WCTV 3.23.18

WCTV 3.23.18

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I hope everybody, had a great and safe Spring Break I would. Ask you how your Spring Break live but I already know you didn't do anything interesting. Object. Ban is and I'm Bria Melton and this is dirty, see TV. Now. We'll talk with Parliament, and some updates on next year. Hello. My, name is Jordan Wolff I am your new Prime Minister the. Prime Minister is Churchill's, version of a student body president. And Parliament. Is, our student, government, hello. Churchill my name is Madison Wallace and I'm going to be your Speaker of the House next year the Speaker of the House is the equivalent, to the vice president, for the student body. In. The past year Parliament, has raised over twelve thousand, dollars for, charity ran, an amazing, seven wonders of the world homecoming, hosted. A successful, 5k, color run has, had a dozen teacher appreciation programs. Has, logged over. 4,000. Community service hours and, has donated nearly. 15,000. Household goods to, the school and community, over. The next year I will work with Parliament, to, bring both you in the teaching staff innovative. Programs and fun, gatherings. Churchill. Spirit will definitely, be revamped, with more student, based activities, I want. You all to enjoy next year and be active, with school activities, if. There's something you want to see us do please. Come talk to me we. Have an exciting year ahead of us and, I'm honored, to be your prime minister, for. Those of you who don't know me in addition to Parliament I'm involved in choir NHS, and JROTC. And so it is very important, to me that we work all organizations, all over campus giving, everyone a voice a project. We're going to continue this next year was, created by this year's Speaker of the House Ainsley Harrison and it's called threads of love we're, going to continue threads of love and other projects, like it that increase positivity, around campus, and. I'm. Very excited, to be your speaker of the house next year go. Chargers, let's in this school year with greatness now here's some details, on the amazing. Trip that our orchestra got to take to Austria, just, last week. Last. Week during spring break our Orchestra sings flu 26. Long hours, to Austria. 47. Students and orchestra, director mr., Thibodeau, had, their strings, performing, the sweet sounds, of music in Innsbruck, and Vienna even. Guest conductor, principal, Oxley, was there to lend a hand, students. And their 18 chaperones, saw just a few of Austria's, favorite things sights, like castles. Mozart's. Birthplace in. Salzburg. Places. Where they filmed the sound of music and, also. Cathedrals. Churches and, much, much more during, this once-in-a-lifetime. Adventure. Great. Job Orchestra, and thanks for reppin Churchill. These are a few of my favorite. Things girls. In. White dresses with, blue satin sashes. Snowflakes, that, stay on my nose and, eyelashes. Silver white winters that. Melt into, Springs, these, are a few of my favorites. Wow. That looks like such an amazing trip I'm sure it was it looked amazing, now. Recently, our school donated, a bunch of money to charity that we raise by, doing the duct tape challenge, by duct taping mr., Ruiz to a wall in the cafeteria. On. Friday March 2nd a hundred. Plus students, participated. In the duct-tape challenge fundraiser. Donations. Were taken during lunches on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and, the, winner was duct-taped to a wall on Friday the. Teacher with the most own ations was band director, mr., Ruiz, he, beat out other teachers, mr. Kellogg, mr. Sokka Poulos and mr., Lowe's. The. Winner's circle Advisory. Committee sponsored, the event and raised the money for a good cause. There's. Also some hot new video games coming out here's, Adrienne's, Tech Talk with what you need for the coming years a. Jen. Dude. We got to do tech talk. Come. On man we got a view for tonight. Agent. Come. On let's, do tech Adrian. What's, up guys I ate for 9h, a boy TechTalk here and today we're gonna be talking about Caixa and a couple of games so the new champion, release is called Caixa daughter, of the void her backstory is about a girl who adapted.

To Survive, the Predators and the void after. Being stranded for years, and took on the abilities, of a void creature and, now she emerges. From the void as an apex, hunter and her, abilities, resemble, kha'zix as he, is also avoid creature God of War 4 is a reinvented. And different, god of war games than the last three games Kratos. And his son Atria's, are on a adventure where, they explore, the open world and at the same time bond together over this journey so. This god of war game is not a hack and slash like the other games it has an open world and you can explore everything in the world while, at the same time fighting, giant evil monsters, that want to kill you the. Game will be released on PlayStation on, April, 20th Detroit become human is a highly, anticipated game we've been waiting for since 2013, it's. Made by the same guys who made heavy rain the. Game takes place and futuristic, Detroit where he androids, are being built to serve humans as they're programmed, but. Some androids start to develop feelings, and start questioning what. Their purpose in life is and at the same time question, whether they are real or not if. You have ever played heavy rain then you know every choice in the game counts, and will affect the story unlike some other toys games there. Are multiple, outcomes in this game and you can choose your story when it comes out on PlayStation, somewhere in 2018, spider-man, is finally, coming back to the videogame industry for, the 13th time and it's, making a comeback in a PlayStation, exclusive, game now. Spider-man, had, a lot, of great video games and also some terrible ones but, this one looks like it will be a really good game just by looking at this gameplay now if you ever have played a spider-man, game you know what you're in for but this game will have improved web-swinging, straight out of spider-man 2 and will, be open-world, Batman. Arkham like combat and the, guy who voices, for spider-man, in this game is the same guy who voices, Benton, this, whole place looks like a struggle. Nice jumpsuit, slimming. The game story involves, mr. negative as he tries to take over the city with his gang and powers, Marvel's. Spider-man is, expected, to come out sometime in 2018 so, make sure to check it out well that's all the time we have on Tech Talk make sure you check out that new champion, check out those new games and I'll see y'all next time. In. The world of lightning-fast, communication. And rapidly. Developing, news stories it's hard to catch up with what's going on in our world the. News is just so hard to follow here's. Here's Maria on what's happening, in the world right now hi, I'm, it Scylla welcome to current events where we talk about current events today, we're gonna talk about one, stop with one of the most talked-about events, recently which.

Was The passing, of Stephen, Hawking now. Stephen Hawking was a world-renowned. Physicist, and as. Well as a professor at the University, of Cambridge and an author of two best-selling books a brief, history and time in the universe in a nutshell. He. Passed me on March 14th, due. To succumbing to a. ALS. And has. Been living with that for. Since. 1963. We, see now condolences, to. His family as, well as its Cawley's move. On to China we're. Going to talk about the. President disease young Jim pink who, got reappointed, as the president without term limits you, might be wondering how. Does somebody, become a, president, without term limits well you. See everybody, in the National People's Congress in, China voting, in support of this controversial, move some. People say about the economic, success and socialist, building since its ability that's been going on in China for, the past couple years may, have played a role in this while others say that brings. In line with his, role in line with the military, it's. Very it is unknown how long Zee, plant will sing in power and what, impacts will have on China politically, on China as well, as the rest of the world, finally. We're going to take it down to the. US where, the. Founder of the law of glaciers disastrous. Fire festival. MacFarlane, pleads guilty to wire fraud. You. See last year's Pappas fire festival was. Supposed to be a luxurious, I um festival, in Haiti, featuring. Acts such as Timmy goes as well as Major Lazer, unfortunately. Decamp turned the, festivals turned out looking like a refugee camp he's. Ordered to pay about 26 million dollars on he reportedly stole from investors and faces, at eight to ten years in prison he. Will be sentenced on my on June 21st, latest. Year well. That's all the time we have for today Churchill see you later I want to take a moment for the 17, kids who had passed away during the Florida shooting we. All never knew that that would happen or even predicted, it and. A, lot, of friends and families, did not get the privilege to even say their goodbyes so. Today, the question I asked you is what's your 17. What's your 17, is a way that you can change the, world to make it better the. Way that you can do this is speak, to 17 people you don't know or hug. 17. People you don't know hey, how are you doing just. Be. The sunshine to, anyone, and that's, how you can make a difference. Those. 17 people will not, be forgotten so question, is what's. Your 17. Thanks. Maria, now, we have our very own student, Andrew bloomer announcing, some awards with the students have won earlier, this. Month at the regional Technology, Student Association, competition. At Clemens, high school Churchill, competed in the film production video photography animation. Web design newspaper layouts and 3d printing, Churchill. Had 59, events, advanced. Estate 26. Blue ribbons 16, second place and six, third places, congratulations. To the following Churchill. TSA, students, Maria, Garcia Tyler. Ford Adrian, Gutierrez, Mateo, Romero John. Gomez Maria, Melton such, a graves zoe de la Rosa Paola. Rodriguez, ELISA Penrod Jack Venice Victoria. Morgan Sarah, Bernal and Claire golden qualifying, for the state TSA, convention, in Fort, Worth and April. 25. Best in class were also awarded to Churchill and their TSA sponsor miss Robin Morris Congrats, - for Churchill, Japanese, students for their awards at the state Japanese, speech competition. At Rice University on. March 10th. Shawnee. Esbjerg third place in poetry recitation. Victoria. When dehl third place haiku, recitation. Caitlyn. Reinhard third place speech, with text aundrea. Lopez third place and free speech the, contest, showcased students reciting, poetry and presenting original speeches, and moreover, featured, a creative. Display of student determination, devotion. And tenacity, as, language learners. Earlier. This week any ISD, PTA, Council, held. The reflection, ceremony at blossom gym they, should have recognized, 15 Churchill students in literature. Of visual arts photography, film. Dance and music but mistakenly only recognized three the 15 students were awarded one of the top three places in each category were, Tyler. Ford Maria, Garcia Mario. Garcia. Colton, kennel Madeleine Carter Chris, animal, Zoey Dellacroce, audio Clare, golden, Emily, whistle Littman Brendon Bishop Alyssa Penrod Sarah. Bernal and. Sasha. Better again graves, I'll. Move the top 3% from San Antonio advance, to state and they were ELISA Penrod Sara Bernard and Sasha. Thanks, bloom, now, here's halftime in sports. The. Wait is over. And. This is halftime. What's. Up WC TV we're here was, Caroline. And. Kylie and we're, gonna ask him questions about UIL.

So. I never sorry for you I'll I'm. Really, not nervous I'm just. Thinking. About how challenging it'll be to memorize. All of our songs in the different languages. Last. Year at UNL we've really got. A chance to bond as a group and I think we've made lasting friendships and I'm ready to do that again, how. Pretty is a teacher. Absolutely. Prepared, for. All, of for all of our students all we're taking five choirs this year so. Just. On the. Journey and on the path to getting everybody, prepared. So. We're gonna play a quick, game it's called the singing, REO they're, not to put the Orioles forehead, and try, to put on their mouth and. While they were putting door in the mouth they're gonna be singing at the same time. That. Was so close. Thank. You see TV. Picture. Show welcome to FC sports I'm Matteo Romero and Albert Perez, baseball, is getting off to a good start they actually have a district, game tonight, but, they were interviewed, by Esteban. And Tim let's take a look at that what's, up WC, I'm here with baseball seniors I'm, Sam sir Shea shortstop, and I've offered from Brookhaven college I'm Joseph Garza, dela Pena pitcher and utility and I'm committed to Texas A&M International University. College. Floors jr. committed, as a right-handed pitcher to University, of Houston Caetano, row show catcher committed, to Central Washington University. Suggested. Why don't tell us how the seasons, going so far yeah, so the seasons do it going good so far. We're looking to keep going going strong throughout the rest of districts. Right. Now looking, to get some more dubs come, out and support I. See. You guys obviously all committed, but when's, your next game, 4:30. Today blossom, against the Roosevelt be there. So. How's your guys state, ring oh we're. Ranked 9th in the state currently and we're, looking to get a little higher next, coming games. Great. So how about that pig in your games we got a rally pig that comes out whenever we start hitting and it only sit the crowd all. Right very good I heard, them be there tonight at 4:30. Blossom, against Roosevelt, I'd be there Deb she cannot support. Thanks. Si 1 & 2 speaking of putting on a dive in the girls softball team has also started out there she's in I'm looking a rack up a few doves with, the guys track, Darren. Hayes Tyrell is number, two with. Top performances in 100, and so is Malik Fletcher. Top-3, well. On the soccer boys. Actually, find out today whether they make playoffs or not so let's hope that they do and the, girls soccer team actually made the spot so congrats to them but, in other sports the San Antonio Spurs have actually won five straight which. Means that technically. We could actually still get the 50 win quota the two those who said that we couldn't make the playoffs and. Also. The final four is being hosted here in San Antonio March. 31st and April, 2nd, I said four cups eSports we'll see you next time bring out let's be real I'm pretty much better than you at everything okay. Jack that's so funny because actually, I'm a way better Baker than you you. Want bet okay. All, right we're get both gonna make something right now and I, want the viewers decide whose, is better all, right okay, all right see in a few minutes. I. Think. They're finally doing bramma, has recipes perfect. Oh. Yes. Cookies. Came out marvelous. Solid. I think, the crowd will agree minor better yeah, okay, I just. Think she's jealous than much. You. All. Right you got the trashcan, and. So let's, go I. Read. The box these four dogs, 20. Pounds or less it's, a milk-bone, I. Think, it's like the regular flavor. All. Right so black panther i thought. And. Those. Fighter guys. It. Wasn't like the greatest movie ever seen, I was. Called bland. The. Owner was excellent play by Michael B Jordan really. Like the female cast action. Scenes, were pretty cool pretty visually, interesting there's. Pre there's, some dumb parts there's a lot of dumb stuff in this movie. There's. A lot of dumb stuff. All. Right so that's one dog treat I. Came. In think, of why I. Even. Put in my mouth their gang. All. Right let's, go uh. What. The. Water tastes like dog treats no great. So anyways. Yeah. The movie was ok it's. Pretty good maybe. A solid, seven, out of ten. Thanks. For everybody who worked on this show and for everybody who watched it we, hope you guys have a happy and safe weekend and remember we have next Friday off, Bechet. Chill.

2018-03-25 18:28

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