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I saw. At. The airport. Waiting. Game, oh. We. Are the sweeping for boarding. I get. Some right I. Get. Some right. Rather than features about me joining seven, secrets relative you. Know mobile phones or tablets reading will she be nosy. Right. Welcome, to Singapore. We. Just checked in. So. Find any some rest I know. Saturday tomorrow, day one we wanted to eat but, we're gonna save all our community, for tomorrow because the worst gonna be a good. Trip and our own defender, is I guess I grew up in a lobby. So, I've, decided ignition, that okay you. Know we're in Singapore. She's. Gonna get ready for bed now. Do. You wanna, they're. Just about to miss. Getting ready about. To get our brunch. Well. A shot. Here. Personally. I. Believe. Anybody. Just. Walking to the emergency room you the, go to I was at Commerce and. Chicken. I. See. Great, millibar. Think, of their past, they. Probably. Were this commandos. Really, important. Right inside a debate. I. Always. Sang the poor company just. We are just. Sitting. Down for free copy. Enable. People in. Doing. Surveys. Going. Inside the flower dome this is what greets you and. Getting. Inside a doll it, is easy. Breezy, because, everything. Is air-conditioned, I mean the whole dome, is air-conditioned. And everywhere you end up see, species, of flowers, I don't, know exactly how many but, you see. There are, just flowers. And they're just. Beautiful. On. To. Our next, stop the pylorus. Conference. Is a mysterious. World veiled, in mist it is a 35. Meter tall, melon covered. In lush vegetation. Shrouding. The world's, tallest. Indoor. Waterfall so, you know but is very nature meets. Technology. And this is definitely. One of, my. Favorite, singapore. Attractions. It's. Just so beautiful everything, about this, country. Is so picturesque. But, everywhere you look you see something, that would make you, say oh my god that's, so, beautiful. Debate. You. My camera, died so I'm, just lucky, using my. I mean. Chicken. Rice which is so, so, so so so good Your Honor we to watch the spectra. Select, your light show it, spectra right yes. Spectra, that, you're, exactly where I'm not sure if it's the same as the wines in the merlion but I don't think it's not. So. Yeah. Just. Update. Other spectra, light sure I think, is the same as the one in the merlion because, as. You can see. This. Bridge right here the merlion is like. It's. The ones in purple, a be the one that's. The merlion and, the light show is somewhere here so give, the church. From. There you can actually see dimension so I think, it. Home. But. Camera battery fully, died, and, recording, that video I wasn't, aware that it didn't, finish recording until. I saw, it the next days so, yeah. That's it for day 1 day, 2 today's. Itinerary is, singapore zoo river. Safari and. The. Rest of the activities in linkit you can get to do yesterday which is a CBC Skyway, and I. Don't. Know extra, time very. Go visit some cafe at the neighborhood. I'm. Not familiar with a place but it's called, Kim fun. Things. And, we're just waiting for the traffic lights. Singapore. Zoo is actually a bit far from the city if you search over the net it. Will give you options as, to how to get there but most of it will tell you the chance for two. To, three different. Buses, what, we did is we took the Emily to UM mock you station, and then, we, just took the. Bus, which. Is line one three eight which, took, us straight to. Singapore. Zoo which. Is very convenient because you have plenty of time there since it's almost an hour of, travel, time.

Where. Are the chief hat forests, where, the animals. Are learning, very much. The. Giraffes names are Marco and Jubilee, Jubilees. The first giraffe to, be born at the zoo for. The first time in 28, years. Oh. Are. They, the cutest. I. It's. Hot. Definitely. The highlight of my whole Singapore. Zoo and, River safari, experience, I. Mean, look. What. Are you doing. That's. What I've said earlier haven't, been able to vlog, much because, I've been, enjoying, myself and, though, it's very fun. It was also very tiring, so, after. Singapore. Zoo and River Safari we went ahead. And. Defined. Ourselves. Something. To eat. It. For day two I, have been pretty much, it, has seen tomorrow. Hello, babe. I. Want. To leave that the gate we're, on our way to the bus stop to. Blow. Us away the first time. They. Said again have, a better navigator because, I stopped at navigating. Okay. Yeah. I always find myself craving, for chicken Brioni so, that's. What I ate again. We. Took them to a, cable car because you cannot take. It to any minute, walk it's retiring and look at the weather it's always happy do you know, son, is ready so so. So. So, you know. Oh. We. Wanted to try the extreme, riots yes but we wanted to go. From mild to extreme so. We. Got on. These, spaghetti right first if, there's something, below that mile then that is it it's really, suitable for kids and it's. Relaxing and it's fun. The. Next ride we got in do is, transformers. Or, deep, it is, an incredibly, immersive. Larger. Than life or the battle to, finish between the Decepticons. And the Autobots, that. Definitely. Left me breathless and. Of course wanting. For more it's, a. Bit extreme, but. Well. It's so much fun. My. Sister finally went with me to. The Battlestar and it was the best 1 minute, of my life. My. Camera really had a lot of issues what I was what I was blogging, when. Yesterday my camera, battery, died this time a memory, got full I forgot, to delete some of the videos that I've already, transferred. Before we got here so I didn't, notice that but. I just have a few pictures, for, you guys. We. Didn't spend a lot of time, in Universal, we just had a few rides the.

Spaghetti, Arrived. Transformers. Mummy. Battlestar. Galactica. And also, the Steven Spielberg. Show. I don't know if you'd call it a show but, it was amazing. I was so mind blown, and, after. That we, went home and went back to Marina, Bay Sands. We. Had dinner again at, Marina. Bay Sands food court after which we then proceeded, to, Gardens. By, the bay to, watch. Garden. Rhapsody, in the super tree growth which, was super fun. And, super. Beautiful. I've never seen anything quite like it it's just you. Know. It's. Just hard, stopping. Legit. It made me cry. But. You're. Gonna buy us a new one. I. Wasn't. Able to vlog because they ran out of memory. Today. I've already. There. A police-station we're going to do distraction. We. Are going, home it's. Been a great, four. Days. Singapore. And. We'll. See you again soon.

2019-03-06 03:51

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