We ate lunch at the 650 meter high local restaurant!! ( Trekking )

We ate lunch at the 650 meter high local restaurant!! ( Trekking )

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Good. Morning everybody. Are you. Now. 6. A.m.. Breakfast. Ok, we. Would later, be able to start, tracking. Good. Clonic guys we, are ok right now and. We're, going to calibrate. Their words yes, I will, put here, okay. Babies we will start there because. Last. Year I finished, there and again. Start there, okay I. Okay. Action. He's. Crazy okay. Now. We're going to bus station, I know. I am. We're definitely gated. Oh. My. God, camp is very very, hard. Okay. Now. We are in the bus we. Are going to. Just. Us. Okay. Hi. Guys now, we. Did come make, a burger while you see look. At this we. Start here. Okay. Okay. This this is, amazing. Okay. We. Start here. Later. Baby. Book okay. Go. Hello. Guys. Okay. Okay. Careful. For. Car. Okay. Today. We. Will walk 15. Kilometres yep. I think, this. Way is very, very, hard, because. We've. Been drinking. Look, at this we. Will go here. Turn. Like. This letter. There. Later. Inside. Blah. Blah blah 15. Kilometers. Yes. It's it's. Look but, it's. It's. We will. Be beautiful. And, amazing. Okay. Now. I have a little tired, and sleepy, I hope I happy I will be okay okay go. Chuckles. Make. A volcanic area, under. Splitter. Just, listening your. Support. Cheering. Chanting. Hey. Guys, we. Are in the road okay. This. Is a sign. Wherefore. If you if you see this you can. Hear you you. Are on right. Way yes, this oh. My. God. It's. Very hard. Okay. Guys look. Sign. Here. Is very very hot, but. It's really good. No. We are jungle, yeah. In jungle. Yes. That, comes Jenga oh. Okay. Guys, now. We we. We walk seven. Kilometers, later. We Vivian, yeah, no. No. Oh. My. God hi I can't speak. Okay. So digging. Okay. Now. I. Need. I. Need. Two axes in later. They. Said I will take the I will take look. Okay, oh my. God. Look. At this, hey. Wow. It's. Good. Hey. Hey. Guys. Alright. Now, we, are we, are going, to down we. Volk it 30 minutes just. Up. You, know. Now. We. Are on the easy way, look at this. Just. Down, its. Relaxed, okay I'll, show you around. Okay. Go on. Okay. Did, you say this is C. Yep. Now. We, are, stopped because. You are tired, and. Hungry. We. We will sit down five, minutes or ten minutes later, we. Will go on, this. Way look, at off too. Much, but. We, get this here. Is beautiful. Yep. What do you think man. Okay. We. We are we are, in. Forest, right now. Look. At guys. And. Oh. My. God, we. Are going to get down. This. Is little. Little dangerous, because very, sleepy. Okay. Kids, why, our. Fire. I don't know. Jungle. Man ya. Know, I may. Be right yes. Oh sweet. Dress really, really, mom to look at the Mons Wow. There, are. It's. Great it's great amazing. Man. Yes. Me too. Yeah. But. What can I do you know. This. Is adventurous. Man oh, my. God. We. Are going there, or. There, I don't know Wow very, long way. Okay. Go oh my. God. Okay. Guys I'm good I'm gone later. I will take okay. Cause, it's very dangerous, I don't want the died died. Look. At this old old very, very old horse, well. Oil. Tress. Okay. Go. Look. At this this, one is crazy.

Wow. Okay. Go on. Hi. Guys. Now, be really calm local. Restaurant. And we. Will eat goes, there I think. Your son is very, very beautiful. My. Mom can, please. Cook. Cook, and you. Know we are very very hungry very tired, we need the energy energy. And. I will show you. There. Where. I look. That, I look okay, look this look, at this. Wow. Very, beautiful. Really, really beautiful. Here. Is small. Village. And. I. Will. Show you what is girls than. Really. Good okay. Look. At guys this is yours, dinner okay. Okay, inside, this made. And guaranteed blah, blah it's. Very very delicious. You. Have to find other, options, too, much options, have its girls than that this just made this meat, like. This. Okay. What. Do you think. I'm hungry. Everything. For. Me yeah okay. Mew. Mew, ricotta. Tavola calda clear and. Then. That is. She. Okay. My. Name is if it will look. Chuck. It is the life. I. Never. Say, good let me put it I didn't do so. Well. Your. Favorite shake your hip it was like yes. Table. Seven gets into yoga. Okay. Now, we will eat this. Is my. Favorite goes them an option goes, them meat. Is not. Pets, yes but not perfect, but this. Goes amiss is really really perfect. I learnt this person I will show. Okay. Get this this. Is M. Spanish. And, Cheers, this is my favorite, customer. Okay. I will eight I. Receive. CPCC. Now. Really, restaurant. Now we going, to bitch. Yes. Maybe, we will soon. Okay. I will show you, kebab page, look at this here. It's beautiful. I. Know. A little, long because. We. Yep. Too much I know but. They're. Police. Beautiful, she's beautiful. Okay. Okay. Let's, go. Get. Other other, people's, going to bitch like. Me. I'm. I'm, really tired. Like. Dangerous. I. Hope. This face is true, I hope. Okay. Okay it's true. You're. Going. I'll. Show you good thanks, look at this. Welcome. Office. All clothes, all eggs all, cultures. All. Relations. All types, all people. Have, here. Right. Okay. Yes. What. Are they. Hey. What. Are you doing. I'm. Gonna get this. Crazy. Now. We, did come bitch. Everybody's. Zooming here. We. Did come there. Can. You see the. Letter walking. Bulky bulky bulky and. We. Come here. Wow. Which. Is beautiful I love it I love. It really. Look. At this. Okay. Guys video, suing, and we. Are right now where we, are very tired right now. Now. We're going to come back, we. Will I, think. You, hi Jane hi Jean, I don't know. We. Are comeback right now now we're going to Center. Later, if, you find a, host. I here. Okay. Adventures. Is continued. Just. Center. Now. We are we did come to city, center so I want to show you something, look, at this. This. Is king, Tom yes, this, is King Stach okay. We. Will visit it here. But. I am I am finish it I am really really finished it my leg is finished. Did oh. My. God. I don't. Want world. Okay. I think, justice. Okay. Here. Is fit here, and. See. Oh. My. God no. No way, look, at this. There. Are, no. No. Really. Okay. Ticket is 10 lira oh. My. God I. Will. Die, are. You serious. We will be. Going there. This. Is crazy. Because. You know people, is put, inside on, the moans moans. Are. You serious oh my. God it's. Really, really, hard job, yeah. What. Is the inside. Hey. There's a kink. Hi. King, hello. Hello. Hi. We. Can eat inside. Okay. No. Kane no wow. Is. This. Yes. Candace. Oh. Wow. It's. Good. Okay. But. Kinky's. We're lucky forget, this. See, and. Turns. And, and, everything. Very. Good. Chris. Very, lucky. Okay. Guys today. We, will evolve 20, 20, kilometers and my. Leg is died died. It, is. Really. Hard it's, it's, enjoy. It's funny yeah I know but. It's crazy, crazy, hard, but it's okay now I don't die you know and I. Will, finish the video here I hope I hope you like this video that, will do next block we go into anywhere. Surprise, I will. Show you and, I, will tell you. Okay. Now I want to just I'm going to home and, I'm, sleeping. Justice. Thank. You so much for watching good, bye take, care. Yeah. Don't forget subscribe and, like it goodbye, again.

2020-07-21 17:56

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