito let us  hang out in his backyard it's a beautiful place   he's got hundreds of hummingbirds here and  also several tannagers he says he's got 90   species of birds here and i absolutely believe  it so we're just enjoying relaxing back here   but this is a beautiful place i gotta tell  you panama should be on your bucket list and   this faro pinto valley this area up here should  definitely be a place you want to come you can   easily spend a week here enjoy the nature  enjoy the food enjoy the beautiful vistas   the forest there's so much here and  the people here are absolutely amazing   me too and his family and also you know we're  staying over across the road at the los calas   plus catalyst eco lodge and carlos and his  family the owners there are also amazing and so   i just can't recommend this place enough  especially you know for van life but even   if you're not in van life and you're looking for a  nice cabin or a place to stay a bed and breakfast   guys put this on your list it's amazing here  you like to stay here all the time at your house   okay yeah thank you so much though you  need something don't call me a dummy   thank you another little hidden secret  gem of this ketzel lodge we're staying at   i know kurt's been showing you lots and lots of  stuff but at the top of these stairs is a spa   yesterday while kurt was out on his bird  tour i got a little massage here and there's   something else up at this spot too let's  go see what it is it's been raining a lot   so the river's flowing pretty good through  here but what we've got right over here is a nice hot soaking tub right in there so  i'm about to get in so snow's made it up here   and before me and it looks like she's  determined this is a one-person hot tub   actually i think she's really super relaxed  i can't wait to get in there and relax myself   we have the beautiful outside nature right  here there's the the the roar of the river   and i'll tell you yesterday we had a ton of rain  i don't know if you could see those boulders right   there in the middle of the river but the water  level was over there i was talking to carlos the   owner he was worried that he might lose some of  this property back here but we got the farm back   there and it's doing pretty good but that's it  for you guys because i'm getting in the hot tub   all right now we're completely  relaxed from soaking in the tub   might be time for a little nap hungry lunch  definitely need to get something to eat so you may remember from the last time  we were here this place has a nice little   lodge lounge area upstairs me and carter  headed up there to do a little lounging   right Curt we're getting our relaxation on guys it's a nice little place to do  that so let's head up to the lounge if you like this video be sure  to subscribe to our channel   and hit that notification bell so you guys know  when we put out new videos and don't forget you   can always follow us over on instagram to see  what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2021-09-06 06:07

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