VLOG I The long road back to Sweden

VLOG I The long road back to Sweden

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it's very very nice like and it's not nice look it is very nice it  looks horrible it looks amazing it looks awful oh okay babe seriously it's it's been so  much driving you know literally we've been in i don't think it's even five weeks we've  been driving from marbella into portugal north of spain through whole france gibraltar oh  [ __ ] i forgot gibraltar um and then up and now um belgium netherlands germany yeah and  soon sweden yeah ferry over to sweden yeah exciting time say yeah it's gonna be insane  but from france our first stop was belgium right first time for you first time for me i've  never been there before and i really liked it yeah me too tiny like country though yeah yeah yeah and  we had breakfast in in champaign as you saw in the previous video then we had lunch in brussels yeah  and brussel as the city was absolutely beautiful we didn't have much time though but the best we  i wish i had more we had more time there yeah and then from brussels we went to antwerpen and yeah now it's start to rain i wonder if you can hear  us even though it's raining let's hope so but it's raining in though babe that's fine okay  so then we went to antwerpen and i was happily surprised about antwerpen that was a really  really nice place because i don't like big cities so we parked outside antwerpen is that how you  say it in english so how is it yeah okay cool so we're in belgium and as usual we park a little  bit outside the city because in the city center is really high risk for break-ins even though we  have alarms and stuff in the vans it's more safe to stand here so as usual we're gonna go with  the bike in and yesterday we went for a lunch in brussels and we actually got pulled over by the  police because Andreas had jeans that was not like all covered it was like holes in them and i  didn't wear gloves and we didn't have biker shoes still don't so that's 58 euro fine per person  he didn't find us though but he gave us a bloody good warning and this month they  apparently have like biker control in belgium so we didn't know about that so let's hope we  don't get stopped now but now we prepare with gloves good jeans still don't have the shoes  but nevermind and yeah we're gonna go explore antwerpen and i haven't been here  and you haven't been here i've never been in this country either so so  this is a new country let's go this place is unreal like i've never seen any train station this big and this beautiful it's crazy okay so this is quite fun over here i literally don't need to wear the mask but then  to see on the sign i have to put the mask on and we do have mask people in this yeah otherwise  these guys comes in yeah they hunt you down they literally hunt you down and say that you have to  wear the mask so it's like behind these you have to wear the mask and then i don't get it it's  so weird it was about trying to figure out what what's you know what's the rules in this country  and in this city and in this place and well yeah like yesterday here we have masked police yeah on  the bike and now today we getting to know the new regulations about the masks so funny so funny  well it's different in every country it is so this place is all about chocolate bars and  diamonds i think i like it here no but i'm actually really happily surprised over the city i  did not expect this to be so beautiful absolutely love it and we thought it must be something  and with the belgian people because they eat is bars and restaurants everywhere you  turn so that must be a big thing here so if any one of you are from belgium can  you answer me how many times a day you eat or drink outside because this is insane  it's everywhere and i absolutely love it i can't leave belgium without having above your  waffle with belgian chocolate on it and ice cream yeah antwerpen r was really nice  they like belgium are really famous for this chocolate so we went into like  a chocolate museum welcome to chocolate but we didn't had time to  take the tour out of us we would have loved to do the tour but we bought some  like Belgian chocolate we still we still have it i i mean i don't know that's it for so  long because i might eat the lost that's what i'm saying it's crazy that we still  have it yeah i know i'm doing good yeah but i'm a sugar addict here and then we went to  bed in antwerpen and then the day after we went to amsterdam into the netherlands right  yeah and i guess you guys heard about amsterdam as well like i do need to do something  about this water okay still raining but we are what time oh okay no not the whole part of  amsterdam but where we parked the vans where i went on the morning run this floating houses  like the whole landscape is just based on the same level as all of the water so the rivers  are just like one two decimeters below like the surface so yeah okay so i had to stop this  is literally the coolest thing i've ever seen i'm out running in the netherlands so  on this side you have like normal villas you know but then on this side you have the water  and then you have the houses on the other side and on the other side of the houses it's just like  green areas cows horses you know literally on the countryside and it is so beautiful because  i just saw a woman she's about on a walk with a dog so they park the cars on this side  and then they step on this and they just pull a line up and then they like pull themselves  towards the other side and then they walk off and jump into the house so she just came back  from a walk with a dog jumped on went back into the house secured the whole it's not a boat  but yeah whatever you call it floating thing it's just so beautiful it's literally  it it's like a water house but it's fixed it is absolutely amazing i love it i'm like  running and smiling and running and smiling and then we rented this bike and that  was so fun and we came into the bike shop and we said that we wanted to have  the tandem bike and he was like are you sure like seriously like are you  really sure you're like yeah why not why why and they like well it sounds really sweet on  like the idea of it sounds really sweet and i mean the pictures and everything but to ride it  together with someone is super super difficult but they i mean women outside all of the guys in  the store went outside just to watch us take off because they're like well this is going to  be hilarious we're just going to watch them fail and we literally just like took off and  they're like oh we did it we didn't even fall even one time we were just bicycling around yeah yeah  and a lot of people just like really gave me some gave us thumbs up about like really good trying  local food local beer yeah it was bicycling past red light district which was really interesting  which is just as they all say is girls like in windows it's crazy in the middle of the day  it's just crazy like i don't want to talk about it too much though i think everyone should do  their own research about this but i really didn't think it was this i i like okay we're in 2021  and i was like okay i didn't really think it was still there no in the amount i thought it was  just a tourist like attraction which is also weird but hey it's there it's amsterdam it's you know  it's their culture and that's what it is so um yeah that was interesting we tried some like  holland beer and some bitterballen and we had a really nice day just for days still but  it was good awesome hectic as you understand very hectic wow what a bike you upgraded we just parked  the bicycle now we're ready for the market and ours is a little bit longer than everyone  else a little bit bigger just like the vans so how is our tandem biking going we're doing  good what a good team i would say we're doing good i'm surprised that the guys in the shop wanted  you to be in the front yeah so if we we started that way i was in the front he was in the back  and i was like holy [ __ ] no balance at all and then we swapped places and now it's going  really really good but it's like you know like being on the back of the  motorbike but just not really the same but it's really nice we're doing  good we're good teamwork the same speed like i think we're doing really really good people look  surprised though like the people they're like wow they they manage this really really really  well have any one of you done tandem biking i want to know that because i never know  i never knew it i've never done it before apparently this is typical um from here  that you have like in every bar like a snack but it comes from a drink bitter that is  like jagermeister and there's a ball to it with a mustard sauce no idea  how it's going to taste so go ahead try it it's really really  hot i think i need to wait come on god wait we need to wait a bit how was it still very hot  but really good i like it i don't like mustard though but i really  like it it's like the um spanish croquettes yeah it's pretty similar yeah you want to try  the mustard no i don't i hate mustard come on amazing i thought it was really  good with mustard what do you think no you're taking my beer not my thing okay burn up  but the rest was good great we're hunting for pannekoeken which is dutch  pancakes where's the pannekoeken somewhere i was like hang on don't eat yet i want  to film it first okay so we found this pannekoeken look at it it's like  it's huge and you can get them like really food this is kind of in between like it's so yeah the foodish but we ordered this one goat cheese  honey apple walnuts and arugula and then from there we went to bremen in germany yeah germany to meet your  friends that you haven't seen in a year a year yeah i met them i went see to see them on the  way down when i was traveling out in europe yeah and now it's almost a year i wanted to introduce  amanda and we played uh whatever we played spike spikeball playful weird games but very  very fun game everyone play it in germany we were awful though but we  were getting better and better we still didn't win [ __ ] no i mean but yeah we  were getting oh we did win when we cheated well no we know when we changed the teams we won as a team that is just crap  at least not on spike ball hey we need to fix that we need to  be team number one in everything we were awful but we did our best and we had fun  for me it's just about having fun yeah and being a good team yeah losing i don't care having fun  being a good team yeah we did that and then now um yeah it's time to go yeah leave germany  get on a ferry and go back to sweden yeah last episode like trip when we have to  cross borders when we have to be worried about polices and stuff like that so that's just  going to be like a big relief because it's been over our head for the whole trip that we've  been having polices and souls i in this last year i've never ever been in contact with so many  polices and border patrols ever in my life and it's also the hardest thing about  this travel has really been like not knowing the rules like i have several people  texting me calling me like oh how's the situation in that country and can you travel in europe and  i know many of you that you know watching this you have been asking me or you know commenting on  the videos and i'm sorry that i haven't been able to give you more like real answers but we haven't  had any idea because it's like one rule one day and then two days later they completely change  it so every time we travel through countries it's like we have to look it up we have no  idea even if we look it up it's it could change until we're there so it's always like we're  coming to a country and it's like do we have to wear a mask here and then we look at everyone and  then it's like okay sometimes you ask the police sometimes it's it's really yeah it's kind of like  you have to hey you have to figure out where you you stay like yeah because you have to respect  it what's the rules right here right now day by day country by country and just respect  everyone yeah yeah so that's that's been hard traveling soon seven countries in like six  weeks or something but it's been great though it's been four new countries on my list it's  been gibraltar portugal belgium and netherlands for me and three new for you and i like that yeah  it's nice to explore some countries together yeah so cool so yeah it's been quite hectic so i'm  sorry if the the videos has been kind of stressful like oh now we're there and then we're there but  it's literally been that way for us to like we wake up in one country and go to bed  in another one and we don't even know our names anymore it feels like sometimes but  cannot wait to get back to sweden actually and i think we need a date you and i a date  yeah we need a date a bowl of wine oh no it's my turn this time oh no oh come on  and maybe sleep in a tent and maybe just maybe we should just like take a day and just  you know think about everything that we have you know done during this year because it's been  incredible so can i can i take you on a date in a tent yes you can so i'm just gonna like cook you  sausage and like potatoes if you do it with love for now if it's a deal and it is okay are  you ready to go let's go Sweden let's go good morning good morning oh wow that was  bright so we are now leaving Andrea's friends in bremen in germany and we're heading off  to the ferry and later tonight we will be in sweden in Sweden yeah and i can't  really believe it no it's been hectic i'm so tired yeah me too look at me but we  still had like eight and a half hours of sleep yeah i know but we had nothing the day  before so that might be a two-day hangover and now we're gonna drive straight for like four  hours and then we come to the ferry and then when at the ferry we can like relax a bit yeah  so we gotta go up and say goodbye to Josh and Linnea now yeah get some morning coffee going and  hit the roads can't wait the last four hours before we hit sweden yeah in swedish i would say i right now have skräckblandad förtjusning by coming home mixed scared and excitement yeah well uh time to hit the roads  and i've never taken the ferry over actually because i've been driving through  denmark so this is a new thing for me so i have no idea what to expect or what  to do so i follow the leader let's go okay so we just parked on the ferry i parked  behind you and the guys got really pissed off he's like no you're going back i was like  don't put me on another level while standing like behind all of the long tracks and you're  standing in the front so i had to walk up here but then we're here seven hours of to  spare so and then we're in sweden okay it's actually quite stormy i'm a bit nervous  that's the fairy and the sun i don't like fairies that's why i'm driving right off the road  today is because of a spider i'm like oh you and that spider is gonna make babies in my  van during the fairy time and i said you need to control yourself she was almost off the road  just because of a little spider and i'm like well you need to go like in therapy for this if  you almost off the road for a harmless spider this can be a big issue it was literally  hanging down from the roof in my face it was i'm walking out of this discussion  you need help i need help help me okay fine we are in sweden we are home in Sweden we made it we made it and we're like face masks  no we don't eat it uh curfew no we can be out all night it's the country of freedom welcome to  sweden so a lot of things are going to change now while we're here so it's going to be busy  travels it's going to be loads of driving no settle down no calm down no nothing we have so  much to do so many fun things to see people to visit things to do we're gonna it's coming  up events coming up we have we're gonna rebuild both of our vans and we're also gonna record  that because you said you wanna see it and yeah and then also another thing a part and i've  said this before because we're gonna travel around in sweden we're gonna meet swedish people  hang around swedish people most of our vlogs are gonna be in swedish with english  subtitles but then when we do videos like building the vans new van tours and stuff like  that it's going to be in english so it's going to be a mix-up so some videos in english some  videos in swedish we hope you're going to like it yeah it's still going to be awesome to watch this  it is going to be awesome and now we're in sweden so this is the end of this video and i see you  next week next sunday morning 9am in swedish bye you

2021-07-02 05:07

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