Vlammen met 100% elektrische Volvo vuilniswagen, altijd al eens willen doen!

Vlammen met 100% elektrische Volvo vuilniswagen, altijd al eens willen doen!

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The Intercity to Sint-Oedenrode. Pedal to the metal! Henry!!! Bags, bags, bags... get those bags... la, la, la, la! Huppekee!!! A very good morning! Welcome to another new vlog.

We have already been on the road for two hours with the Caddy. We have arrived in Sint-Oedenrode. I'm standing here next to a driver, or rather a driver (female), what do you always say? "I always say driver myself." Driver Iris. And Henry, the press chief... we're going to show you why he is later!

We're going to do something fun today, and I really like it myself... ...because I've always wanted to do it. Standing on the back of a garbage truck, but today also with a special garbage truck. It's full electric, from Volvo! We're going to get off to a good start, we'll pull the plug right away. Disconnect first. Yes, light off.

Look, neat! Close cover. Roll up the cables neatly, then I first ride with Iris and then stand on the back with Henry. “Super quiet, it's like being on a train.” Yes, a real train feeling indeed. "It's really like being in a sprinter."

We are just leaving, it really feels like a train. The Intercity to Sint-Oedenrode. "Yes, we're here!" "But I have to say, I got used to the silence very quickly." I think it's actually very nice. That when you're in a diesel again, you think: what's all this noise? "Yes, then you have to get used to it again." "That's a bit noisy, yes."

You hear just the tires. "Yeah right, that's really what you hear." "That's the friction of the tires you hear."

"You really don't hear any more." "No whistling or anything, nothing at all." "You can do it yourself, you can sing a song yourself" "Yes everything, you can make the sound yourself."

Yes. Yes, because that's what you told me just now... you shouldn't gossip if there's someone on the back! " No no no!" "Because then they can hear it, they hear everything from the cabin." "They're just listening, yes." It drives great, very relaxed. "It's very quiet."

Yes. "You have wind, but normally you have that too." I now see D2, does it only have two gears? "Yes." That is also special! "Yes."

Two gears. Most trucks, of course, have just twelve. "Yes, very much yes." And used to be sixteen.

Completely broken. "Already?" Already!? We arrived at the first bump in Veghel. They explained a little bit of how it all works.

I don't quite get it yet, but I'll get there. He is now set up properly. Let's get started! We can just throw it in the back now and then we're going to squeeze? Soaking wet! Oh, you take them by six? Well I'm standing! This is great! We're going to stand on the back of a garbagetruck now.. Nice touring. I already understood that you have to bend your knees a bit... ...because if the truck starts to sway over bumps, you shouldn't stand with stiff knees. You will feel that in your back and knees.

So I'm going to do that, do a little surfing on the back of the truck. "But with two hands." With two hands of course, but we are still standing still. A little touring.

On to the next lump of plastic! We are only going to collect plastic by the way. So collect all the plastic, press it and soon we will unload it on a very large mountain of plastic. Henry, before it's all gone. "Fast, eh?" This man is going real fast, and Iris can drive really well!! There are occasional bags you put a sticker on? "Yes correct." Why is that? "There's stuff in there that shouldn't be in there." Okay! "Basically, it's plastic, drinks cartons and cans that is allowed to go in."

And? "And some people think that garbage and food scraps are allowed in there too." Okay, because everything that is allowed is displayed on the bag? "Yes, it says what goes in it." And they don't look good? "No, or they don't find it interesting... that's also possible."

So you put a sticker on it. "A sticker on it yes." Do those people have to take it back? "Yes!" How does that work? "Basically it's the people's job to take that away."

"And if that doesn't happen, the Meierijstad municipality will come and pick it up." "They can then check whether it contains addresses." Oh yes! Then you're still screwed, so to speak... or do you get a warning?

"Yes, that's right, then it will be a warning first." Yes, because otherwise sorting is of course pointless. "No that's right."

And these all have a sticker? "These all get a sticker yes." We haven't had to put a sticker on them yet. "Yes correct."

And now suddenly 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 bags. "It's always in certain places that it's more." Nice! "Nice!" Did you get some sandwiches? "Of course!" What kind? "Hard workers." Hard workers sandwiches? Tasty sausage rolls!!! "Thank you Iris!" Oh, that's quick reaction! Well I have to be honest, of course I always liked doing it once... ...but it is really fun, you meet all kinds of people. I also have to say, it's just really hard work and Henry really goes like a bullet.

So I have to work hard to keep up with him, but it's really fun! Again, you're touring through the city in residential areas and you run into all kinds of people. You throw in a few bags every now and then, sometimes a lot... but that's part of it! And then you stop at the bakery, have a nice sausage roll, wring out your gloves a few times and then you go again! Or not? "That's how it is!" Well Iris, we've been touring for quite a while. "Indeed!" How far are we actually? "We've had a third." Oh well, that's going great! I see you now and then put the car diagonally on the road, when the bags are left and right. "Yes that's right."

"When I put it diagonally, no cars can pass and the loaders are safe at the back." Yeah, so you're really blocking the way. "Yes." Because sometimes there are those crazy people who pass by with 90.

And that they're going to run henry over. "Yes indeed." You shouldn't have that! "No, and the back is close by." Yes that's right, you turn your butt around a bit so you don't have to throw and walk as far.

That is certainly an advantage. "Yes." So what are we going to do now? "Swap." Swap, well that's good! And then you go behind? "Of course!" Very good! Well, here we go! Here we go... in the electric Volvo!

I'm going to put him in gear. I just asked if it's running or not, because you don't hear anything... but it should be on! Handbrake off, in the D. The lady and gentleman are on the back... hold on tight! Pedal to the metal! Let's go! Strap in. "Hold on."

I don't have to put it into neutral, but because it's fully electric I only have to keep my foot on the brake and the PTO starts working immediately. So then it doesn't have to be neutral every time and they don't have to wait. Oh look, there comes Iris already running.

Of course you need that PTO to press. Look at her go... they are both great though! Hoppa! Henry!!! Oh right, look, she now holds out her hand.

Then we turn right. Oh against traffic, she said that too. And so what I understood is that a garbage truck is allowed to drive against traffic and use cycle paths to reach certain places. So they don't have to do detours or anything. Now we are actually going in the opposite direction legally. Look at them.

Here we go. It does drive nicely! And it's really perfect for this job. You have another window there that you can look through for poles, pedestrians, maybe a pram, so you don't overlook anything.

Oh what's happening? WATSKEBURT? What is going on? "Two sides!" Oh! "Bad boy!" I'm gonna help them, I'll take care of it. "Ho!" Hoppa!!! Because I was explaining about the window, I missed the bags on the left. Can happen! We can go again. Nice! See them go! Just check. Chef Henry doesn't like that one, because it has glass or something else in it.

I think that one is getting a sticker... Yes, I thought so! Here it comes.. Rejected, rejected... next! Bags, bags, bags... get those bags... la, la, la, la! Oh, that man has to get his bag quickly.

He's lucky...I'm in such a good mood! "This is also part of it..." "...full in dog shit!"

"Fortunately, I now have some time to clean it up." I quickly got out to explain something. They're loading it, throwing it in the back. They are already pushing the button. If you stand at the back there is a security, a kink in the footboard. The moment it is nodded down, the truck can't go faster than 30 and you can't go full throttle either.

That would be very dangerous, because that electric Volvo accelerate really hard. Then it's whoooooop! So then it stops itself and it doesn't go faster than 30... super safe! Huts, huts, huts! I'm going to squeeze, okay? "Fine."

Let me explain that to the viewers. Are you going to take right? "Yes, I'll take the left first and then the right." Okay! Look, this is very easy... ...double click, activate first. And then you should not stand on the steppes too early, because then it will stop for safety. Otherwise you could fall into it. If it's all the way down and you can't get under it anymore, it will continue as soon as you step on it.

Also great! Your hands will be soaking wet, but that doesn't matter. Of course it's not for pussy's. Wring occasionally. It'll get your hands soft, but hey... let's go!

Every time I passed bags, Iris would say: 5 euros or a red card. Now she drove past it herself, so now I went to honk her horn. That horn you heard, that was this bell all the time. As you may have heard: Honking once...I forgot... Honking twice is driving backwards and honking three times is done! She has honked three times and we are now going to unload the entire truck.

We've done our best. We have 46 percent left, so we can drive another 40 kilometers. "Yeah, a little more I guess." I think so too. Because we have already driven many more kilometers.

"We are so empty, so we also need less battery." Then it almost charges when we drive! "Yes, you can exaggerate too!" Iris just explained it well to me. You can open it from the inside and then it slides everything out. The valve that squeezes everything out first presses twice... What exactly does he do? Just wipe twice? "Yes." So he wipes it twice so that everything is out and then he squeezes everything out.

So I put him with his ass back in the dirt. Then Mathieu can push it all in a moment, he is now loading a trailer. We need to hurry up so he can continue loading. Then we're going to tip! As you can see everything has been squeezed out through the headboard. I just asked, I think we should have a bag or...

I'm going to step aside for a bit, because here it comes! Look at this! Of course we didn't put everything on film, but in the meantime we continue... We just kept throwing those bags in and we collected about 4,000! We really had a blast today! This is the result of a day collecting bags. A best bowl full! Brilliantly beautiful, everything is emptied! Go ahead! There it goes, so up the mountain... Huppekee!!!! "We're going to close the lid, with two hands for security." "Don't stand under it!" No! "Okay."

Well, then we can do another round. "Yes." "Yes, an ordinary day." Henry is looking forward to it, he is going to pick up another 4,000 bags! It doesn't matter to him. "Not really!" On arrival we weighed the truck, And you were quite surprised how much we loaded, because you normally have 5 to 6 tons of waste with a ride. "Yes."

We loaded 5,020 kilos of loose bags today. Yes, you can say that! You have to check how much you throw in by hand, just 5 tons! Every time stop, throw in, stop, throw in ... really hard work! Again: it's really fun work, because you come everywhere and see people, you come to all kinds of nice places in the city center. Here you go! You did your best today. "Of course!" What are we going to do now? "Now we go back to Rooi."

To Rooi? "Yes, to Sint-Oedenrode." Okay! We're going to Rooi, just in technical terms! Are you coming to Rooi? Rooi! "We are back in beautiful Rooi, that's how we say it here: beautiful Rooi." "In Sint-Oedenrode, the beautiful Rooi." Learned something again! "I just opened the car to show the difference."

"This is a diesel and this one is electric." You guys tell me! "Look for the differences! It is special that it is exactly the same under the hood. "Yeah, you hardly see any difference there." Nice to see! "The electric motor is largely under the cab." And you're always cleaning, aren't you? And your colleague? "This one is clean and this is... a garbage truck!" "You see it!" A garbage truck yes! "It's a garbage truck."

This was it for today with the 100% electric Volvo! I really enjoyed it, I thought it was cool to stand on the back of a garbage truck for once. And that it is electric was quite an experience for me. It is really perfect for this job, nice and quiet in the city and low emissions. And you can generate energy because you have to constantly brake and accelerate. I enjoyed it! If you did too, please leave a comment and a thumbs up. Don't forget to subscribe, it costs nothing and then you stay informed.

And then finally I would like to thank the protagonists who came with me today. Thank you Henry and Iris! I have learned a lot again, I hope you have learned a lot too. Is that so and do you want to learn more? Then check again next time! Thanks for watching! Bye!

2021-08-07 02:56

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