Walking from Miami to Miami Beach

Walking from Miami to Miami Beach

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today we're going to walk from Miami to Miami Beach we're going to see some of the same locations and landmarks we saw from the boat but this time from the land perspective it will be about 5 miles in total and something we've never done before I'm riding ringing riding in my RV wherever I want to be as I'm free in my first we're going to take an Uber to our startup location which is going to be the Bickle area Brickle City Center to be exact Little Havana always brings back memories of our beginnings in the United States the strip mall where I bought my first guitar for example some things are about the same some have changed a lot we're approaching the more historic part of Little Havana which can also be considered the tourist depart this is where the tour bus will drop you off where you can take one of the Food Tours or what not don't forget to have an ice cream at aukar we're approaching the high-rise condos of the Brickle area of downtown as soon as we go under I95 we are in [Music] Bickle here we are Bickle City Center opened in 2017 and I remember it very well because that was the year I quit my day job to pursue a career on YouTube Hello everybody and greetings from the Buell and hustle of Bickle in Miami Florida this is Bickle City Center here which is a huge complex I'm sure you've seen it before in my videos but we just took an Uber here and from here we're going to do something that very few people do we just going to walk people walk a lot in this area but not where we're going I literally saw all this being built a couple of floors higher every day during my daily commute some of this are even newer coming up the southern terminal of US 41 the tamami trail well here's the plan we're going to try to walk all the way to Miami Beach how about that but first we're here downtown prle we're going to take Brickle Avenue North cross the bridge over the Miami River and then check out downtown look at all this skyscrapers I mean Miami is unrecognizable these days this is where us41 meets US1 Brickle Avenue and we're ready to continue straight oh we have the green lights so let's hurry up we're ready to to continue straight we would end up at where I used to work I had never noticed the diagonal crosswalks Al Shibuya yeah I'm when I say inrecognition.org [Music] here's the First Presbyterian Church and I'll tell you the story just in case you didn't get to watch the previous video it is a Historic Landmark built in 1949 and probably the last piece of land not to be repurposed to build a highrise there is a proposal however to build a skyscraper in the parking lot behind it very curious it is like a church within a church here's the old chapel but here's the larger Nave well the first Miami Presbyterian sh church this is Presbyterian right yeah this may be the one building to survive the building boom here in Miami because it is considered a a National Historic Landmark otherwise they would have turned it down already and built a a skyscraper um we're going to continue oh look at that I had never noticed that the columns are like the heads on eite probably an omash to the Testa people who inhabited these lands almost 2,000 years ago they discovered a bunch of artifacts when they were building this now we're going to cross the draw bridge over the Miami River onto downtown proper these two skyscrapers are the Epic on the left and the brand new Aston Martin on the right and this one this one is icon Brickle that is fabulous building the swimming pool all the way up there there used to be a lot of vultures up there so I wonder what they did to scare them away down here the Miami Circle the main archaeological site they discovered while Excavating and that's the Manuel carbonel column and statue depicting aesta family and the Miami River Mega yachs don't you get a little set of deja vu when you see all this I mean if you saw the last video that [Music] is that's the iconic Miami Tower which used to be known as the centrest building JW marot marus the Aston Martin still under construction what that skinny skyscraper back there that's the Aston Martin and I thought it was finished by now but I guess it is still under construction I mean they're almost finished with it it looks almost done and um just for context we're here on on a Tuesday it is 2:00 p.m. and um I Got a notification so I can see the day is December 19th I imagine in about 2 hours this place is going to get a lot [Music] busier [Music] that over there with all the condos that's Fisher Island only accessible by ferry and we've got Dolphins it is so difficult to predict when they're going to reemerge well this was certainly unexpected what are the chances right I mean I've seen manate in this area before but never Dolphins they seem to like to show off [Music] such a beautiful day on bisc Bay today the sculpture on this side of the Miami river is called the lady of Miami by Haitian American Artist eduard du valker on the other side at Thea point on Brickle Key El sentinella Del Rio by Cuban American Manuel carbonell the Aston Martin by the way the second tallest building in the city at 8117 ft and the tallest Residential Building south of New York City well onward we go oh that was really cool we saw Dolphins at the mouth of the Miami River and now um I'm dark in comparison with the with the background but this is bisc Bay we're going to pass by Bayside and then we're going to continue here's a monument dedicated to the thousands of Cubans who have perished in the Straits of Florida it is called the Liberty [Music] column this one looks like it's going to be replaced soon by something new and shiny the Intercontinental the Miami Center the Southeast Financial Center which is the tallest all office building and the Challenger Memorial oh yeah some old skyscrapers some new ones but this is an old structure here I mean I believe this was here when I arrived in Miami 35 years ago and this is the Challenger Memorial you know dedicated to to the Space Shuttle and uh I'm sure there's a plaque somewhere explaining what it is and we'll find it I promise here's Southeast Tower again on the right did you know because of its design most floors have nine Corner offices with the top 12 floors having as many as 16 fun fact there's the metr Mover which is free and automated and operates in downtown and Brickle ooh I wonder what that is before we find out what that is it is wind delivery day I'm so excited to try some new wines from Bright sellers our sponsor for this Miami video bright sellers started with a simple idea finding wine you love shouldn't be difficult and you know what I'm talking about sometimes you stand at the aisle and it is overwhelming you have no idea what to get what new kind of wine you might like to try well bright sellers to the rescue they came up with this brilliant algorithm that matches people to the wind they love all you have to do is take a seven question quiz and then match you with wines from all over the world curated to your taste so let's see what we got this time which by the way the packaging is completely recyclable plastic free and the smallest carbon footprint in the industry okay here we go here we have our wine education cards I'll show them to you right away and here we go there's no right way to drink wine here we go last room tempero I know I'm going to like this one hum drum California white blend jumbo salt cabernet seon from Yakima Valley Mojave rain pin Noir from California indulu 7on Blan from South Africa and last but not least Whistling Arrow ptia by the way these are the wine education cards as you can see they match the label on the wine and you know they come with you know pairings information about the region the flavor profile this one is from Loi California pairings Indian spiced lamb stew mushroom pizza and sitting under a blanket by a crackling fire all right let's give it the taste test ooh that's beautiful wow besides pairing with a good meal or celebrating a special occasion wine is always a great IC breaker especially for us our viewers and with spring being around the corner marking the beginning of the camping season at least for those of you up North this is perfect someone invites you to the campfire you don't want to show up empty-handed right anyway bright sellers has a delight guarantee if you don't like a bottle for any reason they will replace it and I want to thank bright sellers for their continued support and giving you Pelican heads your first six bottle subscription bucks usually $150 plus for just $55 so click the link in the description or scan the QR code to take the quiz and get started today it's a delivery robot the robot by the way is not a self-driving vehicle they are all remotely piloted still a pretty cool idea to navigate the often congested streets of downtown one biscane Tower from the 1970s and 50 biscan from the mid 2000s well we are now walking on iconic Beast game Boulevard going north that's Bayfront Park that's downtown and we're going north well yeah we're filming this December 2023 right before Christmas and that would be Bayfront Park we're not going to stop at Bayfront Park or Bayside today we did another video where we visited last winter we need to focus on the task at hand otherwise we won't make it to Miami Beach before Sundown H Cuba under the stars and an immersive Cuban experience let's have an immersive Miami experience instead now approaching the entrance here to Bayside Marketplace we're not going to go into Bayside we've been there before um will this be bever I think so yeah Simon Boler and this is the TCH of freedom because we're approaching Freedom Tower here H coming soon as well did I say torch of Freedom it is actually torch of friendship Freedom Tower friendship you know the libert the know B you get confused Freedom Tower seems to be undergoing [Music] Renovations and here's the torch of friendship and here we get to peek into the Cuban experience and here we have a statue dedicated to Juan Pon de Leon it was donated by the government of Spain in 1976 and rededicated on May 22nd [Music] 1995 as I mentioned last week Freedom Tower is where all the Cuban refugees were processed in the 1960s it is nowadays a [Music] [Applause] museum back to the rumbling noise of the city it was on a building that no longer exists right around here that the famous Coppertone girl billboard once stood well this is the old entrance to the Port of Miami here Port Miami and as you know because I used to work there in the early '90s nowadays they have a tunnel but I think like for hazardous materials and oversized trucks this is still the main entrance which kind of sucked because you had to get off the expressway and drive through downtown Miami like for for you know trucks and stuff that's why they built a tunnel and here's another bit of History well we continue walking North here on bisc Boulevard I forgot to to track our walk with my with my uh watch and my phone but we've done like I want to say like two miles already feels more than that we cressing the railroad tracks now and here's the arena what's it called These Days CA [Music] [Music] Center [Music] it's now called CA Center better than FTX but I was so used to American Airlines Arena now approaching an area I haven't been to in a very long time and there's art lots of art 1,000 Museum and 900 bisc Bay 7th and 10th tallest buildings in the city as of 2024 apparently all this is a temporary exhibition called a bridge of Light by renowned Costa Rican sculptor Jorge gimenez [Music] deia well now we're going to go into Marie F Maurice F Park wasn't here like a commissioner or something something like that actually he was Miami's mayor from 1973 to 1985 but that was before my time here I remember the name from when he was a commissioner in the [Music] 1990s [Music] [Music] there's the main Channel only one cruise ship today here's another look at downtown from a slightly different [Music] perspective and here's another work this one not by Jimenez deredia this one is called looking into myam dreams AA a work by Spanish sculptor H plensa we've seen two other public works by plansa in our travels one in De Moine Iowa and one in Calgary they also consisted of a huge head this one made out of polyester resin and marble dust here's a better look at the main Channel going out to the Atlantic Ocean here's the Perez Art Museum I think we should visit [Music] sometime you know we had never been through here this is the the Paris art museum of Miami pretty cool architecture I thought there was a route here by the water but we're going to have to backtrack all the way back to bisc [Music] Boulevard the dogs and cats walkway it's totally a thing check it [Music] out pretty cool I don't know if I like all the colors but it's very artistic yeah I think the only oh hello I think the other the only way to take the Venetian cosway is to cut through visc Boulevard so that's what we're going to do hello [Music] Fifi flagami Street cat that's our [Music] neighborhood this one is called the Everglades dog and here we have a a d Dalmation from Croatia a firefighter that Dalmation let's say this one has a beret oh Miami Police Department there you [Music] go here we are now at the corner of bisc Boulevard and 13th Street home to the historic sear Tower and Adrien arched Performing Art Center this was the first Art Deco building in the county dating back to 1929 which predates the famous Art Deco hotels of Miami Beach SI Tower is nowadays part of the Performing Art [Music] Center I believe the only way to walk across bis K Bay is through the Venetian cosway which follows the original route of the Collings Bridge which was a wooden 2 and 1/2 M structure built in 1913 the non-bridge portions of the cway are the man-made Venetian Islands created by materials which came from the dredging of the bay here kind of Begins the somewhat crazy part of our adventure today the walking to Miami Beach part up until now we just been walking in the downtown now we going to walk the Crossway let me look at my here real quick how much well I I I actually put a a a destination in Miami Beach it says 3.9 miles it's probably 3 miles to to the edge of Miami Beach and then and then I mean it's going to get dark early today so we're probably going to head back home but this is such a beautiful walk here it's uh yeah it's kind kind of nice to get out of the house from time to time [Music] that's our destination Miami [Music] Beach I believe that is called Joya beach restaurant and Beach [Music] Club the first island is called biscane Island approaching the tall Booth here we have some information about the original Collings [Music] Bridge here's one of the most iconic buildings from the 1980s ahead of its time 1,000 venician way let me tell you something back in the day this must have been one of the most iconic buildings in Miami and it still kind of is let's [Music] continue we're crossing our next Bridge onto s Marco [Music] Island let me tell you I like this one I like this one a lot it is definitely a different Miami from the one we live day by [Music] day this one seems to be undergoing [Music] Renovations check it out a vacant lot with a little bit of a [Music] view this one seems to be brand new [Music] now we're about to cross another Bridge onto s Marino [Music] Island and that's habiscus Island across the bay [Music] and that's Palm Island a little further [Music] south and we have made it I almost I almost tripped at Miami r man Miami wish and check out that view of downtown Miami behind us we have walked a pretty long way and we still have a little bit to [Music] go [Music] there is something that becomes evident once the music ends and that's how noisy the city is no matter how idelic the setting may be we're getting close the next one is the Le [Music] Island that's a nice one too by the way the that's the Philip Frost estate on Star [Music] Island I really like this one I'm going to find out how much it is let me tell you I have really good taste according to Zillow 11 and5 million we're going to have to make a lot more videos oh what can I say we're almost almost at Miami Beach I think this is a little more than we bargain for but it's been fun we've done like 5 miles already this one by the way is called rivo Alto Island Miami Beach man yeah our destination is on site Miami Beach we've got one more Island to go [Music] downtown Miami we've come a long way and we're running out of daylight real Quake here and we made one mistake we didn't bring any water we thought there would be like a market or a bar somewhere along the way but none that we could [Music] find this one is called Bell Isle by the way it is getting a lot more densely populated around [Music] here and this is our last Bridge onto Miami Beach [Music] yep perfect lighting beautiful afternoon here as we arrive at the island of Miami Beach officially big Anchorage here on the in coastal well found the bar here in Miami Beach had an IPA alaro IPA by the way very good one and um and now as the sun sets we're going to get an Uber and uh I think this is it for today's adventure today's adventure may be over but we only made it halfway to our final destination there will definitely be a continuation and maybe even an extended version we just ran out of daylight today on the next one we pick up where we left off and walk all the way to the southernmost point of South Beach until then thank you so much for watching and see you on the [Music] road I'm riding ring in my RV

2024-03-05 03:59

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