Visiting the WORLD'S MOST UNUSUAL Beach Town

Visiting the WORLD'S MOST UNUSUAL Beach Town

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oh is this the right way to go we have  no idea just stay low to the ground   your parents going to hate me for this  probably I'm going to get a phone call I'm shaking and when you look closely  his beak still has blood on it   I read online that Issyk-Kul means warm lake this is not warm I have goosebumps all over my arm looks like we might get rain should we wait out for the rain  a bit before we go in the water yeah look at how   beautiful this side looks but then this side  is grey I think it'll be quick and cloudy and   yeah so we are now at Issyk-Kul Lake here in  Kyrgyzstan it is the largest alpine lake in   the country I think the largest lake in the  country oh yeah yeah but the second largest   alpine lake in the world it's crazy because  we're at a beach that's what it feels like it   looks like an ocean it's so big you can't even  see the end and the crazy thing is behind us   there are snow capped mountains mhm  and then the middle part looks like   a desert very interesting landscapes here  and we are quite high up too I think we're   about close to 1,700 m above sea level and  yet we're at the beach we're at the beach it's called the warm lake because even  in the winter it doesn't freeze but it   doesn't mean it's a warm lake  temperature wise but it feels   refreshing and the water is so clear so  clear it does feel like you in the ocean   isn't it yeah except the water would not  be salty right mhm do you want to taste it yeah no it's not salty and we got a local melon you were so excited  for this because 2 days ago when we were in   the mountains they fed us this for lunch and  it was so delicious and we never had this kind   of melon before so we saw it at the market  today it's like a mix between a honeydew and   a cantaloupe yeah and this was only a dollar  yeah so cheap the problem is how are we going   to open it we don't have a knife don't we have a  plastic knife no we have fork and we have spoon   oh that's no good yeah what are we going to do I got a knife I don't think you should be running  around the beach holding a knife with all the kids   around they're so friendly yeah maybe we can cut  some and give it to them yeah you should do that   yeah yeah they're locals are they barbecuing  over there I see like smoke yeah growing some   kind of meat nice yeah we should share what's  the best way to do this you want me to cut it   yeah maybe don't get the sand in there oh yes yeah  then we can get the seeds out that looks so good this is so relaxing feels like we're on a beach  vacation we are on a beach vacation look at this it's so sweet holy moly it tastes like cantaloupe but the texture is like  honeydew one thing I noticed is that the fruit   here is so delicious yeah everything we had  here was so sweet was so fresh think it's   seasonal like the food that we see the berries  the apples the melons I think it's seasonal and   they're ugly too they're not like perfect  looking so I think it's local fruits it's   not like imports that we're so used to eating  in Western countries and even in like a lot   of big cities in Asia we get like imported  stuff that doesn't have as much taste mhm   as the local stuff yeah they look ugly the  skin is not polished it's not shiny but it   tastes so good this one for us yeah give this  pretty one to them yeah give this pretty   one to them as a thank you gift for giving us a  knife to enjoy this sweet sweet melon you go boy   we're back at our yurt stay here this is called  the Sonun Yurt Camp literally like a 10-minute   walk to where we were before it's quite a cute  place there's like nothing around kind of feels   like deserty but then this place itself is  very lovely we have a dining yurt here one   of the reasons I booked this place is because  they have quite a nice shower facility even   though it's shared and they have hot water looks  quite cool inside actually they have like four   four stalls see you can even watch the sky while  you're taking a poop but yeah the hot water was   wonderful last night look how chill and relaxed  this place is it's a little area where you can   chat with people work a little bit which we did  and just enjoy the weather because it's so nice and I think this is the drinking water  pipe that connects to the lake so we   have to turn it on oh yeah we haven't tried  yet I have you filled a water bottle with it   I filled the water bottle it was good it tastes  good tastes like water clean water so they have   10 traditional Yurts here we are staying in  this one so I'll give you a little tour oh   one thing to mention is when I say traditional  Yurts it's because it's different from the one   we stayed at Altyn-Arashan that one had like  metal bars inside the outside had a bit of   like felt plus plastic like it was different  but this one you can see this texture yeah and   the thickness of it this is felt which is what  they used to use I believe and it's very warm   when we were inside last night it felt like  we were very well protected and then you also   see the rope everything is is just tied down by  rope no nails no metal inserts or anything like   that it's pretty cool okay let's go inside take  off our shoes should I turn on the light yeah okay not much to show yeah but it's so cute so  cute this bed is very comfortable and they have   a nice thick blanket we even have a very nice  couch for us to sit out here we can enjoy the   view of outside we have electricity so we can  you know charge our phones charge our equipment   and then a little table there for some snacks  that's basically it that's basically it but   it's super cozy oh yeah look at this so they  use ropes to tie this wood together but they   use I'm not sure if it's horse or cow skin  instead of nails they use skin that is cool   I didn't notice that before and just every  little details you know like the carpet the   fabric hanging on the wall there it's beautiful  I think they are different configurations inside   the yurt like some have like four beds some  have like one big bed so it depends on how many   people are staying together in one like we  booked this one for $42 a night for the two   of us including breakfast which I think is a good  deal and they also do dinner here if you want to   book dinner it's like 800 KGS per person it's  quite delicious so I think we're going to enjoy   another dinner here instead of like going into  town because the food here is really really good so the home stay here also recommends one  more activity for us that is quite unique   to this area of Issyk-Kul Lake they said  that there is a eagle show like an eagle   hunting demonstration that we should  check out I think eagle hunting is a   huge part of the Kyrgyz people's culture and  it's kind of slowly becoming extinct because   honestly nowadays like in modern day no one  really needs to go hunt for food I think they   try to keep this tradition going in some of the  places around the lake here in order to kind of   pass down the art to the next generation so yeah  we'll see what that is all about hi guys just   wanted to quickly say that we have started a new  channel called "On The Road with Flora and Note"   we basically have candid conversations on the  the road about our travels about our lifestyle   about things that we honestly usually talk about  but we feel like I wonder what other people think   so we want to put these conversations out there  and see if we have a community who can give us   some feedback and give us some perspectives on the  things we talk about so make sure to subscribe to   that channel and come enjoy the conversation  with us on the road with Flora and Note see   the golden eagle and the kids came to pick  us up hello do we go with you we go with you hi oh there's one more behind us I didn't expect it to be like a a private show but  you booked a private show I don't know there's a   horse two horses two two horses the whole team  the whole crew two horses three dogs three eagles   three dogs too and how many children uh one one  children two assistants okay what's your name 5 years old 5 years old 5 years old he knows  how to hunt too Next Generation Next Generation   Hunter right here and what is your name my  name is Nursultan I'm Flora I'm Note nice to meet   nice to meet you you're the third generation  and the fourth generation wow I'm excited to   see it and this is the fifth generation  after today I'll be the fifth generation you see how they put a leather eye  covering on top of the eyes of the   golden eagle so the whole time when  they were in the car they couldn't see   why I don't know I just noticed it that they don't  attack us maybe like maybe that's probably part of   the training but that was that's interesting wow  I didn't realize how big the Eagles are when they   spread their wings that is crazy wow why do  you cover the eyes eagle eyes are very strong can see 5 kilometers eagle no cap eagle will fly so in  the winter they hunt for themselves   or hunting for the family like no  no no fox meat jackal meat no eating only taking skin skin for tradition  to make clothes to make hats I don't know I don't have any words to  explain this feeling I have no expectation I have no idea what they're going to do and I  didn't realize eagles are so scary looking so scary the claws do you see the claws this this  long and they're thick like their nails are so thick they could puncture through your skin so  quickly oh yeah they can kill a jackal we are like   nothing next to them so this is a fake Fox for  training only skin oh so a real fox just the skin   so who's dragging the fox running you're going  to run yeah oh okay okay so we need to stay here he's coming oh the little helpers are so cute eagle  after eating finished next process cleaning process  cleaning beak and sharpening you can come closer this eagle's gender is female you see this ring 1 2 3 4 yeah four rings is female male  only has three rings this you see 1 2 3 4 it's so funny because he keeps telling  us don't be afraid but I think we look   very afraid I never realized they can be  so scary yeah we only see them flying in   the sky and they look so small yeah but  seeing them up close is a different story   but these aren't the normal eagles right this  is the golden eagles wings is 2 meters wide   and six kilos in weight you ride on  the horse wait I go on the horse okay hi horsey wow look at this kid he's cool he's  so cool he got it he got it he's the fourth   generation hunter you're trying to help  him come down from the horse wow he's so   good the brother was laughing like leave him  alone what you doing oh my God he's so cool wow are you scared just touch don't afraid don't afraid isn't he heavy  yeah I'm shaking and when you look closely his   beak still has blood on it you have to try to  look like you're not afraid for the photo ready   okay 3 2 1 and then point point over there  and say go hunt over there go hunt over there I think I'm scared now wow yeah they look so cute but they're vicious  it's so interesting though right we never seen   this breed of dog before but this is a Kyrgyz  breed of dog they probably have the hunting   nature in their blood dog's prize is sausage  sausage oh sausages for the dogs you can   feel that they are so strong like muscular yeah 2  years old so sturdy two pups eight months good boy   good boy he's so cute oh they are very friendly  actually oh what's he looking over there for he thought that was a predator it's okay your safe he thought it was a sausage he thought  it was a treat he thought it was a little   sausage that was such a cool experience  that I never thought in my life I would be   able to witness that that's so awesome and  even though it's just for practice because   it's a summer month but seeing this being  passed on to generations and not forgotten   is quite heartwarming but also so meaningful  yeah remember this man remember him in five   more years he's going to get his own eagle  and he going to be the fourth generation we are now at Skazka or the Fairytale Canyon  it was about an hour's drive from where we   were staying before by the beach it was an  epic drive coming here it was so beautiful   and I can't wait to see inside speaking of  epic their dad is dressed pretty epic here wow looks so cool we don't know how to attack  this basically it's just a huge Canyon there's   not a lot of information on it yeah so I  think you just kind of wander and explore   and use your imagination to see what some of  the rocks look like because I've seen people   mention you will see dragons and snakes  and you know mystical creatures and stuff there's no clear path here you can go pretty  much every direction you want to go up here   this one looks epic that does that looks like a  dragon yeah it looks like the back of the Dragon   yeah let's go this way okay wow you okay yeah this is incredible holy moly we're on top of the world   we are what's crazy is this feels like a big  playground for adults cuz there's no barriers   there's no signage that's the drop yeah like you  have to be very careful like no one's going to   take care of your safety here it's like really up  to you that's why I think it's an adult playground   but it's pretty insane that you see people all  the way over on that side where it's like colorful   you see like yellow orange red on that side but  then you also see people wandering through there very interesting be careful yeah it's  so steep is this the right way to go we   have no idea just stay low to the ground I'm  basically on my bum sliding bend your knees oh my goodness your parents going to  hate me for this probably I'm going to   get a phone call but by then we already  done we're home safe is that where you   want to go over there yeah but look  behind us that's where we came from that looks steep we just climbed down that hill over there this is pretty incredible I feel like we've  been saying things are incredible since we   got to Central Asia like we we are continuously  blown away by the landscape the nature of both   Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan that we visited this  time I feel like Central Asia is a place that we   will definitely visit again it's our first time  here and we loved it and next time we have so   much more to discover there's still so much more  we hope that our videos will help more people to   come here find their way not be afraid to travel   to a new place and experience  a different side of the world

2024-10-15 01:55

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