Visiting New Places | It's Time to Entertainment | Pokhara | Kathmandu | By Motorbike | Bibek Gupta

Visiting New Places | It's Time to Entertainment | Pokhara | Kathmandu | By Motorbike | Bibek Gupta

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Hello Guys Hello Guys, as we have come to the petrol pump and we are planning to go to Pokhara tomorrow. As you can see, right now we are at Petrol Pump. And tomorrow morning has dawned upon us. And the tank of the bike is also full.

Finished from here, we are going home and will leave the house tomorrow at 4 o'clock in the morning. Hello Guys, we were supposed to leave at 3 o'clock but got late, now it is 4:18. Now we will leave from here Bibek brother wants to say something. Don't want to say anything right now, it's too cold. Still we are going,

our first destination is Pokhara. We will talk again after reaching Pokhara. As you guys can see. Not seeing anything The whole of bully is looking at me.

Hello friends, as if we have just come on the way to the mountains and after seeing the view here, my heart felt relieved. After seeing the view here, I feel like falling from within. The path here is very dangerous. Ask me, don't make even a small mistake. It will take you straight to the ditch.

We are going to Pokhara. morning untill now has been driving continuously, according to us we would have reached in 4 hours but due to dangerous road and cold, we could not reach yet Air Music Hello guys, as we have just reached Narayanghat Highway, the road here is very dangerous here . How is the view? There is a road through the middle of the entire mountain. Even if there is a small mistake, I will go straight into the ditch. Like we rested for a while because BK was very tired due to continuous driving, so not much, just rested for 10/15 minutes and left again. Hello Guys , as we are about to enter Pokhara by just a few minutes , as you can see we have arrived in Pokhara.

We are going to Pokhara Lakeside, our room is booked there, we have just entered, we will leave from here and go to Lakeside, there is a room there, we have to stay there at night also. We were confused as to where the hotel was but we were about to reach there. See guys, the top of mountain be a temple of Bholenath You will know how far we can see the how the far to me . Hello guys, as we have come back from the hotel fully fresh and now we are going for a walk, now we are going for a walk in Pumdikot where there is a very good temple of Bhole Baba.

We have gone there only, it will be very cold in the morning, that is why we are going at night only. I have heard that the slide over there is very dangerous , let's see. How is it ? OH MY GOD, can you people see what a dangerous road we are in front of Bhole Baba. A. I have been to the temple before. but There will be something else fun today .

Because that time when Sir came with the people, he did not enjoy it. Sir, we were the principal, don't say like this brother, sometimes he also watches the video of us , as you can see, what a dangerous road we are. People are climbing with great difficulty, yet we are having a lot of fun . By the grace of Bhole Baba , we are about to reach . As you can see, we have come very close to Bhole Baba, we are just about to reach, we are still in the distance.

It is just at a distance of 400 kilometers. Hello guys , as we have come near Bholebaba. Hello, this is a city named Pokhara in Nepal.

Hello friends, today we are going to visit Pokhara. There is a place called Pumdikot located in Pokhara. Today we visited that place, there is a big huge statue of Bhole Baba, we are here for a wanderer, you are here in the temple, bring a bike, we will see you in the morning, I am here now, it took about 8 o'clock, I went to the temple, I felt happy to see Bhole Baba.

Thank you that you have come out of my heart . Here you can see the night beauty of Pokhara. So guys, we have come to Pumdikot. And as you all can see that the view of Pokhara looks better at night than during the day because I experienced something that it did not seem anything special during the day but at night the moon has come out as if the moon has come out in the street today. || It felt better at night than during the day, I felt very good.

Look everyone, we have come to eat food and my Biki brother has found one thing very bad. Oh, what is it? I also see you guys, there is a rake behind the side of the counter of the hotel where we had come to have food and oh it is completely empty, you can also see this rake is kept just for show, there is nothing inside Biki brother felt very bad for this. Do you feel bad brother? I felt very bad brother. Hello friends, Namaste and Good Morning, as you can see that we have reached Pokhara first and we have reached Kathmandu. Right now we are at Tirbhuvan International Airport.

2024-01-02 20:54

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