beautiful day nice and chilly isn't it it has always been a dream of mine to stay in the yurt but I never imagined it's going to be in a place like this good morning we are still in Kyrgyzstan and we are at this beautiful village of the mountains called Altyn-Arashan it's so remote it's so remote there's nothing here it was not easy to get here I mean there's multiple ways to get here we didn't choose the hardest way already we took an old Russian jeep it's super like heavy duty it was quite an interesting experience but basically for 1.5-2 hours we went through these really really rugged roads you wouldn't even consider it like a road in some of the places cuz it's just boulders I thought the road in Nepal was bad but this one beats them all it's crazy but yeah this is one of the places that we really wanted to go to in Kyrgyzstan and I'm just so happy to be here stay in a yurt and see the horses grazing right in front of our yurt the cow is coming at night to graze as well and you did a good job choosing a place here you like it I love it it's in between the valleys and it's so private compared to the other yurt stay around here so we're actually at this yurt camp that is called Abay Etno Town and it's in a really good location but further down actually there were more choices so this place seems a little bit far you've got to walk maybe like another 15-20 minutes to go to the river to go to the hot springs yes there are hot springs around here we will show you that later tonight because that's where we're going to go take a shower we're not going to take a cold shower here cuz it's really really cold I wonder what's for breakfast I know I'm actually quite hungry Maybe because of the altitude and I'm cold yeah a cup of coffee would be nice good morning morning what is that bread and salami and watermelon and assorted nuts and raisins coffee please what's that porridge yeah it looks so fine yeah I'm actually not sure is it like grits like oatmeal maybe it smells milky it is kind of Milky we did bring backup oatmeal for you for breakfast though if this one is too creamy cuz I I cannot drink milk yeah he's lactose intolerant thank you nice and hot nice and hot on my hand it's crazy because right now it's summertime but it's already this cold in the morning and I can't check what the temperature is because there's no internet access up here we're totally off-grid we usually wake up check our phones this is perfect but I think it's probably 10° you think it's 10° I think it's a single digit really it was so cold last night this stuff is not supposed to be for this trip but we had to take it out it was so cold you taste it and you let me know this is okay for me it's so funny my view right now is a horse grazing you can't really see it really well you see his you see his bum but they're eating breakfast as well yeah this morning one of them was blocking our door we couldn't get out we opened the door to the yurt we were going to go brush our teeth and we're oh sorry tastes like yogurt no it tastes like not oatmeal but more like corn grits is it corn I'm not sure does it have any taste it's creamy it's actually quite comforting it's not milky at all it's actually delicious you don't find it milky I'm not sure if there's milk in it I never had anything like this it's like between congee and oatmeal it's so comforting for breakfast here cuz it's so warm real quick we built our website on Squarespace 2 years ago but since then they have been rolling out lots of new and exciting features that keep them leading the way in website design not only can you build a website for a portfolio a blog or a online shop you can also sell access to content like online courses and memberships they also just rolled out a new feature called design intelligence which helps you to easily build a custom website by using AI to guide your design suggest layouts and even assist with writing content and if you need extra help you can access their detailed guides and videos in their help center just head over to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain now let's get back to the video let me give you a quick tour of the place we're staying at so this is where we had breakfast this morning this is the kitchen that they cook for us I think they live in this one and this one there are six units available for guest and this one is our yurt welcome to our yurt it's going to be a quick tour yeah it's simple but it's so comfortable got to take off your shoes though it's a little bit dark in here but we do have a light here they have electricity well just at night it kind of it's really bright but in the daytime it doesn't really do too much because they have a generator on site that they turn on just in the evenings we have our beds which we positioned here with our thick blankets and pillows and they actually give us 1 2 3 4 5 6 so there's actually six sets of bedding so you can easily fit a family or come with your friends come with your friends and stay here together there isn't really that much to it it's just a very spacious tent basically and I believe this is a modern style yurt because all of this is like metal in the old days it's probably just wood that you can easily put up and like string or something like that but this one is yeah the material is different I think this might be even like combination of felt like lightweight materials they put a carpet underneath here and they cut out a hole for that boulder where you tripped yesterday almost broke your ankle yeah but it's kind of funny to have this here this is basically the yurt yeah it's very comfortable stay after all it's warmer in here than you think though I think the tent would be much colder this already protects you from the wind so before we came we weren't sure if we were going to get a private yurt because it said it was like two 2,200 KGS per person so I was thinking that perhaps we have to share a yurt but when we got here they're like no no you have your own yurt so basically we pay 4,400 KGS per day for the two of us including breakfast and dinner but we also spend extra to get the car to drive us off here the driver actually staying overnight no two nights here and then we going to go back with him tomorrow cuz it's not worth the effort to drive back into town through those bumpy roads and just to come back to pick us up so he's staying down there in that house I think cuz I saw the truck down there and we pay 8,000 KGS for a return trip I think it's usually the standard price is 9,000 KGS you can try to bargain but honestly it's really worth it because we were were planning to hitchhike at one point it would been really hard I think and trekking would be like 5 hours up the mountain so yeah and our car Chery definitely would not make it and I want to show you one more thing and this is the water we used to clean our hands clean our face and we're actually drinking and eating from this water yeah they were making tea and cooking with this too they cook with this water I guess it comes from the mountains so it's fresh and clean and it's really cold yeah and we have a little seating area here hello yesterday we just came here sat here read the book enjoying the sunset and the family also use this bench a lot yeah yeah the family that is running this place is a big family she has five kids the parents are not here right now they went to get supplies in Karakol so just the kids running it they're doing a good job they're taking good care of us the two sisters were cooking yesterday the boys were helping cleaning yeah I think this is the social media detox we needed not to always be on our phone and this is quite enjoyable so should we stay here for a month I was thinking how long can I do this how long can I not have internet I think a week I think a week because I need to get in touch with my family even when I was like I'm going to be gone for two days my sister's like be careful stay safe it's like she's worried so I think a week maybe max how long can you stay you think yeah a week a week is reasonable yeah it's getting warmer now maybe we can go horse back riding yeah yeah that'll be fun 5 minutes 5 minutes how much is it one time 900 something 1 hour how long yes 1 hour yes okay 800 is 800 okay 800 800 okay okay yeah okay yeah got 100 down so 800 KGS is about less than $10 for 1 hour yeah I think so we're waiting for the horses I cover my face because I'm allergic to horses this one's for me okay hello oh you're so sweet I like how they have very stylish haircuts right and they swing their head in the wind you see their hair yeah oh so handsome so sexy you remember how to do this kind of it's 11:25 I guess we're going by ourselves are you are you sure we don't know what to do they only brought two horses so just us we're good okay okay you follow me we have 1 hour to play if you want to go right you pull right okay I'm not sure what to do to be honest don't be scared go okay honestly I was thinking we would be going with someone I'm not sure where we're going right now I'm kind of kind of nervous maybe don't go up the mountain don't worry he's following us is he I think so oh oh he's not following us I guess not wow look at this you'll take care of me right you're doing a great job you want to go that way sure but I don't know how to change this we're going through the fields go through the fields is nice I don't know if you can see but Note is stuck over there it was his idea let's go just the two of us let's go we're going to spend an hour here I mean it's nice that it's inexpensive but I think it would be better to have a a guide with us at least maybe can tell us what to do with the horses but the people that rent out the horse they seem super comfortable with us taking it by ourselves which is very interesting maybe they think we're Kyrgyz that we know how to do this want to come to me hey come on nope that way that way how do you control this okay I think I think my horse knows I don't know what the hell I'm doing okay let's go to them yeah you see them over there go go go he doesn't want to move now this is an epic fail where's the kid I need the kid back help yeah he's not going thank you we finally got them to go finally got the horse working you were stuck there for quite a while did the little boy come to save you yeah he gave me a whip now oh just to help to get the horse going so along the river here there's actually some hot springs there's I believe six on this side and there's more on the other side so we'll go there later today maybe around 5 yeah before dinner I did see people take the horses all the way kind of like down this path along the river we just don't know how to do it it's kind of scary so if you wanted to if you wanted to do a real tour you probably could book it but this is this is pretty cool right this is pretty cool right next year come back with a baby okay maybe maybe okay come back with five babies It got cold again so cold but it's okay cuz it's hot spring time look at this isn't this wonderful perfect perfect setting okay oh I can feel the warmth okay it's pretty oh someone forgot their boxers huh how did he get back oh yeah this is like a change room area and then the middle is like a shower yeah a shower area but there's no shower but you can use the bucket and in here is the natural hot spring let's get changed yeah we only have 30 minutes in here so we should get changed oh it's hot it's really hot one two three wow you're brave it hurts it's tingly but now better yeah now it's nice that's nice oh it's so nice on the shoulders and the neck okay takes a little while to adjust this is nice I think for 250 KGS per person it's a very good deal for 30 minutes yeah 30 minutes is all we need yeah I don't think it's healthy for you to be in this hot water even like more than 20 minutes but when you get too hot you have to cool down so just outside us is the river and we saw people doing a little bit of a like a cold plunge thing we going to do that I think we should it's good for our health okay like now yeah yeah we should do it before I change my mind okay okay 3 2 1 okay let's go oh I have something for you I have something for you wait wait come back I'll go bring it to them I just have like this little thank you gift for the kids let me tuck you in want a second one yes please yes please you're doing a good job perfect this is perfect want a third one no keep you warm this is good I want to make sure you're warm this is this is too heavy two is good this is heavy well that was a good trip yep but tomorrow back to civilization who's going to turn off the light not me I'm under three blankets I can't move you have to turn off the light I know I got you oh smart Magic
2024-10-07 01:15