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Shit, man, another VLOG. How about that? I just went to pick up this package Which has very important content for this journey So we're heading out on another round of The Haunted gigs I'm on my way to the airport right now to fly to Copenhagen But I had to make this very important stop To pick up this package right here, what is it? I don't know Package to Ola mmh... Ohhh Ola Oh, holy shit There it is, baby Metroid Dread Yeeeah This trip is gonna be so much more fun right now So yeah, I'm heading to the airport, let's go ...Nomadic bag Peter McKinnon, youtuber Youtuber and excellent guy, probably Maybe, I don't know, I haven't met him Maybe he's cool, maybe he's terrible I think he's good Let's see if I can do... alright I'm in Copenhagen Trying to find the bus We're leaving the airport Beautiful band heading to Køge Lego houses, I mean, the Danish are known for their Lego Alright, we're back stage The Haunted backstage right here would have some...

...Good drinks and some smørrebrød [bread and butter] And now we're just waiting for the setup and soundcheck And we're playing with Hatesphere today Which is an incredible thrash metal band Just sitting here, you know, working You should always have to be working, man, ohhh... sitting here pretending to work Well, I think it's gonna be a good night Soundcheck's soon and then gig later tonight So, we're in a little bit of a pickle Jensen is stuck on a train somewhere in Sweden And he might actually not show up for the gig Which means I'm gonna play all the guitar parts for the show Which... I mean... Sure, it will work Just a tiny tiny bit intimidating, let's just say that I'm figuring out all my shit right here Also... fuck, I need some time to play this game, man I don't know when The camera is drunk What the fuck is going on? Sitting here backstage Trying to learn all Jensen's different parts And intros for some of the songs It seems that he's not coming What are you guys doing? Um watching drum covers of Meshuggah - Bleed Just found an 8-year-old playing it How does that make you feel? Very old And incompetent Noo haha Holy shit I like that song Hey Ola, have you got one of these? - For my Peter McKinnon Nomadic bag? - Yeah Alright, let's see if it fits I-It goes on...

Oh, you got one Oh, no way Logo... This the... like, the cheap ebay knock-off of 3.99 And it folds in on itself That's pretty depressing Oh, man... OK I thought I had something new, but...

Totally sick I would buy the bag for this rain cover Mm-mm Let me have another feel Just see how it fits to go back in its place Did you see this? I moved the compartment. So I could have the Switch here And that's... so it's- - I was wondering what that is - So I can- You know, quick access... - ...access here, and just... - Ohhh

- If this was closed on the flight, I could do this - Let me have a... Let me have a close look at that Switch case So when you have it in a overhead compartment, you can just... - That's nice - Dude... Come on That is... - That is for a Nintendo DS? - That is sick I bought that when we were in New Zealand - Nice... - I thought it came with the bag - May I? - No, no Yeah, go ahead and try it That- that is very nice Oh wow, look at this That is... Oh...

That... that's actually very similar... - Yeah, that was the point - ...texture You actually checked the interior of that case to match...

[Together] Yeah - And this is very nice - No, no This goes underneath, can't you see the... The Switch-like thingies here? Oh, yeah Oh... That's... that's my watch Yeah - That... - Not anymore, I'll take it

That's... And that is just... You need to go there...

What's this? - The latest game - Oh, nice - How... - You got candy in there? Look at this Instead of a water bottle, I- I could do that a million times That's incredible Sold Yeah, totally What's your favorite vocal warmup before a show? Poor David is having a rough evening No, it's cool, it's... I'm happy that it's with you Because you're cool enough to just... ...give me the time to do this without being like... No, he's been setting up all the...

Like, the double guitar thing So, my Quad Cortex is feeding to 2 power amps and cabinets, right? And I have a tuner, so I can... Shut one of the rigs off For parts where there's supposed to be just one guitar Hi-tech It's like... Switching off my right and only playing with my left leg How many calories I'll burn during this gig So, zero now, let's check at the end No, we go this way - Yeah, it's better - OK We take the Spinal Tap route Through the office How many calories? So um... 1238 calories, that's kind of...

That's like a Big Tasty... Medium size, with normal coke at McDonald's Don't eat at McDonald's - Recovery... - 56 hours recovery... Um... We have a gig in less than 24 hours That's not happening But uh...

How did the gig go? Good, it was... We were 4 people, though How did it go? Hey Um... this is my... ...dad and my older brother What's up? Nice to meet you. [Ola] Awesome - So um... - It's good to see you, man Hey, did you... We're so excited Yeah, we did, we patched through the Quad Cortex to both sides - So we used Jensen's amp - Oh you're doing TikTok, now? Yeah - Yeah we doin' a... - You look so sick

With a 552 and a 6240 and uh... And it went through a 354 cord - And uh... anyway... - Go on Uh...

And it went through a Fortin whatever - And it sounded great, man - Where did the cable go? It went into the anus OK, that's... You're wearing the pendant too Oh, yeah - Oh yeah, I'm always wearing it - I wear it every day too Thank you so much, yes - Hello - Great set - Thank you so much - We came here from the stage just to see you - We came from... - No you did not, you liars We came here though Alright, we stopped, we picked up Jensen in Malmö I went to McDonald's to pick up some coffee and cheeseburgers We're headed off to Borås - Oh, the chips buffet - Sour cream... Sold out Alright, soundcheck is done, it was done over there You can see the backside of the backdrop right there and there There's the stage There's the water If anything happens, if anything's like... if there's a fire... It's close to water, easy, this is Joel He's a member, you've seen before We're going to grab some burgers right now Oh, damn That's cool, they're screaming for us No, thanks Alright, it's...

Saturday morning I had breakfast not too long ago It's a little late of a lobby call today, so I've been able to sleep and chill a little bit I've been trying to figure out uh... how to... Get rid of my demonetization of tomorrow's Metal Morning video Unfortunately we're featuring a Trivium song The latest Trivium song, and it completely blocked the video So I've been trying to figure that out And uh... see if I can solve that The gig yesterday was absolutely amazing Amazingly tight stage And uh... a tight room with 250 people The Haunted are made to play shows like that You know, the absolute smallest venues, just packed and... Small clubs, basically Uh... today we're playing in Malmö and...

You know, I have one hour left And I finally think I'm gonna be able to... Try out Metroid now, so I... ...took out the Switch Ohh look at that baby OK, let's pop it open I'm excited Alright Lobby call was at 11 I'm headed to the venue to pack the van It's finally starting to get a little colder and chilly, which is nice I really love the air at this time of year It's fresh You can feel the oxygen Just to be safe We know Marco's driving He doesn't have the... greatest vision Just trying to...

See? You get shit for doing good things in this band. That's the house That was my drum house Alright, we're stopping at... At the house where Adrian grew up We're gonna take a selfie Not weird at all All the memories Oh... it's crazy That house there, dad built it for us to practice drums in Both you and Daniel? Both me and Daniel, yeah - That's a piece of history - Yeah Banana Bigger stage today Malmö is the 3rd biggest Swedish city All the necessities you need Bread, Nutella, chips... And whiskey What's the view like, that's what I wonder Ah yes Not sure if I told you guys, but I'm wearing in-ears So I'm playing with in-ears It's uh...

...perfect if you wanna hear shit This is Jonas At The Gates, The Haunted David with The Haunted and At The Gates And several other bands So this is vocal warmups And we're done It's the morning after, it's Sunday morning, so I've just had the Metal Morning premiere Right here So it's finally shutting off the last chat And I'm just gonna pack up my shit, and then I'm gonna go to the airport and fly home Yesterday was the last gig before... February, I think February is our next gig, so... It will be a while until I make one of these vlogs again It's a weekend where I've been trying to catch on some sleep From the first day But the shows have been great and... I'm very satisfied and happy And I'm also ready to go home And have a regular Sunday Last look at this town Alright, that's enough Hello No one's home

2021-10-26 12:28

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