VLOG I Vanlife travels I WHY are we so mad?

VLOG I Vanlife travels I WHY are we so mad?

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now we're talking countryside it is so beautiful that we just came to this farm where we're gonna  park and i think we're in a rush but i think we could stay here for weeks and months because it's  so beautiful and it's so cozy and it's just like i don't know people are just like  home here well it's absolutely beautiful and we're gonna take a look around so in our backyard you're searching for the cows aren't you? absolutely love it look at it if i owned a farm i would do this  as well like invite campers to come and stay oh it's a husky hey husky it's such a cute place oh my god this is brilliant do you see what i  see no you don't because you don't know about it with these light things that's hanging yeah  they have exactly these in the gym and i wanted to steal one in the gym for so long in Marbella and  i'm trying to find it in every shop but i couldn't where are you gonna fit that that's massive  we're gonna have it you know what we have outdoor cinemas we're gonna have a  between our cars in the door openings you have enough candles already don't you  no there's always space for more candles welcome to Hell's Kitchen time to leave this beautiful farm  and we said we could stay here for really like we could really get stuck here but  we yeah it will be amazing to stay a few more days but it's almost impossible for me to work here  so it's like the wi-fi is working for me if no one else is on it and that's not gonna happen  and then my own reception is terrible here so i really have to go because i do have  a lot of work to do this month so yeah bye bye beautiful farm and i hope to see this  place again because it was absolutely amazing okay so we came to Lisbon just a few hours  ago you've already been out for a drink and i've been working and now we're gonna meet up  Andrea's friend for dinner and this place is absolutely magical oh my god now we're watching  like 30 servers trying to catch the same wave what's going on over here and it's man yeah i think if we go now we can make it yeah you  think you'll be fine don't easy driving let's go so we just came to this beautiful beach restaurant  we got me, Andreas, Rome, Ben i met six years ago when i was running the gym in stockholm  you came and trained my place my place not my place but yeah whatever and now  we're in portugal which is amazing and it's me and the boys as usual we really met  on tinder we met don't you want to tell the story and how we met on tinder oh yeah no we should  do it okay okay never mind so we're out on this bike trip around lisbon and it's absolutely  beautiful i am so in love with this place so after a day on the bikes  going around on the beaches we left the crew and we are taking  the ferry over to Lisbon and into the city because you've been  there but i said i am not leaving this place without seeing the city so we are on  our way in there and we are taking the ferry Andreas has been here before of  course he's been all over the world but i haven't been here before so hello tour  guide hello so where do you want to go first i don't have to wear this actually no we don't  are we sure it's a little bit it's a little what's up how's the board there babe huge yeah well you will need it it's going to be nice for you to have  that one you ready i was born ready yeah Rome is going to be the instructor today rome you take the first  first 20 minutes and i go on happy yes not a lot of ways though but i  managed to stand up in two out of three boyfriends in rome's house okay so we just came back from the surf we had  to stop because there's a competition going on how was the surf babe well as you said we had  to stop but and catch some waves yeah yeah and you did and i did rome said i stood up but  i don't know if they count like standing up but half standing up two out of three waves so i  was happy for that i don't know where he went though but she was doing great so we're gonna  get changed and then we're gonna go for coffee okay so now now when i have rome  here this is my surf teacher how did i do as a student so so after you elbowed me in the face while  trying to go out you actually did really well i mean you had four waves you stood up on  three of them so i'm proud of you until next time until next time thanks for the patience that was fun it  was fun you were a really good student i'm proud of you yes yes surf done water refilled toilet  emptied lunch done oh i'm getting hungry actually shower done leaving poor leaving  Lisbon and heading up to Ericeira so this campsite was really really nice i  really actually recommend people to stay here if they're going to be in lisbon because it's  really really close to everything so it was really really nice but hey let's go the car is ready so let's roll and now we're gonna go watch the  sunset i need a beer another one someone is going surfing and then how  to find a solution like really quick how to get the board with me on  the bike and look at this here's a sports bike with a surfboard on it so socks socks i think he just did like this  i have no idea how he's gonna fit his leg here at least i'm not on the back thank god for that so we are now in... it yeah freezing cold and i mean shorts and  you're in t-shirt and we just spin on the bike it is absolutely beautiful here look at this wow but it is freezing cold oh my god let's eat okay so we are so tired so we went to meet my colleagues and friends  in Ericeira for a long lunch well cheers guys and then we were supposed to drive  for like an hour to place where you were going to fly paramotor but the wind was  too strong and it was going to be strong for a couple of days so it wasn't really and we  couldn't park there because that was illegal so now we've been driving one and a half hour more  almost two and it cost us a fortune oh yeah we took we took the highway the paid highway just  because otherwise it was two hours longer yeah plus i had to refill these sell for 100  euros that is so expensive in portugal like roads and diesel and fuel guys  are really expensive in portugal yeah i'm just trying to not fill up my he's like i'm  not gonna i'm not not gonna put diesel right now i just saw the prices and i'm like no you know  what i'm just gonna i'm just gonna keep driving and and hope i get out of portugal because  before i need you to pay for for diesel again it's crazy but now we found this actually  free parking area full motorhomes we're not the only one who found it though no it's it's  packed but it's quite cool really really cool place not exotic or anything not exciting so  we're out of here tomorrow morning there's a lot of campers here though a lot of campus but i'm  happy to have a free spot in portugal so if you go with a van in portugal you do have to be prepared  to pay loads of money for fuel loads of money for campsites and be prepared for [ __ ] roads  because the roads are really really not nice but i do love portugal we love the portuguese  they're amazing they're amazing but yeah no we need a bed it's time for bed and also another  thing that makes me even more sad at the moment is that it's freezing cold it's 13 degrees outside  it's in the end of may it's even echo missing now it is crazy like whole southern europe is  really cold for this time of the year don't know where the heat went so if someone of you stole  it can you please return it good night okay yeah good night okay so because we usually always drive on motorways where there  is no tolls but here above lisbon and now we're heading up north it is actually double the time of  driving if we do not pay for tolls so right now we are taking the expensive roads so i thought  i'd bring you along here so you get to see how that looks let's do this again so first  you grab a ticket got it allowed to drive got it and then we pay for it later on okay so now we've been driving  for i don't know for how long but i'm gonna take you into the toll  so you get to see how it looks like just because i'm filming this for you ah now maybe please let me through let me through thank you we have to have a serious  talk like really serious talk i don't like portugal anymore this  is the downside of van life guys so i don't even know where to start likes south portugal up to Ericeira yeah i've been amazing i mean besides that  we have to pay for campsites yes do we say exactly we still had to pay campsites we still  had to be in campings which which is the thing we don't want we want to be honest we lose the  whole freedom feeling we lose the whole freedom feeling when we're standing other campers on  camp spots he's just not it's just not the same it doesn't feel like freedom anymore yeah  so yesterday we went to i want a quick van life in portugal we got to this really random campsite  where you can park for free so we left the first thing to a beautiful beach to have breakfast and  then we're like okay let's keep going to porto which is like one and a half hour away because we  wanted to see this nice big city and here we are and here we are the campsite said we have to pay  for two nights and all the other camp spots we can find and park for night literally says being  robbed being robbed being robbed uh breaks in got like pushed off by police blah blah blah blah  blah blah and we like you know what i'm not really fancy of another big city so we decided that  we're gonna leave portugal today so we're heading into spain again now so we have two and a half  hours it's gonna take three for us three hours of driving ahead of us but at least we're getting  into spain we can free camp again i'm so sick of driving though but yeah well we just have to do it  we still have a far away at least we can call each other from the vans and we can talk to each other  we need walkie-talkies though because then we can be on the phone and we can still like hey did  you see that oh hey turn left here hey i need gas but to be honest we don't want to make this video  too long but to be honest this is the downsides of of portugal living in a van i know they're  talking about taking away this law that you can't free camp but at the moment it is what it is so  if we gonna go back to portugal i would probably drive in spain until we're in the level of a  receiver and then i would drive straight into it because the roads here are so expensive the  diesel are expensive and the roads are so bad and the roads are bad and it's boring driving  and it's just that's how it feels like yeah we're pissed off both of us so bye portugal  and hola cheers babe let's go to spain oh yeah let's go home but before we go over to spain  actually decided to do lunch and gym and then we're ready for the road i  hope this is going to give us some energy and positivity and then we have energy to  drive again right babe are you are you ready we need to but we just have to you know just you  have to do it just just do it even if you don't feel like it just do it it's like everything  you know it's like everything you don't want to do but you should do you just do it don't  think about it just do it we're gonna do it now spain is over there oh we're driving along the  borders come on spain come to mama welcome

2021-06-15 19:21

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