We almost got lost! -First Hiking Trail and Buffet (in Khmer-English)

We almost got lost! -First Hiking Trail and Buffet (in Khmer-English)

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Hi everyone. How are you? Lets go hiking! .. on this nice Sunday in observance of Father's Day ..here in the USA. However, its one day passed in Cambodia. With that being said, join me to find out what hiking trail we'll visit today. (we do not own rights to music playing in video) We're almost there, guys. Enjoy video and don't forget to subscribe We are now here at place called uhhh.. . Northbend? -Yeah. .. stopping by store/gas station and bathroom break haha ..need to release my bladder. I held it in for too long. Alright see you in a bit... Okay bye!

Again, we are here in Northbend. Visitor usually stop by at this location to refill gas, grocery shopping and restroom break prior to destination. Check out this view. Behind me is a beautiful mountain scene. Let's head to Safeway grocery store to pick up food items. By the way, they have restaurants (Teriyaki and Pho), smoke shops, nail shop, hair salon, Mila loves to dance We are inside Safeway now. Buying snacks to eat after we finish our hike .

We are now heading to hiking trail after picking up few essentials (water, sandwich, BEERS. -You know) We're all set... Let's go to...! Don't tell everyone yet.. They will see when we arrive...

We've arrived... but there is no parking. No parking. Looks like we will wait about 3-4 hours. (sarcasm lol) We are here. We are prepared to start from the bottom and make our way to the TOP. (Wannary mentioned that she had a dream about this part of the scene prior to our trip. Not sure how it relates to this but.. - What a coincident. haha) We now have one piggy back person. This little one refuse to stay home. Warned her not to come and now you see why... lol

We're at the start of our trail for about 3 feet lol Here is waterfall (oops lake) but we will stop by later after our hike. Okay. Let's continue our route up trail We are 20 feet into our hike now Let's all make our way up this trail and uncover the mystery that awaits us at the top! (The calming sounds of nature) (Soothing sounds of nature bringing you closer to yourself) We're halfway into our hike. Bong Thong: "NO, Not even.." (haha) "Maybe in your dreams" LMAO Let's rest. (Mak ree and Mila was tired) . haha More to come. Stay tuned.

85 degree on Father's Day. (Birds chirping) Don't forget to take a moment and reflect on how far you've come. Enjoy and appreciate the journey to the top. Remember it's not a race... Let's go! We're halfway..

Continue up the trail. Wannary: My belly is almost gone (hehe) Wannary: I will be go by nickname "Yay Skome" soon. haha Thyda: Soon be called "Yay Svel" Wannary: "Yay Jongkes Reang Reav" (Self Affirmations.. Keep going!) Take another break and enjoy the scenery.

Do you know any tricks on how to take better pictures? I just want to let you know we're almost at the top. We are seeing clear skies. ..which means we are near the finish line. I will show you more when we reach the top. Wannary wants to tell you good job! "Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed towards the sun, one's feet moving forward." (Sound of wind) This view deserves a Thumbs Up! We are not at the top of the mountain. It took about 1.5 hrs to get here. Visitors sit and enjoy the view from here.

Do you see water? It's beautiful. We're very high up here. Fantastic view We made it together. Good everyone! Let's go for a swim after this.

I made it. Water is green from reflection of forest. Celebrate and cheers with other hikers. Lunch on top of Rattle Snake Mountain. Are you enjoying this vlog so far? Your feedback greatly appreciated.

Thinking about how I almost got lost because I decided to take short cut and ended up on a different trail. I found my way back and met up here. haha. Wannary did it while on 18 hr fasting. Made it to the top in time to have her first meal. Perfect timing! Feel better? We made it to the top of the mountain. We just finished our lunch. We'll now head back down to play in the water. Do you want to know how much fun we'll have in the water. Wait and see

Making our way down ... People traveling up and people traveling down... Thumbs up for on my first official vlog and edit work. Thank you Wannary for adding English subtitles.

To Exist is to Change To Change is to Grow To Grow is to Become The Butterfly You were Always Meant to Be. A season of loneliness and isolation... ..is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone. Ran into someone we knew (Mila being shy) Just want thank you for spending time with us. Stay tuned for dinner.

After this... Treat yourself after a successful hike. Im in buffet line.. (for lobster) No need for English subtitles here. Thumbs Up if you enjoyed these subtitles.

Thanks for your time. Enjoy the rest of the video!

2021-06-29 06:26

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