VL1-Travel & Tourism-An Introduction-Hospitality with Shaheer (CC: English Subtitles)

VL1-Travel & Tourism-An Introduction-Hospitality with Shaheer (CC: English Subtitles)

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I start in the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful May peace be on you I hope you all will be in the best of your health I am your trainer on the 'Hospitality with Shaheer' platform Your host, welcomes you Basically, the project that I have launched 'Hospitality with Shaheer' has its goal to provide quality hospitality education to the community as benefaction because through this education someone can start their profession may start their own small scale business can learn basic hospitality operations that could be beneficial for them in their business, or in their career So I have this goal that the education I had acquired in 8 or 9 years that learning and experiences should be shared to the community as an "Sadaqah Jaariyah" (On-Going Charity) So, this is my goal To achieve this goal, I require your help that the channel you are watching right now on 'YouTube' and my 'Facebook' platforms I request you to follow them, subscribe to my 'YouTube' channel and click on 'Notification Bell' Icon So that you can get notification of my latest videos And if you can share my content in your communities So if someone wants to learn in your community, your office or organization whom so ever you think that might get benefit through this education please share this platform with them indirectly, it will help achieve my goal. So we now start our today's lecture Lets go to the studio and meet you at the studio. Thank you. Starting Video Lecture 1- Travel & Tourism Industry- An Introduction In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Mercif May peace be on you Today is our first lecture named as 'Travel & Tourism Industry-An Introduction' This is the first chapter of our course outline The reason of teaching this chapter is that we should know what really 'Travel & Tourism Industry' is Hospitality that we learn, hospitality management which is in fact part of Travel & tourism industry we will learn what is hospitality, what is the industry and what segment hospitality deal with So, today this is our topic for learning It is an really important chapter It will help us understand the relation of Hospitality and Travel & Tourism Industry So, the question arises 'What is Travel & Tourism Industry' Travel & Tourism Industry if I wish to say that this specific business belongs to 'Travel & Tourism' Industry I cannot do it, because many businesses, different businesses from all business segments make their contribution towards Travel & Tourism Industry for example transportation, accommodation, other than that food and beverage outlets whatever services they are providing to the traveler or conducting some kind of activity all those businesses fall in Travel & Tourism industry and hotels, food and beverage services and event management services collectively are called hospitality operations and in common terms it is known as "Hotel Management" In hotel management all of these operations are performed means hotels deals with events it deals with restaurants as well as lodging services So, all three are collectively known as 'Hospitality Operations' and they all fall directly under Travel & Tourism industry as hospitality operations Basically when we study Travel & Tourism industry we come to know which of the businesses fall in Travel & Tourism industry they are classified according to type of service they provide types of services they offer but it is not necessary that one segment is conflicting with another segment for example lodging and food & beverage usually works together lodging, food & beverage and activities normally works simultaneously means events being managed alongside full scale restaurants these businesses works collaboratively businesses under hospitality operations & travel and tourisms industry are classified into 5 categories, first of them is lodging operations lodging operations are those places where you can go and stay you can stay there, you are provided a place to relax you can spend a night, or for even 3 to 4 nights you book a room, on a destination, anywhere All those places fall under lodging operations in travel and tourism industry The basic service they provide is 'hospitality' if I define hospitality in simple words, because some people might scared of the word hospitality hospitality is a basic concept that we use in our homes, "taking care of the guest" if a guest arrives at your place, the things you do to serve them that all is hospitality so if you translate hospitality in urdu, its meaning is "taking care of the guests" It is not a rocket science, it is just a basic concept but there is a professional way to take good care of the guest which we study in hospitality management because when you are dealing with guests in hotels on regular basis when you are working in that kind of environment in which you have to handle guests to earn your living you face many complications in hospitality management we learn how to handle those situations effectively after that the second point is food & beverage operations those businesses which provide food and beverage either they are serving alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage cocktail or mocktail anything related to food or beverage either 'Haraam' or 'Halal' all related things which we eat or drink those all are classified under "food & Beverage operations" you might be getting confused that what is this lodging operations doing in food and beverages this is because hotels has food & beverage outlets in it they have restaurants they have their own in-house kitchen they might have a catering facility hotels have food & beverage department in it, they work collaboratively as I told you earlier it is a necessity for a hotel to have a restaurant in it these restaurants provide 24 hours service to in house guests cooked in in house kitchen if a guest comes for meal even at 1 am, buffet will be definitely closed but the food will be served through A' la Carte (French Term means 'order from menu') so the guests orders through A' la Carte that is cooked in in house kitchen and served properly either its 1 am or 3 am it is its responsibility to serve food 24 hours and they have no chance to dissatisfy the guest this is the level of hospitality that you are providing food to guest at even 3 am but with proper service standards there is no compromise on service protocols, neither any excuses On the third, we have transport services which include cars, busses, airlines, etc.

provide services to transport customers from one point to another not customer but guest we will call them guests in future too guest is much more respectful and for gents Mr.(last name) and for ladies Miss. or Mrs. or sir or ma'am is often used so if you understood till now, the next classification we have is 'retail stores' all those places where you can do shopping, buy art products, buy souvenir or shopping malls all those places fall under retail stores and the last classification we have, as I told is activities activities include all those events, trips such as recreational trips, college trips you are performing a religious ritual or participating in religious festivity and you are travelling for that either for a business launch or business work you are travelling and availing services then those services will be considered a part of travel & tourism industry so these are the five segments of services provided in travel & tourism industry we study three of them in hospitality operations one of them is activities there are two types of activities, one needs guest accommodations and the other serves meals and drinks accommodation might include setting up a venue, installing a stage or a marquee needs to be assembled there could be anything the main goal will be that the people will travel consume food & beverages and accommodations will be arranged either setup arrangement for sitting, that is banqueting in food & beverages and secondly arranging accommodations for staying guests in hotels so event management is basically is a combination of lodging and food & beverages so, when we hotel management we basically study lodging and food & beverage operations we will study them for sure, but currently we face a question, "Why People Travel" This concept of travelling is basically I can't tell you how old is it because the people (prehistoric nomadic tribes) travelled from one place to another in search of food and water if I summarize the history, this concept originates from them Then there comes an era of trading which is almost 3000 years ago in that era people travelled from one place to another to sell goods in exchange of something or in exchange of some currency, gold or silver so basically trading was started 3000 years ago then this purpose of travel established slowly until this new phase which is the phase of globalization, which was recently introduced in 1940's this hospitality and travel & tourism industry received a boom, when people started travelling from one country to another to expand their business they sold their merchandises in other countries and availed travel & tourism services so after 1940's the modernized travel & tourism you experience that you book hotels, transportation on phone, by visiting offices or these day apps do help it all started after 1940's, there was nothing like that before and the hospitality education which is getting very popular, and we are studying it is either no very old, it all started after 1970's before that there was no concept of education in hotel management hotels required skillful labor for their operations so basically they started hospitality education first institutes for hospitality management were established in Switzerland, which is hub of hospitality education and extremely expensive now lets come back to the question we had 'Why People Travel' People travel if they have extra money, disposable income which they can spend then they travel secondly they travel when they have holidays or well enough time that they could visit some place to spend their leisure time other than that the majority of our guest is from professional occupations especially businessman because they visit you for their work or with a reference of a company they live with you, avail various services and leaves when their work in completed, and the company pays you directly against services availed or we have guests that are at the age of their retirement Who have a fixed source of income and they are enjoying their retirement phase mostly above 55 years or professional businessman which is 70% of our client who is travelling for work, they does not have enough flexibility they come for business, work for the business and leaves only they do is signing bills usually there is a person in a group who is authorized to sign the bill the next question we have is 'When People Travel' People travel in two factors first factor is internal push internal push is an internal desire to travel for example meeting your family member is an internal desire like when I was studying in Lahore doing hotel management, it was always my internal desire that I move on Thursday on my own vehicle I travelled to Islamabad on Thursday because my home was here and return back on Sunday, because my classes were between Monday and Thursday that internal desire to go home to fulfil that desire my travelling as well as the services I avail I had my car, so I had my own transportation service I may require food and beverage or I may require any thing on my way all those services I was availing were part of travel & tourism industry and it was an internal push for me to travel or you might have an internal desire to visit a destination which you have already visited or it could be religious travel for example Umrah or Hajj are internal desires which pushed a person internally to travel opposite to that we have external factor or pull factor which is that something is attracting someone to travel means you are forced to travel there It could be a patient who has to travel for treatment from one place to another so all those travel which forces you externally or pulls you, for example you have seen a video of a destination and you liked that destination and you decide to visit that destination so that travel in which you are getting pulled towards is an external or pull factor in when people travel if you have understood this, the next question we have is 'Where People Travel' in 'where people travel' we will study that where do people like to travel people travel where basically these five classification are present these five resources are very important for tourist to travel, if one of them fail the destination will suffer first of them is natural resources All natural resources such as climate, atmosphere, terrain, landscapes, greenery all those attribute fall under natural resources it plays an important role in pulling the tourist towards the second classification is infrastructures infrastructure are necessary things to live in a particular destination for example electricity, water, gas, things that are necessities for living they can be communication services or roads, they all fall in infrastructures after that superstructure are built over infrastructures superstructures are attractions built for tourists attractions to provide hospitality services to tourists for example parks, hotels, restaurant, all those buildings where you can avail services are superstructures even roadside restaurants are included in them after that there comes transport services which include bus terminals, airlines, etc. there availability boosts tourism for example recently our local airlines have scheduled multiple flights for northern areas of Pakistan it helped boosting tourism in that region you might have heard it in news about the outcome of the policy that the destinations were packed in previous days So people prefer to travel to those destinations where transportation services are available instead of going to those places where the tourist gets stuck in hotel and nowhere to go, no transport available so travel services play an important role in supporting hospitality operations and then the last and most important factor is that there is culture of hospitality in local people of that destination you have quite well known examples of some cities there are reports people gets trapped there and thinks that they might have chosen a wrong destination when the culture of hospitality is diminished hospitality operation suffers in that area Arts, literature, way of thinking of local people plays an important role in attracting tourist there are some tribes in the world where you will be consumed as a grilled meal such tribes also exist in this world who have no culture of hospitality Culture of hospitality is a necessary factor for tourist to travel and enjoy they will never visit a place again where they are disgraced these all five factors are really important to tourist while travelling If these services are available, the tourism boosts and if not, you have seen what happened on Eid 2021 so, we have concluded our today's lecture from today's learning you have understood that travel & tourism industry or hospitality management which we will study in future which businesses are involved what is the role of hospitality management in various services of travel & tourism industry because when you study hospitality management, you focus on all these businesses because in every business you will have to take care of guest this was our lecture for today, I hope you liked it Welcome back Today you have learnt something from our lecture related to your learning if you have some feedback, suggestion or any related query you can contact me on below mentioned Email address you can also visit my website shown below link to this website is available on all my pages you can contact me directly through the contact form on my website You have any question, I will welcome them you can contact me anytime hope you liked this lecture if you have not subscribed to my page, please do so and share it with the community you can make your contribution in this by sharing it with community and subscribe to our channel for our motivation thank you very much. we will definitely meet with next lecture till then take care of yourself. Allah Bless You

2021-08-17 08:52

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