welcome back to the channel we are just about to head off to a campsite near Bakewell we've got a meet up with some friends yes exciting it's good to see friends again so yeah we'll have to do that I don't know who that was that just joined us umh yeah so we're going to go meet up some friends we're going to stay in a pub stopover tonight on the way cuz it's quite a drive to Bakewell yeah so from where we are so we're going to do a pub stopover tonight and then tomorrow we'll be with friends we'll take you with us we made it I need a bit of light cuz it's gone dark and we got to the uh first stop on this trip um for the night we booked him for a meal in half hour so oh and there's you over there hello it's cold so i got jacket on yeah so it's getting a bit cold um I'm coming out a bit dark so I don't know if you can see me but we're at the back of the RobinHood I believe um there is a few cars in here as you can see dotted around and we have to go on chock so if you can see that so it is a little bit unlevel but yeah sticking us up on the chalks that ain't actually too bad well good morning everyone so we had a fine sleep here last night didn't we in the pub car park yes we did yeah um I'm just working from home yes so we are back to back to normal running now where we're away and Jodie is working from home or motorhome again yeah so we had a good sleep here it's called the RobinHood and is it Droitwich or something it's called something like that if it's wrong we'll put it in the in on the screen now yeah um but it's just off the M5 we're heading up to Bakewell from the southwest so it was a halfway point for us um what lovely meal wasn't it it was a lovely meal yeah it was I had porkbelly with mash and veg it was a little bit disappointed when he got it cuz it was you only get the small portions but they do mainly do like three course meals and stuff but we did put a bit of uh a dessert on top of that so it was all right sticky toffee pudding so yeah I had fish and chips and that was beautiful really enjoyed that so we are I've done a little bit of Maintenance um cuz I've had my camera playing up again it's just the connectors at the rear they seem to come loose so I've taped them all up and got that rear view camera cuz it's a due camera working again um but I'm going to go through some of the upgrades over this Vlog or not upgrades should we say some of the uh warranty work that got done so as soon as we got back I it into the garage and quite a few little bits got done um some more stuff still to be done so I think you know it's always an ongoing project when you got a motorhome um but for now this is where we stayed so we have moved slightly cuz they were cleaning the car park and the truck wanted to get into unload um it is a little bit on a slant I think we said that already and they have got a charge point and about two to three car Parks here so they like you parking at the back it was a pleasant stay we are near the M5 so do expect some road noise from that especially early hours in the morning when it starts to get a bit busier about quarter to 6 this morning I heard it get busier there you go had a good sleep though yeah yeah so it like I say it was peaceful other than a bit road noise but it didn't bother me cuz I was absolutely knackered anyway the pub shots at half past 10 Lee we were in bed for 10:00 Lee was asleep by quarter past and so there was a little bit of noise people getting in the cars and stuff like that but it went really quickly and then I was asleep so yeah so it's quite a pleasant stop really I'd use it again definitely definitely being close to the M5 anyway and if you're traveling up that way it's ideal um but we're going to go from here now and we're going to travel up to Bakewell and um yeah I like I say I'll go through some of the things that have been done or all the things that have been done and some of the things that are still to get done on the van but um the van starting to look um good with all the jobs getting done so it's really good uh but we'll see you up at Bakewell actually parked there last night but we had to move cuz there was um a guy doing the leaf blowing and there was Loads of leaves under where we were so we didn't have to but we chose to move um Lee just setting up the satnav and then we're off but that's the pub there the RobinHood definitely recommend that place just off the M5 about 5 minutes away from our destination some of these roads are a bit skinny it's with in the country now we're going for like a village or something Music Right were heading down this road here which is Haddon Grove Music right so Haddon Grove Farm caravan and camping that's where we are there's a sign there and Mandale campsite free-range eggs looks like the campsite down there Haddon Grove's in there Farm yeah but that's a farm but you're going to the campsite it says around the back there's a sign on the floor that way yeah oh yeah okay so that that's for a different camp that says Mandale We're Going to Haddon Grove so it looks like we're going up here all quite narrow isn't it when you come off that Main Road it is we're just going to find out now reception um I think we need to go in the reception yeah so where we just packed up um they said that that's not the actual campsite for where we should be um it's under that umbrella I believe or we'll confirm that when we get there but it's further down here so lots of people made that mistake so we just come out turn right and uh heading down this one okay it says Haddon Grove on it so I guess it is there's an arrow going back that way for Haddon Grove oh there was a sign there saying Haddon Grove yeah on the floor so we'll try this one and then uh let you know if we've got it right this time I think we're early that's all not sure there a sign of this is not Haddon Grove Cottages but we're not looking for that anyway I don't believe sign there saying mill Farm Haddon Grove there's a motorhome in there but I believe that's a CL um and we've got more than five motorhomes coming so we're looking for a rally field I think but this is that's definitely a CL sign on this the gate there yeah Lee's got Lee's just gone to ask them there if they've got any advice we don't know if we're meant to go up to the main road and turn right and it's further down but our postcode brought us here so hopefully we'll find everyone cuz we are I think we're earlier than everyone else that's the issue um if not we'll just find somewhere to hang about till someone is on site and tells us where it is got an update for you so we rang the event organizer for the Meetup and they said they would ring the campsite and it is actually where we were at first actually on the dairy farm um and they were mistaken to move us on I think they were a bit confused I don't know why maybe they weren't expecting anyone till a bit later however we're now at the reception again Lee's just getting sorted um so we know where we're going and we'll pick you up once we get on our pitch or on the grass or wherever it is we're going um I think it's just cuz we're the first here um but yeah that's the reception just there and then there's loads of fields just hoping the rain holds off so we're okay on the grass you locked yourself out yeah what's happening we are first here but apparently there's four fields to choose from he said the grass is left a little bit on so he ain't cut it fully down but it is quite good we will see when the van goes on um if we go in the top Fields you get a nice view depends what we want and just choose our area um and now I can put on the group actually that they can just come around if they cuz they've all paid uh without having to disturb them and check in um but we're going to go around and test the uh we'll be the ones testing the ground out oo so we get to choose the field um however you know what it's like you choose one however you know what it's like you choose one and people are go no we want to be on a different one probably so we'll just do our best then we'll let people know so as we got here Mega early well it's open for 12 so for them everyone else went to Bakewell and had to look around and uh we decided to come straight here cuz we didn't fancy parking in Bakewell did we but they've all managed it but I thought if they doing it that might not be no space for us so um not today anyway so we had a choice of three Fields actually for this Meetup didn't we yes when we got here we didn't know that so we found that out so we've just chose one for now and we've let um Tim who's organizing the meet up know uh and if we need to move we'll move them they get here yeah but uh show you yes let me take the camera off you cuz you got no shoes on don't want wet feet nothing worse it does is a bit of a sun trap here so that's one good thing yes the ground is a bit damp and a bit wet um but it looks all right so they got a fi just through there through them trees that's the main one you'll come through there's quite a few Caravans on there at the moment um there's another Field behind them trees and then there's a field just in the corner behind them trees so we've chosen this one just because it like we say it's reasonably flat we're not on chocks um and we got all this space for the Vans to park so when you do a Meetup like this it's always good to have that freedom create a square or whatever you're going to do um people will probably get their fires out and stuff like that but it's um always makes it a bit more of a better experience um we got drinking water down the bottom end of this field as well and another one at the top so and then just past that building there is where you'll find the Elson point and I will show you in a bit but it's very basic toilets as you can imagine this is a farm a working dairy farm as it is um but there's a set of toilets just up the top end of that main field and then a brick building down the bottom and like I say just your basic needs really um but if you are in a van and something and you haven't got your shower then you can get a shower there so it's ideal so I'm now going to go and do some blue jobs and then um why Jodie is still working and then we'll wait for the others to turn up yeah of course he is of course he's going to do some jobs while I'm working that's what he tells you he's going to get his head down go to sleep or he's going to sunbathe out here one or other that's the truth well feels a bit lonely at the moment just our van is stuck there on its own however I'm going to go and see if I can find a rubbish bin and I believe the others are turning up very soon and at the same time I can just point out where the other toilet blocks are but we come down this track into this field so there is a little bit of hard standing to come in um and the ground does seem okay so from all the rain that we've heard you guys have had during September um quite surprised the ground's still solid so this field seems to be the main one say just behind that Caravan just up there there's another field and to the right of that and over there is a little toilet block male and female and if we swing around to the left just through them trees where that motorhome is down there that is where the entrance is and where the Elson point is and you work your way around just from basically the farmers gate house it looks like a few people stay here permanently there a seasonal type pitch don't look like anyone's home but beautiful area let's see if we can find some bins and like I say that's a chemical waste there and it looks like just down there there's your bins and there we go just behind me is the bins some cows through there as well but lovely view I'll spin you around to have a little look at that it's all marked off by the stone walls it's lovely normal site rules really uh barbecue is off the ground you can have fire pits as long as the ash don't fall to the floor um speed limits Etc no driving Vehicles why under the influence of alcohol it's big fields and you can get left on your own so I can imagine some people have in the past um and it ain't too far to the bins but it's a nice nice little site luckily the roads getting in are quiet probably because it's the farmer's track really or a couple of farms down that lane so it's nice and quiet so you're not really going to fingers crossed bump into anyone we didn't and hopefully on the way out we don't although there is about five six round I believe coming in soon but they will be going the same way luckily right see if I can show you the other field now have you're fancy it they even got a swing a nice tree swing I ain't seen one of them in years but over here you can come around that way if you're driving through but that's another field down there through the bushes there you can see some tents but the trouble is with this field what we found was it's just a little bit windy and it slopes down a bit too much but you know if you're in a tent look up at that view even your motorhome if you're on your own Park up the top here perfect view down there just goes on field after field after field lovely so stay tuned though and uh as promised I will go through some of the warranty jobs or all of the warranty jobs that have been complete and the ones that are still outstanding um all done by Abacus in andover so thanks for them to getting some of them done pretty quick but I think the main one the important one is the uh fresh um Outlet um and where it now sits I will be showing you that on this Vlog I just find it great that things like this in the UK still exist where you can you know have a good get together pretty much on your own um yeah there is the standard campsites and we love campsites we go to them all the time as well but just having something like this you know just to bring It All Back to Basics and just to have a chill out and um good time catching up so we are now walking over to our lonely motorhome I think we have our first arrivals let's see where they are we stopped at the top now see if they can see me they can I think they're the only ones turning up is all right he's got decent wheels on his there they are make sure they got their tickets and the fee hello tickets please ticket you got your tickets hello Max hello you got your tickets no oh you can come on for free then your name's down I think so you're all right you can come in name's down good to see you guys again good to see you too I don't know where they are we left them just like that someone joining us so we're no longer the lonely motorhome stuck at the bottom of the field and I think they're going to go nose on to us what we got coming in now Craig Convoy okay well there we go exactly what he says there's quite a few coming in now might need water yeah different water points a few Vans now I we've got another five coming Julie and Craig sorting out their Silver Screen cuz don't want to look at our ugly mugs that's what they said, dilemma do i get the big one out well there's a question and half how do I answer that that carpet got a new sticker got a little sticker right lovely suits you sticker my new Channel It's called what's it called Adventure awaitz it don't even got an s on it it's got a z Music so it's quite a nice little stop over this one isn’t it if you want in a rally or a group sort of meeting yeah it's okay cuz you do get the field um that you've seen and it's yeah quite a nice field actually yeah and then through there I don't know if Lee's already shown you um through that's where the cows are and all the farmers machinery and stuff you do get quite a lot of flies don't you yeah obviously being in the farm so it's just part and parcel of it but as long as you got your fly screens up you're all right so there's last night we had another five Vans turn up um uh for this Meetup so I'll just show you how many Vans we've got here so we've got it's 11 Vans all together it so it's about I think it's 11 Vans we've got when I counted them uh last night um and yeah it's a it's a nice group of people um they think they started with about four vans or something like that yeah and it's suddenly grown so some new people coming we're new to this group we we only know a couple of people yeah exactly um but yeah it's nice to to meet new people and hopefully some new friends yeah it's always nice to meet people um but yeah stay tuned cuz I'm still going to show you some of the jobs that have been done from the warranty work and some of the ones that are still outstanding good morning everyone so this is the last day now of this meetup on this weekend um Jodie's just getting up and I'm sure she'll be along to say good morning soon but before I do I'm going to have a nice coffee um but before I forget I'm going to quickly show you some of the bits that um got done um over the a few days ago it was warranty job so first things is the clips so these on the uh these like t- bar locks up here um one of them or the bottom one was broken down on the drawer so that's been replaced um and they replaced this one here on the cupboard as well so that was one job another little job was the screws on the trim bar as you go into the front cap I'm just down there they've been put back in don't know where they ended up um and the other big job really that was done was the app fresh Outlet so it's a bit difficult we're on grass now for me to show you on camera so I have taken pictures of when it was actually there um getting done so you'll be able to see what has happened to it it pretty much looks now like the new model and how they've done the water Outlet so if you're getting the new model that's sort of how it'll look but it's pushed right under the cab shorter pipe um and yeah it's just now it's not hanging right down uh in an awkward position it's tucked up right underneath um the chassis there so I'll put them pictures in now and the other thing that's been done so as you can see now the decals have been done on the cab however unfortunately Swift has sent out slightly different design it doesn't quite go down far enough to meet the other one all the lines are lining up but then this line here does not meet with that it's one piece so they've reordered another one they let Swift know that's got to be done but yeah it's getting a bit chilly out there now and my hair is all over the place not even got ready yet but I just wanted to go through some of the warranty stuff that's been done so what's happening now then with warranty another decal has been ordered hopefully it be the right one um the freezer door we thought it was the clips and it wasn't and the freezer door is going to get replaced so they're just going to order a new one of them um I think for now that's pretty much it and we are on top of it um like I said I did have trouble with the rear view again um and what it is is the connectors where the rear cameras are if you go behind the Wardrobe and then you can take a panel out you see all the wires and the connectors and one was basically loose so I've sort of electrical taped all them up to make sure they're secure so when you're on movement it doesn't shake them loose again so that's us we're done at this uh meet up for the weekend yes we are so um yeah it's been a great meet up lovely to get together with friends and like I say meet new people it's been good yeah Julie and Craig from Adventure Awaitz have already gone um they dared it around the edge where all the water runs down cuz it's slight of slop a slight slop but they managed it um and yeah there's still a few people about and uh yeah we're just going to get off home yeah we got a 4 and 1 half hour drive yeah so we're going to leave this one here um where we what we got next here oh we're going to the NEC which will have well passed by the time you see this video but our next video will be the NEC what we got up to there um we will will be looking at new Vans um and maybe some accessories so accessories for the upgrades yeah possibly or a new van we're not sure yet so stay tuned for that one um and then uh so yeah we'll pick you up on the next Vlog we will so thank you again to everyone that supports the channel we really do appreciate it everyone that's subscribed and we will catch you on the next one so until then bye see you
2024-12-23 04:05