Village Food in AMAZON RAINFOREST - Fish With Ribs + EXOTIC Energy Drinks! | Manaus, Brazil!

Village Food in AMAZON RAINFOREST - Fish With Ribs + EXOTIC Energy Drinks! | Manaus, Brazil!

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Good morning hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens I'm in Manaus in the state of Amazonas, right, in the heart of the Amazon rainforest we're staying in the city but today, we are gonna go on a village. Trip, we're gonna take a boat we're gonna go to a local village we're gonna eat some amazing, locally. Prepared, village. Home cooked Amazon, food it's gonna be an amazing adventure in, the Amazon so, we're on our way. On. Our way first to go try to seek out some exotic. The Amazon, is just a paradise. Of fruit, exotic fruit we're gonna seek, out some exotic fruit for, breakfast, before we then go to the river to take the boat. Mattie, Mattie she sells an amazing, selection of exotic fruit fruits that I've never seen before, tropical. Amazon, fruit stall this is hell Mario nada muddy, muddy. Muddy muddy muddy. Fashion. Is, not a job. Yes. You. Would not even think that it's a fruit and she, kind of like twist it to open it up on the inside it looks like like, like Mentos, like a pack of mentos. Like. Immediately, it tastes like a green apple but. Like slimy. Well that's incredible it comes out of that pot they just fit perfectly. They're like little tablets. It is remarkable how, similar it tastes to a green apple. Really, juicy really fresh really, really. Cute. Inga. Locally. It's called Inga but I'm pretty sure the English name is ice cream pods or like an ice cream ice, cream beans, that's what it is when you can feel that it's my premium. Okay. We. Lost one doesn't. Really have much of an aroma. Oh. It's. Like creamy. It. Does kind of taste like vanilla ice cream do, another troops where it's there's not a lot of meat to eat you just kind of shuck the flesh and just kind of slimy. Beauty. Balm the outside, appearance is just a minute oh here it is back here you, can see this is the fruit but. It. Looks, like cherimoya. Or, kind, of yeah kind of like a cherimoya or soursop but then it has these amazing little spikes almost like melting, like juicing, because, it's so ripe. You know like smell cream in it try, to scoop out some of this. Well, this one is awesome. It's, so sweet it's, perfectly sour I'm kind of dissolved in your mouth and then you got your little seeds almost like watermelon, tea very, similar to cherimoya and then kind of like with, a sour sup type, of sourness like a mellow sourness, that's just like it just, tastes amazing that's, like pudding pudding. In a pod. That, is so good. Just. Made it to the market we're gonna go check out the market maybe some more fruits and just see some of the the local life in manaus before we take the boat to the jungle. This. Cup of tea is there is the the sundae on here make with the tokoha is. It is that. Wow. Obrigado, right, at the entrance of the market we found another fruit it's called Takuma and they're peeling it you peel the skin and then they cut it in like a floral. Formation. And almost like a plasticy, aroma. Well. That, is not. Sweet at all more, like bitter but. The flavor keeps on coming it's almost like confusing, what even it tastes like.

Kind, Of like meat almost that's, like harder you can feel the oil the fat in it. Well. What that's gonna pack the vibrant, colors so, many fruits and vegetables, from. The Amazon. This. Entire area is filled with markets but we're walking over to the Municipal Market where. We're gonna try a local, street food that's very common for breakfast, like a sandwich. Looks. Like a mini passion, fruit but just kind of like open up your skin inside it kind of looks like a like. A log in. Well. That's amazing. It's. Perfectly, shower again like milky, the amount of like milky, fruits I just saw behind me look at this guy he's munching one of those pods that we had earlier in the morning that, is awesome just eating it like a drumstick. Wow, the fruit snacking, fear is out of control, and these, are all like unique fruits every single, one of the fruits is new to me, Jenny papa Jeannie. Jeannie Jeannie. Papa. It's called genie papa oh wow. That, smells like, it. Smells like fermented raisins the, entire shell, it's not even a shell it's like it's, mushy and then, it looks like just. Like straight like fibrous. Machinist. On the inside that, is unique. While it has this like almost fumes, coming. Out of it but, it's like really, ripe tasting, very. It's. Almost unexplainable kinda, tastes like butter kind of tastes like caramel to me. We. Just stepped into the indoor section, of the Municipal Market and they sell fish here amazing. Huge. Beautiful. So. Fresh right out of the massive, rivers. Okay, so whatever, tender we choose it's good I say right inside the market we've stopped at a little cafe they have a number of cafes where they just have some seating some tables, some plastic, tables around we've ordered what is one of a specialty, of this region in the Amazon. Oh. This. Is with also with the. Co-defendant. We've, got two different things one of both, with that fruit now we just tasted a little while ago at the market but. Two amazing, things the more traditional one is actually the sandwich which is in a bread. There's, banana, in there there, is, I. Think it's just banana fried, banana, and the talk will be fruit in a toasted bun but the other one we got is just, fascinating. To me like, a circular. Tapioca. Cassava. Shell, I cannot wait to try this. That just like it works the. Tapioca shell. It's. Kind of elastic eve then you've got the really sweet caramelized banana, in there paired with that like meaty. It actually is like me t2 will be with, like the palm oils and. Then you've got the salty cheese. There's, a purulent combination. That just works well, that's incredible. Let, me get out of the wrapper. So we can see the whole thing again, it's just like a toasted, bun bananas, I think there's no cheese oh yeah there's cheese on the bottom here okay there is cheese as well down there, but. Then a bunch of the fruit a bunch of the fried bananas add, some chilli sauce to this it's. Just a mandatory.

They're Doing good final holds. Together better the, same ingredients just, wrapped. In bread, crispy. Thin bread take, note of this sandwich this could be the next big sandwich. You. Saw happen. It's such a good combination those. Like palm like shavings, tukufu for, sweet banana the salty fries you, could wrap that into anything in it tastes good. Oh. God. They're. So friendly here they're so nice that, was such, a delicious like. A sandwich. Amazon sandwich, snack. Okay, we got to move now. One. Of the main fish that they have in this region from the Amazon, from the river is, a comeback, II fish I'd, some, pretty good-sized, fish it's so meaty. Very, few bones we're gonna buy one of the fish here and then we're gonna go into a local village we're just gonna buy a fish because we're not totally sure what they'll have but. We're just gonna buy a fish here to bring with us. How, many chemo is it like like. I feel poor, kilobyte there. We. Made it to the boat pier, into. The river this is where we're gonna take a boat into the village. It's. Beautiful. The color of the water I guess this is so do naked oh just the black river but. It is like it's, almost like coffee, colored, water it's not like muddy water but that's the actual color of the water it looks like coffee. We. Just stopped by a local home we're just seeing if they're home if they're available if they can cook. Some food for us. Beautiful. And the boat ride to get here was fantastic. The trees, the just like variety, and diversity of, trees it's, just like about maybe like one kilometer, from the, city, though so I don't know how authentic, it will be and then. They said they might do a little dancing so I'm not sure if it will be a little bit touristy, but anyways, it's going to be fun it's going to be a learning experience it's, going to be it's, just beautiful, here to. Back. Here is, school. They even have a football field, and. Then these are some of the homes, some of the houses. The. Monkey is a little bit playful jumping. All around he's, setting up the grill over there we're, gonna have the fish that we brought some other things that they cook that they prepare from here. It's. Like a full-time job to just the monkey just keeps coming back hey guy. He. Is friendly he is friendly but he just jumps. On everyone, and everything. Chocolate. Vug. Baba. Baba. She. Bad she bad she bad she bad she bad party. I'm only at the FortiGate Baba, is there. Whoa. Mike. You just jumped out an hour. Wow. No. That's not chocolate that's some type of fruit. It tastes like it's. Not sweet at all it's, amazing, like. Tastes. Almost like a like, blended, bark like. It tastes like like, you're drinking bark that's awesome. But. It's creamy okay I want to try this other one that he just made oh. I. Don't know what. Anna. Yeah. That. Tastes like ginseng, like. It's no sweetness at all you. Taste like ginseng yeah like a root like. A like. A root and, then the other one I want to taste this. Is. The powder of the butter, yeah. Smells, like ginseng for the my god yeah she. Back she bet she been bought up a she bit. Oh been. Slightly, shower and crunchy. Like unpopped. Popcorn. That's. Good that's like you're drinking and eating at the same time one of the things they eat here are ants and so, she went, to go get some hands puts them in water so that they don't crawl out of the bucket, and I'm not sure how they're gonna prepare it yet yeah it is definitely gonna rain soon clouds, are coming it's getting dark and evil already feel some sprinkles. Wow. That's a burst, of flavor, soul, tastes, like lemongrass, just being released into your mouth that, is delicious. Osa. High visual. Yeah. She. Back. Okay. Completely, natural this is after we drink the water at green with he, put the red ants on top of it. Wow. Completely, natural dish, no. She's innings just the answers that lemongrass, like. I. Think. I felt that an but, you got like the crunch of the grain which has been soaking in the water and then that vibrancy, of the answer the answer so, powerfully, flavor. Chase. That with some of though I don't up. That, just tastes like health. Andy. They also have these little corn chips they. Taste. Like just like dehydrated ground, corn. This. Is one of the ultimate fish, of this area of the Amazon it's, such a meaty fish it even has its his fishes famous because it has ribs, like, like, literally like ribs.

She. Boiled, a soup, think from the river right outside their house and. She boil it looks like with some chili some onions and it's. Pretty good. They're. Actually eating this and just offered me a a bite. Oh. Yeah. That's wonderful. The, banana is more like plantain it's not sweet and. Then that's, just like a pure fish fish. Broth salty. Fish broth. Like. Simple, simple. Banana. Or, plantain fish broth. And they, put it over a pretty hot fire the flame is flaming. And. Yeah that is a that, is a beautiful. Beautiful, fish it's good. Size that's. A that's a family fish. One. More beverage that you just made this one is the, fermented. Fermented. Yuca or or, cassava I believe. Wow. Well. That is sour slightly, alcoholic, tasting, but I think just just, slightly fermented mmm. That's nice. I'm. Sure they cut the slits into, the fish and this is a very local fish just from the river, like right, outside of their house probably Janicki from the name of the fish gotta try some of this. Maybe. Dip that into the soup oh. That's. Wonderful, the. Fish is quite salty, really. Really. Smooth and texture really really. Oily tasting, he just addition me some of the cassava into, my plate all to eat with this new ball so cool. Fish. Is excellent, that's, just like simple. Just. Like natural tasting, it is natural. That's. Great, luck. Cream you put up the. Fish broth. Is. Ready. This. Is this is how he would eat it he just takes some of the fish cometh at top. What is that fish called come. Back here come back here the grill tickets ready he puts him under his plate and then mixed in a bunch of the cassava and he's throwing on some more right now put. On mix it with the fish and then, just like eat as is, no extra, seasoning just pure, the cassava the, fish, I'm. Gonna make a plate right now. I'm lucky. Those. Are the ribs right there. We've. Got some of the fish mix it with that cassava, and you can see these are the these, are the ribs of the fish. Everybody's. Grabbing, and. Everybody's, just family, here it's amazing and everybody's just sharing the, community, the the, cultural. Community. Of sharing, food and enjoying it all together with no losses fantastic, mm-hmm. That's really good. Just. The pure like, all of the food is so pure no. Extra, additives no extra anything just straight up down greedy 'it's straight up the ingredients just like two, or three ingredients mixed, together from. The juices the fish the cassava powder the. Fish. Which is just straight boiled, with, some onions this, Amazon meal is just focusing on the natural, ingredients. From. Right here. That. Being said. All. Of the simplicity all of the simplicity and all of the like natural, ingredients being said we, did buy some chilies, and brought some chilies so that, would go great with the fish yeah. This. Is something, from Manaus this. Is chili from Manaus some base study the moon, door that's, it, has the orange goopy the, to copy others to copy in here which is making the orange a, little. Bit of this. And. I'm gonna try these ribs you can see the ribs if you get a real rack of these ribs you can actually look like pork ribs from this fish this, one is a smaller smaller. Rack. Oh. Awesome. The. Fish itself is outstanding, it's so oily its. Suction like pure. Tasting fish like not fishy at all and so, meaningful and then yeah there's like barely on bones just the ribs check that out yeah, yeah. Look at those rib bones. Like. These clean huge bones and that's it and the rest is just like. Tom. Cruise wonderful and then with that chilli chilli, sauce it's kind of sour and just. Like the vibrancy it's not very spicy but it does have a vibrancy, of chili flavor that's, our flavor the, fumes. Oh. This. One is fresh off the grill this is the other half. That. Can do my cord you. Can see how oily. That fish is. He. Does like that that, chili as well. Yes. Good. Togepi. Chili sauce to, Kobe chili sauce this. Is just a beautiful, fragrant. Like fruity, fruitiness. And, mash this around. And. I believe that this, is where cassava, originates, this is native, to here oh this is for sure we're gonna find the best cassava in the world pretty much all starches are cassava, in. Different shape and form if you can hear I'm not sure if you can hear in that in the background but literally like just, on the on. The river like just 100 meters in a way there's a party. A party boat going you can even hear the music from here but this is just a village. Of an amazing, humble. Family, and. This, is what's, amazing, about this experience is that were, like. We came out and we. Didn't really even announce we didn't even know what we were gonna do but so, this is just like completely.

The. Way they would eat like, nothing extra, is added it's just exactly, the way with IOT and and and, the food like, the, flavors, are not. Complex, it's just the, land the, food the, abundance, of the Amazon in the ingredients. Just is, what is the, highlights and, then just this special time they didn't hang out and eat with the family is spectacular. It's, it's amazing you really this. Has turned into something, beautiful. They're. Gonna do a little performance for us I'm not sure where they normally do the performance. That. Was beautiful. And I love how this, is not a remote village they are literally like a kilometer, from the city and again, you can even hear the boats the party boats but what's amazing about this village is that they're preserving, their cultural traditions and, so I was just asking them about the the paint on their on their bodies and they do that every now and then it lasts for about 15 days and. They then. It's its ritual, its religious. Its cultural. But, it's it's cool to see them as there and there I mean even one of the girls has braces so I mean it's not it's not a remote village but it's cool how they are preserving, their traditions. And their culture here. Surprised. Us with a turtle, I'm. Not sure. Now. He just gave it to me so I'm just carrying a turtle around oh it's for to show mica turtle. In. A lot of years. But. Now is the time in, the Amazon this. Is great on the sand pitch. No. Okay. Totally. Wasted right now I'm so tired just drenched. In sweat the. Children. Here are amazing, they're, so cool, they're so friendly look at the way that they're playing with my canal after the game. Awesome. They're. So nice to us. Some. Of the water the. Natural this is an energy drink yeah. Oh. Oh, that's, what I need all the monkeys drinking from the same gourd. There's. Still some ants floating on it. This. Is the next one the other one. Yeah. Slowly sourdough stays amazing with cassava, chips, in. Here. Good. They're, fast - yeah. And. After, football swim, the kids are amazing they're like literally climbing, up the, entire polo shirt here he comes. Yeah. I'm definitely not brave enough for the tree, but. I got to I got to get in. Touch. To the bottom oh. Man. That water feels amazing, oh. Wow. It's. Still refreshing that's so amazing. Yeah. Dude they are just like out. Playing, us at everything oh man. You got to be a little bit careful of piranhas, in this water seriously. Yeah there are none here but around, this area they're definitely around. There Oh on, the other side of the river there are piranhas, so this Tyler we, are sort. Of safe swimming. You. Guys are champions you. Guys are champions. Okay. This is so beautiful the, family, is so amazing, the, like. Peacefulness, of this village and I have to be honest with you when we set out today we, honestly, didn't really have a full plan we were just gonna try to find a village come, to learn, about the, Amazon culture, and and like. It's. Just turned into something spectacular, one, of the most memorable, days that, I've had, ever and, on this trip to Brazil, and if you think about that the food was great it was such a learning experience the, drinks, were fascinating, but it was the people it was the family it was the father and mother it was all of the kids that, made it just next-level. That. Turned it into such. A memorable, such a special, such a such. A. Privilege. Of an experience, again thank you to this family, thank you to gaveta me and Rafaela I'll have their links in the description box below. And. If. You haven't already seen, this entire Brazil. Food, and travel series I'll have the link for the entire playlist in the description box, below so go check out all of the videos and, I'm. Gonna say goodbye from, Manaus from, the heart of the, Amazon rainforest, and, I. Want to say a big thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed, click. Subscribe now and also click the little bell icon so that you get notified of the next video that I publish thanks, again for watching goodbye. From. Mine I'll see you on the next video.

2019-06-06 19:14

Show Video


shouldn't we all supposed to live like this?..... i see no evil, hatred, sadness on those people.... its just pure happiness that sorrounds them.... They must be extremely gifted to live this life along with mother money in this world can buy this........

"The flame is flaming"?? You can sometimes stay quiet instead of saying completely unnecessary things you know!

Brazil is such an amazing place

28:40 Look at Mark falling down after the girl's encounter on the pitch! Or collapsing should I say. hahaha

That’s Beautiful, they are lovely people so welcoming ☺️Thank you for sharing

The Amazon folks are really living life to its zenith on a natural, spiritual, and family cohesion order. Wow.....I am impressed!

Half way through video and I’m going n the kitchen try to find something to eat

It is amazing how those beautiful children craw and leap out of the tree into the water.

Awesome to see y'all have fun playing football.

Thank you for sharing your journey!

Love the Amazon family soulful and spiritual musical performance dance/ singing. Drumming was awesome.

Im been following for you a quit times already. Hope you belong your family in your videos. That would be more awesome

Totally awesome Mark as always! Great job!

That just taste like Health,drinks the drink that taste like roots

The grilled fish and soup look delectable.

try some natural drug dude

Not eating ants. Pass!

That’s so humbling that a family like that would just show you everything around their house & township. Cook & feed you. Amazing

That Amazon forest expedition seems amazing Mark Weins.

Oh mark i would trade anything in thus world to have a life like yours. Your videos are so inspirational.... I love u n your family.

Love that music Mark Weins!

Love the sound of Tucuma.

I'm brazilian and you know Brazil better than me.

Those friut sandwiches look weird. I pass Mark Weins!

Its amazing all different cultures reunite us over food.

This is awesome, the family is awesome

Great to see Ying and handsome Micah gingerly walking the terrain.

You are so great Mark, I love your videos, that way you enjoy the food, but something amazing i really like about you, is the great respect you have for all different cultures, you are amazing man God bless you your wife and your cute son

Beautiful people

I mean...those are *ants* ...why not

To eat succulent exotic eclectic fruits looks phenomenal. I'm jealous Mark Weins!

Best video of mark till now...

Mari Mari looks like a super-size string bean ..would love to try that one day ..Amazon foods look additive preservatives..simple life is the best ..thank you for the awesome experience Mark

Parabens, ate eu que sou Brasileiro nao tive assa chance que vc teve. Obrigado por mostras o meu Brasil.

Mark what a great vlog. I love to learn the history behind all the indigenous people around the world. The culture and the languages that our ancestor once used has merely demanishing. This truly an amazing treat for you all at first hand. Once again great job with the vlog!

.Mark saludos desde Venezuela se ve muy rico Hola para tu hermosa familia

simply life goes a long way amazing :)

You haven't seen the world if you haven't seen the Amazon rainforest. The world like it was meant to be.

"It taste like blended bark, amazing "


Great video! Manaus would have been the best place, but try all the best açai before leaving Brazil too!

Nice video! Mark, come to Belém-PA! It's near from amazonas state. Right here there are many interesting and unique meals that you will love to eat, based on amazon food.

I just love all these Amazonian fruits........

this familts are awsome....i want to meet them

wow we have similar thing to the cassava flakes in West Africa called gari.

this was by far one of the best food, travel, family video,´s nice to know we still have amazing people in this much love :)

love the amazon, untainted by man , and pollution.

He says @ 17:55: "I'm really happy with the visit from you".

Why are your hands shaking so much ?

Domo obrigado. Obrigado gozaimasu

I loved the moment which the woman put her finger on the table and he accepted it. And here in Greece we do the same when something is very delicious, and we always do not leave anything Real people without taboos. I The GREEKS LOVE YOU.I really envy their way of life, so smiling and happy

Hello Mark, you are truly enjoying life with no regrets. God Bless you, your Family and your team. Take care my friend

This manaus has original brazilian food

One of the awkward video of Mark Wiens I ve ever seen. Period.

Need money but haven't work? Whant a bit coint but haven't money? You want to mining, but haven't machine to mining? . . . Let's we mining a bitcoin together with $.0 and without machine Just click link below, we still make a money when we slept (but your PC/android still on) Join mining with Us now, more benefit when we use referal code. BEFORE THE CLOUD MINE CLOSED BECAUSE OVERLOAD OF USER!!!!!!! VERY LEGIT AND AUTO WD

how in the heck your still in body figure like that though you eat a lot....whats your secret waiting

The red one is Rambutan

- hi mark, what do you wanna eat? - ObRiGaDo....


Wow....just beautiful. ..!!!

that cook was an absolute unit

I’ll hand it to mark on this one, I’ve pretty much stopped caring what sort of food he eats nowadays on the show and instead focus on his travel experiences. He will say anything Is good if he puts chilly on it

stop pretending mark

Who is the 3rd wheel mark weins clone in green

Truly inspiring.

6:00 If you know what I mean..

Mark really has a way of selling it to you.... 13:48 - "Wow it's really amazing..... tastes like blended bark"

Hmm I think i don't like Brazilian food .. But that's just me, I don't like eating a lot of meat. Nevertheless love watching Mark, can't wait for more.

Guillherme's wife is so hot

Professional version Dora cartoon

This is the best shows you have ever done.......... VERY REAL

gutom na gutom ung mga bata hahaha

That was amazing Mark

Made me miss when I lived among the tribes in Amazon

This is not just about food. This is about how beautiful the world is!

13:57 Tastes like your drinking bark. Thats Awesome! lol I swear Mark Weins hardly has anything bad to say about anything he tries

I would love it if you could go to places like iran/Kyrgyzstan/Uzbekistan.. I mean Afghan food is the best but I don't know whether you would go there, but going to Uzbekistan will have similar food if you are near the border. Found your channel through a friend and I love it!!! Can't stop watching

why the guy need to taste it first?

how did Mark weins became Bear Grylls all of a sudden.. lol

Good job! It makes me smile AFTR watching the video, the family was very accommodating. Hehe

Hope youre washing your hands lol but really tho awesome content stuff people never get to see or experience, keep up the good work cheers!

One of your bestest, Mark! Bless all the Amazon villagers especially the kids.

One of the best episodes from you Mark. Now I really want to to visit Brazil

If only A.J knew the secret remedy his opponent used. That boiled, roasted fish plus boiled plantains etc....He would have danced a different song.

Mark is ruling the food travel vlog scene. No question about it. Fantastic work sir, we all love your enthusiasm.

This is the best one yet, the people are so amazing!

I thought first fruit was pete

This is hands down one of the most interesting videos youv ever posted! I’m living for this!

Hi Mark isn't there any food you don't like???i mean you seems to like everything

This world is made up of so many different cultures. So many traditions and eating habits. But the only thing holding this world together is the love of all people.

This is not just a great vid this is a WOW video level! WOW Loved it!

Dear Mark, thanks for your uploading imagine video. I never seen like your video. Hope in future continusly upload your wonder imagine video. Best of luck bro.

What a lovely family, what a beautiful area. I really enjoyed this video very much! I hope one day you all will visite this family again. Thanks a lot!

This dude just ate an ant

I love watching your face when you're tasting all these different foods

Oh the kids are so energetic, good for them to have all that space to play, have fun and stay active. It's completely different from the life of the kids in most Europe

Great video you need to go to Surinam!

1st like then watch cuz its Mark

Wow reminds off anaconda. Beautiful.

That's what i'm looking for.. Purely Authentic..This lifestyle❤❤❤

This video is next level. Love the way u adapt to the culture. Well done mark!

This is the best video I've ever seen...! Thank you Guys :-))

The shirtless uncle looks so hot lols


oh wow the ants look very delicious

An awesome trip and it looked like an experience for you, your family and crew. Natural living at its best

This Brazil series is making it hard to choose from the best video! I am loving it! I definitely agree that the people make the trip from good to totally memorable!

You such a Amazing person Mark..loves watching all your videos..

Excellent Video

Genuined and so plain and simple

“Obrigado bebe xau”

Who loves when he tastes the food he is like going to fall

Awesome awesome video. The native family was certainly the best part. I've seen things in this video for the first time in my life. I also noticed the family has an extremly healthy disposition. All the natural eating really shows in their skin and muscle tone. These people were living the healthy lifestyle before it was even popular.

Fish and cassava looked yummy; the ants not so much lol.

Mark has social anxiety it's seen when he bites in to the food or sprays sauce on it.

How fun! Kids crack me up. It always amazes me how kids forgo the language barrier and can make friends and play together.

Cue scary movie vibes 11:12. This made me so nervous 11:24. Then the monkey showed up and Mark started looking nervous. The background music couldn't cover the awkward feeling. Ok lemme keep watching. 25:03 Finally relaxed but issa no for me on account of the money

The Best Episode..

The yellow custard apple look you ate is Rollinia mark!

I love this video

Hi I’m Ali from Australia swan hill I much like you’re program you are the best

กู้ด จ้อป

0:28 be honest Mark it was yuck aye

the videos are great but... should have used actual brazilian music for the soundtrack.

wow amazing... you're so lucky my friend.

they sing better than Miley Cyrus.


Are you gonna eat piranhas

is mark married?

You can get rambutan fruit on Amazon,but there is no Durian...

I like so much wonderfull Amazon fast food owsome

That food is the healthiest you could have. Awesome vid

Amazing video hugs from

I am thankful for that family for preserving their traditions. Without it, that area would have been urbanised.

This is so incredible. I wonder if its ever a little rude though or offensive to the villagers to have guest that sort of invite themselves and ask to be fed their food...

Beautiful place and beautiful family!

Dose Amazon people's always naked on their documentary in yotub. I think den did where clothes. Am suprise to see Dem where clothes on ur video


amazing video Mark

Bendiciones para los originarios de la mazonas ..toda su hentw hermosa..

The way they cooked the fish and eaten with cassava (boiled) is very familiar to me. I'm from fiji and that is a normal dish. We add lemon to the soup and chillies.

Soy de mexico....mi hijo es kitad brasileno y mexicano....hermosa la gente de brasil..siempre alegre y amistos.......postres y comida ensaladas y lo mejor de las comida en el mundo!!!!!....

Amazon???i didn't see gal gadot around

better video in a while

My man. This was an amazing episode. continue the awesome work you do. I love your videos.

mark ajak saya travel bersama mu.. saya lapar sekali

i wish you guys bought two fish to bring to the family instead of just one :( more is always better than less whenever possible

This episode is so

It kills me how you can eat so greedy in front of people who are obviously so much poorer than you. That lady would barely eat your fish... But you took her bowl of bananas

I loved the tribe

you are such an admirable man mark! you are game with anything and everything!

Definitely not that authentic, but I don't think that's what you'd want. unless you want to be the food for a change.

U know the shaky hands aren't good...

Subtitles in portuguese. Please

Mark reminding us that good food is not only available in town streets and hotels. In a way, I think this is how we (humanity) was meant to live. Simple, uncomplicated lives with plenty of food, surrounded by loved ones, sharing what we have and being hospitable to everyone who visits.

Nice but still need to on shaking video n pls use deadcat for your mike to read surrounding noise

BIRIBA is like Guyabano here in the Philippines

i swear mark gets even more smiley the more videos he makes! he looks so overwhelmed with happiness in this video. its awesome.

Did your wife eat the ant?

WOW! This was such an amazing video, such a welcoming family too. Love your videos Mark!

After a long, long time, I felt sad when the video ended. One of best presentations - PERIOD!

Are you sure its fried banana? My guess is,it's fried plantains-Big difference.

Thanks for show the Culture of Brazil, i Live in Rio Grande Do Sul-Brazil, in the south, it's so good, are so cold and have a beautiful mountains, vegetation and the food, so good and famous "Churrasco" make with meat and salt... Thank you for show us culture for the world mark

He makes me wanna try some ants too

Fantastic !

Wow, everything looks delicious. I don't know about fruit that tastes like meat though.

I hope your tummy is alright!!!!

"It tastes like you are drinking bark, thats awesome".... Yes, that does sound awesome haha :)

your not taking safety serious it won't be fantastic if something happens and you guys don't have your life jakets on on your little boy SMH big No safety first

Micah is the happiesr kid in this many experiences despite his age...God bless Mark and family

Simple joy and tranquility

I'm not to crazy about the ants part lol

You know Mark living till a 100 without modern science.

Nice video brotha looks alot like muang lao muang thai too yo ♡

Mark is crazy you had me laughing, it taste like bark, lol and you be always smiling, spit it out, lol, the fish you got looks good, that was cool Mark swimming, best video I have seen, I'm even trying out different foods in Michigan, only got sick off the neighborhood icecream truck

Really special episode Mark!

I love to watch your food show, great job almost every where, so real so fresh so much respect for people who u work with and the viewer, so much little detail keep your work Man,we love to support u ,i love Mica so much.

You must have a gut biome like no one else.

Bro I want to meet you and travel and experience alot about food travel..but I'm far, far away from you place and I'm your big #Family. fan.

Brasil só tem comida top é nois kkkk

É tão bom Ver você comendo! O Love it!❤️

What a life of Them....

Mark can eat anything...

I love Amazon tribe alot.

U´re amazing, Mark!! This is the most ICONIC place/video!

Phenomenal video Mark! Keep up the awesome work!

Excellent episode, really.

its ten to five in the morning and I am now starving

Love this video.

Yeahy it's the food rangers brother

i’m bothered like u travel for food in every country and u didn’t get fat though gaddamn wats ur secret mark Lmao

Mark Wiens cuando vienes a Colombia aqui tambien hay Buena gastronomía

Omg that looks so amazing your so lucky.....

Coloca legenda em português !!!!

This gotta be my favorite video. Seeing those smiles on their faces, the culture and foods. What an amazing amazon! Thank you Mark!

Awesome video, great to see unspoiled native food . The family were amazing . very lucky to have that experience .

Dear Mark.Please Put your boy on screen .He seems talkative narak mak mak na kub.

Nice video


Watching the video it makes me smile simple life amazing

Wow, two thumps up for u...mark, ur so humble man blogger...nice vlog this....

Great video.great people

I've seen this dude's other videos... and you can tell he ain't so excited in this amazon buffet video compared to the other ones... what a good sport though, could swear Mark would put anything in his mouth, including a sweaty pair of sock, and would still say 'oh wow... mmm... that's nice...'. *thumbs up*

Amazon is truly Amazing

Amazingly beautiful place and family , i love watching your vlogs mr Weins , your beautiful wife and adorable son as well ❤️

best video ever!! ppl there beautiful like the food.

vem aqui em casa q o rango é bom kkk

Mark, you must be the only man on the planet with a cast iron stomach, to try so many gut wrenching food, and not have food poisoning

This is one of the best video from Mark in my opinion. Love their food and nature in Amazon. Very refreshing and best people. Video That shines Brazil.

Mark is a lovely calm man, if you agree with me hit the like button

The other side of the river, there are piranhas..... damn brave...

Many thanks for showing us so many amazing fruits and vegetables !

eat sleep travel earn

wow, you are such a foodie!

The yellowish grainy stuff he compared to popcorn at around 15 mins is called couac as well, made from manioc/cassava

This is so heartwarming..

great video !!!

I like your videos with subtitles in English

@1:50 Did she say the name of that fruit is 'rambutan'?.. Wow that's a Malay word, 'rambut' means hair, and 'an' at the end is just to show the pluralism for having many hairs. So it's Rambutan. Rambutan is the native fruit of South Eastasia, to be exact Malaysia and Sumatra island of Indonesia. Hence the name of this fruit has been named after a Malay word.

Awesome video! Very inspiring. Thank you, Mark, and congratulations.

Esse episódio foi um dos melhores.


Wow what a treat Mark!

Dude it seems like every single thing you ever eat tastes good. I don’t believe everything taste that good there has to be some food you’ve tried that is terrible right?

The folks seemed hungry ... Who eats/serves themselves b4 the guest! ... The lady seemed agressive... And the kid's eating from the fish. Instead from a solo plate! I feel like you left hungry!... There was a village there to eat a single fish... Different cultures different mannerisms I guess... Happy traveling...

20:58-21:03 I know that look all too well from my childhood. Some idiot kids acting up in front of company and he's getting an asswhooping later.

super ok bravo spoko #markWiens

eu morei mais de 15 anos em manaus e tive a chance de experimentar tudo isso que ele fez nesse video, infelizmente o povo de manaus têm esse recurso e não aproveita, muitos nunca se quer foram visitar uma tribo indigena perto, mt bom video, não curto o tucumã (portanto não como o x caboquinho), mas aquele tambaqui me deixou de água na boca hahahaha

Suprised you don't put on more weight with all the food you eat

Awesome man

amazing amazon Mark! :-)

My favourite video.....more exciting unique food


Come to the states mark, it’s not always burgers and tacos. I am Hmong, we can show you good food also.

I must say one of the most authentic videos you’ve made. Thanks Mark Weins

La belleza de Brasil! Muy hermoso video1

Buscando conhecimento Pra minhas circunstâncias também trazer essas experiências

That's it! I'm going to Brazil.

Love from guyana. Our culture is so similar to amazonia with the cuisine and everything. Proud to be indigenous


travel, travel, travel.

What a beautiful culture! Love it!

I just watched the hole thing and it looked like it was 5 min long. I love my country!!!!

vc no brazil tudo de bom Mark venha mas vezes pra ca....

Hope you got your vaccines

No finalzinho do vídeo , nota-se que ele está sob forte efeito do Guaraná kkkk

how many times his eyes open wide

Awesome clip the family and the monkey

Dude you are the best I have seen all of your videos, even I love eating new rhings

Mark wiens you must visit Madeira Island, the "Atlantic Pearl" as they call ir, land ir Cristiano Ronaldo (futeboll player).. se are waiting for you.. regards

Brazil looks like an amazing place ! Watched almost all your videos and I think this one is one of my absolute favorites. The visit to the village was very fascinating!

This dude looks like Kiko from El Chavo.

Your passion for food truly is a pleasure to watch. Thank you for trying different things.

why do you only visit third world countries?

You know Brasil better than 90% of brazilians.

I love you

Are you eating the seeds? nobody could explain to only eat the cover and spit the seeds?

OMG!!! I would love to try those exotic amazon fruits/snacks....and tribal local foods....something different...(COOL).

Mari-mari I have a fruit named after me

Mica, you are the most travelled child ever!

That chief's wife is really digging into Mark Wiens

Come to my country its USA for one more time!

international food... hummm yea I draw the line at insects... some of the slightly living off grid or off the path as they do... pretty cool!

OMG you are such an amazing guy! I love the way you interact on your journeys! Indians tribes were here way before Brazil was colonized by the portuguese people. Nowadays Brazil is a multiculture mixture. By the videos you shared you had the opportunity to know our contemporary "meals" but also, I believe that you could not have a better way to live a truly native meal. Thank you for being such a special person! We love you!

Hi woody

Mark Weins for US President 2020!

One of our favorite videos Mark! Great experiences you’re showing us back at home

biriba is called sweet sop in jamaica

Mark is more in love with food and Joel than his own wife and child

that woman just eating stuff lol

Was a pleasure have u guys here in Manaus... SELVA!!

Came here from Sailing La Vagabonde this!

Man the way u eat with your fingers is damn disturbing

Mark, I doubt I'm the first to come up with this, but I hope so: I believe you should trademark your signature move as "The Wiens Lean." It's catchy, no?

Keep visiting tribes

28:17 Golaço da porra

You are just amazing!! Haha you just go and eat everything very natural


Mark Wiens do you ever get the shits or get really ill?

Eles nem oferecem hahaha Tipo, come aí, ta na mesa pega e come hahaha adorei

Eh anaknya Mark udah gede..

What a wonderful episode.

Ele precisa visitar BELÉM no PARÁ!

I love they eat and drink everything before serving or offering to mark. And thry aren't afraid to eat in front of camera. They just eat and feed each other. They treat Mark as family.I like that. I also love Mark isn't faze about anything . Ants, sure. Don't know what this is, sure. Lol

It looks like you had so much fun in the village.

every video of yours is amazing mark !!!! keep doing the good work :)

Simple life. Closer to the truth.

It was such a memorial LOL I think he means to say memorable moment something he can look back on and remember

Mark kill 2 birds with one stone and please go to colombia aswell which is my country of ethnicity. keep up the great videos!!!

I'm from Ivory Coast. We have an abundance of cassava. I don't think it originates from Brazil

Visit Bahia state to prove the Acarajé!

excellent episode Mark. Mahalo for doing what you do!

I love Brazil. The people are top notch! Love this series. You outdid yourself!

Come to Colombia

Why do many Brazilians look Asian?

so why don't we just eat always fruits? it has all flavours we love and it's healthy for us and the planet ;)


Very informative. Got a glimpse of totally different culture.

24:38 She’s really going at it back there.

This is amazing! Not a lot of people experience these remote living conditions/environment. It’s amazing! Don’t have to stress about the 1st world problems!!


Love this video Mark!

Original people, original food. What an experience.

Wonderfull. Not just a look at the food, it is peep in to a living culture. Thanks for such a lively video.

Mark, your Brazilian series has to be one of your best - what an experience!

This was amazing to watch. Thank you.

video yang sangat bagus. suka sekali...

So many different kinds of fruit it's amazing

Mark Wiens, you are the best! Love watching your every show!

You have a GREAT job!

Hey Mark Can you please visit São Tomé and Príncipe

On behalf of the Brazilian people, I thank everyone and especially Mark for the kind words towards us. Treating everyone equally and warmly should be commonplace, and it saddens me to hear people saying it's not like this everywhere in the world. It makes me happy though, to hear that people recognize our heartfelt welcome when they come here. The heart is the base of everything. You can't build for yourself a good home without knowing to appreciate the most simple and beautiful things of a peaceful life. That's why passion and laughter so important to us. They are what make life worth living. I hope everyone can visit us someday so we can all learn from it. Thank you.

one of the best episode

Be careful with the yellow shorts

Rambutan wow is the same like in indonesia.......

these people are living a very natural life......v nice........(Pakistan)

"Mmmm taste like your drinking bark" can't wait for that to hit the local grocery

food: A mark: oh wow

Eats a ant

Mark wiens you are the best food blogger.... your reactions is genuine.... you used your hands, messy sometimes, I love your videos, i hate other food blogger who is pretentious and boring! !

wow those kids are so amazing. Hanna came to my mind when I saw them :D

And the food is incrble I live there

Go at Mato Grosso in Brazil is very beautiful

Nobody: Mark: Obrigado!

yeah no msg

You r an amazing guy Mark. Please keep the videos coming I love them all

I like this...but i like your came balantak and baru ga city luwuk banggai sulawesi tengah

this is a real cowboy men,, talo pa ang mga indians hehe

amazing video!!! luv u

can you just eat enaf talking more plss.

Hii..bro..i have seen lots of vids..its really good..if u ever visit india pls be my guest..i am from hyderabad..will surely show you best moghlai food n biryanis..waiting for you bro..good luck

All I have is Doritos :/

Tô amando,love it

When will the video recorded in Salvador be posted?

Was reading about Guatemala a government site. It’s a very poor country they have no real export. they say over 50% have no jobs. And you see goat and chicken in most of the poor shacks They said that is how they can feed the family without working is selling eggs and animal meat when they can. They can’t afford meat but eat beans and tortillas and vegetables they grow everyday. Meat is a luxury item. but here at lease the amazon give them fish. Venezuela is more a mess 2,300% inflations sad people can’t even feed their family and it’s getting worst. Sanction is damaging the people as oil sales & bank are sanction.

Mark you should offer them some cash for the hospitality. I know his well you do. Give back don’t take advantage and only take.

That shot was a lit Mark..❤

deu jenipapo pro cara comer mano.... Kkkkkkkk nuuuuuu pqp

It's the same reaction every time he takes a bite from all the videos I watched of him, it is not normal anymore. I tried some of the foods/fruits he feature on this channel but I don't think his reaction is necessary or let's just say he is ACTING! I will stop watching your video from now on until you show your true self during food tasting.

Thank you for this! This Brazilian series has turned out to be one of your best.

Mushy fruit could take some getting used to

I like your are my inspiration!!!

Se eu comesse tanto quanto esse cara eu já tava com uns 200kg

While people like having hot chocolate when raining, this guy eat some ants

Visit Jamaica next would love to see their culture

We love you!!! Hope you can come to madison Alabama I will cook for you and your family

The girls are hot. Who's the blonde cutie?

One of the best video tours,Brasil.

is not "banana", it is Plantain!

Thanks a lot Maria, for showing our culture, our foods. Brazil is giant, with great heart like you.

Mark, you are brave for drinking that water and swimming in the Amazon. I was there a few years ago and was careful with water and still lots of GI distress

from Kenya welcomes you test what all the champions and record holders in Kenya athletics take #mursick ... Eldoret.... You raise my appetite dude!!!

2:12 poor hahahaha....

I just want to enjoy anything as much as Mark Wiens enjoys eating... well, anything.

If you bring these ants to a fancy restaurant in Manhattan, they will sell the delicacy for top dollar!


I am surprised you shared a food with the inbred on 13.25

the people you meet are just amazing. I get watery eyed seeing how kind and generous they are and how they just treat you all like family. such wonderful people. you are very blessed.

I started watching mark before I realized how fake he was. Sure he got some good videos but come on... “THEY USED SALT IN THIS DISH OMFG!” so much click baiting. Via Mark I found this guy instead, he now became one of my goto channels instead. Small but genuine...

Go to Morocco after this , really , it's an amazing country with great food like couscous and pastilla . YUM !!!!

"it's like drinking bark... and it's awesome" mark can only pull this one like you wanna taste it too!!

a primaive village with energy saving light bulbs ?????????????????????

Mark, você é a humildade em pessoa.

Brazil love u frm pakistan

His wife is so cute and humble

Its just a your positivity mark.

First time i an watching about amazon. Wonderful video. Thanks Mark Wines.

Mr Mark u shld visit North East India


Micah is now so grown up

Dan akhirnya saya menelan ludah...

5:00 ✊

Essa cara de felicidade e esses olhares provando as comidas. So nos videos do Brasil.

mark wiens...number 1st food vlogger inthe word (mantap pokonya)..yang setuju like ya...hehehe Rambutan banyak juga di indonesia (rambutan namanya sama juga kayak di indonesia)

God damn ,you guys are eating what we call "Kenjuga" here in India!!!

same as atis in philippines

So amazing Amazonas

I like sunny .the best food ever

I can say that they live a still primitive lifestyle. AWESOME!

This guy is should be an ambassador of goodwill. Move peace forward . Mark see's the good in everything and every culture!!!!!

I want twerk it like miley

Wow! Fruit Sandwich! Awesome!

I never been to Brazil ,but I want to go there in someday.There are so many fruits I never eat

Non sitting? All those hours?

@markwiens - My Lady and I love your channel. We work so much and our only day to really spend together is Saturday. We wake up, and I check for updates from you, and we breakfast as we binge your videos. :D Best to You and your beautiful Family. Thank you. You do more good for the world than many. Cheers.

love this video

Love your videos. Why not try some Maldivian food sometime? :)

Same grin.. same expression when eating.. don't know whether taste good or otherwise.

Fantastically, Mark. It tastes very good. Please subscribe to my channel

After watching this video...I m feeling refreshing...such an amazing video thanks Mark sir ..

17:20 Think the lady wants her banana soup back, licking up the table. Mark just ignored her, and took another bite, savage!!!!

Mark when you finally finish travel in Brazil you could come to Uruguay. My friend is a big fan of yours, he study in Boston University and could show you all the local food here. He is a food lover like you. Best wishes.

I would've ran away after he showed the ant rice

your flexibility and adaptation with different people and cultures is great.good luck

What Patti kattam kittiyalum thinnolum

Pudding in a pod

Extreme adaptability.

That brazillian family eats super healthy. Low salt, low fat and plenty of veggies.

wow superlike for the video....loved it

Mark,mouth watering I'm going to kitchen in search of something to eat

Brazil and soccer lol. Love.

28:24 finish!!!

can you eat every kinds of foods in the word???

so geat, thnk y Mark

What a nice content!!!

Amazing , the way you adapt to different culture

Such a beautiful video ❤️

Moro em Campinas SP, mas sou do Amazonas, eu amo meu estado

What a great time you had. This video was beyond the food and so much more about the people. Beautiful. Thank you Mark!

Amazing amazon loving the culture kudos for you mark weins more power godbless

Legend portuguese

did anyone else notice how immaculately clean everything from the boat floor to the tin roof rafters and well-used pots is?

I loved the children"s performance, keep the culture alive for the next generation.

Mhmmmmmmmhmmm mm. You can literally taste the AIDS.

:D come to Viet Nam and i'll show you thousands incredible things

Mark: So natural! That being said we bought some chillis... the cook next to him suddenly looked sad :(

I think this might of been one of my favorite video of yours. Luv them all, but this was just happy.

28:22 GOLAÇO!!

Hey Mark, you are such a good guy, I just love your videos! The way that you express your emotion when you are eating it is just lovely, but when are you gonna come to Salvador, Bahia?

Mari Mari mean Come Malay Language....when they sell something they will shout mari mari...come come...

No offense But Is it just me or do you also think he was really struggling in this video

Bota legenda em PORTUGUÊS Mark!!! Por favor...

Mark you are just amazing such a daring great hearted friendly person! I pray that God continue blessing you and your love ones to travel and meet great people and visit the world...Blessings ❤️❤️❤️

That was not banana it's call ripe plantains kinda looks like banana buts it's plantains

I'm from south of Brazil I've never seen a lot of these fruits..


Mark, your impromptu visit to an Amazon village with natives who shared with you their meal was amazing! Thanks for showing us their lives!

Come to Bangladesh Mark


Simply brilliant video! Beautiful people, awesome food. Right on! your flexibility and adaptation with different people and cultures is great.good luck

Thank you for all the amazing places you take us. I am always so surprised at the food you try and joy. Travel on.

I 'll say this is one the best food, culture, adventure, exploration of amazon... Just wowww

They will bring cell phones and Mcdonald and taxes and call it progress

your best series by far, you have really improved on your camera angles and recording as well...... Super stuff, keep it coming.....

"The flame is flaming" -Mark Wiens

Sorry for what I said earlier. Please forgive me.

Yucca is the best!! ❤ thank you for sharing your trip

I like how yours eyes just light up when u try something new and good tasting foods.

Super like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i never see all that fruit in my life. makes me really wonder how does it taste like

Sharing is caring ❤️

Man, you cant eat everything like its equally good, some things HAS to be better than others, at certain point it starts to look like fake reaction!

Comming in india chhattishgarh

One of the best video vlogs on YouTube i been there its a great state Manaus


O que esse cara está fazendo pelo Brasil é mais que todos os governos e ministérios do turismo fizeram por décadas. Simplesmente fantástico. Graças aos esforças do Guilherme do Rio4Fun vc é o cara.


Fake facial expression in every video.

awesome tribe people with cultural values

This is mesmerizing video.

Gotta say it’s nice seeing little kids not doing fortnite dances.

Did you eat or drink anything that you did not like ? It is quite suspicious.

Lucky people, living in natural habitat. Sometimes I wanna leave chaotic city life and live with nature and only the basic necessities.

Mark would travel anywhere for food. Thank you for letting us experience the Amazon culture.

Thanks for this. I am studying here in Manaus, and this encourages me to go out and try those delicious looking fruits.

Wtf... Your reaction is always yummy...

Wow the amazon family is so amazing people on this planet. It's so peacefulness and they don't need money to live. They've living with nature.

3:05 he is eating with the seeds. Wild sugar apple seeds are poisonous

I enjoy all your videos you make me feel like I'm missing out on this lifes traveling. I'd like to see you go to El Paso Texas my birth town. Keep safe


Love and big respect

Love your show. Checking in from Willimantic Connecticut, u.s.a

O vídeo é muito bom mas tirando o x caboquinho simplesmente não teve nada da culinária manauara

Wow! I enjoyed this

This is great video

The best outings are the ones that aren’t planned “spontaneous”.

What a rare occasion! Thanks so much for sharing. How does Micah keep up with all these travels? I have a little boy younger than Micah. I'm planning on taking some time off and travel too but not sure if it'll be too tiring or even overwhelming for my son. Do you take days off to just relax and sleep in? It looks like Micah tries out all the food you guys eat too, which is amazing. I'm glad Ying doesn't have to cook separately and take something for Micah wherever you go.

Mark, you should carry a spoon with you.

Omg ... that foot forward dance.... thats my traditional dance steps... yoruba culture.. took me back to my childhood!

Mark ... way awesome video ... swimming in the river just topped it all off ...

We called that roasted cassava granules... Garri where im from ..Lagos, Nigeria

Wow Mark just love the way u fit in with all people and countrys. U just fit in and go with the flow trying and enjoying everything. You are a Blessed soul, u just love all human beings. May Almighty creator Bless you and your fam always.

Pro tip: watching Mark's video without munching on something is not advised! It miraculously leaves you hungry! Im having

Protip: my balls hang low.

ele xonou no nosso guaraná

um americano já visitou vários lugares do Brasil sendo q eu moro nele e não saio da minha cidade

Junta um dinheirinho p fazer uma viagem vale a pena. Principalmente se vc for em baixa temporada aonde vc quer visitar

Why people dislike this video? My favourite channel..great video mark viens..

They are not human many fruits

beautiful people, food and culture brazil is great place

This was such amazing video. I love everything at the village. The tribal tattoos. Just love they living life. Humbling!

Very Nice

That kid with the monkey on the island looks so familiar.... wasn't he on the cover of National Geographic without the tattoos?

I love this episode

I love your channel so much mark weins....

This is the best most heartwarming episode you’ve made

Thanks for sharing, I really do enjoy ya every video, best!

Mark with the clutch goal!!!

28:38 What a goal!! Cool vid Mark!

is there a episode where youre at Salvador? if so, youd be visiting all the cities that so happen to birth great MMA fighter: Belem = Machida, Manaus = Jose Aldo, Salvador = Anderson Silva.

I hate his face but still watching his video

Just to here AMAZON .all of people in the world know that it is all of amazing and big natural ❤️

Mark, you are truly an amazing person. I'm glad I've subscribed your channel a year ago. This was one of the best video I've watched. This is how the world should be!

I'm from Thailand,I love you video,

Going andrew zimmern style.

Amazing content Mark!

Very touching video, loved it ! From Montreal, Canada

Mark when u eat the ants I know how you feels actually but you hiding

Man don't talk with your mouth full you might choke

Glad to see your video Mark

shibé farinha molhada

Thank you so much for your show,without you showing us how the other world eats,we will never understand the wonderful things they eat, thanks.

Does his face remind anyone of this song by the lonely island?

Welcome to one of the most exotic fruit places, Mark - many of then don't get to other parts in Brazil, I've always heard they are amazing :D The Tucupi (cooked wild cassava juice) must boil for up to 5 days because it's very toxic when extracted - becoming one of the main ingredients for many Amazon and Pará dishes


20:04 most romantic ever

But eaten the ants hmmmmm i was soo scared and cassava powder we hv it in

You should travel to fiji for food tour.

wow this is beyond authentic ... the amazon forest people their food and cooking technic the time spent there it is going men has gone before.

This is what you call living life to the fullest.

much love man you are such a beautiful human being.

Why not come to Jesus now? Do not risk another day; Do not turn from God thy face, but today accept His grace. He is the way, the truth, and the life. You’ll be glad you did.

We normally shoo ants AWAY from our food

They look like they can eat you. Mark: Taste like bark! But it’s good.

Awesome)great to see another side of the planet)thanks a lot

You're so humble ♥️

Amazing thank you for sharing Mark

I wanna go to the amazon and fuc all the girls in the ashole

Eats an ant and goes hmmm that’s delicious . My vegetarian self is like really???



What an amazing place and ppl are so good to outsiders. The Amazon rain forest is so beautiful and peacful to live

Very amazing to watch your full enjoyment

the flame is flaming .haha nice one..


Weird fruits

Wow beautiful and kip it up I love your programmers

Micha is such a cute baby

I was wonder how mark will survive that fish without chillies.

Thanks Mark I have been missing a lot of fruits thinking they are only for livestock or poisonous... We have plenty of those in Zimbabwe....

Arrive unannounced; get served ant dip and bark drink haha

Wow amazing

i thought they were playing football with the turtle and i almost died

The inside of Biriba look much similar to sithapal (sugar apple ) not the outside appearance of the fruit though

the flame is flamey rofl

Awesome videos Mark...Love from India

i SUB to him since 1.5m SUB..... but dont u feel he over reacts for everything

My jaw literally dropped when the vendor opened up the Mari Mari "it's awesome it tastes like bark ! ". Lol mark never change

Woman licking leftover on table at 17:23 is weird

When he tried the ant


Music tribe...wakanda forever


i hate this dude


Your taste buds are incredible. Adapting to a variety of food and just ready to try everything. Much love ❤️

Como siempre gran programa Mark1000%

thank you for the video!! amazing!

What an amazing experience!

Wow amazing and beautiful video

Love your videos, you are so down to earth. Just piece of unsolicited advice, be careful of using utensils already placed in someone else's mouth - most diseases can be transferred through saliva.

It reminds me my beautiful hometown Rangamati. Being an indigenous person it makes me feel nostalgic. Such a lovely episode

30:25 your body after 20 years from traveling and eating wow

Wow. Thxs mark.

Why you so thin?

Your humbleness is so amazing and much appreciated, Mark! Thank you and your family for sharing your experiences with us! Many blessings!

Food and football are connectiong people around the world

Not many people can say they've played football in the Amazon. Amazing Series 100% !!!!!!! Edit : Better yet, been to The Amazon !!!!!

Would be nice to live like this, away.from the rat race

As a Brazilian I was surprised by the many fruits on the video that I had never seen or heard before.

Pakistan Meat and Brazil Fruits

Its another great video mark

30:00 we also do that in our village.

Mark, I can fry you a tennis shoe and you'll be as happy as ever. You're so polite, so accepting of cultures, love of all food all over the world. No matter where you or how the food taste, I don't think you have any negative words to say about them. I love your positive energy.

Super wow people thank you so much for sharing mark Micah is getting big

Im native American and manaus is one of my favorite places to travel to ❤️ like to visit my dessana brothers and sisters too also for the people typing this is Indio nope they are indigenous Americans indigena Raza de Brasil. Los Indios es un otro Raza en Asia. No es indigeno Los Indio es gitanos aka gypsy. Glad mark weins visited real Brazilians. They are dessana, indigenous natives.

Anjana A they are living my dreams

I remember wrong turn movie

Inga and all the foods

Another awesome video Mark

the fact he eats with the native people of a country show that not only is he humble but, also understands the value of hard work and love in food


29:22...I'm done

wow i did not expect u to eat the ants :o

น่าจะมีซับไทยด้วยกะจะดีนะ สำหลับคนที่ไม่เข้าใจอังกฤษ

Love ur video mark as always...send love regard to micah n ying they awesom as usual..

the best part is the local performance, the way their singing, moving, its all amazing. good job mark.

I loved the fact that you really apreciate the true culture of our country. Not the fancy and select stuff. Thank you so much! We love your work! obrigada!!! volte sempre

Almighty God is so kind to provide us all the beautiful fruits and beautiful humans. Hare Krishna.

Your soooo humble mark i love watching your show!❤❤❤

You have to come trinidad and tobago you will love it here

Esse Mark Weins é fod... muito bom.

I love your videos, Mark!


Wauw your son got so big , Nice . This foodvlogs makes me happy .

I've learned so much from your video .Thank you Mark Wiens.One of your best video!

My fav video of yours thus far!

one too many red bulls

Mark Wiens looks high all the damn time

Really amazing video. Enjoyed watching it.

The performance was heart touching.

Face reaction is always, oh wow! Before he even gets it on his tongue ffs

You been kick by that tapioca juice thing bro

You look drunk bro

Awesome :)

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!

I would be scared to embark on a Food trip mission in the Amazons , the next thing you knew you'll be the one eaten alive...Lol

amei seus videos no brasil, precisa aprender o portugues agora hehe

I don't know but i remember the movie "Green Inferno "

Dose he like everything that he puts in his mouth lol.

Brazilian trip are amazing!

Amazing people there, and the village is incredible. I would give everything to live in nature.. Respect to you Mark

Love the background music !!!

Ótimo vídeo, pena que não tinha legenda.

I said it once and i will say it again .YOU ARE A VERY LUCKY MAN TO EXPERIENCE this culture firsthand !!!!!!!

the drink that you thought was chocolate at 13:10 is bacaba natural wine hahah

Such a nice person, clearly those amazon drinks taste unpleasant but he describes them in an interesting way, ' like drunking blended bark' lol, love your videos.

I would save the seeds and plant them when i get back to my country X(^_^)X

You’re down to earth amazing

I'm 40 years old Brazilian and had never seen these fruits! Thank you very much!

Great series, Mark! It's special how you're able to make people smile with but your facial expressions after tasting their food. Keep up the amazing job of bringing these cultures to the light! Unfortunately, I would never eat the ants. Haha.

Biriba looks like custard apple. And found out later its a type of custard apple

I only wish i could be more adaptive when i think of how i NEED my crab-stuffed salmon (grilled), earl grey tea, life-giving pepsi, on and on i realize now how much i must be missing out on! Mark is teaching me to be more receptive! What a gift.

bu da her bı boku yıyıp begenıyor ya .

Love your videos

Host; so Mark what type of food would you like served? Mark; yes! Thank you.

I like so much that family and thank you.

Much love from India♥️


Wow, couldn't eat those ants, I saw you struggled a bit, with the facial expression. Not the 'hmmmmm, wow' + simile we normally see, just heard 'wow' and a wry smile. Well done

Thank you for sharing your experience! It's incredible to see you mingling and having a great time with the locals! Inspiring.


Really amazing video..'s a very good experience in life ..and you are lucky ..some people are able to live like this...thanku for Ur post

Such a wonderful experience and really enjoyed watching this. One of your best videos by far. Thanks for sharing

Mark bro I also come with you.

Too beautiful for words

Bro, Mark you´re the man! such great video I was amazed thanks for that!

Faltou as legendas em português.

Love your videos!! Have you ever had food that you haven't like or wasn't appealing to you? I would love to see a video with a collection of foods that you didn't find delicious lol. Maybe like a bloopers reel. ;)

Just like zion..

Big respect to you Mark and Ying! Keep up your amazing videos.

Such a beautiful and humble family

Mark this video make me think how close we all are regardless of anything in this chaotic world you are truly inspiring

That's beautiful. You've just lived my dreams.

You’re better than any BBC or National Geographic

They are the original Brasilians

The Indios there are acting they do not live like that

You made me wanna visit Brazil

Lol so true

Big thumbs up mark!loved the authenticity

I hope you come to fiji and taste the grog...and see what your face look like...


Vous n'avez pas encore fait un tour au Gabon ...allez découvrir nos sociétés


28:21 that shot was amazing!

é muito grande o Brasil você tinha que conhecer muito mais de ponta a ponta Ceara,Rio Grande do sul, o churrasco, vinho muita coisa a conhecer volte mas volte mesmo beijos

Obrigado Mark por mostrar nosso Brasil povo maravilhoso que a nossa Amazônia precisa ser tratada com mais carinho que o mundo veja que todos os povos são muito bem vindo amei seus videos queria que você venha morara aqui kissss i love you abraços a sua família linda

I am Brazilian and i think u already know my country better tham me hahaha I am glad to learn more about the diversity of my country with such a nice guy like you Mark. Thank u very much!! Had you ever tried the Pinhão when you came to Curitiba? It is amazing!

the Fish Tambaqui and the best and but delicious freshwater fish in the world.

The last few minutes scence feels like not going back to hotel early yet.

Capitalist mindset destroyed everything good. Lust and greed rules this world. Spread by colonial imperialism etc.

Mark, you find some of the most amazing places I love this video and the family is awesome.

Obrigado bro mark

What’s up the 775 dislikes? I thought this was educational, interesting, and 100% Mark!

Maybe they don’t season because eating is a survival thing versus an enjoy thing? I feel like we in the USA sometimes eat because it TASTES good not because we need energy to hunt and survive. Nothing wrong with enjoying food by the way.


I still remember 2014 world cup

I don't know how you do it Mark! You are the man!

Mark can you show you Beautiful wife a little more and son

the sound of jenipapo reminded me of jimine pabo #army

Mind blowing

You are so open minded and truly love food. I don't think I can try some of the drinks and food there but you're so great.

Experimentar suco de cupuaçu

Ooh man!! I'm speechless wallahi

Como tu joga pimenta na banana?.

Love your humility in this video.

Most probably the less appealing food episode, but my favorite! Beautiful and touching, thanks Mark for your work.

Healthy food!

How are you not fat?

Huge respect for these people and to you Mark. Wish you safety in all your trips


Mark the banana chips not exist Something wrong ??

Banana chips? Its normal and tasty

Everytime you taste the food or drinks its priceless

Mark will eat anything. Amazing

Just love me a good ant. In truth, I've never had one but I've had crickets. Very interesting video.

Amo meu país.

Wow, you went so deep from street food to Amazon jungle food. Very unique and knowledgeable video

25:41 The natives are singing in their own language. (not portuguese)

Best video I've seen so far mark u are brilliant mate love u and your team and your family r amazing It was so nice seeing different cultures coming together as one amazing

A very special vdo. Like your enthu and energy. First time ever had a feel of Amazon. Thank you.

Ants? That is the part that human beings start being WEIRD... ants

Cara esse gringo ele é de uma sensibilidade de uma pureza de humildade sem igual cara eu nunca vi uma pessoa desse jeito cara esse cara tá de parabéns cara especial

Energético the best guaraná nature

Chanel the best

Nosso Brasil é lindo e rico em todos aspectos, valeu Mark esse vídeo foi TOP

He should have his own tv show. I would watch it


Can you you plz go to sentinel island

Micah make some fun

Oh gosh...apa sih yg gak enak yg pernah dimakan sama mark..kayaknya semuanya enak bagi dia... I just wondering what food mark don't like he ever try...i know he love spicy sambal so much..but what food he don't like..even an ant he likes to eat...

Travel in Viet Nam:

Matomoka at least nimeona kitu iko Kenya I love ur channel mark when are u coming to Kenya

Those traditional tattoos are beautiful

One of the best videos you've ever done. Fantastic! Your happiness and humility is fascinating.


If I didnt watch this, I would have no idea about the variety of fruit available. The irony of how the west portrays these countries vs the actual truth. The reality is that there is so much beauty and richness in each place to discover. It takes humility, respect and gratitude. Good job Mark!

Hi Micah Wiens:)) its good to see you grown enough ... such a wonderful travel and food vlog very detailed to the point that we like almost there with you seeing and tasting every single food and places. Thank you

Muito obrigada.

While grilling the fish the father says "I am so very happy you all are visiting us in here." And Guilherme answer "Thank you very much" (Eu estou muito feliz que vocês estão nos visitando. Guilherme: Muito obrigado).

That market lady hugged Mark and said "thank you, little baby" (obrigado, bebê). Thats sweet.

Tapioca is the brazilian version of the flatbread. Here in the northeast we eat it almost every morning.

Beautiful place wonderful ppl.

Must be hard when you have the RUNS lmao

This is just beautiful! The people looks so humble and genuine. One of my favorite shows

If you ever get to São Paulo , stretch to Moóca for a famous pastry shop. Doceira Di Cunto on Rua Borges Lagoa.

Is there anything mark doesnt like,i wonder.

Man never knew flame will be flaming

This guy and mikey chen ma favorite guys to watch when it comes to food.

Mark wiens big RAT he buy 1 fish for more 15 person all family hungry

How do keep from having stomach ache or diarrhea while trying all this new and different foods?

You are such an amazing person and human being! So much respect for you, Mark!

U r an amazing...always love to watch Ur videos...Love from India..

Apesar de eu ser Brasileiro, conhecer e amar minha cultura. Conheci muito e várias coisas diferentes, sobre minha cultura com seus vídeos. Melhor canal. I love my country

This Amazon trip is one of your best vid mark! Kudos!

The Amazon man , is a real man

Mark you are such a dear you can eat anything. Of the food food you have eaten all over the world, this is the list appetizing of all ............................ I would rather eat grass.

As diferenças são pra isso: serem conheçidas, respeitadas e partilhadas!!!❤❤❤❤lindo vídeo!!!!

We are loving the Brazil series! I pulled out the map and am learning so much about the area, thank you! We were wondering out loud about how you were eating all those village foods as they were and just as we said 'he has to have a bottle of hot sauce on him' you pulled a bottle out and we cheered! Maybe you should collaborate with someone to make Mark Wiens hot sauces of the world.

Come back to the Philippines! Theres a lot of places you can go and you can taste delicious different unique food here!!!

Food vlog+Nat geo : amazing

Gu XAGA Lopes sempre sorrindo

No Nino

Brazil is amazing

Thai definitely is the best video for Brazilian série, it’s amazing how you show the culture, the simplicity of the real local people from Brazil, I’m Brazilian and as I watch all the episodes of braZil tour I learn a lot. Thanks for sharing this amazing experience. God bless you and your family

WOW!!! This is life!!! Away from the city's hustle and bustle. So real, natural, and rejuvenating! Also, I overheard the monkey was using the same bowl as a part of the family :) Loved this vlog. This must be the most beautiful episode. I'm sure I'm gonna watch it over again and again. I lived each and every moment you spent there. A big thank you :)

That little amazon boy cute

Wow..this is my first time to encounter such fruits thank You mark.Godbless

Umm eating ant

I Loooove your videos Mark. I feel like i'm travelling with you. Your approach to different cultures is awesome.

Sad part: the president of the Brazil say that indigenous people shouldn't receive land because they "sufocate" agro-industrials. And, of course, he completed saying that the "militaries of Brazil had a mistake when they didn't exterminated all the indigenous people of Brazil" This country is not for amatures, for sure.

What an experience

This video is WOOOWWW!

I always do your nice and expressive face when food is u Mark i hope i can meet u one day

The tropis land like Indonesia.....

Waw hhhhhh

I'm native American this is the real Brazil African and Europeans are not from Brazil THE BRAZILIAN DUDE TOUR GUIDE.DID NOT TAKE HIM TO THIS PLACE THOUGH

OMG! How amazing are the people from the village, I loved the performance!! Thank you for sharing this experience with us Mark!

You made that families day. You can tell they don't eat that everyday.

Genius Mark whilst the sterile trainable brainwashed airhead take antibiotics. You are unconsciously practicing what father of medicine's mantra."Let Food be Thy Medicine." So humble, respectful and fearless. Your channel should be second to none.

Somebody sign this guy to Discovery channel already.

Brazil has a very diverse culture and I hope to visit one day ! Greetings from Denmark !   : )

Is there anything that you don’t eat?

4:47 “vô bota ax coisa nu carro”

Meu país, Manaus!!! ❤❤❤❤

My God mark, taker pls,,

Mark's reactions after having the first bite are always priceless

Thats Wanderleis long lost brother.

quando vai a Bolivia

How is drinking bark awesome

"Its like you're drinking blended bark... that's awesome!"

What’s left for you Mark is to eat spiders

The grilled fish seems delicious

How can you eat the ants.... No need to taste everything.

URSS destroyed a entire sea called Sea of Aral, Kazahkstan just for made a no sucessfull industry of cotton...

I love how you even compared the water with coffee

Mica has grown

Chilli is mandatory

Keep it up buddy! Enjoying your videos to the max. Love from Sri Lanka


I'm thinking with all that fruit, you'd be shitting you brains out lol!

this video was amazing!! mark you need your own Netflix series. I love you !

Eu AMEI essa família. Eles agem naturalmente, não foi nada preparado e mesmo assim eles receberam o Mark com todo o carinho. Eu me senti acolhida. Obrigada.

this was beautiful i have so many feelings over this wholesome family

i love that he just unashamedly brought sauce to the amazonian village feast :0 :D

The food of the Amazon Indians is much healthier and more natural.

Mark you are definitely a man of the people...ANY people! Great video!

He says amazon and excotic to much

Truly mavelous! I am going to Rio in October and will travel to Belem because your Belem video was so wonderful!

Love from Indonesia mark,I love ur video

pls banglasesh come

All the fruits look so yummy never had it before but would love to try

This is just beautiful , simple life with a lot of History big up from Jamaica

Huyu mzee nini hasemangi ni tamu kila kitu “Mhhhh”

17:13 - 1. She wants Mark big time 2. How are her eyebrows so perfect?

25:27 (♥ω♥*)

Esse sanduíche é um sonho

Portuguese people did the genocide in the Brazil

I like dancing of this childrens

Thank you Mark Weins for the upload of the food tour video in the Amazon Rain forest. This video had enormously unique cuisines that I've never seen eaten before.

Everything is ok about them.... But they are not good at hosting.!!!!...

This is amazing!!!! The fruit at the fruit stand aren't cheap for sure.

pjay vibes

Love the tattoos.

In 7th grade I did a project about the amazon rainforest

Mark you are great

The best food blogger ever! ♥️

Wonderful video Mark! The Indian family was beautiful and vibrant. I loved the way they just naturally share their food. When I was in survival school in the Air Force, we ate ants as well. Very lemony tasting. The baby Howler monkey was fun as well.

Everyone's seems friendly and very welcoming,but according to other yt videos brazil is very dangerous place, shootouts mugging,robbery,gangs etc

do those kids have tattos¿...

.... The video dated of 05th June 2019M..... It was OUR FIRST HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI - Wednesday, 05 June - 01 Syawal 1440H - Selamat Hari Raya Pertama Tahun 2019 - Raya ke-6 - heading to Istanbul - Turkish Airlines on 1.00 am of Tuesday & landing on 6 am at New Big Istanbul Airport at Arnavutkoy - 11 June 2019 - Happy Birthday Nin Nina of 41 y/o of 26th June 2019.... Heeee heeeee...

ई सरवा का जाने का का खाइयेसन।।।एकरा माई के बुर... इंडिया आओसन ताहनी के चींटी कियावेतानी फ्री में

Drinking bark is not awesome Mark.

Hahahah... My jaw drops when the lady lick her finger after she touches the table.... NOooo

Flame is flaming


Or the Travel Channel

For just a millisecond at the trasition from turtle to futbol at 27:47 I thought they were kicking the turtle around lmao

Probably my favorite all time video from this channel. That family was incredible.

Loved this video you ate ants like you feasting on your favorite meal !!! You really are the best.

Faltou visitar Natal

Just great! You are really good Mark!

Mark now that was an awesome video brother, wish I was there with you!!!

why American natives looks like mongoloide asian people?

I love how the lady nonchalantly wiped something from the table with her finger and licked it.


This video is amazing. I wish you could come back to Indonesia and visit Borneo's traditional riverside or jungle village and experience local food there. Always think that it kinda has similarities with the Amazon, it's location, people, tradition...

I loved your expression.

i dont belive they have rambutan ...i wondering what they call it ...

to tao feliz com esse videoooo

I enjoy that you include nature, traditions and food at the same time.

Just can’t believe this kinda cultures still exist.. awesome video Mark!

This video literally had me smiling the whole way through!

Mark can make everything looks testy, this is why hes my favorite food reviewer. Some youtuber disrespects foods from different culture. Every region and place have their own choice of test and it could be different from place to place.

New subscriber. Why isn't anyone using your food tasting expressions as emojis. So funny, lol. I just sit back and wait for it to hit your tastebuds. I wish I could travel along with you and your family. What a life!

EU NÃO ACREDITO que ele tá colocando pimenta no tucumã aaaaa

Welcome my Country ,welcone Brazil.

this Brasil series is awesome, and this episode is the cherry on top. Absolutely lovely!!!

mark mamu ur wrk is just much lv from india...

All i know about amazon : anaconda


The Amazon is a man made garden. There’s so much to learn about human history.

right on 26:47... its a tiger or a dog running around....?

What a wonderful video. One of the best ones ;)

gosto muito do seu canal meu mano!! mas essas caras de idiota q vc faz me sinto babaca

They eat good, dress properly the adult ladies they have covered in full dress. Proper mannered. Naive ppl. Hope they never get touched but outside ugliness of the word.

this one is my favorite. family and culture, everything was amazing ❤️

Wow from Nepal

U r the best food lover

mark give a little cassava to your wife you holding a hugebowl cassava

i understand the thumbs down, they are simply from jealously.

"Oh!The monkey is drinking from the same gourd"...lmao

minha Manaus {3 Mark Pimenta em tudo kkk

the woman at 17:10 is totally charmed ahah, she's cute also

U r unexplainable.. utterly beautiful person u r:. Big fan..

she looks like tessa thompson

Marl can eat anything and says nothing negative about anything. Mark weins is my spirit animal

The performance was sooooo cute!!!

It's amazing, this Brazil series, but I really couldn't survive in the Amazon there just for the mere fact of no seasoning...what Keto diet?...Amazon diet will definitely be the next new wave


Muito interessante como a índio come os alimentos naturais, deve ser leve e a de boa digestão...não sei o sabor, mas eu gosto de legume sem tempero

How the heck he dont gain any weight.


Wow I love it!!

Brazil is our neighbouring country.. Hope you'll visit guyana 1 day

How can all of you eat from 1 plate. Great job, I wouldn’t do it but Mark you did it.

You're such a happy man,,,always smiling and enjoying life,,,,beautiful energy,,,i am some what a wisman,,and a man of vision,,, ty 4 your attitude and kindness,,,it's nice to know that you and your family are enjoying life,,and laughing and having fun together,,,,ty friend

Hai mark.. watching frm Manipur..

Also how funny and lovely how the children wanted to show Micah turtles and play with him! Funny how Mark was clueless about the turtle, and the family was like, Duh??? It's obviously for your kid, man.

Living your best life

I think the gentleman is the president of Philippines

Oh my I really Love this family

Oh helllll no with those ants. I would never

Mark you make fantastic videos

This dude is weird something not right about him

Awesome video, you are an amazing young man Mark. Those ants though

You've got a Huge HEAD!!!!

You do a great job

This is how many times The guy said Chebe ⬇

i love ribs with powder

I am from South America and I have never seen those types of fruits. Would love to try them. This episode felt like I was watching a National Geographic or BBC special, very captivating and enthusiastic. I hope you do an episode for all the countries of S.America. We would all love that. Don't forget to visit Guyana, my home country

Wow mark you the best

Is there even one food that you did not like it??? It seems that you like everything, even sand would be tasty for you.

Amazing! Love their soccer pitch!

Brazillians are beautiful.... no need to apply tons of make up or skin bleaching...

Cara super humilde, come de tudo, sem frescura. Gosteiiii!!!

Meu sonho

I became fascinated with the Amazon watching _River Monsters_ with Jeremy Wade. I would so very much love to visit that region one day and have an experience like this with traditional river people.

Man this guy enjoys everything! Even bark..

Que cara humilde mano, gente de primeira qualidade

This is so beautiful mark... This culture must be preserved, Amazon belongs to Amazonian's and indigenous people.. People need to start protest against govt order for mining... Fight against Lobby's. ... This is land of Amazonian's...

Dude we gotta save the Amazon, so many varieties of foods and healthy medicines, the people look so healthy and strong


The best think to be great your videos you willing to eat everything !! Amazing!!!

This has been a great thing to watch.

I was wondering when will I visit Brazil!! You'd shown some fascinating places.. Hopefully I'll be visiting very soon! Great show Mark! Looking forward to seeing more!

Loved this video right from the start!

Em manaus ! Minha cidade!

Did they use salt in fish broth

just wow this episode

God bless u Mark, family and team. I love the way u guys just blend in2 different cultures without pulling faces for the new dishes ul try. So humble so honest

Where can I find this in London

Love your channel Mark, such amazing journeys you made.

The village is just 1km from the city but they stick to their culture so well and it's so good to watch.

Mark you got new experience till the date right..?

This is your best video mark

Mark you really doing a wonderful work ,Brazil my neighbour ,great trip ,thanks for post ❤️ peace and love to all.

where are you from ?... your name is indian

Ele falando que jenipapo tem gosto de caramelo Kkkkkkkkkkk. A Formiga Saúva com gosto de Erva cidreira

Hey Mark my name is Marvin. Question.. are you care antibiotics with you when you visit this amazing places?

Amazing video... And Mark you r a true gentleman.... I respect u....and I admire your personality... And your son Mika is really cute...

Somebody give him poison..he would defenetly nice taste.....that's what I never try before..

บาลาบา. ก้อน่าจะเป้นหน่อยหน่า

He's always so happy!

This indians looks like nature wariors.

I wish you could have acai. it's amazing!

I love how you eat. I have never seen you not liking the taste of food. It seems like everything tastes good to you. Have you had experiences where the food tastes not to your liking?

Love all of your videos. I love how much respect you give to other cultures and you definitely show the true culture and the tradition food of any country you visit. I want to do what you do one day. Thank you for sharing. You are an amazing person!

Oh!! You are extremely lucky man !! And I love cute Micah !!

Your viens is popping make this blue if you like his vien

15:08 OMG!

Nice That beribi is like our custard apple. But it looks big in size. Outward appearance is like bananas decorated one. You are really fortunate exploring food items across the globe .

Você é simplesmente incrível. ❤

so happy life is good

Beautiful people, much love and respect from TX

13:25 olha chibé ai geeeeente

Não aguentei ele dizendo que ingá tem gosto de sorvete. Um verdadeiro ícone ❤

Gracinha o macaco com a menininha

Meu sonho visitar a Amazônia

Alguma comida diferente: A Mark: HHHmMmMMm AmAzZING


The Amazon is very beautiful.I love the design they put on their bodies.

Ese Señor moreno y gordo no paraba de comer

Mari Mari parece

U would never pay 10 reais in a fruit there, they have a “special” price for foreigners

O inga da minha região é totalmente diferente, nunca vi tão grandes e bonitos, estou com água na boca

watch these REAL people, living with so simple things and still happy, make us to think about are life and goals..

My mouth is full of watering and getting hungry

i really dont like vídeo that ppl are trying food, not my thing, but mark is so entertain to watch that i just watched 5 vídeos in a row lol

3:07 - Mark veins

Love my country


I love how the woman wipe the table with her finger then licked it. Might be really yummy

This is the best of all. Amazon wow

Wow I can only say this has been so far one of the best ones! Truly priceless experience Amazing amazon people and needless to say the food and fruits variety are endless!!! Really enjoy this video

Nobody: Not even a single soul: Mark: oooOoH MAN amAnZIng Haha love him

É tão brasileiro chamar os outros de bebê KKKK sinônimo de fulano. Espero que tenha gostado do nosso país. Diante de todos nossos problema ainda é um prazer receber outros para conhecer a nossa cultura.

I LOVE your videos. Is there any way you could play with the color of the captions to see which one would be the easiest to read?

Fantastic adventure! lucky of you Mark. Love it!

Hi Mark, I absolutely love your videos and you’ve inspired many people including myself to travel to places I never thought of travelling to. I have a question though, I notice that you are able to communicate to the locals throughout South. east Asia. Is that because they share common words or do you speak more than one language? Or do you learn local the language as you travel and visit different countries?

N é possível q ele gosta de tudo... De mentir em alguns kkk

So cute when the amazonian said when was grilling fish he was super happy for getting your guy's visit. Aweee

Muito bom o vídeo, obrigado pela visita.

Ele foi p SP?

Esse cara me dá medo kkkkk

Faltou a comida mineira que é ótima e meu estado de São Paulo

Love your energy , appetite & how you enjoy the food. Hope some day to travel and get to eat food away from Home

Obrigada bebê kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Esse cara acha tudo gostoso, não é possível

رحله ممتعه في الامازون

17:15 deveria estar tão bom que ela até raspou a mesa ksks

God Bless Mark and your family

the natives are friendly

Esse é o cara, come tudo, sem preconceito com ninguém

Pô, ele tá comendo as frutas com caroço e tudo kkkkk, sou da região amazônica e o caroço dessas frutas são mó ruim kkk

kalo punya suami kaya mark kynya kmn mn harus bawa tolak angin, safecare ma minyak kampak..masuk angin terus cuii

This is so amazing ❤❤❤❤ awesome work, Mark!! Definetly my favourite YouTuber for food and travel hahahhaha thank you for this beautiful series in Brazil!!! Obrigada e volte sempre ❤

2:46 His shirt: **i travel for food** Me: and I oop-

i have to say it... but that was a fast turtle.

This video is remarkable!

awesome, great video!

So cool!!!


Meu deus esse homem vai morrer comendo os caroço

What an amazing experience!!! Thank you Mark.


O melhor lugar do Brasil ❤️

Este cara come muito

Ele tem que vir pra Minaaas em BH em BH

Saymon Carlos isso já ta forçado

Pois é, nem eu que sou brasileiro acho que vou gostar daquela água de peixe com banana kkask 17:10

Não é possível que tudo é tão gostoso assim kkkkkk

Here is Brazil

that is the best gift of life, share the moment with the people around the world.

Do you know the tribe's and language names? =) Can you get that and tell us???

You look like idiot..

Guarana is a real energetic drink so it has to be drink carefully cause it can cause you a heart attack. Of course after a long time drinking it too much.

you need to go to Sao Paulo city. Great food in there

I love my Manaus

Vdd ele não soube comer mais a maioria são bons!! EU acho que os dois são americanos;

@Saymon Carlos deu ânsia de vômito essa parte vei

Se eles comem e pq e gostoso se fosse ruim ngm fazia pra comer kk.

@Imperador Dom Pedro II exatamente...

"it tastes like health" love ur vids Mark keep it up!!!!

I love their death whistle invention

I wanna travel so bad but I'm scared lol


Literally tastes an insect* Mark: mmmm lemon flavour spicyness hhhmmmm

Em 79% do casos ,logo após ele provar uma comida diferente ,ele fala a seguinte palavra -UAU


I think this is not a turtle, I think it's a "cágado"

@vai dormir ou se não vou te dar um pancadão concordo contigo sobre ser massa isso dele procurar sempre dar o lado positivo da experiência, mesmo que 'por dentro' ele não esteja curtindo tanto o sabor, vamos dizer assim. Aposto que a pimenta é pra isso, LOL

@vai dormir ou se não vou te dar um pancadão btf hehehehe, foi mal que te marquei, isso era mais pra um pessoal acima que falou que era ruim, acabei respondendo pro seu comentário pra manter a thread

@Patricia Pinheiro eu não disse que a sopa era ruim nem nada do tipo kkkkkk

@Patricia Pinheiro é realmente... acho muito legal que ele não têm frescura para comer, absorve de verdade o que determinada cultura têm a oferecer. Mas de um jeito ou de outro é legal da parte dele demonstrar gratidão mesmo que não seja do paladar dele... o que valhe é a experiência.

@vai dormir ou se não vou te dar um pancadão é muito comum na região da Tailândia e países ali do entorno, pratos feitos desse jeito, um sopão estranho com uma carne no meio ou vegetais. Procura aqui no YT por exemplo, o Hot Pot ou mesmo o Miso (e seus derivados), que é uma espécie de sopa japonesa. é basicamente uma água temperada e algum coisa dentro (muito frequentemente tofu). E tomada em quase todas as refeições. E qual a diferença pra essa sopa que ele tomou? Um é preparado no Japão e o outro numa aldeia da Amazônia. Não é pro meu paladar, mas gosto é algo muito pessoal, não dá pra dizer que ele não gostou só pq a gente não gosta. Particularmente não gosto da maioria das comidas 'diferentes'/gordurosas que vi nos vídeos, mas sei que tem gente que ama de paixão, de 'lamber os beiço'.

@Imperador Dom Pedro II é cortês da parte dele

Pra ele é novidade

Hey mark how are you..after a long time watching your video. We first met at Kolkata at bhojohari manna hotel...Love and regards from Kolkata to you and your family.. please visit once in Kolkata and make a vlog at Sundarban rainforest which is located at bay of Bengal. With amazing natural ,local food, and enjoy the boats tripled and also the main attraction is Royal bengal tiger. .thank you

For me those fruits look like from another world...amazing.

U had to find some chili lol if u go to the moon i believe u find chili ehehe Thanks Mark for this brilliant episode. God bless that awesome humble family

É triste saber q estão desmatando nossas florestas......

Conhecendo a Amazônia por um gringo kkkk

*REGIÃO NORTE DO BRASIL e não nordeste como muitos pensam* Isso sim é maravilhoso.. #Parabéns

Their self sufficient lifestyle makes my suburban life seem dull and artificial. Awesome trip, Mark!

@Leandro CSilva same right?

death whistle is aztec

@Saymon Carlos mano kkkk pode testar,, eu como aqui em casa toda vez que é peixe kkkkk e mt bom

This is amezing

Dude u are insane....

I am new sub. In your channel sir from Philippines

I had so much fun watching it!

Wow excellent

this is better then your other videos.

28:22 caralho, o gringo marcou um golaço do meio da rua kkkk

i really enjoy your channel, thank you..

Thank you for your visit and come back, Mark! Greetings from Manaus!

Thats faarrrrrr away from real Amazon tribes but fascinating

Dang it Mark now I have to try some ants with all the tacos you eat that I'll probably never try the closest thing I have around here is the ants.

Mark when my wife makes my breakfast which it's going to be a late breakfast more like brunch I'm going to show the appreciation for this food The same way you do. Great shows brother why have you not been signed on to the travel channel yet


mano demais

Omg for you no problem to eat everywhere and almost everything ,respect

olha a humildade desse cara, o jeito como ele vive e aproveita a vida é uma coisa linda :3

This guy’s high on life.

You are waaaay more better than NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL or DISCOVERY CHANNEL to watch.

Just wow

Mark shows how Brazil is great to the world. thanks.

I learned more about your video...thats amazing....watching from philippines.....

Bro I like your way of presentation...your woww makes a lot

I won't eat the ants though

Fantastic!!! Healthy food for once

Thank you so much, thank you.

That young native girl is beautiful.

I'm convince I'm eating the wrong foods lol.. I haven't seen him eat anything he don't like lol....

lovely channel

This is wonderful...

الحمدالله يارب ع نعمة الاسلام

Mark លោកបានផ្តល់នូវថាមពល ចិត្ត វិញ្ញាណ ដល់ ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ទូរទាំងពិភពផែនដីនេះ ទទួលស្គាល់ការរស់ផ្តេីមចេញពីស្នារដៃខ្លួនឯង I like you

Mark love from bangladesh

Mari mari...taste like green aple...but small...

5:09 Alguém sabe o nome dessa fruta? Onde eu morava tinha um pé dela e ninguém sabia o nome, chamavam de "bucetinha"

É muito azedo, mas é uma delicinha

It's great how you travel this one was a very good video I really enjoyed it Mark and you have a great family till awesome

Uns dos melhores vídeos...

Gostei do futebol...

I love Ingá :9

wonderful family

Hi Mark pls name a dish dat don't lyk...

Hello from Dallas Texas!!!!!!Great job mark always so humble .. love ur videos...

Come to australia

One of the best videos! Thank you Mark for taking us with you! You're the man!

This episode bring a big smile on my face.. uuuuwwwwwoooooowwww..!!

This week is all about watching your food adventures.

I'm one of your silent viewer and been watching your videos for long time... Love from Philippines

17:18 yuk

That is every day life for these people all what u had to eat I had that before the civilized world just invade the world .

Yucca aka (cassava) came form African along with plantains during that slave trade

It was spread across South America and (la caribe)

A Human Bobble Head! I’d vote this guy for President

Tem alguma coisa que ele não goste?!?

Amazing video!!! Congratulations!!! The amazon culture is wonderful. Unfortunately brazilian people don't use to visit its own country...I think we should incentivize more tourism inside the country. Thank you for this great experience.

I do love the words obrigada. What that's mean mark

By the way you make me really hungry for BBQ fish

Good job. Always great videos

Só gringo aqui rsrs sou de Manaus

Beautiful video man love what u do ur simplicity how humble you are and enjoy time w this people ur lucky god bless keep ur great videos coming

Mark u have done a great job, niece people of Amazon

You can tell the amazon mother likes Mark. She never seen a mixed asian/white man like him before.

Whose dog is it?

Did the woman just lick the table??

Gosh you're a special person, Mark. I love your contagious smile and open heart. Blessings to you and your family.


Oleie already said it, and I can only repeat it: You’re better than any BBC, National Geographic or any other travel magazine. You are local, yet authentic at the same time! Bravo!

Quiero lanzarme de ese árbol

I think i would trow up for a month if i ate those called Food ! Two tumbs up for you Mark

Fascinating. Thanks so much for posting this video. Looks like this family makes some income by hosting tourists/sojourners and sharing a bit of their culture. What a great learning, enriching opportunity. Glad to have experienced this through you. Really neat. Thanks

Come to morocco mark

Hi that needs to be Free


Wow super

Amazing video Mark..thank you so much for gifting us this wonderful vlog which consists of culture, food, lifestyle of the Amazon rain forest's habitants...and a hats off for being brave to try such dangerously delicious foods like ants wild organic fruits

Welcome to brazil

This video is awesome.

Everything that goes into his mouth has the same expression.

Porra cabeçudo porco do caralho, mete a boca na comida antes de servir prós outros kkkkk


hi mark i love you

The man never criticises anything.

Wonderful family and the kids warmed my heart! Great video

Thank you for showing us this other part of the country which is culturally rich.

Nothing new to say.....just amazing.

ke raja ampat. aja surga dunia

i love this episode it reminds me of my childhood

I love those shoes Mark.

Mark am living Paris plz when you visit Paris nock to me .i want meet with you thanks

So amazing and very good pepelo i want to go visits 1day

Amazing!! You let us experience the world. I feel like I know and see the world much more from your videos. You brought the beauty of the culture to the screen. Every cultures are beautiful. Great job Mark!

"Aqui Mark temos um prato com pimentas".. tem pimenta pra colocar nessas pimentas?... mano que inveja desse estômago e desse toba...hahahahaha

Hope they dont destroy the jungle

My favourite brother mark. Love from India ,tamilnadu

Love your channel, as I am a huge foodie!!!! In my youth I was so skinny/my hunger was never ending... I won't tell you about all of my frightening health journey, but your shaking hands (sugar/carb overload) remind me of my past self. I literally almost died. Thankfully got rid of my diabetes, cancer (fed by sugar/high carb diet . On ketogenic now ). Also trying to heal from near organ failure due to the above described. Still love your vids, take care of yourself and safe travels

ok this video made me cry wtf I live in a beautiful country and I don't enjoy it properly



such a precious day. thank you for sharing. bless you.

I mean ur kid not keep

Hi Mark U carry ur keep d all the way to u Don't u feel burden or think any health issue may effect him while traveling Ur wife was very supportive ur lucky enough to have her

Sorry not keep ur kid I mean ur boy

nice shot, amazing place!lovely....!

Great job buddy nice to watch your videos

Only guyabano and rambotan I tried to eat

Oh my gad Mark. That look of joy when you put the Ant in your mouth. Rofl. I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not.

Beautiful indigenous people. I hope the rain forest and their culture survives

Wow u r great person dude...

Best video wao

Best travel and food blogger ever..

Must have been an amazing experience to eat and interact with amazons, such a fascinating culture beautiful tribal markings, this is great footage. something I've always dreamed of seeing.

The boiling of fish to how we cook fish in Fiji.we put lemon and chilly as a sauce with cassava as staple food. such humble guy thanks mate...from Fiji

Do you ever get ill from eating so much different foods.. ie I get bad tummy when I go on holiday to Spain from England lol

What about the mosquitoes ?? The kis have fun in the river. Why dont have piranhas in this side ??

Brazil no rice??? Just cassava?

Wow beautiful place mark

Very flexible and generous true people nice . from India

Your tongue should be put on museum mark! How can you enjoy all types of food??? And your reaction after taste.....omg !!

In India there are thousand's variety of food.....

Do it in India.....

I really love your shows, excellent. Keep it up bro. Thanks

Awesome, everything very original and natural!

Its overwhelming food

Thank you Mr.Mark for taking goi mch pain to show us different regions n fruit varieties in every region ! Its just fantastic !

Mantap Bro

fish ❤

*Mark, the whole time i was thinking about the piranhas. haha that scares me to actually see you on the river towards the end of the video hehe nevertheless, this is an awesome vlog. that FAM is such hospitable. thank you, and keep safe.*

Sorry, not eating ants.



Mark, you are unique.

Mark. You are so amazing

What a handsome people in that village!

So many different fruit on this Earth people never eat

chuper chuper

Lol like drinking bark...but its awesome......not!

Oi Paraíba

It would seem the key to health and longevity is NO SALT... and AMAZING FRUIT... and NO PRESERVATIVES... and NO GMOs... and THE AMAZON!!!

Wow!! Mark, this was such a amazing video. Such beautiful people ...and, country!! Thank you...

it's the Kava root

He couldn't describe the taste he said it tastes like health.

the name of rambutan fruit in Brazil is the same as in Indonesia

He even says mmm when he eats ants

You're really amazing person Mark, i love all your videos♥ Thank you for sharing it with us!

Sub han Allah meray Rab kay nazaray sooo strange

Very nice video!

Villagers are only concerned about money and banking upon their culture


Am in love with that traditional food of siri Lanka

Excelente video y presentación. Rica comida. Bella gente. Gracias. Saludos desde Durango México

If your stomach is empty be carefull don’t look Mark videos. Just eat before! Thank you to make me disvcover fruits I never see before. Very nice country, very nice people

That was a amazing video, I have only recently found your YouTube channel and honestly think you should have your own tv show, you are brilliant x

Very Nice,Very good Brasil

You should come to Cambodia

Wow - 1410 - thats like kava! Thats what we have too (polynesians) tongans, samoans, fijians etc. Very interesting to see other parts of the world eat similar things to our culture.

Really love your presentation

And the lady licks the table..

Country and food too exotic. Amazing!

Guy Fieri will kill you.

Sorry Mark..I know eat ants..but ..that's why you r u..and me is me huh...this is so different and that man taste before u do..yeah..different alright..great day .

So special❤️

Que cultura maravilhosa, é tão triste saber que estão destruindo isso, nós todos deveríamos proteger nossas aldeias, índios e florestas

Excellent video

Salam manis dari INDONESIA

Gade jan bouche yon moun bon

I want to taste the fruits

nice one,.

Yes, there are the both!!

Hi Mark I enjoyed watching this video especially that its close to Guyana which is where I am from. (hopefully wishing you would visit there

Mi Peru con su mejor comida por todo el mundo


that yellow fruit with some thorns outside were called '' atis '' in the philippines

Fake face uwah uwah idiot.

Mark your the best

What a dirty drink. He already drink it with out using glass his saliva was mix into and pass it to his visitor. What a uncivilized travel vlog is this

Every food same expression

18:24 look at his eyes

What an amazing video

I love your tasting of food ,you have a big common you don't say yakk always mmmmmmaah very yammey very delicious ,u always give me appetite to eat ,love from Kenya

I wish they're all Safe

Smile.. Smile... ☺

Amazon's natural organic food varieties are the world' best natural foods available at this time. In India we eat all contaminated poisonous food which usually makes lot of health problems.


I feel bad for the rainforest in 2019 because everything there was burned and the animals who lived there are all dead

This is a prove that best contents are not big budget cable tv productions.

I watch here after the Amazon fire and new subscriber

Help amazon

I wonder how your stomach is reacting with those you eat. I can hear it rumbling from here.

I go back to this video because of the Amazon fire so heartbreaking

Pray For The Amazon

And its burning here

Thank you for showing the natives and their culture

Yup... He is a better man


The children are so cute

That place burned down right?

This is beautiful plus the football wow

wow the family unity is awesome

Nothing gets more authentic than this. Cheers mark

You are fantastic and very familiar ❣️


This foo werid

I m a fruit lover... My mouth is watering


I didn't know ander herrera have a youtube channel!

you eat ants dude .... but good clip keep doing your good work,,,,..

Todos dizendo se preocupar com a Amazônia e espalham fake News , Temos o melhor presidente de todos os tempos! Amazônia brasileira está como nas imagens. A floresta mais preservada do planeta. Cuide do seu lixo antes de se preocupar com a casa dos outros!!

Everyone the amazon rain forest is on fire

ONGs fake News! Amazônia brasileira está como nas imagens. A floresta mais preservada do planeta. Cuide do seu lixo antes de se preocupar com a casa dos outros!!

Sadly now Amazon rainforest is half burned

i agree

This video has elevated you so far above the other street food guys. Respect!

So sad if those fruits are still conserves because of the Amazon burning recently , hope the fire was already gone. God bless Amazon

God save Amazon

They’re probably on fire right now

Really wanna try those fruits.....

Very bad food

Sadly, this Amazon is currently on fire #Allah_Protect_Amazon_FromTheFire...


The forest is on fire the size of texas

I am from the philippines and I REALLY LOVE watching this amazing and exciting Amazon food trip..So authentic, captivating and amazing trip. I love the fruits and the food they prepare and most especially the people...children are so...AMAZING. I wish I could visit Brazil and Amazon to see such beautiful places and meet lovely and friendly people. #LoveBRAZILAMAZON

Dont fake ur face too much

You make every food tasty and interesting

Min 32.56

1:53 I heard them say "rambutan". In South East Asia we call it Rambutan as well.

I hope everyone is safe from the fire I b prayin

U r truly a food adventurer covering every place..i wud luv to see u someday eating wit d eskimos

I only love brazilian babes

Their rain forrest is burning

Love seeing the price thank you!

Thats so Amazing. Love how you enjoy the food from different cultures. Its Really a Beautiful thing. I would love to do what you do someday. Thanks again for sharing Great food and Great People... There love for food is Amazing.. Would love some recipes from around the world. ❤

love your videos...

But amazon now is burning

The size of Texas

So much funny

Thank you for sharing your journey with us ♥️♥️

Think their life after amazon fire

To be honestly l don't like brazian food it doesn't taste nice to me l tried once it was smelling like rotten food

The Amazon is on fire And it's burning like 3weeks Hope the fire is gone

Waaaao..I m watching these fruits first from India


oh my.I don't have any idea that there is a kind of fruit like this. is that part of Brazil?

Save amazon forest to stop fire

Omg.I wanna try those exotic fruits.

One of the best video .. he took the time out to just enjoy

So many kinds of exotic food

Hello Mark, I've watched many of your videos and I tell you my mouth was just watering at all these wonderful food. The culture and customs. Have you been tp Pakistan? Hope you make a video of the foods of Pakistan.

I wish i can be ur food budie☺☺

Wow deliciouz

I love your video, hopefully one day, I will be there...thanks

First time to see those fruit.. Amazing

7:05 when you see it

All those fruit trees are burning now

And now Amazon is on fire

This chap is simply fantastic! He needs to be aired onBBC/discovery/quest.

Wow nice and beautiful places... Maybe in my dreams only I see how beautiful the Amazone forest...Godbless... Thanks for sharing your vedio sir...

vedio? video

Amazing vlog your better vlog than geography.nice im inlove for amazon river..wish to go there.

Family of eight and so healthy.

and now amazon is burnt to ashes, so sad

@Leandro CSilva read the news my freind

no, it isn't. it isn't even burnt more than the last years

you're expression is an excellent

Dude looks like a meth head lol

no. its all there. you can follow on INPE or NASA database

it acutally hasn't bgger wildifres than the last years of dry period

no, not even on size of Rhode Island

everyone is safe; the wildifres aren''t even bigger than the ones that every year happens iin California

no, it isn't

@K O 5.500.000 km² vs 695.000 km2. kinda bigger, lol

I thought you were talking about wildfire and area brunt. Amazon rainforest as a whole is actually bigger than Texas

@Leandro CSilva its the size of Texas

not evn the size of Rhode Island I bet you can travel 4 hours by plane over Amazon forest and you aren't gonna even see a trace of smoke

it's not even 0,5% lol

the forest still there 99%. go travel and sse by your own eyes

no. lol

I've watched one of your videos earlier but today I came here to get an inside look of the Amazon forest. It feels kind of voyeuristic while the horrible manmade fires are currently ravaging it.

This isn't just a food tour.. it has everything

I fell bad for what happen to the Amazon Rainforest now

Oh dear mark can explain the taste of ants is, well ,,,,, surprised

I dislike your face whenever you are showing during eating.

Why you dont out small Spoon in your pocket!!??

I dont like u

Well the forest is burning now

wow i love brazil the brazilian men is awsome i love them

Imaging how is life for them now that the amazon rainforest is burning. Hope you can help them.

So sad Amazon forest burnt!

Hi sir mark, go to philippines too

Mark I like you very much

Custard apple

I watched this and feel happy for the things i saw the family gathering the kids so cheerful. But then as i write this amazon is burning. I am praying for the family that you met there. Hope they’re all safe. Im sad the forest is burning.


Love the people

its sad that the brasilian rain forest are burning at a greater pace this year

For sure many of these fruit trees are burned already. Very sad human catastrophe done by human greediness

No mannnnnnn can't eat ant.:..big LOL........

like custard apple

Have you tried Brazilian food in Brazil? And what kind of food did you tried? Chances are that it was not cooked by a Brazilian and/or even be Brazilian food... You could also just be a troll, because disliking the taste is one thing, saying it smells like "rotten food", it's a complete different thing... Or maybe you went to a bad place that actually served you rotten food, but then it's not the foods "fault".

I read and I live where it's "burning"

Please someone also offer the food made to the children and women behind since they have worked hard making the recipes.

nice view....

Long live the indigenous of Brazil.

Shout out her in d philipine nice video adventurous,nalla abejero

Your reaction taste better then all juicy fruits

Its so foggy there bc amazon is burning

Feeling sorry amazonia

Amazonian kids are so lucky to live there. That's where the kids should live and grow up. Simple natural thing is always good for them. But #prayforamazonia truly hope they will be safe. Send a lots of love and support to all Amazonian ❤️

I like u Bro

come to Uganda, and experience variety of local foods

Amazon ❤️

should have bought the guy a 40oz


How far were you from the fires Mark do you know? Just curious

That is Eden indeed l am sure the first man had all this. This country is over-blessed!!

Help to Amazonas no more fire please

Save the earth

Amazing video plus lovely family

Sou amazonense ,morei em Manaus ,nasci e passei minha infância no interior da ilha de Nhamundá .Hoje moro em campinas -sp ,pensa em uma saudade que bateu ao assistir este vídeo

Wow I really enjoying to watch your video thank you for sharing

Amazing fruits..yumm!!

Why do I feel like moana came from this place...lovin' it

Every one must go bragil before they burn on fire

who is here after fire in amazon rainforest??

Great times!! I love the fact your son and wife are always around!! Amazing experiences!

Têm Filé de Tucunaré com Pirarucu no Tucucu do Pacu flambado com Molho Especial da Amazônia= Urucum-Açu!!! Uga Buga, é uma delícia!!!

We call it in the Philippines, Atis!

Sometimes it's feel like he is faking the reaction..

In Philippines we call it also rambutan. Beriba we call it bareba

Brasil, O melhor lugar do mundo!

Such a beautiful culture and people and it feels sad to know that there haibitat is under immense threat due to Amazon alarming fire burn deforestation.

Yes, it´s the northern Brazil =,_Brazil

Who is Allah, Sand Man?!

Come and taste Zambian food as well

Ehmmm .. Woow... Amazing ..with big smile ..sims so good real good..obregado..

Your expression made my day

Mark, it's wonderful that you bring your son and wife with you! Love your show and thank you! 8/29/19


so very amazing... love the Vibes #please do come to NorthEast (India) Waiting ✌️

Thank you for the wonderful experience I love

Nice and entertaining video

Really superb, try to come India


i've been in manaus its not a safe city specially at night . one of our friend who worked in a cruisehip got stub and rob. try to search the status of their crime rate

aug 29 2019 , 10 03 pm still watching...salamat sa mga video mo sir mark...idol po kita...ingat ka palagi and also your family gudbless.

In America, the ants eat us!

O território continua habitável, o governo brasileiro cortou o dinheiro das ONGs e elas ficam espalhando Fake News! o território da Amazônia é maior que o continente europeu e vive apenas 20 milhões de pessoas!

But I didn’t know is it true??

O território continua intacto, o governo brasileiro cortou o dinheiro das ONGs e elas ficam espalhando Fake News! o território da Amazônia é maior que o continente europeu e vive apenas 20 milhões de pessoas!

O território continua habitável, o governo brasileiro cortou o dinheiro das ONGs e elas ficam espalhando Fake News! o território da Amazônia é maior que o continente europeu e vive apenas 20 milhões de pessoas! no Brasil pequenos agricultores usam fogo para limpar a terra para plantio nessa época do ano, nos próximos meses começão as chuvas! obrigado por se preocupar, mas a Amazônia continua linda!

Hi mark nice realy yoyr channel im happy watching ..

With almost 5m subcribers you could say something about the Amazon being sold to the rich that are going to destroy everything. ...

Unfortunately rainforest amazon right now were burning, thinking of thousands lives, rare species gone, this is so sad...

your smile is awesome..❤ from

ur the best bloggers

Hey¡¡¡ Come to Costa Rica, we have delicius food to you¡¡

This is why I like him, no hesitation of doing any things and easy to get into. But pls. pay attention on your health cos It seems like you’re loosing weight. More power dude!! Keep it up

Mark your face look red i think you are drunk already hahaha watch out this video & don't forget to subscribe Sri lankan Food menia channel too Guy's.

Did you pay the money after eating

wow beautiful animals and other species loved them but what happen to amazon few weeks ago and yummy food from amazon their lives destroyed good people from amazon mark wiens is lucky to go their the lungs planet will end will extint a few years so sad

So sad to think that people from Brazil are almost getting their fruits and vegetables from Amazon. What will happen to them now that Amazon is on fire?

proud of u bro

Sony can defeat

Mark you never disappoint any person who make food for you and that is really very good thing I can say about you... though I am pure vegetarian, I really like to watch your videos which shows Non-veg foods.. Keep it up.....

Your contents are all interesting!! Food is life

Mark Wiens has the best Mmmmmm in the world

Boy you know how to eat seeds

Eating ants

Mark please tell me that this family is alright , after all this fire ...

go to Georgia pls

So this is how the indians lived in Amok before the Europeans invaded their land and renamed it America.

Bro. Come to Mohammed Ali Road in Mumbai , India... You will feel awe...

Interesting blog! from India

The loyal r very confident n proud about their food n I know it be goood only

Envy u​ can eaten anything​

What happen to your Thai accent?

Mark this was an amazing video frm the Amazon. So many fruits. I identified lychee and sour sop or sweet sop fruit. The others were really strange. The harmony of the family and how everybody ate together was a great experience. Then how everything was so natural and how they enjoyed the Amazon river was fantastic. I really enjoy ur videos but this was exceptional.

I would love to visit this beautiful place and get a lot of the fruit from this market .

Is that pokahantas behind u...

nice move to Brazil, but its called GUARANA. Haha

Mark you sound like a phony

I wish and hope the family is safe

The tattoos

I love it

I'm speechless Mark.... I thought Amazon is...what ? !!! Thanks man, this is so enlightening

Wow !

oh wow

You eat to shitting much

Dá muita raiva em ver a Amazônia ser devastada por raças de víboras que vêm de fora do país, somente para levar nossas riquezas e nos deixar na miséria... matando nossos animais, nossos índios, nossa gente por meia dúzia de malditos dólares entregues nas mãos de políticos safados que nos governam e não fazem nada por nós; a não ser, nos taxar com mais e mais impostos. Bando de filhos de uma puta!!!!

You are such a real respectful positive and humblely man.

Its entertaining but at the same time. He makes me think he never eats.

I hope these people are okay and safe due to the amazon fire

This video was amazing, another amazing video!

Nice to know that brazil have also rambotan like here in philippines

Just excellent my friend thxz for all the country u been n

How are you so skinny?

nice Brazil-amazon foods-river etcetera etceteras video. oh, you forgot to video the friendly fish: piranha :D just kidding :D

I love your all videos..lots of love from Kathmandu Nepal

These are the people who cared for the Amazon for millennia and then so-called modern man comes along and is about to destroy one of the greatest habitats that has ever existed on the planet Earth

Mark - Excellent Video as usual ... One thing I like about your video is your respect for the locals/natives .. you assimilate well with them. Keep up the good work! obrigada!

Man iove this channel, i dont even watch tv i watch this channel everyday, good going Mark!!

Dont they add any green leafy vegetable with the fish? Really , they are still using coconut shell as food bowl....yes, nice simple life.

No worries about life just eat n eat.. What a beautiful life..

Thanks Mark I taste and see the world through you! I truly appreciate your seeing your footsteps.

Bro, I think u fully enjoyed in amazon.

You are so diecasting


Eating aunts.. so cheap and dirty

my father was in Brazil for 3 years .. Santos ..Brassilia ... Sau Pualo ... Rio .. and Copa Cabana

Oh my god I don't understand how you can eat all types of this video you break all records by eating these are great

I really enjoy watching you guys specially that you drink and eat thier native foods

Was in Brazil for 4 weeks..beautiful country


whatever you eat its wow , i love you man.

I like your expressions when you eat something even it’s sour bitter or not delicious you still make me smile .. we loved you

a great video i came from amazon already i find all this things all are pretty good obrigado comigo


mr Mark you are very greedy.

Amooooo você, te sigo desde hace 3 años, sou brasileiraaaa

I have tears in my eyes watching this video, I am just deeply touched by the sincerity.

Mark you're such an amazing person yo!! Love your personality, this is best than any food documentaries made by any one till now

This is the best youtuber in my subscription list


Nice Version

Eu conhecia o inga como anga

Suguh i tletong lek panggah doyan wong iki

My city :)

Knowing my luck, I'd be allergic and die right there on the street

Anybody else notice how Mark made sure not to take too much fish? He only had a few pieces they were so pleasant to wait for him to eat first. Amazing people!


biriba looks like Durian Belanda

Good work brother

Wonderful video Mark..and fascinating Amazon culture. The family really friendly and treat you and your crew very good. Love it. Hope one day i can make it to there..Viva Brazil!!

madar chod tughe hi khaa lena chahiye

Are these real tattoos on their kids?

Mark, very good Video. I do a lot of fishing and hunting in South America. The Cassava is called Yuca and all those fruits in the market has different names. The Custard apple is the best and very sweet. There are two things missing - a Locust fruit in a Pod and one they called Awara, Grows on a tree with lots of thorns. The fish looks delicious. Try some Perai (Piranna) - very delicious. The Piranna don't attack you unless you bleed from a cut.

You should try jamaica you won't regret

❤️❤️❤️ my mouth is watering. These people are so beautiful!!! Great video!

Hi bro please come to Assam (India)

Meeting tribes and eating monkey meat. Since you are In amazon.

I loved to watch your face reaction whenever you try to eat a foriegn dishes. Thats why I keept following you. MAHARLIKANS.

Woww jelous. This place look amazing. 1 of my favorite from you block.

Amazonia peruana

Malay called also called rambutan...million miles between malaysia n amazon

Amazing! I'm Brazilian and I don't know the Amazon! But I know it's wonderful!


Natural foods, healthy food!

and now the amazon is burning

The 1 at 5:50 was nasty looking like a rotten potato

Those people know how to eat!!! So natural everything so simple and nutritious!!!!

Truly happiness comes from within

Mark Weins understands the meaning of cultural relativism

Now you made a fruit salad on your tummy

"That just taste like Health" love that. I would love to try these natural drinks and items. Wow, to get to experience eating in a remote area in the Amazon with a family who is so kind , warm and amazing. What a beauty and a blessing.

You will know that the food os not that good when mark dosent tilt his head back and close his eye and do the yummy face.

lol. I'm sure if there are piranhas on the other side of the river they are on your side of the river too. they just didn't want to scare you. ps thank you for sharing. we will be there in a couple weeks and I am totally going to try a Tacuma sandwich. we eat veggie and are trying to figure out what we can eat. I sure we wont starve with ALL that fruit around.

This brought tears to my eyes. So Beautiful, so natural!

Im sooo glad jou came 2 my neighbours...looks like paradise txs for the great video....u made my day....

I went to Manaus 2014 and I loved it, I wish I could go there again.

26:17 probably the cutest thing you'll ever see today/ provavelmente a coisa mais fofa que você irá ver hoje.

Yang ku pikirkan tentang amazon adalah Anaconda, buaya/crocodile,dan piranha.

Ohhh... I love your reaction... As always!!!!! Love here from Philippines

mark viens, i love amazon, . love from malaysia

i love you mark viens, love from malaysia

Drinking bark is awesome. I was just thinking of a drink that tastes like bark! Found it !

The food looks great but the ants... oh well... lets say we come from a different culture but it is such a good video. I subscribed right away

Inga, mari mari, biriba, i want to try it

Your (definition ) is great

Love your energy!!

This episode is so wonderful

You have such a good Disposition,Because everything they offered you look like crap, the ants, the plantain soup yuk, the fish with no Spices I don't know if I could have tasted it with a smile. And those drinks.

I find it difficult to look anywhere but into your eyes when your face is on screen. you have got the prettiest cocoa colored eyes! How do you stay in such good shape eating all this delicious food?! you'd have to roll me onto the boat! That monkey was a baby, it always makes me sad to see tribals collecting them and then selling them to others. I understand some are rescues, but VERY FEW are.

Your personality makes you welcomed in everywhere you go..


hahahaa.... watching from Philippines

this man is the reason why i came to live here in thailand

Do they ship some of those fruits?

Brazilians are so friendly and warm...

Hhmmmme lol

"it tastes like you're drinking bark! Thats awesome. It's creamy" lol Mark defies all rules when it comes to eating out especially when there may not be a toilet Don't even talk about the pepper usage lool

Man you are amazing. These people are very hospitable. But I am not sure if I like this type of food. Ants and fish cooked like that. Very simple meals. People are enjoying their life.

Mark do you ever get a sore tummy?

I cant imagine, if u make a video about food and the cultures of people in Antarctica


The lady in the pink shirt is feeling so happy that he liked the soup she made. Like her eyes are twinkling and she looks content that her food was liked and appreciated.Love and hugs to all of them.

u are one of the most anoyng human i have ever seen

Wow , i never knew there were so many different kinds of fruits , I want some .

Brazilian is similar to Indonesia face

So fresh and beautiful

I just wanna come for fruits only

Biriba in Brazil srikaya in Indonesia

I love mari-mari the first time I saw like this kind of fruits i'd never seen before

Thank you so much for taking interest in Brazil, Mr. Wiens.


I wonder if it's even possible to taste all these varieties after what's been happening in the Amazon rain forest :(

Vem no Ceará

Mark will travel to the Moon I love this video

I have been watching these videos for two days, it is so amazing the pure way he sees our Brazil, without prejudice without freshness, only passion for everything he lives, the joy we see in his eyes is contagious

You should come to Nagaland

why u speak English very clear compare to other American? it so easy to understand. thank you bro!

Dude u are lucky man

You want best casava come to mindanao philippines

where is durian, king of fruit


Great job sir ❤❤

Thank you very much for showing us really new and strange sort of fruits

Hey Mark, why you are so lucky to taste these beautiful fruits? I am jealous of you.

Love this family from amazon simple life

I enjoyed this vlog so much,I've watched it several times.Love especially the Amazon village family and the simple and humble lifestyle they live.The love,kindness,and hospitality they've shown to you and your team was warming and heartfelt.I cried watching this because I know there's a deeper calling in my life to minister and live among such people.Watching you and your team eating,drinking,and having a great time with them will hopefully inspire me to do likewise.Great job,Mark!

Such beautiful people! Absolutely love their tattoos.

Thank you Mark for sharing with so much passion and humbleness genuineness and authenticness :) YOU ARE A TRUE STAND UP GUY :) I just found your channel recently and been watching your videos and they are so full of LIFE you and your family and how respectful and kind and genuine you are towards all the cultures that you visit :)

Hit like

Enjoyed so much!

se me antojo el pescado homy!

You should take me with you someday man,,,been salivating throughout the film

Peaceful village like in the old days.


Always b ready yourself to the comfort room

Same name rambutan fruit with here in Indonesia. Love

Mark, you should take a visit to the Republic of Palau try our amazing food! thank you for all your videos! Safe travels!

For the last one whole year। im dying to meet this guy thanks mark

Wow its how great to imagine the great food and great family tradition ...i hope someday im gonna try that adventure trip.

U should visit Trinidad & Tobago its lovely

My dad loves watching you

Dude..good video ..but cumon is there anything you ate you did not like..? Really


Mark, you have such a sweet, evolved, loving, and respectful soul. You approach every dish and culture with complete respect and openness. You are AMAZING!!!! Keep on doing this!! You help open other people’s minds ❤️❤️❤️ bless you!!

How could someone unlike this video?

Super vedeo, I really enjoyed, a new sub here, I hope that u stay connected always and support back..

Que video hermoso.

What happened to the guy who traveled with you guys? He wore glasses and had darker hair. He appeared in a number of your videos.

Mark i want to be there.

You always say wow

Oh come on!!! You just put any disgusting thing in your mouth and express your appreciation even though it's not tasty!!! Ants are tasty?! Yuck! Fish and bananas?! Really Mark?!

Such an amazing video!!! The people of the village were so amazing and gracious and I loved how they were so sweet to Micah!! I want your job!!! You're so incredibly lucky to get to have the expieriences that you do and what a fantastic learning experience for Micah

you are the best food traveller... you also have visited my small island, Bali. And you ate grilled pork. Thanks..

Parabens marel

Obrigado markel

Mahalo for always being so positive and respectful everywhere that you go!

Hey Mark. I lived in Manaus for most of my life and it's quite sweet to see you exploring it with such enthusiasm (most of us dislike the city hahah). Very cool way of showing this unique culture. Rambutan is soooo good too....

Sinimot nang babae yung sabaw sa Mesa.... hahahahah

I am always smiling when I see your wife and son! You are a true blessing! I can never stop smiling watching your videos! Keep em Coming and peace and blessings to you and your family

A esta tribu solo la vi como un medio de negocio.. no conservativo de su cultura.

Why do they look asian.

I can tell Mark is trying so hard for this video. His eyes are screaming for help. His eyes when eating those ants.

How old are your son!!He's lukkng cute and loved❤️

What’s the yellow grain ?,I thought it was corn

Philippine is very beautiful. Foods


Beautiful people with deliciously ethnic food. Amazon I love you . If you want to be healthy, try amazon food . :)

Ramon Stutz Love your comments from Cooking with davann


These village people look so much more happier than people who live in mega cities stuck in a rat race.

Hi what a very nice video of resemble of my best friends that is from Hong Kong his dad is Chinese, and his mom is Canadian allways do such wonderful videos have a nice day

the must have all the exotic fruits not available in other parts of the world, unique place to taste the fruits.

Thank You for sharing. Wonderful and entertaining.

Every one of your videos is like minidocumental we learn about others cultures, I love you man !!!!

Minha Amazônia linda,como tenho orgulho da minha origem.Nosso País é lindo de culturas, costumes ritmos e sabores.Que saudade do meu delicioso Tambaqui

Mark that is a beautiful adventure thanks for the video my friend. Prayers

I am fron Brazil, but i never have been in Amazon, thanks Mark

7:50 look to the smile of the woman on the right, thats is how a you food is made with care and love


I didnt found fat in your body



Wow, they are very natural and simple and even tho they have nothing but the food they are eating is yum! And you are very appreciative person. I wish

U really think he likes the ants ??

thank you man....

Que top! Nossa Amazônia tem muita biodiversidade, tanto fauna e Flora. Uma adversidades de sabores, nossos peixes, tambaqui e o rei dos nossos rios o pirarucu, uma iguaria, o famoso bacalhau da Amazônia. Adoro o seu trabalho, voce mostra os costumes e culturas de cada lugar que você passa. Parabéns!!

Amazon's are looking like Indians

It makes me feel hungry watching you

One thing.. there are guys who just needs a reason to have a time off from family and then there is mark who never leaves his wife and son behind.. you're wife is a luck woman. Nd yes off course you helped me get my lost appetite back. Thank you.

I love every show/video you're doing Mark! I'm one of the millions following your show and very excited watching every episodes you presented. Truly every show/video were all very meaningful and very educational. Congratulations and more power to you and to all of the crew. God Bless.

You got guts, Boy! Aloha

I wish I could go to the amazon one day,such a beautiful and amazing country

All food can't be wonderful and testy to one person.

Mark is a fantastic you brother.

Mark eu adoro você! Beijos do Brasil...

I want you try worm pancake in Vietnam bro.

Ang ganda mo panuorin sir the way u join eating with katutubo

Everything taste good to this guy

Thank you Mark Wiens for this great docu.. you are making me so hungry.. LOL..

Lol he is so jolly...luv him

Man those fruits are out of this world, only here i saw it for the very first time. I feel like i want to try all of them, amazon is amazing

OMG..the First Fruit You Eat is So Many in The Philippines..I will Try it someday.

Mark you are a good man, but brave but a good man. I don't know if i would be so adventurous with the water drinks.

17:16 - 17:18 Even the table is delicious :)

You are the best

By the way everyone I am Brazilian from natal cit, capital of the Rio grande do Norte.

Happy and free people. Freedom and health this is just worth it. I would love to live out doors so much. Without this type of

Weird food. I'm out .lol ha ha ha


Love the respect you give everyone

I m ryly prd of u......ur eating styl and ur a wrld jrny wooow

I hope they are ok with the fire going on!

Beautiful song and dance!

I Felt So bad for this hospitable,But poor people,Mark you should have bought more fish,The food did not seem enough for all!

With The cockroaches you eat in China,eating ants in Amazon is a no brainer

Obrigado por nós presentear com sua visita o restaurante Rei Davi e os garçons Velda e Alexandre lhe agradecem....Seja bem vindos ao Amazonas

I love the way Mark's

Nice one

Esse cara e muito humilde eu já estou acompanhado os vídeos dele a um bom tempo e muito bom

They r hungry all time..they dont wanted to give u that

I’m getting bored by the mhhhhhh all the time!! It’s really hard to trust anything you say with that mhhh all the time

Who gave thumbs down?

Great video Mark!

Mark, do you ever get an upset stomach? The combinations you eat!! Just asking

I wonder if this part was burned

so brazil is this great and thier president bolsanaro is not projecting this cultural side of brazil, allowing wild life fires to destroy brazil amazon regions.

Does this guy ever eat anything that’s not good?everything he puts in his mouth he says mmm and his eyes roles over in his!

Better be careful a cow makes the same sound.mmmmmm!

Biribá, minha fruta preferida!

A fruit sandwich doesn't sound good, but I would so try it

Wow Mark u eat everything around the world l love your character u are not selective

Their fruits looks beautiful and yummy but their native soup doesn't look good. But they are beautiful people and unique I'm not judging it just my opinion. And I love your energy Mark.

Mark keep going. I am from tirupur

This is so beautiful thank you so much sharing your videos around the world with us that is amazing all the different kind of foods and fruits of people you meet amazing continue my friend enjoy the world I wish I could

Man this guy is funny, it taste like bark

29:52 - 32:13 From the unknown and vast, dense forests in the Amazon River, we now know where to swim with the natives for the pastime.

When those eyes go bigger coupled with a smile, i know im going to envy u again.:~(

Big Thank You Mark!

They all look heathy. Good healthy food, Not junk good, prossed good, natural. Awesome,

Love the big fish!!

Plzzz mark pahuna one time coming in Bihar &u taste an litti chokha

Your language is clearly can understand. Keep it up

I watch your show so much I had to Subscribe.and how many breaks you take between all that eating

This video is awesome. I love street foods and I am following your steps

Someone give him cow dung for tasting, no wonder he would give the same expression.

Everything looked so very HEALTHY!


Beautiful and amazing

Que bom que vc veio ao Brasil volte sempre e um grande abraço amigo

Thats a life huh? I hope your food will stuck in your throat !

And bosalano new pres want ruin their live Hope some curse Will come at him soon

I'm from french guyana and wé love kassava too, specialy with red been,meat, and avocado You should try

I love that Mark doesn't discriminate. This man has eaten with the rich and the poor. He's gone place we only dream about.

informative video and fantastic Mark Wiens

Mark, you're a pure definition of a human being. The zingy energy you bring into your presentations is so out of the world. I cannot conjure up enough words to appreciate your videos. Incredible.

Mark, You are the best human ambassador. The UN should hire you to promote world culture and peace. You are respectful of all cultures but do you get diarrhea often?

Be carefully your kid.please

This is one of my favourite....thank u for sharing this wonderful experience.. children are awesome

I mean the passion with which he eats

Wow he ate an ant

So sad seller people

Absolutely amazing people!!! There has got to be more done by governments to stop the desecration of the Amazon. It’ll be a real shame and disgrace when the world loses these cultures.

true appreciation of their way of life. Nice share.

Can I have the seeds? I wana try to plant here in the Philippines

Ha... Try fisrt all food.

Lol half of what he try, he thinks taste nasty, his expressions kill me. Lol

Hope more videos from you Mark. Congrats.

This was a amazing video showing some of the culture in this region. The people, foods wow! I your enthusiasm and true appreciation for all of it shines through. It provides an opportunity to respect cultures for what they are. These are people living their best life, in spite of outside influences. love this!!

คุณผู้หญิงไทยชื่อรัยรึ ดีนะได้เที่ยวทั่วโลกเลย

Did you say piranhas ? I am not going near that river.

so nice

Mark you need to have your own tv show or @ Netflix. You are amazing ...


Good laks from Indonesian

Dito n ako bhe nakulayan jona tnx ikaw n bahala s akin.

very popular channel

I should be among those people. Even kids are tattooed ❤️


17:16 lol...

I love your Brazil videos, Mark, shows how passionate you are for the country, her people, the food and the culture. I also love your Ethiopia series and the Uzbekistan ones. May you bring us to more places like them. I admire your humility, respect for the people and their culture. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS AND MORE AND MORE. Honestly I didn't enjoy ur Denmark videos, it's not your fault but the organizers; just brought you to the fancy but not so yummy food.

Jah mean Maori mean

that was awesome,, I love it.

Awesome reviews

I like that guy. He is a big man that has to eat much. Most guys would have just finished their plate and aske for more. But he was sure to feed a spoonful to his wife. What a lovely gesture of love.

They don’t look to happy doing their dance and song. Lololol

He drinked some of the monkey "pee" out of the monkey Bowl...

I know he keep diarrhea...

Calming, peaceful and relaxing place. Like Malaysia in 90s.

Nossa cultura é linda.

They also hve rambutan and soursop like southeast asian country.

Mem-moore-abull? ive never heard "memorable" pronounced that way.

In India when ants sometimes fall on the food people ask to throw the food and here they are putting it into the food.

29:26 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

I loved this

Ur face is very irritating pls don't do so much over acting

Tambaqui, the most delicious fish in the world!!! In Manaus there is a lot!

Do they live for >100 years there? That food is untampered with.

Mark : those ants taste like lemon grass.


omg the red ants

u such a amazing person Mark❤❤❤u really appreciate and respect who ever front of words i can say i salute you verymuch..God Bless you always

You are amazing..... Respect to each and every culture and traditions

whats the name of the tribe you visited?

Rip Amazon

sometimes just tell us if thy're bad, foods cant all be good on your buts

Why don’t we get this fruit? I would love to try it. $$$$ the cost is to much ya ya. It’s always about the money. Mark thanks for the videos, I really appreciate them.

so funny mark,when i saw you play football .. lol!!

Mr Wiens u r the bomb (thats good, lol) and so r the people u visit. I love yr humility & respect u have for the people u visit. And yr enthusiasm. Great job. A beautiful day in the neighborhoods right? lol. God bless yr show!

He is just tooooo happy every time

he said "rio negro" his video gets demonetized..

watching from.Philippines

so beautiful love all the video Gbto the Amazon Family and your family top Gb

Love to love❤️

很喜欢你的视频,永远支持你 :-)

tutu roy We enjoyed his reactions to what he is eating he’s not overacting by.

@Deusdedit Tusubira wow...

actually it scares to bite through for some people. But all is food and tasty

You should go in Philippines Mark.,Foods here are more delicious..

Gosto de TDS os vídeos.mas esse fiquei com vontade de conhecer a amazônia. Parabéns.

very good

NO NO NO Wien!!!, since when did ants become delicious?

You're the best bro!

That's the real Brazilian food and people.

amazing mr. mark..

very big*

Unable to put the Amazon on an export ship .... hahaha too big

Não vou mentir não! Mas eu Gosto de Chibé

Every time I see him eat,, I feel really Hungry

Mark your so humble and respectful

Que vídeo lindo! Chorei vendo os Índios família linda isso é Brasil.❤️

Brazil my country ♥️.

Yeah rats taste much more delicious

I wonder how much he paid them for the meal he ate

This was awesome out they will cook you to.. Ha3

I just hope and pray the Amazon never get destroyed... such a beautiful culture :-) :)

It tastes like your drinking bark, thats awesome

I like ur videos that u r showing us difrerent culturs and their foods from JUST A QUESTION.HOW THE HELL U R STILL SLIM AFTER EATING all this nice foods.

That is what i call...LIVING!!!! not what the media and gov tells you that is "normal" Not that modern bullshit we are forced to live in.

You made all of us feeling and returning to the nature. Great journey to the heart of Amazon.

Great adventure!!


Índio é muito engraçado ele come antes tudo o q o cara vai comer kk

No jenipapo ele parou por q tem um gosto muito forte

I wish you to come in Northeast India

Perfect video. Greetings from Belarus, Mark

O carra tu comeu e bebeu muito nao ta chapado nao kakamaka

Mark wien you're the best .your Vidio also teach how the people live....share,care,etc each other...bravo Mark

in Philippines called ATIS FRUIT

Happ & lucky person in the world

Sou muito seu fã obrigado por vim coenhecer nossa Amazônia

Oh my, i think the family is shy at first, but for awhile they are fun to see eating together with the visitors

Another amazing video Mark. I can't wait to go to Brazil. Thank you for sharing your great experience.

If the food was fantastic WHY did you spoil it by pouring chili sauce on it ?

I would like to actually eat a maracujá ( passion fruit). Where I live in California a soda imported from Portugal can be found called Sumol and there is a passion fruit flavor.


But why is it that this guy every food he tastes he always say its good nothing bad to him every country he goes it's all the the same it is good for him, nothing like that

Ants???I guess this young man doesn't make these videos to criticize the culinary cultural customs of the countries he visits, just to tell us the taste and the cost without offending their culinary culture..Nice!

Os melhores vídeos do país está nesta canal,

It’s so exciting trying new exotic fruits from the rainforest, I love videos like this :)

Your videos are amazing! So well done! Have you ever taken a big bite of something and it was horrible? What was it? Did you pretend you liked it?

Other news