We are back in Moldova!!!

We are back in Moldova!!!

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Steve do you feel like going back  home do I feel like going back home   yeah we're going back to the land  of Stefan the Great yes I'm good I think we are in the potato capital of Romania   just like it potatoes and corn yeah  born for the mama Liga potatoes for the   eating cartoon of course they're Toby's  potatoes in Romania oh no what's French fries uh did you fart did I fart it's the manure Ivana really another great day on the Romanian road trip now  guys wait till you see this accommodation we   have discovered it's 12 very unique full houses  that are made to be something like 2 000 years   old this one is really cool but first things  first a big shout out to our new friend Bogdan   who brought us to a lovely restaurant actually  where we had 10 pounds of meat on top of a 10-foot   map let's go so we had a really nice lunch with  our friend and he's brought this map for us and   gave us a big list of things to do in the Moldova  region of Romania we are really excited for this   and big shout out to Bogdan uh the food was good  and the company was even better I will say this   what's the etiquette on eating meech in a fancy  restaurant because typically you should not eat   meat with a fork and knife because you waste the  juices but in a fancy restaurant it feels funny   with the fingers going right to the mouth so I  did my best to obey the meech rules while still   looking the part of a fancy restaurant I will  say we enjoyed a beer which was actually made   in the restaurant which was pretty nice actually  locally brewed locally brewed right behind the bar   right and it was very very nice big shout out to  Bogdan uh a bunch of good information coming for   our Moldova part of Romania road trip starting now  but um without further Ado let's check out this   accommodation which is called Valley of the twelve  so the idea is there's 12 different units here   and they are all uh made to look like there's  something like 2 000 years old because there was   remains discovered in this part of Moldova that  predate Jesus something like 2050 years old so   uh what could be better than a uh pleasantly plump  night right at the front door Valley of the 12th   Valley of the twelve because there's 12 units  and they're all 2000 years old because of the   history of this part of Romania uh we would not  have discovered this place if not for Bogdan our   friend so I will say this if you overstay your  checkout they hang you right here that's one   of the rules it's check out at noon and if you  stay too long you're finished but uh obviously   not but uh shout out to bogged in because this  whole property here is something very cool so   as you can see the buildings around us start  to take shape you'll notice uh not your typical   Romanian architecture but more like something out  of a fairy tale they've even built what looks to   be a handmade Pond here and you can see little  doors in the background and cool rooftops it   looks like a Hobby Town it looks like I hate to  say this but it just what I would describe it as   like a movie set like someone's made some sort  of fairy tale movie Set where they've got these   uh funny houses that are almost too picturesque to  be real it's like they're built for the purpose of   photo and video we do have some people in the  sauna over here I'll give them their privacy   only fair but our room is just right here in  front of the sauna in the hot tub and I think   you guys will be really impressed with this so  as you can see first things first where is it   it's underground obviously uh you can see  the chimney here this is our uh fireplace   but let's go check this out uh one of the  most unique accommodations we've seen you   want to go okay camera first sure cameras  before Beauty so we're gonna go underground   here we're gonna knock down and now  we are tucked away and I wish we had   uh smell-o-vision because it smells like uh really  fresh campfire yeah yeah it smells like like uh   like oak or something some really nice wood like  incense and we've got our little tucked away we're here 2000 years ago right yeah  so I think my understanding is the area   out front has electricity and Wi-Fi and  everything where there's a restaurant and   everybody can chill but our actual room  is gonna be no electricity and I guess   um sort of like a retreat yeah no they have  candles which is very cool some candles   tonight very cool and you can imagine when you're  lying in bed here you're looking out the skylight   which is pretty cool because it's got some uh  stained glass action on it and this is like ground   level so we are way under the ground bro what a  cool accommodation I really didn't uh know what to   expect when I heard about this place but the way  they've designed it this is second bedroom uh the   way they designed it very good and they even pre  they pre-built a fire for us so it's nice and warm   in here we've got like beds made out of wood walls  made out of clay we've got wood supports on an   underground uh two bedroom unit with foreign it's  honestly quite cozy in here yeah it's kind of cozy   I think it's really cozy I think it's really cool  I'm glad to be here what's on here oh storage   yeah I thought this was a fireplace to heat  the bed no no this would be a this would be   a fire hazard it's like an earth house yeah and  it seems like what's amazing is every other unit   is built in a different way which takes a lot of  design they got like all these different units shout out to Bogdan now Ivana and I are going to   settle in and uh get comfortable what  do you got there we can let our match   light some candles dude imagine that a  candlelight for tonight candle lit Underground oh I got my cell phone well the whole point is to be one  with nature and you don't need lights going to settle in and then tomorrow we'll  take you on a proper tour here maybe show   you some other rooms as well as nearby here  there's a village yeah so we'll go to the   village and we will get our uh classic  jet lag Warriors Shenanigans happening   but really seriously shout out to Bogdan  we had an amazing drive this morning and   then lunch with bogdon was great it's  already a great road trip video and it's   only just beginning yeah boom okay see you  tomorrow and we'll tour this accommodation   later skaters okay bad time guys we'll see you  guys tomorrow Steve is already snoring there yeah listen guys I want to be clear it's late September September and it's not cold  in here okay yeah it's actually pretty cozy and   warm when you see a room like this you might  think it's too cold to be nice you might think   it looks good doesn't feel good let me tell you  looks good and feels good yeah no socks required   when sleeping okay sucks no lab require no lights  just from the candle comes with extra wood foreign good night everybody see you  in the morning night night okay good morning everybody first things first  let me tell you when you blow the candles out   in this little below ground house at night time  it's pitch black and it's really quite nice to be   in because no electricity no Wi-fi pitch black  with a little Skylight to watch the Stars very   nice place to uh sleep Yvonne and I quite enjoyed  ourselves now here is the wood powered hot tub   as well as the sauna over here which is pretty  cool yesterday there were some people here in   their bathing suits and that's why I didn't want  to show you figure we'll give them their privacy   now there's a whole bunch of other places but  unfortunately this is fully booked right now   so I can't show you the inside of any of them  although look how cool it is I think they've   actually burnt and or put some tar on the roof to  make it look black and uh another one over here I   guess they're all sort of underground but all  totally different I would guess the inside is   all different too that's why I wanted to show you  some of them but I mean cool place to stay really   neat accommodation and so we learned that this big  building over here that looks sort of like a tree   stump is actually the showers and bathrooms which  everybody shares because naturally there are no   showers and bathroom in your units but this is  sort of the nature of this accommodation it's like   a retreat almost so this is your bathroom and then  this is the really cool Tavern where I think Ivana   is just finishing uploading one of our videos  there's a lovely Ivana there hard at work I do   the editing and she does the thumb nailing uh how  often do you get to say shout out to dragons man   actually maybe not dragons kill people shout  out to the knight in shining armor who slays   the dragon man I also wanted to show you this  probably the best corner design of any Tavern   bar restaurant I've ever seen this is a fake  book uh but it's got this really incredible   3D effect over here it says uh  please subscribe to jelly Warriors   in uh Old English and so there you have it  Ivana what was your experience in the no   Wi-fi no electricity underground uh retreat very  nice actually I had a very comfortable sleep last   night it was very cozy I will save on a slap for a  new record 11 and a half hours okay yes breakfast   was also very good this morning oh breakfast was  so good yeah yeah is it true that the Moldova   region of Romania has the best cheese in all  of Romania I'm not sure if it's true or not but   this morning the cheese was so good oh that was  some good cheese and I will say uh last night we   had a couple glasses of wine because Moldova has  the famous wine right so it's actually wine all   behind you and I will say pleasantly surprised by  bogdan's choice and quite like this accommodation   was a unique unique experience yeah very cool  nice I like it okay today our goal is to go to   a castle yes I thought it was  a village but it's a castle   let's go check out the castle and  see if we can go on an adventure   Bogdan has got us set up and now we can go  for hopefully a eventful Adventure let's go foreign nice all right so to be clear the castle is absolutely  smushed up inside but that did not stop Ivana from   getting her groove on to an old grandma phone  so the story goes like this in the 40s after   World War II the Russian army totally gutted the  castle but a castle does not have to be fancy for   it to be very interesting now I'm not sure what  differentiates a castle from a mansion but this   particular Castle was built in the 1880s by a  rich couple who only had one daughter and their   daughter ended up becoming a nun So eventually  they donated it to the church and it became sort   of empty after World War II although it's massive  and it's got in a very interesting history with a   very good tour guide named Sebastian yes that's  right who uh took us through every room and told   us everything about the uh first ever Castle we've  seen in Moldavia is it true I think so I don't   think we've seen Another Castle in Moldavia yeah  so fingers crossed in 10 years when we have 10   kids uh we can come back because the restoration  project will be done in 10 years he said   yes yes I thought you said we'll build our  own castle even better even better Ivana   but uh it would be nice to come back in 10  years it would be kind of amazing because   we can compare what they're doing now to what  will be finished in the end first ever Castle   experience in Moldavia uh a little bit of  everything on our first two days in Moldavia holy cow this is no joke so here we are at the Citadel  we just uh came way up the hike it looks like   we got this really cool Bridge to climb up  something straight out of Lord of the Rings   all right kind of cool yeah it's more than  kind of cool it's really cool let's go yo   talk about anticipation building to explore this  Citadel love the bridge out front cool love the   bridge out front we've got to be a quick math one  two three four five six seven eight this gotta   be this has got to be 40 no 30 no 25 meters this  bridge in the sky 25 meters this is cool 20 meters   60 feet wow anyway my understanding of the word  Citadel is Citadel means more or less it means   fortified church so we've been to fortresses and  we've been to walled cities and now we're going to   a citadel sort of all similar but my understanding  is this is a church that they fortified it's kind   of part place of worship and part Fortress  that's my understanding now this particular   Citadel was built in the 13 and 1400s and  naturally it played a key role in Stefan   chalmare AKA Stephen the great AKA not me I know  you guys think I'm Stephen the Great I'm actually   known as Stephen the talkative but uh it played  a key role in his defense of modavia which makes   sense because Steven the great is sort of like  Mr Moldavia himself so what's great about these   citadels is they're quite often built on  the high point for defense purposes and so   works great for a viewpoint in modern times no  need for cannonballs and defense but definitely   need for good looking viewpoints so I am  super excited to explore this and actually   I've lost Ivana so let's go find Ivana and  then find some history here in Niam Citadel thank you definitely would be my number one favorite  school trip if I was a young student   seems like there are many many School  groups here because a bunch of little kids   and teachers rather than parents  pretty good school trip no yeah   yeah pretty good school trip in classic Romanian  fashion anywhere you're allowed to throw money   you do it so there's some money going down  right now this I believe would be more like   a well there was one up front that was more like  maybe a dungeon or some kind of yeah and again   full of money now there's some really nice sign  boards which is really good because it turns out   uh Stefan chalmari was the Warrior One he was  a military commander too but he also was sort   of like an architect so he would have designed  this place uh to be clear it was built before   he was around but he would have fortified it and  added on to it to give it the shape it has now   so it uh it really goes to show you the  guys in the 1400s 1500s they really did a   bit of everything because I think Amari was like  King politician he was like Warrior uh military   leader and he's also designing The Fortress with  the incredible uh fortifications it has today   so really putting the Great in Stephen the great  this particular Fortress has got four bastions   on the outside which Stefan chalamari would have  designed as well as he would have raised it way   up and said we need to get high baby so uh shout  out to Stefan chalmari I will say from one Stephen   the great to one Stephen to talkative I'm tired  already oh my gosh imagine you have to fight for   your life in here just getting to the Fortress I'm  already spent I'm already like oh I lost the war   but uh naturally a really nice Viewpoint over  here and tons of people out and about getting   their Instagram photos getting their school trip  stuff uh uh just nice nowadays we can look at this   view with uh peace and serenity I think before  when they were looking here they were seeing like   Shields and Spears and the Army enemies and they  were thinking yo wait did they have guns I don't   think so 1400s there you go got it also this  is why in my guess uh it's a fortified church   because probably half the guys are fighting half  you guys are praying and then you switch every 12   hours okay do you know what I mean right it  makes sense to fortify the place of worship   because uh when you're fighting for your life  you're saying your prayers all right there you   have it guys Citadel uh must see yes absolutely  musty in uh in Moldavia so I would say a little   bit of everything on our first uh first trip first  day back in a little bit of everything we cannot   wait to explore more okay now we were here last  year to visit the famous monastery uh foreign I got this beautiful I'm sure we'll see  some more monasteries Moldavia you think   of monasteries the line of monashri and Stefan  Channel all right thanks for watching Everybody   wow shout out to uh the wind here perfect no I  Believe I Can Fly I believe I could touch this

2022-10-12 18:14

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